Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, July 28, 1852, Image 3

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A Protracted Meeting WnL. be held at HoRs's CREEK Church, four miles South of Edgefield, commencing on Saturday before-the Second Lord's day in August next. Ministering and other Brethren are affectionately invited to be in attendance. Protracted Meeting. TuE M-r. LEBANON or SwEETwATER Raptist Church, near the Cherokee Ponds, design holding a protracted meeting to commence onl Saturday be fore' the second Lord's day in August next, to which Mlinistering and other brethrn are earnestly invited. G. II. CLIETT, (of Ga) Pastor. Wm. LANHAM, C. C. Old Plantation Barbecue! There will be a Public Barbecue given at Mr. I C. TURINER's SRNs. on Thursday the 29th of .luly. The Canddates-every ene of them. are respectfully solicited to attend, and to invite all their friends to conme with them. Butler Lodge, No. 17, 1. 0, 0 F A Regular Meeting of this Lodge will he held on Monday evening next 7 o'clock. LEWIS JONES, Secretary. July21 It 2 Masonic Notice, AN EXTRA Communication - of No. 50, A. F M., will be leld at their llall on Monday evening, the 2d August, at 7 ii'eloh'k P. M. By order of the W M. . It. 11. SULLIVAN, SEC'RY. Jul 11 tf- 27 Bethanmy Academy. T1IIE Examinatii of the ST UDENTS of this LInstitution will take plaece (t the 3rd August. and the Exhibition on the -ith August. July 21 2t 27 Bargains in Ladies Dress Goods, SNOWDEN & SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GA. 'IILL front this day, sell their present -Stock of Co.lired Printold MUSLINS; Colored Printed l.\REGES: TISSWES; CRAPE DF. PA RIS and GRENA)!NE.4, at cost. The assort ment embraces soamae of the latest styles, and most elegait articles of the season. July 2S tr 28 New Location! . P. STOVALL, WAREHIOUSE& .I COMMISSION MERCIIA NT, Augusta. Ga., would respecifully inafiom his .told patrons, and tle public generally, that he hats leased, fur a term of years, the New and Extensive Fire Proof Ware-House, situated on Jackson Street, between the Rail Road Depot and lroad-street, near the Globe Hotel, for inerly cceupied by Walker & Dryson, and more re ecently by G Walker & Sn. The location is an excellent one, beinz convenient to the lail Roads, Ilotels, Banks and chief business Ihouses of the city. Having every facility for business, and the dispo sition too extendsi every aeoniodatitit to his custo nmers, with a Iing acquaintanee with the interests of the polauter. lie hopes he may have, not only a con tiananee, but an increase of the liberal liarotnage haerettfiore extended to him. Ordiers for Family Supplies, Bagging, &c. prompajt ly andi carefully filled at the lowest maaarket prices. IL h-use lastely occeupieds by us tos Ar. M. 1P. SrOVALr., in contsceiee 'if 'sur renmoval to Char lestonl, we. take great pleasure in recoannending himt tuour friends. G. WALKER & SON. Augusta, JTuly 1, ISSI. St* 28 %Execuitive Departanent. CHA R LFSTON, JUNE 3, 1S52 fTH EREAS, twto halls of Indictment for Mlur drhave beenm found by the Grands Jury of Chuarlestoan Dia-trict, at thec Marcha sittinag of the ('ouri guf General besashus, against one CIll.1LFS FERUSON-thec one for the maurder ofa slave namecd ~.u-.hn, anad the other for the murder of one .10Pseph 31e~hrty.. Anad whereas. the said Chaarhes Ferguson has fled frsn justice, or so secretes himself as to avoid the proicess (if thme law. Nov be it known, that, ina order to bring the said Chaarle~s Fergusoan to justice, I, .lahn II. Mleans, Go.vernaor in and giver the State of South Carsolina, do issuethis myt P'rochaimtation, ofilrinag a reward of TWO lIUND)Rhi) l)ULLAIRS fusr thse delivery of the said C:harles Fergauson at the Chaarleston Jail. Sail Ferguson is about fourteen y'ears sit age, about' five feet four iinches haigha. slach r, dark hair and compajlexioan, somewhat freckled, anad quick Givean uder mny hand anid thme seal of the State of So'utha Carolina this third day osf .!unme. ina the fear of our Iord one thiousatad eighat hunadredl and fifty-two. J. 11. .MEANS. - By the-G~overnaor. Rs. PERRaY, Secretary of State. Juoly 285t 28 .A FOR sALE! T H T.aluable PLANTATION, lyinag on Rica Lland Creek, near Msuaat Willing, iaa Edgefield D strict, conatainiang Oo Thousand and Sixty Acres, belsinging to Mirs. Sophia and M. L. Bonama. There are on the place two gooad settlements, (haviaag each a good twou Story Dwellineg with othier naecessary out buihslings', a (ina House, Gin aand Screw, and a well osf gssod water. Richaland Creek ruans tlhrough the tract. giving to it 75 or I10n neres oif low grounds.-.\bsut 4001 acres are uander good fenace and in a high state of cultivation, anid necar half sif the wvhsle traict is well tinmberedi with Oak and Pine. It is 22 miles from the Rail Road at Newberry Court Ilouse. This place will be siahl itn tharec tracts if desired. Any two osf thecan a be punrchaaed. Plats anay be seen of the whlel Tract as well as of thec several Tracts on the premises. They are dividesd as fol kows:-Thec Wilsona Tract 200O acres ; The Flat Grove Tract 430) acres, and the Wiaae Ihall Tract 339 acres. Thme two first have settlenmenits, thse lat ter nonte, but a fine site for building, witha a giaod Spring. For 'erms apply on thec premises or to M1. L. Jtoahama, at Edgetield C. II., S. C. .luly 21 l te 27 Just1 Received T'ROM thec Factory a large variety of CIIAIRS, which we will sell low foi- 'ash. BUSilNELL & WIT'. July 28 tf 28 .Notice I S hereby given that application will be made at te next Session of thae Legimlature, to incorpoi rate Pleasant Grove Baptist Chaureh, in Edgefield District. Jul y288tf 28 Turnip Seed? T [UST received from Philadelphia a supply of d Rutabaga, Globe and Large Norfolk TURNIP SEED, for sale by G. L. PENN, AGE.T. .huhy 21 If 27 Soda Water ! rriHis healtny'a'd' delicious BEVERAGE may Inow be obtaainaed in its purity, put up in Rot Ices, at the Drug Store of .A. G. TEAGIUE. May 27 tf 19 Notice. A LL Persons indebted to the estate of Iroy HI i. Munmdy, -deo'd.,'are hereby notified to make iunmediate paymnent, ad those haavinag de., mnands will piresent thteni properly attiested. . H T. WRIGilT, Adw'r. July 7 3m 25 g7 A bhevil Banner will eopy titree mhotnths .pn, frarrd aeaent a tis fice. