Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 24, 1845, Image 3

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soanod 19inelts ui:th had i iky~~ i as r' corm e 'eYiseftop p aid Vloa doubt~ Ud Tase~ woul. beso b and undis finil d hoped .'lf -toetiosity of ibt - 1I~k141' riends;.bui 'natiter pould o~~r pe F u6llsnfind noto tM* Walker, a c~~a- - fouu'd aion -th6Z th ipinb frtef thae.Ad mio4 rkrendy to follow its M I tfd -itistnidarc. on 0ieji NWeker's Report. d~ n Message we tonk e R ue Ie thought itiIan gungei hterpation leadiii tocopeitid i i jid ifot approve W take1 hlert as the au thoi~~ir4tidas . fthe Mlessge, ndisrrullj arid hearti I Y_ 0, 0 teicne!40the Adiuinistra t ~ ~ - iStioAi Neversne 1 0 the kwhernenil, h as sub~ nId-blimis of the taka fr'n ike Executive sue ~ c rehensive examuu a r i~tO 6 , 51 Walker is clear 0*la the recesses Mvithat he has nio tteo's, ' -4,l the fair retoi Its a IIp - nd ILkall these prilt. ini allv'-agree 'niiis,vs are at liberiy il the ecretary _ , iGnjuvi'ries inore siesbahit we doubi ii is more pro dhei therthe frr -do not -se sibly thati the latier. rnceof cArclusio inmay be" Q V sttemntP of a very inP dgeiera ly overlooked ch"Uof' luxuries is not e 1 t-thaihe poor hiuve 4n sifr ;hem, and do aeti allY7 ati anire aiiw ))ptprtionl to . hcir me'rel Th1: pour miani, i is to (:06 o 'detterrain -his -frjuds at Niudabubre the price ofjill .hi 1 i UoTuirt 'pjiper 'dr such i ot: esa .,a sitih -unable to d i K Iihp~orlmt M' ife and SU . 9m1.61.idiilg'spariiigly in - ildetlav a -heavy iix .0' n(6ie , rl,~ui i they niy be e tidFo ttis little; Doubtless I e -if lthd price of laces iaidjeI i ti f'14:-y er;Vflclihairthertijaid inJisiilf.4atdries, and- we arephbrailldo iore Aiaii theasingthe c III In piati. Jo ~~t~s~t~isaiabniatin tojld W fekesuftposqtve are in 7.,3a"111thiaidukg -o~ces of the no In lij WMie Uniiied - '6fl~tver reselitie tn Vi : idhce from cii h - 1 OtioM asiel'lave i IiiVi'-0-ad nited I r lieloct sudh an out ~ P,~ ~ a "t itut in; awlI. the rights 'a talei. ia thev call foi- the re W eidiid States-to withidroai MIrqfte. Houseof- Rep4 Feiitari es, sant -oaEfr te. calling a con er on the free'8liesfor- the lairmu tion ed6;c c nn deracy, evcluding the ~ ~ethie refeibrce of the sairl *ttzoua onitee t i becohlpoiIed a. e i'fher rri'neach Staiteof he Uinion 1t' Grahm no ed to lay the gietin in ie~~t ac.Ening N\etcs. ~dzt~sge'fiRo4. -The Miner's in ,~~~tihel 'at' Dthiupue, ntices w~uieri'l p~e~ntoon n- i iie forks o am di - so aa iacksor county. (Wise) It i Jjre md jn. and half a mile ir. widihi ~~eecan b estbna:m~te made of thei ~ 'ei .~rietiig~ ilaces aire abous -amhhttint fromntheir niests and lfeedin;~ pAc bein g hree in nutmber, aind each 4n ~Oering a '.ectiona of landi ; and, ii ~p~ oand firm they darken the ai *fJ~@e iti her h'entt ndi hundreds or< 0 e4 ~idogectankfzId in the falling libi cee. The -people kitl shs-ad-iheir noise is so lu is~n fired aongst them, b~ert cattot-be heardl,iand a 'persnr ~f4~i~dt~oe pladoeand shoot aill dayi -~tr:pn as s'oon as' ihry C-n: J~~eF sy -We- are ipformiied bi T.ua Yatton, Esq., ibia or w~;~i uitedI iun the farni *apniend l'or lhe prize offeredi h ~h'ucoabe Agricultisral Society, an< ssince the tonrn was gt ~ an~svr', and the yield tnas om ~ ui r~snls~ and' af ~~ ~S aimus'river asan 'ovidleree of wliha e-olg. &eeisoii beeni good ilr orter b o u ouhn the vield wouh fi~eao- eutofred nod ifif hushels ohzve set in, in earonesi niihdaerosevere wena her thou a s! fen. weaks. ITin fromi this plIae, havy bdiv for several days O 19A inst. - v fowen.