Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 11, 1843, Image 2

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.RE&GlIdU3. CIRCULAR LETrER. Tax EnoseatIn BArTIST AssoctATtoin To TUs Cuomncuu waruts uma 1-uiTS &cde Chrisialaints sazovaO Baurmars: . In sending forth this oar antnual epitek' permit us to cail your attention tothe principle of expediency as ezhibted-in the lne" of emeiie rfnrsvp a $d that which is set forth in the eiptures of Truth. Expediency, implies t.e adoption. or eefoer mansm. most proper or best calcnlhted to c somplish the rend desired; volition on the part of th actor, velative so the instrunentalities to be used, and the perTormance or oniissiou of ertain acts. with respect to aitendaunt circmu stances. and the-consegnenct'. most likely to re stlt from sch perTortmance or oumaison. That this principle is partially recognized by the revealed will rl'God is udi denied'; but that it is cretited within very narrow limit' is evident. While therefore, its being received and acteden in S*criptaralboainds has been and will be productive of the meet happy and bene fitial results, carried without thIks pale. it is fInght with evils the most a ful and appalhag. We prceed to the disenm.sion of tie mnbject. by 6rst aonsidermng the etad to he obtained and the sphere of volitan relative to the -instrumen taliies to effect it: 1. The end had in view must !be c'erect, mastbelawful. This postion is so' proatineut ly set fothin the Wor-J of God. th:t shokid the profesor lose sight of it, he would be runing to no purpose, and 6fhting ns one that vanted hie strength in 4beatisg tlie air " Weher therefore ve eat or drink. or wsewsoerer %c do-, do all so de .z"ry qf God.". Fom ti-i psih oftruth it is seen, that bowever uinijartanmt Or trivial the acts of the Christian may appear. either in his own estimation or that of o ieros. they are nevertheless to be perforinedJ with di reet refrence to a defilmitemmi sperfie.1 end. and that end tue declarative glory of the Mvst High God. So deeply impre-sed wae tlis truth, on the minl of the Apostle Paul. whi'e be would lay before profe.worp. the prceantsa d example of Christ, the ancient wtiiies aind himself, and frot these. urge then to dsen cautber themselves of every hindrance, ani press through difficulties dais iry tmight rim ahe heavenly race with rpeed. lie wonu!l Inte thetm constantly bear in imind, that the depign thereof was to glorify fuld, by looking to. or re lying upon " Jerns as the austhor and fiaisbier of their faith." That while all the facultte'. of soul and body should be broni:lt into reqilitiiion for the puirpose. it should be c-lnaedered by then as nothing more than a rensmumable service. -For ye ate bought with a price': ti-erefore glorf God in yourbody. and yotir spirit.,whicch are Gaod's. I beseech yol therefore brethien by the iercies of uai. nit ye present yonr ho. dies a living sacritice. wholly acceptable onto God. your reasonable servic'" low 1unwise. nay. even simple, would ans individnial appear to every rctlecting nmind who shiould be toiling day and nigha in some laborious employnent. and yet oa it tiry. it were fonauid that time end of that labr, ouli tIm diiappointmntt andI rs. laation of spirit. So. bMloved brethren. i ill it be with tse who p rfe.s t" b'r in the vi, yard of the Lord, i they sha hve wron;:%i to other end than ths glory of hiu who call' them to work. 2. The eloice or instruamrentalities must be tade within the Scripture hit. Actiig with. set t4 enclossure, we shall soon fimd that -Ae are tessed on the.wave of h1un1san fsllv. with st chart or conpas by wihich to diect our eurnee, and notes a speedy retreat be hind. swallowed in the vortex of misrule. anarehi and confusioi. Ii- instrimtentalities to be used for the glory of Cod ini the extenision of he Rede'nar's kingdoum. are not left to be de vised by the uncertain wisd.'mn of man. .God has ordained what they shall be. and min '6 for bidden to amId aught to iien. or tiake auht from neumst, under the most severe and ssslemmin :ne i tios. ''Kesp the comimnidrments ot' Gol. and do themI.. s shall at- aude eash- the word Which I otmiae.-stnd you. neither alll %e uiminih aught frn it, that ye mae keep t~.iusemnsndnmeets nf the Lord your Gee:1 slbach I conummaim you." liad tis rule been sacresdly mshs'res t". and the ce 'sts e'f femman wisdmm neit subtitn-' ted intl.e place ofdiviire inm'tittiinnru. ter. hiad not l.een thio-e corruptmine in the 5 'hristian s.. higion. and thoe hemi e,-dini schlmimi ran e gentiomns in the Chri4'an wor~d ::'e no eu and which have ne:mly tmsnishedi pure :e mnd un-' dedled religiona from the earth We c.anio:, beloved bre-thiren, reprehend ton utromnghy the arroganice of that pmriuiei:,te. wh'?ich! wild a'. some the proavimnce of Jehoiah. in pe-n~min.: to enact regumlatia (sir the~ governent .f his kingdom. If under the .ilo'aie eennoimmy. ea'i led by the A p'etle Peter a y ake, which