Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 01, 1842, Image 3

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P i felt,as it able supply of ar randing country. The ori not exaedy known. The loss b at between four and five thousand o ds~a~s,. ' insurance." The Railroad Car Manufactory, owned'* h Mr. Oegond Bradley. at Worcester. las.. was d consumed by fire on the 10th uIt. Two cars just compileted for the Lowell road, valued at t $2,000 each, were destroyed. Tb St Louis papers of the 12th ult states that L W. Boggs, late Governar of Nlichigan. was wounded on the evening of the 6th lt., while sitting in a room in his own bouse, at In dependenee. The vound it is feared will prove nertaL A. reward is ofiered for the assasin. le As Aderbw. To Tut Tnt*Uns or EDoxnr LD DasaTc1. Gendesae.-friegret to learn. from the ar- t cle in the last Adi ertiser. over the signature of o Q. E. D., that you, sho reside in the country, a are too often subjected to "great inconvenience, a t-:able and vexation, from the inability of pa. e rents, to procure suitable books for their chil. dren." As I accord fully with the author of the article in the opinion, that this state of things "calls loudly for a remedy.'and also that "it is in your power to apply it." I eordially ap- k prove of his suggestion fI a Convention of the a Teachers in the District. I, theretore. %ery li cbeerfll acond the suggestion. and por,Tpose d that a Convention of all the Teachers in the District be held at the Court House on Satur. day the ,8th of this memb. at 10 o'clock. I mention this early hour. as it may be proper to appoint a committee to bring in a list ..f books- bi to be submitted to an adjourned meeting an the it same day. Pl Very respectfully. IH W. B. JOHNSON. x Edgefeld Q*H. 8 C.,Ist June,1842. 14 --- - Si The Washington correspondent of the Char- be leston Macary, under date of t21st ult. says: P "The difficulty betweeniMesrs. Wise I and Stanley has been amicably arranged, "in a manner honorable to all parties." Mr. Wise having given bonds % ns preclu- IN ded from leaving the District. and tie there fore gave Mr. W. Cost Johnson full power to act ihr him intahe premises. Mr. J ac cordingly leftthe city. and by a friend ni entered into correspondence with the a friend of Mr. Stanly, and this resulted in a th challenge from the later. which was acce ti ted.- By the inaaerposiii.-o ofoa utui Wen at for t purpose ofexp anain. ir. Stan- ie lay's friend declared that the jostlng of a horseson the road ro'% the race cours,-. 4f was altogether the result of accideni. Mr. ri Johnson's frieud then becged pardon lor C the caning which had been adininiatered In to Mr. Stanly, ami the affair was aimicabli hil terminated. Mr. Stanly is expected to p; return fromn his campaign tl~is evening." Weather ifc.- We are in the midst of a soak. After a generally dry and beasutiful spring, we have a turn of spring ramns. This will ho good for the cotton planters. ci who have suffered from the' dryiness of the e season. Rice, we hear, generally lok r beautiful. da The Richmond Compiler says aa a be relative of young Semmes ban paid into Vi the Court of Charloatesville 825.000, the at amount of bail forfeited by his nou-app~ear ta once to answer the aharge of having nmur w dered Professor Davis. hi CongressionaL Election.-The special election whbich took place in Pennsylvania ly last week so fill the vacancy in she WVash. ml inglon Couunty District, occasioned by the ry death of Hon 3 M. Lawre-nce. has result- 0s ed in the choice of Mr. McKennan, the i Whig candietate.-Charletas Merrary. N Miteias.