H OME. In early clays when childh'od's charm H aigs swe. tly ronil our happy hearts, Wlen' love,s caress is wild and warm And pure th' ioy tihlat life impartsa. When home is home, an id friends. thao' few When o'er our wesil with noxiis eve 'Tis Ilien life wenrs its hriglitest hte, And memory takes its deepes dye. Lone yenrs may lifi their leaden tramp Atd chequer life with hopes and fears, lisfiortie liaht her ltiridi laip, A nd feed ils flame with nmiogit but tears. Or friendship bles. or fortune somile, or- pleasure wieu where'er we roam, Siill-still will memorv 4r& beguile From each. from all, a thought of' home. ,Twas there our sun of beitti rose, And there we Itii wollin hve' it set, There many a shrob and flowrot grows Witli d r r an, th;t linrlaers yet. Like mid-day drops where II itnlls repose. By yew-tree's bougli or eypress shaded, Or like some n ihl atitmal re, Freshest whiiien all ar ionm is ('filed. I woulb not that a stranger lautd Should iill flit mi.. the ., dreamlrss pillow, I wonii nor tliat a stran.2er laid Shoubl 1)l lnt 'er lithe weping twillow Teii-' soud "a often i g lightl I p Ieh WOUb o ) Iosotmt press most ligitly. Tile star'i I ha linave mily chidlomil lleaed Woul o'erl my slumber be.tam mo-,t brightly. O may the breeze that kissed mv brow Ere life load known a st-ain ofstrrow, Breahlie out the wave-ioned requiem litow Foir sleep, thu knows io dawtaing morrow And when tihe sn is'mt-ath the waive, Ani Womlly ieais the star qifefavenzi, Then hear te to miy sea-girt grave And let a pira er ascuud to Hieaven. M1iscellancoess. BRoTaEas AND Ss-ri-a s.-lrothers and siters ,iouil never envy et I ohlier. It might he tlpos.d thiim cinvy woutl'l have tno place in lieart, so closely unnited; bitl eveti aimong cl ibtren o' tne lttittl it iftev ,pringS Up atnd produces tle m101o, hii ti'r ell' ev - Thie ilea that one receive, tmre ofta pmaret's favor than the rest, or is mlore uoticed by 114tl -.."nrhi, -t oi lftit i wn i.It...t m.. that has dustroyed all the tt alicm ents anad sweets of domestic life. How dreadful were the etf'ets of' this evil passionl int ih, famttiiy of Jocoh! Henv did it root ot every kMld of feeline from tle breasts d .lJsph-' brethren, and prepare' t hieti for the blckest deeas!-O guard againist tifi' sin, wiich lilt the serpent in Elen. will, ii 'ol yieli tw it Birthers andi siste'rushonhtiilcftii3 renel Il m patitae with each ,ther in nlllet iion. ~' ae nre boand ttshov itat a stanger's sur . row , hiow iitich miorec tao thorsel ftt tttr at. esi kmdtureid LHow sotothing to a snal~erer' are tie mmiaiste'rins ofi d a sist .'r, ta.r te lcdr aceneits of a barolther's voic~e. Inatnd i coascdbiton whenever' yatu are' enalleda in thle prouviden'e ol Gau d td it: a:espc'ially ifs us hav~e a brothetr visited w i b sickne-c,s. let ill kind utienationt hte w-i hel hat tt is in yar power' to latrrd. A good Chaurackar. - Ott the~ other hanil, a tmatn fl ltir