-morial of the Agri-cultural Couveution, praying an appropriation be made for a geological and anricul'oral survey o* the State, &c. Referred to thu Cuominitee on Aurientitire. Mi. Elior, presented thle petiio oft he Cokesburry la .il Lahlo.- Seiut, pra% ing an entenisici of' their Charter C-i. r red to the Com-mutc .n lteurpora:noi. Mr. Fro,;t al+, <'b:inivte I tihe, m.wim rial of tbeBaik of Charieeton:. S. C., fir -tn amendmet ofiiit cha r. flerred to uhe Committee on incurporation. * Mr. Runt, froin the Commnitter on F-d eral Rclatio1., to whom wias rverred so mnch of the Gowrior'.s iessa i u .elates to the contrhyery ibeiweenl ii. ziates of Georgia and Manes thoinled a report. with itho following reslution: Resolved, That it is dhe duty. as well as the right if anry State. to i:siot I a fih ful obiservaneeofa bierederal Cou-stut itn. by eaeh Stnie h: ite Unifon. - Resolved, TiatIc mn theslrreln-lr of fugitiveb froi, tjst;1ice, is by the Con stitution a right, atel -the triet:nml suIrrien der, a duty, tnat th-.-dlentil ir impairtet 1f tbat-righr is in-.,nJ-tent withi :hte Coa stitut4oual olhia.ttiw. III' q State, acnd smb versive ef thit peace -bia "loI giverilmet of tie other States. R-eolv!/, Tiut thie right ha-; been i-ii pahwirel, kf not denied, by the -11h1,n'es f Miiini. rind thn' thi St *:te ill t--vr coo sen.th illy i S m -;hI IIll heefie. lilt; av lum far Iho-", who are fa::itive. framn the justir f oth-r States. Resofe-d. nThw !th- Ev-entiv- (.f tisi State v roItetl tI traismuit to the i'x ecutives i the omea~ 'Iadis im .\ir . it ua.-r simw' - ana aolymaarmaeni,. asi: a. i hI--w his oiiaiont theia reep::.st of .\lr. lii gi-., wvho gave' nonceL'a. thait het ni ill n ,am-irrowt iaara oaee a hill to pirovideL hir a new~ appor'an olaaient oh the ra'pres.-taltian it ii date. Adii nrise. HlaUsi-: oflRV1':SFNT.1Ti tt:s. Sr. t .;trail, fi'-i.aa ia Cotiuialitee onl tat the ci-mmnici'ation rebaitiv"e to the pnie chaise oif Dr. Ci pesr's Librtairy. Mr. Willfiso': ';av oiatie that oat to mo~rro w heo wvil ask hcaive to int raidnacr a bijll to re~peal the seCtomil s' ('tiont 'f ani act cn titlead atn act cncerii thec Publie Waorks oaf this Stalli." Ant unaitvoa'ht!e recport or the J tidiciary Conoia tiec, lil 'at ichil' oft fh-: Govearnnr's Mesag~ae as relates an the estabili-h neLar ofi C muity Ciutts wvas taken tap, andi on mon tiona if 1la. Perry,:it nendi,'d. by sutij tting a a'es'.ndona ahpinihitinlir i ltmmisston, erin-a saiini af laree piersonas, tat be iiapoi nt''d byv thle (3oveirnort to ptrel)tre 3 tl suhbiti t It) thei next Le-,ilature. a we'll .levi .ei and oatin'r sysati'm, fir I ho estabhlshme-ra ii Conina C ( n-i' i in $omb I.Carolnina. 'Thle iiaanoitrablea report oif the Jnd110it ry C. mv aitteec ona oi ala h3 oiaf a the Given- ' M .ss ieet- rodlategs to t he rig hi if' th-" J undge tao charwe the Juary wvat a tters of far:'i alI-i. so mn teh as re'laJfta tI tah lhie 'xi-. enlionm otf caitail conv ~iete, were' taketnup, itera'ed4 ti, etnd set Ito the Sen-'tie. Thae unfah~voriiale repaor:taof the , i il iciaary Ciom - amittee. na the present~mt of ithe ( ratudh Jiiry of (leorge'town, in reblntionT toi Sh-ai tiiinmei -- 'he Npli art'. ;ie Iiund ta %1te for ;I cwnfoanimn in principle-s. Thisi Speaker-hip, howvevr. i<4 but n prn i- rth i siner asnia. the f1-4 for .iMr. Van a rn'i .eti, 'o iu no.% open in th-- Democlrativ els awl betnee 1h %% ishes ,Fj a ern;,in Seamwor to preven Ih - I ehta'aion 1 a SO t":( Riht,' Sp-aker Frii th signr, if the tim.-s, yoi wil oh2terve thmt the Deiocrti par ' has re di vikions--the har I enrrenewv mv-t, whit %%e 'ppost. van towlre, .ai.l entoll. hile Stale' Rits'I pirty. who -i to Ir. Ca:lhoun.nn-I the sober >hinking Dieno er;1te. Wb1., avo'id both11 ceme.1s. inlte. leelin il .lir. Fory' and you n ia ensi iy m1ark4 the om14velm-euts oft each,.nag on general ah.,tia , iiiy will all pull in. gverher-at preati, however, ne have 110 timeit to spillo Onk rhslsubier The presel Vice President will donhi t lahlaropped bilay his party a a the nex ch-elion, as we hasve heard if no Norional Coinveition, and hi na tat has not been brought frn In in ani State Le'i-i'anture it !, eAtird, Si tier the auiinnijlio' n o f r. Polk, foir ih-it oilirc bay theIIm,..e Lf gishaiore, that .isr.Kill.,. of Avama. anl ! Folrs-,h 1-f Gje--rin, wdl receive : nom11i-I-Itionl , loml)their respective Sla.