Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 26, 1849, Image 3

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On the 18th inst.. hy Rev. D. D. Brunsbn Ir, GEORGE E. GETZEN to Miss SusAs L. ALIG all of this District. .uller Lodge Xgo. 17. 0:7- Regularineeting of this'Lodge will be held on Monday evenig next ht 7 o'clo\:k, F. U. WAI LAW, See. December 26 If 49 Notice. - T El Comnittee who h11old subscriptions for the pturchase of u Sword to be pre senated to Gen. N. L, onsA, late Colonel of the l2th Iteginent of litintary, in lexico, in appreciation.of his gallant bearing, whdiye en, gaged in that War, is-reqested to meet im the Court [louse on sale day next to makae arrantige .tments for the purchase, titne and place, of pre 4enting the samne. ONE OF THE COMMITTER. Dec. 12. , 3t 47 Furniture Sale! IWILL sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, in this Ilace on 31onidly the 31st inst.: 1 Superior Nlarble Slab Stde-buuid. I Fime SU0N, and Divatn, I Set tof AbFshugatiy Chairs, One or two Garpets, and several other small articles of Foriture. S. CHRISTIE. Auctioneer. Dec. 26, it 49 ]REMOVAL. T HE Subscriber would infori her friends and the public generally, that she has re moved to her present residence, onse door Eaiist ,f the Episcopi Church. where she will coi ite to carry tn the 31 ILLINARY mnd 31AN TUA making business. She is thankrid for past favors, and hopes ly strict attention to business, to merit a cotntinn aunce of the sarne. Mrs. E. 1. WARD. Decembor26 1840. If 40 Adminiastratorss Sale. H E Stibscr'ber will od'er at Pitblic Sale, at the hnte residence of Johiit larrison. dec'd., ton TUESDAY the 8th day of January iext, and tie day following all ile personal Estate of the staid deceased, coinsistinlg ot' tibout 'FORTY-FOUR LIKELY NEGIWES, Corn, 'Fodler. Horses, Mules, Cattle, and inany articles trio tedions to mention. The rerin of Sale, will be made known on the day of sale. JAMES HA-RRISON, Adnm'or. December 26, 2t 49 For Salt. T IHE excellent PlIANTATION, intely occupied byl Mr. F. Soilee, and before 1im, by Levi Ai ilson, Esq., aujainiig the plan.. tationsm of Col. A. Simakins, Mrs. Bonham and "eo Smith. .Said Plhaitation contaihs about 225 acres, of uk aind hickory land. On the ilace is a good !amte Dwelling House, with necessary ont lklings, and a coisiatit well of good w:ter. he plice will be sold lnw,and on easy terms, iied fior irmnediately.. R. WARD. tr 49 efield- Male Academy. T. H..1JOH NSON, resps-cthally nn nonces to the ciiiins or Elgafield rind b11 ' se - icts. that the extercisen or ien on the 1st lanain , 's nuiu:mtly p l i n e taught. hIts ellitn tinie the mo~ral ad ini ecuhi~.uietiuent of'the puiil s. Fsis Payaf4liuua rierly ini tidvanice. dihg. Arithmetic. Geigraiph y &ce. $5,00 a sane with (Srnmamar. P'hiliosn hy, IHistory, Mathematic-s, Sinr dying, &ce $7.00 te hve with Laitih nijid Greek, $9.00 aid boatrd cani readily lie ehta-ned. '"o'schoar enttered fdr l-ss tan at gnairter, ~ddeduci'tiona unade ody in case of sickness. ~Die, 24. 1849. it' 4!) ~ATE& OF SOUTHI CAROLINA 7EDGE~FIELD DISTRICT. IN QRDINA RY. Y V0 JN H IL L, Esq., Ordinary of WVire-reas James lirrison, hnth atpplied to me fo Letiets of Admninistrat'aia, on all and eingular the goods anad chtattels, rights and credits of John Ha~rrison late sif the Distiiet aforesaid. deceas~ed. Trhese are. therefore, to cite andt admoni ish ail and sinaular, the kindired and cred itors of the said deceased, to be andi ai~ear belibre me. at our next Ordinary'S Court for'heSsaid District, to be holden at Eilge field Court IHouse on the lash doty of Jan. uta~y next, to show ca'tse, if any, why ahe said adminiistration should not he gran ted. Given under my hand and seal, this the 24th day ohf Decembher in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huntdred and forty-ntine and in seventy-fourih year of American lindepenidenc'e. JOHN lIlLL, o. ?. n. December 26 2t49 STATE OF SOUT H CA ROLINA. EDGKFIELD) DISTlRICTr. IN ORDINA RY. B Y .3O1HN H IL L. Esq., Ordinary of BEdtgefield District: WVhereas H-ahrriei Faty and George D. Hluiet, hath applied to me for Letters hof