p0 -3EANCIPATIiON IN KENTUCKY. ' The Maysville Eagle. contains the pro. kceedings of the mnecting of citizens of Ma son Co. held on- the 12th inst. in pursu ance to a call signed 'y 523 voters. The meeting was a very large one, and among the resolutions we notico th.e fol lowing: Resolved, Tiat in the opinion of this meeting, the institution of Slavery is a great political and social evil, for the ex istence of which in 'Kentucky, however. the present generation is not at all respon sible. Resolved, That in our opinion, a gradu 'at and prospectivesystem ofemancipation accompanied by colonization.' should be 'adopted by'our State. ' We regard such a project as practicable, politic, and humane, - snd earnestly desire to -see it accom plished, Resolved, -That while we delare our selves in favor of some carefully devi3ed plan of emancipation. which shall be gead ' ual in its operation, we are utterly opposed to any system which shall nnt result in the final removal of the Black race from Ken turky, Rev. Wm. L. Breckenbridge, in a con munication to the Louisville Journal, pro poses the following plan for Emancipa tion in Kentucky: 1. That all slaves born after a fixed time (say the adoption of the nef t;onsti .ution, or such later day as may be ap. proved.) shall be free at a certain age, (say twenty-five years,) provided that they are in the State at-that time. The introduc tion of slaves rom ab'road lieing dhbolutely prohibited from the adoption of the Con - stitution.. 2, That emancipated slaves, as they .,.become free, to. piss under the care and control of the State, and to be sent to r,i beria, or elsewhere if they prbler,'whenever they shall possess by gift, or their own hire, sullicient means to remeve them, and maintain them a reasonable time. To all of which I will add-power in the Legis lature to exempt individual cases from the general law of removal. SLAVERY iz KENTucxY.-The Louis ville Courier expresses its perfect satisrac tion that if the negro slaves of Kentucky could vote upon emancipation, connected, as.it must of necessity be, with their re moval from the State, that a large majori ty would vote against being' emancipated. It says: "We know an instance where a number of family servants amounting :o fQty, were called together by the master and inistress, and their freedom tendered to them on condition that they would emi .grato tQ Liberia. The slaves requested time t'deliberate, and when it was grant ed they 'fixed a time for reporting there suit oftheir deliberations-and at the ap pointed tiihe'uhanimously refused the of fer. Ever'y1-cbeient that could be of fkred. by 'tiie iiiaiter and mistress was tendired, but they Wodid not accept the offer. Nor'is this by any ideans a soli. tarv case. The fheemen of Kentucky are not more devoted to the soil of the State than iieslaves are and there is a-strength' ,6f affectionbetiveen the parties-that would be incredible to those'.wah -ok atifr'a 6 r-* r- g-4:1 nii"i wihere staI fle'sili60e freedor, and removal to anoIieFtaie." As a general 'thing, an cli'ss of servants in,the world, is 'as kindly treaeil as'Virginian s'laves. There aire cases. o*f 'coifrse, .of . harsh anl'crnel 'masmers,-Must i iVp will find itn the World 'cruel parents,'schdol teachere, 'iasters'of vesses &c., but 'ihe'y aire 'few in nlinber and exceptions, 'to the 'general voie,. If hlie 'peculiar institution impose's "burthe'us r5o heavy to 'be borne"~ on any class, it is 'certainly rdt on 'The blac'ks. [Ricks Rep. MassXch.usFi9S ANDe So'rin CA not 1 A.