-The Sotera Niscdap of the thb 2Sth uh. says: pt "On last Thursday urek, Mr. Plin, by Bronner, an overseer upon the plantation " of Mr. Tr. Finnie, of this county. disapi peared under mysterious and suspiciioe te circustances. WVhen it was ascertained that he wan mismin from the planiarin." Mr. F. made inquiry of the neltos who It told him that Mr. B. on the morning h fore', took his horse anid hess suit ofelothues, Ic and after distributing his other clothing ti among them, left without telling them th wlfer. he was going. Informatiuon was S given to the rielatives of Mr. B.. who have li since made diligent search and inquiry in . every direction, tO nio purpose; aind on ." Thursday last one of she negroes made a tr statement which implicates three other tl negroes In hit murder. These have been m arrested and lodged in jail. Thes dens. ur the crime, and a. she affair is yes in nme. L doubt, we refrain from giving the partie'u g4 tars of the statenment which led to their aer. di rest. Mr. Bronner was a man of good 50 character and considerable property. asnd me prohabl. reason can he assigned for hi. ro lving the county." Ac l'olloweg is the description given of " 1" 0,or 13iohee high, rath- w dak hair. thi eon i arm hal amate ez isrlate at .onIis a E rtIru t be b idflinWas a.i bealth e came ashore sailr at with a mo eqtusiastic and IC4e'frum bi.iimerous fond ad friends ini Be" Orlean. generally km'awlbere. that among ibritunatte captives of this expedition. asJOel T. Caw.eg'q., of tids city. and wr a considerabljperad, Editor oftkis pa. er. A letter Was received front hl:n yet srday, by his brothet in ibis city. He rrites that he is still in .chains, and how tug his captivity may endure, or whai sy be his ultimate fate, depends entirely n the dictum of Santa An**. He mighi e shot, or released, or otberwise disposed r, the'next or any approaching da,-al ,as doubt and gloomy uncertainty in re aid to his future destiny. Sanin Ann as recently released several Texans, trough the interposktion of persons with born hetwas acquainted in the United tates, and to whom he may have beer nder some personal obligations. We )all doubtless have full particulars by the ew-Orleans mail to day." Etrc* of a tier Receird in Charleston. Nyw OAtLyASS. May 21. "The small notes issued by the thaet lunicipalities, have depreciated in value, od persons refuse to take them. The rokets have been buying them at fromi 5 to 50 per ceut. discount. Yesterday,: ub of fruiterersalbout the market coller -d together, aud proceeded to thu offices f the Exchange Brokers nod demolislied teir windows, at which there is alway, show of cold. silver, and uncurrent mon '.. Several ofIthen were arrested, the rowd inteased. and t e Governtor order it out the Legion, waich q'iteted ever) ting. "T' is morning there is not a partiele ol leat, or any thing 4l- for -ale in he mar et. The butcher-' and fthtar. are deter. Oined not ts laritg any tl.iog in market uu I aher. is slomte artdoi::met nanale to re e.m bese note."-Chadeston Courier. .4nlaripaling an Evrant.-Some (of the .laaer-' buttcners %%ere ainsious. last eve rig, to bnng thenr heef o-veruto the Firsi Iunicipatlity mark--t; buit rearing it would i tarown into the river op its landing-am had been the previous i ay-they up lied t, the' Mayor for a flarce to prolret it esent to lie landing for that purpors mae Or the military ; but the anti leef in e-narket mea crossed to the opposite de, and there up~et the boat. senadin:: the ref fliating down to Slaughter [lonneo nint. inttead of totb Beef market. - 'acayune, May 2 Correspondeamftsespasaa naas. lAIr LAoIsLATiruau-Noavn EASTtt. Blounqar. HALLoWFLL. May 9,18l2 Gerntlemen:-The Legislsture afAl.tine 1 yesterday. The Memhers tnanif-,ed good spirit A Conmmittee of ninte on an part of the part ot ftie Sen.ste. ana irteen ion the-part of the House, were qpwiaoaed ts iake int. coasideration the d unantmouslv to chosoe Ca'mtaissin..uerst ad by ., vo'te of 90to 3. adopted a resolve erel by C-d. Johna Oti., Of the denate. tsa vwe thraf full loom ersa. The doi-g.f tle umtamittee will he raifird by the L l i ture. Faur Cosntmvissioarns are to be de zoate-twor(rum each oif thae falstical rtie... Every this:: is ait -shouald the. Yours iu baste. St. A uousts, 1:ay 2I. alORE INDIAN OUTRAGES' We have the melancioly dutty of again ronichiug the murder oif several of our tsens, lay the wily savage. A lettrr mn Santaf~ee. (Mlineral Sprinags.) under te taf 15th itast., states, that on theo dasy fore, the indsians killed l w o men, unaed on Zaa.dt. wathisa 6 amiles of that place; d atiat on that moatrning (.Saha) they aa eked thae haouse of Mir. .