Administrattion, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights athd credits oft John Foy, late of the District aforesaid, deceased. These at'e, t herefore, to cite and admon ish all and singutlar, the kindred anid cred itors of the saidl doc'eased, tn he and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Coutrt for the said .District, to he holden at Edge field Court House, oan the 1ith day of Janiuary next, to show cause- if any why the said admninist ration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this the 24th day ol December in the yeur of ottr Lord otne thousand eigtht hundr'ed and forty-nine, and in the 74th year of Amner ican Iadependence. JOH N IIIL L, oaE . Dec 26, 2t 49 Notice. A.LL persons indebted tn the Estate oif James Morris, Sr.. dec'd., are requested to muaket immtediate payment, and thtoie hauving demanids against the Esta'., to ptreenit thetm pirtperly atested, on or befoire the fiflh day of Februtary next, in the Court of Ordiunary, as we 'desire on tat day to settle tip the Estate. PERRY IlOLLO WAY, anid D). P. SELF, Ex'ors. Dee.21, 1840. 7t 40 EGRo K E Rt EYS, Shoes and Blankets. LA supeorior asssortmnent at iSLAND & BUTLER'S. O.3, 'tf r -, Chaleston FeMale Institute, V H E DUTfES of this INSTITUTION will I be resumed on W1'ednesday. the 2d of Jann aty, by Mrs. H. L. MOISE, at her new resi dence. iiiPitt.street. midway between Motiigne and Bull'hreets. Tiis building lins been erect ed for the healthfulness of its locntion, and ii particularly ada ,ted to all the pitrpses of a DAY and BO. IDING 8110OL, having large and airy School rooins. &c. The branches taught cornprise a complete course of ENG LISH, also PR ENCII, 8PAN ISH, and ITALIAN; Drawing. Painting, Vo cal and Instrumental Music irtid Dancing. TER31s. PEa QUAaTER. For English branches. from $ to 15 " French and Spanish. 10 All tither branches at Professors' prices. For Boardinw. Fuel and Li.;ths. 50 Pupils entered f.,r one year will he received for 200. including English Tuition.- Courier. Dec. 26, 2t 49 .*denUIIrator's Sale. BY an orier fromJohn Hi.l. Esq. Ordinary of Edgefield District. will be sohl on the 27te December, at the lat.e residence or I lez, kiah Strom, deceasedi, all of the personal prop erty belonging to said deceased, consisting of 14 LIKELY NEGROES, among whom is a good Bluidksmith, Corn, Fodder. Wheat, Oats, Horses and FaIning and Stock Hogs. Sheep anud Cattle, one road Vag. on, Bliksoith'and Plantation Tools. Hlouse. hold and Kitchen Furniture, and one lot of Cdt tnn Seed, &c. Tzans-All sums or $5 and unler. ensh; all suoms over $5, twelve innhs credit, like purchaset to give Note aid two approved se clarities. property not to lie removed until the terms of sale are complied with, and ir re-sold, will be re-sold at the foriner purbhasers risk. B. F. & S. C. STRO.l, Adli'is. Dec 5 1849 4t 46 Administrator's Sale. N OTICE is hereby given, that by virine of an order froinJion [lilt', Es-.. Ordioary or Edgefield Districi. I sthall proceed'to Eell nt my residemce. on Thnrsday the 27th day of Drcein her inst. the followine property, to wn: it head of horses and moles, cattle, hoas, three waggons and .eir. corn and fodder, houehold and kitchen fornetore. ami itter articles ton te dious to mentino, beinti part of the personal property of Hugh 1eAl Qnarles. decensed. It. M. FUJLLER, Admo'r. in right or his wife. N. B.-There will be hired twenty negroek, .tthe gane time and place. R. M. FULLER. Dee51849 4t .46 eolasses. 5 Hlids. W. India. 20 Barrels New Orleans. 10 BrIs. Sugar House Syrnp, SUGAR. 20 Hlds. N. 0. Porto Rico, and St. Croix, 20 Brle. Croshed, Powdered and Claritied, 200 Lbs. doubled refined Loal, SALT. 100 Sacks, (Chnrleston Sacks,) 50 Bags fine Table dto COFFEE. 20 Baos new crop Rio, 10 bags old Java, 10 Bags Cuba, L1E. 50 BarreLs in fi:ie order. now landing, SEGARS. 30 000 Various q,talities. For sole by - H. A. KENICICK. Hanmhnrg, Dec. 17, 1849, tf 4d .JPIalaga Fruts, 6c. S9 HOXES new crop iilaga ltnisins, 41) half box. Ie% crop Mlalaan linisins, 40 Quarter bo'xes tiew crop Ma'aga Raisins, 1000) Lbs. Soft Shelled new crop Alnonds, 20 Drums Figs, 1 Cask new crop Santee Currants. 