BLANKETS A r~c~3 D IT E - CORCNER KING AND WENT WOR1 BATH AND WHITNEY B CouFOR,I SUPER. BLANKETS FOL ISERVJ Satinets for CONTINUED REDU'TION OF ALL OURI r' jaricest. WH-IITE LONG CLOTIIS i: CENTS, WORTH I1,P uf the abue, we offer them tit uncommonly lowV I Linen Cambric 1' BE1,GI.N CA11IllIC [I)KS. :at 18. Ct-;. GE Y;.rd wide WlITE DA3ASK tAMIAIC 1400 Yards MIfouslin DeLaine, ANTI-RIFEUMK PIECES ANTI-IIEUMATIC FLANNELS,. ltemedi.1 magitst. in Ise;: atd per.,uti iii wont wi Ext r tini. C.liored Canton Flatities, for Under Rteal \Velh Flanels, at redneed porices. PIECES BL'K SILKS, RICII Broadcloth, Ca, WI1.1, REDUCE OUR ENTIRE 'lOCK of I Crash To 5oo YARD)S ALI. FI.AX RUSSIA CRASH, Seoeh. ai Rub',in Di:sper, E-etra llavv Bleaclhci IIncA:1hnek. IIAIR AND TOO' FREINCl AND ENCi.!SII l1AIR URI'SIIES Tootha lri irthes. lie article, Plnilng Combs. liff-do and4 iV Chtarlestona, .Tn It; FOGA w.Til & Edgefield Male Academy, r Iils in t tutini is opeied foa modher a ..r ttder . the coitro-l of Mr. .J. GIl:G LEITN I. our lot year'si Tecvh, r. 'ITh. e pteria.ten of a twelvtmith hta 6V!y :is fit-l its that lisp tire cip:'ilet etit t io tig ir ntel litna:. it Cal be 11 n inti ill t je State thanta the ae111W at the hecod of toar Aa.lemv. The bl est prienf m.) athlaheina. wrli supili.lid wvithi cenitieint tablets :an.i zaiia-ehrias io thet bet! linahs. Sntc attre wi* aeit l to. the pen*.;.le iof E~dt'iihl :nti I :i. a ij.,n:trta la-ir es. ..r thair entcoiuriiaeent o- :r iranest tendliavor s to tSrabi:jih a tir!t raite i.ratry tSchool. Fogr thle (t'nssict1al kartmaient, per antnuma. ..*S:M; --' lithier Eta.. "* " - 3'.Ol '' '' i(irdiary " ~ - - - Capitobar-ling!. ti lit ha.l in plea-atit litiies. * C:~au dJI1!N Lil'St 101! . ' ,.. A h:Tl it Sh.lKINS, | ; GIF.U. A. Aial'.t)sN, ' hLisW IS .h aN Es,. I J1ant 11 It 5 . Negroes and Land for Sale, T lN Suei'aser ilc ill dl~er fr I al. ti t.e highet pi~lder, oan th-: frst .\liud my ni F'h ltar an ext, 11 or 12 Likely Negroes4 Coarsistin.. .if hrou-e serva-ats attd fied htandsI. vl 1 it)IT1E :raai L1.4T situata in the Co.rpratet *I',~.Is if the Vi:h;nge iif Edgetiel.h, uin the 4ohahIiaai i:ua L. ct.niwat two :eres. n:ore iar less. with all .emarve~t iutt il-rl cts iaes. ~ 1' it heitataiered l'iaieiiis I .nnals, tnear ''te i.te:nit s'aw '.\li!l andti several othier ihills. Tr~anta.-Thei ibave pir.ilia-ry w. ili e soid oni a *-credlit tof tine, twv.'.a tharee ye-ar<. witha inater.--t fromti dat.-. IThe pnarehasrs wvil be re- ii red t ive their ntes wvidah twio :iaprv .d seenrlie. *.Any onei wiin to palu rebaste tay of thte t'.ve pro erty -aan treat 1,.r it pri1:tely to the ,!ay ofi Land for Sale! ! 1 ILL b~e :.old at -Edlgfaield (Coutrt H ianse, oni Stelirst .\ltndaty int Feharoary next, att public anut-cry, to thte htigliest bidder, a V.UI.AHJF TRAlCT OiF L AND, Situatedi int Ed.:ichid~ District, ona ibotha side- of~ the l'lank liad lt-.ain fromitI alhuuhrg toa EM-.~ticld 4. I1., cialledl thle -' lattiet I'lace,'' antd conttaininga; se-ve-n htnntdri di antd sixty nerteS. Tiu Tract hasa a settlemtenit uponti it, andi a sttnall p. rtliin o.f the land has~ bee-n el--atred. Thle ba'antee is thaickly i c're with heavy ine timbaher ,.uitable f.r thme lumbehir butsiness, :andh biatk-jaick atad hickory for lire-wtied. Uni thae premiisesr is ant excelenit formerly a Gri't-3ahil stoid, on 1.ittle H~o.-e Creek. A P'lat oir the a'-or~e piremaises- ay hei seien ini the 011ice of I :obert .\le I).,bl, Esiir., lialahur', toa w homa ri ferne is iindi fort fthier hi;rtcu lms. T' aii ul-..