Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 14, 1841, Image 1

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a *We wHi cling to &he Pillars of the Temsple of our ]Liberties, aMW fH, we wiU Perigh &&amth Bodus." VOLUME VI. d~gofieR CoUrt UOLse,. NO.4. EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER, aT W. F. DURISOE, PROPRIETOR. TERMS. Three Dollars per annum, if paid itf adaace.-Three Dollars ad FilY Cents if not paid before the ex-piration of Six Months from the date of Subscription and Four Dollars if not paid within twelve Konths. Subscribers out of the State are required to- pay in adece. wo subscription received for less than on year. and no paper discontinued until all acrearages are paid. except at the op tioD.of the Publisher. All subscription. will be continued un less otherwise ordered befoto the expira tion of the year. Any person procuing five Subscribers and becoming responsible for the same, shall-reeive the sixth copy gratis. Aidvertisements codspicuously inserted at 6%a cents per square, (12 lines, or less,) for the first insertio,, and 431 cia. for each contiuance. Those published monthly. or quarterly will be charged $1 per square for each insertion. Advertisements not hain% the number of insertions marked on them, will be continued until ordered out, and charged accordingly. All communications addressed to the Edito'r, post paid. will be promptly and strictly attended to. Boot and Shoe Shop. T HkE subscriber has au lanieiurg. on LCentre street opposite Messrs. lion - ard & Garmanys' a BOOT and SHOE Shop. where he wdll keep on baud fine SHOES & BOOTS, warranted work; likewise an assortment of Coarse Shoes manufactured at his Tanvard near Mt. Vitag . en the old Stage Road, between Edge, Court House and Hamburg. ALSO Carries on the Saddlery and Harness busines% in all its branches, and wilt sell low for cash, Good raw Hides will be ta ken in t-ade or for cash. as will suit he parties. All business in his line, attended to with despatch. M. L. GEARTY. Hamburg. Oct 4, 1841 if 36 raug Store, t, Hamburg. S. C. opposite the -D AMERICAN HOT.L. RUGS, CIES.INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY. PAINTS, OILS. DYE STUFFS, . HATTER'S NATE. RIALS,WINDOW GLASS,&c. All of which they ofer at the lowest prices. and on'lerms to suit purchasers. - -AUt orders executed sith eat ness and despach. A supply of warranted fresh Garden Seeds always on hand. suited-to the season. Hamburg. August r. if 27 Water Proof Warehouse. HAvuaseo. Se tember 20. l84l T VE Subscriber begs lave to isifori hs friends and the public, that he continues teWAREHOUSE and COM8AllSSl0N BU. SINESS, at his formoer stand, known as the Water Proof Warehouse. Detached as it is from other building, its to cation renders it nearly as secure from fire, as If itwere fire proof. l'he floorsofits two wings have been elevated above the higls water mark of dhe Ieat freshet of May ia40: and each of these divisions of the building. will store from 1i00 to 1,800 bales of Cotton. both of these are designed to be exclusively swt ap .rt (or the Cot ton of planters and country ierchants, who win ths be secured from the possibility of loss and lasage by fresbets. e avails himself of the present occasion to return his thanks u. his friends and patronss. for their liberal support during the last season. He solicits from theim. and the public general ly a continutance of thisconflence. and assures them, that'in return for their patronage he will ease his hest persional efforts to promote and protect their interest committed to hi. charge; iin addition to thisasisurance, he pledge. himself, that lie will in no cas~e purchase a bale of Cot ton directly or indire-ctly. He will attend to the sale atid shipping of Cottoa, then receivine and forwarding ofGoods, or any other bussiss usually transaeted by a Commission Merchant. G. WVALKER. Septetmber 30 (un 35 Warehouse & ConamIssion T HF E subscribers bvig leased for a term -.of years, that commsaodioius and ehligible Warehouse, formerly knsown as Coigt. 