-'The 'parern ~>tOl ~ ~ 6'chtl in the way he ~ ntgie way t'tat he rdued~i tissdori--whigl ~~ir che nhiso aI ecry i gelie !.:.\'haf are your use n e1er exict t he O I usef. . Imber ofr sieiety,. or: 4ie~jefMacr oryour ace.-so long as yo.n keep 1ot rtypliO' habits? Do g.ou not knoo thas you are treading -ithe footsteps of ahn~os.-evr one who has ascended a gal6s,.or Iraged oti a iniseradle exis, tende In a Sta'o Prison ? Take our irdvice my voung friend : fo'sake jour dissipated compsuions-go home and work- like a maU and your cheeks i ill not burn with siae when you are asked your or occainpion. Be assured that your present mode of life is only fiting you for the gall os. State prison, or poor house, H--Bow will your conitry go Ibis %ear asked a Philadelphian of a citizen.of Bucks count v. '-Velll r:i n tell iueh: I don't know." said ithe Dutelitmi : -he man vol tells us how to votet deen round yet.: A contnry editor says, on our outside will be fbid a torn coat and olber at' cle,. Man3 a count% editor i found i ith a rn coat on his outside. Commuinerci al. IlIAtSUa. Der 17 Cotton.-Fnr Ie pid t' k the wetil-r has brett nfia vora be for bunsinv.,s in t is line, id in consequence ilhe receivo% of the article has been small for this seisut of the %ear,- as a matter of conrse, the sales have been light; there being but little stock in blore in operate ot. All Ifiat has been oflered met ready sale. ail since news 6.Y the CGut bria to I9th oft. froin Liverpo.ol cathe to hand, ihe i market las been somen hat excited. an td ptrices a little advanced on our last n eek quoi;t tions. We quote to day oirdinary to mid dling 6 . 6in, militgl foir to fair 61 li 74 fully fair to good fair 74 to 7:. ceiiie Se. Prorisionis.-Cirn fius advantcel withitt the labt week. catnut now he hnd fir less than 75 it 80c Flbitr is a shade loi er saiy countr. $6 to $6 50. C;ettl 5-7.o to $8. BacIon is rather riill sale at 9 to 10c. Lard 9 ito 10 -Repub!ican. . l MA HR16IED - On iite evening of tile 1,01h inst.. hiv the Rev. Jaeos M. Chiles,,Cn;i. W IL LIS G llA.,RIS ill' Abbesille, to Mis s SUSA-N only danigher of John Jot.s. Esq., of Edgeli.l. On th- lith insinni. hv Rev. 1. A. i Willinis. Mr. JOSEPlI l-fUIET tolia .\l ARY ANN PADGET. daiughter of Wilham !'adget, all of this District. - Whi eheaity and yenithiate intheirfallnrime, Atid fully and lashiot affect onr whole tine, 0 lei not the lenitois our wishes etngaie. Let nas live sip in yuit, that we blushnot iIn ne. On the 11th inst. hv Elder W.'Wit 'kin. Mr.- LENWIS.B EFN to Miss SU SAN ANN MURRELL. all of thi'Dis trict;- - 00 the 18th, boy the Rev.. Willian Wat kin, :r RICHARD HOLSTON te .'ei-FftiNGIS ANN ag.ter ofJ. Mo ely,"alI ciF-thisiDisirie I1Wiel on thb7fhins.iii liuihrg. S C 1r. Stisin 0. Griflin. " ire tof Dr. J. I G-ifllin. and daughter of George All-. deceased, fornerlfor A ugiusta, Ga. (f pWe are authorized tot annuouice MA RSIAL IL SMITIl asa catilidate for Trix Collector at the next election. Dec. 24 le 48 GIIEAI BARGAINS. ila NI) & BUTI,.R will. withittt re Bse'rveu. sell