ne'ithe r the Jews of his day nrar their thlers were aeble' So hear, amid yemi, "*stp s:ansgreu.'ioe. and sdi sobedienice receiv'em a just mee'Inipeed of re ward." WVhat should lie thouight ot' th .t p'rs asemption,. that would *v imm the i(nee omf thme aim thouity of Slim. whbs '* (lath ine thme.e~ hmmt day)" spoken natmisu by h~s Sun. who is the l'riet anes of lhis elory, anid thme es press iiui;e oft hais pso f "'l'he Clhetwe now eddies,'. pro Lesto he foundsed on that primncIph-, whseca knows of no Jndge, Lawrmie r Kineg in Zion. but Christ Jsusti the Lord. Brethren. is thiis prntneple adhered to' 7 Or rathe'r. ris their not too mutch of the p'niley. mgainst sslh ht ne ai e speaking, to be sea n in the conidiet or mmei hers, and the discipine of the (Churchmes: a de parteare from the pilaimi amid usipi co~immatnds of Christ. and lresortinig teo hutian. exped.ese vi An inistance or tw') of tbis chuas'ete- will enulhce for the pi~rsent as illustrative amid condfrmeatory ofroar position Tihe Atpaie Patit I. Cor. vi: 1. say.: Dame sty of' yan, liavir g a mater again'st another. gnitn law before the nurt arid net before the suintis, v. ' Dcit brnthesr goe.s to Law with tirether, and that hereme sitbel'iev'ers. v.7. Now. therefore there i-" an'ri'y a fa'p among you. becease ye go to law one wmtha another. v.5 6 speak to ye'nr shames. '. :3. Know ye aot that we shall ane)::ragels? h ow mneh maure thinsga p'raining tee thu' life ? Cani thesr be any thing morn plain. nnd positive than the prohibition and re'proof esemtamsied in the aboveignsoted Scripturei Anid yea do'es motro thier go iii law with brotlier? Aid, dio not QVbwph es. not only connive at it, biut in some instan-. e.s deufendl as ex pedienet iliac to auller it, rati' er thanat burden the' Church th tuich hitigmn' iorns? Sneh aspediemncy is utterly at wirkth the principle laid dsown by the heads of time Church, for thasgovernt ment of his pieo'pe. Bat. says the e'ector, tiiis proshibtion wmii suir. ed te.e ageun circumsistainces in wisichle was given, but not toa the present day. The impeort of thida objection is, that the foreknows hedge ul God was not ssnftheient to diseern the cireantn stanuces, thmrough whimch his Chairch usonkel have to pass. or his wisdoms iuadequa~te to prov-ide regulatienat adapted to thennmergecy of these cirenmstanees. Bett where is t6heart filled with such reckless inispiety, that slarst for a moment harbor such a she'ugkt ? Adherence to ths rude might pruobabiy drive freem the bosom of she Chlurcha the hseartless and worldly minded pefenssor, bat to him who sought to glorify indh, the seslemna prohibitimon, -* Dre ep ga," wuldfall upan his ear with hilm to thitk son hisway.and turn his feet to the testimeuies ef Gesd. Again, iis a genierally admmisted point, that the Grst day of the week, or Lard's Day, asthe Christian Sabbiath, instead efthe seventh, or Jewish Sabbath. The change of the day, brought with it nocbenge of the law ofits observanen' exeept with respect to fortne uf-wassbip under the two dispemarne. The s~anesntIons, therefore, whiels'ieudedf meid@a*oted its observance stader the one, sur' tond am) enforces it under fn other, The authority which enacted. '.Thou shalt .mot sul" said " Remember the Saubath Day to ktep it holy ;" yet while we look with horror on theft. and shun the thief, we behold with indiif ference the violation of the ord's D.y. and countenance. and iln too many itances fellow ship, ana Charistian brother. the SalbathI bIeak er. What has giventhis obliquity to ton moral vision? Erpediescy. Itis inerpedirt for the pro fesmor on ajourtev to rest. and let hit, beast rest. all the Lrd's lin'y. It i epediet fair hi.' wa got:4o travel all the Lord's Day.oa the way to and froma mtarket. iut inexpeliena for his diver and ho'rs to pe.rfrn like aervice at liome. It is inerpelient for heads of lamilies to restrain those usder their jtrisdiction frot doing their owas5pleasure ton ths day. , hile upon any-:.ther day they would find it ilite erpediaet t-, exer ei., their authority to a different et'ect. We might extend iastances in which the principle ofhnman ex pediency is the ril. ofnctioti. to tile pre.it injury of the caele of Christ, said tie sub Werstan of mee aeligion in the Churches. Thus. beloved brethrei.does it appear that the reveal ed will uf God is the perfect law. relative to time instrumentalities to be used in glorifving hilms. In which they ahoulbl be ciacuiscribed t be yond which ihey should tot extenad; belmw which they shotmid not ful. ectondly. We proc eedi the considratiots of that part ofthesubject it which vahtioi should br exercised. relative to the doing or vit doinag certain Umis with respect t. attendituttciscuam sanners. and et'ects most likely to be poroduced by such oissiona or parlirmance. These acts, it will be perceived. .re alote such as -soy. or may not lie pea tormed with omit viii Yet strange to te'll, such timthae pervers' aiay of human atature. that where thi--lberty is given. that which is itexpedient aid least enl enslated to produce pcare and brotherly love. im nsust apt Ili be pursued. The Arotifm. ?'aul I Cor. vi: W, P.,. All'thiugs are lawful uut-, me, but all things are not expedient: all thing are lawful for ie bil I will iit i.e brougtt vmi. der tihe pomwer of amny. Agiiu. cha;. x. V. 2. All things are lawfil for me, but all thiags are nimt ezpedsen all things are a% ful fir mm. lut all thago edify not. Now. fadh the conietil with which these passageo are count cred, it is e% ideut tisat time Apoistle dues not design to convey ahe idea. tlat it was lawful thr himt to ierpetrate acts Wt iek.