3 Broxes do do Genya Citran. 3 Doz.en Jars French Bran~died Fruits, 3 do do Preservesu. (as.rted.) 15 do Boxes Satidines, (assorted sizes,) 3 do Olive Oil, (for Table use.) 30 do Pa:rks Chinetrne Fne Crsckers, Jusat received and fur sale lnw by El. A.-KENRICK. Hlanborg. De. 1lS18, if 4$ Fr'uits, &c... ORANG ES, Lonis. Pine A ppies. North ei n Apples, Grnmiherriies, Pickles. Pie serves, Cordials.' inked Beef. Sahnmon, Fresh Lobsters, snmoked and pickled Tong~ues. Mace, Nminegit. &c. togethier with almost every oth er article likely to boe iieeded the approaching holidays, for sale by A.K RC. Unnirg. D ec. 17, 1849, tf 48 Choice Articles, JUST RECCIVLD. TEW BUCKWilEAT FLOUR, jEnglish Dairy Goshien Cheese, No. I and No. 2 Mackerel. Fresh Sodla Bliseniit. Fresh Cnrrants. Citran, Raisitns.. Alnonds, Pican Nuts, Filberts, Figs, Pruenes, Callers and~Preseinves. -AL 0o flMscovado Molasses and N. 0. Syrnui, Fresh Rice, Black Tea, aiid 7 Kegs Dupnos Powder. All of which will be sold al the lowvest market price. G. L. PENN, Aoer.r Nov. 21, If 44 GREATP BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SROES OP' EVERtY )ES~itPTInN. L A DIES Kid and Miorocco Slippers, Ties, Buskins arid Walking Shoes of superior gnality, Childrens. Misses and Boys Sh~oes~ and Bots. Thick heavy subisitnial Negro Shoes, all of which is warranted not to rip, and will be sold eitraordinary chea:p fior Cash, at WILLIAM McEVOY'S. Oct. 17, 18 tf 39 Strayed or Stolen, F ROM the bibsciiber, on Tuesday night. 27th ult.,ni BAY H ORtSE; left eye ont ls a heavy mnmi and tail, heavy fetlocks, sad.. dIe niinrks. racks, walks and trails well. A re ward of five diolbirs will he paid for anty inifor. mation so that I can get the horse. 12.ROBERT GURFIN. Dec.. 3t 47 L ast Chance ! T HANKFUL toi a generons public for the very liberal patronage which I have re ceived in. my business of renovating oif fenthers in the tillage ar.d vicinily. 1 now inform those who ate yet waitting their he-is renovated, to send their work in wvithaout delay, ar, I will cease to renovate before christmias at this place. WV. Hi. SPECK. Djec 5 i49 tf 46 .iice. A LL Persons indebted to thte Estate of j.Nancy Quarles, deceased, will please come forward aiid tniake itmmnediate paymnt, all having demands agatinist said estate will ren der them ini duly attested its the lnw requires. GEORGE BOSWVELL, Ex'or. Dec 11 1849 4t 47 For &ale. A GO0OD Second-htand Camrringo. nearly new. WV. P. BUTrLER. - EDG FIELD FEMALE INSTITUTE, EDGEP.I LD DISTINCT, S. C. I H E literary claims of this Instivtution to) faivornbfe notice aid patronage, are wiih sem coinfidence ndyaneed is beinig filitaitded on the extensive patronage etajed by the ,Rector fIor several years in this disaict. 1n'it, younaag Lhdips will be educated npoln a standard egmil to aiv of. ihe mnore expeasive 'and fashinanble Scho'al of the 8 ite. The utiat st atitehitiun will be ptid it their morals, witlhoit any inter Tdrendc with thilir relieious teniets. and a sys len will be adopted which will have loir its nimao the developemaent of the understrndinig and powers tof almaight, ralier thian bimdeninig the tmetmory with unexpluinaed and mprorfitable inI congriities. Thle usnal nmccc'aaiilimerits will Ise 'c'triei to their Iiiglaest griade. by accomilishel nnd lans aomrous Tenchaers, and it is believed ilait'the ed, ticalin of a young LaUdy caan be finislh'd here without clange. increased exaense, 'br distant separation lroan her Iriends. The Rector ins had nmore an twentyti'ven years experience in his paropfessiin. lnd believes himaseli thoronghly acqiaited with the geieral characers ad reqiiretaments of youth. Him self a Parent. le presents himself to his Pupils as a Father. treaits them n-a his childreni. id enl tienvors to lend them in the way they should go. by maaives of duty niad niff-ction. A daily renister will be kept of the sindaics (or eacl Pu pi?.* This, which will be ;nI ex-ic inom.ut of their health and condaaet, and (or the dipoisal of their tiane. will be ieat niathly th (heir fileial, who will thsas lie informed, as' if daily present, (of the manner in which their children are ema plaved. The Reetor and his fianily are permanently located tit Edgefield C. 11. REFERENCES. Gov. DAIO JaoHsoN, lons). IV. J GRAYSON, Col. F fl. EcairOR, )r. W,5 10oBL. Col. L'. [1. lffa . Dr. JonsH NICHOLSON. Re'v. W. B. JoHN.