-:--tOnte and two year., credit, with iat-re-t. l'mea haise imontey to be seenared -hrt thec .ant ii, -lt 5 Administrator's naie. ) \ iaritte of~a .m ider fromi IT, T W rai., .Es' J)( tnIraiar. I wailliproceedi to selli at ipubh .e out crv.:t Ed-icihi C. II., otn the First aiayt ain Fc-btrary tnext. thte folliowing pierasotaty of the late N. I.. <(rialt. ete'. a:; SIXTY CI4ARS OF STOCX IN THE HAMgURM AND EDGEFiti.9 P, R. COMPANY.* Otne N EGit FF)ELLOW TU.Al,:a p.rimae 11ield hwtmd ami a supier'iir War.:nr I nie Secondi- handaed C.A Il lill . , tine " " I'G;(Y a Ten~:3.w.-Cred'it till Iist .lanary ntext. ivith noite inateres't alt- n.. io ip:-iaved surietie.. M1. L. B! N 1 A M, .\dmt'aer. ecgro for SalIe. LFeruaarv tnext. baefoare the Ciiurt Iliou e 'diair ;at 1 dg~etil, a LllK Ell N EGU l1 AN, :intteal Toin, the p aperty of Mrs. Elimbeth .teual'if.a .aid Ttom i. niiw lodiagedl in IA 'lield -1ail, :notal ii uiv sold becauase lie is- iippoiiedl tia leavintg the 1)is trict. W. 31. WAlACE, AuaENT .Jtan -1 -It 5 tI~- 'fT,: Friendsi aof i*-nt. L. 41. R.E7 Ytn niouncve himia;aw n Candidarte fur 31~ajor of thea Loiwer I tatliain, '.thi l.egimenat, to a fi the va-anr'y occta aeiiined by the promtion oaf .Maj. B. F. erno'a. Nioi :;I *tIId Ready-YMade Clot hing ! 1 ST Ieceive-d a htenviy Stocek or 11E.DY V .\ ADEl CL.OTIIING, wiellaiite-d toi the Fal andi Winater Trade, arid. will be sold 1.0W FOR (.~isIt, or eta e;ay trms to puntctual eurstomears. L~et the diu'xtll e~aaaine fur themrsea . M1. W. CLARY. * Notice. LTL Persnt ;ndebted toa the r:tate oif Stephenii and~t thase hav :-eandsaaI against tiche Etate wiill y :esenat thlii aopaerly attested. REDUCED H STREETS, CHARLESTON S. C ED BLANKETS, EXTRA. 1LL XII)LR INTS. AT VERY LOW PRICES. Servants, 'ATINETS to JSJ Ct. lers than Manfactu G 00 1 S. VISullNG TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK rtees. Ikti. at Six Cents. N'S' I.ARGE SLE L. C. IdLkr. at 25 Cts. at 121 Cti., snit:eble fur Ladies' Drenes. at Six and a quarter Cents, VIC PLANNLi. EtW AllTICJ.E, AND ONE 01 TlE IEST I dio well tit exa iei. ,kirts, 1:-21 eet per yard. SSTREl, 75 Cis. PER YARD. ;simere, &c, he ableve Good,., in BLACK AND COI.ORS well ing. :4 Cents oir flATUIING TOWVEI.S. for Twiels.. t 123 eentm per yard. 'II BRUSHES, &c. (rc Dresingt Com~i.. OiEi..\N). Cornetr Kiig and Wentwrti St. Graniteville Hotel for Sale! . ... tie abo've, I hctel with tie wholek It o f ni~ ~ :1erly ie,-i taml a halfi acreg, b.-antit flly ,ituatetd i'ln Canal Street. h ill, t ther neeosary t'uil-inesic thecren for I lotimte e 11(1w iii lite rt-i -:ar ei te I i- ' I it.i I tit'wiy lu n i e . A sr.\Cit.'S STr.\ i1.. I.venety-tw4) feet with sherds n oth stidtes hat re metiv henee lnilt of tie wo. mactr:ele--med a.% G.fltDF.N .r nertly tiwe acre. mider a nw eneristre of tihe 6est liitwomd p-wt-c itn1 heiart-plianek. ma1.1de rich with a thoroeh broail-e.-t e..ver if emijcot. Th's earen is ampl siffiicient te furnih at alI timers the ote ithI il a plertifil ulyi .of veltabes. Persons; wihini: tit buy this; %aluable proopwrty so wtatiftilly ocatd in Granitervdl, ar. inivited to -atil tid examine the premites. Nothing is wmIt ine,_ imtt wen.-rcy :111d1 041se applia1ttiol ern tobuitintin. tit 111Ak.. it a valuatle intmencitiicttt ti4 anly tne who mill -sicireccn tie preises all tie timeai. TI-:n~le teo ant :.'ppr..vcedii .:ba,.er w~iifll t ae -a V :td :eeint! eeatcc itg~t . .ati c s-eesieel cgiv- ticen hel -11th .rchi next. .u c.i it ec..t soldi ill be reant -ei fromae thait eiavc tnttil .-t .lane 1s55. Slver 111.9 l'. 1'., St. l'eter'.e Parish. S. C. .Jctie.e3erl ii.D.l. ij I'l-r heCharl-tonz .iereniry andi h\nensta Con-al iititionltis~t wd. iicipy the aboveC Ic tive tt. w~eekly, ndte tarccward aeccuntt te li. .