as Aniie. on Tutesdaeyth 6ith "1 Jaiituty, 18-1. the whole ofthleir retoait Iing Stock of Goods. All who wish hartgats w'ill do well to attend. Dec. 24 it 48 C H R IWi'MA S and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS!! I j I-: Sutbscribei hma just recived. athe muan's Hontel.) a large assi'rtmentt of TOYs and FIRI-. WVOR KS! Candies and Stugar Plumis, suitable for Presents. ~-ALSO Fresh Ranis -ns. Sugar. Coleie. Cigars. Buckwheat. Crockery. stnd niany othier Fancity Art irles. *Call -id sue, anid you mayv be sire to get I ood barganus. J . COHIN. Dec- 24 St48 liew Famnily GROC it TORE& lICESTAURATEUlI. ri'HEI Subs'criber respectfilly iinfortis the ji Citizents of I-:udfeeld andu vicittity. that he lhts opiened a FAnilY Gn~cp~ny A~s-D CoNi'Ec (-rioi An y 6-roux.. onc door bcelowo Coln's Store.) whee h inend-.to Iteep a goiid asseirtmett suitable for Fatiilies. such as Cdandics. Figs, Rasons,nmonds. Oranges. Citrons. Markerei. Salmnonds, Srdints. Irish Po.'atocs IYs-r ;Su ini the Shell anid Picled. attd Fnisu Fuin. di. rect from Charlestont. -lso-. TlOYS and FIRE ('RACKERs. Fiamilies anti individuals emi htle futrnishled at all hours of the day or tig bt. with Oystes. Fish. Soupis and Refreshents of the season. at short notice. and on emsoinahble termst. The followinig bill otf ite wtill be served np nthe best of' atylie, and itt ite following low p1iees. viz: Breakiiet. Dinner atnd Sup~per, cnhf. 25 ets. 1 Beef Stakes, a hiinuodie. per cnt. '25 Boiled or Fried 1lam and Eggs, 25 Sonp (Viegetlable,) pet pilate, '25 ' Oysters Steweit, F'riet or Raw, lier. plate, from 25-tn 50 cents. Game of all sorts contantuitly on hatid. N. B. 'Te tubiscriber comeiimlaitescotiiltin ing the BUTC H EltING BUSINESS. durin,. the ensiniig year. WVM. W. GOODMAN. Dectember 24 fif 48 * FIN \[ NOTICI A LL Persnst itnde'bed to the stiltcribers bty Note or Accotunt tmust coime forward and hke patyit'ett by dir fiit af Janitaty ir it :wy wigsh ymei's oste After whiet,c alI Notes and Acentut' ,il be alded over. f or coflee tton, wit thotit . -~DI-ON F .ReAwIE &-ane Drug and General Store!! Xi'ECTS to relive and open Wafew .t Store at present ocupeid as lhe Post Ofice. -the.-following Goods, vhfalh he will sell for cash only. nt Castu:. Parlcis. His assoritent will be kept up.and unusually low prices maintained. He respectfully re ,quests the inhabitantis of Edgefield to call and examine lifor themaselves, his extensive and com-. plete assortments f. - DRUGS and ilW'DICINES; Havingu been Iong enagaged in this trade, and roinerly in the practi -of 11Med~icine, the ut most reliance may he placed by Physicianns and others. oni the excellent quialities of the Drugs, and the carefli comptunding of prescriptions entrusted to his care. SPerfumnery, &c., Comprising So:ap.'. Essences. Pottnindes, Collognes. Toilet Glasse.. Conbs, 'footh Shaving. I lair and Clothes Brushes, Pancy Articles. Razor Stropiv. &c., &I!. EHarz.wa.-re and Cutlersy. Kni.'s, It -zoir.I. Seissors, Glazieurs Diamonds. SpadIes. Shovels, Ctrry Conbs. Tea and Table Spoons. lItt tols, Perelssion Caps, Coffee Mfills. &c. BHooks an1d uttionern'y &e. looks and Gaimes for New Yena's and Christ nas Gills to Chiltren. Steel Pans. Toiy W rtcles. Periodicais. Paper; Seulinig % ax Shue-et Music, &C &c. LAW BOOKS ordered at low prirces-a list of w hich is kept. Satka ilnd Caps. Of lthe ist iflly naal low in price. J.Hats $1 50 t1, $5; (Cas" included with best.) Cups 50 Cents t, $1 25 each, Boots and shoes. Boots of varions kinds. Finest $4 pei' p ir. Ladies and Children's Shoes. Lard Lanp%. Britannia Meial and Japanned, with or Mithout Slades. At.