\luses Cason, ithin tour milesaf~untafee, and killed s w ife and one ebild iair. C. escaperd ith oue child, but was himaaell dangermu, wounded. A party of five persons ima ediately w ent taut for the pur poe ofrtbo itng the dead; but they had not proceed---. er half a mile. whent they wvere firedt tmn by ubout twernay indians, and otne an. (.ilr. Osteen) mortally w ounded. The miusil rasder fromt Newn.anvile states. at alter this affair, a genatlenman. n hils.a oceedi g to New River, was fir.-d uapon indiains. Hie, however, tsucceeded itn akinag his escape. An thaer letter. fromaa Ne w nansvillc, writ. a w tilst ther mail iv ag beinc closed. state-. e house aof a .Mr. Ward. 'vine 8 or 10 iles Ntarth of that pluce. was attacked bay damn, int the uight. Result uot ktnowna. Siute the foregoing was ina type, we urn from a genitlemtan just from Pilattkn, at the Iudians. after their outragen in e vicinity of Santafee, wended thaeir way ath;--thear tr il was diiscoveredl abemnt 6 iles front Fart Wakahogta. Lieut. Ba. r immtediately proceetded ina the pacte, jibh six -nounted tmen, and n hile exam ing the trail was surrounded andi tred aon by about 25 warritars. Two tof his. en were killed by the Gre, and ansother shorsed, who was instantly st abbed - leut. B. and the other three men made and ttheir e..cape to the Forn All the eposable force of the 7th laufatry, abeaus 0) tten. are in pursuit. The perpaetrtr5 are doub~tles a band oaf nuway "Creeks." untler the chief Orla ece,having with him Tigerlail. who is not kill d as supposed. TIhey have mmitted dose horridl murdlers in revenge ethe surrender of Hateek Tnuteauggee. e have now the lamentable proof thati i desperate banditti will fight till they a annihilated. Sixteen or seventeen iles, it is reported, have betn murdered this last attack-mnore than have been led nt any tone time. out of the field of te. lt should nowbe a tear of exter ato the ead. We have great con "n,CVol, Worth, hut we must think has baeen ternpered with mer >Why not call out a hundred ltaut woodsmea of Alachum Kwhose knowledge of the stih the perseverance mand, twill dispose in short order' 9 afrm -The critia fasda, of th 27th ut. says: 4A very severe hail storm passed over this place, on the 1h iost., doei some dam age to the corn that had arrived to any size, and strewing the ground witilavels. One of the "stones" picked up sometime afier it fell, weighed between 90 and 100 gr., and we are told, that one measured wore than 3 inches in circumference. "We are happy to learn that it was not very extensive, and that the crps, so far as heard from, have received no material injury." Lunatic Asylum.-Col. R H. Goodwy w # on the 7th inst. elected Regent of this institution. in the place of Dr. Percival, re signed. At ea extra meetingof tihe Board of Re gents of the Lunatic Asylum. on the 14th inst., the fullowing rcuelutious were unani mously ;assed: Resolvrd, That the thanks of this Board be returned to the editor ofthe Temperance Advocate, for hik liberal supoplv of news paper to the intmates of the Asylum. Resoterd. That measures be taken forth with, tor the etilabsh ent of a Reading Roiom atodl Library iu the Asylum, for the benefit if the patients. and that the editors of this town he reqiiested to furnish gratu itously, their respective papers. and such exchange paper as they may think limper to dispense with; and that donations oft books fr.in the citizens, for tthis object, will be thankfully ackLnowledged. J. W. PARKER. See'ry & Treas'r. [We highly approve of the above ar rangement. which wve louit not will tend to promte ite benevoslei t objects of this noble iii-tition. and tie a source of relief t) it! unfortutnae fumates; and it will therrfore nfiord its grent lileasure to coin p!y with the request of the board.-Ediaor Soulh Catolinian. The frillswiig sentences were this day pas-edI in the Court of Sessions. J. II. Boveu. for receiving stolen goods -to receive 39 stripes tin tle t Friday in July. H. Hines. for receiving stolen goode-to receive 39 stripes on tle Ist Friday in July. H. Hile., fir the same ofence-to re Ceive 20 lashes ont the 15th of July. Franklin New ton. for the same ofence -39 lashes on the 1st of July. Seiling. aame offence-39 lashes on the' 1st of July. r. Wittpen. same offence-39 lashes on the Ist of July Iloide. for harboring a runaway slave! -2"Jq fine, and :1 months itoprisonment. B R. Allender, for Raming-$500 fine. and 12 imtooths imprisonment.