\cB L and and Negroes for Sale ! S .gent ofl tie lIistributers if Mlchel~ We~rtc. deet ., I wiii -eii conM .\ N).\ Y, tie liith .lant .ary inst., at his i..te~ resideieer eight unh-is secuthe V-st ecf N .-rlcr C. i1., andec onle antd a lalti juailes icim tie Silvecr Street Stattieon, lo the Gre 4niie etdc Colhumabia Railroad~te, tie folin tg Traces ofr 1. The h10.1E Pi..\CE-, cont~aie ingfur hun11 Ired andec twenety acres, teere er bi i-,bouned iby ate, eef .l~eame...'epearmanl Daile Stewart, Daidi Vett. 31i. i31. li ig::itn. :mtd tie lireewn Tract. One ii Trct is at goodhi lDeingbti 1thiuse new Gin clMse 8.-rew, aited aell netcreary Out Iluddinega Iii ini c'cce. repair. 2. The (.\SllN Pli..\CCE cotainin~ recur hun-ta red atcres, mee r or iea, biunded t bycii~isi land cf .. permean, Wa:sin-teon Flcoyd, Ilievi Stephen:s. i:te 1tiver antd tie I reewn Tract. Oni this Tract 'here is ae ceoed Ihen lwe i on iee andc Otut Hetildings. :. Thle lii9.1W N TH .C. cntainaing theree hun ired andee fortv eterec, molire ir Iteie, becunded by mas oft t3. AI. LZite4-. tie- ilee Tract, tie Ga. in T iracrt, i ittlretand Saeltilda i Ninrh. TI'tnetus or Sat~:.-Theere will ihe a credit ot ite ar for e-hlefi of tie puterchei moey, tad two cars tfor tihe echer hirdt with interest frcom the dcy t*,tite. Good p.-rsonal sueiec wcili he regnti: ed, tid aL mortge cif the piremeiees itf deemed ter t the ettame timte andc ila.e, as Admtiisitrtor uf liia-:i1 rtee. d etce.ed, I wti!i sceli, tromn Forty to Forty-five Negroes, ieict'usntt tcc satid dieeueaedt. Attmong theee are thtir c ir tht;r;y-tive good wo rkin'g hatnds one irst rate eamttress. Alsce, 17 Ileersee andm "Meules, Stoeck ect Cattl,. iii s a:nd she.i. I ecoad W~teatec.s cne of theme cci, I Ox Cart andec 2 ,ictk'eof Oxre, 1 liraruce, lInIggy, crni, Fccdd.l'r, Shekp, Whie at, 1-'lur, eca, (Cottenlt ee, 2 Gites, 2 Thra her, I Fan, 1 t oflit c~ieetht Tcco'e.. S~eitedt Ice k, l iccnscuild md Kctit e'urneiture. ad variouste ectlfg articles. Tiems of .';tle! wcci ibe madcie knownce on dayv ecf Pale. Ja~n 11 i t 52 Siheriff' sic. I ' Yn e of annatcrv wcrits oft Fi. Fa. to mte ) direceted, I slii 'preeceed tio n eltto tie tirst Moenday i F eh'rx vt, a t Edge..ield Couert oue. the followitng'prertynh int tie fllowineg ILevi G. 1ledlowarcc vcs. Surom, Sr., Sam n C. Strotm andec Iimonte d Beoyd. Onte Tracrt of Lad, contatinitng tiret eited red acres. moeere' or ls, ac .% "'" o eeI Reyntoils, Wain~itg. tont Strome :med others, levied oni as the property mef Wmn. 81rcemt, Sr. Geocrgc Gitzren vt Thomi Oci . Betreeett. Samttp cton Scitlivaen andt .Jchnt Tfeery, Sr., Thie Traect ot I 4mtd whereti the Defniidantt 'IThomast 0. iBertetI ride.s. cinttitning otne teaumired antd nitne (109) crs, moere or hiuc, cedjiintg Laneds of Tatndy ltek halter -and othe.. Mary Hlardenc vs. 11. 1P. Snellineg, One Sorrel Hrse. Bej. (:dun:mt vs. Bhenj. G. Ryx:me Otte pair of trrseseene Unggy,! tie lDefenadat's interest itn oee Negrore tt:tm Whlittichd. 