-o, A FFW Dry Good-s, .lerinoes. Paddings. Plaid Shawls, Green Baize. Gingdhiam landkerchiefs Spool Cpt'.ons, Bankets. Woollen Gloves, Pilot Cloth. Sewing Silk. Purse Twisr. Braids. Shoe Thread, Shirts. Collars Stocks, Gen tlemnen's Chiniz Dressing Gowns.&c. The A-siortmrtt will he increased in the Spring. Cigar%, Tobacco & Snuff. Best Branids Pr iencipes. Spanish ad - Ihalf Spanish Cigars-Ct Smoking Tobacco. &c.. &c .&c. Crockery mad Glass Ware. A general assortin.-mt of the abote. Confectionery. 1 anldis, Lenwn. Peppt.riint, &c.; and Kisses at -5 cents pcrib.: Grapcs Raisinsi. Al mnonds. ligs, Prunes Cad Lemons. . R4 A RBEIRTA knlsm Agett fer Dr. Jayne's Pa mtilj Medi.: iciae's ; J: V. Svines's. do; Rowngds'Tonic %Iixttre, for Agaid .jwarranted'to cure; Synes' A & Sins Poaisuona Tor Rats; tirgeons B'n. dage Itstitnte. Trusses. Laced Stockha,&c. -Wiiekhn & Will's Gulvniac elatela, lor the esre of pain in .the. head. &c. Foirfewl's' Califorui Pills; Grahan's Nlagazine. All the alove Gooids having,ben obtainedin Phuiliade 'llhin. tt low pirices wi41 be sold 'Pt 'ar belowofhiladelphiri or NewYork Retail pricos. - eefiT C: [ . if 48 CENTRALi SCHOOL T P P, Stbiseribers ttke pleasure in stitting ithat the Exereiseso''tleir.School will be resumted onI the first il4anday in Jnitary next, mader the care of the siane Teachei-. . iss i CURTIS. who has given entire satisfactidon the presen year. Theternms will be seveni.eleven ad firteen do, .14 per ses.4io, tiecording to the bran'ches tanagl' t'nynble in advnnde. Good hoarding aity be lad lbr a fev pupils, convenient to the School S. CHRISTrE. C. L GOODWIN, 3 TERRY. Dec 25 ___ t 48 Attention L-ight Infantry, Spirit of '76. A PTE AR (a' your parnde : l.grounta, at the Red Hill. .'an Saturav. the third day of Jianuaary next, armed and equip plI jaad as the law directs, liar drill. JOHN HILL. Cdptain. De. 24 2t 48 Notice. -r1HE Estaete of' James Adatms beinig II )erehi'at, I shall paroceed to sell at the late residence (Jr suta deceased. (an Tueday te20'h dlay of January ntext, onacredit 'afsix nmnths, with note andu two approv~ed secur'ities, all the personal propt ety of staid dlecentsed, conisistinag oaf Stock. Carts. Catrpenter's 'Toaols, Far'mitng Uten sils, Ilionsehohld oad Kitchen Furnaiture, anal other art'kles too tedious toa menttio. All sumats of' tand uttnder five dollars cash. JOHN HILL, . . . Dec.24 4u 48 state or Stuth i'olinia, EDGEIELD DISTRICT IN cOUNIT OF OILDINARY. CLathatrine \Vise WVin. Stepjhetns, ) Susan WVisa, llarr ei WVise', Jaicksna Wise', and Jocob Wise, vs. WVillinm Wise Admninisarawor "f I ' lleory Wise, decensed, atnd j Mosee Swearcengent andl |I Lewis Jeon's, Seentrie'ties. J C1ATH'LARINE~ WISE, WILLIAM. / .Stephlen's, Suisan Wise. Harriet Wise, Jaceksoni WVise and Jta(enb Wise', hav'ing a i. das~ fled their pe'titio. uetting~ forth lhat they are distribtrnes eaf the Esetatie oaf HI eaary Wset, Ilate oft the Disat4 iansre-,idl dheca..ed. tad a tat, William e WiE', hae Ad.. ,aaiaisarrttar