-T'he followin" is 'the Messagoe of Go-v. Jlriggs, transmnittinig to'the Senate of Mas 'sachusetts the resolutions of the South Carolina Legislature on the WViiriot Pro,. V'iso : - 7'o the' jIIfnomed Renate : I1 herewith commtunicate for the 'se of the Senate, the0 resolutions of Sotuth Caro -lina on the subiject of applying the prinei pies'of the Wilmot Proviso to 'Lhe territory - acquired from Mexico. One or'thmje resolutions declares in de coro'ei b0' plaid terms, that tl -Idme for discussindth'e subjecW on part of the Slave States, has 'ed. anid that South Carolina s', parted to co-operate with .*-.er States in treisti na he a pplheation of the prin'eipl'es ofi the Proviso to su'ch territory, at ever'y lratartl. 'With undoubtinig'confide'n'ce 'that Nlave 'y may be excluded r'rom any territory.be longing to the United States, where it does not now exist, without the least ifringe l'nent upon the conistitutiotni rights of the slave Stares, Massachusetts has exp,r'sl her purpose of opposing such extension as ihconsistenit with the spirit of the Constitu tion, the views and initentions of its fra mers and, the rigihts of humanit.l. ,It is to be .libyed that the .Np tional L.egisismture will prompltly. extend the principles of that Proviso, wvhich are none other thtan the great principles-of the orflinance of 1787, over all the Terri'tories.of the Urtiion, and leave thoso wvho may choos^e to resist such ai lawv, to judge of thteir cii cntztse. G MO. N:. lR IGGS~ Council Chamber, Feb..17, 18-19. - Weallih of California.-T n the excite meat caused by the discovery of gold in California, it appears to have escaped at tbntion that there are vast pearl fisheries there, from which the Spaniards derived an immense revenue. We have no doubt that these pearl deposists will be again opened by the enterpi'ising people who aire going there in such great numbers from all parts of the United States. 'Pearl fishing, wvhere the pearl oyster is abundant, as it is represented to be on the coast of Califor nia, is as-profit able business as digging for gold. The well known ingenutity of our countrymen would soon discover means to obtain those treasures, much better 1lian the old systeul of diving, ifl proper incn * tive wero held ouit. We suppose, howev, er, that .the pearls will remain:utndisturbed as the yield of gold is as abundant asit was at the last accens.-N. 1'. Herald. The Mississippi was 40 miles broad at Meoiphis lately, by the rising water ex endi,s edr the Arkan.:a fiats. BY LAST NIGHT-S MA I. COTTON MARKET. CHAMESTON, March 5th, 1049. The Cotton sales to-day amounted to 200 bales. at a range of from 5:1 to 7.1 ets. In pri ces there is no change. From the Columbia Tclegraq.h, March G. CONGRESS-A FIT FINALE. It seems after all that the California Bill did not pass the House, as wa's repurfed, and that Congress broko up in "ai row," regular sparring matches having come oft in both bodies, in tWhich "Blood ('twas from the nose) began ~o flow." The Tel graphie Repo'r of Iht Mercury says: "During the ex'i1ted debates last nighr, the Senate was disg'raced (we believe for the first time) by a perso'nal renconie, in which blows were. exchapged bet -reen two of its members-Foote of Mississippi, and Cameron of Pennsylvania. A similar scene of rotvdyisi wa's eat'ed .in the House betweien Johnsor 'or AtIcansas, and Fick lit or Illibol,. In thb latter blood flowed copiously. Both ihese a'airs nere finally settled amicably." The latest despatch informs us that the session of Congress terminated yesterday morning, great etcit'cment existing to wards the close. The Civil List Dill, the Mexican Board Bill. and the Bill for the establishment of a Home Departtndut, were all passed. The Senate hak refused to takeup the House 'California Iill*, "with the Willmoi Proviso attached, by a vote of twebty eight to twent4ivo." A PRECIbus LEGACY. A. Jackson, Jr., has requested the pa pers of this State to.give publicity to the fullowin%, , 'ie 'of Gen. Jackson's will, in which the 'p.edpr6 of Sbuth Carolina must feel considerable inie'rest . "The gold bok presented to me by the corporatiob of the city of New York, the large oil et va e- preented to me 4y the ladies of Cha leston, South 'Carolina, my native State, with the laige Oicture repre sett ing the unfurlin; of the. American ban. ncr, presented to me by the'citizens of South Carolina, hen i't ias refused to be accepted by the Unite'd 1$tatas Senate, I leave iu trust to my son, A. Jacksou, jr., with directions, .