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great Cure for Dyspepsia! THE TRUE DIGE DR. HOUGHTON'S TTIVE FLUID; or Gastric J 6 Ic e, P - prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after diree tions of BARON Li11G, the gmeat Physiological Che-mist, by J. S. UouanrroT,'IM. D., Plihidelphia, Pa. This Is a truly WONDERFUL REIEDY for Indigestion. Dylmpalm. Jaundice, Liver comidimnt. aonoltldlnad ebility. Curing after NATUR OWN METHODby atur:s own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Half a tenspoonful of PEPSIN. Infaused in water, will digest or d:svove; Five Poammis of lonst Bleef in about two hours, out of the stomael. PEPSIN is time ellief elenment, or Great DIOESTING 1rinelile of the Gastric Juice-the Solvent of the Food, the I'urify ng. I'reaerving and Stimulating Agent of the Stomaclh and Intesite1. It isextructed from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox. thus formuing a TI:UE DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the naturni Gastric Juice In Its ChemIal pow. erae. anl furnisling a CO31PLETE and PERFECT SUl STITUTE for it. Scientific Evidence! Call on the Agent, anl gt a Descriptive Circular, gratis, tiving a large amount of . CIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. from l.iebig's .inuial Chmiltry: lDr. Combe's Physiovagy or Digrev tion: Dr. Pereira on Fool and Diet: Dr. ,John W. Diraper, of New York University: 'ro, Iungliolon's; Physiology;,e.. together with reports of cures from all parts of the United States. NO ALCOHOL, BITTErS OR ACIDS. Remember timis: Dr. llommiToa's PEPSIN is "a great Natural llemedv. free from ALCOHOL., BITTEliS, ACIDS, anal NA'SE01l: DiUGS. It is extremely agreeable to tie taste, and mny he taken by thee mauet feeble patients who einnot eut a water cracker witimout acute distress. Beware of drugged immitatin 'epsin 6s not a drug. CURES IN EVERY TOWN! Dr. 'loughtonis l'mnEs: alt tow been tested, for upwards of two years, inl every large town In tihe Unmied States, and tle Agents on refer J)yspieptica to many remarkal1e Cures lint every Town! Numerus details of cures, certificates (if Plhysicins anml 'utiete, are given lin tmeCirculars furnished ioy Agenis. grtus. Pepsin in Pluid and Powder. Dr. liougiton's PE'SIN is lreparel in Powder and In Fluid Frenm-andl in P'rescription vials for time use of Physi cimns. ime l'mwder will be sent by Mail, free of Postage, for une olurll sent to I)r. Ilouglmtot, lhiladelllila. 'rivale Circulamr for l'liiicians may be obtained of Dr. Ifmmughition tor his Agents, deeserilhing the whole process of lre liarntiot, aid giving Lite autliritieAs upmmm which tihe- claims of this new remne'dv are lhused. As it is NOT A SECtiT IEM Ei:Y. t'e eiJeetion cam be raised against, Ito; use by 'hy siriims lin meieetable santiing and regular practice. - Price ON E DOLL.: per botile. Observe This. Every Mottle of GENUINE PEPSIN hears the written sigmnature of .1. S. lloughton. 31. D.. sole proprietor, Philadel disia. P'. Copy-right unmel Trade Mark secured. g/'Sold by all DIruggisls ani Denlers lit Medicines. ;irdold. also by G. L. PENN, Erigefleld 0. 11.; WARD LAW & LYON, Abbeville C. I.; PIaRATT & JAMES, New berry, anid .. J. CREIGHITON, Ilanimburg, S. C. July :1S ly 28 Coie and Sec for Yourselves. PICKENS LANDS FOR SALE! r TIE Subscriber residing at Pleasant Grove, r wishim to travel and lite a more easy life, will sell on reasollable terms, all his Lands, divided into thiree Tracts. No 1. I'leasant Grove Tract, containing 870 neres, situated four tiles West of old Pickensville, Piekens District, S. C., wihelt is quite a desirable andt,] valuable llacte-oiie amongst the Iealthiest and imost beautiful ituatiotns in the District or State, quite n public pltee, and an excellent stand for Mer eantile or any otier business. There are nlow on the premises iii full oleration, a Saw and Grist Mill, and4 four good Slhoals on the aimne stream. Also, t wo Goldl. Minte, a clioice young oreltard of Ajpple, Peach. Pear. Cherry 'rees, &e. On this Tract is : good dical of fine bottmm land inl cultivation. Also, al exev'lk-nt Dlwellitng I louse, Kitchen, and besides tie Mills, a Distillery and all other necessary out buibmlinmgs. Tract No. 2, consists of the David If. Noggs' well known stand, containing 209 acres, adjoining Truet No 1. Trnet No 3, enittins 220 re'res. moat of it in wood,lwith at guods 'llwellinmg :nm d all other necessa ry otut butildings oin it-a beauttiful situattion, a publie plinee and a iresh little farnm opetned.. Th~e three Traet., lie well, are hea:lthy, well water ee1 and ha~ve a goomd deal of wood lanid, with fine titmber &c. Also Thirteen Likely Young~ Negroce, momust eof thmetm boy3s, Uorses, Wn~gg. 'nN, S'tock of' al kind's, all thme Crop. Stmiithms, Carpa niters amnd Fzrm inig Tools, sonme Chmoice Peachm ?randy, 600 gatllonis zood Whiiske-y, Blaeon, L.ard, Stills and Stands, Ilousehiold antd Kitchen Furuiture. Persots wishing to buny would dat well to give me a call at heme, its I aim deterndmned in sell all of thme aboenamed preemty ont rcemnable terms. ELI1U'J 4GRIFFI3T. JuTtlv 28: 3m ' ' 28 -NOTIICE T1O Builders and Contractors! 3 EA1.ED PROPOSA LS will be received until thme first of september, fear the erection and compmlletion eaf a Tillt ElE STORY B RICK l1U LI) ING, 55 by 62 feel-the Brick beinmg founde. Thme lewer stuory 12 feet ina the clear, to conmprise two Steres with Coutinmg Roomas in thme rear withm a Pas s'ge betweeni. The Secomnd Story, 15 feet inti te clear, tee coimpmrise onte large 11alI 48 by 52 ini thme ear. with twom small roonis in time rear. Time Third Stry leo coamprise two Halls, with ante-roomtas, for thec Odd Fellows and Masuons. Thme Cellars S feet pitch. M\ore particuilar speciflentiona may be seen at the Drug Store of Dr. A. G. Teague. S. F. GOOD)E, President. JTuly 2l it 27 Notice to Brickinakers.. S EALE!) PRtOl( s.