sar that Esiate, has remaoved baeyonda the limits of thisk Stain', without haeving necouteda liar his Admniastration: It is thecref'ore' orderedl. thnt William WVisa', Admnisi'trator as nl'ara'said, and- Moeses Sw earengena & Lewis Jones. Securities to. the staid Admaintistralien, da apapetar befome tme ini the Conrt caf Oa'dinary, tn be held in in.. office ;at Edgefield Court House. in the District and~ State ufoaresueid. on Monday the 12th day oaf Jantuary -next, to show entese if may they can, ahy they should noat renider hb-fore mue an t~accorlt oh' said Admianistratiin Givlen under mfhtanud' at my office, this 0th claynf'Deeaber 184, - IINiWLa On E. D. S. - r \ 3 48 n D ffR DOLLAe idi an hfanche~ss-o yndj asiirt fore, none leas time than i se.asian,eiteini stipulation he threhbud, &b bein made'fiir ad mission, and$ s~o ing. Good bo hilail.-in-the vicinity, aid line or'. CL r uj ~Is-may be a commodated nilyofthe .Teacher. $P~IcLINTIOCK. Nov 26 - t 44 Eeus[ed the revices.or MRDSON, to take charge otle dljs IU' ui, ie-in suiuig year, M is i.Ii I rsa isi-d ~Dr; W. i. juthso!9 ; ia 's"- during the preeryea nCiedtei ivith the Green wd S terand-qual ificat'ons - duce parents, with gat daffrdtligir daught~erszto ber istruct - T hye - edioAva sessious aL lowing the- unlsll. - '..e , payabe one hgtif ind , adiebsA namld Ileahalance Per Session F oa t6';rig nd Arijfit *:8 00 Gedgraphypr"nian -Conpos tou, wnh. 12 00 Natural, MentaLwd 1 oral Phi. 10solfh -otatly, Loic, & ave 16 00 FBy C t Ob ror rie wood Y d tl rs(We - GRIFFIN, Chairman. Dec.9 4t -.- 46 E 4Sc hoa 01, SIE nbsor .altropen .uli the Second AM aday Ui Jainary e.d:, a - School at Pu1fer 0. -/, eld.Cour- House. He will tearbhilie g lianches ri :.Ortlhog rupjhy, Ifieagiu tilig, Eiglish Grmmair. ArAtneti-r, G .'A -A.rononiy, Natural PhiIlosophiy,Ii ifrser rjilnhi*s coniectelt witt a thoroughi EnuT Tducation. A lew yonug ent enien can receive instruc ion in the Clk"c Rates of ttuqn ill be nioderdte. Good. boa d'6w hr.obtained. in very res pcetable and uto4 E'amilies on reasonable Lermis. ' - S Wi KENNERLY Dec. 10 4 G-El WOOD 11iE-B Ei~e ,ses of these Institutions e svAitid-n' tfie Se6dd:Mon 2y inQu Mite Scno il id er the sUlperintanei . I Vi-. jjHknis udfe alitks otc-RICUAan' ionanul r OMINGS, at the raalliwm. las'f ITionll lsa (Classs indisiogr 5 thanths. t ~ do.aangen eA B AFro 4l0@ per modth TheSabbathkihool will Ae opened as; usual,-w hoih6A4warher. moderates, and Ihe Pupils htavef4eeacces1 to a Library of inore thanthrewhundie& volume-. Miss Richardson and Mis Comings are already -knnortnl-the -public as: poptlar T'eachers.- uidst only- remains.for us to sm. that: Mr-Jlarris is a .ntive. of this Di~trict, a grrnduate uf. Princeton ,nand comnes wih the highest-teutimionija of'lit erary qualificd~ion and moral character, fromi the Faculty oif .iha College. which are in. paurt appended heroe. -Mr. Wm,'L. Harris is a graduate of the College of New~ Jersey. H is sholar. ship. in my depar ment, -is of the first grade, aind Ianmfree to say, that n y'ounig gentleman -has. evet *beena under ':?y in-. struction, for cwhose -general character I entertain a more higb esumaaiion. Princeton. JOSE PH-HUENRY." - - princeton. "The subscriber- takes great pleasure in expressitig. the 'very favorable opininn, which he-entiertains of .