-Ov. .sS. SHEPPArD, Esqj. Rev. Dr. Tnomas Cui-rs. The Institute is provided with superior Mu-i cal Instruments, A ppariatas. & c. Instructors. Mr. ROBERT Hl. NICHOLLS, Rrctor and General Instructor, (Late lroessor of Rheltoric and Belles Letites, its JefTerson 'Cilege,.ouisinaa.) M1r". SUSA N M. NIC HOLLS. Instructress in Music, Sin'ging and Embroidery. Miss .IIARRIET Al .PERRt, Instructress in uasic. Singinr. Draing.- and Painting,. (Gridnate ol Troy Seminiiary, N. Y.) M iss E LIZ A P E LOT, Instructress in the Prim ary Department. TERMS PER QUARTER OF ELEVEN WEEKS. PAYABLE INVARiABt.Y IN ADVAN'ci. Primary Depairtaieait. It Division, $I 00 2d " 5 lo Third 4o 7 01) Second "f 9 (0 First "t '10 0(i MUSIC. Pianao and Sioning, 12 00 Use of the Piano. 1 00 aaAwIS0. In Pencil, Chalks, &c. G 00 PA aN TINo. In Oil or Waters colois. 8 00 ElaBRo!DERY. Pupils furnishing their own materials, 5 00 Or Spanish Lngnnges, onchi, 5 00 CONTINGENT EXPF.NSES. For Fnel, &c. 25 cI. Excelleit I oard anal Lolainag can br readily obtained iin the villag., at $11 per umoth. The Schlmastic year is divide-d into four qauar. ters, of elevna weeks ieh, the first c'ommaena cinag on thne 2d13 .cilcnay ini .ainnry ; thet. secondaai ona the 1 t lialcay iia Aparil. Pnpalils caannoit lhe eantaered for less thnnia a Qmarter, ad ino iideciona is miadie undmer anay Ccicaumsaanaers, execept parotreacted sickaaes. Mar. Gj. L. l'enaa, anueratakes to sijmply. thae T1ext..Boniks, Stataionary', & c , at Auagista prices. D)ec. 19, 1d4.9. 7?t 43 lUT T1heo 80nithern Dbaptis:. Tlenmperanae Ad vocatt, hlamaurig Repaubb~ameanind Liamrer-vihlte Hleraldl, w'll insert thais, ia thie lace ofi the presenut adverisemeneit, iantil thlais: of Jnnnarry. Aduniisutrator's Sale. B33y viaat~ie of an order froam the Ordmnrzy ..Dof Edgerni.'d Districa. I shiall procoeed toi sell at thec late residence of' Sasana Unrt, decea sed. on Thuarrldity the '27ah inast. the follouving~ prop~erty, ton wia: her entiae nock mlT AMiles, mie llorse. Catale, Ho.s Shaeep. one Road Weagont mind larnmes-,i,ane Carriagc naaal lIharness, lani tahtion Tooails, Ilinsehold aiid Katchaen Fauri. :nre. Oa a credit of' twelva months wialh note anad two approived sccuraitiesi, eiept for all sians unider T1eni Doaluars, whaich amioaots n ill be requaired ini caush. Thec right of thme proiperty not chaniged untail thec termns are .onuplied withi, anda if resold, at the risk( of the formecr purchia ser.. .. EUGENE BURT, Adm.'r. .Dec. 12. 1849, 45 d Not ice. T II Est'ate iaf Ab'nha Riubertson, decen.. sedI, beinog derelie',i sll proceedh toa .-el day thme 28th inist. all thie personal property of said deceused. consauising 0of three Ihairses, stock of Cattle. Hocgs anad Slheepl, alhe enatire Crop of Coin, Fmder and Outs, ban or twelve Balhes of Cotaona, Plaaiitationa Tools. H onsehaold anal Kitch-. en Fuarnitmure. (On a caedit of six mnonahs, with nocte anad tia npprov'ed sec~urities, alhe right of thae pbriipnrty not chanagedi unatil thme termsaa ofi scale are complied wvith, and if' resold, at alhe tisck of theo first puarchanser. Giv'ena nndaer may hanid at nay Ollice, this thie 12th Dec. 1849. JOlhN H ILL, 0. E. D. Dc 9 2t 48 Notice. T.1 H E Estate of Almenr Whitre, deceased, be" 1inag Derelict. I shall proceed toa sell at the late Rescidenace iof satid deceased. oaa Thurcduny the third day of Jntaanry naext, all thie personal property ofeanid Estate. conusistiner ofnie Horse, ilogs. Cattle. Carmn, Fcadder maid Oats, two or athrce Bales car Ciotton;, lanutation Tools, II taase. hold amnd 1Kitchaen Farcnitare. Ona a credit cof six Monthis, with naote nmnd two aipprovedi sieen, rities The right ri' the property not changed un ctil the termas ofi scale are compljaiedi with. anad if resold at the ris"k or the first puarchaaser - Giv'en aunder mty hmeand at may oflice, thais the 18th dimy of Dec. 1849. JOHN [hIL L, 0. E. D. Dec. 10 1849 31 48 .Wolice. I WILL. sell can thme