TO-& GIRL OF THIETEEN. Tu' steps are dancina toward the bonn-1, Between the child and won:m t Aund thougtla and Ftclings mre profound, A ad othr years are coining; A lid thou sha:lt be more deeply fair, More pree:ous to til: heartt But nevr canst thaout be aga'n That lovely thin.g thou art. And youth shlni pnass, with all thebrood Or rancy-fed affection ; Aud grief shall come with womanhood, Xnd waken cold reflection ; Thoi't learn to toil, and watch and weep O'er pleasures unreturni'g; Like one who wakes frot pleasant m'eep Unto the caret of morn:nga. -Nay, say not so : nor cloud the sun Or joyous expectataa, Ordained to bless the l:ttle one, The fresliiag of creation! Nor doubt that le, who doth feed I1er early lanp with gladness, Will be her present help in need, Her comforter in saiadness. Smile on. then, little winrorne thing All riclh in Nature's treaure Th->u hast within thy h--art a : pring Of se!f-ren:wing pleasure. minale on, ra:r child, and take thy fill Of mirth, t:ll t:me shall end it; 'Tie nature's wise anal gentle wll, And who s: reprehend it? A MOTHER S LOVE. Who is there that does not acknowledge' and bow in reverence to a mother's love ? What is it that cuses the eve to fill-that refuses utterance to speech, and overwhelns with titter loneliness in the midst of life? Deny it not, truant heart. It is the saered ress of a mother's love-felt through long years it may he, yet always pure, ever sa cred, blessing and refreshing! Gentle mother! tenderest, truest, best of friends ! constant in love, in weal or woe in deformity or health, in honor or shame through evil and good report-thy affection knows no change nor shadow of turning. Blessings on the! Earli st menoies link t agether, and throw holi:ess on thy name. Sacred to the heart is tle memory of a mather's love! Such were the reflections suggest -.l by :,n incident in the great drama of ffe. A poor victitn was staggerinag hiomeward-no, he knew not whither! when he fell heavily to the earth. Stunned and bruised by the fall, he lay for a moment insensible, but assis tance soon restored him to conciousness. and to a sense of extreme degradation. I thank you gentlemen," said ie, falter. ing, it was a hard fall, but I am better now. I have had many such. It is nothiig when you get used to it? and he latighed as he prepared to start again on his way. "What a pity'," retmarked a spectator, " that you should thus debase your manhood by sfi idulgence in strong drintk. "You're a tetnperatnce lecturer, I sup. p ase," sneered the intebriate. "No, friend," replied. thme gentleman, " I am not a temperance leturer-at~ least, not onie professionalfy. Netherthael'ess, I nieglect no o.,portunity to speak a word in aid of that haonest cause. "You'er a preachier, then, may be ?'" " Well, wvhatever yout are, I want aonie of v air adv'ice." "I merely meant- it for your good," mildly answered the gentleman. "~ Ate yota mar ried ?" " No." "YXou have sisters andl brothers ? "aYes, but they' dona't kntow me taow." "' Have you a hither ?" "No, lie died many years atgo." " A mother' ?" T1here wuas at deep silence. "You do niot answer. Have youi a mother ? Tlhe sil.'nce that enstued wats broken by the sobs of the wvretented maan. " 0 God () God !" he exclaimed-" she too is dead! I broke her poor heart many a year since lby miscon-luct. My poor, poo~ar motther! So giod and so kinad, so genitle atnd forgiv itng !" and lie smote his own breast int the bitterniess of his anguish. U nhap py man--oh, how unhappy at that tmomett! Through all the vicissitudes of life, a tmother's love had followed him-en. treatimng, urging aund imaploring hitt ta for stake evil, anad eling only unto that which is right. Int vain had she strient. lie had gone oti blindly, pierv'ersely, recklessly, until ntowi he was broken dlownt in health, fortune iad reput-trion, an onteast from society, dis. owned by his own flesh and hb od. Yet in the tmidst of this accumtultiaon of~ wretched. ness, there caime reproachfully, yet full of love, across the wve-iry waste of years a mother's voce sweet atnd sad, anad the heart bowedl in grief to its mute appeatl. Honor to woman ! W ithouat her smailes the world would lose its brightness-socie tv's chtaim would nao longer exist--Caris tianity wotuld lanaguish withtout her aid anid :approval. "n l whose princeiples staid the dying dlaughiter of l'thaan Allen to her skeptical father, " in whose principles shall I die yours, or those of amy charistiatn mother ?" The stern old herao of Ticonideroga brush. edl a tear fromt his eve as ho turaned away, tandl with the samte rouagah voice whaich sum mtoned thte British to surrenider, now tremau lous with deep emotion, said, "In your mother's, child in your mother's!" [N. 0. Bulletin. BEEVITIES FOR WIVES AND MOTHEB. A BAttY' s MtLE. Some one said, " Whean a baby smiles in its sleep it is talkinag with angels." It may be so. If we couald pass the portals that coniduct to the dreams of a shuambering itn fant, wve might behold scenes that wvould rendler the gorgeotus visions and splendid im aginations of matnhood most amagre in comn parasoni. Peradventaure we might hear the angels also, would we but pause and listen; bttt, alas! there arc too nmany voices itn our pre-occupiedl hearts, anid the mnultipalied sounids of the busy world drowna these angel whisperings, so> that weo hear them not. Heaven granat that those heavenly visitors to young intnocetnce may ever linger neatr them; and that when these chtildrea minigle with the world, as we arc ninaglinag, theay may still talk with angels, and niot, like thouasands now, ho mainglintg atnd aidinig the spirits of darkncess in their unholy work ! NoDILITY OF WVo31A.