kcibainaer & Brothers, DEALERS EN FANCY and SUhPLE DRY VOW)S0 - AMBURe, (S. C.,). CoLtMBtA, (S. C.), Mousy Wii.tixo, Edgefield, Si C.. )Mhk's, Edgefield, S: U:, and Athess, Gn. OST rep'ttlhilly invite the attention of their friends, and the public in general, to their extensive stock of New and Fash ionable Spring Goods, just received and pur chased for Casb in .New York and Boston Markets. and which they are determined to sell as low asany establishment in Charleston. Among-theirT various articles may be found, Graduatpd Lawn Robes, Gingham Lawn, Balz:rine.; Prints, from 6J to 37J cents , Bleached and Brown Shirting; Barge Satin Stuped Shawls and Scarfs, SBlk Shawls; Swiss, Jaconet. Crossbarred and Cambric Mnslin; Bleach and Brown Linen Drillings, Diaper; Gipsey. Leghorn, Straw, Lawn and Silk Bonnets; Stockings, Gloves, Mitts; Parasols and Shades; Panamn, Leghorn, Palmicaf, Cassniere and Fnr hats ; . Fine Cloth, Cassimere, Chambraz, Vestinge; Ladie's, Gentlemen's, Youth's and Chil' dren's Shoes, and a great many other arti cles too numerons to mention. They also, keep in their Store, at louut Willing, all those articles usually kept in extensive conn try Stores, viz: Hardware, Grocery, Crockery and Medicines. April 22 1m 13 NEW SPRING GOODS. WM. KETCIIAM & CO., - IHABURG, SO. CA. H AVE received their Spring supply of Dry Goods, of the latest style and pat terns, consisting in part of Graduated Robes, Plain Muslin Robes, Rich Drapery Chintz, Printed Lawns. new styles. Barages, Ging hams and Muslins. Chambray Gingham. for children, Book, Alull, Jam.onet, Cross Barred, Swiss and Cumbric Muslins Brown Linen Drills. Brown Linen Table Cloths, by the yard or pattern. Damask Table Diaper. Irish Linen. Linen Sheeting. Linen and Grass Skirting. Rich Fancy Spring Prints, a lot of snperior Calicoes, at 1'24 cents, fast colors, Nankeens, Checks. Ticks, Gloves, Parasols. Parasnlettes. Sun Shades. Linen Cambric and SilkI Handkerchiefs. Fnrniture Dimity, Frit ges. Palm and Leaf Hats, Ladies' and Mlisses plain Straw and Leghorn Gipsey Bonnets, Flowers. Tabhs and Ribbons. Ladies' fine Kid Slippers, Children's black and colored Shoes. &c. A lot of Hosiery, 33 per cetit. cheaper than ever before offered in this market. all of which, together with our former stock, icill be sed fin. for Prompt Pay. April19. 13-tf Dr. A. W. Youngblood, F'ER8 his professional services to the citzens of Edgefield Village and vicinity. Office next door, East of Dr. R. T. Alims resickace. April 22 if . 13 A T T E NTI ON! HORN'S CREEK .COMPANY. A PEAR at your. usual Muster ..t- Groun3, on-thi 2nd Satur day in May next, 'the 9th) at 11 o'clock A. M., for inspection and 'drill; properly ar-med and equip ed as the ;few idire'cts. '-" 'By..orderof Col: G. D. Mims an Election will be held at the same time and time, for Second Lieuten ant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Lt. Ahney. Managers-Capt. Cogburn, Lt. Mays and H. H. Mayson. By order of Capt. V.. COGBURN. S. B. MAS. O. S. Ap'22 3t 13 ATTENTION! * EDGEFIELD BEAT COMPANY APPF.AI at your usual bluster Ground,. on the 2nd Saturday in Mlay next. the (9th) at 11 A, 31.. for inspection and drill. properly armed and equipped as the law dii-ects. -By order of Col. G. D. 1Alime, en Elec tion will be held at the same time and place, for Fiest Lieutenuni. to fill a va c-"'v occasioned by the promotion of Lt. Cuvar. Mlanagers-Capt. Cnvar, Lieut. Bland -and Sergeant Atihy. By order of Capt. COVAR. J Cous.