first Moadcay in January .3 te.'t, as Agenit of3 3iss Frances Richaardson,. six likely nieermesi. to wit: Stepmher, H~arilett, Mary, Dameal, William and Eliza, ona a crcedit of twelve motths: paarchiasers will lbe reqnired to give noutes with two Approved securities, thais 17tha Dec. 1849. . H. B3OULWVARE, Agenac. Dec.10 3t 48 PR1IARY SCHOOL. MitS, McClaINTOCK'S P1tMARY~ S C Ii 0 O) L , will be rcsmnaaed ona tih first Mloniday ina Jcnuaaary naext. Airs. Al. will accuoammodnite yong Ladies and chialrenm with hoarding also. i hc..1. i .VJ t HEADQUARTERS. GENERAL ORIDERS.. A ., applications for A RMS and A CCOU TiEM EN I's will in Initre im niade to the Cmmnander-in-Chief direct. . Each nppliention contitersigned mst te cnntd;ersigned by the Colonel of the RlIeginuetit. contain the tinit strengit of the Company, the ntinmhe'r nndit charsicter of ni misand nrctantre muents fni hand, the itmher and chater of arnis and sNemetremetsh regnired. In tin evetit 'will fity rrgnisition be complied with until til the old or useless arms and 'econitreniits fire returned, or sitistiactorily accounted for to one ofthe Arseial Keteiers of this State. The 117 Sec. A. A. .641, herewittrpfiblished will be rigidly enfirced. fby ordepr Comnidiiier-i- Chiicf: J. W. CANTEY. Adij. und tinsp. Gen. Each officer, required by law to nike any rettirin or report, or who smll he reqiired by any super'or olicer, and ilit t iako such re trint Or report, shal tie hiablo to be fitted as fotlows. tq wit:. A Minj..r General, one hun .dred and filiy dollars; a Brig'idier Gpeiera1, os e hItudred dallars: a Colonel. or ohliier coi.. niamading a re-giment, seventy-five doiiarit a Lieutennt-Colonel. Majnr. or olicer com ian.1ina is bittialion. lity dollars; a Cntptiii, or officer comtnidiing a ciip iany. twetnty-five dollars; a Jndsige Advocate Ge~neral, seventy-live dollars; n Brigadii .li Advocate. fifty dol l.trs; a Regitmental Jitlgre Advocate, twety live doll 'rs; a Payinster General, seventy five itolars; a Divisint Pis'inanser. fifty dtolltrs; n lrindie Pnymnister, hirt diitollis; a1 lp'iietit al Py uitAer, twenty-ive dollar-; n tid il c0oim mistioned staff oflicer4 shall lie fined In sinilir smti, according to their respective rank, mid fifty per cent. I'll the ntiin tt of time last gener i tax of sich delinqent of any ginde." Dec. 19. 1849 tf 49 PALIRETTO STORE. IIAMBURG, S. C. B. McCREIGHT, respectfully in, a forms the citizens of Edgefield,'th'at he has on hand (and will bb receiving from time to time) a large and splendid assort, ment of imported SEGARS, which ie offers at prices heretofore unknown in this market, for Cash, either by Wholesale or Retail. -ALSO A largo,stpply ofrorthern Appleih,Oranges, Pine Apples. ialaga Grapes, Cranberrieil, Pruties, &c. &c. -AL5(t Pickles, Canton Ginger, Peach, Plumb, Poai and Orange Preserves, &c. &c. Wooden Ware, Brooms. &c. &c., together with every articleiisuallyX64d'in such Establishments. (3- When you come 1i town and 7 wish fine Segars or Fresh Fruit, alwayssenquire for McCREIGiT'S Palmotto Store, Next door to Ketchum's Hotel. Dec. 12, 4n 47 0onslant. y on RKaind. AND STILL RECEIVING'! Ji ay received per Steame eiv o l YETrorM New-York, ex s to ns to our already large and superior STOCK of OODS. Among our tecent arrivals are Plain and Figured Black Silks, Striped and Watered do. Plaitn and Figured col'd 'do. 1=2 doz, Paris Swisa Robes, for evening Dresses, Some Now and ibeautiful Styf'es of Ging Mourning Collars, Laces, &e. FOR THE GENTr.EMEN. Superior Bltack and Fanicy Cassimrers, A beatifuzl assortment of Oflicie and Over Co~at's,, 2 or 3 pieces ingrain'ed, an'd thie' Ply .Carpetmng, Fresh Englisht, Dairy and Pine Apple Cheese, ''Macaroni, Fruits. &c. B3L AND & BUl'LE R. Oct. 80, 1840. tf 41 NOTIOE. T R UnE ~tder-irrned pirotprietoir oif tile CAR OLtNA lioT'EL Lo~'eie on Centre et ini the Town of Ilumtbirr. wvitl dispose of~ the tuexpited term oh' his teisse to this elegant atnd the 27th daty of' Decembher ntext. nuiniess sooner disuposedI if at Private .sale. lIe will at thi samtte time udisposue sof tie lilrtniture, beloingintg to tthe estiablishentt, til of whIieb~ is tnew ant