EDGEFIELD UOLLE. IAT INSTITOTE F O R Y O U N G-. LA-D IES. (63 PerLs HAVE ENTEh.ED SJXCESEETEM5Et 19T.) T LIE Session will. bi hqlf completed on Monday Nov. 7th. This wiLl be a good~tine for others to enter. The lustitution has never been Morepropeyou at th's season of the-year, or- better- furnisfied with Teachers, and-everythin necessary fur thorough instruction than at present. The Vacation at Christmas is always a short one, so that the Pup:Is ean continue their studjies with out any.tserious interruptioni until the last of .July. They are received at any tine during the Session, and charged4 but from the tine of entrance to the end of the Session. Expenses. per Session of 14 Weeks. Collegiate&Departmont..............$15 00 Academic do ..............12 00 Primary 'do ... .S? 00ana $5 0 Pupils uing- the Phlsomphical Apparatus. are charged Extra $2,00 per ession. And all Pupits are eh irged 50 ctseach, a Session, for cunting.:ncies. Extra Branchcs, - Musi........................$18 00 French.......................... . 06) 3)raiirg.......................80 Odi Painting.....................l 1) There is.no charge for use of Piani. Bua:-d, with wa;hing; lights :.nd fuel $10 per month. . . . There'are no other e.trd' eOrg es; except for Books and Music s!ld. it. T. MIAIS S. F. GOli S. -PENN, Trustees G. A. AI)DISON, | A. SDIKINS. J Nov 7,,1853. tf 42 JOSEPH WHILDEN, DEAI3R IN AND SHIP CHANDLERY, No., 601 East-Bay. opposite P. & ME. Bank CnutIMas-ros, S. C. H E keepsconstantly for s:e a gentral assort me ,ent of PA INTS and (ILS of all kinds, Window Glasb anil Sashes, Spis. Turpentinc, Caiphene, Spirit Gas, Tallo-, Grindlstones, Cordage, Chain Pumps, Glie, Parking Yarn, Cotton Foot Gin FLturss,. and Brushes of various kinds. Charleston, Nov. 1 . 6m 42 G RD R.GE. SINCL A I R, COLUMBIA, S. C.. STEAM ENGINE BUILDER .And Boiler Maker. LL kinds of Flour, Grist and Saw aill Gear A ing and *5haftng mine and warranted to per form equal to any in the State. Dr. it. T. %Iins, at Edgetie:d C. 11., is authorised Agn tit to make contracts. Nov. 2, 1833. lV 42 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUTY.. Benjamin Tillman and othets, . Bill for Ac. Janes F.Adams and his wife (count, Sale 4 Tabithi, Ex'ois. of JonIta n Distribution. T.1I m: ni dee'd., J. B Y Viritie of an order from Chancellor W.a. B :iv in thi~as.e I shall proceeLd to sell, on the premrises freyow d.by JonathanTll man deceaaed,.tipon the .13.h daty of December next, the follow ing Rel an~rd Personal Estate: One Tract ot.Land (very valuasble) situated on Hlorn's Creek and Ra' C reek, in this Dis. triet, about five miles Southi of Edgetichi Coturt iHoiuse, and contaning by old .surve SIX H UN:. DRE~D AND SEVENTY.ONE Acres. This traet lies adjoining lands of Mirs. Ma-.n A. Ropier. Estate oft Samitps"on.B. Mays \Viit field .md Allen Addisoni, Jolu1 and Dr. Edward J. Mimts. Upon ic Isixy-live. or ..sevent'. .Aeres* of~ e ground.b, nenr 6ne .lrudie4 aud~lifty tirst rate oak and hickory wo dland, a hunidred Aeres oif cleared Lanid, (all m. fenceingt,) the blancin -beiing grow.tn up ay thickets. Ott the premni-es are two very good dwelling hiotses (oneC oft theni ne'.l~y repaired) and all iieedful out buildings iu very good conidi tion. An acre, embracing the Fiaily Buriatl ground, will be the only3 r eservation as to -thielatnd I will also sell at-thme satne time and on the same phace thle following superb ganig of tie grocs, viz: Isna, Ned, George, Henry. Jini); Ahiran. Wade, Nancy, Charlotte, Sarah aitd her child Vincent, Justiee anrd her two children. Etnmma andic .\ary, Joanna atnd her four chaildrena William, Rose, Phillis and Jatcob. Out of' this famrihy nearly .every putrchaser enn be suited. TJhere are atmoing thtem at good shioe-mraker, a skilful wagoner, atnd, best of all, several excel lent cooiks. Of the number,, there are eleven grown hiads. I will atlso sell (in the sanme ocens1in ialh the husehoid :mid kitchecn fnrtiituire, live heatd oif mules anid three head of horse., the .stock of eyttle, sixteen headn of sheitp. a lot oif hogs, one wgon, one carriage, one set of blacksmith's tools, one set ot eareters tools, the present, erip of~ corn, fodder and- shucks, cottoa-seed &c., &c., &c. Termis of Sale. The land will be sold on a credit of one and two years from the daty of sae, purchaser beinig. required tt give, bonrd to iecure the -purehase-mtoney, with .at least two ood sureties. The negro slaves and -other ?rsonalty will, be sold onr a credit of tweli&e tmonths f'ronm day .of. sale, bonds and atriple sureties required. So-much ,ofthe.purchase money of the latnd and