\IS for mamkinig amid deliver itng uponmi the site oft time liuildhing 320,1100 Briek, fmr thme Odde Felloaws amnd .\asonmic huall, will be re eeiv'ed unmtil thme 9th -\ugust next. S. F. GOODE, President. Julmy 21, 1852. 3t '27. A Partner Wanted, TITIE Underignedl, proaprietor of' Lewis' Patent Straw anmd Shiuck Cutter, wishing to inicrease his facilities for buildling on accoutnt of time incretis imz demmandl for time Meaebiines is willing to take a Partner. To onie ithat can commmand freom two to tive tlmhousanmd dellars, a rare chmanice is tefiered, if ap plied for sootan. Onme whmo wotild give his attetntion, with time Pr'oprmctter, ini the busimness would be pre ferredl. Th~e Northm sells to us yearly thousands of Ma chnes, anda we im3ayld thme satme, providled we have the meanas. For further pa~ricumlars apply to WM. LEWIS. Tlnmhlurtr, Junme I tf 20 List of Letters, EANO int thme P'ot Ofhice at Edgefield C.H,1tof July imnst. Aiton, Samrah McCullah, Lutis Avr. John 1blinan, Dr Wmt~ S A bney, Dr M WV Mturl, S G Arhai, Washintgton MeCuiletigh, James Adtms, Johnt Mtays, R H1 Adams, Sr., Jamens Minman, William or W~m Adams, Miss Mamry WV Nitman Bell, Etugene B McFerguson, Bruce, Dr A Namtt, Mamry 1 Berry, Mrs P A Powel, Johmn G Denty, Davtid Proctor, Samrah Day, James or his legaiProelor, Darkis represenmttives Permenter, John Fury, Johmn Riddle, Wm 2 Foy, M iss Elizabethm Rlhoden, RusseI Grotl, 'Tho~tmas Roller, Mrs Susan Griffin, C B Rehorn, B L lutchison, Man Rogers, Luke lenderson, hlodges Roper, HI Iollowamy, Jordant Rtiper, Chariscy Ann I~good, John W Resse, Saimuel A Iall, C M Rnms., Elizab~ethi Hemmersonl, Miss S A Remlmart, Jr., John Henderson, James Schtwarter, S B Jones, Richm. or his legalSterling, James repre'sentattivcs Swindele, Jos. Liney, Robert Still, Elijamh Lawhornt, Vamn Tresouithieek, George Minon, Fr.lmeis 2 WVise, Peter Mriin, Temnple Wrighmt,T Tr Meore & Gen~rty Williatms, Thins HI McGee WVilliam Wilbun, Elizabeth My, A IH G. L. PENN, P. M. July 17 3t 26 Pickles, &c. J UST Receiving a fresh supply of Pickles, Phe-. serves, Sardeins, Lobsters, Sahnmon, Citron, laisins' Prunes, Essences for Cooking Fresh Mus tard, ke..S. E. BOWERS. Ihnamburg. A pril_17 tf 16 Notice. A TL thmoso indebted to the estate of Nathan Norris, dco'd., are reqjuested to make payment fothwithi, andm those harbhig demnmds will please present them immediately properly attested accoard in~ to law. N. A. NOR RIS, Adnm'x. 4....., .1 frn m PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT ~ A WEEKLY 1EWSPATER, T O be-published at Abbeville C. IT., S. C., and devoted to Polities, professing and vindicating the puro principles of Southern Democracy-to Commerce, Agriculture, Literature and the Family Circle; containing also. all important obtainable items of Intkelligt nee. Also, contributing as far as its ability' extends, a few truths in the Arts and Sciences. In matters of general interest, the Southern Democrat will be conducted with a view to render it aeceptible to all classes of the community, and to keep its readers advised of all matters of public and general interest, and also those matters of a local nature which inure particularly affect the in terests of the District. On all subjects. the Southern Democrat will be fearless and independent, but at the same time, the subscriber pledges himself that the columns of his paper shall never be prostituted to selfish purposes, or opened to discussions calculated to excite perso nal enmity and discord. In size, the paper will be double medium, and printed oi entirely new Type. The Terms will be Two Dollars per annum. pay able on the reception of the first number, and Three Dollars after that time and within the year. To Club e of 20, $30. The Democrat will he issued as soon as a suffi cient nuiber of Subscribers are obtained to un rant the undertaking. Address the Subscriber at Due West, Abbeville District, S. C. 11. D. WRAY. oi7 Tndividuals wishing to subscribe to the Demo erat, will find a prospeetus at each of the Post Offi ces in the District, and of the neighboring Districts. 0- Postmasters are requested and fully author ized to act as our Agents. 11. D. W. July, 1852. State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT,. IN COMMON PLEAS. L. Suber, Agent, vs Attachment. William B. Brannon. Howard, McDonald & Co. rx Attachment. The Same. Josiah Sibley, vs Attachment. The Same. R. M. Owengs, Vs Attachment. The Same. Bundly, Rosemon & Co. re Attachment. The Same. J. J. Kennedy, rs Attachment. The Same. William P. Delph, rs Attachment. The Same. I T IIEREAS, the Plaintiffs did on the first day of March instant, file their 'eclarations against the Defendants, who, as it is said, is absent front and without the limits of this State, and hasi neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whuo a copy of the said declarations might be served : On motion of Mr. GRAY, I'laitiff's At torney : It is therefore, Ordered, That the said De fendant do appear and plead to the said declarations within a year and a d;iy fromn the date of this pub lication, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. TiJOS. G. BACON, c. E. D. Clerk's Office, March 1, 1,55. March 11 ly 8 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD l)ISTRICT, IN COMMON PLE AS. W,. & .J. 111}, --?s. ^ , Attachment. W. B. Brannon.3 Maem. ewy, Attaj:hment. W. lI. ltrariumon. J;Trayl..r, .lm., & Co., Ag,.~ rs.Alre-r vrvr.Es, Attorney for Plaintifl: Ordered that said I )efendants appear and plead to said Deelarations within a year aind a day froii the date hereof..or in default thereof, judeiment will be reiidered against thenm. TrObS. 0. RACON, C. E. D. Clerk's Office, Marcha I, 1852. lyq 9 State of South Carolina, EDGEFJELD DISTRICT. IN THlE COMMO1N PLEAS. W. E. Jackson, vs. Decla. in Attach'nat Thos. M. Robinson. T. N. Poullain & Son, Dca nAtc'a vs.Dea.iAta'n Pleasant M. Tidwell. 