of ax supe'rior goitty. w~ell adlaptedt ti) n I litet. T1he Caroinnt H- sateltti haseen tong esttish;~ ed antd is wel'l knownu to the travteltinig comimnit It has recently theen thnroingtbty repaired. wellI litruuisheud, and is, at this time, receiving a tliber Termt made kon on the day of snie. JO HiN A. 110USTOR0~ D ec 5 1849 41 46 .irolire. TH E Snbsicribr'r itntending tn relingni.;h ..thme tprnuetic'e of Z'decinie at tthe expira tutn of the year, retuirns hisi unfeignedf ilianks four the liberi paitrona~ge externdetd to himt. beinig anxinons tio ntdjast Ihis as.coutnts, respiectleilIy re qnest thotse Iidetbted to tmn~ke patyinient bty Gush or Nots', prior idi that date. His services ats a cinstin g physiieiinni cani hc otasinet ont Nall Ic caisions, unlesse whtenu professrioall Iy eisgageid. WM1. D. JENNINGS, M. D. Oct. .10, 1849. I' 38 feshsprofssionals set vices a fter the ex piration of the year, in the practice of Medi cins.* Surgery, titnd Obstetrics, to te Gitizens oh' Dark Corner tand its vicinmity. Of1ice mit Dri Oct. 10, 1849. tf 39 sfj Tanner W~anted. A GENTLEMAN thatcnt entioe ivell re cotimenided ini the nuosve btnesiness, and of' gooid misoral charnreiter, cain securt' a gtood busi ness at thme Suusctitiers tteni Colemnatn's pg Roads, Edgefleid District, S. C. M.l W. CLARY. U& The G reenville Moutnttimelr; witl give the abtove twit insermiions, anid Ijirward aecount to this nijice. Dec318f49 2t 48 Boarding for Young Ladies. 7L ll E Sutbscriber wvill ncomttrsnddate with boairdinig, tens sir twelve Ystuing Lndtsies. H is H onso is roomny andt piensantly sitita ted. cotive, nienit mo tthe Fe'mals Acadneies. Parents atnd Gutiasri nity hu assuired thttt every attemtion niecessasry will bn paid to Girls comnfitied to htis cinre. EDMUtiND PENN. I u..e c 1 14 It''1 AUCTION. B EING pevertcd by ifircmstances, from offering the House and Lot, where S.1 W, K rNNRLY, has resided for some years past, on last Sale Day, jtccording to advert tiqement, I will without fail sill, the same on Sale Day in January, before the Court House door to the highest bidder. The HOUFE and LOT is vcry eieibly situated in the Village of Edgeield, and all in good repair. The Dweling IIouse, is commodious, and well suited to the necom 'modating of from fifieen to twenty boarders, either male or fetaale. The flattering pros .pects of the very flourishing Schools in the Village, makes the property desirable. The premises will bU sold on a credit of one and two years. For further particulars, application can he made to Mr, Kennerly, or in his absence, to the Subscriuer. nr H R. Spann. LEWIS COVA R, Auctioneer. Dec. 12, St 47 Hodges & Fuller Instituites, UNtER THtE CONTil, OP TItM IA f1 '!. I llESE INiTIrUTIONS which kniave been in tuccessfl operntiun for the three past years, come before the pthlic: with inicrens, d facilties., presenting stronger inlcements to the denominatit. id a generous public fAir their 1ntroinge anad coifilenre ilinu at aiy previons tiod of their existaimee. The Honoss iss-rTtTUT, is now condtieted in the iew. large. convenient aid hiand.-sime. Brick Edifice, erected for the Inuti:ntiin. which will be comp.-ted .t1d finiished by the ci1tm ine metunt of the next senasii. allier the tIA approved plan Mr. A. Dxonicw, A. Al , whose qtalifienttions n-i i scholtr iid'i'istinc tar have icen sntianactorilv tested fir two year., Cotinitues as pritciil:d of this lntsttitioi. adil will have cimpeicit assisinntsin every depart. mint.-See Galanatn for 1619. Th1e FuI.txa lsrr-rurI, is reired on the site of the. former knil.diiig. (whicla was 4ies-, troyed by tire. Atiril. 1. 1846.) reindaled. ea. luiged and hennoitified, and will lie refidy for the opening of thu next sepsion. tiid,-r the Rector. ship of the Rev. Cit.s. A. RAv3aarso of New Orlents., who will have associated with him Mrs. RATMOVDnad otier gaiitlified assistts. Mr. RAYMOND anDa Lndy. nre ex perienced tecr'h. ere, nyl the Boanrd' tre warratated in aistring the patrons nna friends of the iistinitiotn. of their .tharough qnnlificatio.n, fear'thee .ccesfl edncaion of the yottng laies pliced tnder their care, in every liternry, scientific and ir nanental braiifh which iay be reqtired. It is the determitation of* the Board of* Trns, tees, Principals, and all conneeted with these aistitutions, to furtaish the Denomatioit iin and the puablic in genreril,-with:lftiiiions worthy tif hie'r cotnfidelsme and pateni. Tuition arid Board ai liefore. Tipi*drst ses iont 1850, open l penoMonday, January 15, 1850. JAS. M.GHILES, Pres. B. T. W. P. H::I .L., SeC'ry. Greenwood, S. C., Dec. 6. 