5. F. God v., Jamest~ 'l. I larrison: Ycriousi oth ler Plaitnt ilfs- vs tIhnt Saime, (lhe Ne::ro Wo mn olitt , IlhtwIcco aluiien. e Day HoIcrse, one U ttgy and Unienaess, attd onte Ox Watggont. Terms Catsh. LEWI!S JONES, S. E. D). Jan 9, i85I. 4t 52 STATEliI OF SOU'IlI CAROJLINA, EDGEF! W.D D)ISTRICT, IN EQUITV. T1 horntont Coieanei Bill for safer of Lumi~ r'' ' amld Reief. Coilemani Nicholsoen. p) Y ~irtute oef ain Order from Cha~n. WARDei 3 uw ti this cause, I will proeed to sell at F~e!eielcd C. H ., eon te firtL 31teeldy int Februaryr ext, thce foillowintg Rea.l Estate of Aaneen Niclson, deneased: A beedy of Choice Laend coneta?ining theree hun diredlaecre-, (or ihreaboutts, tcituate~d int Edgetld ~itrict (on the Sacludae .ie, antd botunded by Lads of G;eorg~e Long~, Wilsetn Abnecy. i-ewcvi 'camph-,-c Al bicen .3fartint, ileteet Perry, A. J 3e:rey, 31. W. Clarg and othters. Th'i L~and will he sou'd itn two or theree Tr:'.cts (tteir botundaries toC be madee ktonwnct the da~y 0 atle.) on at credit rof one- year with intterest frou1 day of saie. Purchae~eers to) !.ive lUentds with adecqute~t sure. ties tee secure tie pueaeet tmonley. Costs t Ibe paid it caeshi. A. SI Mi.NS, c. xE. !:. New Goods !---All New! T HE Subscribers nre now, opening at Winter Scat in Eduefield D)istriet, a LARGE and SPLENDID A.SSOltTMENT of D R Y G O-O D-S, BecsiIes a full supply of All other kinids of Goo1s usually kept in the back-country or the Stae. They have juist beguni a jolit busilless anid iinezin to g(ive entire satisftetti, it sueli a thing be pow-sible. Their terms will be cash or credit to buit, a liberal dieotint for eisi of ciourFe. The ulscribers ask a share of patiironnge from the liberal peopile of the two 1)istricts of Eilgt'tield nid .\lbeville, and fri-o all othets Iassiing their way. They intend to lie hospitable to .sranzgers, while all in all to hoine-llks. J. L. 11. R IN. NATILAN SKINNER. .1:' 4 tf 51. r" In.lepoendeit~ Press aid Abbeville Banner eooly unt111 coun termm1e1 ld. Dissolution of Copartnership, ' il KI Firm of Co.uAN & l.,.wU is this day dig bil vedl by iiutnA.d conselit. CULGAN & LEGG. January 2, 1&54. r '111F Tnilriiig Business w.l be cotitinulel by. the Li-dt r,.igned at him ld stand. Thankful to hip; enin rs fur their liberal patrtnage lirtu besttweil -pi the Firm of Ciolian I .egt, le hopes by stri -1 afterition to business tip mnerit a con tinualce o the ns . .101N COI.0A N. Jan 2, 165-1. tf 5 10I Part-icuflarl Notice. A l' ier-ions indeited to .b. Firm ii f CoL.AN & l,+:l0, eiher boy Nete or Account. are thum tigon-ly noti j9m4d that they ulist pay tle same by the 10th February or tll-y will be sued wi itfhoti excep tain. . \N & L ECOGA .Jant 2. i%54. if ~ 5l Dissolution! r JllK Ct -Pa';rtnlersip~ heietetre. is~ting betweeni It. te in.lerigned,~t iin thi.- d:ty d :ssolved by mu11 tnal ton-actt The name (of the Firm will he tised by .i. E. .rwis in liui.lation. Thu 1. are kept at their old . Aniiit. .l1 persons itldehted 1 theilm by nte or acciouti art re.sIpfIvl!y stIlicit ed to c erill ward al settle up, as their busimlss honitst he brtiougIlt to ai ese. 1.EWlS & HiARliSUN. iiblerty I fill, ,4. C., Dhe 3h1t, 1853. * 15 1 Grocery and Cotton Business rj I I i, E Indersignedo takes this melstho ofr infoirm . ill hiM frielid., nild eli1t1lers. untd the public l!enera~ly, that Nihaine, rrcenti., purchlas-d from 3Mewrs. Bi:Noti.r.V & iVos.uisn), the r entire Stock of Groceries, lie is niow prepareid to eirry oil the busine-s fil the mott liberal teris at their Old Stami. where lie L.s Iow tiln hi:id. :1iii will lie on.tmiitly' it-ceiving a 1..IlGE, Fill-Sil and WE'LL SELEICTED S1tck of GROCERIES AND LIQUOlR, Comiiprisin_ every artiele in th liUne ever ealltd ftr by the l:mter--all of which lie wili be prepared lto ,cll oil the mirt reaonale terms. Ile wi lie eti.tantly iii the market for Ciottin and other P1ritdiice, Ior which the mtst liberal ptr Ct will be pail. T. B. .1011NMON. IhunurIIIIL IDec 10 m 418 Estate Sale! W lTIL he. ioli ait 3iC':NTf WVILI.lNG, the MO N DA Y. the~ ,2d .hmunr~iiy ntid .iys tf!lowing.nsil Eighty or Ninety Negroes, li:rg tine of the likeli' st s.anigs otf Nterot s ini the )strict, mOhst of t hemi lminiig been raisedi by .