\r. Wma. L. Har. 'ia gradttateauf this Iustit~utiin. Duritng the whole peiod of his connection with .the College,tie wsas ditiguished for cor rect deporinent. and for the dilige-nt and isuccessi'ul prosecution'or his studies. Such are th'e attaionents of Mr. Iarris, that lie would be~ a very valuable -instructor of y outh prepairint-for Go)illege. . "JOHBIMcLEON Prof. of Gicek." Exrtract --Ihereby certify that during hi,.(M r.Hatti'a4College coid he was attei ie todiis~ etiodies;' exemplary in his mioral conduet, andl among the firs: schol Ars in 'his sajad also take pleasure in sayingetiit in my opiinin, he is well gunl ified tor teace'tho -branches -of Literature and Scieee fusually- taught in onr best A cademies or:Sehoals. -'JUHN-CAR.NA H IAN, --Pres*. fCollege of New Jersey.' Nassair Bdl. - I is-desi-able that Smudenas-enter at the openin~ of he School. - II. ALN6WN, Presidenu of B] ard of. Trustees. Dec.17 ltdIj. 47 DOWARD'& GAiEANY. TIH E C~sitojas oif the firm of Howo ara- 8 Giyr will please comte forn'ard ad'ifm ts~re earliest possible convetifeice - T'he fim h jii~ beeni dissolved one year. an January ntext, byi whi'h- timte I earaesh *desiret '~have the- business i an at 'Indis~ tibea tmnd at tho Oid 'land, ;rsI he Norc en Accounts air thefilt ~ W GARMANY. Noarro.25t, 1845. 7t 47 e arpa S% m au~ Ancoustic ~ 2~ D. T BETTS 'I6 DRY GOOD8' 23OS00&B O(lj.D.respecTfully inform the citizens 0' Cdgsfield in-s i iiiiiy it. tl y have recently opineda ve-y generaal agsst i.-t fc jw DryGoods.- at6ierld SL1ud of Fa.iit &- A UDO!5, (Corer IOUG5 thsr~ourt House.) which they:'wiil didposeu f at A tlista Prices, for Cash Their Stock consits in part of the fullowing articles, viz: Whito and Red Flannels; 1(0.4 and 124 Bed Blankets; 8-4 and 94 Negr'o Blankets : Black aisd Colored -Casimeres, Sattiaetts and Vestings. Kentncky Jeans, Ashland Jeans & Tweeds Cassineres. Forest Cloth and Double Width Tweed?, lr Sack Coats; -Negro Kersey: and Lindseyi. Cai-hneres, Monslain YLanes andiAifgans. - for dresses. Clreil Figured Parissinis; Do. Striped Alynccas; Black Alpaccas; Do. B01 bazines. Dress Calicoes; Fursiiure Chintz; Do. d. Dimuity ; Canbiic, Do. Black Watered Silks; Colored Figured Silks; Colored 4 atered Orientas. Jaconet. Nainsook, 3Iull, Swiss aud Book luslins. Irish Linen's and Lone Lawns. Bird Eye Diapers. Corded and Marsalies Skirto. Black and .Colored Scotch Ginghanm.s Bleached and Brown Cotton Jeans. 3-4 and 7-8 Best Bed. Tick. - Georgia Nankeens and (7ol'd Cambrics. Striped Osnahurgs. -or Negro Clothing... Slate Colored, Miixed and While .Cotton Ho-c. White and Black Silk Stuckingsand (floves. Ladies' and Gentlenen's V hite, Black & Colored Kid Gloves. L. C. Ia ndkerchiefs, ron 25 cents to $3 a piece. Large Size Silk Sliawls,.Woolen, Up. Bluck Italian and Fancy Col'dt Cravats. Cravat Stocks, Stocks and Collars. Silk Pocket Handkerchifs. Blue Hoinespnns and Brown Hollands. Merino and Cotton Uunder Shiras; Stock inet Drawers. Needles, Spool, Cution, Flax Thread. Pearl, Lasting and Horn Buttois, Tapis, Ball Cord, &c, &c. -.,LSO One Case Heavy Negro Shoes.. Ladies' Wbite and L'ht. Col'd Kid Slippers A fine article of Chewing Tobacco. Shoe blacking. Pen Knives and Scissors. A few Hair Trunks. L7N. B. A ny article in onr line which we have not on hand, will-be ordered from Anghi ta, and received by the first opportunity. Dec. 3 4t 45 Notice. Persons .having any demands A ainsi the Esiate of Sarah Bush, deceaset', are req.uested to render them.in properly attested ; and all iidebied to said. Estate are reltwited to make payment by the 25th instant. THOMAS DELOACH, Executnr. Dec. 17 2r 47 LtSt.:0r -St0 ei; ,:!