1849. Dec. 12, 3t 47, Rose Coltage Acadeny.. T H E exercises tof this institmiiiin, will he resnined on the Seron Aliday ini Jann ry next, under the charge of its present princi. pal,.' Yilm . M U s siccess as a teacher is fiilly aciaw d wherever he lins tanght, an no where more corri-lly. than iii this sertton. The sitantion or Itost GorTAr., is siaeh. that thetnost cmnfortabhe boarding cai be obtaiiied, :at the lowest prices; and in the cimniniity, the young maen will nven coistaitly placed befire them. the Vi~est examples of subrietv, imtoirnility and religioi. RIAre's..2Snch as are nennl in Academies. JOHN LAKE, MIANSOM TIMMEIR MAN, , LUKE CULBREATH,* ISA AC BOLES, , JEREMIAHI COOK, J Dec.12 4t 47 Pottersville Acadenay~, NEAR EDGEFIELI) VILLAGE T H E Exercises iaf this linstittioin willconm. mniuce ona the flrsf Mlonday in January ntext. niader the dlirectiaan of M r. Gv aonwv K v.st. aniAw aissisted by Mrs. Kransaw. CTe seno-. lastic year will be teia Months. mn wvhicha will be mtaght thte followinig bitancahes at the ifrics aninexed: Spellinig, Reading and Wri hing,$12 per anntumr. Ar-iihnmic, Anialysis and liistotry, 14l " Enrgtisha Synonymnes. Eat.' lish Gmnmimur and Geo graiphy, 17 " Ortnmenital Needlle IWntk, Boatany, Naituiral Phailoseo play Chaem:smtry, Dratwinag aund Painiti, . . 20 " A st rntomy ini all its Drnnaches, nii! probilemsr ini Gaography, Gemnttetry, rignoaamry, Sitrveyinag, Platintg atnd Liati i. 21 "i Pltiisiapliid Aiparntis. i'iihaemtntieal in Atraimaepte antd a l~eliniinaor, i pair of Globlec nand a Schtoal L-lirnry. &c. &c., will lie faormash eat, alstoall Bodkhs und Stntionatry att Coumtbiii or Augusta prices. DAILEY CORLF.Y, ROBERTi TURtNER,I. JOIIN H-ILL. . TR'sTE~d. JOHIN KIIRKSEY, | N. B-If reqauired a Mnsical Teacher ill lie ohliined. ,. Nov. 28 1849 if 43 STATE OF SOUJTH CAROL1NA ElWK~EI DISTRiCT.. IN TitiE CdURT Ok ORDIARE' Zardekiah Wantkipis, &. wife Jotaccy vi. | Summons The Representative of Hitam > in. fmrandarot, and others, dle- J PdriLlin. Ti nppearing~ to, my saiisfaaetin that Johna ..Fuariruson,CHezekinli fEdwards aid wife, te Represaeniatives nf Annata Reavee, arid thae Rieprdeneitatives oif Wilhinnih Fairgnison. Distri, htees of the Estate oaf Willianii Fuirgauson. St. deceased,. live beyond the limits tor this State. It is therefore airdered tat they alo appenr itn the Gousrt of Ordinary .in and for the State and Distict nairesntid ont or biefore the first Monaday in March neit,.toi showt cause if any they cant, whay the Real Estate af Wthianm Fair. gason. Sr. dc'd, ihmild naot be devidead or sold, tat their conlsetnt. witllibe entered of record. Givena nuader anyv hatnd att tray Office, thre day aind daite atbove written. JOIJ.N IIILL, o. e. n Dec 12.1849 3m 47 .ZJolice. .ALL persn'.s indebtead taithie Estate of Jamhn Pow. dtceansed, at e enrntest ly regneastedh to ake immiiedinte payment, arad tall ilhioe htavitig dlemnands ngnaitnt said Estrate, are ralso regnieste~d ta, present accordmtg to lawt. A. JONES, Adna'r. Oct. 31 if 41 RE8II ENGLbiI DAIUY CHEESE, ILj ust receivcad it BLAND & DUTLER'S. BOOTS AND 8H0ES.Q IT HE SUBSCRIBER, would inform his friends thzt he is sti I carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE businees at Edgeteld C. H., next door to Aiesrs Bland,.Teague 4 & Co's Drug Store, and h'aving in his employ several first rat' workmei will pledge . him self io ge aatisafaction. . wa' 'vill hereafier, do'businCs3ssaSitily upon ilie'C'SH SYSTEM. No work will be ailfwdi. lo leave .the .sltop until the cash is -p.id. Discount from forincr l;rices, as tollow.s:. NEW PRICES, OLD PRICz. Weited Boots, $'i 50 . $8 (M. Pump,. * 7 to 9 01. Water Proof " 8 .t 10 fl0 Quilted Bottoms, 8 00 10 00 All other work in proportion. J.'