\lr.. $iiiithI. A mittng4 iheml nrc~Carptentera, Wag,.ettnetrs. Ctoks. Siemn,stresses, House $Servants and~Fit ld l umis. A lso, JIorses, MIuIe, Oxcn, A latre Stock of Cate, Shieep antd itgs, A QU.-I NTI7Tl OF. CORS*-it, andt Kitcen ii-'urniture, Waggtins, l'l-tasttin ITios, one Carr-ia:;e and lingry, &ie., ke. We- wi!l also i-ir at pirivate sale A . TI IE . 6 I)S if ,.ahlt d ecese~ di. consiting tf liight or tf atnd uinderr $20it Cash,-oier that amnilit on a i.rdit until thei lid .hmuan~ry inext, with inti-rest friomt dite. Purchautr. will be reitluiredi to gave Niote. wi tu i app~roved secuitie~s. gr The Saile of thle Negries will enunenee on the 24Ith, ait ii it'tybwk li-evstly. BIiCN.I.\'diN W. Il ) . G:Eu. A..Ai)1)l'IN. - h-.x ors. Ed1gefie!,1. S. C.. .han 4 Stt 561 Notice ! I WI U. oi-~r at -itthlie Saile t the highiest b'di ler on Satle I )av ii Februaryer netxt, A Tli.\CTl OhF .4 N I) adijoiingu. landls of I )r. IL. IButt, lieijoiiiin \i tler andI othier--, cnisning. Three Hundred a Forty-Seven Acres, Ntire or hitas. Tr.iut.-0n a cred~ i f (in1 siiitwn' :t-t ii interest fro-n date. l'iirel-ase ianney to be ,1eetred by note with two aphihr.itL seenritis. TIlIK. N. LUND)Y. dan 4 -- tt 5i List of Letters 1)EMAINING in tihe Post% Ollice at Edgefield S .1.,1tJainuary 1854. Allen, Joihn WV. 31:thi:, Jamies C. . dams, Geto. WS. Mtundy, 3iis Ti. A. Uland, Elizabecth Mlobley, Mirst. 31atry E. lrown, Rev. 8. II. t!artini, Tlempile rtwn, Johin McKel lant. P. Brooks, lion. P'. S. 3torris, WVillia lnza:rd, 31 iss Emily C.Merriwe ter, N. odie, John .lowry, Elisha Ch~ritie, John Parkmn, Chiarles Coguirn, Sullie Penriroy, R1ev. T.* D. Culaiier, 31 ri. Mary Powecl, Rtobt. Crotker, J. Poirter, J. C. Coig<, Geo. Raidford, Wmn. Daiel, Ma.j. Wmt. Rhtodes,. Collen C. hIean, Ttahithia Reed, 3lias M!. PD'entov, Daivid IlRtberts, R1. 8. Evertt, Mr, ' Ryan, 3irs'. R. Rt. Grilin, Dr. J. F. Satmuiel, Mrs. Manry A. G ;regg, Wmn. . Striother, 31rs. E. . Gogan, J. P. 8eott, John A. lmluntOnd, A. JT. 3 Smiyley, Meisrs. & Co. larrison, Wtt. 2 Simnpkints, Clarke llakrson, Rt. TI. 8hienks, P'. A. hlavard & Cit, WS.11. 2 Smith, Mrs. E. R. hlavles, A. 11. Seigns, ilyman L. iarden, Wmzt. C. Shaver, M1. - ied, Jtnes Tilmni, Mrsa. T. A. hiiton, Rev. S. C. Tlylor, Mrs. 8. Iughes, D. C. Tillnia.i, Nir. Mlary A Joiinstin or Heirs, Benj IThoma~s, Carolhne Jonsi~on, WV~ilin Taitom, WS. S. Jthisol, Rev. W. J. Temple, Rlachiel Jones, Misst~ Amand.r T olla, Datnil i Joes, Robt.G C. Tllmant, 0. I1. Kep, 31rs. Letty Warner, Beiij. * Lke, D)r. Johun Walhkir, IR. M1. Linale, P.N. Williiams, Eliz. Logan,'John Woods, W-. C. Mgrath, Thos. P. Wt. W. WilliTE, P. M1 Jatn 11 2t U I OF'FK-:l for sale the following Tr.iets oif Land .~. Truet No ii, Cointainsing 509 A cre.--two hitn dred aeres .leired, antd 10 aeres oif lirst rate Bottom. Tract Nso. 2, Cajntainling 250 Aeres-2l) acres ottomi and 100 Woodjaind. Thie Lands of both Tracsts are of the best qualiity nd exceedingly welt tjmblered. I ~ .J. W. I-:.inL . *Noetice S Hereby given to thes Creditors of F. M. Yiuing .L decenid, to mloest in thle Ordiinary's (Oi'-e ai Edelield., on the 2nid Mondiiy in .\ pri next, fior tI po:e of miakinig a1 hiinl selemienit 03n .iid 1-.state Ths cau not I epresented at thait timeil will b, prc -e' E.tliN .m'. EDGEFIELD COLLEGIATI INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. NuLmian or PUPILS IN ATTNDANCE LS SESSION .lE next Session will comient on thu 9th 9 of January 1854. Expenses per Session of 14 Week Collegiate Department.............. $5 fin Aelmic do ...............12 00 Primary do .... 