-Tbe wom-mui, ill elad as she may be, who baances her in-. como and expenditures-toils andI sweats in quiet, unripeninag mood among her children, and presents them, mornaing and eventing, as off'erings of love in rosy htealtha anad cheerfual purity-is the protudest (lame, and bliss of a haptjpy home shanil dwell with her forever. It. one prospect be dearer than anothter to l~cml the proud and inspire thn broken-heart ed, it is for a smiling wife to meet her hus band at the door with his host of happy childrer,. How it stirs up the tired blood of an exhausted man when he hears the rush of children upon the staircase, and when the smallest mounts and sinks into his arms amidst right mirthful shouts %NEGLECT OF Dom-EsIe DUTIES.--! tbis neglect of household cares American women stand alone. A German laly, no matter how lofty her rank, neve& firgets that do. mestic labors conduce to the health of hodv and mind alike. Ani English lady, whelitr she be only a gentleman's wife or a duke's, does not despise the household, iad even though she his a housekeeper, devotes a portion of her time to this, her true, her happiest sphere. It is reserved for our Re. publican fine ladies to be more choice than even their monarchi:d and aristocratic si. ters. The result is a lassitude of mind often as fatal to health as the neglect of bodily exercise. The wife who leaves her house h:>ld cares to the servmA.t<, p:Ivs the penal:y wiich has been aflixed to idleness simce the foundation of the world, and either wilts away from ennui.or is driven into all sorts of fashionable follies to find employntnt for her mind. Tus: Wiir-!t needs no guilt to break a husband's heart; the absence of content, the mutterings of spleeni, the untidy andl cheerless- home, the forbidden scowl and deserted hearth-these and other nameless neglects, without a crime among them, have harrowed to tie qiiek t'ie heart's core of many a iii. and plhnted ther.', beyond the-reach of cure, the ge. m of dark despair. Oh! may womai, before that sight arrives, d % ell on the recollecions of her youth, and cherisl in g tle dear idea of that titeful time, :.vaken and keep alive the promnise she then so kindly gave. And tho' she may be the injured, ilt the injuring one-the forgotteii not the forgetting wile-:i happy aliluision to the hour of peaeefl love--a kindly welcome to a comfortable home-a kiss of peace t.> pardon all the past, and the hardest heart that ever loeked itself within the bieast of sellish mai, will softeii to her charms, and bid her live, as she had hoped, her years in matchless bliss, loved, loving and content--the source of comfort and the spring of joy. EXPERIENTAL FAE=.TNZ*. ilv SII.As BIow.i. MEssuis. EDITORs: This will compare with experimental religion ; no religion is genuine but experimenital religion ; aid so it is with farming. Our greatest theorists inl hoth, sometimnes r.un1 into the regions of moonshine and are deceived ly trustiig to eflected light. The chemist may analze the soil on my farm and discover the deliciiiies which are required to coistitute : good soil, and pioinit out tle ingredient or iigredients which are wantinig, theoretically, and I go to work practically, and tinid my land uniproductive as before ; or lie may anlalyze the soil in one situation, aind find it totally defic'ienit of an element which abounds plentifallv at a little distance from the soil analyzed. Many of our fiarmers have soils varying every few ris, and what would prove a suitable in. gredient in'the manure for one place wouuld lbe worthless applied to an~other, We dug a well- a fewv years ago for thle accommoabition1 of' my barn animals; after removing the soil at tie surface, we entered a gnicksand~ whieb coiitinned to the bott' m af the well, and prove~d so tronbllesomie byv flowing iinto it and filling it up, that I had a ne~w one dug about 50 tee't distant f'romi the other ; there after removing the soil, we caime upon hard, compatct elayv gravel, which comiinuedl to the bottom, and wass I a -ki d up) at a grreatly increased expenise overdi giog tile first well ; h're was an illustration of' the chiaiige of' soils worth noticing. 