-dnes,. or ali: enajined dawt--. ist enaticiy timtr dtotit... m ronittim; otthing. in wl.i . (mrep'ectii. ucircuntinaices.) thmie e- taid be no harm a ather way. It wia ha% lul for him to eat uascat offered im sar.esif.- ts:otals. reor lhe i:new that the idol was notlhmag. and that tiae earth was lte Lord's mt tle iulinesis thermof;" hltt it was inexpiedi..n for hilt, to do so a,, le might thereby injurie him wenk brother'o cam-s c.ience. It was lawful fr hin to ithave detn1od. ed of the Church at Corinth. a c tipatioil far is Minmterial labors among tena. lut it as amnot -expediett for hima to do so. as tihe-reby he might ider the progrests of the gaospei. and rather than do this. lie would "roh other Churlcs. tilking vagesitof thei. or work w ilth his own leands" for a maintainance. -t was In% - ful fear lian to mat talent and drink wine. lint ex. pedient lor him not to do it, if fly it, is lroithe.r would be ofen'ded. asade weak sir stiumhl.. The-e and thiigs of Pimilar nature are an the -6ihiere of Christan expediency.b.ayond ithi they caninot with piropriety lie extended. Let u. nwi' :tpply this rile to the acts of naany profe sor in the prevent day. said see if they do not tall short f the maeasire of chatity therein laid down. The sale and use of Spiriesas a bercr age. is ktiown it hto : aisti'ae of stu3mbliug and rock of oince. to a larg. 4portin, ofrtam Feh. gious orld; admaitted t be a the highway to ain imapropar ue jr them ; their use of no patticn. tar benefit. and io wheie eijiined its the Scrip. tres t it vould, therefore. itt noi wine. be coni. dered wrong atm abstain from their mw. bit iighly expedient o its dot yet how many are there who ctaia said exercise this paivilede, re gardlem of their hietiten's feelitins. nid appat reittly reckl-. of the elfecu of their example. .\iain. ihere are anmusements ilite lashaioaable ias the prtmseit day an dihats, biackgnianunmn. che-s<. and the like, whirlh. its taiy the ieast m.f tho.. are cdaidalh. aCm-TeaieCn't. a.d h) 1an sneans edifyinlg. In them- malay irofessors et. gnge.. w iah as natuch ueesoming dlelig lit as aty othi .-rs. These lin. ate knomwnt to hum aff--isime to mnamy good brethieni. whlo considir it as a--thing ev'il examnples betitre yomah,. and a ptafliaate wrase o' tiune. Acting ama the apaostolic plana.iple of expedieniry, wiotad snmmanmch parotfmssorsmme-ilh~ iaa.-ly lay dtowna alese nauemaeas.. aim! for. -.i mr b::ii!.-h them lf-one their habuitationt for ah lacey should not be gainmera ian a ltmpor-i point of . iew, theiy oulid amt be .. los a: au i: hen' d th~e :imea~, thus womrsi- IL.!mc wae..t . e spia int m':arhting the detr.,, amr its pot n-ine maoral amid acwn~tadic wairks. they'. wonld hib.-rgely gaineir.. iimte!I'tieihaly anad ipirin.al ly. In the iurecee'diing retimarkm we lmnve- eumlsen iaured iriefily tom expl~iain a:e prineii.l-- of hinmam .seiny and Ilhe itmptroprmiety mit adoimstitig it itn spirtial uuatimers am al-o thie true prim iple-* of Christinim expendtemacy. it' linmits anmd hapi.y edlt-ecs wheca. paoper!y applied. lea coinc;uaioni we''i rem:iark: 1.Tia an adhiencae to the conesetile princi plU -'lhe lii'de. the IHi.le only is the re' logicu of Prucrsitanus." inever~ was more sta ir- dy regnma.d thana imn them presenta linae of eff'art ati amaminationa It. thereire. becomecs ciachm and eve.ary profesmor tio ti- ci elI arq~u~sted with the prtaiciples of '' The~ Faith once deliv--re~d to) the aaint!:." that they imy he diaronebly tiraha-d 1o every gamod woad andt work, hamth in. ihm per foa nce of duly . antd resiting iintrovatica~s. 2. A tenditmesm im minad. to do that whichl is ceniaidiera-d great to thme negleet of simns wih aaseeemed ofauminir iapo~tancee. is a pvln pa inaciple among maen. 1 Imnce life is frsprenitty "upent iii fruaitlesslmesirem. for niean' andii oppor tunity of dloam seimetitng of ntea. while little to putrpome' is aecimplmis'hed t hence nucsh of lhat apmnitumal dearth whieh p. rvade-. Chmreh.