-Charleson Patriot. Free Negros.-The article of our cor re-;iondent deserve- serious consideration. There' is not in our State. a worse,or more dangerou, cla%%, with a few honorable ex. ceptions. than our free coloured population. If Soutth Carolian intend, to continue, av she has beru. a slave-holding State, hot I interest and humanity require that there1 sbtoad be a~oi~io ren~ and 1 coloriarks the class, the condition of free nrgroes, can never be materially diferent frot % hit it is now. rhey have always been an idle. vicious and turbulent class. and minling with our slaves on the foot ing of equaliiy as to color and rank. and yet seemaingly ab:tve' them in their freedom fromt comapulsory labor, and the restraints itncident to blotndage, a most pternicious in flue'nce is exerted by the free negro on the slave. An inafluetnce a, much at war with the real happitness oft the slave, as it is with the interesisof tbe Mlaster. We would not presume to dictate what should be fdone, by our Legislature, to remedy the evil; but thtat somiethaing should be dotne. nie think is most evideu.-Tempaerance A drocate. Froms the SoukA Carolinian. A Rogue Caught- -Ont Saturdlav, the 14th inast., a coitplaint miade to the'Chief &Lrshall of this Town. that a maen calling htmself' firam WJilson, atnd reprcen-tim: that he was a native of Orangce Ccounty. nd recently irotud Cherokee~ County. North C:arohtna, had pi~ked the pocket of Alr. u asham, a partner oif Ar. We'. Cox. (ftc. gro traders.) of hi.' wallet, containing a bout $41, and stolen from hitm a diirk. The circunmstauces are biriefly as follows: Ii son represented himself to Mir. Ccix, on te day previous, as a Mlason with ai number uf mn in his emtploy, and about takinig a contract to build on the burnt district; and stated that he wished to purchase a woman to cook for them; that he lad about S3000O in B5ank, but had delayed tmakita his piur chase utttil after lia..k hours, andi nis ad endeavour teo borron the p'urch se montey necessary from one of his frienid.: and ir h'e should be enabled to~ do so, would call n Ihi'm at his camp, andi coimplete the liar ~gain, A bout 10 "'clock cn Fridlay even nag, he came', accorditng to protmite, atnd said he had the mone'y n'.ith him, ht be itng much fatigued, weauld be grateful for; some refrshmttent. A repast weas got ren dy, anid preparaticons made to draw a bill of sale, but ilson then exproesi a de sire to postpone completing the hai gain until day-light, and 'cata he would lie dlown '.ith thetm in thE cattp, which was agreed to. lHe lay dlown by the sifde of Air Wea sham, but an the night complained tof be. ing unwell, got up. ansd left the etncafmp ment. Next morning, the money wams mtssed, search was made for him and lie was taken in l exingtont l)istries, about 22 miles fromt thais place,. and broiught back; but the principal witness havitng dlisap. pared,1 he seas eventually tdischarged,..-. Previous to his discharge, the durk was fondis in his possession, bunt he hiad ontly about $3 itn mineny. He agreen to receive summary justices, by the infli--nmn or 25 lashes; but this coiminag to the Lonowleilge or our worthy Intendant, he very properly interfered, atnd wfiuld not pertit atny thing in the shape of Ltnch Iate: He was ac cordly dischargecl, and is supposed to be on his way North Carolina, via Camden ; and as little doubt remains of higuilt, andI he is supposed to have been engaged ic another t-'ansaction of a similar natture, we way expect to hear farther from him on bis route, and womuldi warn the public to lie on its guard against him. lie is about 6 feet high, cif fair complexion, with sharp nose and chin, light hair, cut very close, mnd was dressed in blue homespun clothe,. t he N V Saa. TRIH LE tKING OUT. Amid' I the ury of denunciation whi.h i red upou the heds of ihe people I de lsland, the truth and