7 0 1n( $5 00 Pupils ujsing the Philosolphical A pparatus. a Charged Extra $2,0 pier Session. And all Pup are charged 50 ets each, a Session, for colatingenel' Extra Branches. Music............................$]S 00 Frelle.............................. 8 (i0 Drawin............................. 8 00 Oil Painting........................15 00 There is no charge for ise of Pinu1o. 1i1ard, with washin'g, lighLt an1l fuel $10 p Tihere are no other extra clar.;:cs, except i IBooks and Music sold.2. R. T. MIMTS, . . F. GOODE, E. PENN, 1.Trustec (1. A. A DDISON, A. SI.KINS. Dec 28 1853. tf . 50 Bethany Academy., r IE Tru.;tees of Bethany Aeademy take ien I. ure in aniounein to the public,, that tht School will be opened for the reception of Studein 4,nt the 2nd M)onday in .Jlnuary 1854. under the s pervision of. the well known and successful listru tor. WM.~3M. IIEAT, Rsq. iates or Tuition the Fame not thoti eltarged I the tua mer Rector, 1ir. G.rmsii. 34iard eali he obtained in the 'Most respcetah families on reasonabile teri' al eolvnienlt to ti SCol. WILLiY ,IA RlU1N0 . W~N. TIMMEt.iAN, J.- L. TA f.ERT, Dat. S. F. STEV iNS, I G. J. S I lPPARID. j Dec 21 1y 49 Glenn Springs Female Institut Rt. liev. T.F. DA VIS, D. D., ex-Officio Visitc ite . . A lii I. IProprietois. ii.1. ). .\MCOL.01UCTI. G EOlG E BEN.TON, kctor,aud ntstru tar in 'iental and Chrjstian Science, .lodern La n11a3-41 and1 lii tory. Mirs. B ENTON, Matron.. litriuclor in -Mathen athie, Nat ralI Sciences, ndi Aneidnt Literature. . P11rf. G. F. I)'VIN E' .(late or Limtone4n0 Sprinig ii-tructor in the theoiy and practice of Music. Siiss C. M. REM), ijstruetress in English. ,- - S0SNOW\1SKI. lisutri in Dri ilg. Painting, and Assistant in Frentch. Ali.s SOPIJIA WA RI.L.Y. i:stru.trsw in En lish liranehes. and Assistant in alith-inatie. Miss ELIAZA PRA'I, A.sitnuit ill .\usic at lIngl1ish. N. 1.-The corps in not vet complete. j 1 IE above institution. hwated at (ienn Sprting for the recepltion of ptipil4 oil the fir.: of Februni next. III colvertillg Ilis establish ient into ichool for yountg Ind,,ies, the biiildings have bet thoron-.bly repaired'aid fitted up; and in rurni. ig themt aiew no plins have been spared to mal it. in every respect, such a home as parents won de-,ire ror their daughters. Particular attention I bieei tbestowed uptoll tho musical isintrAincts, at iit ha large aned efliien epD of1 tfehersl. and~i tho4run41h course5L of study, it al-ords every advai ag to beejyed inl any simlilar jiytituitlion. Ajpplieants ar.: nmitted, Eof any age~, over ser. yers, and phiceed inl such class1 as they 1n1my be pr peelto j4oin. Thie schlohistescatr wvill consist of oneC sess5io tiI-U on tihe Ist of February and July. Vaenltiu iDecmber and14 Januatlry. lintes.-or Tluitionl ande Board, inclutding wa trill be ,,o cecra chaarge, except for .\tnsie @:0( p term, and14 for Itiooks. Shleet Musc, iDrawinig .lat IFor futherlo ini I..rmationilsee " Proepetu,"? wi- .4 ational -Safety Insuranco Co. NSUI1ANCE taken on Lives-by this Cpny1.rneX Ageniey at filamburg.. E. J. BUCKMASTER, AcE.NT. Nov 23. . 3m . . 45 New Fall & .Winter Goods, LN SI $ub:criher begs leave to offer to' his.custo ners and friends, a very Select Stock of Dry Goods, n all of its varieties which he has Peketel with orcar rare in the bvst Northeru Nlarkets- iuel :s. cw 'Yerk and leeeun, and which he thinks is wel dxpeed to thet Fall and Wintwr trade. -A LSO pgeed Stoak of all other articles uwually kept for le use (f country trade; al. of wich will be sold )W for Cush, or Utn IcUmolludatilg terns-to poune ul custoemers. The very highest Market price will be paid fur Uttol- mid other produce' in exchange for ( oo ds. M. W. CLARY. Sep'T 28 l853 tf Domestic Goods! Augustta, Georgia, r\VE NOW IN STOR E- the fellowint DO MESTIC G'OODS, whielh they olbr act 0 h PRIGES, and to vleh they respectfully ivite'tIe attention (of the pub:ie. 5 Enes ii'e English .1LON%.C LOTHI; ? do New Yuek 3il, do do Old York do 5 (o . teameil .c!iilVls do 2. d. . 