cha r .a'e-it ttriedl itnd estaba lishedl replttuta~~ ati,ads ot tat tha' eve of the ptlic, tatc oneiwho is abocve' soicionat and( abovec reprotach. The mal iaitus -mad the wvirked mtay indi'eead. ventt theiaa'r e'vil .ur rnisings,andl attemt t tarishtii is f~iai nina but theiar eaempits recaaoilU upo :heir wu nt heads. iThei-ruirraon s apernd their fo~re itt thet nitr. atr striting utpon thte brometa i,'ieltcim wich the athye'it aof r heair mtatlice ii praot etead fail h~taimless tt thei gitaaeil lii i" a'ata. *Seittus ttf actitng t'oln coirr"Lct pianciles;'.: ad being ktnown -tt the iulir as a tawnt aof ia. tegtity t ad wath.he needa inevera gi'e himoa sell' mtuch contcer'n is tat nany~t nfa vorualet ire po arts I1tha ay tio eiientlateal re'spae'tine im. 'He ts saf itt theL contsaien'aci of ll what knocw heulia've hiis innt ene liah out ttaat tha iltteltm~t of a curt. Shimttler tm a aaaa ind te for aao mceii lix its hangs on f alipotla's c'harac't'r; )1buaichi at characteri has withlinit cellaii aat tidole a' tIhe paoisont, atnd rises fcrm athe tem paary woundatii ith ini go?rdat tretagth Iandt brightented beautty.-/i/meris. To make I'erjarual I ras.--T ale onte poutnd linte fllour, imiake' it I the thicktc'nw af gruiel with bihneliat w ;:ar, ii lto it halt' a p~oun d ti o latgarIl mi'x tem tieg( et'er-pm three spoonfotilgfi n alli p iia'] 3 ye: imao a large vessel, tipon whlich I'lt I the aove in grtedients, :mdta theiy iiI s .n tfomgnt viat blnly. Caollee't thea y'edat oi' Icp. awal put ii into at sttaill necka pot, acovert it tnp fromtt the aiir, andc ptlac'a it iln a airyvaa and wa rmtih ptlta'e; whe used a'ia in parit re liace w ithI bt aior mnade'. intao at thi itpaste, tawl stlgair in the fornr t o ortlion 1). I t.awV I th isa ut l'ftr it htual been' ivye moth mtad~ae Na yeast i-s . nece'ssary eepa the lirst timeal. P'ocahcontus..-As atn hatnet lliernin was paussinig a streect ataeiton in tais a'it v, lie paisedi a momttentt tat witnaess Itae spcori, 'Ging, gotiing!'exclIaimtedl t hae aeionteer. whoia healdi a ook int iis htandl, 'taitng att a cci shailtgs!-i wo tad I hreae pence~-t wa anda six pencee!-two' iad tnne petnce!-r' rei aid three!-goinig ! goiang' wnne. It is your's, Sir.' '.M1ian, Sir.' replied thle Irilamani, wi th ttnall'eale ,nirprise-'wcihat is it!' 'Pocahonas. Sir. at thtree an~i ihiree.' 'Not. no, tmy hontey, youa doii't pokeit-onto-us,' zeplied Pat, and went off, Punctitaiity, amonk mechanics, is a grent desiderjuma. Show us a cimechamice we'ho wili get our work .lotn hv ileintie sic'Cifiel, and we will ch'rish him as the aplie ofo ireye, Blut to the ie.0mehanic, who umtues us eiI twice, (11 e aelct sickne.s exicpwed.) we bi-I aren cc --,> long far1ewelli"-le is nt11 Il.h 111 n tr i tier m noi ey. The mnevrihittnic gaitns nth ing y I mlke promisit;es except a hnd nIile. In o1rder tie grapli at ill he work in hlie- nci libhorlod many it itlmi it promise, wheni he knows it it no' inl his po1"w er to perfbrm. Whni is smli a mino t a liar. 