j.iA tice of t se are so apparent that ahey cannot- sled. Frnm the cloudeof dust aud ke raised to. obecure them, -they wil p like the ghost of Banq..o to frig't' fearful souls of their murder era. A ty of the journals that have been so a ye towards the suffrage party have evi Iy been desirous in point oil fact. if t ad dared to confess if, that no cham Id be made in that State, lout that landholding few should con tinue to 'it over the many. To this eral rule we now find one exception he Albany E-vening Journal. That pa nows how to be abusive as wellasa sfits cotemporaries. and the suffrage pale have [been very roughly handle4i. But it tnow begins *.) feel the ' public opinioa. It sees the storm th rising, and ha4 the sagacity to look ou time fur a safe retreat. It nd mits.ha people of Rhode Island ate striving thing bit their right., and that they O only erred in pursuing them by wro anis It declares that when the peo f Rhode Island demanded a constitut reeognizie "the largest liber tyI Id have been promptly granted -4 pie of a sovereign State have a ri Noy that they will nati live any lnagerIn4Wr a Royal Charter." It cor. fessee that this charter imposes "a moava anti .epiblcaii and arisioratic rea-riction upon t ht ofatifrage"-that the peo ple of RVie Island must and co ill lie in vested 1" the great ant precious prer'g ative of wiing. Assuming that what 1t ia pleasedtotall a relcelliotn is now at Ra end. it warns* 'clearter govertnmettv aifainls puchaing Iadant age-ant almonishes it not to proe ne too much or too lIs eg upon the pnopuIa'forhearaince. It also advi,e1 the callin't fa conveoition at the earlie-t upportl .-for the purpse of franing a cuustitutiohw This is truth wrung fraom one of the jour nais tha "bas been foarmo,t in hzeaping coutume upu the peoplet- engaged in the oivemeat r estabhashing a constitution. It shows lsw the pressure of public opinion begins to be felt. It tihows that the au tbority ofthe royal charter is already vir tual.y. ifamt legally. dead and gone-that it is not rtispected, anti ought net to be. The whole standing army of the United States gadbered upon the soil of Rhtic Island..oogld not now restore that author ity. or foe submission to a charter granted by aBritish King two hundred years ag.o. A muchbllgber power than stauding ar mies hasanaulled it forever. it can no more bei tiored than the tide of time can he rolle4 liack to the period when it first received the royal signature. It has had its day-4iu mssion is accomplished. llenceforit it will be mingled with the dust of pat ages. - oe the Globt of 19th Uft. Tht Bill re unding the jine paid by Cen eral 'i^ at Neoi Orleans DeJeated. T a party ib the Senate to-day onri' idefea the bil intended to re Gen. a iufor bbea Iosta el at New' Or loans. whilbvaming for it almost in a hody. The State Legislatures, in the resolutions whicn brought tis bill into Congress, cvi dently sheiw thceir purpose of justifyiug the course of the eneral in declaring martial law at New "Orlea-ns. They demanded that the fine should he restored, to vindi cate his lame from the uspersion of the judicial sentence. This was the ascopo of the wihole proceeding in the State Legis latures and in Congress. For the last i wo dlays, thte effort in the Senate hias becn to stic-k amendments to ithe bill, which, by imnplicaon,. would put at intterpreta tion on the act, that ithe body passot'g it dlid not mean to take into conidierationt the right ur wrong of he judic.ial conviction of the, Getnerat, but simply to return thec amney as a remission ofe auie-as ian atct ot grace to act old man, who amighat choose to leave the pecuniary earninag- ol' his life to his faiy rather thaniar.the public co'ffers And who would take, even coupled withI the expn-ssion that the Government ree cignaing it, was not conatent to say nthinag about the judicial seantenace imipointg it as tiae penalty of a crime. but with thtedeclar ud understandsng that tate senteuce although brought int view by the t.all. w as a glanaer 'hat Congress would exptre-es no0 upii upon. Tihis was atn toblique,. but a moast stramatg imaplication, that the Genearal'. ecurse was not justifiable; biecau,.e Caon. gress, in elfect. aeludetlhat concluzsan. Silr. Archer, hostile as he is tu GeOneral latckuon, said that this was aaa insult to hiami, whticht he would noa vote. It could nti. terefore, he expected that his friendel womuldl do it. The ball was r.