-, aid iniditidalh Chrnstiana. The example of .Jcans aid his. disciple., shmow them ti hanve hee-n actuated by a diffe~rent prianciple. Thmey wenat aibiiut adoing gmod , omaitllag 11tl pputanity. mush eoauderintg anothtsg ufl~o LiOri hu.mapOr t.uieei to be atneile to. that would advance hime work in whichi they were engaged arid allmviatte the atisericifaf lBetin.g hmao.itv. Notw. ' lI a.v nan have not the .'hpirit oh t'briat. lae is Oen'e of hali. As we have opiportumaty. themrefiore let us dto good "'.'tather it he itn samaetinng seem ing,4y samall or great. "to all dtern, esptecially tm thmem what are of the hbonmehoild aif fisith." thatl in al.ing these thinges. wm may full uur c.itire. andi serve our gemneraton,. that w hent called to give att accmunt mof our ste'. arshiap. we may dm am ii joy arwl not ina Eief- " And the- ma-ry GOml of pteac-e sanactify ymou tiholly; atnd youar white ipatri. stnd comet. andi bondy, be preserve-d blameless. Ditto the comtinag of miur Lord Jesus Christ." Aasena. J. 51t. CHIL.ES, Moderatet. Jomtr hlturzy. Clerk. Siultar Deri&.-The Cincimatti Suin of Tuesday says. Ste ime last week a mana was foaund on Deer Cmecki bridg~e alend. in a singular positinei- It oppoars the felhlow had been stealing hogs througha the nifht and nmade oS writha them safety and wasoan his fourth voyage. but ge thing weary had sopped to rest. The feet of the animal w as ted a lth ac ord and slung over has head, ad as he leaned upon Utse railings. as is suppned, aft. haag slipped over the side cho king the man to death." Getting into debt without Intending to pay. is an imlproVemntt on stealing. 'sMan is an ittihative animal," as the monkey .,td to the dandy. MISCELLANEOUN. A - -. d OUR COUNTRY. A correspomient of the National Intel- Ia ligener. jr frnishing some valuable sta- e tissics. with explasutory coivsment. in rem intion ,, the Valley oi tie 5li.aisitppi. and i, tie general priogrese of this country. 1le s gives 1he folloMning as the ropu'atin lf 1 what he calls - the Adautic Qtrip," in the e rear 1840: ATLANTIC STRIIP. 1'opvilalio"t. States in 1810. lainne, 501.973 , New lampshire, 284,574 Vermont, 291.946 R hode ind, 10.16:10 1 Connecticnt, 309,97s New York, 1,619,*N1 New Jersey, 373.308 Penusylvania, 1.90S.744 Free States, 5,137.333 Delmwore, 780 5 bltryland, 469.L32 Virginia, 606.9 1. North Carolina, 75:.419 outh Caroelina, 594.:98 (Ueorgin. bj9*: 9 District of Columbia, 4:3.712 Florida, 54.477 FSinve Stases. 3,491.657 F'ree Staes, 5.13,1!33 Asloeste Strip. 8 627.990 MI.s1aIPPi VALLEY. . estern Vir;;inia, 4:i2.a.->5 ui-ippis -35. 411 A'rk a nmar, 97.574 .Ml iAogrrt, 36:3.7m' Ken et ek v, 779.6:o Slave States, - 3,764 957 Ohio, 1.519,17' . etern Penisy lvania, 1 .29 Initant, 85 269 Westrr New York, Ft4.640 M.cigmii4 , 225.'I? 1 thinni4 476. 1 03 Wi'muonsin Territory, 30.945 . 1unia Tcrritoery, 43.1IL Free Strice, 4.5927('9 Slave Stats. 3,r'41.9187 .itsiippi Valley, S,434.75G Ife ahnosf. rlso, that nbile the pnmisla tion of the Atlantic trtp isreres on as, verige of' 16 per rent. from 1l30 to 1840. ihm if iif Vidley ineened itt the rate of I-0 piieetn. It is Ltcorln. le Cnyae. I hill tIe' encre'Ae of populati'n inl thte Cutted italtes 1i exs'crdedgl) raspid; hti it is not general Iv known in what ptart of Oem the inereasem iaismd m. In WWI. the j'e;-ulationtm ot the Ailan:ir Slates was 4.920.4274; in 1840. 8.67.599; being an iicre:se: itt fis ty years (of 75 p e'r cei: -In 1501 the poipmendon if ingland, was t,331.434; iii 1d41. 14.994. 51,being a-n isrcrease in 41) years oIt SU per cent. The Atliantic Strip. hirreforre. has not increased as fa-s a. Etigiand. * It is but aN yesterday n hen the valley I wA5s a a i'eArne , ;d'dsy-i rn1mmine tre than half the poptior of the Unan, ald tio-r.-mrrns, nill hardly h4ve p.ased beefogeI the Atilantic St rip n ill be nom mnre iiboua'.t oft na a part sof he Unsited States thus. the.' planmor thtinke ofthe fens'cernevsrne rosed his tiel of con.ifl i*soim !'30~ -. R' Is. thme ' aley increa-~esl 50 per centt. Fur-n-. ing~ the opinionm friom all the evidenceq e 5tnod ut's. it will e.en :ioe as suat rn:-- ti m tt i sit tme r'eittmbl~ e aeinmtiont t hat it w ill inecease 20 per cent e very five vrers. From 18.) 10 1840. thte Atlantic $tip int er'ered IS tper cen'. it, inacress-- untie 14 will frohnh6Ii he' 15 per cent :tse an tomo ama ime tei she year I190f, 5 per cent er ct)y five ycurc. Frome the llashint'on .ne's. f'ONG;F8T' vi I *;VI:R. This di-eamse generall~v m..es ite, aplpeatr anc afmong-t s.s dlur.mg them mno'thms eof Sepjtemb~e-r atud Ocr'r, atu benise it i,. s'i oftesn famtam: aln n3s psrodese. gr'-at te r roer. Muatny personhs are alatrmewti (Un su cemr.: of it whben there is not 'he least date ger iafter mtstaking~ fher'ame of time ap pear.tnee of smome nnn'sai eitmtom.) mihe biiionss fever or a common case of rever andi ague. for Congestive f,-verr: andl the rneequence is, the fatmmilie, antd fri.'nt'me s sieck per-cmos, ex periee unn ceewsarv aitt ity anti -hstr's. In rdcer seo remiove the. gro~sneih as aiartn. the folhons ing ithart des. 