4r Fear's, hog leare to offer their services, to their Mkends and the public. ia the Storage and sale of Cotton: Froms the elligibility of their Warehouse, to gether with its central position, thev flatter theslves that they are able so offer induce. meets to Plantets and otisers, uneualled by any establishment of' the kind in the place. Caon consigned to. them, by the river, will bie landed whafaofree, anid no commissions roll ho charged frreshipping Cotton bythe Rail Roasd or River. Planters need be undr no ' ipprehensions with regard tofrsahAt, as the ri ~ wr wilt have to rise?7 feet in the business parts ofithe town, before our Warehouse will be over' ff.rd; and all Cotimn stored wiihs us will be insured sanstfresssers. gratis. if required. - Insurncocean be efehcted on our Warehonso, at as. Iowa rate as any other in town; and as our puoendeavents shall hse used to give geae. reluif s., we hope to oerit and receive a libertare pion e, *~,Libemd ad wl esade on Cotton in ,i~commssions for selling cotton, will be 95ecents per bale. BRITTON MIMS. THOMAS G. KEY. Hamburg, September lit. 1841 i 31 EO~ &,.03 PRINTEWG at b. uessLDanddspachatth~fee .Thv F;VIU Ilmauter eteens. JOHN 0. B. FORD, H ASJustreceived front New Yorkhis Fall and Winter supply-his stock compris es one of the most complete ausortments of STAPLE & FANCY. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. that can be found any where. Of hir-former customers be asks the opportunity to show them his pracal thanks for dieir patronage; ard to those who are accustomed to seek in other mar kets. for what of style andfaskios or Lem they expect not in Hamburg.he would to say, that by calling, they will give m'the pleasure to show that a mme entire assortment ofthe best and most Faosioa*e Goods, of every vanrietv. is not :o be found, he has now on hand 400 pieces American Prints, 200 French and English do 50 " twilled &plain Scotch Ginghams. 30 bales brown Shirtngs & Sheeting*, 6 cases bleached do do 6 bades Linseys & Plains, for negro clothes. 3 eases Kerseys, and I of cheap Sattinett, for do 50 pieces heavy Duflil & Twilled Blankets, Mackinaw & 10.4, 114, 12.4, & 14-4 Whit ney Blankets, 1.4, 1%W. & 14-4, extra Bath Wool, Ribbon bound Blankets, Tickin;:s. Drillings, and colored Cotton - Goods, by the bale. Super black & mixed Satinetts and Kentuc ky Jeans. 60 pieces Irish Linens andl Long Lawns, Birds Eye, & 7-4. 8-4, 10-4, & 12.4 table Diaper, Brown & colored Table & Piano Covers, Fine wool dye and French black Cloths, " blue, suvisible green & mixed do Black. blue black, fancy colored & mixed Doc Skin Cassimneres. Plain and figured Satitn. Serge de Rome, Al bert Cord, Chime & Velvet Vestangs, Plain str ped and printed Balzarines, a new and beautiful article for Ladies Dreses, Bombasin. Merano's. anl Muslin de Laines, 25 in & 4-4 Mauteoni Luteatring, 3-4 & .14 Gro de Rhine, Black and blue black tigured Silks, Blue black Gro d'Afrique, 2nd Mourning do Gro d'Armure. and Rep. Silky. Black Pekin anal straped Chinie & Glace do Plain & tigured Satins & Bonnet Silks, With every- new style in market, plainstrip ed and igured, Thread & Lace Edgings & Insertinags. with a general assortmint of all kindsor Lace Goods, New and Fashionable fine Paris work'd Col. lars, Bonnets, a variety ofthe best & newest styles Silk. Florence, and Straw, 7-4 & 84 