-jecte-d: every Jemacraa voting againast it-the fedleral Wis. in the main, for it. It was hoped byl us that Gen'l Jackson's adversaries wouldl waiZrC the orcsion to evince a miagnanim i-I y a -ose party spirit. Thie result shtowe hat they cannot tiler hitm even a tdritnk aof a titer, in the last feverish mnoments of ex ittusted nturtte, without p)utting ptoison at at. Mail b~eamaer betweena Charleston and Ffaaa.-In the Senate of the tnitomi sates, uun the 30th intau., Mr. Calhoun pre cetd the mcemnoral of R. L. Morris, ask ng the aid of Gtovernmzent to construct a acamboat to Ibe emaployed in t he trapoar ation of the mail and oaf passetngers awic., a tmunth between Charletatn and Ilavatna, ria St. Augustine, Idiati Key, aind Key Werst, which was re-ferredt to the Cemnimia ce on the Pos' 011ice antd Post Roads. ChzarLeston Courier. The Issue at Hand-The Atcelititonistsa are about to hold a great emeeting ina New k'ork at which the repeaL u/ the Union is tat sopenly and fully disccussed. One of the inW Juadges has lately given it in charge a the Graned Jury of his. Court to have laeti indicted lor high treason, if they laretd thus~tOstrike at the ennstitution of he coutryr Without venturing any opin. no on the particular point in question, we trill say that it is high time that these mail and mrischieVonis men should he brought to heir senses. The laws ought an he vindi :aaed; for wtthout it liberty degenerates into licentiousneses. Thes, men, a few rears sine,~ affected onlj to aim at aboli innhemoi'65 mae. They nrn nnO't te open advocates of a diuolution o'our Union. The sacrifice of the past, the peace of the present, and .he interest of the future demand that they be arrested n their - icked and reckless crusade. Ifa few of their ieader, were hanged, the rebt would perhaps learn toattend totheir own busihess, and leave their neighbors at peace. We trust that t he most projuient amongst them may yet be brought to con digu punishmieut.-Sav Georgaan. Gen. Scott.-This is about the outiest ge-ntleman just ahout this time, that we know of. At Washingon. fie is busy eve ry hour. writing letters, receivingt visits, and planning not a military. but a political campaign. Three timates a week, or as of tenashocata get listeners, hee fights over again the battle ofLandy's Lane. lie goes tochurch of a 6unday-- anad does everythitg which ie fancies may n in himls golden opinions. In short. he has fully deter uined to be a caniidate fur the Presidency. at the next election.-N. Y. Arena. Mitchll the Forger.-The N. Y. Cou. rier say,.-*-The argument in the case of thu Ex-ion. Charles F. Mitchell. convic ted of forgery. and unon out upon bail, was called on In the Supreme Court yesterday, % hen no coinse-l apapearing to oppose, the Court on iotion of 31r. Whiting, ordered that a new trial be denied, and that the Court of General Session proceed to sen ience the prisoner. It might have been added. ien they catch himu." Firr on the Rail Road.-A fire occurred this tmornjing oin the Auburn and Roeches ter Ibil roand. three miles cast of Canan laigna, in one oif the bzaggage cars contain in-, the Utica and Syracuse baggage, en tirely dctroying the car and contents. The principal suf'erers are Air. Daniel W elch, of Roc:hester. lie lost 4 trunks adil one hag filled %- ith valuable goods aid clothing. he estiatae,, his loss at $700. Mr. liucan. of Auburn. lich.. I trunk. goods. papers saind clothin,:. $100. Mr. Stone of Lotkinig. 2 trunks. Mi., Rosina Clark, of Utica, etimated loss $300. Gets. Davis was arnong the sufferere. Air. llumiplhrev, the llaak les.enirr, atd1 Pomeroy & Co.'s. Expre,q entirely esca peed by thec trunks bein;; in thc Albany crates. The orgin of the fire ii uukntown.-Ro chetcr )renocrat. Dahlias.