*that, should our happy country not -be blessed ivith peace-an event not always to be expeted-he w;ill at the close of the war, or end of the con flict, present .'ach of said articles of inesii mable vAlue to that patriot residing in'that city or State frotm which they iere- pre-, sented, who shall be adjudged by h'isoun. try meti or the ladies to have beeu the most ,valiat in clfende of:his countryand oir cquin!ry's rights., - Jad es;the press, and .;A "end i x W'f publidieti=ent, re qurl sI 'gik. publicity to that sentiment. It is'a 1rul* delicate position to place any -indi. viuai or individuals in, to award such an inestimable gift to the "most valiant'. pa trior, when every man in the ranks or the gallant Regiment,.which hei coveredteiw State wvith honor, was "valiant..". .Ru. there are circumstances which must go far in aiding all in a decision. The positiott, the responsibility and the daring 'feats of braver'y of..the-surving commander of. .ih,e Palmetto Regiment, all unite to render him, in our humble, opinion, the worthy reciplent of .this .gift.. And we btelieve the people, (be ladies and .th~e presy will concu~r in this..suggestion; for,. among the "most valiaitt" of the many bravo spirits who have returned from the conflict, the valor.-tho skill, and the estimable conduct of Col. Gladde i are highly appreciated. South Carolinian. The Hons'e of Representtives .of New York hans passed a resolution to. p.resent to Major Bliss, (who is sazive of that St ate,) a gold medal, .with suitable inscriptions and dlevices-triplicates of ,vhich arc to be struck-o'ne to be yresented to Maj. Bliss. anothe'e t.6 be deposited in the State Li brary, and another ast the alili'taryi Acade my at WVest l5oint, -Death from a Slight Cold Dy neglectong those salutary precautions whlich comnun sense d icta tes, many, 'very many, fall victims to their imprudence. We have seens the young bride, bloomnitig as it were, as the hArd of paradise and tlie fair Iir of hope, the pri'de of her father an'd the joy of her mother-her che6k flnshed with unticipa. tiuri, and her eye beaming withi the soft expree sion of love.-tlic gay~ dreanis Uif life danmcing on her faiicy with 'th'e rich and variegated tinto of the fainbowva prorh:r'e- We htave ieen al'j tilis thsinged-:ate, ttie Wd'ding garmient for a shii-oud adid the briddl chiainsbei of this sepul chrie ofhi diad i nd all thmis fronm neglectIng d common CULUJ. Now, before it isjtoo lati, use DR. ROGERS' LIVERWORT AND TAR, tihich gives hnmediate relici' as thido sands of our moat intettigent ramities now admit of its most extraordinary cures. The gay, thc beautiful, and the youig speak forth its praise and will,'0 long ats it makes positive burcs and c.ierks the despairing family fireside. For Sale by J,. D. CHIASE. February 14, it 4 Blgir Lodate NVov 17. (lM Regulartmeeting of ibis todge will be held on Monday evnmg niext at 7 o'clock, . ELJDERT. BLANI$, Sec. M~arch 6 . t 7 BLACK KNIGHT W ILL sta.nd the etnsning Spring Season at D. Holland's. Esq., coiteneing on the 10th mnst., and at the Sub'scribers stable, commencing on the 15th inst., returning to each, place eve.ry ninth day. For ternms see large bills. H. B, E DEIh. Mi'rch 7 16-40, . 3t 7 (Oi" We are authorized to announce Capt. D. L. SIJAW its a canididate for Major of tho Lowei Biattaliun, 7th Regi mont,.S. 