'ihTwis do J e10 Lou.ldale - 11o '. de Watier Twiit deo 5 do. Newuhrvloirt lo 01) l ale- Str'ei 11'0M 1itrNS for plantationa use q. ' 3--1.7- aned 4-4 1enl iw lioi-apuze, 5 d'we'J-4 1lnumilten S1J EETING, 5 Jll 1 meal 11-4 Alandale dli 5 " '10-1, I -- * and 12-4 A useutney Slieeting, 5 10, l.ild 12-4 )lunnnd:ceeeloe do 25 "VeysprrKEMEYS 30 Unales " 8-4, 0-4 anl 10-4 heavy Ij1LANKFTS, . iz. (SNAlITRCS, dilcrerit brands, 25 Cases CA.I CO. A uguai, Dt e 14 If ' 48 Hoisery, - NOWDEN & SIEAR have rceeivel !fromni New4 York .atdoe..e' white and black Merino end Lanbs.Wool lfose : .atlies' hemvy flecey lined black raw Silk VToe: .adies' .white, b!nek and rlate colored En gish entlemen's superior Cotton and 3Merino Half do.; lisse s' and Youth's I lee i full assortmA t:. large supply of Children's fancy Cotton, Worsted - mnd %ilk H-itisery; .adies' Silk antd 3~1erinou Vects, wvith long and shontt sleeves; ~entlemen'ees Merino and Silk Shirts and Drawers; liatses' alerinei \'ests : I conmplete n.,tettlit of Alexander's Ladies' Iidi Glovesc. Th~e putblie are respectfully requaested to call and xainiie the asrteit. Noiv 23 tf d5S groccr'ics and Sitpie Goods. H E hauve now on hianed, andei shall ceentinue toe ? V receice addhiins thereeughouit the businzesas -caeion, a COSIclL.E SOuCK OF( GI!OCE l ES. comnpri ing every theing usally kept in a Jrilery $tore. Auong whe'a ich:my be einmerated le folloiwing : (Gnntny ande Dundee lBaigeing, Jiwa-e n and~ lim. e;i!;taes atnd Sucears of every description, Na;.1ii acur nl GIss iniseedi aci Trin (Pil-. nned Whlite Lead ; Sact, I rii. Shes' andie It :cikets: TocIkee,~ Lead lher. c-lY e andci TIea: (..,nabueergs, IUruwn Shiirings antd .Cottonz Yarns. l1;ie. sei, keC. For sate en thec mtost ri a -nable termls. L.\ UK & LLCKM.-\STER.. I tlaburgr, e;v~. Ic :m -! )ler's. (9bi live WIII.'c7('i. Newe le.hdL :nd -huiena R CM, .\mii.*iiiet attdc IloIl!:mid GlN. ..\nar-enn :mad Frttech BRANDY. AaAe-ira. TIenilre and .\laingaza 1V11'NES. 1i pprit Cieinamaoni and Pierfe~ct Loeve C'OR )I.| I,. .1.EMON .S' urI. bythe Gallon or B)ottle. Irish and. Scotehl WHIlSK EY. Cider antd \\ hite Winie V'.NEU.l1R, Pit. I lael-pit antd Quart FLA SKS. Wim.e. I .eimion Syrnei andc Porter iIOTT'2LES, DI~IJOIIXS, allhi.tes. E. HODGEs, A ci'2r. Neiv 29 if t STATMI'l OF SOUTil CAlt0LINA, EDGEFiIlD DISTRICT, avi-. Kalb & Fanintg, rat. Decl. in Atachentn. llawev White. ) .kn.e & Decl. in Att achmntn :evley White. I1 'I l ;.:initilfs in the aebove cases ivinga~ this dlay 1.tiled their D eclarea::ions i my Ot~tice, anthea i ,ef~eant haiving nceitheer wife nor A ttorney knouwn o reid.: withein the limits ofi thcisa State,. onc whomie .ipies oef scaidl Iee'aratio~ns with rules toe pileau tcit ie.aerved : On .3lot in ofC .\!essrs. el .wuiArn &~ s-r-vas, Attornievsc ler ilatintlls: Ordered thait eazid I)efendaeit aipplear atndc plen toe sai. )Deteurationsa ihi a r n a daty freimi the date heernetf or in tlfutereof juuziment will le giv-en :egaint hime. TI 10$. U. B.\CO N, c. z:. ii. Cleks Oflice, Ocet 5, euly 39~ 1 01 COdle PLE AS. *N. Atdich, .liehn i1i11. Johnc L. Dobey, 'Prun.l~aL:ct d1. II. WVocerte. 