~O. S. A p22 St 13 South C'artlina, EDGEFIELD 'DISTRICT. Mary Moo're and others, Bill for vs alichael Barr. Admn'r, InjunrAion and andt others. Relinf. IT apepearing to the satisfactio~n of the om I uissioner, that George WV. Yarborough, and Elizabeth his Wife, Defendants mn this case. reside without tihe limits of this State. on motion of Mr. Bansketi. Comipl. Solicitor, it is ordered tbat the Defendants do nippear and plead. answer or demier, to the Complainants phill of comnplaint, within three months from th publiention,. hereof, or the said bill will be takee ro confesso. against them, a S. S. TOMPKiNS. C. E. E.'D. April22 184 3m 13 South Carolina, EDGEFIE LD DisTRtICT. Bland. Cailin & Co., )Ball for Dis and others. vs. >coveryl and Elias Albrahams and others. Relief: IN conformity to the eorder of Chazncellor Johnston in this case, publie notice is hereby given to the creditors of Hollis Dntnton. to render to me their demamnds against the funds in dispute. in this case. on Monday the 28th day of May nuext. Those neglecting to render their dcemahds. prohuerly attested, on that dny. will be excludedl by the terms of said order from any participation in the said A pril22 6t ' 13 "'snb-cribert wislinti to leave Sthe Riats.ef'-e hi. LANDS tior ,ale tvin" in A bbeville.Tistrict. on the watrs of Ro avk River. two miles past ri L r.onndoi. andi onie cix from the savantfnh i~cn ,,igne or 'T'wen.' TT,mndred A nres. oneredit ctenved nnd the balance in wodon ta eit' of one. twon and three- years. instletha' 1Ag'W ?nnew (cJN pGUTTRE and SCREW, and T RASRING fROTUSF. a a"l on Iionene new- The Plantation is uder goo rer eent wihiwtoptrchatse-will do wel ' to call on the subscribo. A AT abbevilie. Marchai9 3m. (Ban.). 9 W. W. ATKINSON, AT ORN EY AT L AW-, May j d i4 ftliis"Of1iae, oppositeComfpty'S uatel Foi a-e. -HE aSgbeiciber offers fo Bie.- his -Plantation in EdgeAeld District, situated on Steven's Creek, ten miles above Hamburg,containing about Five* Hundred and Fifty acres of lend, three hundred of which is woodland. (oak and hickory.) the balance under cltivation. On the plantation are two dwelling houses, Gin House &Screw, and other outbuildings. There are several Springs of excellent water, and the location is as healthy as any in the District. The Plan tation will be sold on one, two and three years credit, bearing date from first of January, 18 47, if sold by the 1st of September next. The purchatser will be required to ive good security. J. LLOYD April 22 3t 13 Land for Sale. T HE Subsctiber has determined to offer at private sale, the well known tract of Land on which he now resides, on the Pine House Road. leading to Hamburg, .11 miles from the Pine House. formetly known as Evan's. It is. an excellentst and for a small country business, either for a Grocery or Dry Goods Store. The tract contains 156 acres, more or less, and the land is in a good state for cultivation. For particulars, apply to the subscriber on the premises. C. M. GRAY. April8 3m 11 L. & E. PENN, have just received and e opened a large and handsome assort ment of SPItNG As1I SUMMER GOODS, purchased in'Charleston and New Yotk, com prising a general assortment of Staple and Fanry Goods, Hard ware, Crockery, Groceries, flats, Shoes, Bonnets, Books and Stationery, Saddlery and Bridles, Medicines, und a great variety of other articles usually kept in our line. All of which we will sell on ternp to suit the times 07We invite our friends to call and ex amine our stock. April 8 tf 11 Valuable School Books ! UST receivcJ from Philadelphia, GiUoc & Et.Lro-r's, valuable series of Coummon School Readers, Nos. J, 2, 3 and 4. These Books are tts best series of Readers that have ever been presented to the Schools in South Carolina. To be satisfied of-this, please call and examine them. all who feel an intert in the correct instruction of the youth. Also, Dr. tuseninbcrger's First Books of Natural Hismory, published also by Grigg & Elliott. comprising Anatomy and Physiology, Mammalogy, Ornithology, ltchyo!ogy and Herpetology, Couchology. Entomology, Bot any and Geieo v, teing the best Elementary works upon lthissubject, evor before published. and every family library ought toltave a set of them, and every youth instr'eted in them. These Books have recommendations of the highest 'character, from Teachers in South Carolina and Georgia. --ALSO Grimshaw's Histories of Napole'n, -Rone, England, France, Greece and -United States, with Keys and Quoestionsto the same.. Jone's Chemistry, and Philosophy, latest addition; Hd'e & Mason's Farrery; Bigland's School Edition of Natural History; Shakipeare, two volumes, gilt; Josephus. 