'C.Ar1 OBITUARY. Died, of Pneumonia. on 27th February, at her residence in Edgefeld District, Mrs. blAny KILCREASE, widow of Mnj. John Kilcrease, in the 70th year of her age. The deceased lived a widow .for niany yers. By the blessing of Godl op her prudent airangements in Lusiness, and the co-operation of doifil children, she liet with eminent success. This worlds goods, nor its cares, did not shit her hicurt frot the grace of God. She had niany years. previous to her death, made a prpreF-ion of religion, and lived in its enjoyments. Two years before her death, she was seriously crippled, which cansed, her everafter to goon crutches, btt was often seci at the house of God. Her Jesus was to her truly precious. When death came, she evidently was looking for its approach, and with rdsignation met it, calling npon her Laid Jesns, having a good lopeof a blessed iifimortality beyond the grave. 3aiy her snrviving frieids and especially ler chilren, who are no more callml upon to mim ister to her wants, be prepared to meet her in the enjoyments of the blessed. . D. Mnj1. VImiTAn Rr IliJ.. oldest child of 11. ,l. atd Mrtha S. I lill, (lied ott the i10th ult , at his reiA e' in the 28th year if his age, leaving a wife and two small clildren. Diring his boyhood,'the deceased was remarkable for h;'e amiable and benevolent disiosition;-since his manhood lie had acquired and uniformly main tained a reputation for inflexible integrity warm hospitality ; exemplary piety; and a s:rict observance of those duties, social, civil, and moral, which mark the worthy and useful citi zen. The kind attention of his acquaintances, far and near, during his sickness of sime twenty odd days. and their deep heartfelt sympathy and grief pon his death-eviiice their estimate of hisworth. Amidit the great sorow of those who now mourn his loss, there is one para. monnt consolation-hispreparation to die ! For several years he has.been a memlicr of the Methodist Esiseopal Chureh. but for the last year tip to the tiie of his sickness, he had been more than usnal (leveled to his religious duties; at times publicly exhorting his neighbors uponi the snbje't of religion, Shortly after his sickness, npon seeing his afilictedi mnther weep, lie told his brother who was standing by his lied, to tell her not to weep forhim. "I am leady to die. Through the merits ofour Saviour. I am prepared to go to Heaven. Let there be no sorrowing for me." 1His death has thrown a gloom npon his neigh borhood. Let us live as h lived, and then with confidence may Vre pray "let us die the death of the righteous and let our last end be like his!" H. DRiMMOND'S PATENT cantle laittcr, The most Economical and Labor Saving Article erer Invented CANDLES can be made by using Dntuit 1o10 'S PATENT CANDL MAtERZ at less than ONE HALF the ordinarX ei pense, the only outlay being for tallow or other substance. From the experi6nce -of piany .families who havo used the Patent Candle Maker, as well as the numerous testis to which it has, been subjected,. we can place the Drummond Patent Candle .Maker be. foie the Public as an article which may al ways b' depended upois. .With fair usage it dih never get out of order. - Por Sale' by 1" COPM. Agent for Edge,eld VgIlig Miarch ev v*7s "RRD 11 E. ?ve ewa@ vil bq'iVin fdr i pprehension and dtliver of. my nr nttf ti'ubbe A1'P (ig APPL!NG to the .JOxioi ofg d.prto yeJ .fIe h''d I 6 grped that ie murdered-.m WtT.agd has-since ap sedaded.'::Said .fellowv.iss,about tiii8:ye3iShol age, 5 feet8 or 10 inches hig..trigh.,.6f .ordi pary, size,. a.:little 'copper.,colored, -stammers whten spoken'to; had on whein he Tefti b'row. frock~ coat.ajgd bh,ick list; he hdd long beard on his,chin, ou.io..of.hi~s legs is sore .and miuch swollen'.... Said fellow randway -on the 24th of* FebruaYy. ,. . . . ,, . irch 7,I184D, if 7 . .Brought to the Jail, OF this District., two