5 TJl( PF lainitills in the abov,~e ens'es hzavini thiue any Slid { hil- Deelirationis' iin y )lliee. andci the De -alac.-- htavinlg neitheer Wiies naor .Attieysknoewn ci reaede w'thien th..' lizits eef tis Statte iuponi whomc ueipees cl .:aid decelaraions. ha cruile tp pleadc eann lbe ser-vedl : elet'icn eel Mr. 1 ;y, Phadntitis' A tter iiev, ( rdered, That the said IDefenidat. apeatr antd pk'-ad t eaelId )Dearations' within a y'eare and a duty ro~i lee elate hcereui of, . olinad aand aar olute jtie met-i will be awardeed ag~atinst thte. T'I10S. G. 8A CON. c. t. D.. Cerk's Olliee. d1 uly 12, 1853.- - y Not ice. LL Pe'rseons indebted te the Estaite of Watrren FiI. Wite, deed., acre eatrnestly solieited to etmake pcayntcentt tirthilth, ande theose hcaviing demtuneds n~gninst sacid Estaite illh pleasae render ilthm mi editelv. djEltE3I1.I SEIGLER. Ex'oer. Nov ii tim 413 Nil~oice ! TL. Personus nntywi.-e inic. to :1:t' DIsate of . .Johnt Wise, dee'd., ar-e hceteby recju-stecl to m raike inedeliate seatttlemen~tt, iad thoe aaving~ de lasle anntitest sacid Estate w-ill ple-ate retnder ini their iedcts irthawithi, pret'ciy alttesited, aaccrdiing to Mitra yed ' t\IM the Sublsreiber~'~ gmion. nc fc e i aftlieri -hriatmzat. N' .r Twety F\ T1VTN INGtr ~ 11G8, of v-artius ear.--p.c-inazlly whit, hit ande blue. Thev are. all em::rsed with a i eeIin a year ated an u ial,:i i i t. ric-t A ll intration coaa...a:-.A i-ee l..a~i..... ..-..c. . un lvJ I i\ I 1:Y. .' adiesg' Rich. Dress0 Goods, 'SNOiWRI-N'& SJUEA~ , Augustaj Gal,. have rggcWv'-d.fruzii _Ni..wYor tieh flo kadi'=cey XPJAi SIKI-j"of nemi'" aid sperdid styl' 'Ap- wlat. jjotmdc and Faticy 1"'. lurl Silks,-. Au1, m RorBck FErue and Plaid IavikSilk, f 11ars Prlzted Del "mes atd Cs~mlmil, of elf. tho. mi~ de'irnbke iuors Lu fpiea AnmH 'F'igued bTAfies, (All AvOiA) of andl Und u-%hLv'S& V 4 LrV wupl PIS; Ladies* ncslve I.r aud' Chnia selte nn Co i or t,bdk 'Jm *aa r. * i -, Eveing irensetz 4; Utilica' Cloth Tultni'ai -Of new smil -ek'eaus 4utndes'-B'Mek Cloth Clnks,,fir mofiun . Lidit-s' Blac-k~nmd Rich (oloreil Si X cit Man Luires Sucrir'Black Cuiithnere anid- Tliibet wXool Sdiimwla, Lztdiesi-Fainey Smoell, Day State, 13-mitei I'. terluo aiitY Thopire hsl,. vr mreSI I.aiea~ So lirior ~l~nl bilof - %;'rU %iZC -A large -an jiply 'of heavy ATO(Jen EShawlq, fur Vrtauts; Couperibr W~lband- Gamze Flantiela, Sup. Ehgl'.Al Cul. Flannelst for Lil-'Ses I*akdi&s Q(rtbs for Cloaks and TManlias of lieiiti- ! fu Colors ; Y idsi . great varietyof other atrticles iainle fit the pri.:cuit.iuRLsofl aud:tq 614 .-of Avhlich., ihey T-s uu iv i Nvil .10'tn. Ukofb pbic T o jth-eP1. ib.. 6' lil S LOTM! . ~s.~ leave to" lofarm fli-fr. '.1111 keel) eamin4 tnl3 on ii ud lae nd '-kndid* mm.ortio-t of - lUtt'gle -and Cawriq~es, Wlukh 'CANXOT BIP' SF-RPASSJUD la3ll Let for 1;ri( e, beauty ol W yior, v N'mfit flaving lind a long c-xpermiCL . in the pr1tacul' 11:11t of 111. buniis'. 11 avia)'n uwrked nijitA- . .'e-csi thlat thley van iid.-NL ~V6t? tlral t~1 fi.tiom mo ail %%-]o- may favour theni IVI i1. A'c SW'P All work ivriutcd., ~fShop itreiirorfle Cot House,* tG r. .1 & SIAUXT Bd.'gcfeltlo 16u;I , 1S*3. U 4 HARDWAREA CUTLEy,& w & J. H ILL, Ilaniburg,S. C., wou'l ill-*. e hel-1 tlir iEcizds and customeks that lity sit~ng1h; palrt or mine followi nf aries. * Fi E 'C.U T.L RY. A large. asscirtrmient of' Pockat K;,iies, 11nives -.ami butries,. Scissors, &c.) &t.' bulvi of 1Eugliah and Ainericdua Mamiult're. Tin and- CoprWare. ~ve' art';u. of T4n Ware .kept always oin Ii il mid urders r4.ceived forhu aimy mmtiele that mayU bw needed in -the Copper,'Tm. or rnheet hon line