teer $21,50 to ;purchase, six. months -ciiihng in advance-but.four mouths of ibjt time has as ae expired.. Iitists. difetult to .comprehend what is meast-tolbe convoyed under the charge of awunt or supplies." It is notorious that theitious supplied by the-Government is yeithi the well'soldier-can consume. telauk.ihougl- necessarily undergoing at privatiops and sufferings, have had I e fud bountifully bestowed to the cam fading offiers.of ..dompanies, and in -vory instance-applied, where it could be ilkoe beneficially,..as will appear by the tfinmony appended. It is a melancholy ,f.thtthatthe sick of an army are a source ofgreat pain and-solicitude to both officers and men, Oneinaterial cause may be atribited tothez*att of suitable trauspor aina and which is:not meant to -attach blamedany where but causes beyodd the cotrftdf any human power have iriter Sdsuch as dastrdteGve elements upon SatdaU edus coast; have placed beyond the i itie most vigilant oflicers this ne arsddree of conveniencd and com fort. Besides, clith officers and men for have been Actively engaged in the ies of the field; hence there is no hesi tataont declaring that the sick have not received the attention, nursing and couat fortsthat a domestic fireside would:atord them. The Regiment is charged with having tuoved precipitately. - It is believed to. be a seitled military maxim, that orders em anating from a superior must he obeyed bgajuoior, especially in time of war. O-were petemptory from the Secretary of War to moveoffwith as little delay as 'possible-they were received (I think) on the23d-ec. 1M4.whi'le in Charleston-we moved to Hamburg the 25th, and left that place on the 1st:of January, 1847, en route for Mexico. ''tzkwould seem'to be hardly a sufficient excuse to the War Office, that the Palmet .,to Regiment had not moved, waiting their bA id bores ,with dresses from New York; particularly, when a" private and friendly Sntimatioa was.given with the order,, that ifawe were early in the' field, we :night participate in an active campaign, then fifting out for Vera Cruz; but if delayed beyond a certain period, that our certain destiny wald; be to garrison FortF on the - Rio Grande, inactively engaged, where ,our men would "rot and die" under a most pestilential climate. It is true the climate of Vera Cruz is no better, but we are now luckily loeated in a high healthy bracing atmosphere, with the prospect of active employment ahead. The only pretence of an hour delay at Hamburg was, that the knapsacks and other camp and .garrison equipage due from the Governmen of the United States had not arrived -Through the kindness ofGov. Jobnson, the- camp and garrison equipage wassupplied complete, or rather purchased before muster, -with: knapsacks. for about half the command. There was but one voice .iu camp, and that was on ward. The officers were assembled, and eh voice taken whether they would delay then aud waibtahe knapsacks anduniforms. oimove onthe: voice. afither officers and their commaifdiwaamuanimnous.- In. any eventiihoul'd igtibaveo feltvat liberty to ay aside posiivgorders. r ,. " - -- es ei eaceL:tlakthe~clothiag is Chi seoent **Nankeens, Georgia, 125 cents a yatd, Checks, 1'2},cents a yjtrd,..,. Crash for Towels 125 cenits a.yard, good BI'eactied Linen Table Diaper 10-4'wide Iird Eye' Diali, fine 96ality, 374 oents a yard, Ladie's Mluslins & Balzdrines I'ot Dresses, Black Silk Nett Gloves, Browh Littens for gentlemen's and chil --.drin's wear, *Bed Tick~a superior article, *Umbrella and Parasol4, --'dhiached an'd'iinbl'eachwd'Hismspens;' Coiates'8pooThread~onlj5 cenits a apo; Grass Cloth Skirts. - - meay6 OR - 31 18 . TES ARM 4 " RW Y ___ . r1 G SERVICEi rany, ABLE BODIED MEN, bet ween the. a *6 %'-b feet 3 inches high, of good charatter. and.of d ns' None need apply to entet the servjce. hut d faithfully, the period of theitfenlistment, v .is Pay ot ArtilIery and ,,,*, ; Infantry .Soldiers, Pay qf Dragoons & and or Dra'gonns Riflemen' tok & Riflemen, when - 'mohniaed.: . serving onfoot. Pay per Month. Pa)t pet Moods. Dollars. Dollars. * 17 ~ f7 TAi~S~f. 13 is - - 9' - 910 r*~ q 8 :t 9' - -,t . I I - -* 7 8 I be paid to each recruit enlisted for the dtfl - / ,entitled."A'n e t'o raise, for 'limited tim' es," "each nun co'nmissinedo cer,musi 'ia - -, beenlisted