'c sav n hin111-z of tle vice of iyinm. th. whicI tihere is notihing more lIow and contemptible. thle mIieclhanic inl tie eno ge't5 far less work h*v hise promises. Iiai Iie wouild by a siriel alherence ito tlie truth - ne in a minehnieYrit,' is ite son\ or huusimne%-, tie fimmatim of prosp;eritv, and time senrity ol a good reputation. Good Marins -Keep ip voter spirits lv ihohimts. Enjoy the pleasmnt conn inrv or yiir h.sm frientidi.s, blt inl all eijovnients he Semperatc. Learit the nrt. te ple lorererred, biefor c all thers.mof beingli happv whien -d one. whic h1 co'isiss in le ee'ior rem'ient of hopm's -iti in riionil pursis,. in lenili sin inis. triouis. liie, nnt in having consItanSI tlv befIore youi, sonte. object or nihnimenmt. In vonr converse n i I the worldhe ever earfum for thie siike of isme to spe:ik ill oif no oem, if) tremt yonie ktimwvi eiietmy n% ith eivility. sii sitit your cars hgsnn-,t evil reports of all kinds. Thing's I hare nier seen.-I have eimr been sehml ird tin , im all cimy life.-I livec niever ,een old minadi ecdiy poe toi mmnatrimnony.--I have ieverm een prettv 1irl thaIt di I limt liow it-l have e ive'r s41en11 at Iian yer r. lse ;m Ice on aeconni rmf his cilcitIs povermy.-l have lever seei a wo imist i h1t' w.1.s t411n--n1 4 iedl. I have never wen rich mnon prefeir narriti pIor girls. I I n t e 4-'eii ti Cle h.14ly Itst I hed wriiicll t ot1 pill it) lighlen her coetis. I haiie never seen I wonan die with the lovk-jaw. German Pronunciation.-T he Gorma n pronunlei'nm orfithe Eti...lish -rn. .Nlunly Gerim:n., i, is well knomwn IIv all who are 1'cnvec'-aMs with I Ieir lirnem iniitini. sliti tlme thn. 'iiuld IIlId lor that if' th. A gei ienmismn Cro:i Leipcsui heing nm hil flow old I. was, r.-plied he wa dirty; (:hI)--ind whi-ii s 1ked ii- a gIe of' ik n% ite, lie nlus% ed, he was dirty-two, (.;2.) An Iri--linancomparie his watch iv St Patl's, snd Imr,-tiig im am tit eit' In lte.ws asked what ie' lsiiheel at. lie rep1clied 'anmd how uimmi 1 hm.hlp it! e here is imiy liiih wats hi, that was Inehe ly Iscchv O'b"iter ty (1n1 Or' o iufait ,i . ;nd i"hich' es-t , e! illc. 1; five e n1inens, Ils be'a voer lie Iiinidon chick there ci huir und a quarter bile yCeS terday nmorinog.' G nuine Irish 11n /.-T he porter or sI Uinbhiin grcer was bronght tip liv his imiam ter til .i charti'ge ofl-tealinug 'lcoc'olaite. whieb lie tolid tiit fitenv. Upoin lin'jml-r asked 14i whimti he sh li it. m l' pride cl' P"i!trick wa-s;. gre:it% n iitIcnc'ld. 'Thoe" %% h.ii did I soll il' 5iv' Pat. 'wly, doe le tIhink I took it to sell 1' 'Then, sir,' says the iagitrae. Is ir-lhi p. lor per-istin - inl his insil injg suspicion,: 'Isiee you matm kuow,' said ie, Ve Made lea uf'it!' lI 1114b COut e1fOr'diuzaary. E EG Vs i P:. 1. 1),is 11:p Siliconl J. .:a ! i aiiii %%it;-, A pp1i c:i:t-. vs dialm ni ctidgcrs and :i. 1,. 