2 vols., do,; Village Sermons ; Say's' Polical Economy; Rogers', Heman's. Eiltn, &c. 'Works; Dictionary of Quotations; Siniley's Arithmetic, and Key and Tables; Byron, illustrated, extra gilt edge; Cruabe, do.; Cowper. do; Eherli's Notes, Practice, 2 volumes, and on Children; U. S. Dispensatory ; Family Prayer, Life of Jack son; Genis. and Ladies Lexicons ; Sauca's Morals; Chesterfield ; Book of Politeness; Daughter's Own Book ; Western Sonster: Benett's Letters; Wee.n's Washington and Marion; &c.. &c.. together with --- Story Books for Children. F.'r sale' by G. L & E. PENN. Edgefield C. H.,.April J, 14* 3m 10 State of South Carolina. EDGEFIEL.D DISTRICT. Samuel P. Getonm 'and wife, )Summons Aplicants ,es. Sebren 0- in Sullivan and others, Def'ts. I'artition. I T appelarinig to my satisfaction that Sebren O . Sullivan, Thomnas Sullivan, Dan'son Sulhva".,William Quarles and wife Eliza beth. undl Willia m Qunarles..r a ne phe w, hents and distributees of the real estate of Ellent Sullivan, deceased. live without the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the divisioni or sale of the real estate aforesaid on thte first Monday in July next, or their consent to the same wvill be entered of recoid. Given tinder my hand at my office, this 6th day of A pril, 1846. JOHN IlL L. o. E. z'. April8 ____ 12t 11 EDGFIELD HOTFL. T~l11 E Suhscriber respectfully informs his Rfriends and the public at large, that lie has had his House rhioroughly repaored, and has made a large additiorf to. the same by the purchase of the adjeininu House. which wil enable him to accommodate at least foriy or fifty inure persons during Courts and other times than lie formerly did. His whole amm has been concentrated to the- comfort and con veniece of all those who have favored him with their patronage, and he flatters himself that a discerning and generous public will con tite tohestow on him a share of thieir favors. H e will, as heretofore. endeavor to furnish his Table with the best that the country can Having removed his Bar at- the farthes1 enl of the HUnise adjoininig, little or no an no'ance can be experienced by those who pub up at his H otel. Hii Bar will be fornished- wvithi the best Liquors. and his Stables supplied with gooc ahd wholesome provender and' attentive H ost lers, B.JI RYAN. February 2 tf f N Jotice, T H E Partnership of Batwwot &. ArNJKEsoi as Merchants, engaged int trade at Lit~ert: H ill, Edgefield District. wss disolved, by mit ttal conisent, on the first instant. Persons i debted to te firm thus dissoclved; will inak pa yment to G. W& W. B. Brannon,-wh wvil arry onbusinessat-the sanme place. *.W. B. BRANB01, .........A'ND RON. April 8 4t1' N excellens article of Wrni'tt SraRt&RE ALAMP OIL For, sale-by~ J& D' TIBBETTS. ec.D i. I .JEFFESI Oeneral Agent.nd CounspaissiO .erchant anaburg, .. TILL offers It services to isTfaiisnds at) the public,,.ud he will devote his undiv ded attention'to e SELLING OF COTTON AND FLOUR. RECEvivlo AND FORWARDING GooDs." Buying Goods for Planters or Merchants, o attend to any business that. may be commaued to his care. . He embraces this opporturiity-of tenderin his thanks to his friends for theirliberal paue, age heretofore bestowed, and by :idustry an close attention to ,business. be hdpes'to nieril and to contitue to receive the 'sine:- It shall b his aim to a'nae all hIis. chargei a .light.as poi sible, knowing that it will be tohis interest t closely observe .the interest of-his friends. Liberal advances. will be ma'deif.required. of produce sent to 4lim for