negro boys, -wihose names are KEY WAIH .aad JUNE, they say thiey belong to Allen Vance, of Green. wood, A bbevilleDistrict, and that they rana way a week ago. Keywaht is about 18 or 19 years of age,. five feet 6 inchtes high End of dark complexion.... .,. June is about.15 or 16 years. of age, five feet 5 inches high and of dark complexion. lHe is somewhat kn,ock--kneed and has a scar on the lower part of his left cheek, c&itse'd by the mumps.. The owner is requested to come forwa.ird; prove property, pay charges and take them away, ot tey will be dcclt wvith as tho law directs. , ;A'. H. BURT, J. E. Li March 6, 1549 tf -7 .Head Quarters, E DOEFIELD C. 11. Feb. 12, 1849. Orders (1A PT WILILIAM SGiRISITAM havd ing been ap)pointedl atid commission ed Aid-de-Camp to Major Gent. Bionharri; vith the rank of Major, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By ordler of Mal;j. Gen. HOsN tAM. JAM ES L. ORR.. Div. Adhj. Gent. Marchl 7 2t 7 Head Quarters Flist D.ivisioli. SOUTII CAROLINA MILITIA. - Er. C. II., Feb. 12, i840. Mt C. M. I IAMMONI), having been L.U. a,pointed Division Itispector Geni eral, with the rank of Lieut. Col.,. Vice Lieut.- Col. G.eo. A. Addison resigned, will be .obey.ed and respected accordingly. By. order of.Mn's Gen, lJoiosAl. JAM ES Ii. ORBR Div. Anjt. Gendral. March 7' it JUST RECEIVED AT APOTH ECARIES' H ALL, AFRESH Lot of Figs. Citroit, Cd,rrattts, I... ranges, Lemtonts, Ahntontds, Maccaromi, &c. &c., For'salo on reasonuable terms. togethei- wth a good assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Per fumnery, &c. *JOHN D. CIIASE, M. D. March 7 18419, - tf 7 T3 i1.3 'undersignecd as Assigtteo of Marcds -.tpson, gives ntotico to all personus hiavinig claims agaitnst the said Marcuis Upsoti,. anid .who are willing to tske tuder the ass'ignment, to render ini their claims by the sixth day of Augnst next, All persons indebted to the said Muaicus Ujpsont, are requnested to -make immec diate pacyit. SAMUEL STEVENS, Assignee. 1arch 7 I84tJ, 5m'uu 7 Cheape than Ever N returnili 4'otihAIanks to our customei and frier1d(fp Ativors so liberally bi stowed, w l o.t earnestly solicit conitinluafnce tesamtie. We now most ri spectfrlly- in , tfe attention of our rient amil i publ ffrilly to our cicap and wt selected S1ock;16'SprnUg Goods, WHICH WE AW4bW RECLVING AND OPENINI -Cisisting i1 the ieiwest styles of Ladii Dress Goods,-;fkw stvle Ginianis, Englis ad Antericarl'r.irts. Hosiery. Gloves. iNe Cambrie -fandkerclierfs Blenched and Brow Ilomlespa, ti'ether with afoil and compici asortment orins'ad Boy'S PAt.m LEA PAIAMA and.LCnoit4 IA-r,'ion-irs, Suo Bos,.Ts, HMwtwar. and CUTRY Coci iv and GrSiSVARE, IOOxM 11nd S-TrArr.N WILLW and-Ti- WARE, SADDLRY, Gaoci IEs, &c, .- - With many.3rticles too tedious to mentio we are now parerd to sell LOWER than Iil LOWEST.; _W we ask iq an exarnination i our stooiN11d fo ir you rselvev. WJ e giving entire salisft tionto' mi P anrvotr t? with if call. R. CA USS E U 'C0. Miarcha 7 tf -, 7 -.0 TIC Z Y. ordr i" the Ordinary of Edgefrield Di tiict.- 'llproceed to sell at the 1es dence of hl pi l.ill, on Monday 26th inst all the fperii state of Whitiman 11. il deceased'ih iof:. THI KNLIKELY NEGROES, Horses, C :irdlarge stock of nogs, Corr Bucon, t l !-bales of Cotton, Plaintai.io Tools.- Honti i4ritrniture, &c. Will also bi'14rip,ce the 5jiller, Blaci sm Vn's e'. ar' iumber of flour brrrel TLA8 e liberal, with interest air good secA1m. 5.,,T. S. DANIEL. Adu'r. W I LL' eill at the same time,'if Ill priM ld the VALUIE PLANTATION formely o tedrby NMaj. I'hos. S. Nichols, I which.is nioW'Wed thd Well know blerchat Mills, hita oivned by 11. 11. Bill, cot taiing iml r550 acres, located on Wil son's Cree immediatelytipol the Colun bia&. Gre rie Rail Road. TERMs, e-to four years credit, with int< r est and' t od securities. T. S. D. Marci 3t 3 STAT iSOUTH1 CAROLINj ED FIELD DISTRICT. 