heavy changeable Silk Shawls, Nett P'aid wooland Chinie Silk do Chime S s& Silk Shawls, Hose French Of Glovres,' 'msyRibbons, BraidsTapes, Cord, Binding, Friages, Cotaus, Scarfs. Hdkr&, &c,, a general variety, 1000 pieces Paper Hangings, ScochGin hams,Cambri&Silk Umbrellas, White & blue laid Latter& Cap Paper, Envelope,and all kindsof Paper used in Paint ing Offices. Printing Paper of any size and quahty, far nishe at the lowest rate, and orders for any quantity filled ton short notice, ALSO, The above, with almost every variety of arti cles usually kept in Dry Good Stores. Whole sale or Retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. Merchants from the country are invited to call and examine his assttment. Hamburg, Nov. 1, 1641. tf 40 State of' outh Carolina. BARNWELL DISTRICT. Mason L Mosley ad wire, and others. vs. BiU for Partion and Win. Fortune. Ann Aa Bi t m Fortune, and Jesse Arcosta. McCrearv. I O N reading the afidavit filed in this cause, on motion of Patterson, it isordered that the defensdant Jesse McCrearv. who resides without the limits orthe State do answer, plead, or demur to the within Bill, withitathree months, or judgment will be taken against him pro con usso. A P. A LDRICH, c. r.. a. D. Septemnber 23,.1841an 34 State of South Carolina, EDG(EFIEL D DISTRICT. IV TH E CO.UMON PLEAS. C. J. Glove, vs. ~Deua W I-.l{EAS thec Plaintiff in the above r'ta-. ted caase, has this day filed his delaratiomn agaust the t3efeantt. who is absent fromt. and withont the limnits of this State, as it as said. hay. in~g neither wifa nor a:torney, knowvn within the samte, on wvhoma a copy ofthle declaration with a rule to plenad thecreto, ntight be served. Order ed that the Defendant plead to the said de-clain tion, within a year and a day, from the date thereof. othteru'ise final and absolute judgment wvill be awarded against him. derk's Offre, GEO. POPE, c. c. r. Oct 18.,1841. ago 3ri State of South C arolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN T HE COMMON F LE AS. eo. Thand Frin.tahuet Henry Cart vs. Forig Auach~acat. T he Plaintiffs ltaving~ this day filod his De claraatio'n in my office, and the Defendant having no tsife or attornecy knowna to he within the state, on whom a copy of the same. with a rmle to plead, cauld be served. It is ordeare'd that the defendant plead tao the said declartion within a year anal a daty, oar linal anad aabsolute judgment will be givenuaainst him. G EO. POPE, c. c. e. Clerks Offee, May 20,1841. .r. w. w. ago 16 WOTICE. ALL persons to whoma the Eattnto or B. F. LUNicholson, deceased, is indebted, are re quested to present their acecounots, and those who owe the samne. are required to pay them; de mnands must be legally attested. J. 0. NIC HOLSON. D. R. STROTH ER, Administrators. O'ter ,r :i9 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IMTHE COMMON PLEAS. Britton Mimans. vs. Dedaeration in Aack Holmes dr.Sinclair, met. WHERMEAS the Plaintiffin the above sta ed case. has thin day filed his declara doon aainstthe Defendants, who are absentfrom, and without the limits of this State. as it is said. having neither wife nor attorney. known *Ithin the same, on whom a copy of the declaration with-a rule to p lead thereto might be served: Ordered. that the Defendants plead to the said declaration, within a year and a day. from the date thereof. otherwise final-aid absolute judg ment will be awarded against them. Clerk's Offie, GEO. POPE, c. c. P. Oc. 18. 