-We Iwere fa vored yestcrtay, with anl elegant hnqiau(tet of Dahlias, fnaaaa the gnaden of Mr. J. D. Legare, chnrmning he eye with a rich atnld numtrerous variev oh brilliant dies. IHis A;riculiural Reposi tory oan East Hay. presents othaet specimens of thi, beatttiful plant.-Char. Cour. OBITUARY. Died, in Noxutbee county, Miss., Sav ,eth, aftea anillaess oft3das, 3Mrs. .SAttAuF. liULas. wife of Burwell liinga, and daughter ol'Jares Ogilvie, dec'd.,of thio district. She was from early life an acceptable member or the bletho dist Episcopal Churclh, loving her onder and its doctriaes. So many excellent traita ol char. ter so eminently combined in the sane per. dispositionshe added an' urbanity of manner, wlach endeared her to ber many fricads: 11 a wife. she was truly allectiou.Ate; a-s a christaan. devoted and happy. She el an affetion ate husband. an mrfatnt danM'W. and an exten sive circle ofrelations and frnds, to moun tint as thoe~ without hope, for she lives in the bhiusful mansions. It?'The Memnberso of thc EDGfLIELD) BJAPTIST BIBLE 80Cli'TY, are regnesa ed to meet ina the Baptist Mteetinag fronse otn Sarurday the 4th June. at 8 u'clock. A. 31. tnay3 25 a 17 Nelling ofi'at Cost f'or Cashb. T ll susc~ribaer otTers for seale nh,,sle.sale aand retail a ar ge rand extenasive' stock of Ready made C'lotlugn and IEA TS, at F'rancia If. Cooake',s old istand. Those in want uf ..ither, wall do well to call and' exiamines the stock before punrcliting. as the goode will be sold loweir than, theyv cats he bou;:ht ini the city ur elseawhere'. P. W. .\UTFEN. P' 5. Thoea..indebhtedh to P hI. Cooke by mote or hook :aer oaant, n~ ill call on the subscriber at thae store~ and mitak,- paymient. Auguasta. Ga. April 2<s-.lin 4 f6t 18 Chtron. k et Stateb u' N"OutIl Caroli a. EDGE(il:',LD DISTlRICT. I.N TPIlE CO..ON l LEAS. L~ewas ('ailbmatha. Declaration in A.1* es. mumpsit. lohn Ssnrry. Foreign Atftachmnent. Satauel .11. Chappe11l. / Decla ration an Als es. sumlpszi lohnaa ?4eurry. 'Foreig~n Attachmet. P fl i l E plrainatif~a having ahi<s day tiledi ahasi'r de R clireations ins the rabove caises. in my utlice, and the deliesnaat harving on wife ocr aittorney, nuowni to be withain thts State, on whsomt a co ay of said declrarrats, with a raile t'e plead, can e served. It ias ordered, that the said de~fen latni do plead to the said declarations. wtita a faear and a day frotm the psubbecatianl of thius eer Ier, or tinsal anda ab~,Iute juadgaaent will be awarded againast him. GEO. P'OPE, c. c. r le'irk's Offce. a 1* .l ay. 1r"42. l y 18 tatec d ',outh Carolina. ED[G El'I ELI) DISTRICT. IN THlE COMIMON PLEAS. aNm. Scurry., cs. aDeclaration in Assumpuit. rfshnt Senrry. m. H. Lirenntan, ihr thte use of a m. Scurry. cDedaration in Ddeb es.| [aFa 1 lan~ naing thra day filed their declaratioans an the above stated cases, in; tny ofTice. and alhe defenidant hawing no wit'e or a ttoruey, knowna to be within this 8tate4 con vhomn a copy of aaid declarations, with a rufej o plenad shall he served. It is ordered. tha-the aid defenant dlo plead to then said declaratians. vithint a year and day fromc the pnibication of his order, or final anad absolute judgment will oe awarded aglainist him. GEO). POPE, c. c. p. ?lark's Offie, w 7lth May. 8M ly 18 N. S. TOflPKEM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W 2I LL attend punctually to any profession al bautnems enatruisted to his charge. Office at Edgefield Court House, over Mr. E. 3. Presley's brick stoe. taa? 4 41 3 field Cour Tuesday o Taner Hueizlt ex'tr. of Jesse C dred and ei hty acr adjoining Spencer Ho levied on as the property deceased. Wm. Buckhalter vs. Jarn and James Morris, Scar., the t where defendant lives. Isaac A. Ilibler vs. Ml. L. Sloseley, Jes. Moseley, and W. W. Williams, one thou sand acres of land, more or less, lying on Bridge Creek, adjoiniug John Bausketl. Edmund Kennedy. and others, levied on as the property of W. W. Williams. C. B. Elar vs. Wm. S. Howard, ct al, five thousand acres of land. nore or less. adjoining Jula Curry, R. Carter, and oth era. Ceorge Bussey vs. Emberson Bussey. the tract ol land where E. Bussey now lives. CommisioAner in Equity vs. Lewis Eli zey, one thousand acres of land, more or less. adjoining Thomas Morris, and