negroes-as will b. -reqtuired to defi-aythe expenses of this suit mutst be iaid downr atL the timie in cash. P'urchasers are also to pay for titles. A. SIMiKINS, C. E. E. D. Nov. 1, 183 Oet-3 6t 42 State of South Carolina, EDO CIELD DISTICT, IN ORDINARLY. DYH1. T. WRIGHTI, E~squire, Ordinary of DEdgefield District. Whereas, G. J. Anderson, hath applied to me for Letters of Adinisitrationa on all and sin glar the good.s and ebattels, rights and credits of Anna Anderson, late oh the District aforesaid deceased. These are, thmerefuire, to ctte andl nadmonish all and singular, the kindred and .creditors of the said deceased, to be anod appear. berie. tme, at our ne.xt Ordinatry's Court. for the- said District, to be holden at 'Edgefield C. 1f., oin the. 14th day of Nov. next, to show cause,'if any, why the said adinistration should not be gr'ated. Given under my hatnd and .senl, this 31st day of Oct., in the year- of our Lord one thous and eighit hundred and fifty-three, atnd in tba78th ear of American Independetice.. II. T. .WRIGHIT O.E. D. Nov 2 2t - * 42 State of Souths-Carolina, EDGEFIEL.D DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY.E BY HI. T. WRIGHT, Esquire, Ordinary oh Edgefield Distriet. Wvhereas D. F. lfohlingsworth hiath. applied to me for Letters of Admnis-traton, on. aland singular the goods and chattels. right~s andecred its of .\i. E. Hollinrgswurth, late of the District aforesaid, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said decea~sed, to be aind appear before me, ai or next Ordinary's Court for t~he said District to be haoldeai at Edgefield C. House, on the 14t11 day of Nov next, to show catuse, if any, w.hy lhe said administration shotuld not, be granted Given tinder my haind atid seal, this 31st day of Oct.,.inii the year our of L~ord one .thou and eight diundred anid fifty-three, and in the sevnty-eighthyearr of Amentrican Independence M. T RIGH,'oE.~D LOOK TO YC DRY GOODS FOR A RANSOM, Agent for R. M. FULLEE Stock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC beautiful. Atnong which niay be faond All Wool DE LAINES, of 'rich and splendii style, Large and small fig'd De Laies. all qualities, Persian De Laines, various qualities, Plaid Silk Lustres, very rich ; "1Raw Silks, in high colors; Casiuneres and Alrptca Lustres, a .qualities and coloirs; Plain hbL -. ' P' Black F Rich, c Colore& Solid c Solid 4 Fie it and~ American Ging ms, fron .171- r.2 cents: Engliih French sand Amlerican Prints, from 6 1-4 up; Satin Talm is of new and beautiful styles; Ladies.Coth Cloaks, new and late styles; Colored Fringes, Pointed Gimps. and. othei Trinmings, great variety; Plain and fig'd : loths, light fabric for Ladies .Cloaks; Black Thibet, Bay-State and eibroided Shawls; Chimuasetts, French worked Collars and Under sleeves, late styl es; Jaconot,* Thread and Lisle Edgings and Insert. ings, all qualities; Ladies Merino and Silk Under-vests: Kid Silk and Wool Gloves, for Ladies, Misses and Childrei; (P- These Goods have been purchased with PRICES, and purchasers muay rest assured tha bought in Augusta. An examination is respee H A MBURG, Oct. 26, 1853. New Fall and Winter Goods, T HE Rubscriber is now receiving, nt 'his old stIid, his usual'supply for the Fall -and Win ter Trade, and is prepared to offer to th. public upon terns the most accomniodat'g, the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE Stock of Goods to be found in this village, in part as filaows: Rich Colored PBroade, Plain aria Woterad Silk#, 4Ribbioi; Enbroideries, Fringes and Dread Trimminiligs, " Worked Collar~s, Sleeves, and Linen Cain brie Ilandkerehiefs, " Mantillas, Plain Black anA Colored, M. DeLaines, Cashnieres. every gi-ade and price, French and EnglishA Merinos. Black and Colored, Velvet Sacking, Plain and Printed lhannels, Alpavas l!aek and Colored, and Boinbazine, Gingham and French, English and Donestic Prints. Gioves, Hosiery, Shawls, Bonnets, &c. &c. -A .so - A new and beautiful assortment of Watches, Jew elry and, fancy artiles. Our Stockeof Domestie Goods, lots, Caps,Shoes. Blatnkets, Kerseys, Plains and Osnaburgs, Hard ware, Cooking Utensls, Saddlery, &c. &c., is unu sual!y large. They were bought low and will be sold at prices to competc with any market. M. FRAZIER. N. U.