1841. age 38 State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Samuel R. Fuller. vs. Dedaration in At Jones & 3cGi ty. tachment. W HEREAS the said Plaintiffiu the above stated case, Imas thisday filed his Declar ation against the said Defendant who is absent from, and without the limits of the State. (as it issaid.) having neither wife nor attorneyknown within the same, on whom a copy of the De claration. with a rule to plead thereto might be served: Ordered, that the said Defendantplead to the said DecLaration, within a year and a day froum the date thereof, otherwise Saai and absolute judgment will be awarded against him JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, C. C. P. Clerk's Ojee. May 4. 1841. a. &r. aqe 17 State of Soth Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. Samuel Butler & wife, Applicanta vs Thomas Carpenter &wther Def'ts.j T Appearing to iny satisfactionuthat Thos. Carpenter. R. Carpenter,James a Gray and his wife Mary, reside without 1 the limits of this State. It is therefore or- 4 dered that they do appear and object to the divisibn or sale o the real Estate of. Reubcn Carpenter, deceased, on or befoie the third day of January next, or their con sent to the same he entered or record. 0. TOWLES, o E. D. Oct. 5, 1841 ab 36 State of South Carolina. BARNWELL DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. J N. Turley, ) V8. Asst. Willam R. Powier. h'fEndan aingeitherhwt er haTbIrny, nea 0 &avdq or atzosuiy known to be in this tate, on whom a copy can , he served: On motion-Ordered, that the di rendant do pl-ad. withis, a year and a day from this date. or final and absolute judgment will be awarded against him. OIASMUS D. ALLEN, c. c. P. Offi of Common Pleas. aqe Barnwell District. 1ep 6. 4 81. 35 ST.'TE OF N. Cd1 OI.A'd, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. M -%CKLXN(G BROWN. tolls before me a small briglit dusn hiotie 3UL... with a scar on the right hip. supiposed to be 13years old. c ppraisrd loy Pleasant tearls. Isaac flawse. I and Mitchell Cox. at fivedollari. L. B. FRE.MAN.s. r October 2- m4t* 39 btate if' South Carolina. BARNWF.LL DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Samos D. King. Billfor aet. r in vs-. juncriou. Fale Benj. R. Jenkino.& otherx. 27th Jan. 1641. O N reading the aflidavit tiled in tnis case it i ordered, that the defendants Benjamin R Jeiikins, and the legal representative ot'Paul Fitzsimmon". who reside without the limits of this State d-- ansawer. plead or deoni, to the above stated hill within three moiiths, or judge. - ment will be taken against them pro conf)e. A.IP. ALDRIClI. c. & nt. i. a. D. Commiissaoners Offec. Barmedl| Disstrict, August l1i, 1)'41. August 19 ac 29 stalte 01 S'outhl larolulla. EDG~EFlELD DISTRICT. | IN THIEa COMMONV PLEAS. Josiah King v s. Foreign Altachmn t, Dlomy Proctor, (Declaration ta Assurpsit. rv 'HE F. lainmtiff hiavinrg this: day tiled his declar I ationa ini my odice, and the lendant hav ing tie wilfe or attorney knowni to be within the State, on whom a copy of the' same. witha rule to plead,. conahl be served. It is ordered that the Defenidant plead to the said declaration within a year aid a day, air linal and absolute indgemnat -.. all he givoni against htim. G EO. POPE, c. c. p. Clerk's Ofje, { May 13, le4h. $ c. age 10 State of South 4 arolinia, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Rt. C. Baldwin & Co. vs Attachmuent Grady & Mecey nildi.. Assayspsie'. T H E Plaintiff' hiavinag tis day filed his de .3 claration in the above stated case, and the Defendanit 1:aving no wifet or attorney knowni to be within this State, tupon whbom a copy of the said decharation with a rualeto plead can be served It is ordered that the satd'D0. fendant do ap'pear and plead to the said declara tion. within a year antd a day, front the publica tion hereof, or finltad absolute judgment will be awarded againist him. Cler's 