'cripinn is giceni: The Cntestsve 1'ever is sometime-s ants unlaumeabec tnrts ins the sy mptmimnsof th,-. biiliouss ty.pe; hmit the diseasr is fregntentlt (eongesti e f-o'm the beLgifning. The diug tingu'shig syamptoams are nnstiant mnkti. n,:en al the extremiiess. viit leeits tnaile. the surfae of the boudy heints hsot lhval lilpc : embarnmse'li brea mhiine ; setmse et eighmt aet the precordeia, o'r ri-gionm the cis be'art : can'inal efforts to' sint, sever(' eratmp,' of the legs, anid cold seae t abn - the facese andI neck. Wh'ien the luionm fever asuesui the enngese.tive~ turm, the-. chtance is very seuddent. .The pattiment left with a best skin, freqtuen ptti'se d ea5sy respirastion,. is. itt a few tuosrs afie , femsndl withs a coldi srface, putl'ee slow assd feeblme, omr enstire-t) n;one, and dil'Iseutt breuthing Time d~msger me f.tr greaser n hetn the con-l ce'stiion is a change in thse ihilisne ty pe. titan whets it Ne;:inas time attatlis it 'heare caese it im ssccassionued by exhmamstiomn. ina the o~thser hy depiremssion l the vital fsowers. j Thle aibeov iS ai desriptuiomnif what is calleit by smdienal writers, an incmpijlete' I catse maf conmgesnive fever. *hich is. the kimnd I that ueoalty prevails in this counmtry ; a comp1lete case. tbat is onme where the enstire I surfsace is cold, being tarely seent. the symoptoms of this diseease aire produceed, as fthe name insdicates, by time conugestion oar ac'culattmin of the blood itn the great ce. tral organs; and these symptosms vary nc coreding to slae part at whih 'he consbestiao ~ predomtinates, if the head be the seat f thse L congestiomn, it produaces coma or stuipor r preciaely aiimilar to rtasim wilnetede int case of a apople xy. If ii should preonmintate in the ' lungs atnd heart. difflc'.lty of breathing. and 0 .,earausfeent of the erreulation a~re es- ' eriencedI. If he acenmulatitrt of 11111(m ould be greatesl, in the abdomen, it pro iues vomiting and diarrhea, togelber iih the other itymptoms usually atten ant upm A,%iaiic Choedera ; the two dis uies in this cc Iri. n exnctly idellntical. In rommon ctse of chill and fever. i n1411lly the case :hit the fever immeih gels foblleewe the chill ; but it someline% apians. that the chill i6 greafly pr.ract d. or to mpeak more accrrrelyli the ftr ice remaineerld :.fter the chily Seunattilon as pasecd ofl. A patient in liie aituntionfl vLotld exhibit to the carele-e4 o..-rver unst or the symploms characterizinA a nmplete en-e ;ef conest ietn. This slate f things has oftrn led iguorant Prarti iuners tee preneunce ctrh rase- cofngestive -ver; and accordingly they take to them elves credit for having cureil this dainer ,us d<eaae. which any ,ll lady roull dip s well as they. by miinistering hot tea. I.OIW.LIA. HIVAts Coury, Seopi ^,0, 1513. Georgia Jurks.-The Grund Jury of 'own-in Count%. Georgi.int their prestent nenoeu 4ay- Ve have ever heliev-d ithnt lie ain ier t' enptuewingz J .erice 1-.r the rial oferimitnals. is verydeerlrcive, aiie thai lie dieit yliv if econviction i-e mainly atri Putable to thi. cause. We it not lielieve bit the foirmiing and expre-ting of oil o iion a,; to) the guilt or ;nwerenc ida pits tner, withuiit a p onl knewleci.e lof he ..e:. i ti hile co .- - I a qwit-. av >erscmn ir'.:n sarvitg otl the Jury. Unier he law. liowever th--s are incopett, mid hetire ihl Juiri--, im tmo- ca--- are omposed of the menw diseisteand abiaoin klned of our citizen... IHeineg. therefiore b--eply impre"-e " ith the impfirt-miee off in amne rni.eit of the criminals, we mwould no.. reprfully. request our memeer' i-n the lex: Leri-lacre, it) h1.avc the lan%% -0 amen. led a,, teo ian..re the ec. e.. ri ear.. in. -e t ind virturmls of ourclizene, as Ju. or..." State Witnesrs -%. IEv i' it. that the -:;t -of Soeoh Caro lint has made un rlvieion for SraRte witei'es. It i- ex reniely hard for men top be forced from h.-ir daily avicationem, tiny their iav to Coniri. anid fmd themselve,. whiliet there, 4t1ed recci'.e no renuneratio. It is tut. nit that N p)or man should be lraemed rom hi. family. at il eSpense of some ote fir two dtollia per day. ti hen a: the .me time he cat -arely stlport that des Iittee laImd). We kiow of persoai who 'live beett forceel to Charleston as wit see.f.e, and1 had to pay slime fifty or ,ixty hallrs title fif their own picskets Ior boipard md trav, Ifna. and received nting in -eturn. hereoee the laws made no provi ,ion in tisneh eases. Now we ask our leg latoirs to remed% this evil in ..me shape ir po'her. beraie the laws a opprceive cud mt1fair.-famhurg Journal. Clerks.-A A riter in the New York fournral uf Comncrre, utiler tht. signanre it' --Ait told ClerUe" .:--i I i, not tlie rdeitinry and irrent expesies fi litig, whicl itndttee the yitonge ten oif the pre. eit clay t biece.n~t. diehonesty;-'tia tie requent vi.eit, !hey pv et the theftres. he hilliard netotnm. the INliig 'sa ne oIdl the exp.n.eee of Sabtath excur'uions Thee. are the callse- for purloining froim heir employers. The writer of tI-. has ftetoel 'lriuigh the 't:mge. of life. rrom sotin ee itifanhiod. ash.onet friendle.s. hIfd vt ith but v-ry little tnsissanlce ; hit at lie saum niltle husit him-telf ep with a omp--eenev for life. "'by cuilng i gzr nent acc'ordng,~ to his clotha." H li.