6RDINARY.. Y J- IILL. Esq., Ordinary B Edg District : Wh bos. S. Daniel. hath ar Plied to m Letters of Administratioi di aionid c all and singular the good and~ca Jghis and credits of Wil Mos i. 1; dee'ed, late of the Distri( aforesidl: eased. -Theib iefre to c*te and admot ish all, aulari the kindied and crec itors o doceased to be and appet her r;nest nOrdinary's Co*U for . n * be ho0ets at Edg< u seda thi 19th day I 'ritt sho. .cause. If any, wh the d 9 m straion'shonld 0ot be grat GYeOM hahd.and seat, this til -n thp ryear of ot Ord onesd 9nd eight hundred an forty-nine, tlI% in the.73d year of Amnei ican ddepece . . .. 2 DRuG AND GENF.RAL STQ j' AGENCY. El lI 5a,iifriber informs . liis friends arl -\hie ibi g-Iint as Agent for afew frierm who hiave. gagedl liin. to do business for ther hre wvill kebr -ob.hand-nt rie Post O0licc, a f surpply of artioles as above, wich ire will se cheap for cash.~ * .d. G. L. PENN, Agent. Feb.7, - tf .3 RM t r ay e d F QMthie residence of Robert Kenn E3. sq., beig.seven. miles N. E..of Edg field Court I.mnse, on tire 13lth instant. a smir dark bay ~4~about 14 hands high, seve years old.s ~nformationi respecting sa Mare will6 b~rifidly received, anid a liber reward will boyiven to any one, whor will talt urp anid..retn.t.n,sajd Mare, either to RL. Kenn; or to tire subgerbar. . d,'.JOHN F. KENNY. F1YAi! NOTICE. ?1IRCtJMSTANCGES regniring that the bi siness of G..L '& E. Pennr shotild be sq tied tip withont~doliy. Notice is hereby givei thait al .Notosasrd Accounts nit settled durn Court, ivill bo e:i 'o'ut to an Otlicer for co lectioni. E. PENN, Agcnt. Feb.28 S - 'tf 6 * otice. - ISA AC FR EE living rnpr tIhe fork of ii RIIigginig Ferry Road aind Uhappel Fecy ILond, toles before rie, a smnall Gray Mm M ulre, supposed t be fifteen years old. A1 p raised at thirty-live dollars, this December la 1848.. .. . HARDY WHITE, Magistrate. Dcc 13 '' 4tm 47 THE Surbsc2iber will furnish the vcry be Planik or'Lnmnber..pf any kind at-hisMi on Shrays Creek, 12 miles from Edgcfid. C [1. lor 50 cents per hundred cash, and 624 ceni where it is charged. .narE I will dilsod&fiver Liinber atl ornerEg fildViibbje,. for~ .er thousand cash. -d a MARTIN POSEY, . .?I'o ?,ces .;UL Pe.rsoii ,debted totire firm of Dmi I& Doby, elthrer by unte or bools accour up to the let of January 1849J, are rerinested iake immneditepyetasrduguea no longer be givanein. a udrlci: t BUiRT & DOBY. Jan 24:;.tE 1 ., F itey . 1Iorie.. . . T OLLEDlhefore ime by ienry lill, liv ii tiear the Islimd Ford, a smallh Q-ay M.an 14 hands high, aliout seven yeatrs old, with in prticrular brand or mark, except a smail sca under her left efe. Apriaised at $40.. Dec27 4m1 40 N e w a rd . L1D S.,2NEW LARD, ji 1,O O received and for Sale, Io for Cash, by 11. JE~NN1NGS. N. B.-Tho' Surbs.rieber e.xpects shrortly ood supply of Choice liacon', IL.J. knn '. > tf 5 !GLORIOUS NEWS!! AT TIE CHEAP CASH STORE, Selling off at Cost, n -FOR A' S ORT Tr E ONL, N. York & Philadelphih Prices. T LIE Subscriber avails himself or this ipetaid to inform his customers and ile public ,enerally, 'that he is deier mined to dispose of 6 large and finely selected sek if Gcool. che6per thani has been heretof'oro offAd in this market, and merits the attention of the public general ly, as 6 Seeihg is 'lkliecirg," thosC who e, isl " B.inrAt.S,' nUw is your opportu nity. .3. COHIN. Feb. 21 1S.19, 2t 5 Just Reccived t APOTHECARIES' HALL,. A few Novels, checap editions,.writte n biy' Bulwer, James, a.d other Authors. . Also, a lot of Note Paper, and Envelopes, Perfumery, Scaling Wax, Nlotto Sea!, &c. Also, a fine Article of Olive Oil, for latte use. . A few dozens Colic Mixture and Dilhy's - Cininative, a valuable medicine for infants. Calcine Miagnesia, &c, &c., for.sale cheap for clish or credit. JOHN b. C11ASb. Feb. 21 if 5 Head Quaters. 