111e, aits. * T' app:taing to sm.i 5:. istetmm ib:n It, b iH ccd W f es,.*iei ..eod'-e. .m ciy .o-lp-rs ni tsiec .ndieis . dIwanii Whi.te ande Smusamhis n'. .hnmm Nicacils .nitt .Salai ..is n iii'. Wmii. I) sierc andu bzahtlc h~ im wife. 'cl in. tuitd -V iv :.d itm. iney) his w.ith. del; n :c t- in the absicc m' sttci ca-c'. residec wcithoutt thme licinit- col ths ttec. iti- ther - (ore rd redl t. at ih. y'te stapp. i ci cclh et ico ii o d.y is ott cr-aie ofl thi is;m el tc: .,it J. .,nilser,.s.e ese.is cr I etos e t!.m si t:.: mc 4 et i.. .st.or tuwh cose :5. ini mth s:innet n ii I e em ' t-el if iC'rord. it ntim'er iny hanid a. t' cy lise'. tii 7thc Au Atn.ust 7 6t 2; .lohnt 'Illnrner anud w ith I.lizathl. \p, ic'tnts e .'. ibth sascundcere, ct si. il'~ iefs tn:s. % T apeailn. tic miy saltcini ihi:i. Cthed Ssiss...iis S.iiie sgeel' tm miitih'.thi.e scud I cily isis 4h itemt .aliiii 11cc ii.. % ;il,; .N;iIj ist ill. - ofl ih. S:tate. i: is thmritetii ci.. mai luat .es dec n . earm utal cob c'ri .cc it. eda isioci orc sisdeci le. reaml escsI fcloh .eic : un. l rlt ii- l cesedt. cli or huetirce i hc :h "t dli ccy of I h-tcsh i nlc.'t, cir mthc.. cci-ii iii :h 151 $ nie will bte enltel lit retecni (ae ie underc ciiy hani i. at maiy Osice, tis Icih .5ny of Angtaicsi la . I). TOW~e Li:S, u. r.. mc. IIn 1t4m Couurt ol- (ordinamry. 'n i 's GE il-.1| )~'isc mus :T cJ -tc, eait ng iio iiny ':sali'iiiion that ('nil- n Whe iie:cer, hI es c: ice dlieiendh. S ini ihc atou. c stted'c cincs. i e~sidi witho~eut lice inu it- cilit. iit'. it is thicrclo ch mlen thal.lt Ihle appear' .aitti os. jct' ci tihe div' sicic er -.ec ccf tic resal e'sii ocf 4ic'n .., Wheeler, . i ra.is-edl. cin bieftort thte 1st dasi cit Ociber i .xi. or tue c i.e'iset tic time samc willihe e'ltet'.c 4o4f ii (ci:d. 4 iveit motter mi hanid at5 my1 OUi'ce, tis i iih .\ngmi-t. I o. TO~ W u.S, cc V. I). Aug e;. JlN h -. WadecicI li sll. vs. Bil/Jr l'or tiogf .lCSI2 ii .h i Ilcd- Iun, ei al llui'stun's I sucr. T 1 appec.trin-. tic my satismeticon tha liihim Iilstnac Ste' ,in- i h. -tcan. liiir I.n iots lic. luikm.smi -5a4n's ilci andclism inis tonl, l:cajid ii. W'cillianms andu .JIamry i il. . so1m- c'i te dlnt. dat' ini :hi. s:' me'sidhc ini parlte withoiaut the limtitsc oft ih.. Sime. euc mcciin by~ Wardi 5lw c\ Wa'srdiamn4 . Simc' ciis fort ccm micnantt. I tanh-crc'd. thatc thce sacid cdefendtlcsli doi sc5pcar ic this Ilion cimabhle Coumrismc nd scd, an-1.a ser cci emril cc the bcil im this casuie withmii thruee mioiths cccim Ste putb c o catt ot this Orderi', cor thec bill ihc staken pro)1 C'ceso agaliinst ticema. C'oimn''s Oflice, ,isly 25, 18':ts ne li tlit 14 1) litstil *li icyEi'i' li e al. -E gem, it cream coulorced I lorse, suppoiccseds tcc lbe foimr years old, miom geldedc~e. \e iptra i-,cc ut $-"0. IIA RI}Y WhITE, J 1P. .tLOn ti, 183n .. 27 Public Notice..-' To the lIonorable ihe &,enuturs eia' Men, 11ouse ofllepreasentatives of tse I State f S Carolina. 