1mn this neighiborhiood the change's f'roam elay to sand may fr'equenitly lbe seen ; brieks have beenm made within a lfew rods of a san:dy soil wvithout the lemet a ppe'aranlce of' elay'. Thus anialyzinig soil in any one locationi will iiot truly repiresent the dliTrenit llca-. tionls 0n a larmn, or' point omit the dlifferent i.'gredienits ret inired to enirich them, and af'ter all, the only thing to lie relied Orr is the practical apl)icationi of' dit.erent kiad o)f substa..ees to thme soil, and decide experimien tally whlich is hest. All farmers kniow that elay' with s:ind, or mod with sand, will im prove the soil, but it is very diienlt for tarmers to go iinto ci itical :m.1lyzations of soils, eveni lby the help of a chemist, but with double success. It appears to ime to be a dliaieulty ap proaching an impossibility, t hat the biest p~ractical chemist can give- directionls to the farmer ho w to jiprpare his tmannrie to su1it his differenit kinids of' soils, andl fit themi to produce different kinds of crops, with anmy precision. The farmer, after allI, has goit to leai n by a fair triid and( accurate observa lioni, how to elnric'h his lanld and fit it fort aiiy particnlar crop1. As a geineral rule, ini thie applIicamtioni of mau1 re, pe''ha ps it wonhId be tihe best way to follow time exmniple of the poor trauveller, wh]o got destitute of money, amil was obliged to exercise his wits to pursue his jounei, and uniderstanding the gullibility of' " poor' human natu re," he coni elnded to ma~ke an attack upon)1 it ill its miost vulnerable part, and proniounced himself a doctor; lie soon found a paitieiit anid prom. ised a cure ; (a matter' of' course wvith cer tain benevolent people who have a single eye to the benmefit of' others, and a double one at the contents of' their money purses ;) the next thing was wh'lichi way to go to work to do it. At length lie hit -upon a plan like one0 who suddemly awakes from a revery, and with true Yankee shrewdness, he went out into the fields and gathered every kind of herb that camne in his way and said it w"as v'ery strangae if some 01ne among them would iiot be a suitable remedy for the disease of his patient. I believe, with the limited state of out knowledge, that in the preparation and ap plication of manures, the better w'ay w~ould he to make a comipounid of every substance, vegetable or mineral, which would have a tendency to benefit an~y kinid of' soil, and like the doctor's prescription, it wonid lie very strange it' some of the itngredients should noit pirove of thme right kind. Wihniington, Jan. 1853. REMARKS.-Tlhlis is the common practice, friond B., and one to whlich we are obliged to) resort for wanit of' an exact kiiowledge of what each par'ticulbtr crop needs. We have no dloubt a greait deal of medicine is ad miiristered in the same way. A mlixtur'e is giveni, that somiethinig in it may hit, whlere at simple article wvould hatve been better, hatd the disease been thoroughly understood, la manuring f'romn a compost heat made up of aill sorts of materials usuailly collected on a f'arm, do we not apply from it cer'taiii sub stances already abounding in time soil, and us, therefore, that analyses, although otly approximating the truth, are better than an indiscriminate use of manures. But the farmer must learn to make these analyses himself. EXPEIMENT IN CORN PLANTING.-LiSt spring I run of' three parcels of ground containing precisely the same amount of land each, and planted the first 3 f-eet each way, and left, one stalk to the hill; the second 4 feet each way, two stalks, and the third, 4 by 2, one stalk. It was all e:ti. vated alike. A rew days since, I had this corn gather. ed, and carefully neasured, the result which has confirmed tne in an opinioi which I have. long entertained, namely ; that on any valley or uplands there can be more corn made by planting it 3 feet each way, one stalk to the hill, than by any other mode. That planted 3 feet eaclh way n-ide 06 1.2 bushels per acre and the other two 02 1.2. In a 40 acre field, the difTerence in favor of 3 feet corn would be about 30 bbls., enough to feed 3 mnles 12 months. Yours, &c., G. D. TARlMoN. Cedar Towt n, Ga., 1852. Ox:ox.;.-Ve have promised our Florida friends to keep them advised of bow to fmakC onions from the black seed. Those who have not planted, should lose no time n(1w in doinig so. A rich sandy soil suits the onion best, int they will grow in any good soil that can be kept mellow. Ashes are a good niantare for onions, and a top dressing of' gypsum during their growth is a wonderful invigoarator. Soak the seed ttventy-faour hours before planting. Plant in drills fourteen to eighteen inches apart d:0,) a single seed four inches apart in the drills, and cover about half an inch; press the earth firmly upon the seed, and if they all come up, thin out every other one ; keep the snil well stirred during their growth, but be careful how tie niggers use the hoe. We have had fine pate'hes of onions much retarded in their growth by the injudicious use of the hoe. By the time the stalks are as i;nrge as the little finger, the roots will have threaded the whole space between the rows, and deep culture after that is ruinons. Neither shotuld the stalks be broken down as sonic rec' ommend, to " make them hot. tom."' The top is as necessary for the per feetion of the bulb as the root: in neither case has it any thing to spare. There is no m-inure that tells bette'r upon the onion crop thnn hein ninuire, but do not put it into I two inc-h drill; spade it over the wvhole "round, th::t the roots in their travels may find it. Buttons and sets may also yet be iplahnted with the same culture. JANNEY'S HOTEL, COLUMIA, S. C. : R. JANNEY, in conmetion with Mr. W. 1. il.tais and .)r. T. .J. GoomwN, htv:ng pur I Chased that fin and] commtwdit-ns establidAment heretoire known as the CONGAREE IIOUSE, it will hereafter be desiguated as "JauuacyN's Hotel." In ainnone:nlg this to the public, the Prolprietors feel that it is noit