0ee. GEO. POPE, c. c. r. Marck2,1841,~ s PiO 0agqeI10 1Notice. ALL persons indebed to the Late B. A. Wal lace. arc roquae..id to make payment, and all those havinA demandaagainst th estate, are reqnested to render them properly attested to N. 1L. Grillin, Esr., my attorney, with whom will be placed al noates and accounts due the estate. ELLEN T. WALLACE Octoberd E 1srix State0 uth Carolina, LD DISTRICT. IN' - MMON PLEAS. Beverly AttacAhment, W.M D 'ng this day filed his 'may oflice,send the Defeud. lit h n or Attorney known to be rii0in whom a copy of the same, rite a tocould beserved. It i% or ered that ant plead to the said dee i and a day, or final and ill be given against him. GEO. POPE, c. c. r. Dec.13, aa $76i 47 Stafr. uth Carolina. ED LD DISTRICT. IN 0O1MMON PLEAS. HenryWFog nr Foregn Attachment. Tf ~ having this day filed his Dee in my office. and the De endant ha wife or attorney known to ne within . on whomn it copy of the ane, witht a. plead. could bp served. It e ordered Defeddant plead to the said lecaation a year and a day. or final mId absoluts 'nt will be given against im. GEO. POi-E, c. c. P. Clerk May 20)1 .. w, w. aqe 16 Sta -'outh Carolina. AR LE DISTRICT. IN OMMON PLEAS. Yiil C assignee, Dedaration in v - ,r. AtuadAuent. H 'tiffin tie above stated c filed his Declaration a -ainst tLwhotsabseut from.and with at the H' State, (as it is said,) having leithet attorney, known within the ae, on opy of the Declaration. with .rule to reto might be served: Or ered. that fendaet plead to the Paid De larati year and a day from the date reo .Anal anad aibsolute judgment ill be a ainast bism. , jVINGSiTON. C. C. P. Clerk's May lI U. & T. aqe 17 St uth Carolina. IN 31MON PLEAS. - LE DIdrRICT. 1 1110111111 Declaration by dlaimant in Auachenwet. l thiday filed his de. ad die Defendaut with. r ib a .. -3 m one'f at tIo doplead to the said declar tion withia a ar and a day from this date, or inat and a ute judgment shall tie awarled gainst hum. '. J. F. LIVINGSTON, c. c. r. 'lerk's Offie, ;ept 30. 1841. D -T aqe 36 State of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. ICHARD EL.EtS. living eiglt mite. south of Higrin's Ferry. tolled liefore Ue ine .mSall bay HOR'E. 14 an.ds and one inch ligh, both hind feet and onet fore foot white: a mall star in lhin filrelead. li,, shotten in his lei' al. judged to be ahisUt eleven rears old Ap. raisedl at $31). Appraied by Joln Chapman en , Giles Pits. Lewis Sample. JAMES M.AYNARD. Alagistram. September 30 mlit 35 Ztate of' South ( aro-1lina. ABBEVILLE DISrRIcT. IN THE COMMO31N PLEAS. Greet B Crawford. Drdaration in At. a Wade Shuttlesworth. tachment. W 1EREAS the PlaintitaTa the nabove sat. ed case. lta this day filed lia Derlara ion against the Defendant, who ii abent froua, .adS without the linits of this State. (.t it i% aid.) haaving neithaer wafe n natorney. kaanon nt vthin the same, on whom a copy ofrthe Dear ton,. with a rule tao ple-at theareao maighat he -err l: rdevred, that thae Defenanaat t'lad toa the aid Deeharation, within .a year rand ra diy. fresa he dale thereof. ,tlerwise fanal rataslutel udgmenctt will be awn. deal against haim JNO. F'. LIVINGSTON. C. C. P Clerks Offla. May 15, 181l. n . & -r. age 17 .Mtate of boutth ('arolina. ABBEVILLE DI'wTRit'T. IN THlE COMMO31N PLE AS. Samuael RL. Fuller, Dul~caratiem in AttacA in. Joahn Dagga, $ ment. W IER EAS the. Plaintiff in thle above stat W ed ca'e, has thais day filed hai. declara ioaanagaast the Dkeendant. who is absent from, and without the limits ofahis State, (as it is icaid.) haing seither wife nor attortner. kown with in the same on whoam a copy of the D~aearationa -itle a rule to plead thaereto, mazlht be served: D~rdered, that aho said Defendrant p lead to the aid Diclaration., within a year anad a day froma Ia data thereofI, otherwise final anal absohtate inetwill be awardead against him. 'JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, C. C. P. Clrky1 O.fr. ( state of Southi Carolina., ABDIEU'ILLE. DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John' Maote vs. Deeration in Attach Iatheaw H-outston. ment. W IEREAS the PlaIntiff in the above stat. ed ease. has thais day filed his Deetara ion in~tst the Defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of this State. (as it is said.) having neither wife nor attornecy, kanown with. in the naame. onl whlom a copy of the Declara tion with a rule an plead thereto anighut be serv ed: Ordered, that thle Defendant plead to the said Oclaration, within a vear and a day from the date thereof. othaerwise final andl pbsolute jdgament wtll be atwarded againsthim. JNO..F LIVINGSTON, C. C P. c.'s Ofce, way- $.1Nl1. n. &T-. anon 17 THE PRILOTOKEN OR FEMALES FRIEND. For ta Relief of females sufering under Syape% thetic Disorders, Periodical Comsplaats, iWek ness. Pans, Stc.. 6&c. T HIS Medicine asay be resorted to with the utmost confidence, for the purpose of relieving and removing almost all those com plairnts peculiar to Females, nud which often .ed in some form or other to permanent ill health. It will also relieve much offlie suffer ing, and lrevent those accidents to which all mothers are exposed. Pamiplhlets containing satisfactory testimo nials, directions and much information,valuable to Females and heads of famnilies. may be bad gratis., where the Plilotoken i. sold, by EDW'D. J. MIMS. Edgefidd C. I. HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN. Charleston. HJAVILAND. RISLEY & CO. Augusta. Price 1 50 per Bottle. October 11 2m' 37 Executor's NYotce. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Robt. Watts. late of Edgefield District, dec'd., are earnestly requested to settle the same by the first day of January next, as the Executor in. tnds settling the said estate. and cannot give longer indulgence. Those laving claims against the said estate, must render them in by in time, or be barred, &c. ROBT. McCOLLOUGII. Executor. Nov.4 t f 40 Aot ice. A LL persons indebt-d to the late Joyce Cul pepper. are regnsted to make payment, anid all those having desands agaiest the estate, are requested to resider them i properly at tested to the subscribers, within the time pre scribed by law. W. A. STROTIIER, D. R. STROTH ER, Executors. Nov 4 if 40 NOTICE. UR friends in the Country. and elsewhere are informed that the death of onr late friend and Co-partiser. Doctor Charles M. Hill; % ill eot derusnge the regular rontiose of our bu sines at all, as it will be continued by the sur viving Copartner tus-der the same firm name. MURRAY & HILL. Pr. J. h. MURRAY. Surviving Copartner. Oct 21, if 38 Notice. I FORWARN all perwons from tradini for a note iven to Carry 31. Warren, in the month of October 1840. calling for tbree hon dred dollars, unless thebarfsin is complied with. JOLL F, WARREN. Nov.8 tf 49 OF this District, a negro boy, by the ama of BILL. about 5 feet. 34 inches high, very dark complexion. and between 35 and 40 years of--ge. stout built, and has a scar on hsis left cheek. and one just over lis lrfk nipple. He says that lie belongs to. Mr. 1. Beck. of Eibert county. Georgia. The owner is requested to come forward, pruve property. pay ciarges and take him away. C. H. GOODMAN, j. E. D August 5. 1641 if '27 EstrayM. AmUEL L hILl.. .*niitg about two and a half miles seouth oI.sIbevlle Coust House. tol.s befeore me two esrav mure NM C -LES t one! of a d:ark browvn cslor. fouuteei hwutds high, abreoust seven i ears told. no braids .