-D. TIB&ETTS. . Dec.12, if 47 Mediines, Vaints, Glass &c H.VILANbO, RISLftY k CO. AUGUS'A. GA. DEALER'S "N c1to'C . Drugs and .YedIcs, SUIGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTE, PA.NTS, OILS, DYE STUFrs. WIN now-GTAss, FANCY SoA'Ps. 'PS iCUM EnRY, BnUNH Er, To1 AT AnrICL'E's. AGENTS. F61. THE MObT i..VABLE PA-TrNT.r.NEDfC1IN.E, Trj'uqa,.,Dv-. TrTs GOLD FoIL. TEETH,.THE PEKIN TEA CoMPAfi' - 'F.Als, RosEIDALE.CE MENT,CALCiNED ViLAsTER OF PAn'', &c.. t1- Ilavinz a very extensive.SkIek$ which is kept full aid fresh by weekly 'additions, we ate prepared to.mippfy.'Planiers', Phisi eian', and the Trade, at tery low 'prices. 0d- Orders promptly atteiidd.to. HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO, DRUGGLIsTs, wear tt ,1\ansiog., Houre. Glibe ap~d U. S. Hotefs,,,Aug.sta', Ga. Nov. SZ, 3m - COPA RTN E R$BSP.. T HE undersigned, havig ssociated . thepselves in bisieas n' The name and style of DVlNAR '& 'GARMANY, for th''peiise d& fransheliig a generat GRO CERY BUSINESS, in ithis pin' respet fully invites tUh attinsion' f Piae'lu to their HibavyStock of all the leading articlei-of ineral coninuOption. They a 4 fou. d awithe standteceiatly occupi ed .Dun bar, and nearly opposite the sly o W -icdby G. W I.rtany e wifI.he 4py io.reie their. da. and patrons, togetler witi ic at We are determined to. kee.eosatantly on hand a stock unsurpassed by ny.ever nfered in ttis market, aid believing tin'racilities for buying LOW, to be equal io jmy inwthe place, - we .will alivays bie prepared. to sell at the lowest prices, eitherior Cas'h or on time to ap'prove' 'cust'iirs.... Haiing rented the - Ware-Flouse formerly occuped by B. Elliott, and placed it under the charge of an epe ripnced man, -re .r prepared t. ofr advantages I storage with ny WareHou in the place ; and liberal Cesh Advance 5; made,.at aJI times, on Cottgn scored with,. or on shipments made to d. WV. Garmany & Co., Savannah, *whfose chat'gea wviH be as owas ustuajly made by qther Factors. The - highestprices paid at all times for Cotton and other produce b'rought tp' market. B. MDU N AR, 0. W. 'GARMANY. Hamburg July 2, t'f 26 J C ter d. UBEG leav'e to 'ret'drn 'my thanks to the 2.public fo'r'the lilserilp' tronage heretofore bestowed on tmesand sol icit a continuance of the-sam'e for tihe new firm. B. S. DUNBAR. Si Card. T BEG leave to return tny thanks to the .publIic'for the liberal patronage hereto fore bostowed on me, and solicit a contittu ance of the samne jir the ne w firm. G. W. GARMANY. *Cheap Goods in Store. ~50 lihds Prime iN 0 Sugar I1) Ilhws. comnit N. 0. Sugar, 20 " chmice Porto Rico, Sugars 2:5 BA~rel'cinr'liedl 5 ' crntshed 2 " powdv~ered 5 IBixen Wonolasey & Woolsey double ..relin~ed lnnf agar, 2 " Chatrleston double rcfinted los .. ,sugar, 2U Hhds. Mt nisenvndo Molasses. 5 " Tlrinidad " 150 itarrels Newl Orleans" 1(10 iBarrel.. No. 3 Mackerel (large size,) '2t Kits No I 14A bags prine Rio Coffe 40) "' Lagngra 2(1 " " old Cuba .3 ' old Jlava 60 Lh.Union brand white Lead (No, ,extra andtu pure,) 300 Galkons Linseed Oil, 2 Barrel.. Tirir, 300 Lb... Pott'; in bladder., 125 Boxes wi'ndow gbus.. (all size..) 75 Kern Eastern naeil (asisorted) 20.000 L~,s. nasorted Swedes lron. 50Q "Casteel (dandlers.os.) Germnan and Blhuter steel, 400) PieceA heavy Dundee bagging, 100 Coils hemp rape, 10~ Bnles hotmespou (Acg sta .manufac. ture. 5 " h "v (Granuiteville Company) 8 "haycotton Osnabitgs, I20 boxes splerml candles, 20 "' Adnmanrine candles,. 10 " [H uill & Sons pnittnt eandles, :30 Jhds. luacotn sides (western,) 400)0 Lhs.. counttry Bacon. 3 Tierces Rice. &c. & c.. -A LSO Sddles,. Bridle.., Blnaket.., Calicoes, Couti Yiriu, soeas, l ats., Caps. Ttths. Stngar cnm,, ieve.., Tobacco, Poppler, Spice, Gitnger. Ten., Cne-seat Chair.., Wood seat ('inir, Gritnd.. stontes. and ma~tny other artils too tedious to DUNBAR &GARMANY. lumbuirg, Jtnly II, 184), tt '25 A LL Persoins indebted tno time Estate of Aa ron H- uwardI, Decensead, are requested in, mike immutedia tc pnmeint, andi all thoise hay. intg claims agadinit the estate, to render them in properly atcts. R. P. BR[JNSON, Adm'r.