during thie presei war wi'th' e- c e either by eipiraio'n of his term of enhptmnent ici, will be entitled to'a warrai'n for Ee Ads : ibetty to' locate in' one bodf.'u'pon any of the - - r; or he m'ay, at hi's option, when honorabli -r If onEz HUfnDRED DOLLARs, bearing iZ per cent. : ald at the pleasure of the G(overnm'ent." one ratio'n per day is .allo ed'eves'y spldier si a large gapply of corortable a'nd. gntee , Bs furnished ; and every attention will' be patf termitied to ser e their country i'ngobil'faith The b'est m'e'cal a'enda'nce is~alwa'y p'ro pay is made during the'period he is unable to T' I in the lin'e of his d'uiy, the ladisprovid'e aped- " ilpwanices are respectable, and that; w:ijh' pit. ..;v dier may be laid up--as every thing tequisite the Government, including his sugar ando ee. aid to any crzlin, non commissioned o " able bodied recruit,who shall be regularly en:" to the Lieutenant or Captain; and not to tlas" '' PE1tRIN, 2d Lient:12th U. S. tnIahst. +' icy fiad . . . . " . ; "4d:ts t( 19 FI Estate of Gilber: Suimerall b'efi g ' . Derplict' ally the having dmapdiai,'aren .g' ss equest'ed to'present thej, ite.stiedi' ad " A4U those indebted to make tmwediate-paymenuto' -Vr 9It thansubscriiis. .. s .c.. w: . " a 6. sol ,. f B 3N ILL;.O F - b boa - - may~ - t - ~eg foxrr :rs'. tCA8 eE R Bl 'Ilk 'Q L' SUJPPOS TEa .9 . .ci' 7 H E Subscriber hsaving boiglEt the aten; *, .Rig~,t ofRidd~l's Trusses nd' bdomi nal Supporters,- ref~ommnend ,tisem-to -t le'pt:6 -'1~ lic, a's the.. md valtteb,, and lperhapslonly Iis -n strum'non of..th-e kiisd thit1'pgrformn ' cure in '' aifstevery.case of.,Rupture.,,, It ,iadapre 'to the anat'onrie:l slurtitre~of the. Pelvis,'an4..ty ~ ,. admirably calciylatned to relheve these evejrq ca. - ses of frolahaitteijl or Ningpf .io womb, which spbte,pptient suffer so much, th -I. univerdeltdestrocuon of hea t6.' The A4omi nal Suppo:rt.s .,em$tly serv'iceab.e, in ' Piles, never faalg ocr mb eoi the cause. ln oueteb e~a PersonshamjfegroerptudE may.hav~ . a cure guaranteed,and'tiie'terant not m~ore thian ',, 9 nne third of what th~hAn'woildd ba incresupd A, .i'> in value. Wher'' ti~6 citNe cannot be e tedd fro m dhe ifatruejo'ir of the parts by ,lnpe,te Truss will-,enibfg thp wearer to egeqgster - ' moeereworkofaay klaid. flanters woiid do well t'oatiendflo this nnoti'ec. s ~ Price of Trn$is f5weoi gesarantee, .ibd - , $50 or $100, or as mag bi agreed on trs .. ma~y 26' 3SR B:t~~ *pOR Jhe cureof D. . tigS 'na'.ind U'the discharges of matet from dls Ear. - Aleo,.all those. dis greesible neisf like the b':izzing of linsits. alling'orwad~r. whizzing of i uteamn. &c., &c., whichi are: syrtoms of ap proaching peafnsce sairigh ;eperally attend. f anst with the disede..fany persons who have t 'n - heeia deajf foir ten1 fi eepaniMenty years~and were obliged to use ear..typmnets, have. skes u.,ina .one or .twA bmtjlpy. ot this miiia thiovan aside their tiiuiApete, being mde p61'rA fectly well. . .1 Tl' npplidation"ofthe Oil predcJ pair, hut ,on dthe contrary an agreable ad plesang -' t sensation. The recipe for.this Medicin.: has- "% -" b~een obtained from an Aus of greet repels- " lion, who has, found, from. Iong observation .. 8:e -~ th&( dleafness, in nineteen cases out-of twent ,. ,*'bam was produced either from a want of aenog ' - the..nerves of hearing, or'a drjness in the.ae -- 11s object, therefore, was to fred qetbn tihat would create a healthy condtantit pnrts. Afler a longit nle of esperugn* *r ~i~D ~ - efforts were at but erowned w$#~ s, ha - f7i the disco';ery of this puepn tafDdiell haa . BM~7~'~* received the name of."SeCARPv8' COM . ~ km~ POUND ACOUST1C .Ofla JWbbs beem a ha i used in this country abodft .lzyenua, and sa e woaderful has. en-:tseffeca * aign o lievitgthede,'-that'at ptrekisivs'o 9h_ mnanity. it is ioW ofeM t e''fieliae bathat ul may hiave at[014hprustify of proving. it. eElia ~~. cy. E lang'istorcericfates ni1ht ibe giver uAsmJS1a 4e but's-i ii thiebnikinee hie ti ediciine, an53* mf-si so high its'regtaion. that but few ofthem will. a:ityt..tapa lie pvublished. .'**** ,..$" y ~ iis onlynecessary'to,sdd, thait this me gipst. 4 has been recommended and used by msnj~~' ~ the beat physiciansahd autgeous Fur saleaby' RsiOETOAgntUg edCourthouse, South Carohqis - * march'Q .