others. The same .9. Abram Pond. 300 acres of land, adjoining Thomas Morris and others. John S. Jerer vs. R. W. Mathis and N. Ram,-y, the interest of R. W. Mathis in the Pho.uix Stone Factory, which interest is one-half from the first of January 18-2. till 1st January 18-15. an unexpired lease. J. Ii. Wells vs. Rtichard Key. Bryan & Mlinor vs. the bame, one negro boy Wyatt... G. L. & E. Penn & Co. vs. Stanmno:oe B. Ityan, two negroes Louisa and Jinney. Daniel Botne vs. John McCrary and others. one negro woman Ruth, thopro perty of John McCrary. A Donald. vs. W. M1. Tinsley, one sor rel horac. Perry & Dozier vs. William Christian, two negroes Shade and Allen. Terms cash. S. CHRISTIE. s. x. D. 31ay 11, 842. d J5 Medical Notice. Dr. JOh N G. WILLIAIS, FFEftS his prof-tasional service, to the citizeus 0t o-.dgefield village and adjacent country. may25 tf 17 Notice. T HE fANSI0N HOUSE BATH, is ,remrat-d fir Batlaing CilA RES COMx-TY. noy 25 tf 17 TilE U. S. DISTRICT COURT, DisraICt or wUTH CAROLINA. IN BANKRUPTCY. W HEItEAS Samuel Trowbridge. late a Merchant of Mlontgomery. Alabama, nouw a teacher at Greenwood, in Abbeville Din trict, in the State of South Carolina, bath fled a petition praying that he 92y be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to the Act of Congress of tie United . -air- - ~~~~N Mh a~ c, tat tie may bar. - - I lof the s aet, this is to give notice of the said Petition. and that a hearing thereof will be had before the Honorable Riobert B. Gilrhrirt, Judge of the said Court, at a Court to be holdeu at the Federal Court House, in Char. letsion, on 3lond.ay the thirteemh dav of June nest. at eleven o'clock. A. 3.. at whnch place and time all persons interested may appear and shiew cause, if any thev have, why the prayer of the s.aid pietitioner sbhould not be granted. Charles:on I9th day of Mfay. 1842. 11. Y. GiRAY. Clerk. Siay 25 3t 37 TIlE U. S. DISTRICT COUltT DisTat 07 $euvm CAttowuA. IN BANKRI PTCY. W IIEREAS Williarn Campbell. Planter.. of Abbevsille District, and State of South Carolina. hath tiled a petition praying that lhe maiy be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to the Act of Congress of the United Statese. made, nnd nOW in force. concernirar Bankrupts. andi that he may have ,the benefit of the said act; tis is to give notice of the said Petition. and that a hearitng thereof will be had before the lionorable Robert B. Gilchrist. Judge of the said Court. at a Court to be holden at the Fed eral Court House. int Charleston. on Mfonday the thirteenth day of June ntext, at 11 o'clock. A. af.t which place and time all persons in terested may appear and .htew cause, if any they hae. why the payaer of the said petitiotn er .housld not be eranted Charleston, 21st day of A pril. 1842. ii. Y. GRAY. Clerk. Mfay 25 3t 17 T HIF U. S. l~lST RICT COURT, 2 DISTRICT OF SoUTH CAROLItNA. 5 ' I N B ANKRUPTCY. W il ER EAS llugh B3. Campbell, Planter. of Alhbeville inastrict, and State of South Carolina, hanth tiled a l.etition praying tbat lhe ay be declared a Bankrupt. pursuant to the ac; of Cungre~sa of the Unated State,, mad, atnd nont in furce, concerning Bankrtupts, and that lie may have the benefit of the aaid actt this is to give notice of the said petitiotn, and that a htairing thereof will be had before the liontorable Robert B. Gilchist, Judge of die said Court, at a Court to be htoldeni at the Fed eral Court liouse, in Charleston, on Mfonday. the thirteenth day of June next, at 11 o'cloc k, A. Mf at which place and timne all persons in terested snay appear and shtew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said l~etition1 er shottld not be granted. Charleston, 21st day ofApril. 1842. H .Y. G RAY. Clerk. any 25 3Jt 1y Iotice. STR AYED from the subhibler aibott the 1st inst. a dark brown or brindleslitno horn. ed COW, isrge size,and her call' Also a small sized spotted COW, has been mnissitng for about 17 months 11 they are marked, it in a cross and under bit in the right ear, and swallow Ifork in the left. Any information r'especti. will be thankfully received byr the Hamburg, 16t Mfay. 18.' may 25 - Fr-esh orkn Nwe Single a Ca H y