-r mark per reisable. The other of a sorrel color. with a blnze st the forehead. foiniteeni and a half hands ligh. about even years. old. no brands or marks perceivable. The brow i Mule is shod all round. the oorrel lule shod betire. Each appraised at Sixty dollar-. The Muless case be seen at Samiiuli L. hlills. TiiOS. THOMSON. Magistrate. September 21 n4t 35 1% otice. JA LL p.emr s mdebted to the estata of John Coker, dec'd.. previous to his death, are reeiuelted to nake aymtet. anid those to whom thme estate~ are inidebtedt will resider their claims according to law. OLIVER TOlWLES. Ordinary of Ed;;rfid Dist-rc. Nov. 22 if 43 Stte of SotiI (arolina. EDGEFIELD) DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. James Robertson. & sithier, gi , "'. Partiteen. Desnglass Rohectt.on & sthers. T arppearin: it. my satistactiemo that Daniel Robert'soin.Williami Robes tson.Mary Robe'rt 'son. Sane A. Brooks. andi Lucy hi's wife. Temipe-rane Robertssm:. Hhigen Robertson. Elizabeiti Hlouse. Nancy Ca rringtoo. Richard Christinas. and Mary his wife, Diefendamiss in this c-ase, reside omit ol the State. Therefeore. ordered: That the said defendants do plead aniswe-r or demur to this bill, within three nsthe from the piublication of this order. or the said 1i1le e taken pro cossfesco againist them. J. TERRY, c. a. E. D. Nov -. 181. ($6) amec40 Staite of Southi Carolina. EDGEFIE~LD DISTRICT. Benjamin J. Ryan. A pplicant, Stanmore B. Ryon. ansi others. Deft's. ~Tpap'rinugto moy satisfaction. that Msidle ton iosley and wife. Elizabeth andi Wil liatm G Gsallman, res'ide, anid are out of the Ii mit" of this State. It is the-refore orderedh, that they sdo appeair andI ohject to the division or sale Iof a tract afland, belonging to the estae of Johen Ryan, dec'd., on or before the first Monday in Febr~ary next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. OLIVER TOWLES..o. a. n. Nov.15 I 42 Fruits and Spices. C IT RON, Currants, Raisens. Lemonss. 3i1ace Cloves, Nutmezgs, Cassia &c. just received andi for saole by SCRANTON ~& MEIGS. .MsceuAweous. From the Charlstons Conrier. ANOTHER STEAM BOAT DISASTER. Loss ofthe steamer Sav-annah. and prob able loss oflift.-It is our painful duty to relate another distressing disaster. that has taken place. with a steam boat, the result of which. it is greatly feared, will be the sacrifice of the lives of a number of persons. The steam boat Savannah, under the command of Capt. John R. Crane. left New-York on Friday noon, 26tb oit. bound to New-Orleans, via this port. Key West, Mobile, &c being intended as a regular trader between New-Orleans and Texas. On the day after leaving port. it blew via lently from tie N. E. and on Siunday. the 28th, a gale commenced from South East. which soon shifted to IV. N. IV. The boat being heavily laden with coal, and other freight, labored very hard-about 7 o'clock the same evening. it wai discover ed that she had sprung aleak. All htnd-s were now rallied to pump. hail and assist in lightening, but their united efforts were found anavaling, and at 9 o'clock. the wa ter had gained oi them so much as to ex tingtirsh the furnnce fires and the vessel herself was fast setlina in the water. It was now apparent that the only hope o' safety for those on honrd was totake to the boats. At 10 o'clock. P. M. being 2. miles east of Hatteras. in 14 fathoms wa ter, Capt. Crane, his wife and son, the wife of the 2d stewari, the first steward and stewardess, two of tie passengets, and two of the crew, (12 souls in all) took one of the quarter bonis and left the vessel, ta king with them neither provisions, wa ter or extra clothing. The other quarter boat was taken by