nteessary t resent iln detail the in,:tnents ant~d advantage's which this I~o i-re-jl(' s tents. Its loentian, its comnnnodiusners, and the imnprove nasets contemnplated by the present mana 'Cers,' wit hey flt siatisied, nilardl to the trav'ell tng co'niO'v atnd other's, al laitel in Codlmbtia nhe will ma ev1 ry a ratak amng the best1 inte n to, the tirl't class ho~tets int the Utnited States,. witi he t'ound at1 dN N iY'S IlI'im, and nto effiart an the part o'f the Proprietiars will be wating tu rent der it-wriy-urapntatnttnvnn. M1r. .rAXr.' aund Mr. hi~atls, so wiell 'known by the visitoars at the A mnericana Ilte, will always he raunad at their posts, atnd ir unaremaittinag t.ttentioan to the duties th- ynt haveaumed, bie any guarntee of Intisfactiont, they have no bestatioan ini promisinag it .lr. IIlcieek's sphll i le of Onmnihusses nnd linteks, ha~ving. hte tniame otf the litel painttedl on ttem, ate atttachd to .Janney'sc !ote. and wilt be p Iromti and faithful ini thet cezit'yan~ce of passen-t gers to) and fromtt the various depots. Col~umabin. .1 an 31 2m ~ 3 N ot ice, I oHN M. WJIT hav:ntg putrchasedc the e. teeisie itetre'st oif the MIACHINE SilOP oif tiessrs. lea~at~:a & Wrrair, wi~I keep constanitly 'in ha~ndl the tfillmving art ie'es, in comnplete antd ex ce'llent carderi. and at te A ugnatt arics, vz: Sash filled with Glass and Primed, ma le of alt tizes and a-:eordtng to order. --AISO Pasatuei Doors, WVindow Blin~ds, DOOR FRAMES AND WINDOW FRAMES, .41ANTE'sL-P1ECES, Bled Steads. Tal-'es. Wa-lh Stands, Cauira, lleau Cases and alt 'thter Cabinm t and d Jointrs Work, &e., &c. * -A LSO Rep~aairing andl .Jih Woirk oif every kinid appe'rtainintg to the abo've acrticles, and Furniture of every ds cripatiion, donec protlattty and upon the miost liberal termis. Edgefield C. TL, Dec 1, 1852. tf 46 IN EQUITY. Blenj. L. Gill, Sarah, hsis wife, and Susaatm 3orr'i~, '.Bill Jhr trs Padrtition. Sarah Morris, et al.J 'V Tapearing 1(o my tisfdet ion, thtat the De A tc'ndantts, Joshu natlorris, Docatrne Mo rris, W ~illtiam I lenmbiek ilNis, Jaohn ti lorris and Pleaant Moarri. jr., re..ide beyonad the limits of ths Statte, On Motican of' Mr. A RNEYi, ScaIcitor focr Comaplatinants, It is ordered, that they doc appear withui ihreet snonths froma the date heureof, an tailnctwer, ph-ad or demur to lhis 1it1I, or Jnilgmenat anid Order pro conJ'esso will be takent :iagaist thema. A. SIKINS, c. E. E. D. Dec 29 -- 3m 50 State of Souuth Carolina, IEDGEFIELD) DISTRICT. IN COMMON PLEAS. Jaames Ulack well y Decl. in Attach'nt Richtarud Bailey. Abner Bushanell, DeiinAtcat r1l i i Plaintifi's in the above stated ense's havting L th is day tiled thear declarations in mry O0llee, anda the iDefenadaaat havintg nteither wvife noar Attor nev, kntown to, residle withina the linmits of this State ona twhom a copy of' said declarattons, wiht a rnle to plead can be served :On maotion of Mr. KEI', Atorney for PlninatitE, Ordtered, that said Defen dant *iapear and pleahdto said declarations, wtithaip a year anal a day f'rom thle date hereotf, or judgmaenats wilt be 'awardedl arainst hlimt by default. ClrksOffice. May 6th 1.%2. ly 18 Cloaking, R 1CII Coloread an~d Black V iKLVETS of v'ariouas i.kinds for Mziantillasc anal Cloaks. A few piteces of hanadscame polisheda ClLTII for Ladies Cloakas, with'somea car the richtest trimmaaings maade. For sale ebtept at GRAY iBROTLIERS. Auausta, Gah., Nov 17 tf 44 Notice. , LL~ Persons indebted to the Estatte or Sarah Li Fenadly, dtee'dl.. wilt please mtake immnecdiate paymaenti. TIhose haing deatnds will presentt them properly attested for payment. D.J. GILC~iRIST, Adus'i de bonie non. Decc11 tf 48 Potatocs, Onions, Acc. CONSTANT supiply of Patiutoes, Onioits, - rneLemnons, Coitconuts, &e., may be found at E. llOD)GES, AGE)NT JMNEY WIIOLESALE & RE'] READY MADE CLOTHING, TRU UNDER THE U. S. HO J f. NEWBY & CO., are now reveiving .hp e . eRendy I:tle Clothing ever oiflered im this et t imnproved 'tyles of ianuf n etu Ce. A GOOD SUPPLY OF BOYS YOUTHE r Country MLerel:its.lnnd all per:solns viiti aid examine onr Stock 1':r themselves. Augusta, Sept. 23. FALL AND WINrER READY-MADE CLOTHING Pf) ICHARDSON & 1cDONNA P, ar nlw receivinZ a LA RG E anl 'E. I I SEI.E(T El) Stock cof Fall nud Winur Of the L.\TEST STYLES- lron: New York-together a Ie iasortment o! Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspeacnde, DrRtWers, COTTON AND MEIENO L.-3E.1-slimTS Silk anl Linen I landkerchic:'s, e Hats and Caps of all kinds, HAND AND BUGGY UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet Rags, &e., &c. All of which will eninpare favorably with any ti hi' found in iither mnrkets. A n exram t'on is soliied fritm their friends and custmers bufore purchaing 1 elsewhere. LT Next door to G. Rubinson's Hardware Store. Unhtburg S. C. Oct 2u 3m MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE. WH I IS IT I That we behld ml, y em-tIle, e:iree ii the mertdian of lire br.