'I i. isnmble - petitiou or Jasnes i Iis assciates i esidsig in AnigusaZ is, rspesictSiit se w a ntasa ., ur f lopaq l 1..a siudaler a cilarer Irilim Me -t.ate of t4A, saey have comnitisacod fie "rection of i. 'aidia oves lt Savains.slh sl ivel st a pOiP toppoi, btl - pp. r part sl theso city of A ustisa, nd n i one .ie atbove the town sl llaiinbrur insou irs liiiua. that within ten mies of the sha. ju -M'lel toied. are rhe Ferry of W. Gurr t, i:s .b se ait Casm hilsoun is; she Ursidp-s ofthle Bank osr gia. ansad Iahe . snd slur Ferry b, Inw y sti tioneris respes'rtlidly shew im your H ble holes. that the erection sFlthe amid Brid bie maided It% the puitblic coniven5ienceoh elaz'lt e po salf biloth the Stia-ea ciii'oonth Carlitlig and Georgia; tast it will shosrteni and improve iii point o'rad< lie great SouthViesern ron'e ich p-asses throigh Aiginse, as wMI Will Pro aslyt nefit 1the ciiizens o lhe ni ippier D isir c 'o Sof' $01 itro lina in allsrdin them a s more direct eossio.av. adddiasnal mariket lIr heir prsoduce. Wheaefore thsy pray your lioioralh v bolies i eranihem a (harter los flte elce-ion f said BIridge within lateparisletioi 4,f the -State of .Son-h Caiolin. upo. the nisaal aers iand thei- wil e'verprag &c. J 0M1'18 II. IthiR, . W M31. ii.\ARP It. ...q" , J. It. MIlUURN. JON. MEWGS, and Assiates. Tu. Pulic areherehy oifif'edthat itis-Itend ael Top -r-snt hi T10.\t S POONS. ."Lu5A5 ao.-s. asaura Ilani... CAs rOn A'ti Caut I5.uax rs. Casi.s rcss. S a .r Sroos's, shc. slUP -RliOR CU (T'JLERY. A ti,.e' asssoimenut ot' Ionias'. lssa~o-r-r'as an .1S/l .%s I.SSOllX; salsso a uisa asaorment o IB)"W Il. KN l'I F.usad lilth.s. .lIiN lI. MURPHIY. N. 11. Ctiociss sandi W., renas carefully re pa'il. m5 a i aIcrrantedI toerh asi m weli. \na.:sata. 5 .a. .5 arseb 2, s. 1:5 t' 9 iNI(XE L ITLF lli'hth Wis'lli:nss 'sn. v-s. Illl/for Par .latai'a as I i an:- :aaiid tle y. iis TI 'lpp eim is taa my sahcs 5insa Jameira Lios. iims Oat a he lI'i-ndanit is thisa cause res'idls beav'onid theo hmsitsaof thi tat sa, ona maotion I 'a' ambalish. (Compslaiinam'ss Sislaiitor, O rderedl tha they o'v't apar saail p5 ead. saser ir demunsr, 4 5a saoves- :aiaa'a 1:111. wyaijthins're monthia l'rotr hei da'a of thes hsah:iao hseri'of. oar thess said bil will, sas agamsst lthaass hea to:.n pros confesst. -. 1- t Itl. c. c.,. p. (''ommss'rat Oflice.a 'al y-. 1'538 ac 16 Tfo~ all3 w~isoiu it snsy Comucer'n. J ~ OTlICEl* iss hserebly gliven, ihat the sub i. s'g cr.r w iisth lthers, ill peliion the Ii~'cgistauresof tis Sitats', sat 'sits nextt Rsion, liar 'a ChIarter oaf's ) 'iilge across 8ahudsi lii'sver, nen Ch~a p'll's Fe'irry. ANDi&LEW L. LARK(. Mn y 17. IS:R. ... 15e Mre New Goods, UST received by NILIotILson & PaYs QFLBT tho ro'llow1 ing articles, which in aid dition to their former stock, they now have on hand a genieral assortnient ' seasonale G'1ODS).