sale ortore. - Cottoi sent to him by Boats,..wllI. be received. free o charfage. All produce sent.to him for sale will be promptly sold on arrivalafso ordered; August 6 r t 8 H AS just acceived. and will keep con scantly on hand, p frahsiupply of Drugs. Medicines, Paints. Ot and - ye StutTffs He does not think proper 'o admbug th public, by advertising his prices, but person wishing to purchase may be-assuied that Ii will sell at as LOW PRICES as.any ine in Edge field. Hanmbug or Augusta.: The following constitutes a .part .of hi stock of Medicines: Epsom and Glauber Salts,, Caster Oil in bottles, or by the gallon. Calomel, Tart. Emetic, Assafetida, Arrov Root, Rhurbarb; Jalap, Magnesia.Gum al yirb Aloes, Gamboge. Cayenne Pepper, orphine Cremor Tartar, Opium. Laudanutm, Paregon ic, Quinine, Preparations of. Iron,''Squills Sweet Oil, Sarsaparilla Root, and preparation, of the same. Capaiva, Chloride-of Soda, Ether Camphor, Nitre, Ammonia Hive Syrni ant any other article that may be called for. PATENT .EDICINES.- . Q~All of Dn. JAYNa's Mqdicines, warratttet genuine. Sold as cheap as can be founda any Drug Siore, in this or any other place obtained directly from Dr. Jayne, .thiuugl his-only Agent in Augusta. Bull's Sarsaparilla. Sands Sarsaparilla, Carpenter's Do. Philotoken. Carpenter's Extract Cubebs and Copaiva, Tarrant's Do., Medicoimen:ium, Godfrey Cordial, Mlotfftt's Pills, Moffatt's . Bitters Champian's Fever and Ague Pills. Champi on's Vegitable Anti-dyspeptic - Pills, Hull' Fever and Ague Pills, Spencer's Pillr Hulll Lozenges, Peter's Pill's, Cook's PilPs.a Du pont Tooth Drops. Thompson's Eye Waiters 1'ahnestock's Vermifige. Thompsoniari Med icines. Rnud's Tonic ixture. Seidlitz ani Soda Powders, Swain's Panacea'1uinrguon' Balsam, Hay's Liniment, larrijuoo Oint. ment, a sure cute for 4cald head. Coarpa' Accoustic Oil. for deafness, .and::l},tl. other Patent hlediciiis in common use.' PAINTS AND OILS. White Lend. of all kinds; Red do; Verdi gris. Spanish Brown. Venetian Red, Vandyki Brown, Turkey Hnuinher, Chr.no: Green Cerome Yel!ow, Vermillion, Stone Ochre Ivory Black, Terra Sienna. Drop..Lake Pa tent I)!ack. Lamp Black, Xellow Octae;Lytl: aree.Russian Blue, Turpentine. RosePink Varnish of all .kinds; Linseed Oil' Taisi Oil Lamp Oil, Nekt's Foot Oil, and all tbieEssen teal Oils. DYE.STUFFS . Spanib Float.. Iudigo,, Arnat asdr Logwood, Caigsood;. Brazil Vood; Fistic Red Saunders, Ti:neric, ( operus Alum Bluestone, and all other Dye Stuffs S'ICES. Black Pepper. Allspice; Mace, Cinnamon Cloves, Ginger, Rde and Pulverized Nut s ISCET.LANEOUS.. Windv Glus, from 8 x 10 pie to 20 x 30 P:tv,'Vhiting, Sperm Candles,Candle Wirk Castile Soap. Chplk, 'Crirt Plister. Fla;, Seed, Wafers, Tooth Brushes. Glue, Gold anc Silver Leaf. Syring'- of. li kinds. Trusses Ink, Black aid rled, ik Powders. Lemor Sy rnp. Mlustard, Pink Sancerbi Snuff, L~iquor ice, Mlatches. Pumiiice Stone; Rottei Sioune Sal Eratue. Potuash. Salt Petre; Sealin~g Wax Sponge. Sinarch, Pin t Brus~hes-of everyde scriptioni, Whlite WVash Brushte Dharine Ertnsbes, Swee ping Brns~hes, Scrnhhbiug, IH orsi and Shoe irtnsbies. Hair Brnsis-~Shriin Boxes, Shauvinig soap, rtf all kind..'Vashin~ Soaps, 'l oilet Soaps. Rose. of var' a kinds mm variety tif fine articles of T'bu . Also line cot TIobacco for smoking rad estpwirg, l..mnwery, Nursing Bottles. Nippic Shells Cnppmig Ghasses. Lancets, Alcohof. flat ani Roach Banue, Sash Tools, Camali Hair, an' Smnble. Hair Pencils All the mbove articles are warranted good and soild on ternms to please purchasers ru cash, oron approved credit. J D. TIBBETTS. Edgefield C. II.. March .11 . If '7 T arr'ant's 00onpound Extrac OF CUBEna AND CAPAvAI. standa nr raled for its ellicacy. It pierl orms a enre in few days-no confinement or restrictioni diet is necess.ary*. It wvill be founmd invaluabka being prepared with the greatest possible cart upon well-tested principles. found upon the iunportunt laiw. first estabished by the celebra ted Dr. Fordyce, viz. "rTat a combinuatio or'simiilaraemedies will produce a more certair speedy) and considemable effect than an cquil alent dose of' any singli tane.:".'A ,combtnur tion of Cubeh-ad aapavia form a very uase ful medicine in ceriamn cases "uSirll. Coopci F. ft. S., Al. R. S., 4'c., gc., This article lijust eevdndfrsl hy J.D IBETT'S. Dec 10. 