-kes inl beaid a-id -piris m ith a cnmpliesttim of :liseases aild asliIeiito. driritiig theim ofthe piuwer i'r he eniiynmrnt or lite at an ae wei- pic.sami healt. timoyWaicy o spirits, mid hptipy serenity nf mind, arising rom aconldition " heath, shoiuld be prrd.iminait. Manlay oftie catmes or her iifl'erinig at firtl-perlilis years befor. iemrh eps during cirlhool. or the firt: yeart, i narrigie were in their oicin si light as 14o pass Unnuiceil, and of course neglected. IN AFTER YEARS, When toa Ite to be lierefitted by ior knioled:e, me lok - hick and mour.aid igiet the ,idl conisequeices (if fur Whit nnid we tnt often giste tin pn%,tiAs. in .Irly life. the kui.vleidge we obtain in aller years ! .Ai wlhsi laiy ai~d nihts ..f an::nu.iih we mighit sit hare beent spared. if thme kiuasn ledige wa s timely poss~essed. It is MIELANCIIOLY AND STARTLING To Lehnoil thme sickniess a-id suiffering enuiredt by maniy a wife fr utiny yers fro i-cae simpile ail enuiuirnuiie, enaily remediled-or bietter stili.-nuot inenirred,. if esery WIFE AND MOTHER r'osseswed the influomtioii enntainedi ini a little roumie. (with in tlii rea:hu of alil) which widtu spare toi hersell YEARS OF~ 3MISERY,C And to her knssbandi the enirunt tiiil anud anliety of iidl' petence wichel his exertionis sue enitttleud. andii the t'nnses'n - iot whticht noiu secure the hiatppiess of hiself, wiafe.,i childlren. SF.CURE TIlE MEANS OF HAPPINESS Iev h'.eeminc ini tinc tnsseed oh the kunnled;:e. the waot if which In. can~aeu tie nickneus a--dt pu eritytof thanii.,tds. lIn sie ioif sne'h eiunseqluences, ittn .ufe' o: mte: w i, ici. salile it slie enh-et re. avail herself .,f th--t ktun.si1i::e ini rieret to heurset'. wstl h iic hun sttsue her toueh silte i* . l e thei truis *ot hipputiuers andi ttruprtwiuy tontier biusinted. .idi ennifer iutpon lih elchdrent that hiessinu a. hete alli ice-huesitihy bodice, with hiesthbs mtind. That knowi ledgt as csuntaii.edt ia a little naork enttitledu TH E MARRIED VWOMAN'S Pr'iv ate Medical Comipanion. ET Dit. A. M. SliL.URIC~tY inO.o 10so nr~ oss'ttr. s OF wOestie. Onec Ilundredth EdIihtin. IP.r.7."250. Frier, i1a cis. (ns rtW rieR, arri ntstmsO, $1 f00tj lFirst publishmed itsn aitn it i-a nuot SURPRIZING OR WONDEltPUL, ('onshdering tat E VE lIY P EM A intB WilETHER MA RRIED OR NORT, enin ta'c' nsequire ns faill knsowleudge of the nt ure, eharacter nul minuses of Iser- rumiiltmtsi i witta the Varoosa syssnptoas, aiui tiarts: stearly IhALF A JIILLION COPIES.. slisilil Iase uica i'lI it i, iimpratiatite to ennees nully the vi*oniisenier' treaed oftas they air of a inatie iV '-.l re t;.f*. i lik.:t uirt. istrs it:'r ii tsr, i rt t e en i tw r : an t tfern- si :r. a Co.'d'l. T t u in -l . trCT iic: Scen ri fi Eidence frii Iiais . t- .;-. n --l t"'t e s t~ste 'Ire r..s rats s ivinih: ust :r iaonvr ,--t'l1-:NT Il-'I t' 3 . EN E.n .\h. I )~ .\nm ii.r.'h!r:' . C m~sP yil;yo ~~ r " sir. l'i ra tn o. rs.i :'t! Iie:: - D or. .hnr W.titriyer. ii te * or ( 'nt er. l:a 'r i.' Otn:rl irs '. iin... tvterwl r .-i r .. l':x: s tcfrtm all or.o the 3.'n.ted It"mewher. iN: 3.a:r~~a. llrII-ru PI3 'T t N ..iC$ agen 'i rvnt ame. fr.-(1:rtsmi .\I .0i1N. 01.. m ilTTiI-'.l$ . . \ I) 'ud. ii:.ip-e Ifl'e, 1a g. L~ ApeiiCnl:ssIiNl~ E nli TOW IN!~lg '~x f tw ....r- 1in eve:~ry . , Ibiwn ' in e L-rel xat'. ore Is . eli'e: n r et'~j. r l ay:-leletc I t icn::lty f Men'k be trer zpi e : rt iau ! tira: I :s i. UIh-a:ib 'ere. e4 tilete. L IIPAin 'tiOn i a. s Fcodo'I.i' i'r 'c of toh.n' EiS-iN tn is.:au re in'~ l'odrand im re ijaltr u.n te issl ro it t '::litl. i-arat- 10'1rcu!::rs ap-- rlyir ~i:: s n i a h .. bn' d ofIr Ilolinisn hi.- \::. e~ li :he u h-nul pr..rerntirfnpro ~r~n. iiat :n1 it~nI hictse w:hriI ~ii with' the hi. Siis nre re:y rili in.-d. .\ iit i i Dr'. S 'L:RYT is-: ni..:hi, thn in hal rabe in ulis a by Phy Ever al~iaie ofd m:il'lNE pca'E 'I enr ters wrtin - 311:'r it.l 33. 1 ii.. dr a .ruii.. s . j iorie r hiadr h '. Pita s. oy-ighn Tr-iiii l3 allr dsee nred. g ro ."' Predary a lY b y J.:t DENIS. D., Ameicins S7-t.' . . T..a'rbyn G. L. PN. 1:Plid . 1.: W.\eleti ,.\ - ton h.YON.w .\~ bbvi & 3. II. P!.\T k.I Eu,'rew erry.:;ndi0 A. . ( i f,3ITO . l mbu trg Vi3. F Pre- prb Ii. Du igitN Nu $5.' GEORGIA SARPAPARILLA, annicrut. Sick 2.a-chD::n 1.1oto RhnO i.ran ::ed b the( cuse of Mecury N:pii. Srona.H . UMe.e.4< Noll PR) EPIRfTO ismd.a ueas3t LIVER COMPLAINT JAUNDICI,' DYSPEP'SA, CHRONIC OR NERYOUS DEJII.ITY, DISEASES OF TIlE KIIDNEYS, AND ALL DISEAAES ARISING FROM i Disoriered Lirrr or Stenarh, such as Con til-ation, Intrard Files. Fusllsdss ar Blood to the H/rad, Arid q of the Stinach. Nausea. licart-uine nt. Dix ' nt flr- Fooed, Fullnss or Wright in tIle Slrwnass . Sour Ernetations, Sinlinyt or Flutiteringtat the pit of the Stsi/oach, Sin.wn f at i/he le'ad. flurried and Diffirult Breathitt, Fiutterisna at th4e Heart. Chol ing or Suocating sensatioW n ehrl in a lying posturr. Dimness f l'ifioin. Dots W, e li-r. silore the SiI/ti. Fe'rr and, 1!il .oin in the leiad. Dej cienry (of Perspir:itivu. Yell, ei.ess of ie Skin and Eyes. Pain in the t Side. Iocrk. Chext. Limils. cr.. Burning in ite Flerh. .judden F-1",es If leat. Constant Jmaginii e n4f Eril anscd ("refit De;ression o Spriis, em I' be e'liect uilly cured by DR. ITOOFIAND'S CELEBRIATED GEMRILN BITTEECO Punr.lmF. ny BR.e C. _3. JACES01N,) AT THiE CEIDIAN 31EDIC.NE STORE, 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. i'i1:11: tposwer er thi nll istis i-is not -:eled-if -iualleol-l aity noiwr prepr:t tii his li'itiied :sir.tri. lp :liw, enrts nisIt, inl nniiy e::ss :aifter zlt'n Ihyssirt.i INal 'ileus iiliers r wnrth lis ie att-ntien cr invli~s. Pr' great virsers inl Ith. r:sti lst!isn-i o 4 th fo e [.i-r :itis les"ser gi::dsv 1 exr'.'iigt mol t se:,reiiing ps. .rs :1in s we.kuiss '.0 :.fn-tin el.r she:rtive orpus, the) a r i:i!s:il. ist:rt. et r:niii tosi pih :nts-ltl. Read and be Ccnvincd! Thr 'siitl:r .I the' " olxss sN ::.