-At the proper senson, will receive and off'er far sale, a large drove of Kentucky Ihngs. M. F. Ot-05t 40 NEW GOODS, FALL AND WINTER SUPPLIES. SNOWD EN & S HE AR, Aaagusta, Ga. Khaavejust receivedl from New York their fall supp ies of Fall and -Winter D)ry Goods, comprising ionable colors Smault Figured DeLaitnes an-1 Saxony Plaids, of *beautiful styles for Chaihdren's Dresses; Lupin's Plain French Mlerinos, a very large assort mient ,and thte most fashaianable. and desirable coslars; Lapin's P'lain B!aek French MIeinaos, of extra quality for ladies Dresses; Lupina's Plaina White Mterin's anad DeLaines ; Ladies Freneh Worked Chimasetts anad Under -sleeves in setts, of new antd elegant styles ; Ladies Fr'enchl Worked Muslin Collars, of nuew aind beautiful stylh-s; Ladies Chaimaasetts, LUdersleeves and Collars, for Mlon inlg. of beautiful styles.; Workol Mluslin Edgings ad Insertings, a very large supply; Worked Muslini Bands for Ladies Uundersleeves, (somei very. riebh styles:) Ladies l.inen~a Cambrie, French' Lawno and Rich * mbraidered 1lanadkerchiefs; Rich V'alencienn tes and Thread Lace Edgings and Speriaor D aamask Table Clothas and Napkins; Exra Rich 8-4 :and 10-4 Damask Diapers ; Superior 12i-4 Linien Sheeting and Pillow CJaso Linens; Fancy Cassinteres for Gentlemen and Youth's wear ; Ladies Cloalh, for Cloaks and Children'. wvear, of beautiful colors ; Superior Wevlcha, Gnuze and Silk Warp Flannels; Superior English Canton Fluannels ; Eagisha colored Flsannels, for Ladies' Sacks, ol - beautiful colors : Superior Wite and Colored Moreens, for Ladies Skirts : Superior 10-4, 11-4. 12-4 and 14-4i Whitney Blan. kets: : fapihi's lIest Bl1k. Bomibazinesa, naid Blk. Chally ; Superor 1B1k. Alpnecs, anad Canton Clothas A very large supply of Ladies,' Gentlemen's Youths' Misses' anad Children's Hosiery, of the biest qjuality. Ladies' Merinto. aind Silk Vests. Gen~atlemaenas Merinto nad Silk ilUndershirts and D Iruawers; A very lairge su,.pply of Ladies' Square and Long~ Shaawls, of niew ad beautiful styles; Gentlemna's Shua'vls, a very superior article; A large sup~ply of superior Mourainag and Fancy Ginghams; Superior Freneci, Enaglish and American Prints; A large suplhy of Negro Cloths and Blankets: .With a great variety of othr articles soitable foi the piresent seasonm, aand tom all 'of which they re sp-etfully ine ite the attention of the .public. Augusta, Oct 19 tf 40 Fresh and Pure Medicines, &c rp lE Subscribcr has just received a SELEC'l ASTOCK of Family Nedicines, Chemicals, &c. -cossrrs' riS PATo Sulphate of Quinine. Paui-e Pill Mass, Sup. Car botnate of .Soda, Calomel, - Henrj's Cal. Magniesia, Cream of Tartar, Eapsonm Salts, - Iodine, Sulphate.of Alorphian, IlodideffPotasseum, uamp Miignesaa, lStryehauine, -Mui's Elixir of Opiuii, Fahn'estoek'siermtifuge, Thompson's-Ee Wsater, MeAlister's Ointment, Cheseutan' aBalsain, E~vans' Lancets. Naorwood's Veratruim Viride. And a full supply of most all the~ pqpufar Pateni Mediines of the day, all of,4hbich are warrantes free faomn adulteration. - G. L. PENN. AGENT. Oct26 t f --41. Manufactured Tobacco ! TUST Rteceived direct from the Factory, Thirt; tBoxes. CHEWIN~G TOBACCO, comprisin; Four Choice lUrands, viz :Honey, Dew, Oruonoct Extra andta Premium. -For sale by the Box, or retail tat LOW PRICES. Don4' fail to call an< -sample before buying elsewhere. G. L. PENN, AGENT. Oct 26 - tf 41 Notice. jaginst the promposed charter for a Public Road 1 be openled from hozeman & Payn's Ferry on Salud Riverto Mount En'n, andi from thence to intersect th Higgins Ferry Road at Thomas Colemant's,as thei is imure roads in thaat neighborhood unow thtan ther are hamlae to keep thetm up'. Oct la tf d0 UR INTEREST! THE FALL TRADE isnow in receipt of a LARGE and SPLENDI) DRY GOODS, comprising ull which is new I Red, white and flg'd Flannels, all qualities'; Solid colored Flannels, for Sacks; Casmiers, Sattinets, Tweeds and Kentuck .JeI s, all qualities; Bleached and brown Tabl6 Damasks, warrante all Linen; i BleachedDimask Table Cloths, some ver-y.fine nauuGtu~tre, 'chnap ; Twilled Kersys, naiurluctured at the August Manufacturing Company ; Georgia Stripes and Osnaburga, Cotton Yarns White and colored Blankets, large stock, will b sold cheap. Whitney and Ribbon bound Blankets, all quali ties and sizes, Crib Blankets; Three Ply, Ingrain and Hemp Carpetingf various patterns; Rogs and Druggets, for floor cloths; Ladies and Childrens Shoes; Carpet Bais, Port Motlies, Ivory and Pearl Tab lets, Extracts Otto of Ro.es, Fancy- Soart Cologne, Hlair and Tooih Brushes, Ivor and rn Combs,&c.,&c. GREAT CARE at the LOWEST MARKE' every article will be sold as cheap as can bi fully solicited. M. A. RANSOV, AGENT FOR R. 31. FULLER. tf 41 N-EW -FALL. GO0 ODS B C. BRYAN has received, at iis o . Stand,. (the Brick Store) a FULL ASSORT, MENT'of - .FAWOY DR Y a@0(mD-, -CONISTING IN PART OF Rkh Colored.Broeade-SILKS " Plaid SILKS, Superior Plain Black SILKS, " Plain Spun " Americanise " " French and English MERINOS, " DeLANES, and Scoteh Ginghams, English, French and Aincrican PRINTS. --Also A GOOD AssoRT.tNr OF Kerseys, Plains; Bed &Negro Blankets, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Which he ofirs at the LOWEST PRICES foi Cash, and on time to punctual customers. 