'f .- 40 State Of South eaiOlina. IN T HE COMMO %,LEAS. John Hill, Ordinary, .Declaration in vs. . , - Joshuua Hammond. - ttachment. 'TIHE Plaintiff in the aboie case has ..ing this day filed his Declaralino my office, and the Defeiideabving nel ther wife. nor attorney kocatn to resid within the limits of. this $fite, on wvhoi a enpv of -said Decl'aration-.:wit a rule. I plead can be served,.on motion-of Griffie lPluainuif's Attorney, ordered that the ,s'i Defendant apspear. and p~ead to the sai Deelaration within a sear aid~ ii day frot the date hiereof, oir ju'd~atn Nill he war-.ed against hini by defaulh. .THMMIA S' G3. BA CON, c. c. . Clerk's tiOebF.'.: .1846 y~ 3 BULL'S~ COMPOUND .F SARS~ PARILLA.- Thisis1reparatiomn of Sm sapiarihia possesss all the -active propertier' the Root, i a hIgh concentrated state. Just received, and for sale by' . * Dec.10 :. .* ,DTfB 4T Castipgs and Neds, -froni-No.4-to No;20. . *.' 4 -. , S.~F. GOODE Feb2 96 ' tf 5' Noiice. SALL Persons having demands agains the Estate of Wm. Brunson, de- I ceased, are requested to render them in according to law. Those indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate paymemz.. D.RUNSON. Executor. April 22 tI 13 ! Wholesale & Retail Grocers CORNER CENTRE AND MARKET STRKETS, HAMBURG. .. C. H AVE just received, and will continue to - receive fresh supplies of the following Articles, which they offer to their friends and - the trade, at the lowest market prices : SUGARS. i 30 bhds. consisting of St. Croix; Clairfield . Porto Rico and Muscovado: ALSO, Double Refined Loaf, Crushed 'and Powdered Sugars. COFFEES. 50 bags Old Government Java Coffee, 10 do. Angustura do. 125 choice Rio do. I Bale Mocho . do. 15 bags Cuba. BAGGING. 100 pieces Heavy Dundee. 44 to 45 inch. 250 do. Kentucky, (heavy) 44 to 45 in. 50 do. Tow, 45 inch 125 do. Gunny, 24 per yard, 45 io 47 ri 100 do Georgia & Curolina, 44 to 45 in ROPE 300 coils Kenucky Rope 50 do Manilla, do 50 do. Jute do. MOLASSLS 20 hods. Trinidad Molasses -25 bbls. New Orleans. do IRON . 50,000 pounds [rou, of all sizes. Also, a good assortment of Hoop and Band Iron, German an Caster & Cast Steel. B.4COY & 6 AL'1'. 30,000 Prime Courntry Sides. 2,000 Sacks Salt, 5 do Table Salt Buzes Table Salt. . CHAIRS. 10 dozen I Maple Chairs 25 do Windsor do 10 do Cane Seat, 2 do Childrens. do' .2 do Boys, do 2 - do Offices, dto 2 do Rocking, do .1 do Nurse. do BLA NKETS. 2 bales 9.4 Blankets 3 do 10-4 do (weighing 7 lb's. to the pair) A good assortmeit of Bed Blanketi from 10.4 to 12 4. NEGRO C$OTIS. 1,000 yds. Washington Jeans (heavy,) 1000 do. Coventry Plains. -NAILS. 100 Kegs, (assorted Sizes) - SHOT. 150 Bags, assorted Sizes POWDER. 30 Keis Il Dnpont's Powder 10 do~ Blasting . -do 20 do 'Eag-le.8porting, do WHITE LEAD. 5000 lbs pure. No. 1, N. Y. Union Mills . White Lead. -:TE 4S. 50 BoxosTeas..,Consisting of gun pow. der. Hlyson and Imperial -6 aseR attees, "' " l :hest Block Tea " LIME. 200 BIs. fresh Rock Lime. A lso-Plaster Pnris. -A L SO Ginger, Pepper.Spice. Cinnamon, Nutmengs, Indigo, Sahipetre. Blue Stone. Copperas. ShoeThread, Snnff. Cotton & Wool nrca,. Brass Bound Buckets. Painted uckets, T1ubs. Churns, Kenters WVillow Wagons and Cradles. Waslhoar ds, Cocoae Dippers, Clothes Pius, Biroomns. Wooden Uc'w~s, WVash stands, Bcl!ows, Rakes. Scythe Sneedls, Coffece MillsSoap,Taltow & $f6erml Candles. Wagonloxes, Mleasures, Saddl lions, Winidorr Glass, Starch, P'istols, To