10h Itcgimntil S. C. 1. Rociy Giovi, Feb. 14. OR DE'IS, NO.3. IE FIEl,D ind STAFF Qllicers, and Conmmissioned Ollicers of the I ith lR-gi.. meat Soub Cartilina lifrmry, wrill Ivear ilie us1:11 lhadge ofernpe on lie lef anrinatid hill of the Swnrol, for thirty days after the reception (of this Order, and at both days of their Batial. imi master. bi tlkn of respect to our much beloved young Ollicer. loj. W. .1 rt.. o 61. V. CLARY, Coloqel it 11)th Reg'L S. C. !. 'cb. 21 tf 4 iroparlnerslp moi&, T HE Subscribers Fespectuilly inform. thbit friends aid the public generally, that they have entered into a copartnership to transact the blercantile business, under the style of WILLAS & CunMsTIF, anid will do bdsiness in the konse formerly occupied by G. L. & E. iPenn. They intend keeping constantly on hand, a complete and full assbrtment of all such Goods as are.nually kept in this market, and solicit from the public a share of pntronage. 5. A. WILIlS, St CHRISTIE. THE Stibscriber takes pleasure in infirorm, s ing his friends and customeis, that hohas taken - n Col. S. Christic, asa partner in his business, and will visit Charleston in a few days to re. plenislh their Stock. He would take'this 9p portuniLy of retttrning his most singere thanks to his friends fur their very lifieral pat rofinte, and begs leave to solicit a cbntinitauci of Eb r same to the new concet i., . . # --A . t- J. 4. WILLIAMIS. Jan. 31849# Af 50 if * HE' Subskrbeis respectfully .info bir T frienda thap 'e P-7begnll they have enteridirito ~a'piteorshio car. rq on the Tayloringhtisitiess,.undertthe style o r UOLGA & MAis, atiewill do business-next d door to S. F. Goode. They intend keeping.a good assortment of die best nmaterial in this line, and solicit fronm the Public, a shiare of prge. OI.C W~ -J; J.MAYS. -.. Tbhe.5ubscriber takes ths porunt of re tuernintg his sinicere thaniks to his friends for their liberal patroncage, and solicits a continu d ance of thce sanme.CLGN .Jan.171840 if- . 52 III BY n ordr of .11l.. K. Boyd!, Ordinary, I il at the laitiationi, ahout six miles fromt Newberry-C. ii.. and at the late residence - of Jacmes Ml. Daveniport, deceased, in Newbecr ry Vdliage, on ibe 13t1.day of Mearchc next, acnd days followicng.ail the personal property of said i: deceased. cons~is.tng of SEVENTV-EGiltL iI LIKELY NEGROES, aniiodg t'jhin are onie n Bllacksmithd, several Wagoners,.Cooks, Ihouse d Servants, denmnstresses, and .field bands, also, el one pair of Horsqi,.lutles, Cattle, Hogs, Con, SFodder. Oats, Cotton Seed; one set Biagksmtithi STools, Placntation TSbls, five Wa;ggons, IIouse 'hold acid Kitchen fuernitorre. .. Termns muade known ont the day of sale. . JOilN G1. DAVENPORT, Adm'r. - Feb.28 184%, 2t .6 1agnilst J. D. Tibbetis,. to ciy knowledge, n.-hichc have cnot been renidered, and also, the~ C ntecgsiity 01' bettling. somuo. dispce.ed ploints .at Court, mn i-eferecnce to Disconcits &c. TPhe time for the distcibnition of Asseits, isfcrthcer postponed. unilil. Tndcisday the 3d day of April n cext. Before whcich time aell who ha:ve acny demnancds againist J. I). 'I'ibbetts, are eatrnestly recitested to hand theni ine to J. Iliiiet, {.vhili is authorczed to settle the samce for mec.' . S. ChItSTI E, As.tigtce. P. S.