the engineer and one other person, and left at the same time as badly provided with supplies as the first. As soon as Capt. Crane left the steam er, an attempt was made to hoist the square sail, in the hope of running her on shore; in doing which, however the sail caught a stanchion, and was instantly slit into rib bons by the violence of the wind. There were two small boats left. and these were now resorted to ax a forlorn hope. A small quantity of water, and a little bread and cheese . were hastily provided, and the boats manned, seven in one, and eight it the other, leaving the steamer with all pos sible haste, in the. hope of reaching the shore on the following morning. The boat ontain eight persona, was provided with a compass, and on this account eve hours. The next morning, the boat containing seven was fotnd tobe in the Gulf Stream, leaking badly. without water, and all tho provisions spoiled, with the exception of a bit of cheese. The boat, being provided with but one oar, and a piece of board, and the wind blowing oi shore, they drified about in this helpless condition twice be ing in imminent danger of swamping. tttil one o'clock, Tuesday aftiernoon, whenm in a state of great suff'ering for want of wa ter, and almost worn nut with fatigue, they were providentially fallen in with by the sehr. !l'arren. Campr. Wooter, of Hlancock. (Me.) Iriom Boston. hound tin this port, who took them on board, being 50 miles to the eastward mf Hatterns arrieJc off our Bar on Saturday afternoo n. last. Yesterday morning, the wind brinig un favorable totie arrival of the schooner, the stcamb.om Ge. Clinch, Captain Brooks, proceeded down to her. took ill' the dis tressed seamn. noad, birn:ht th up to town about 4 o'cek. the nollo ing nro tme names of the periaoils sved bmy the ischooner. John Cain.3h mare: Jotn Ash reel, 1st cook ; m. Mh.tookr. :d Stie wrd Jseph Hamndy and cook: W.'. i. Stoddard, John Evans, J. Mc.lh firemen nl otf -rhom return their ',ince'1re thanks to Capt. Wooster, oftthe liarren.and Mr. Spenter, her owner. as alsot t he Jaengers ansd crew of said vessel, fomr their miore thanr kindh and htutmane ireatmntt to thems, wshile on board. Trhe Sacanna, wec unde'r'tnd, was ow ned in New- York". bmy 7'es.s. Charles Morg:mn amid Jomn lnggerty. anid it i4 he leved, was tnot in',uresd, We learti there si as butt three pwe,s.gers on board thme S.. une. of sn hm n tip the vin of Mr. Wins [Ha: h ofthh- citv. andz anmstht er nmamned Johntsont-the' metm of te third ne did not asce'rmained. We regret to st ate that Mrs. and Miss Barnes. of the Theatre. are great smstlerers byv the hme,- ofthi-, ves'esl, htavinig uent or; itt her their whole wiardlrobe, a qjuantity of furnituire, &c. amounting ini vatse. we urn derstand to between 3 andim 4tO0 dollare. on which there was no insuranee. Too mtuch praise run;i he' ~~ mw'e a i Capt. Brooksamid Mr. (' I. ji~ill ow net's of tihe stoanun r Genr. Clind~. for the prompt nmnner in winchi they itendered their vessel ; alsou to .Mr. Johni Mullin;-e. one of the pilots of this hatrbor, for hie ser vices in prorcdintg toi thme ve-ssel at ruchi' out side the bar. Great credit is alhm dir, to Capt. Bernmard and Mr. Sasli.'bury. vol unteers, and Mr. Graham, mtate of the Clinch, for their perseverintg effort, in ta king efi'he shipwrecked persons ftom the schr. during the violent gale of wind yes terday. On the arrival of the steamier at the wharf, a collection was token up to pro vide these dibiressed mariners with food, clothes, &c., the amount of which was de posited with us. and we will take pleasure mn recetvtng any contri'butions that the hu mane may be disposed to give them, Qurint fears ae eteriatned for ite rst