- s::id inl his paiswr of' tiel lI:. 1it.. ::l ('r1 rmi:7in ir PTr-rrs for tile rn're f i.iv.-r ( C.nn!::inint. .l:.esnlice. I tygjpan. 'hronis for Serv. )le.i~lty. its ssrvss y itn' otii I. it it po,.n!nir me;,'slsines or al-inly. Tiese liitters h:eve l'eN-1. n11s1t by ,11~n.!.e e nre.1 : :1 f t i-r e-ll.nw .4:tyN he lin, hWimsel re .-ivetsI :n eiifrtiti :ntsl p. rinvl-s's enre ot .ive r 01'sltompiit I'r'in tle. ::w or !ii6 r-in d . W e- :ire eron int #1 iint. :i tille use -f -Isi li $lt . 1-:1p-ten es't: ;tly psins strentgti :.iml vittr-:t Aneo wisrhy sif ;.rent co-nrsidet'ration. Tliy :ire fIs-i" :nt in : we and siwl-I. :.tal enn 1-e usedo 1.y perst I-!, wIi the1. it:4st ei tl 'r . tomm-nis v ills :.tyiv. lsnser :ny e.rti:nst: ntir . Wve are spv::klng from exps re i e. as.d Is *lise :.itelti ws ::disi ieiu r lts'. li:ll. uh . fr. lar'.Ae'sn's ;r r ' J'im:s. m.nine::i:re'! ly Dr. .tnt....:en-.w reentumeneteel l-y m ine forf ite ter~ft p~ron: sw.ll . ers i lt si i-;:ent'Iy ;ss :ln :1il e f ' I ' nlll fiet1 i ry: V' ins i--- 4.' i--: e: . : ess. .\s s:-I is ihe c:-re. we wanl' :I - % ise :il! h r Is oil-t:oin n I.t Ih.. :I ili s s:w. ' lt'i sesve' piniis s'ekns . l'u-rs.sns st' - hl3iitate-l en iitntionstl will li:il linso. h:n.'rs :n'valinaleo; i:c'to liir hrlI. i. we ai t'roi iore Evid eni' ce Tihe' Mon. C. D. ilims.lcsr, Mazy sr .r' ite city of cannlicnl N. J.. say: -Inort..eNo's GrrmsN her~.W rxve Peeni many il'i.-g ilics'- f si0 melil.n tle- *ss:re' froii 'iih Iev' e'mne insiiId us tinake iniipiry rspeclotig ils merils. Fri'm itspi.ry we were pcrst'lt'r i)tsied s lt it. itl inat pay. itsr' f'm i i i .-re lens' itu slve-n nys.n s ise--es f' Iles life. 'r n lie -tive s rg:ie. ,tiwi l' o-ril iililnt-' it exerts flsl iervons pirto I raini i is renlly s':rprisin. It s'ntm1112s asti si'sitnlt'ln- the nerves, I.r:ging tisn int1o a -ate of reposse, l:lsk15Ia its If1 rsirso jit:slt:'. -. itiis mesl!cnt win, nesoret g-nern'siy:sclttwe ire it ' -st d Ilweeii wietii lote Ie.s k::s's. la rrnm ilie sifist' i. lis r, ntsl ltrvonis stis-m iw Irrt moanj iiriiv it real ;:tal imagfiaryd ris 4enses emn':.te-If. ] n- its1 M he*Irillby erC-1nditifin. nuri YOn m:m il tloiits I esI genralilsy. liit sl extnisrdiliary nayticine we wnbletvises -nir frieisl' is io s res't I. iiiilisis p.lsl. I l've a lrin- it iill reri oil's5 1t1um i il,''l. IitA lln l. in ret. ie ill every fannily. No oliesr l:ine enn lroduce . eviollner s s' mI ''ert." i.sienc i -n eII s!'nce hrs been receive It (ik- lithe fo're i.ndfrom aI:rein or tilw V'ie-n. ilhe inst three yenr", m isl lt' s!r-nees it-linsistly iln it.s favI or. is. thut lit-re ist tntr ,M - i '.--1 is he praclit' l it r.'gnintr l'sie' tll of I'hlil sieini. lie:' i ltsh rnes i ll st 1ih ell. is rtl shut (n111n1si1 I' Ilh eratulh'iwsed.:si idi pri'ng thlt :t scenllie pritari: Ilio will linee withs their epuiet appros all whe patsrese-nted eveni ints f!-Prmn. That this metlicine' will cure 1.iver cnaililitnt land Dyspep I' nlt oneva t lionlti nrttr usiigit it as lirted. i ts t'.i..nily alpos IlIt- s1issin -1seltiund live r: i i'., preftebei tso enl' - loe in .\L.L HIiI.i0t'$ 1)1$ E.-\E-he eTeet it iltimnesi: uIs .Ty ':mlt i- altin!Atred tit li mitsi sr illints will usd relial.le lw nefi all i 1 n tin.e. Look well to the marks cf the Gcnuine. ''They lhsves lte ur'e signr i f I I'. .M. -.\t('K-l)N tpon lt' wr:-pp'it r. :snal ht isLame bsloi It ir lte botles, wsjitout whlicht thesy iar's sjpttlsin. '~"For s:ls'le Wissst"ssn'e rtnsi 1:tii nt lte Cl:3I.\N Itthrough tt' cosuntry. Tss s'naliet nil r''nes' stf invutisI t tins.iny ' t he ' ell::t:ges s-I gg' Alsts, i'sr sait', ini tia Village byv ;. L.. PNn, .sWlrrr. Se'pi 1, 14:1. 1s' 11 -D R. R O(GE RS' LiT ERWVORT A.ND TAR !! Croutiip. .\stihn. . 'onsuittlsions of te A.ungis Sisilinlg sf l ilsssdi 1irllcitis.i' IioTssil g Cssnih, aisfs A Lovely Young Lady Cured of Consumption ! Tult: insllin ing~ is Crota5 lise pen ssf Wa'r. IT. I.vA' :nry' and~ Navala Args unde tt~ir daste ssf New Yosrk, "It its setldomti ne5 petrmli itlnichell s is srenpyi) Ia lpnees inltt thr steltlmnts 1n .' sk ill psri.-e' of alty ir ii l ite pnit n medis'ines nniy : but when-t wet Ftee th' lift' of' a fellttows ceturet~t inved't itbyil- the ' usef any th t ithers tn'. illiis oik manner,' ite benetisil'te. Tile e'se' ns' ieh bas' iinneed s to reni itbi artticle~ iwa.s tit sf a y'onnet indiv sif nur neinncliinlnee'.n hi hvs t fregntis exposure1 lin lsh nisviiht inir. ctacted n'is Coh whti ich iii s't tied stn ts' 1.11nige ibefosre its ralvngeis coutild bet 'ltaed. (Th'iis nseenrred t iwo vsents ngsi tilt' ws'inter.) sr beefsiti.