0T Call and examine for yourselves. Edgeficld C. 11., Oct 12. if 39 New Fall and Winter Goods MILLER & W1RRE, .Aiugusta, Ga., HI AVE JTust received, at their Store, Corner op posite the Mansion Ihouse, a large and com-, plete Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS consisting uf -Jirocade and Rich Plaid SILKS, Brsicade and Striped Black SILKS, Emblridered Mlerino Robes, .uourmog, I lack Chally, D'L~aines and Bonibazines, French, English and Amerielmn PRINTS, Rich Embroideries.. French CiIE.\IZETTES and SLE EVES, Collars; Worked iands; Mluslin Edginigs and Insertings : Irs Linens; DaGask Table Cloths. Table Napkins and Doyles 12-4JHeavy Barnsley Sheectings, Together with a fine Stock or SA TTIN EiTS Kentucky JEANS, CLOTH1S, C.\.SI.\EREi anid VESTINGS. Wec respectfully solicit a call from our friendh and eu~tomters, anid persons iiting the city woul do well to give us a look before purchasing. Augusta, Oct 12- . Gmi . 38 Heavy All Wool Negro Goods And Blankets. jf!rLLElR & WA R REN, A ugusta, Gat., hnvc .I. just recived a large Stuck .of Georgiti Pxuinus and a large lot or 8-.I and 9-4 Ne gro Blankets, somec of themi weighing eighi pounds to the pair, to which they invite the atti~n tion or planters. Also, CENU'INE DETT ANCilOR BOLTING CLOTiS, FronaNo 1 to 10. A ugusta, Oct. 12 Gm 39 BOOTS.AND SHOES AT THE IRON FRONT STORE OPPOSITE THI Nasonic Hall, Augusta, Ga, , DEALERS IN Boots, shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, kc ARE-now receiving their FALL STOCK Gent. Lies,'c Mlisses, Boys, Youths an< Children's SilOES of thme JFinest Qualities, A nd the best that can be bueught. Our Assortment contains EVERY ARTICL1 usually kept in the largest Boot and Shoe Storce -Al.l. vannIerIFs OF PLANTATION BROGANS AND HOUSE SERVANTS' SHOES~ All of which we will sell otn the most reasonabl terms. *Aueustn.-Oct 12 f . . 39 Rich.Carpets and Curtain Ilaterials, NOW DE N &, S H EA R have receive ,fom New York, a .large sup~ply~ of.Carpet and Curtain Materials, amotng which tre Rich Wilton Carpets~, .of new and splcndidiiyles Tapestry Brussels and English Brussels Carpets,. elegant styles; Superior Three Ply, [ngrain and Venetian Carpets Printed Druggctts, and Crumb Cloths, of beautife styles; ; Superior Colored Damasks, for Window Curtain: .of rich and .elegant styles; Rich Embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtain: (some at very low prices,). Rich Cords and Tassels, and Gimps for Curtains; Rich .CornieesCurtain Bands, and Window Shade Superior Daniask and Plain Furniture Dimbities; Superior'Cutton 1Jringes, (a very large assortinen~t t ie publ'~ are respectfully ' requested to call ax Iexamine the, ' ortmecnt. Augusta, Oct 19 tf '-40 Horn's Creek Lands for Slic HE~jj Subserib~er wishing to removo to the Wes Ioffers foi sale' his Tract of Lamd,' containir li-ve Hiundred.(500) Aceres nioe or less,.ituate four niles South of Edniield C. 'I1., and wiith one smile of the llambar'g andEdg~leihd Plat t Road. On the pla1ce are all nieCessary; imi-ov I meats, and fine springs atnd streams of water rus ning through' the piace. About Two Hlundr< Acres are cleared and under good fences,. thmer mainder itn native forest. -Any otne dcsir.ous h uying would do well to call and examine fI themselves before purchasing elsewhere. - L. s. JOHNSON. Oct 19 tfr 40 aFamily Groceries.. e -TEW Biuckwvheat, Cheese, Onions, Potato< Weie and Soda Bseuit, now receiving by S. E. BOWERS. ha.u,. C. Oc n.. tf 4r0 GOODS At COST, TN order to prepare for a e I intend to make in my business, on the filr of October next, I will sell from and after this d te my Entire Stock Goods Without any reserration at T! d The Stock is ENTIRELY EST, having been bought tis Spring at close ptr' , andis composed principally of Spring and , mer .Gimids,: all of which I now offe-r. without agrt of humibugery, yAT COST. '-LOD 1BILL. r Sr July 13, 1853.t 26 d HARDWARE, C LERY, &c W & J. H I L ,Uam gS. C., would in C Ip A 4 f i. _ .. k 11%... and orders- received forii r 1 e that- ma' b& needed in the Copper, Tin, or Sh j;ron linm. e A good assortment of ITeating nud. king Stoves. The latter are recommended, to I ekeepers for neatuess and economy. Guns and Pistol,! A full iartment of Guns, from oraifiary to very 4 fine. Colts' repeating Pistot,- Allens Revolving and Self-CookingRingle Barrel Pistols Also, con alon Pistols. - SMITH'S TOOLS. A large and complete Stock of Snith's 'ools, con. sisting of Anvels, Bellows, Screw Ph4es, 1land iand Sledge Hammers, Files, Raps, &c. V CARPENTERS TOOLS. Embracing all varieties of Plains, Saw Chesels, A ugers, I lainmers, Ifatchets, Squares, Conpass, Axes, A dzes, &c., &c. A Spades' and Shovels. Spades and Sbovvs or the best qualities, Also, .lanure Forks, Ihoes, &c., &c. C 11 A I N S. Log, Ox, Trace, Waggon, Coil and Halter Chains. Boilers and Caldrons. A variety (f Boilers and Caldrons, by the pr per use .f which farmers will -find a great saving iII feeding Cattle and HIogs. CASTING AND HOLLOW WARE. Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Tea Kettles, Wattle and Wa fer Irons, Fire Dogs, Waggon Ue s, Grid Irons, Smoothing Irons, lort &c. N LS. 300 Kegs of Nails, assorted sl. Also an assort mlent of English and American. orse Shoes, and Ilorse Shoe Nails. Cofree Toasters, and Cotton and Wool Cards. Straw Cutters and Corn Shelters. The most approved Straw Cutters, and Corn Shel lers, which tarmers would find great economy to use. CIIAIN PUMPS! Chain Pumps and fixtures-an excellent method for drawing water froi wells. - All the foregoing artiel sold on the most reasonable terms. llambuhtirg, Oct.26 6n 41 state of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUI.Y. Sophia Whittle and others, - s -: Bill f)r Partit'n Thomas McClendon and and Account. others. - YVirtue of an Order ft'ttim Chian. DanGAs, -il ini this ease, I will proceed to sell at Edge fedC. H-., on t he First Moiy in November next, the Real Estate of Jog~ph Whittle, dec'd., in two lracets as foljows:J Tract No I. Conataining two -hundred and ninety.four acres, more qr less, situated on Clond's Creek ini this Di'strict and adiiinig inds of lrv Whtital. R -W ' F .meC andl~ two years Tromn ay ot sate, except ats to so mucht as will defray the costs of the suit, whieb must be paid in cas&. Purchase money to be secured by bonid wvith adequate sureties. A. SIMIKINS, C. E. E. D. Oct 3, 1853 51 38 STATE OF SOUThH CAROLINA, EDGEFIEL.D DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Jas. RI. Garrett, William and Account. - Garrett atnd others. . B)Y virtue of an Order from the Court of I LEqtuity itn this case~, I shaull proceed to sell I at Edgetield Cotirt Hlouse, on the first .Mondayv ini Novembher next, the tracts or parcels of land, vaz: 1. A tract or parcel of sixty-four acres, situ. ate in the District afoiresaid on Stephena's creek, :ttd bounded by lanids of Thomas McKie, WV. -G.MAeKie and Samuel Getzen. 2. A tract or parcel of six neres, situate as above, lying on the waiters of Horn's Creek, and aidjoininig hinds of Thous. R. MceKie. 'Thpot luo~ds will hn -tai. ~- I - D ti Cornelia Cox, rs A. ? imki ns, Guard. ad litemn. {\ N M1otion of ialomtAGNE, Solicitor for Plain ftilfs, it is Ordered, That the Cre.ditors of H enry Cox. dee'd., do render their claims into the Commissioner's hands by the first alonday in December next, so thait their demands ay be -ascertained and adjusted. A. SIMIKINS, C. E. E. D. Commt'rs Office, Sept 20. Ilt: 36 State of South Carolina, .ABBEVILTLE DISTRICT, - IN BQUI']Y a William Patterson, by M~oses T. -. Owen, his naext friend, Bill a for rartition of Arthur Murphy and his vite Slave. .BY Order of the Court,.theplae.s George, Ben, Anntikam, .loe, A nikoaaglieis, Jpne and .Mar mtha, will be sold on Sale-dagy mn Novymber next, at A bbeiltle C. H ., ont a credit of o t.nd .two yents, aexcept as to costs, whielh are'to be p~iid an cashi. The purchasers will be required to i'e uds with good , surety, and pay for tides. H. A. $82 . E.A. D. Comnm'rs. Office, Sept 26, 5. 6 38 A Valuable TrA * Land. - r HE Subscriber being 'e~iges of.'reme ving to some location neiar a - - .rmy for the purposu of eduenting his ohildren,bIWar sale hL valuable .Tract of 628 Aores of ILanjl tiBufi'alo creek, in Abbevlle. District, lees thaantwo railca from .Dorn's *Gqld Mine. On the premiss, are s good gin-house *t, aund sea ew, convenient and comidrt able nogro houses, ig and two hundred acres under- good repair-thte d b amnee an firest, well and heaivily timbered. n Geological researhes have beet made upon the k tract, wich furnish .sulticient :*vidences,- from its m- naitural features, and- approxiumton to the Dorti :-Mine, that gold may be found; .Frtom other circum :d itances, not necessary toibs ,eipemsed, the siubscri. e- ber deemis it expedient.to sell-and -would recomn of mend persons deairous of purcehamiitg to apply, at Jr the earliest opporttunity, for fiurthenr particulars, tc the proprietor, EDMUND JONE~S, Sando'rer. Oct 26 4t 46 Wanted. T WANT Two No 1. MILCI[ COWS. Whc hasit themt to dispo,:e of ?