- ntever :peat. diet mptg hi, geenihtius .htes.. for it.e -ernle iat.l.egne of' 'fashinable atnuse nuci," the~ sum ohf fire doll'ars wich monune?, sorel t0u, g nt!ien ep ud' linti we er'.n nar. Ceen.e q.e.ttnily lie li.d n nae esity. rr.elt artificial peropen-,itie"s and rnr.tiad desires, to ruh his emnpl--yer t ti.l ntelhil.g cant he tnratet. in any~ 'ay. in xtemmtatiotn of a yoties man t's dliattlnesty. It his salary he h'ut $-,th10 or even lees-let tilt live upontt ii. If nolt, goc tu daily laboir, i" any~ 'hing-hee a mcehanse icnbreer, lit lerer -fo!!i's any atvocation honest y. ,lly let hima keep fromt robbing his eta. doye'rs. Duelliag.-We believe, that among the ttsia - praicticeal geend effects, restnliting from hie 'entperanc'' Refeormastuion. ssill be Ilhe tlolitrhmntt elf the onetvilize.l pralctice ofl httching. Cal.. Id we trace effects toe their egtintte caises. tt nine caset out of ten, I wntdd he fottnd. the prtmc nteivinig cause if the challeng given and exceped-wvas 'roneg dcick - pi eeeuri->g thiat excitem.' te e tempelr andI mitnd. aleone capable.- of mtant -ng te d'abtolica Itntentieiu oa takin,; it -rthter's hfe.--5S:rong din',t is ra~iig." l'he D)ut-lbst, 'i trce', in gte art, idlay he 'ie.tr elf it.. indulene- hut in the det'igtt .f iat act, is it tnt too frLeuently recogili ;e? It hrt heen neknoiwleged Iby ghe' bravest ne't t t'e anft a poor prooef tof cotrnage. l'ht- l!realteni colw ;rd-. tetnder cetmet feelieas ifhcteprry eXI ile mett have beetn keoen i cienty fight a duel. A trttly bravec man ill, it the course of his lif", have opp,-. utie.i enoug~h eof te'slting his coure.ige. andc erviug it sai:isfactornily to 1he- wori. n ish ot imubrucing~ lis hianeds in a brothers On thi.s same sthject of Duellin g, the 'umbu2g Journtalase m , As :a 'S e r once 'lire tromet thte stito which camure oaver bie land, let u.' pro-eed1 ' ith 'mu ety atid e SirO. tbat xe~ thire-.' ethf thi" lharbilai rcti -.".-'Armp~rroner Adcocate. Liring under site .ik stelulh.-Ito the pined !dlim ites. theg lrish koges, prnince.. nemd hatncs, correspenideud willh onett antahetr by 'its tti f wvalktnA.teks, 'shieha they cover el with nick.; fr'etf wich e-ttme the prov-. r. --tick the pot, sani 'he firatncher. 'us, whezn one pritnce w.,solfended bey untheer, Iistend ufaittina dhowni with a pet: ihis hanrd to . r'ile him a el'eallenge, he ulled "lit his iene, ands cuittiug a few erce nicks in his.. ' alkingC stic'k, sent ig teo is enemy,~ andlt if the latter brieke ii up~on bte teare' hea-l, it was ucndertomshilihat I chuati, nge was excepted. If a gentile Sn beieamieenamlouredi of. a (ir lady. he raightissny sco her' iis stick. alth a hole ored through the heart of ii. andt if lic -ttunid i willh a ring fastened upon otne ud he became thte hapipicat of' men: and hen a lady caurriedn a riug upon the endl fher uhitelah, it was understood that she ,.. btwehd. and if any man nresumed to Oay her particmar nteninon arter tht. the lady was at full lilerty to break his head fur his paius. The Public Press.-'4A a vi-it Paid by the "Apostic of Total Ab-lineuc"." (F iher M-A Tit.W). to " lin% Z.a.r." a popisu, Di-trict in the siburis of LoindI . A here, in he ciourse oif ;an hutr. lie aduini--toreil the "Pledge of* Tot:) Ahtjinerre" to over five inihed per-o s-81ni1i, Wims wvcro several of the Je wish perla-ione : tis great anid good manso. is refere. ce to some reOmrks relative tu he Newjpaper Pre.'. ininde fl by a 1iru' t it rg s::aas pre-sent, sai *-- that ne.t in Gui. *o .he ,nvport lie had h'rt n ith fruit. fhr- i --r 3tioiITT stn.AL Powrit -.S Tills ErAIt1 ahe. Putdic Pres", slid he attribut liar sticcs wchich had a'tn,r d the grea eaa mo-uiniotenral i T- TAL Atwri,..:c-.." It. lcl..ai d ih one Vseitam exce: ion. ahe itr/lok revse haIiid ben il li, f vor. awl in Londos t hey all knrw she pow erfoI support lie i:al re reived by the Puplie Pre,4 if all ah::de af opinion ; and lie lhuo piub cl en'dered &is craielul ihanks o iihose who had rie icn trol -of every Meripilitau d.aily & N urnl." - Carolinian. A Commercial Fact.-.A gentleman who has luig been exter.%ivel' aeignaed in the glasgs ware anti cr-y-ker lu-inle, in Porilanid. Ix'se~ ihrhry . sfrm. Iy .all ,i% pa11 o14f decanters puat utv in every crate of were n hie lie bre*ai.t ;t the cii-, ; bat of' the prIceenl- Wie it, (Iuea - cot eit iore shiats oen pair of olecanuters t.. a lundred craira. Smile year ..ityee pr pie bean is, brin into alr drreanter- it) ex. I change for iher arriel"s. till they oad ac cunmulated ol his hands ido ihiti iihe n.1 ubfligeri to dierhire excianaging. Il wrijit to a nuanei;eur r of glai'waare in MAl Elnehusie', ..aling that hie hiad a qn;iantity I of ricn rut flut, er( nu'er in had, which he isoe t, rchange. andl ,inled thibt i ile change' rotIIl lie e'fierted. he- wiould take the me.r. uoesleable article (of gla. he had. The mnuiifartirer reitiriei for anln 11r. Iiha, tife nw- uni, table article lie had on hinad was rick cut glus.; dreanters ELEVEN IEASONS FOR PAYING D E ITS. THr CH'a11-TIA'.'5 t:AWa''. 