-T'he' 'snght Crew note. n.1iih c'otisl chett uh l pssiis" lii iih:: pshi! :stry' udiseisei was doilng is nost" iln her sIlien'f'e Iirny. Thse f:am-ly' phiil t the you'sng ildyI thn; se ri-ally' hadi te ('onsumlp' tisln, t ite woulds g.sives 110 encoutllr'iement at' ts a enre15. At ih'is crisis her mortll:er w-e s'rsuaded'i to make s' osf a boslt'tsi of r. il'ogers' ('imps'unds !'yrllp of1 Lierwo'srt andis Tas-r. andi wes' are hiappyt to5 slate shett wafls pe'rfer i's'(enre'sin les',ts it threeet mts' by glhis meicsine i lt'sins'. nsfser even hop nnijs't' dstIrnyssd. Ti is ui'sees 10 ess-~nmes nt sinehi a eases as Iiss fisr ithe 'ississpl itnih ni ill reachi whelire' pl-tislieds IieIinn nlevert can. If :any dss:'hst ts' :nsinii-i:'ly rf this tlatetnentr let I hem1 e-nil at thiis Oflice.---'. S.~3Mi!itary' anid Na vsal .\rznis. TElSTIMfO2U CF TE PflESS. Frsmi lte N. Y. ('uir.r Aug~ 13. Dn. Rn<.'' Si'nt'r or I.sven:t won-rl .sxi T.'sn. ellieted hsvhisaisi xcelh'l''tI mediinlal pepacsrntinn .inione intiiancei tha insiwt under~I sitr sessrv'ation, 'si i-: Ite " k'' i -t eeflsidelly '. (m.s ssf nitr emitplioyee's .ns' ht hind'slli-redi se'sereliy fwmin leiissg s-tsdiiie esshi. du-i rin thets rnal w 's't nwn151 edf isi w nI hi of'? thlis mi-'tI -ist, andi hsis ('old hsc et'iire'ly'sl d ii ppar.l't From lte N. Y. 3Mirr'nr. Se'pt. 2. Ta'ytrnw'snn-r ANsn T'i.-.Oi' thei 'sirtiires ist Dr. Tine e ls'(S'sit;hI I 3 iedicies psri':' resi fr'som5thei abovisentIi ele. ii ics nlesi's liisws t s'ien' s : its elliency iit in sspeed'i lv enirinsg ('onlghss. ('is! ands thelun g ti enmpIlintst, whicisiht fr'se~innit', if negleted.'i resu-ltIu isis'n ts ee'td eltgyt now. From lte N. Y. De'spatch, Ati n '". Wi hav's hsertIofore itkens nee'nsin lto give nutr lt'. liolny ill favosr iof lte enirn llive rortie~s sif Ur. Ilsozers' Coumpitundt Sirnp sif I i'ern ttnd Ts r, andss wousiis ld her rs'penii ihei aiceisi airendy's C5lve, fort ll pertenst 'shio asrec ililittedI 'sithiSsit Conlnmplhmn, ori nny f te pre'monits'y ismpistom, to mat'ke a istri o Dr'. llsiusers pre'pn rnsinnr. T"f'b(h m Gen tn is siened A Nnn Ew's IloCnass. ont ilh e'ie plate' engraviedI wrnppet'r nrsiund each bitstle', and is sold whs ole-iise nnd reinail by $('OGT. &' 3WTAD. 113 ('harire's stlrie. New Orleatns, Sisie (General .\ge'nhs for lte soultern Sttes, tml' ihiim all ordesrs must he addircesd. gy Silsi, aso- by (G. I,. PENN. Fslgefildl C. IT WADT.\W & DJENDY, Ahhiev-ile C. II.; PI5ATTr & JA3MES, Newbnerry, A. J. CREIGIITON, 11am burg. So. Ca. April 1 t f I1 Hamburg & Edgefield Plank R'd: r3ii1is1]0.\ D is now1 sopi'n fosr i:-avui front itm bur'i Io ts( 0i,1)~ W ' 1.1-lS. 1n lite Psin llouse irg s,to nea tihe tnews iiridgep. iiver Steven'lts Creek. Prsoins travel'tliing or' tsendingi thirl Wagotsns ior 'eh'ik'ts to Illssnhurg by tihe ?'llrt Town lIonsd, -tn avsa'i these'itl's'es ojfth li ranchilt(i 1'izank !ssadi to HamburilgI! by turni.5 g to lte le'ft, hntlf a msile' above' lIady's'i Chureb' i, iby whsich thesy iwill :svo'ids ail ts.' hills ands sanon s-thie -\lartint To'wn Rtsn."sl iTe Rsad will beiiit compii'letfromt l'lmburgit to he. Pine llouset about thei- 1st sf Novsemiber. Rates of Toll. Fur, fivse anti six horse Wagonts, 5 cts per mile Three' " " 4 " I "t Tw~'so " "t 3 "t "( " Two- " Casrri'ge-s 3 t" " "t One - It ' 2 " "I " I lsrsebnetk trnveslle'rs, " 1 " " "' Yehiile's sin mtln.lg nre eacth entitled to half the PL~.\NK( TiL.\CK. ands ti'-. art' re'quired to ori to thes. " flil IlT !" IT. .\. KF.NRICK. President. 11.-ii...i-' . ...'p S .e - 31 MAL]E AOADEMY RE-UPENED! An Excellent Tcaclser Engaged I A 3EADTIUL EDIFICE ECCR TO EECONT.EZED r .AIE TR USTEES (if the Male Academy at this place take -r, at plienaire in anneti1ng to -the public that this luistitutiocn will be ipened agnin on the 9%D .lf.Nn.y IN JANUARV NF.-T, under tie nuotit favornbl.- nu.-pices. The T, ieter they have cnmployedl is Ir. .T. 0. IJ:lrr,: of Fairfield. a GR'A.\TE OF T10'. SOUTIL CAI-01.iNA COL1.EGE. This genetlenmana etters our eomuntity with tie hmost ample recionmaenlatioens freoma tile Frenlty tin der whdomaaa lie h;s .nisIhed histtudl:1 F. Of his lablity to prepre. young Is en for snmee' s'ul ni p!i4enth to the higlevst Si mivari s fof our eonltry, there is nt a doubt.. It m1::v be added that his atrietlv Mnol. elhteter is t' sst ju certniliy estub'ih da than the neenriy eef his e'holarsl'p. The 'rrstees. in pnttinag fiih th's notice. only delsire with few nvids to --.vure tlicse. uho tuy pitri.n:sc the intitiitii unde r tleir dlictge. that it is their ceterimination to do all they enn towardll 4n fering. re'ar disci.line and ketepitig up propetr dlegret fof p-ide nd eim'ilation nmtatonteg ithe puapils. Th. new 11ilding now in pregres will he one oef the maost ecmiiouaehts well as one of the iems ort;te edifices of the kind ins the State. Exllent honr!ing enn be ouasined in priratw families ait to) $10 per monith. The Termts w i he deterined tupon a"t r n-e'e Sulltaitionli wilh the Principal. 'lhy will nit ieee8 there: of other simi'ar Aesh-mies. N. I,. G I0l-FiiN. 4 .1AIN LI.'C0.\11, . .lollN lII. - K].TT, e 11. T. 118. AlITIll*'% SI.\KINS.* Pre 11I tr 4R Co-Partnership Notice. T 1IAi.' tis day assecintede Yr. T1O.AS E. .1.I I ITT inl losine 's %% it lste. n hieh will in fruture be trun-ntetated under the itcit f :owIases & i- r-Ir. S. E. 20WEl{S. Iamburg. Nov 5, 1 Natice. li. persens ineli.tvel to) S. E. Tsowr.r.s, w l I pl ease t.i'l antil pIy their noitev scd tnCeiciunts, .s I m desir ous of cleessng n:y I ol tuis s in ae Sdiateiy. S. E. U'O\1 ERS. I Miambur, Ntiv o S..2. IWHOLESALIE AND RETA.iL Family Grocery! 