3 Hlenry Moore, vs. Decla. in Attach'nat Pleasant M. Tidwelt. r lIl H Plainti& in the above cases having this day .. iled their Declarations iin my Offiee, and neith er of the D~efenidants haaviing either wife or atto~rney known to reside within the limits of tis State, (In wvhom, copies of said Declarations with rules to pilead can be served : On motioni of Mr. MaCRaar, A ttor ney for Plsaintiflu, Ordered, that said .Defeindants appear anid plead to said dheclaratlomis withiin a year and a day from the date hereof, or in default there of, judgmnt will be awarded against them. T. G. BA CON, c. E. D. Clerk's Office, Oct 7, 1851. ly 3S State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD) DISTRICT, IN COMMON PL EAS. Belcher & Hlollingsworth, Atahet M.. M. & J. W. Granthiam. Itelcher & Hlollingsworth,) vs '.Attachment. M. M. Grtanttham. Belcher & Ilollingsworth, Atch n. Granthiam, Togan & Co. TliE Plhaintiffs ini the above stated cases havng this day filed their Declarations in my Office, and the Defendants having neither wives nor Attor neys knownm to reside within the himmits of this State on whom a copy of said declarations with a rule to plead can be served : On motion of Mr. ManTIS, Attorney for Plaintiffs: Ordered 'tha~t said Defen dants, apipear and plead to said Declarations within a year and a day front the date hereof, or in default thereof, judgment will be rendered against thetm. THJOS. 0. BACON, c. E. D. Clerk'sOffice, March 12. 1852. lyq 9 State of South Carolina, EDGE~FIEL1D DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLE AS. The Bank of Hlamburg, S. C, , tahet vs.Atahe. William B. Brann(on. rriHE Plaintiff in the above ease having this day .1filed his Deelaration in my Office, and the De fendant htavitng neither wife nor A ttorntey known to reside withimn the litimi of this State, on whom a coply of said declaration with a Rule to plead can be served : On' motion of Mr. Bat'sxx-rr, A ttorney for Paitntitl',: Ordered That said D~efendant appear and plead to said declzaratioan within a year and a day frott the date hereof, otr itn default thereof judgment will be rendered tagainst lain,. TIHOS. G. BACON, a. r. D, Clerk's Office, March 8. 1852. Marcha 11 ly Lumuber ! rFHIE Subscriber has a large quantity of LUM LBER of diffre~nt sorts, for sale at his residence. N. L. GRIF'FIN. July 19 tf 27 Notice. A LT, Persons indebted to the estate of Ellington Clark, deo'dl., are hereby notified to miake im .nmcdtate paynment, anal tho~se having demniids againast said estate will presetnt tltwm properly attested. JAS. BLACK WELL. .l. 7 s r! Bouthern Manarctre. 3 ,00 Pair Home aade Plantation BROGANSJ HARNESS, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. FUNE BOOTS MAND SHOES OF ALL JEsR.pTofY%. Tanners, Neats Foot and Lamp oilf SHOEMAKERS?' FINDiNGS. At the Shoe Store, next door to Sullivan & Brothcr. R. T. mIMS July 21 if 27 Carriage Wiufactury ! r IH lE Firm of hILL & WarDLAW, ir the. Car A riage making busiaess having been mutually dissolved, the Subscribm tke pleasure in return ing his thanks for tle. paige thus far received, and respectfully solicits ua#1tilunee of the same. Ilis is the well known stand in Potteraville, about one mile North of Edgfl& H.. where all orders will be attended to in a NEAT ihd WORKMAN. LIE MANNER, and upon as reasonable terms as posible. Trhe Subscriber has alsop' hand t splendid as sortment of ready nad ' aj Tage, Coach es, Buggles, &c.,gll fof which will he sold it moderate prices. JON hILL. ,iuly 21 ' f 27 Bargains inDry Goods! AT AjUlTA, GA. T . H. CRAN n-s eommenecai selling V off his large ati'eterisive assortment of Sunnnc... Goods, at remarkable LOW PFlE0 . Those who wish to purchase Goods low. lI do well to give him call. July 7 4 25 Nolie e I S HEREBY GIVEN that the' Co-partnership ieretofore existing between the Subscribers un der the name and firm of GILBERT & CHAPIN, is this day dissolved by midtoal conent. The business of the firin will be settled by S. & E. M. GILUErT. . 'TJEPHEN GTLBERT, LAEQNARD CIIAPIN, MLLiS M. GILBERT. Charleston. ist June, 1852. S & E. 1. GILBERT will continue 4 the CARRIAGE;-BUSINESS at the old stand of Gilbert &-Chapin, (formerly S. & and J. Gilbert) Nos. 35 and 40 Wenthworth st., and will keei constantly on hand an extensive assortment of CAErRIAGES manufactired by themselves, ex pressly for their own sal, together with an as sortment of' other stylis 'suall found in this mar ket, to which the attention of their old friends and customers is respectfully-invited. Carriages of any style will be made to order, and repairing in all its branches promptly and faithfully executed on rea-. sonable terms. :STEPHEN GILBERT, EMAS M. GILBERT. Charleston, 1st Jun. 1852. Persons indebted tothib firm of S. * J. GLrDERr, are requested to may pa-mont to S. & . M. GIL nEa-r, who are authorized to settle the business of said firm. July 7 - .. 3 n 25 Brilliant Displgy of Jewelry! I AVE just received, in addition to my former stock of JEWELRY,Ia handsome assortment of Double and single Cased Gold Lever Watches Anchor Eseapenient'imaDetnebed " " Double and Single Csd Silver Lever " Genatlemen's Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Ladies Chiatalaines andl Guard Chains, "G..ld Blands amid HIair Bracelets, Cuff' Pins, Gold and cormelinn Charms, Crosses, Lockets,. A ranws..Biuttons, &c. Fashmionable BirocheskforLadies and Gent., "Ear and ~iger Rings, Gold and Silver Thiuil, Gold Penmcil Cases, niittn'd without Pens, Silver Combs, Coral AKubets anid wev-kineeus. e~a, an eleetlba will be'held on Friday, the 30th day of July next7 to fill the vaeney occa sioned by the resignation of Col. G. D. Minms. Each Captain or Commsp~Ling -Officer of tho dif. ferent Companies of the fpgimecnt, will put up at thme rendezvous of their. rgpective Companies, a notice of thc above eleetios, forty days previous thereto, anda order to his alsditance two of his subal tern oflicers, or if there be- but one or nene, such deficencey imay be supplied' by any member or mem bers of the company thatihte may appoint, so that these personis shall open. and hold a poll at such company rendezvous, froin. 