-1. 19~ Tuesdiaye,:.Oe9th inst,' st Silk -Pursei int D l s Teelle a n r Bise a nah . , 11b Will be givenfor tei rcovetryofd'asnes - - -B. J. tAN' Dec.17 - tf - 47 State of South ('arolina, NE BERR Y DISTRICT. IN EQUITY James If. Wilson, vs. ) Burr J. Rtamaac & Sarah Ann. hsis WVife. BY virtne of the decree of the Congt of .3.-'quiity,. I will sell at Public Auction, on the *29 t, ;30th and 31st, Dec. instant. the entire Estaite, both rdal anid personal of WVm Wilson. decceased. consisting of several HlOUSE~S AND LOTS, situate in the Village of Newberry-. Six or Seven flundred Acres of Land, on Snudai River. (lying within a half a mile or Higgins Ferry.) 50 or 60 very Likely Negr'oes, Ilousehold und Kitchen Furniture, Fariimng Impllemients, Stock of all kinds, Corn, Fodder, 40 or 50 Biles of Cotton, find many other things too tedi'n to metntiotn. The H onses and Lots, sitnated ina the Vii lago, the iinterest which the said deceased had in a -tract of land lying on the Blackjack Road, and the H-ousehold and Kitchen Furniture, at the late residence or the said deceased, will be sold in the Village on the 29th Instant, and the Negroes & other personal property also, the Plantation on Saluda River, will be sold on said Plantation on the 30h and 31st instant. The Plantation will be the first thing sold on the morning of the 30th instatt. Terms made knowna on the-day of sale. The a foresnid Plantation isnow in the highest order for cultivation, coitaining about one hundred and fihly acres of excellent Bottom Lands, one hundred of which is in cultiintion. On the pirenmises are the very best of out builings, New Gin H-ouse,-&c. Persons wvislung to purchasc Real .Estate, will find it their ierest to examine this. M r. T. Y. Logan ,who is on the place,will take plea tu re in showing it to aniy one,or Mr. Ml. lig. silns who resides near, or by calling on the tnbubscriber. L. J. JONES; c. E. y. n. Dec. 10 3t 4 Notice. W ILL he sold at Public Sinle at Edgefield Court House -on the 1st Monday in~ Jan. next on a credit o~f twelve monuths onue negro woman named Mdlulev and boy child Eltmore,- the property of Lnke Dohry, dleceased. Purcbasers- to. give Pondr and niwe pproved-Securites to . J. Ryan and Reonen Cogper. The. above proiperty sold-bay consent or Parties. Dec. 3 1845 5z .45. .L.- #NOTICE. W. W. ADAMS, A T.TO'RN EVYAT. L AWY May be found in his Offee, at. Comptp. De.17Botel, at any hour. - BULLIS. .COMPOUlND-.pF: ARSA-. = PA RILLA. Thiis -pregnrai pJ.Srt sapuarilia possess all.. tie'-active jaagerltiesLf4 ~the.Root,.ii a h ig coliceeltate tW '' Ju *icef ti fo-s= Jbf 4'Ty M, Dcri 3 T ECom inzssonesif the erW ( .iedDistnet lie~e~fe to treme cases. N iierefore sia ing to) reive'ibnj issisiic It Boaird, vill have to apply byptidnt~~ themn at their next meetingd at gisefi . (,ourt Hlouse,'on the Jirst'Monda n1 a~ nary nexI, either for adiuissto oe.d ,r House, or a coniluanite of';e P ublished by order-or the 5or~ VHN AI Dec.