hacco, brindstones, Osnmabnrg<, Tr wiue. Cas. tings. Boots, Shoes, Wouol Hlats.Rice.Clothes Blasketi, A lmonds, Be'arskinsq. Macl-erel. 1A'lnst:'id, Fifth Cha ins, Lamp Oil; a choice irticle of C hewing Tobacco: Vinegar. Hexs, C Cideur, Unrrel Govers, Cod Fish, Ptougrh Monlds, Sole Leather, Nankeens, Choeco late, & c.. & c. W ANT ED-10.000 lbs. BEES WVA X, for which cash w itl be paid. ilz~aburg,18-16i tf 1 State of South Carwolina, EDGEFI ELD DIST1RICTI. Robert T.' Moore, vs. Henr3 Bill for Yarboroogh nud George W. injunction. T pp~earing t the satIsfactIo::f h Commnissioer that George W. Y;:rbo ,rough, one of the dlef'endants in this suit, I resides hecyond the i-iits of this State. on mottion of' Mr. fianskeet, PlnintitT's SAttorney, ii is ordered that thn, suid de fendant dlo appear rnd plead, answer or demur 10 ihe complainants said hill of compnilaint, within thrce months from the publication herent, or 'lie said bill will be ta keni pro conf'eeso agaitns; him. 8. S. TOMPKINS. C. E. E. U. Cornn's. Of Feb 24 1646 3m5S State Of Soulth Carohnal, - EIJG4FIEL DDISTRICT, IE COJMMION PLE AS. John B. Gordon, )Declaration in vs. Common ios. N. Perrin. P leas. T- H Plaintiff' in the above case. having thsis -iday (dletfhi, decltaratione int my office, and a the Defendanthlaving neither Wir'e or Attor -ney kntown to reside withine the litmitse of the e State.on whom a copy of the same with a rule to plead cain he served, on tuotiotn of Batuske't, PlaintiOs Attorney. it is ordered, that the sanid 'Defendant do sppear and plead to said dec laration within a year and a day from tlte date hereof, or judgment will be awarded against d him by default.G.BCN c.cF.D n THUS. G AOc .D -, Clerk's Ofifice, Oct 17th 1845 ly 319 C16.JR8. 1 . M LareSpasniin(W. 4. H. -! t 10- M. Spanish (L Valedos) 10 M%. do (R.P. M1.) r 5 M .lmpermal liegalins, ('-Vennts.'') of Just received, and fo'r sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON Hamnburg,1846 tf knership in the: practice of Law and Isquity for.Edgefield. OnA or thee tiner will attend the Courts of Abbeville, Barn Iwell and New -erry. s' Office at Edgefield C. H1. - -N L. GRIFFIN, M:L1. uOnIIAM. State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN COMMON PLEAS. Job Grisham, vs. Attachment. Elijah Byne. A. W, Wiggins, ) vs. } Attachment. Elijah Byne. J T1HE Plaintiffs in the above cases having this day filed their declarations in my of fice,and the Defendant having no wife or Attor ney known to reside within the limits of the State, on whom a copy of said de:larations wiih a rule to plead can be served: It is there fore ordered, that the said Defendants does appear and plead to the said declarations.in a year and a day from the date hereof, or find and absolute judgment will be awarded against him by default. C TiOS. G. BAON, c. c. r: Clerk' Office, May 14, 1845. ly 16 South Carolina; EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN COMMON PLEAS. Thomas Davis, vs. Attachment. Enoch Byne. Verity Farmer, - vs. Harmon Hust Attachment. and E noch Byne. Moore & Davis; vs. Attachment. Enoch Byne. Emily H. Tubman, vs. Atachnent. Enoch Byne. T IE Plainti in the above cases, barmy this. day filed their declarations in m, office, and the defendants having neither Wives or Attorneys known to reside within the limits of the State, on whom i copy ofsaid declara ions with a rule to plead can be serven: It is theiel'ore ordored, that they do appear and plead to said declarations within a ,year ,nd a day froiwthe date hereof, or in default thereof final and absolute jmin ments.will he awarded agaiist them. T1HOS. G. BACON,c. c P. May 12. 1845 ly State of South Carolina. EDG EFIELD DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Archibald Boggs, vs. Dec'n,in Attachment Harmon Hust Robert Little. 1 vs. ' Detlatation in Enoch Byne .'