11 o'clock, A. M. to 3 ,,'choek, P. M. The mann'ger-s or at least one of them from each plae of election, are required to meet at the Old Wells, on the 31st of .July, (the day following,) count the votes, declare thme election and certify the same to Brig. Gen. J. R. Wrvzia. D. L. 8S1.\W, .Lieut. Col. Commanding. June 10 - S- 8 .' 21 Head-Quarters, innm iEGIENT, S. C..M., CnAvis' Ckax, June 7, 1852. ORDERS, NO.2. IN pursuance of Orders received from Brig. Gen. IJ. R. WaFvEa, an election will be held on Friday, thme 30th day of July next, to fill the vacney occa sioned by the resignation of Lieut. Col. COLENAN. Each Captaiis or Commanding Officer of the dif ferent Comapanies of the Regiment will put up at the renlezvous of their respective companies, a notice ol' the above election, thirty days previous thereto, and order to his assistance two of his subal tern officers, or if there be but one or none, such deficiency must be supplied by any member or members of the company he may appoint, so that these persons shall openi and hold a poll at such comipany rendezvous from 11 o'clock, A. M., to 3 'clocfk P. M. The managers, or at-leopt une of them, from each plnee of electioii, are requested to meet at the Pine llouse on the 31st of'-July, (thme day following) count th~e votes, declate the Election and certify the same to Brig. Gen. J. Rt. W EVER. D. L1. SHIAW, Liet. Cot. Commanding. June10 81 2 Shecrifi~s Sale. B Y Virtue of a wri~of Fieri Faoins, to me directed, I ushall proceed to sell at Edgefield Court House, on the first Monday and Tuesdamy ini August next, the following property, in tite rfolloiwing eases, viz: Seth Butler vs Win. Herbert, one house and lot situnte and being.s the Corner of Centre and Tillman Streets in: the Town of Hamburg, known in the plan of said Town, as lot No. one hundred and thirty-three (133) bounded on thze North by Lot No 134, Eastby Cook Street, Sotuth b'y Tilhman Street, and West by Centre Street., hanvino fifty feet front on Centre Street, and running liack one hundred and fifty feect, more or less. Terms Cash. LEWIS JONES, s. E. D. July7 85241 25 Sheriff"s Sale. BY Virtue of sunidr writs of Fieri Fneins, Bto me directed, I shall proceed to sell at Edgefield Court House, on the first Monday in August next, tho following property, in the following ease, viz: E. B. Belcher vs WmB. Birannmon, a traot of land nenr the Town of~ Hamiburg, contaimig thirt-eight (38) acres, more c.r loss, adjoining ltida of - Buckmaster, R, J. Butler, John Cloud and others, upon wliec there is a good Dwelling and necessary omit buildings. Termis Cash. LEWIS JONES, S. E. D. July 9 4to 28 Wanted TT'O HIRE, for the pmleent year, a good Cook Wahe and Ironcr. 'Waiges paid monthly, desired. Enquire at this Offiee. Marcha 25 -tf 10 * Bacon J UST received a superior' Lot of SIDES, U SOGVDERS and tI'IMS. Fw sale by MiILI4NGSWORITH' & NKYOM(AS. I II VANDIDAT9S. Por the State Z.giulature. JAMES CAMERON, Z. W. CARWILE, MATT GRAY, WILEY HARRISON, S. CHRISTIE, S. S. TOMPKINS, GEORGE W. LANDRUM, JOHN R. WEVER, J. C. ALLEN, TILLMAN WATSON, J. P. CARROLL, W. S. MOBLEY,. A. J. HAMMOND, JOHN CH EATHAM, - JOSEPH ABNEY. pW THE Friends of Col. F. V. PICKENS, beg leave to present him to the people of Edge field, and of the Districts which may be thrown with us by the new apportionment, as an emi nently suitable person to represent us in the Congress of the United States. Mr. BURT having positively declined a re.election, it be comes our duty to select his successor with care; and we respectfully suggest that the ex perience and ability of Col. PicKERS should be again called into requisition upon the very floor where he has hitherto served us so effi ciently. It is perhaps proper to add, on our part, that this announcement is tendered with ont Col. P's knowledge or desire, and with no feeling of opposition to any individual. 1f THE Friends of Capt. PRESTON S. BROOKS, announce him as a candidate to rep resent this Congressional District in the next Congress, Mr. BURT having positively declined a re-election. This nomination, like another which appears in this paper, was made by the friends of Capt. B. purely of their own accord, without reference to his wishes on the subject and without the remotest design of forestalling public opinion o his favor Against any individual. W THE Friends of Capt. S. HARRISON would respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Colonel of the 7th Regiment, to fill the va eancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. G D. Mius. For Sale. A IOUSE AND LOT containing about two acres, one and a half miles from Edgetield on the Columbia Road. There are on the I.ot a well of good water and all necessary outbuild-ings for a small family. The place will be sold for Cash or on time, the purchase money being amply secured-and immediate possession given. Apply at this Ofiet. Feb 3 tf 5 Land for Sale! T HE Subscriber wishing to change his business offers his land for sale situated in Edgefield District, six miles below Liberty 1 lhI. The Land 'i in two traets-one contaiiiing eight hundred acres, the other four hundred and lifty acres. I will sell said lands separately or together as may best suit the purchaser. The above places are well improved and will well reward the cultivator if judi iously tilled. The Terms will be made easy to a punctual pur claser. I also have some LIKELY YOUNG NEG ROES for sale. Among the number is a first rate l louse Carpenter. Anay person wishing to purchase can procure a great barguin by applying to the subscriber on the prenmisen. JOH1N TOMlPKINS. .June 30 tf 24 State of South Onrolina, EDGEFIELD D)ISTRICT, 1N CO3ION PLE AS. and plead to said Declarations within a year and a day from the date hereof, or judgm~ent will be awarded against him by default.. TIICOS.. G. BACON, C. E. D>. Clerk's O~ice. June 1, 185i2, ly 20 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN COMMON P LE AS. W ILI 5 llLLl Im, who is in the custody of teSeritY of Edg field District, by virtue of two writs of Copies ud &aiisfaciendurn, at the suits respectively of George J. Weaver & Co., and Wilson, Young & Co.. havintg filed in my office, together with a Schedule, on oath, of his state and e'eets, hais petition to the Court of Cotmmon Pleas, praying that lie mtay be admitted to the benenit of the A cts of the General Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered tha;t the said George .J. Weaver & Co. nd thme said Wilson, Youtng & Co., and all other Creditors to whlonm the saidi William Miiller is in anywise indebted, he, and they are hereby summoned, and have notice to appear before thme said Court at Edhgefleld Court Hotuse on the first Mlonday in October next, to show enuse, if any they cn, why the prayer of the peti tion aforesaid, should not be granted. TIIOS. G. BACON, C. E. D. Clerk's Office, Many 3, 1852. any 6 3m 16 Turnip Seed. JULST received a supply of Fresh Turnip Seed of stuperior quality. For sale by RIOL LINGSWORTIlI & NICHOL AS. .J une 30 tf 24 Notice I S IIEREBY GIVEN, that application will be made at thec Session of the next Legislature for an Act of incorporation for te Bethlehtam Church Camp Grotnd in Edgefield D~istrict. June 26 tf 24 Notice. rj IIE children of Zilphta Noble, dee'd, are hereby J. notified to nmke ap.pliention to the subscriber for thteir interest itn her tiension ecnim. P,I.)'CONNOR, A dm'r, June 30 Smn2 Notice. ALL4 persons indeb~ted to thec estate of Henry F. AFreeman, dce'd., will come forward inmie ditely and make payment and those hvimg de mands will render thenm itn properly attested. J. II. JENNINGS, Ex'or. Jan 3 ly 51 Notice. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Joseph i Mloore, 4eo'd., arc requestod to itmke untmedi ate payment, nad those having demands against thme estate'will presoat thenm in due form. E. PENN, Ex'or. Feb 19 tf 4 Wanted, O NE TilOUSAND DOLLARS, on Mortgnge of Real Estate. Apply to the Advertiser Office..B. C. any 20 af20 Land for Sale. I Would be glad to sell onme haundred acres of the tract of land on wvhieh I live. What I propose to part witht is all woodland, and precisely four mtiles front the Village, on th~e Columblia IRoad an excellent situatiwn for a pleasant residence. A. SIalKINS. Dec 10 tf 47 A SUPEIOR Lot of L EAF LA RD, just re ceived and for sale by HOLLINGS WORTH & NICHOLAS. June 17 tf 22 Caution. A LL Persons are hereby cautioned froum trading for a note of htand given by Lloyd Miitchell, and made pnyabhle to Washington Stainwker, or bearer; and the drawer is also requested uot to pay the same, as the property for wvhich the note was the Su~bsvriher's and not Waslit. Staltnnker's, A. ..HODyl For Sales ACRES of superior Pickens Lands ly ing on the waters of Georgia's Creek md Saluda river. Tract No 1, which has long been noted as one. >f the besit upland places in the District, consists of 12081 acres, 748 of which are superior Oak and Hickory Wood Lands. 'he larger portion of the remaining 460 acres is in cultivation, and under good fence. There are 30 acres of Creek Bottoms. Upon the plate is a Good Dwegng House, ma all other necessary out-buildings. From the Iwelling there is a fine montutin view. This tract ia situated on a new road to be opened in August ext, by order of the Legislature, from Greenville C. 11. to Pickens C. 11., by Piekensville, and 5j miles from the Depot at Greenville C. I. This tract will he sold in one or three tracts to suit pur sers, Tract No 2 consists of 622 acres, owe half of which is SUPEIIOR WOOD LANDS. On this tace is a Good Divelling, and a Floe Spring with n 30 yards of the door. This place is situated on the main road from Greenville to Pendleton, 7-1 'rom Greenville C. H. Terms made to suit purchasers. For further par iculars apply to S. A. Easley on the premises, or W. K. Easley, Greenville C. 11. SAMUEL A. EASLEY. July 14 tf 26 17 The Edgefield Advertiser, Abbeville Banner, Newberry Sentinel and Unionville Journal will !npy until ordered out.-Greenville Mountaineer. MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE. WilY IS ITI That we behold many femiles, scarce in the mendian of tife broken in health and spirits with a complication of diseases and ailments, depriving them of the power for the enjoyment of life at an age when physical heahh, buoyancy of sints, send tiapyserenity of mind. arising from a condition of heakh, lsould bepredomma M1any o the causes of her sufferings at first-perhaps years before, perhaps daring firlthood, or the first yeara of marriage were in their origin so light as to pass unnoticed, and of cowse neglected. IN AFTER YEARS, When ton late to be benefitted by our knowlete, we look back and mourn. and rugret the full conseqtuences or our ig-p1nrance. Wshat would we not oiten give to posseas. in early life, the knawledge we obtain in after years ! And what days and nights of anguish we might not have been spared, if the knowledge was timely possessed. It is MELANCHOLY AND STARTLING To 'ehold the sickness and suffering endnred by many a wife for many years, from esnses simple and controllable, easily remnedied-or better still,-not incurred, ifevery WIFE AND MOTHER Possessed the information contained in a little volume. (with in the reach of all) which would spare to herself YEARS OF MISERY, And to her husband the coetsnt toil and anxiety of mind, necessarily devolvingni on hirm from sickness ot the wife. without gining him the opportunity of aciuiring that com petence which his exertion asir entitled. and tile possession ol which would aecure the happineas of biasself, wife, and children. SECURE THE MEANS OF HAPPINESS brybecomingin tie possessed of the knowledge, the want of which has c used the sickness and poverty of thousands. In view of such conseqnences. no wire or mother is excu sable if she ne;lect to avail herself of that knowslelge m respect to inersen'. ,ilch would srsre lser muchm suffering, be tn meta or hs m es nee h rasdb erity to her husband, amd confer unsis ter C11snislr11en That ble esing ablove aell Prnce--heathy bodies, with healthy minds, '[hat 9nowledge is contanjed i a little work entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, raorFssoR oF DIssESss Or woSI'E. One Hundredth FRition. I8mO., pp. 250. Price, 58 cts. [oN rstE rAPR1, EXTRA BINDIoN, 31 00. First published in 1347, and it is not SURPRIZING OR WONDERFUL, Considerlng that EVERY FEMALE, WH ETHEtt MA1HUIE D OR NOT, can here acquire a full knowledge of 0t sature, chnaracter nstid causea of her complalints, with thme warlous samptomas, anad that nearly HALF A MILLiON COPIES should have bees sold It is impracticable to convey fully the various mlets treatesd o1, as they are of a natnire strictly insiended f'.r theo married, or those enntempltatine marrses, bat no fenmale desirous of enjaying health.. and that beautv, conseqttesnt umou healthm. which is so conduncive to ther own. hiarpiess, amid dat of her iasband. but ethser has or wilt obtasn it, as has or. wall every h.naband'who has the love and affectin of hais wife at .........'. .--n sieensiary improvemnent. a:. -- C -' NE HUNDRED THOU . D COPIES . ! IAIL within the last few mosmihs. 4I .:1nRiefujl Frand! C.MITION TO DO0ESELLERS. VIOLATION OF 00PFIG~HTa A SPU'RIOE.S EDITION Fl-irant and biarefaced, haa been surresetiinewly is-utt, 1ait se ssme fo'tm asid size, erectly tl-e saute Tas.e Pais,.ne earctly thne name TYPOGRAPHI1CAL ARRANGEMLENT, Butt anntl-er name substiiuted for "Dr. A. 3. .51sriceau,. mist "ou list" for "Nesw Yok."anud ti- rords, E?n-aEO reenodinig to. Act of Cot:,ess. in the year 11.17, by ies td., Cle.k's 0;fsce of thne f~istrict Lourt of the Southerne Di..rict of New York. OITTED. The conten.s the t--ideet metter, and re.:diing aie ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, Printed on poor, biroswnish, dlirtyp:-pe~r. with a paner cover. It e.-n tie knoswn ..i, f.nsm tilem.be anid il-xblonsd ensia setteredl throsghout its pases. Tb: copyrightf ediftfoa If tture ar 'any in thne traile so ho-t to shaime and common h-nesty as so be stilling ..ties IN DEFRAUDING TIIEIR CUSTO'IlERS, No lest thatm the legal owner of the roperty in copsyright, sley arill be pnry.ecented, and stepi si bue r-iken to expose ne cpy vut ~ent to eachl bookseller or fnrtm.(wIt time temns upons wslich they siitli1e fiursnshed,) upon receipt of hu or their besivess cast ofeddiess. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEFRAUDED: Buy no book erslens Dr. A.31u. Masnriecin, 129 Li'nerty at., N. Y'.. is n.: the title se:c ad thme entry i tlenk's Osdice on the h.eck of the title p:: cncsso-is.a tsieii, and bssy only ri...pt,.ctaule tund hasnn.,lk'e derleis, or send by mmii, anuad drl tide.. . .s,r coststs, to;:etl~er withs a fewr pages treinting of imparranst subjiects to every nmarried female, weil be sent, free of clsarge, to say ou.iencioung a letter stempl is a prer nd letter, rddremsed es heaceo. STOn receIpt of FIfty Centse, (or Ones Dollar for thme fisne Editon, extrn itstns. "THlE MARRIED WVOMAN'S PRIV'T MEDiCALa COMIPANION" is Senlt (ienuleds free) to any part of the Unilted Stitae .311 letters aunat bse post-polO.,nsnd adsdresset to DR. A. M. MAIJIUCEAU, Box 1224*. Newv Yrk City. Pnntlh~htnagOfllee, No.1329 1.berty 6treet, New York. gg For stale in this place at thme Drulg Store of Dr. A. G. TEattUE. Price only Fifty Cetnts. July 21, 1852. Gin _ 27 D R. D EN N IS'S GEORGIA SARSAFARILLA, FOR nudice, Sick Head-achre, Diz.incs, .Lose of Apetite, Constipation of the Bowels, Piles, caused by cesti eness, Pain in thre Bowels, or Rheumatism, cautso) ity *1he use of Mercury, Spiilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcers, r4-e. 1IIIS PREPA RATION is made as pure as pastn .ble, its bitter taste, and beneficmal effects in liseaiems of the Liver, anti diseases arising froman im ture state of the Blood, Prove it to be the PUET ANtD DIOST USEFUL pre rates of Sasaparil.e that is made. ' hosue who have tsped the garious preparations of Barsaparilla will findl, by the taste and effect, that Itere s smore Sarmaparilla in one bottle of Dr. Day ns' preparation, than in half a doezen bottles as it itt Ienerally made. Its alterative and mihtlly purgati-ve eB'ets upon the uwels, make it not only a good snqbstitute for Mier ury, hut ulseful in removing all diseasco arising from ie imprudent usve of Mereury. flPPrepared only byiJ. DENNIS, 31. D., Augus a, Georg'a. Sold b'A. G. TEAGUE and G. L,. PuNn, Edlgefield C. H.; I. M1. CottEN and CAREY & CowUUaiEat, Charleston ; BoATwvaIant & rIoT andI F. CUaTIs, Colubia; A. J. Caran.ToN, Hamburg; Wat. F. 'uT, D. B. P.Un, HIAvrLANr> & Rtsi.EY, W,. F. J. Tuarr, W. KC. KITCIIEN, BARRETT & CAR rEa, Atuguta, Geo., and by Druggists generally. Price--i per bottle; 6 bottle for $5. gg Remenmber to ask for DENNIS' GEORGIA SARSAPAILLA. June 26. 1851 tf 23 Pickled Pork. JUST received and for sale a fine lot of ickled - Pork. HIOLLINGSWORTH & NICHOLAS. Tune 17 -tf 2 Excto' Notice. ALL thlose indebted to thie estate of Willatn LGarrett, dee'd.. arc regested to maike pay, ttelnt forthwvith, and those havimg demauls against said) estate will render them hli propedly attested, tcording to law. CHIARLES HAMMOND, I)i WM. GI I3MON , $ Chick's SprRg8, GREENVILLE DIST RICT, S C T HIS delightful WATERING PLACE will be ready to receive company by the 20th June, at the following rates: Blan, per day4...,................$1 00 Man, per week.................. 6 00 Over one week..................... 5 00 ChikWren and servants half price. Horse, per day.....................62b c Ilorse, per week..................$3 50 P. S.-A large addition has been made to the [Totel since last summer, in order to accommodate 2ll that may give us a call. There is also a Billiard Table and Ten Pin Alley ittached to the place, for the amusement of the eompany, free of charge. P. W. & R. S. CIUCK, Proprietors. June 17 8t 22 INCIDENTS OF A JOURNEY FROM ABBEVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, To Ocala, Florida,-' BY AN OBSERVER OF "StALL TEDTGS.". T I1IE above is the Title of a lively and interesting little work, just published and for sale at this Office, and the Stores of S'Ir.LVAN & BnoTIEit, G. L. Pr.xx and WiLLMA5 & CRiusvia.. 