~ - or 4~ k-1 RANA WAY,' ~ TJ~ROM the s'ubseriher abou .1 the first of November-l1s11 his: negro -fellow, WILL L aij negro is:about fiveleet~bigh, ad'~ t wenty .two or twentytbre yea o' age. le O p a a bith his feel turu ot..whe lb dalkig. Hie hans.a large-nouth, Shifh cheek hione, andba beautiful set of teeth. Heat a i' senr on his forehead, and one onr one of his' arms resembling the figureofeoven , Alse one on the leli part of his colar bone. Any inforaation respecting..said negr. will he thankfully receivedMmnd.all- ea sonabile expenses paid, if delivered at lb. sublcriber's plantation, near Mount - ling, Edgetield District.. ACBPOWE~ Dec.118A5 tf.I . eNEs1 RkELs - 1d B8A RREL8,t alffind qaartsr - EAJVbarr'els Mackr,Nos.1,24 B. (lato.mnspection.) 20 Eits, No. - Mackerel. 2 BbIs. No.1I Salmoin. ; 10 Choice new crop New Oreadsa w# alOLA88ES. . S 7 Topether with.nosit every article wanteio -u Family use.ioaking the best asaortnlento" "aiih Groceries ever' o'ered for sale thi market, which they will sell at the lowes - market prices. - KENRtICK.& THAYER. Hamburg, Dec. 3 3: 45 ~ewCrop EN'RICK & THAYEit haej~ cvivedand ulfer for sale at ta urea nirketspries, . - --w ea qtarterboxei neDsCrri RDec. s -1454 1,0-b.Soft Shelled.4u.osos. - "2(10 Zante CuRRNES.A 0 boxes GenoaCrr . 20 HiN. I Mackerel. A large stock of Cawuos- an9 -tie l Oamibytu&4 tkingule.est aeespvtbqei ; af.31 reries ve oniffr' -'o il3~hlt' inket ,dhich th isiiseat t'u imrktditeys. panbet fk a m er oa - - - thno Brandrh'si cndf re'y uiie% thinvir st wise i bodili tore~ta hmeael pd ai bau h ,askreceived sufiri whetaeit roe, ,hePr t . - : ru fromethehod byii tnhe actio o t.Bandehj Prillis fromplacern tcals of eri~auehtsr wth . Brndreb Pills, and pureelld y he iit' th modrteml.go teby urmgth bi etedlot lthso.edcnea tuhoe hms infbood bu~e. il, bire the ie o als esths. sat nofieae.e~lf disas berin the bod. wie shuldh ablat the iseae onlf the blo . It i. the impurities whih must be i~eiisyd by~ piurgationto se'enre our health, in all siteIs or the wenither, in til .Iitisationrs, and ikii Ict~ nates. The blood, like a godaspirit-;is. L ways trying to benefit -the -bodfbf :it seg gles to expel imapuirities. Butit'is not capble to deat its obn purificatinmi at all timerito'do this it nmat often have assistsice N blood is loa'ded with imp riies islti uc this cliiibte, the conse'quentcos- mays . atal, provided thme blood -is noat prietat ,one and~i this is sure to be ~effected .if Brianileti s Pills are tsed. g7Tite Pills'are sold at Dr. Brad~eisti lice, 241 Broadwaty;N. York. -AlsorbfJBhma & Butler, E d gelield C. H .; 8.Clare*kW(oi Hanburg; J. S. Er D. C. Smutag. M~teti Street; V. n. Coleman, New Market;-WIetk Sullizan Si I Faller, Greenwood.; L. DWni man. Cokesbury. - December 10 - -5t 46K'i~ A N Exdellent .,ticle or WVINTZsW'ierb 1 LAMP OIL. 'For sale hy~.4 Dec. 10' . - -. 46. (" We --are- nthbraed .to annone Livt R. Wiumorr', as zf ca''ti aite fbi te Ofice ofTax Collector at the 4e.te*cuion Feb. 2 te - i (hf" The irbeutds or oE'.D;DMo u' Euiq., announce him as a canddiate lor'she - .wfice-of Tax Cdllector at e ost.hee dti N6.' . - tr. ttfThe f'riedd o. 8 Ii ffm .*AS . anenourice him as-a candidateoto of'Tax:Collector-.a the.t neplts Ord tr . 6 6deeo Di n ji next elci on ~, Feb '7-. - 2 j4 MLag Sanis(W &I~~ Impr al2