. - Attachment. ind Harman Hust.J A. Boggs ,A . og Declaration in Attachment Enoch Byne. Charles Hall, vs. Decla'n. in Attarkment. Rarmon Ifnst. Gideon Dowse. Va. . S Dec'n. in Attachment Harmon HMust. Wm. Hanes, . ,IIec'tion in Atti.hm'ont Eoch Bine. Benjamin E. Gillstrap. ) vs. } D'elaratioe in Enoch Byne a-nd Attachment. Elijah Byne. j Andrew Iterrand ' John Kerr, I Declaration Survivors. >n. E . Attachnienit 1nchBytit. James S. Brown, Decidi dien - s.'. n - - Enoch Bv e and . Attachrt. Harmon o nIist. ) B. B. Miller, ' vs. Dec.in Attath-ent. liarnon Hust. Beers& Hope, vs. Dec. in Atlachamin. Enoch Byne. John ltRogers, vs. , Declaration in E nor h Byni' and Attachment. - Elijuah Byne. J Alcxander Walker,) vs ~ Decla'tion in Altta'n.t Enioch Byne) John WV. Rlheney,)~ vq-* Dcclaraton ia Enischi lyne and Attachmecnt. lIar:nlon1 linst. J Thom~ias G. Jordan,) vs. 'Declaration in s nochs Byne and Attachmecnt. IJirmni Ilnht.J Wms~. D. Stone, 3 vs. , Dclaration in Enochi Bynte anid , Attachment Ilarmnon Ilust. J Ilenry S. Iloadley, Declaration Enioch Byne. Attachment. T1 lIE Flaintif1e in the above cases, having thIis day filed theii Declairationas ini tmy e tlice.and the Deferedamis having iteitlier IWives nor Attorney's knowin 10 residie within the liits of' the State on whomi a 'copy of said Declarations with ai rulle to plead can he ser ved: It is therefore ordered. that the said De edatad~uo appeni and piead to the said dec larations wibhin at year anid a dlay from the date hereof. or final anid absolule judimeint will be awarded n'gainist tilem by default. THOS. G. I$AON, c. c. P. Clerk's Office, May 6th, 1845. 16 May 14 ly State of South Carolina, EDGEFELD) DISTRICT. iN '11iE CO.ViMONV PLEAS. S. C. Condlei & Co.) E. C. R.-emer. T HE Plainti'ffst in the above stated ease hmvirp this (lay filed his declaration ionin.y office, on motion of 1-. R. o-pann. Esq., it is Ordered. 'That Ihe said De fendant do appear and plead 1o the said declarati n, nithin a 3 ear and al dav from the dale hereof, or in defatuli thereof final andl abisolute jtudgmient wvill awaorded ag~ninsi him.. THoS. G. BACON, c.c.c. r. Clerk's Office, A pril 14, 1846. 12 ly State of South Caruolinha. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. iN TILE C')MMON PLE AS. William T Smi:h, Iindorser, Declaration as. n At John Swanson. 3tachment The Samne,) r s. >Declarat ion in Attachment. The Same. ' TI 1El Plaintiff in the above cases, having this day filed his Declarations in my sof flce. and the Defendant having lneithcr Wife nor Attorney, known to res'idervithin the limits of the said State, on whom n eopy of maid dec larationis with a ruie to -plead thereon can he served, on motion of' h Gray. Plaintiffs- A; torney, it is ordered. that -the -said' Dfefidant appear and plead to thiesaid Declarations within a year and a day, from the. date hereof', or judgment will be awarded against'him-by do fault T. G. BAGON; C. E..'D, Cletrk's Ofie,. April 20, 1846 ~~l 1. 07We are audtorited to annoonco ' " . WOkN HILL as ,a candidate for niinary r:at the next election .:tit' g'.We are anthorized td a= nounce N. L. GRIFFIN Esq a a :.irn ' didate for the Senate, at the ensnisg elec [ion. -. .f, Feb 95 = to 5 r. We are .autioi'i tdI ai nounce Col. JOHN BAUSKE T s a Candidate for the Seratat the ensuiag election. Feb 15 'ti . We are autioriked t an nounce :apt T. J. HIBBLER;Esq =s e eandidat, for the Senat ,at thiiFensu 6 election. March .4 te*' .-- 6 !bWe are authorized to' annoonice$ C. YANCEY, as a candidute'fr the: ILegia tut e, at the ensuing ele~tion- Jan 26.':e- 1 - We are authorised to announce Col..P . INoos'. as a candidate for tre Hoose - at the ensui.sg election. Feb-5% 't5; We are authorized to aunpbe.JOHN DOBY. Esq., as a candidate forte~e. gislature at the ensuing election. - February 4 .