07 Price only 25 Cents,.. June 24 tf 23 India Matting. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from New York, a large supply of 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4. Plain and Checked India Matting, of superior qual ity, and to which they respectfully invite the atten tion of the public. A ugusta, June 10 tf 21 Dutch Bolting Cloths. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from. New York, Dutch Bolting Cloths, of the best quality, Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0 and 10, nnd! to which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. Augusta, June 10 tf 21 Hamburg & Edgefield Plank R'd, THIS ROAD is now completed and opened for Ltravel from the Cherokee Ponds and Sweet Water to Hamburg. Rates of Toll. Four, five and six horse Wagons, 5 ets per mile Three " " 4 " " " Two " " 3" " " Two " Carriages 3 " " " One " " 2 " ." " Horseback travellers, 1. 4 Vehicles on meeting, are each entitled to half the PLANK TRACK, and tlhe Drivers are required to turn to the " RIGHT !" The public are respectfully informed that all pei sons turning on the road, and leaving it without pay ing Toll, are subject to a fine of Twenty Dollars. Ten dollars reward will be paid by the company, in each and every case, for proof that will lead to the conviction of any one for violating the law, in endeavoring to avoid the payment of Toll, as provi led I.- the Charter. Persons travelling on the Martin To n Rod. wards Hamburg, will find it to their advantage to turn off on any of the roads to the left, and intersect the Plank Road near Sweet Water Church or-the Cherokee Ponds. I. A. KENRICK, President. Hamburg, March 15 tf 5 Spann Hotel Re-Opened! liE Subscriber having purchascd this establish ment, begs leave to announce to the District aid to the travelling public generally, that lie lias this day taken upon himself the keeping of said hlotel. All that he can do to render his customers satis led shall be done. He respecifully solicits a share of public pat-. ronage. Charges shall be as moderate as the times will idmit. - JOIIN I1UIET. Feb 10 if5 Valuable Pine Lands for Sale. ESusriber offers for sale hisvaluable tract ofTNY WOODS LAND, wvitlifdlay foori dation, situated on the Ohd or Lower .Columbia Road, and convenient to amark'et,.being.about eleyean miles East of Edgetleld C. H., 25 miles from.Ham burg, and 16 front Aiken and Graniteydlle. The Tract contains Eight hundred and seventy three acres oif good farbring Land, well adapsted to the cultivaticn of Corn, Cotton aiid small grain. About 250 acres are cleared, and near 150 acres in a high slate of cultivation, and under goed fences; the balance of the tract is in wvoods and well timr bered. On thme premises are a good, comfortable two~ story frame Dwelling House, and all necessary out-builings-Also a fine well of good, pure water. In the neighborhood (of the above tract are three or four Grist and Saw Mills. All or a part of the above tract will be sold, and to an approved purchaser the terms will be made itecomomodating. Any one wishiing to purchase will do well to call and see for themselves. . W3I. JOHINSON Lotts P. 0., June 24, 8t 23 Ridge Land for Sale?! T IIE Subscriber oTer's for sale his valuable Tract .of Land, containing Two hundred and thirty Four (234) acres, lying on both sides of Beacht Creek, near the Columbiia Road, and adjoining lands of Capt. RI. Ward, James MecCarty and others. On the Tract is a good D~welling Uouse, Kitchen, Smoke-house, and all other necessary out-buildings, with an excellenmt well of water. Onec hundred and twenty-five acres of the above. tract are cleared-nearly all fresh land, and un der good fences. This Land is well adapted to the cultivation of Cotton, Corn and Grain. Said Tract cani be traded for on good terms, be tween now anid the last of October, but if not dis posed of by that time, will be sold, at public outcry, at Edgefield Court IHouse, oni thme first Monday in November next. JOIIN A MACKER. 11idge, A pril 15 Gmin 13 White Silk Fringes? SNOWDEN & SIIEA R have received from .JNew York, an assortment of Plain and Crimped White Silk Fringes fur Ladies' Mantillas, of beau tiful styles. They have ailso on hand, Ladies' White Watered Silk Mantillas, Ladies' White and hlmhick Lace Embroidered Mantillas, Ladies' Em broidered Muslin Chimnasettes, Muslin and Lace Unidrsleeves, V'alenciennes Lace and Muslin Col lars. Also. a supply of Ladies' Summer Dres Goods, in a great variety of styvles, of new and ele gant designs, and to all of which they reapetuy invite thme attention of the Ladies.y A ngusta, June 10- tf 21 sugar~ and Cofiee. 1A M now receiving my Spri.ng stock of SUGAR Iand COFFEE, consisting of a superior artice af Brown Sugar, Clarified, Crushed and L~oaf Government, Java and Rio Coffee, of a superior quality. S. E. BOWERS. llanmbur'g. A pril 21 tf 14 Oandless &c. A FINE Stock of Pure Sperm CANDLES, r..tI. Adamantine, Star, hlull & Son's-a superior article -of Starch, blue and white,- Soap of every descr'iption, Turpentine, Casteel. Family, & Toilette. Also, Wooden Ware, Churns, Bucket,. Tubs, Brooms, &c., of all descriptions. S. E. BOWERS. Ilanmburg, A pril 21 tf 1 Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Lewis Collins, d'ee'd., are reqttested to make imnie diato payment, and those having demands against the sanme to present them properly attested. J. A. COLLINS, Adm'r. Oct. 30 tf 41 - Notice. A LI "*'"''''''''''''to ''e'esta ' ofC. .1.Cochran, dee'd., arc requested to make prompt payment to the Administrator, and those having demands will render thetm in properly attested. L. B. COC111N, Adni'r. - .Tuly 7 tf - 25 . Molasses~ and Syriups. NTOWfeeiving a large Stock choice-Cuba MO ?LASSES, and Georgia and New Orleans SYR UPS. d. E. BOWERS. 11amburg, A pril 21 tf 14 Not ice. A LL persons indebted to the Assigned Estate of Johnii Lyon are r~equested to make imdito payment, as longer it.-lulgence canmnot,1Wgiven, and mnust not be expected. -- - -2 -., S. F. GOODE, Assignee. Jan 0 Q.5 tr 1