^ W. P. BUTLER. Law Notice! FIMIET SEIBLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .2 will practico inthe Courts of Edgefield, Lex ington and Abbeville. 0- OFmcE at Edgefield C. 1., S.C. Sept 14 3m 34 JOSEP-H ABNEY, WILL be found at all times in his Ofice; at Edgefield Court House, near the PLANTEiDa HOTEL. Hle will attend promptly and strictly to business in his ptofession. Nov.14 tf 51 ABNER P E R R I N, AGENT for the Prosecutiqn of Claims for Boun Actual Cost, for Cash Only! . .Their Stock comprises a -large and splendid as sortment of Rich Dry Goods, Groceries, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., &c. All those who 'desire to 'get GOOD BAR GAINS, will do well to cll early. WILLIAMS & CHRISTIE. Edgcfield, Oct. 3, 1S53. 3m 38 New Fall & Winter Goods. / IE Subscriber begs leave to offer to his custo i mere and friends, a very Select Stock of Dry Goods, In all of its varieties which hehas. selected with great care in the best Northern Mairkets; such as, New York and Boston, and which he thinks is well adapted to the Fall and Winter trade. -ALSO A good Stock of all other articles utally kept for the use of country trade; all of which will be sold low for Cash, or on accommodating - termsto pune tual customers. The very highest Market price will be paid for Cotton and other produce in exchange for Good.. M. W. CLAlY. Sept 28 1853 tf 37 NEW Hardware & Cutlery Store. A T IE SUBSCRIBERS hv justredelved their T Fall Stuck of HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Consisting of Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Smiths 1Ham- i miers, Screw Plates, Stock and Dies- Ho-se Shoe ( Nails, Rasps. Files, Hand and Cut, Alill aall other kind of SAWS. 500 dozeni of all kinds of Locks. 500 4" " Knives. 300 pair Pistols of all kinds. 100 Guns, Colts Revolvers, Allens do. Waggon Chains, Castings, Ilinges, Screws, House Furnishing Gooads, and everything else connected with a Hardware House. . -ALSO Corn Shellars, Straw Cutters, Mills, the genuine Collins Axes, Adzes, llatchets and all kinds Edge Tools. We would respectfully solicit-a share of pation- c age, and anything sold by as will be warranted of the best manufacture. IULLARKEY & OAKNlAN. A'few doors above Insurance.Bank, Augusta Ga. Sept. 28 1853. 6i 37 3, A. GU RL EY,. R) ESPECTFU LLY informis his friends in Caroli Jna that Ihe has removed from Ilamnburij to 3iA6 guslt, Ga., South side of Broad Street, one Square above the Lower Market, nearly opposite the Eagle & Phonix. at the sign "VARIETY STORE," I where he will be happy to see his old friends, and I hiv fair dealing merit a continuation of that pat-r D~ogs, Sifters, Fry Pans, Fine Pocket anal Pen Knives, R AZORS that can't be beat, Teca and Table Spoons, both Brittania and Silver, Table Knives I and Forks, Candle Sticks, Pad Locks,. Shoe Taeks,r &e., &e. Also a varied assortment of - . J A PAN W A RE. Letter and Cap Paper, Wafers, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, Port Monies tin assortment from 15 ets to 55 each, Silk and Thread Purses, SUSPENDERS, HOSE AND HALF HOSE, GLOVES, Silk Mitts, &c. - A comiplete assortmenat of the BEST PERFU MlERY, SOA PS, &c., direct from .JULEs ihUEi,. SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, musical Instruments, Toys, And in fact mtany other articles not enumerated here. Also, "~ VIRGINIA TOBACCO'' always to be focund here cheap by the Box or otherwise. 7? Call and see J. A. G U R LEY, 155 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Sept. 5, i___ f 34 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLEAS. Davis.la~ . K. copaies of said D~eelarations with rules to plead can lie .etveda: Ont Sltion. of Messrs. hIAGRaT-u 1 S-rviro, Attorneys for Plainsti: Ordered that said D)efedant appear and plead to said Declatrations within a vier anid a da.y fromi the date hereof or in default thereof judgment will be given againt him. Truos. G. BACON, c.E. D. Clen's OicOct 5, qy 39 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. '6 EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN ORDINA RY.. . BY H. T. WRIGH T, Esq., Ordiniary of Edge B tield District. .. Whereas, Jas. S. Shadrick and Samnel Lim becker have applied to me for Letters of Ad ministr ation, on all and singular the goods and char~tle;,, rights and credits of~ Jesse Limbeeker, late of the District aforesaid, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singulhar, the kindred and credilore of the said deceased, to be and appear before mc, at our next Ordinai-y's Court for the said District, to be holden at Edgefield .C..H., oin the 7th. day of Nov. next, to show-cause, if any, whly the said administration sh-ould notbe grantede Given, under my hand and seal, this 24th day of Oct. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight htundred and, fifty-three, and in the '78th year of American Independence. . H. T. WRIGHT, O. E..D. Oct 26 2t 41 A Physician Wanted. T HE Subscriber has a tract of Latnd, containing aboutt One Hundred and Seveniy-fivei acres, lying on the Martin Town Road, eleven naihes be low Cam'aridge, with a comfortable Dwelling,--and the neighborhood is wanting a Physician. Any Physician wishing to locate would do well to come and see me as I am anxious to sell. JOILN 1. ROUNTREE. Oct 2 t 41 Notice ! ALL Persons anywise indebted to thte Estate of ti John Wise, dee'd., aro hereby requested to make imnmediate settlement, and those having de niands against said Estate will please render in their accounts forthwitht, properly attested, according to 'lw.SIDNEY WISE~, 1 la. . B.1. MILLER ~ Ex'ora. Oct 26 '< tf SULPHATE OF QUJININVE. J UST Received a fresht supply uaf SULPHATE QOFQU ININE, and for sa.le by G. L. ENN, GE.T. I O.t 19 ,r An CONSTANTLY ON HA I AM NOW receiving nio FALL A N D W TO which I respetfully nvite and the Trading Public. Edgefield C. H., Oct. 12, FALL I1WPf /. of tieim 1ibnutiful and elegant desigis. Dress CHINTZES, .FURNITURE Do.,Y 3LOTHS, superior at 121 eents, Aierinei SHi KET-S, fine Bath and)Vhitney Do., KERSEY LINENS, CAMBRICS,.FANCY HAND We invite particular, attention to-our'DRE IABLING DEPARTM ENTS, embracing the Fany and:. bhich for variety, extent and adaptedness to -i -A A complete Stock of British, French and Wr We respectfully invite-a call and exa Charleston, Oct 10. FOGARTIE STATE OF-SOUTH-CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. rchibald Watson and Hartwell Whittle, Applicants, Summons -vs. i . arah Watsouand others De-- Partition. fendants. . - Y Virtue of. n Order from H.-T. Wright Esq., Ordinary of Edgefield District, I villfroceed to sell on the first Monday -in-No :ember next, at Edgefield C. 'H., in the above tatid case, on a credit :until the first day of iaiy.1854-The Traet of Land belonging to he -stit of -Amos Watson, dee'd., sifitte-in EdgefidDistict, on Richland Ciaek, contain ng One ndre and foity (140) acresi- more:or feioundyd ind i.osiah Pagtett,Staiin noreJolinson, Jane Webb and. others. The-Purchaser will be required to give bond with aiufiient security, and a mortgage to the )rdinary to secure the purchase money. Costs to be. pain in Cash. LEWIS JONES, s. E. D. Oct 10 4t39 STATF, OF SOUTH, CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. lifabeth McGraw, Applicant, Sum'ons in usan -McGraw and others, Def'ts Partition. BY Virtue of an Order from H. T. Wright U Ordinary of Edgefield District, I will pro. ed to sell on the first -Monday in 'November ext, at Edgqfield C. I., in the above stated ase, The Lands belonging to the Estate of Joel 'McGraw, dee'd., containing Two Hundred nd Four '(204) Acres, more- or less, situate in he District of Edgefield on the waters of Iloud's Creek, and adjoinging lands of Sophia Vhittle, L. Reynolds and others. TEIUIs-oF SAL.E.-A credit of twelve-mdnthu ro the day of sale, except the costs, which lust be pai'd in .cash. .The purchatser giving nd with good security,'zand a mortgage of the remises, if required, to secure the purchase LEWIS JONES, S. E. D. Sv irtue ot an vruer trom 1-.' T. Wright, UEsq., Ordinary of Edgefield District, I shall roceed to sell on the first Monday in November ex, at Edgefield C. H., A Tract or Land be cnging to the Estato of George Reams, deec'd.. ituated in the District aforesaid, on tho waters *r Big Creek, containing One hundred and wenty-three (123) acres, more or lesis, bounded y lands of Samuel Webb, Mastin Moss and thers. TrERts.-A credit or twelve months, except he costs which must he paid ini cash. 