-_ 2 2 We are authorized io' announce Da-' IEI-oiLAN D, Esq., as a-candidate fo iihe House of Representmaives, at the inusing. election. Feb: 25 . .i 5 We arc antborized io announce Oluv TOWLES,' Esq., as ;..candidate for the House of Representatives, at tie ensuing election Feb 25 - . te- - 4 We are authorized to, annotine Cot. ARTHUR atIMPKItl as a candidate flhe House of Represeuiative; it tihe ensnint election, Feb 25 to 5 We are authorized to: announce 7J0HN . WL-.VER, Esq.: as a candidate for the Hound' - of Repescntatiies, at the ensuing election March 1" to . (Q* We are authorized' to announce M. GRAHAM. Esq', as a candidate :for , Ordinary of Edgefield District; at the next election. Feb.. 2 (F7The friends of SAMPsoIr B. bAla annu:cehim as a cnndidate for *he:Office of Tax Collector at the next election. Ort.30 i 40d. O: The friends of EDiMUND-Mo HHSa Esq.. announce him as a candidate forthe office of Tax Collector at the next electio Nov 6. -f = 41.. - We are uiithorized to annooi GeO'nG , J Sur:PPARD as a candidate for-theyoffic of Tax Collector, at the next electioed,.. T'he friends of Cl.3 JotuATT ,;' - nwt announce hin as a candidate forib ofile of Tax Collector, at the neit ele tion. Sep 3 .t 32 (Q The. friends of' Lieut. JiaiE B ' HARaIs, announce him as a andidsteo( he oIlice of tax Collector atith nex elcd I t0f.. .. - - (7'Wo are autiorized to announto - MA iHIAL .R. SIlTH asa candidate. for Tax Collector at !ife next. iction. Dec 24f 1"tie fi'edds o aj atnuouc6U hti as a ncotfdi Collecttee ensuj gelect o Nov. . 4 ~Q" We e -author'ired' to announe' LEv I R: ~Wn.so, as a candidate for.uly" Office ofTax Col ector at thernext election Pebl. 26 e To the Independent Voters of Edgefie- ld District !! Fellow Ciliidns :--Contrary to the ad vice and wishes of my friends Ioffer' my self as a Candidate for the office of :Tra Colleeior, and solicit your s:Itfrages;. If. elecrttd. which I dJo not eipect io be, I will iischarge the duties ol the offi1ce to the best o' nmy abilitid. .. - J0 HN J. McCOLILOUGif. Seprember 10 dc 33 *ELDGEFIELD DISTRICT iN THEL COMMON PLEAS. - Johna B. Goruden ) v-s. Attachment. Joseph 31. Perry. Alex. J. La*fon Joseph M1. Perry.) Tl H E Plaintiff's having this day filed tI~heirD Dclarations in the above stated eases in my office. It is therefore, Ordered, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declarations within a year und a day from the date hereof, or in-defauit thereof final and absoluae judgments will be given and awarded against the said Defendant ina both 'he above stated cases THOS G. BACON, c. c. p Clerk's Office,28th April,184.5. April30 14 ly state of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRIC'L James Eidson, A pplicant. vs. - 'Summons James Rodgters & wife Saraht, - - in a -4 Sama't Eidson ad otheas Def'ts. Part in; IT appearing to my satisfacetion that Gideon B. alter, W.illiam Salter. Boyce Eidson, Willtiam Eidson, Rowland Eidson,'Larkin Norwood and wvife . Elizabeth, Hamphreys Eidson. WViley Eidson and Allen Eideondises b,-yond the limits of this St'ate, it 'is tlieretpra ordered, that they do appear ~and. object to the sale or division of the-Ren t Estate-f-:Jfs. Eidson. Senr., deceased, on or' before:the first alonday in June next,.: or .their consent to the same will he entered of record. Given utnder my hand, at mny office, 281h February, 1846. JOHN HILLs~o.E March.4 12v -, State of South Car olina, -EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN COMMON P1LEAS . Davis B. Iladley, .-Aeciet Joseph..'i. Perry.- I. Thomas. Davis, - --~ vs. - - - AtLachman? Joseph M. Perry. ' - ' T H E Plaintiff's in the above casesitatt this day filed their delaratoan m fice, and the Derpndants havting neathetW:ne or. A ttiirneys-known toreside willip .lpii of tihe State',.on nion a copfy ofid hca t ions, with 'a rule to ?lead carn be servieI~ therefdre'ordeed; that the said Dele~J~ .defaalttthereof nal and imabhitejidyentt?-*y . - -.THOS.-GiBACON c 'o.-P - Clerk's Offices May.l32,.184 May1 M y 10