-Thei gesetLa anid .Uooks of Disconit, andiil pitm to the As.imncenit,-ae a t aell times opiccf for the idspceione of the creditors. S. - , 3. H UIETr. Feb. 28 1849, if t NOTICE: 11 opartn.ersliij>hereinfoiEoexisting ..underF ih.e ha.me a.nd scy,lc of GOOD & SuLt.vAr, this,clay closes by licnitaiioni. T 'he husiness will be cootinued by S. lF. Goode alonte. Thle biusintess'of the con cerne rtusl hie brough t 1o a s peed y close,. zndl we earnesll4 rejtiest all persozes indebted to call and settle immediately. All thncse indebted to us previous to the ist of Janti *ary 1848$, need ntot askc inilulgence-ihe Smoney we inust leave.. I ~ S.F. GQODE,, a1 I 18 . jB. SULLIVAN. Ja.t14 f 50 , otice. ALL Persons Inidebted to the late, firm- of Sibley & Crapont, arc respectfejlly reqptes ted to come forward and settle the staene as soon its practicable with the ucndersigned, as it e is desirable to bring their busiiness to a close.' r JOSIAll SIBLEY. Feb.21. alt -*.. 5 Notice. _ OST or Alislaid a note giver b'y L,ewis IiJones.nned Daneiel Q~uattlebumc for $150; clne No~ tber 1-I8,. with a credit 'fur ichout .t $7 20- If aney genitlemeani fids theis neote I v will reward hima fur *eitlcrnity it-but if anty ,rascal findsjt, let .i'cm not trade it, for fenr I it may comne across im. -.t ISAAC JONES. EDGEFIELD HOTE. HE Subscriber respectfully informs Jis ,. friends and the ppblip 'Att large, thq he still has charge of the aBiove Hotel, and .takes this inethod to inform one and all,.that in conisideration of the fard. tiWeSk, has i educed his terms of LjoqqiAg,.to the follow ing reducid ratcs, for Cash only. UATES OF BOARDING. . Man amA hor.'e er day, $1 25 A]lan por day, 75 . Fot Breaki st. Dinngj, Su'ppet, , or Loidging, smng'ie, ch. lore per day, 50 Single Feed, 2. The Subscriber returns his thanks ,to th community at large,'lorast fa'vor's an'd s0'* li cits a shi'o of the'sa'm . .',. ..ll. 'iENNIN', Feb. 21 tf 5 VALMETTO OUS11 'COLUik1; . '. T lE undersigned ,wishes.to .irre' .the pubolic .tlt he lips moved froin the.4patc icanllg/d to the PA.MSTTO Hous, (oppositq the Stat' House,) which he has takenepiiel onI his uw6 neognt, pjid ,here jt pleased l0sce :nforsmer pmrogns,iand allqieq Nvto nily.,he pleased to eill oi.him. oni jI# those of his aciniinttances lie would say, that they will be MIle not less comiortable thai heretfore; and to stratgers. *call ani try 'ti Ain Oijiliis wil al\vayj ie.lept inreadishe,sr it the Ral Rud Depot, to convey pssengers to this House. : A.. lAAtSHALL. Jan. 31; 2mi 2 A . DEDItICK, A. M. Prigcipl, ap, n. .structof,of the Classical Deiarttnent. J3mtis F. PutriP, Assistant and Teacher of thdl English Department. ., This Instiliption situate,i.Greens beville Dis.tript, pvijl.gpmace,it.6at session or the present y,ear unde. the, direfflop qf;t-, labve naampl gentlemen, on Monday the 5th of February imt. Mr. Dedrick had charge of the Institution tIhe past year, and discharged dte daties.of-Iis.sjatioa in suqh manqer..s to givp gengpi patim.aco.n.,boltto..APe.Tti;iiees i# patrofis of tIle .-cpoi. . He brings tqhis"ss . ance the pjeset year, A-r. J. F.hip, a conpetent ahd experienced 'reacher. Fraim. th jnqre,%ed.,failiiea affyded present year -n,t pti in tuthin fqr4har thorou-l'a instretiog ,e. ,i4anj conlde ly looks or%yai4 to a lra, r aonage. .qer terhus and l'urther ineormation, aeo Unta Iligne. --b... WM. P. [ILL, See'y. i. 1) February7 4. 3 1E ndersigned have engaged the Rev.T ,S. W. 9s9Nzar to take charge of the Pottersvilp.Acadmy the en.suig. yeare M Mr. Kervwrly.ian graduxt of the..oih Carm fina Col!egq,.and..has very epasidePtblo'expe rience asa teacher. . His aitniable d*efni moral and.religious haracter, as well as i. erary itta.inniets, qualify 'Ii y rpnc;I ttienmrdl aUumhmcli~~ wvill be adve" 'i' tI-next li.i toDes to sa. however*, t i ii i ,elxtgs wil ful y taught, anddit asng uen 3 IP be.preprA to enter the Junior clas of South Cliibllne College. JOHN HILL.~ - EUGEE BUR,- as .N. D.-'bheerercises ofth'e al?oye Academy - will,commnenced di 8th January 1849. Dec20 tf 48. NMatt resseij! IYattr'esses JH.. Price & Co., having located at Edge; . field Qourt House, .wihbe pleased, to rccjvo. orders for. umaking, ALttrasses of ali descriptions,. On resonzble terms , ,.,... . .H .&Co., may be.foun