1. The chri'-tiao meteir oil bocie'tiy p11Y. hill, dtisii first, haenise he i. oraderedf I(# do so in the iBhle i here ne are tl to * ten der unt ('ia-sar the ihing that are ('a,,ur's and te God the things :iai are Godi'i,' ind to "1- ve no mail :ny hling." 2. The ri.ian hienra4 rhe ei:hth com Imardmerni every Sundao-t : "Th'liou shahl noot sten ' and de'fraiti1iiing mari f Il. ' fu ii stihaling : for tre iradlemciari 11 oil u404. faitli atid honer. and dIow,. tant give. 3 'hea chlri!-tinn lps rve'i!al3 alh b, oe. nc,. brc;uc lie is is frienol in .st:ce Ianaid merry. He i,.he. both to love atoll toar cor his neighbor, and oill not have lhe ruin of others n his cm-,ocience. TIE PiTRiliT'S RrASONS. 4. The poatriot knows. that fine act of jiait:ie i4 n orth six of chirity. taun joa'.ir helps Ihe weil oh y aloof tenrreeI% the anworta while cliaity too often succors but the aister. 5. The painr) considers il. evils haul ensue Irom the more wenhhy man I aiviie his poorer neighbilor unpoid; tiat h3 tat miiean- the.tep of the cr-at I.idder oaf ,o i ei-ov nre broke n-ice fit -i rail: '.,n;oie witli the merc-hant. wi lo .-ain no linger pay his workmlein. ard roniii ngitit to tite work man's child. wiho i.o dorisked or oia foand. or' in..rrioen: er to ahe a::e~ J f' ... aaad mnother. lefi toi die on a: bed uf ,trani t. ie-a lpatritua alco pavte, heanse t'e 'ystemn of nnni pnyrr.? .I to a'e'.*..' er ea n' Eiihld bring ai gra'crnt a h a Arcy oa the tit oni. rTuK i.AN 0F Tri: wohLt.'s Ra."O. Tuft 7. The. an:al of .ienhor.h lpay, biec.~ase' he. b' con'tcedl 1-at honiesiy i- ther be 'i poilicy. S Th'e mrcn ofr ihe word pays; hern'u-e. he k nows thait ente's w ill 2'' with hi,. -namea if he dee nail pay. inisie -l of1 aaee well and goold wordis. ns bach last lhe --ec'eres wath a cea reiii .e3.' hy pay ing. P. Th~e ma u of worbilly caleinatinni-, aweare tht., by the imnledi'ate pay~ ment af his debrs a.. r:i. aiS ihev tnre ;uirarrea, tar purhiers peare of minal, ;and hearmne., oc quainemted withI his inc~ame. bois imeans, tacd his r,-sa::rc. 10. Tlhe Cain olf the weorl.l tn islcs faer a comfoart'able E!d ge. andl kmeane thajt it. hasg beui little of it from haipar iterron iihn family unless hie train sep his chiadreni it habits oaf orde r and econaimy. ii. The mtan ef thae wa'rba know's the rn!! force of ahe term. '- baiia;oi ban hi.,i mn~an ;' thari it ns i r -trry him~ P cr .uaaa pe hiiic.al demares alad' famuily dispeutes : atnd bet cannola kecli ntc.heo c ihpr nameo if he. i, I he riiin eer it her s.-Ca aila.a .tdroceale and Jrouarnai. $10RE RlOltilERT. Fraoj a ~amcieman whone ndiede the Maeriwe ther Camap Maeetiaot, hell !asi we:-;l' we leaser. that 1 mi't daerig nae. syte-w;as e robbery w.: commiittted th~.ere a 1 a Ic' hiauir uai Fruiday nighe,. thu Si h uh' .-Mla m tents were eniteredl anud robbtedl, fiftee wac~tche-'s wre stolen, and a aoember of' ter soir.s laus mf~oey taken i ih thie'r li.Etke knfoeh.4. nir purt'aes, ait ar their eblabesa. lef1 bEeietmon OttI' itng down. . Thee Preoarh era', tent wis robbic eio fourn ich.e', tind int the' wihoe -tmerail hanoelnda dollari' n'., hat ; forinat elyl noa one. law much. ail .6 the visits were numet.Crous this nas a luc'k circtliunuance ta hose reble'ed. ni'in.o whicaeatn rolehedi -andl ". a ,!o..bha leI i ery'C 'Ilt ir'seiint dappin Ien fi oalhe earchaer anal lIfmer, ac.'itim uas sueh I'E, seemeda as civil as ennuitinve, p-ef;iaci2 it '.everni ienis hi. eniraniice inme themr by~ i6. familia~r enq' ;: "Is not thi-s b.-eater sneh-a-tIOne's i -? " ini which~ lhe alarays haprn~eed toi si rightr. '.heare. haenad anmi nOtio:', a-ied in that case reairedl. Of coutrae 'all w:us righta. swamkeor aleepj add heIo was tthusa pre'paared to ruemiagJe'. steal. andl pass oif' n; leisure. Next mrnrin 'all thme peickei-books were fooamia rifled f their enntents, deposiled in: a barouche back of cue of the ,ents.-Col. Eng. It is rttmored, says the WVashinton Capi-a toil, thai the Hon. Ameos Kek~dalhl is ta.'t~e P'osemaaster General, and that the Iron. C. A. WVieelil' is to go out as Minister to Frb.ee.-Charleston Trimsernt. F ; EvI r:.LD G . H W 1), S 1AT. Oh rost:a [. 1843. -~ i" r,-l rican., Co i!ue Pillars tfihe Trmple of our I.ihertri.and ef it mustfall. ae will Perish amih..< tier R;uins." E--'lhe Mientes of tio! i dyefield Baptisu cia:i; nre Primned andel realy for delivery. Tievy camn he rec'ised at this office. during this x. ek. after whicl, they will be deposited in ie Clerk's Office. I7 We c.!! the nt,.acion of our readers to lhe Cirenilor Letter fthe Ed-efield Baptist As tociatiion, wlhch a ppeare in our colawnno-day. It io Gromt the pren -if the lieT. Win. P. Hill. -' Frorre he vari.