'The puir haser giving bond, wvithi at ledet twvo good se urities, and a mortgage of the premises to. the )rdinry to secure theo purchas~e money. LEWIS JONES, S. E. D. Oct12 4t -39 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT: Vilson C. Roberson, Applicant, )Summons vs 2in usan Moseley and others,. Def'ts Partition.. B Y Virtue of ant Order from H. T. Wright Esq., Ordinary of Edgefield District, I sliall iroceed to sell on the first Mtonalny in Nnvswmber cure ine purcwua.s ,smmer~y LEWIS JONES, S. E. D. Oct 12 4t 39 Shierifi's Sale. BYirtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. to mi directed, I shall proceed to sell ont. the~ irst Monday in Nov. next, at Edgefield Couri louse, the following property in the followipg :ases, viz: . - Levi G. Hlowoiay vs Win.Strom, Samuel C Strom and Edmund Boyd, The~ Tract of Laiui ~elonging to the Defendanmt Wma. Strom, Sr. ontaining Three Hundred Acres, more or less idjoining. lands of L. Reynolds,. Washinigto trom and .others. David Harris vs. Enos Clark, one Black Muh and Cart. Terms Cash. L. JONES, S.. E. D. Oct 2 4t - 39 .. Notice. A PPLICATION will-be .made at- the next Sew sion of the Legislature to re-Charter the Tow> uf Edgeleld S. C. -July2 . -Sm 28 Pure Hearts & Swcet flearts UST Received.a -fine assortmenti of acy Cam . diee, suitable for Parties and Weddings, wit; ~variety of 'Ee'enods "Ralsins, 'Nuts, -&o.- A t C Hammond''s new' brick. Sto'e;River. Street, Hani bigS. C.S. E. BOWERS. Oct 19 ff . 40 Land for blate TMIE Tract known as thme upper Cherokee Pan .Ifornerly owned by John Cosby, situated abot Nine miles from hlamburg, on the Plank Road. The above Tract contains about One Thonsam and Twenty-seven acres, welt woodd and -withi convenient distance~ of Hamburg anmd Auguuta. The house is well known -as a public house, at fave;-ably located for the business. To an approvy purhiser, it will be sold on long time, if desired. Apply to H-. A. KENRICK,.Pres't. HI. & E. Plank Road C Oct 5 . t..sf '- 38 . xcun Notice. Garrett, dee'd.; are requ~iitcd to make pa mnt forthwith , and-those 'havindmandtagum maid estate will Tender ther in properlf:6 .. according' to law. CHARLES' R a..GIOND, WM. G. HAMMOND; -THOS. GA;L Tr. RD &STIL R9cE,.I ,V.ING1 sual supply of GOODS for the IN.TiER TIRAD; , the it i f e oininia 't W.NI BTLER' -I A 1. RCIEN,CG VSMOIR 'LGAS.O' LTidDM ewsaaibs-ein-o - -A~g 454 i-TALL TRAD)Ec w,.elge orso rian p HOSIE ERY. naio GOOur ST - & DELAN-Di-Corner*King rd Went o ~ih:g KHIErs, 'LOVpnOSIEams&, CsH M LTON, A0. nTunwsan bestdessg', entere --n.- pe rrl 'tet 4ih yedii on th4-3ra-6 Oeted-J ! Ai effient-Corps"of imstr ai b n r - ixed foi the -ensuing'iens'.on,. To proia, Cc" thirty additionat to-onichakgbeeh'.added to' -bri nul biuilding,~and every: prirYsionluslsea _f4 the i pesnl. oriaforfot h fi, Md '1 x Education Th lowSigTOC s4 &oa'mor in. deo A- Nis.'.J ULIU. 4W]NETR REV. CRANMDtE WALCE, iniw g . es,.Etis~ -- lgis A..GILnREi birss E. R...BECEWSTEM. - Miss.C., REED , - Mas. J.-C.-A NETEEAU miss- WHISK.EmAN; Drsg - AMcient..T rpERESE MAD.ucGr aen gu Moms. ESD.gA,. ,RREEVES,-n' SiOicoa GAMBATIitumna It y'he 'impount to person ide . state, th a Branch of .ti Instittioumbs a Mii. es tabhfhed at A iken , a place flamed'.for. Its.deh where Students mnaly be rem oved ii the suonie season, andg nder the same superintendei ce,. may. continue-the same sys Item of instruction. Charsleston Oct 1 h p - n~ toni .t, nt.p Iaiaa Ats Joh apman id-t.r~ s. iN!W n ''C ao. staNftede IWsallAE proceek sefoeh sr te. puBrchasTeRoneih mas Mas 3 0 LEWISBU, JOES S.3 Mot. EDGEIED'IRI fried,~ Jae Pu 1s pl't .R REV S. hmos ~ GO D. MGArdi, Adie Isrmna oft Rebcc HapoW.JonP.lo -Hmto a 6itandTolie peunpon t dswo b s , rinar y of EifI l tri etx.in taboved sate ake, al pceed oits'e~nh firStudcmay Nvbe rvit; ate 'Euel tesn andsti te scame Huncritndeic..mayn ininngFty sam) syste, oireidlid byh Cla mnh.ot alint, Ss Ralenls pahny Claiott and' othrs -~'~ P.s~o.~ . TEs Cash. de -rm IT rih,, .DEq7, OdiiiryofNweherry Dtrit n .ne tabove statedease, sh'all proceed -telld -h thsefi, Mriyi n Nt ovember incsh.Tha-dpfe C.H.,er lantton wir Toe goodsrai, aynd' amobein of thepreistrictu Edgefi-ndat~:u neioresind pctmnv-eve(67 .e mor or leslyn ofn oti Co inaifd EWasmpRon byud hi v laidxtV~ Brides nd otes -Aph TerDmis, a ucredintil Adliemr' a fNt~ ufbecc54 wito nresmon ar of.e eeaptn and costsivc mto a-n, es.Ti mortue of e preer (fomed Weeshs, tbo sureeth pcashall moee sl h thete Le Rcard, Haitn,vid c' taERn OiLfor (sae nex, doror SutyN s1 --ad~ -pand Elittorney thoers. an ev a mne Tae lm entash. .i: - A S Aug-17-- Oriir f -bryI~~rt 3m th firebony in ~tha rnct a tpisln ETied a CIi'The xanSesior:6 Tns6-o Ldrea e-s aiideing nnb the namec of EScottl andeiry tw r+ od leN thi29th d of hatb lais fedthe nWEdgeneljd ilade bonddbylanmdes of Msee-' dBrdges an o.,erave o hineiae Ters aubcri nmeio thefimr'sdeof teack - Atberd4 ith inberCriad ldthfoe da fslc ce. tiohil e o t fulhych eceivee pad ustiy:h-eiy ii puchaersating bwnd -b-wrdthoodi 6:fer - eotigeo Stere Octs (if demdi~af V St y - -8t. -5 LA \ LB ~EAIS. FODOT 'OL iDETN- an N-R UI M mghikr saloetfortoS fe~uu choice -.. owet m'rktopice. R 'A.gl'. Ht L.UNIGA UInbep g Q 3mS 4A ;tWTIN5,1l