--S - VWie ing eaci in hi- separ te eupacity ai iaiil'ientioan,, the g'ele'man frim, Geaorgi:i i li:-:.-Iy to lie the inan. Mais, nous rc We shall have me ht i' ardw l. ditring Ihe ses-ion, ablona Floerida, ;n..M r. Hletia ye-Sterday gave noli, e in the Senate, Ibl;'t h - woanl a - early ;I,< pts-ilie. introdue it hill r-1r O tfalf*(d accuplationl and Settle mi-ni ad saeh p: rt "f thW countri as is iaw ileated lay the :ti!iatm<. Fro:n the Chirleston Mercurn D'e i1. Ti. Nr:ns ny 'rtir.: t.1:PopL Sr I*:.A is.-- %s ir ainn | -f;et; iif ar owat 'ait rin-reial etilaarraisin'vi' till 4 il-' ii'iln.aa iit-rhet is (tt u'It-riled wa havt ion' liar: - thte 'a ursi frmi nersas ti A l .tie, an.d it i, titit ii hle rol c--.o.lit:g thiiat the new'as' is it e~tvrral r'a'spets tu r f'a'' I-a~ le t thart lii. la-t. t .i'taa'. 'iiltier titl' i'.ia'aa'-. ail a rit realionai oft son-'-:, ha<' slightiy risaen. pre v'jii. Tihe -tack of! cottona in LaiverpalI htoal adiminished' niearaly 5).0a00 baiiis in th-' two'aa wa'eak- pn-eeCd"intg the sai'inat tof the saman ,ip~. It i, dlailawa truea til price,' the" prseit yea;r, ha'a there is tat it alt Ia'ai. hiapei ii ;i a ir'ke't lar attr siap~le. lheana ge. waaere' mttraa lavabhle to I-landloi. ait' ilaa':int.a,i, ai'ofa sl - i ,iver' waere sid :appai.tlbend any staduy ad'vanner itt the pice' aof c'ottain herte ini con-egjnnce af thei na'w's, hm11 n t' thlink it wn'ill .sr ieist Iae firmt ;tandli mora' r'eady o ail chatritrmer pices.~ l-'.v'ery atttemi1 r Itoweve'''r, tat get it I'sIpten latiton in: the ;trtiel', aitghat tat be stenih ir 'succe'tsslt!. waill cer'tainily lie i'fida''wed hiv dtiaa'ter' t nda dtepreasaiain, The c'riap Is haerge'-verai' haw ge, in spaite ofih un ivearsnil it Iitha 'ieen ets-atinl tnjued lby rte an Fiorsh- ilofte ac~iain. It is ye' donhstla whetber the e'nnemaaioin oft Cat tan will hae errtaitor iniI uEnglandi in 1840U thtani it hats bte't int 1 d. 'Thec leat 'sart~ltiisfactr airf the newsa' i'. tt wanhich ra'l"ra tao th l aink aof the Uaii: "1'd a i's. (it who-tase praoceding's 'aie t'iia little paositiv'e. inthitrmiaioni ft r-es'its honevea'''ir thtat the noi'tiennonia wa'ith Hopetlt! a3 Cot asa' btraaken oi-hily the' intualligencea' atf the Ihnak's 'titfitension atnad the priane of its share'.s hadl aboutt ats great a flall in thtis concni iry. "The Cl'owiag '2rmi-lemetttn'ere e-xained't be'fora'e the Couiirt aif .\A i, anta dilv ad mtirt'd Iao n'tice' in thie ('aitr's of' t,nias: vai.-.\. W. liratett. Wmit. Bi~l itn.bn I S S-in'l.t~ R. Ilek, .i-uae's il arar. Jaohn Con-t ningh~iaian. Wm'n. R. .\tkini-ait .iais. If .-\n'd lhe lhtl-min g "are !admtiped~ ii p ;ro-liet u as S'-d'icit'r< it Egqity VizA J 'tins 11 rr. I,. ( 'h;''v'a. Jr . Sno'l . E aii. J05. .1. iie \a!i ll-an. nad Sai'l It. Ii'k.-Col'nnaia Te~ lterope. ne~ paie aire' moare apft tao tiui la'ti t ban ihiose -'aha 'a tatn righlttatotiii co alaini. n as laarnin lin-'',iI thera e at somet Ii a lvhint i t coantuainia.-..,wh-. ierald/, "l'mi llainl downa~t t la'."' n'e the clienit .amid 'ahenai het llaa-rd his causecliir. Nat g/asses aITthet the cys imore unav&aorable thin t'al 'S 02 1'rnmin The LC 'e2:Sa e:s' of i1.is State n ill adjourn n Friday lex , the 4fih insi. We are ih.debte, to tl.e li-nornieal John S. leter fir a CopY of (li ej-slraof li.e Special Joint C' mittee, apil 0:te1. it tIle sesrit of f. In th-' coIdiIion an U.; i.age llent of' the Ball of' the Stat.-." Staintes .f .Sou|, CaroIna.-T he sixti voplumo 0f ie d'atmes f* S. uth Carolit:a, emabrarira' het! ptaiod from 1811 to 163, has bee pub lishe011. Kere Pnper in (harlb~o. .--A newi political paper ra-led the *-4t.. r: Medie.n and im press of tae imnea."ha or mrs need is Charles Lo::. Its print ip'es are Whuy1t. The publish Dr.