-t orfnw advertiusements 6 .?tr :-;war i- rr ri'e-tm.na tos'ity. our rea dais will peers eine that the business men or p'r i il -. I i erb'rg, jmei Anrista, are orn the :stert and it- the Conleon ciops have in a inme.o4asre failed, tey offer their great varieties, it prices to t-ni: Ile# times. E? The hmoorarv de:ree of D. D. was con rerred uponcs the Rev Thoma. Smyth, or Char I-tesn, S (.. fay the ioard of Trustees of the P inicetn Cullege. at Ith ir late Anniversary. ET The 3Ola clay or November next, has b-en Pati npaz I y the Gonernor of Masschu. 4elts. as. a day of Thankogiving and Prayer. 27Thm le amount of Tre.-eury Note. outaetand iti on the: first dlay of Octosber, is estimated at 5.00)3 691 4 1. LT The Ilock of Flour in market in the city ioi* New York. is estinmatcd at 200.000 barrels. henist 5.000 tirrel-a amste lime last vear. Toe attount of toils receivcel ron all the Ca. inmat of time State aif New York. this season, up li the --iJ ut., atuouniel to $1,347,072. El.ECTIO NS Geor.:in -In this tate. contrary to our wi-he.<. le Dlmocrelc party has been defeat, ed. and the complexion 1C t-e Leglsistare com. pleteljt cia:.ng d frotm what it was last year. bumt in %%e ar. to ji.nge. ront paint experience, hew lre -erat drafaftm i- i geotd onene. in) litor of hm- .'emsocratic prty. at the coming Presiden. tial elec:i-an. as time SLate seldoin retains the -an111- pia ty III power. tWO tfrn. inI succesamoU. ThheI-eits Ue'.oga CoUsatxtiowa list of Satusrda hc.et, give.4. we presume, a car ecci st.tetotI as tar ias heard from: ", )hur table costatins tihe returos from 48 come-,. 1r Goeranor and imemnberos of Con gre.(, anl iti tm but 57 cunties for am-tlVnr5 uf the -e-;islature. 1,la the 43 e:ountims, in I841. D:.%-. , mad a maajouty of5t vote:. At the 1resent elec:i.n. Crwc aid rmceived 23,830 . ois and Camper 20,344, shonwig a naajurity foi U l'rd of 3.4.6. So (jmat the whsig can dieilk. at ti- e'le:ion. Ioas a clear gain, in t-.,t 1, contat::a. )1* 3. 16. There a:e 45 coun t a'm I.*- 4:enare Itum, thu.hl wi e have reort oh the uajoarr.ies am s~'e.erak of' them, which we m--h.e i.. cur tabl:e t' imen receivedJ ine full. Was . re'gaad to tca.- hi g:,ltaure. both bratches well be wth;:. thme haouise by a large mnajority, thc' setijc. he a somaci eone. WVe .ball abeain t'r .em :di remriet, emm lthr, di'amsterous reaukl In iae deCcma'ie pfmr y ;the timie will soon Come when'm weC -hcI a.c ~s, mospeuak lasudly olin luecau s nlhie'c: hac e led toi time uctory d.:hie'VtWi by ui oe-nentzcas. We, mnauet obuerve, Ioweter, tha.'c i mo e-it by ai nomnch increa. c e s te thaI the whae Is its: ecarried thme lmbr ; fr lby compar a; thme teC amf 1"41 and' 1843. for Gsovernor, it will be: ammverltained that in lAtl, in) the 48 raie..nc * :sn nur l:b., lthe voete tir M~clonald w... .i2 ti;. amnd for! lDevsa c :2.t25. f~iving a .:cs ml ini lite illt. r *n* 'l ini.e. a .,tat.ed abo'ee. At Zi -i.m im ncc the -a:sme e-imtiesP, Cooper rceiv.-dl 20t.4i. fla. Crawe tjord ?38.I0. wvhichn aiowe th-tI Eoae-mr liae recived 1,7.30 votes )1nly lcei hlenc Mc'lontaml. and that Crawford in rm'e"cl.- I 705 votes ordh more th:,n Daw. 'im Tihme,. twoe miusubers of Jr u0 aned 1705, eth the' 51 ccmm ait is thec 4'9 connaues itn 1941 lor [-st. .n, mmat~e prc'.sely theO nanjoritye of' r:s't t'ard is th-- 'imom c-mnmie. 3J166 vo~tes." Mu~eice -M r Acismt-socn. tho Detmtoer itic~ can Jicmata ti.r Go aseor sfth Iis State. has been elected bay a n:'jimwy ..' ki to 1000 over all mther pt'~r*n. i pslmuahiy over thme WVhig c -mucndcmre. lmol.ic-omn. i.e ea.?u l00.. Onse tw a mesi.ers5 ol C~ongree,. out of the evenl. are known 1to b" elretedl and they ars lcwamratl. inm th. -'l andes G7th dsctricts; in the - I ct andl 4ele it ise demnhmlful which pasty has see -e'.ed. anintm the retmainming three there is no Thie Dsmcrts willhave a majority of'2 to1 cm lte i.e'gt'l ae. TIlh Demoetatiic cataditdate for Rlecorder ci' hei Fira st ieicipietity sof New Orleansa, (Ir. ma icm.) le beens .lec'ed by a majority of 183 nmii of I l':C rote's pssUrd W'es copyr' tce followving notice froom "271. f,.br."1 scam t-t'e pceper'. pasulcemed in the Piy 'of cmi harl-stoun.by Miemws. Milk-er& Brown, ied edm:edm bcy Jeohn Ii. Irving, 31. U,. at pre '4est Ma~cor eof :mal city ,llsomac.-Th~ seeMst Worshipful Grand L...sge 4.ine~ent l-r''i1ee Min. o1 donath Car. iina, resolvced atea recent nmeetsg~ to celebrate cm a tecoatminait miianer, miu ltms ciiy. St. John's Lucy ccn, tu t27di Deembaecr. hr. Irving Li 6.2.... ch-cretd to .lelaver an Uration, and a - :ccmnmt'e 'oempomised of Dr. Mackay, WV. C. ate wood. r..q.. A E. Miler, Esq.. Dr. Wood, cud W . W Kunmhardt. Eegs.. has. been appoint td to earry:a c elft the w imhes ectd intentiona cif tes Fratm'tnity. Notair'g has tamyet transpir id imm r,-feremce lt thes arrangetms0 thaI will ac recommentded by theO committee to the Grand Lde, f~irther than that the Oration will be