11 E KEEP emnstaantly aton ha-eli n 'larre and : V well assorted t of G ;UCl-'ll i ES, viz: Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Molasscs, Syrup, Mackerel, .Whoele, Ial anl Quarter 1arrels. and Fan:ly Mers -Nieker.-l i Kits. SPER314 ADA31ANINE CANDLES. LAMP AND LINSE ED OIL. RAI.sINX. AL 3IONDS. NUTS OF ALL KINDS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, Fresh Lobsters, Salmon and Sardines, C A N D I ES, SPICES ALL EIflS, E CEID IEF & TONCUES, FINE OLD BRAN DIES, WIN ES. Nectar, Eagle and Rye Whiskey, - A so A '.eell seleedec Stoeck of CROCKERY end GcLAtISSIARE. 1U0\ EliS & i TT.. 1].mn1111rg. N I 5. 1652. tt 43 DR. A. G. TEAGUE, Wholesale & Retail Druggist \K ES this netol of returnfing Isis thiA:k to .1 his i iels and patrins. f..r tei patro-nrge ie las received ini the ssale eof I rnes. Me licices. &e. lie is nolw receivinag nu1 uidd.t:ten to hi.slreaely extenasive Str~ek cof Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye .%ih, Paints, Oils. Windolw (;lass, Putty Physician's Shop Z'urniture, e. TIlE FINEST WINES AND) lRANDIES, fear 3Mediina:dI p.rpoeses., Fine Cigars and Tobacco, PER RT|F'E RT' - F Of his on'andl Northerni make,'' - Frencia Extrat, &c., &c. Painut, llair, int, Shoe andu Tanners Brnsbes Tinctures & medicinal Ccmpounds, madiee undleer his owtn supervisioln in strict neccor.!ar ce with the U. S. Dipry. The most4 Reputable Nostraunms, A11 of whiebc Ice will sell sat prices thant will celamnrr faverably with any Southearn muarket. Thoese wish ing~ tol pltrehn~se' m-ticles iln hits lit:c ev ill do well teo enll and exsamainae Is Stocek and4 I-rices. Ecdgefichl C. I!.. Jitn 22 tf 1 WARDLAW & WALKER, FA~CTOR1S AND) CO3M1$Si0N North Atlantic Wihanrf, Chanrlestona. Costattesteoss ron St:..G-, CorroN, Fifty Cents per Bale, rpli E: Sublascriber ningcc fe.rn.< d~ n Co-PTma t:ertlhip I with aIcr. W. A. W A Rl;..\ W, oif (tcuketcn, forerely eif A bhlevilb-, S. C.. foer the pui-oreie eef co ine na f EN ERtA I. FA CTORA\( F-': scl 031$ SIOIN BUSIN. [5, vits hsimcself ct thce i-se nt opportccuncity. ef retaunog his sinc re thesiks teo hcs nueaicrous trii-s:ls fe.r the li be rael pat:rnge bestoed fir an t:nmhe r ef vensrs I net.-al in noirei. tentdt rs hc e i rvic seof t):e n1W ewcosee rn oif WA\R IILA W & W.\ I JiII. Chiarkestec,. wher* lie hoplt( manily, if nut nel his ocld pntronis will ludu it to their incterest to slip theiar prodneec. Th Ie areent artt anggleents of thte $outhc Curalina iRnil Rcl (a onmpatny will entable thema roin tei have a4 1Depot n thae city of An taf. there by sare the epense oif Tell. sti ver prc ntly fsd-ilitntte the for n ardintg ocf preete eef me:y kia di. Mr. -*l3:3 U. 1::. Aget cif W. & W.. iii A\ tign::e. will aette nel toi thee focrwarceling~ ef sell 1-roieee th:: t tl:eir frie mils mt.l'v feel di' posedc to send thleIm. frceeeC f hntgLe, ta'e eleteynge. G. W AI.E t. A.\ngustac..!uly 19, 18.-.2. tf 29 Livery and Sale Stables. FORMERLY JOHN C. OHANLON S. T I E Seuhaeeriher hass the pleasure' .. toc innermc his friendes andl Ice pubhlic., thcat. havincg plurlcsled the Siplendcid a ,,STOCK caf FINTUR:ES of thee wel-knoewn acnd pornular sTr.\ IthES'. formerly wnted 1cv -O'li.N lIN, antd late ly Iiy W. E. A It Cil Elt. Ice is n'cw prepared to flarnishc all ii lhe muya aeer hcimt with thteir patr'nnSge. withI excellet. r.ddele I I0hORSE. undac handlesomle sand comnfcrtacb!e CAlR R.\(;hS andc ilU(;IES, of the latest style's, with tenmia toa match, antid drivers, in whcose s briety stnd e'xper'ie nee r"Cery conclideic ennU he placedl, sat n'iost rensonnbtle prices. 3Mna.y impllrovemaIents havce been made te thce Ssables nnd I.e'ts. and Drc vers will rand every cinlec l.htiion the-v enna deire. Carriages and 'Omneibcuses frelml this' Stnide' will trunt freomi licenttwricbt & .inney's universnlly fava ite "a .\rientn I latel.'' anabah.e froma the lone-es tablshedc andl well-kncowan 'olumabin Ilotel. hy Mr. ). Uid ell. to the various liireend Depots, or anyl peintt dlesiredc. IC Orders lefl at the Amar'enn I~otel. withc Mcr. W. D. ilarris,. or the Prelprieter, at thae Columii I letel. wviii be pronmptly attened te and the sub scriber is confientt thant sell whoe emaploy im will be pleased with his plrices ad his tcantt. Coilenahin. Sept 22 roP36 Gardeni Sceds, Freshil & Puure. T'fiIE Suhreriher lhss just rcived ande offerts for .Lesaea lore supply oaf FiRES11 and PUB fE G\TIDEN SEKIEDS, froma the celebratede Seed Es tabliihmenct eef Ccomstcock. Ferre & Co.. Witherefield, Cnna. Seels fromtt tia heeve ecstabl'shmetnt have been.testedl by manty oif msy enactomtce.. nud be hive hanve given renerach satisfsaet'on. If you deusr tec haive your garden well ceappl'ed with fine veder tebes, done't neglect to call aund get a supply of these seeds. G. L. PENN, AOUY Dec 29 uf 50 Chuapman's Cotton Gins? 'TE still maake these best of CO'lTON GNS~, TVat ourn ald stand. We warrant them to G6 sattisfnetioa, whlich thaey never fail to do. - - All orders thankfully received and promptl" at, tendeed to. Personas whao find it more cnvefient wis please inqire of Mr. T~OD -itt.L, EdgefehlI C. I., who wih keep on -htand one or more. of thece (Gins 1br sale. Address CH APMAN & SONS, Colemsan's X Roads, Edgefaield,S. C, ept 1n tf 35