-to Which they invite fihe attenl tion of their entstoners. A good nmormin III' Gad ent's. and Ladies' line shoes. Boy's and Ali,e'Ws do do ' Gent', line P psi1104. Ladies' suior i id Slippers. Several enses Haick and White stnner lars, the latest & 11101 fitslionaJble Style. Georgi a Nankins. Black Thibbet ail Sumer Claoths. Also. n gad nl4ortennt irown Linens, )rillings and Vestiner4-which ; hey Cnl have amade up in good style at the shor esit notice. Also, a good stipply superior fancy Prints. French Muslins. Camnbrica and Printed Lawns. Ladi-s' fiiry Ilandkerchiefs. New style Nislin worked collars, Moti-unin-: print-a. Ginulhams anad M uslin. Black Gros de 8n ins Silks. Ladies superior lack caIlored & white Kid Gloves. to Black and White Engli'lh Silk Gloves do do Lace Silk di hilnek White and co lired Lace Silk do Black and white Thule lor veils. A good .asortment Botnet, Cap, unit Belt Ribbons. Feather ltans. Lalies' line plain Straw Boincis. Misses' dip In ndlditioin to the above named goods they have many oather nrti-cles oo tedions tim enuni'ernte, n hieh they will sall on ae commoldat in teran. I I8 F~adaefie-ld. .1anne 5th. New %*p1r3iang siand Suuuaaner f L 0 T10.T G, TF have jiust received -a beautiliI assmrt' WV unat of GOO Dt)lS for Geaatleieni'sa Smi tuer Coats, Pantaloons and Vests which they arc p epared to liave natle up in the iinst FA'S iI t I N \ BLE S'Y .E, and114 on ri-asonal'e te'rns. Also. a general assortaneit Ready M11ade1 CLoTn INC. isuited to the season. AI.S. IATS. SIR10. .INI} ROOTS. 1200 Pair of Shoes and loo L-14-1nab acing, -very style and variety have in-t been reiceived by the Suiscribers, which togpether with their thraner Stock. nmke a seneral and complete assortment 401aeldomi found in the country. Also. a landsnine assortim'tit of FA SllO()NA 81 it \TIS. aiited to 4he seas'n. T'o whicvi thtey invite the attenition of their eitnomrs. G. L.. & E. PLNN & Co. Edgefield. Marcha 14. i'4 f 6 New Sprinau aild 3n1t1eine' !t G 0 0 SP S. r IIE Suhlaeribers respiecifully inform their enstomers aond thc ibliek genier ally.that they have 'inst receivrd a large sti ply olchoice eInllish French sadi Aanerican goonds einbracine everv variety of aple aaind aicy gools, suited to tle Spring and Sum mertraade. Also sI In rge suptpI ly ,f Groceries, Crockery. SaddlIs, Huts, Shens and Boots, all of which they will sell on the mnost rea sonallc terms. for cash, or oil credit to .ptnctual enlstrners. . -Thosewho wish to-get good bargains will deCell to give than a e.ll. G. L. & ". PENN.& Co. Edeefield, March 14, 1838 tf ( School and Miweellancon "BOOKS. 1 1 E Subscribers have on hand a en .erl --uortaoent or School and Miseri. huneous Books, ainmgst which are Saainir' Arithietic, Saith's Geogra lily and \tl - anid Sniithl's Gri'a immair, whie'li area hiab. appove olfu1nil raecaoannwndedli bay lie ha. teneihiers. G. L. & 1E PF.NN. & to. Edgefi'lad. \l;lah 14, 1 -:L. tI' 6 C O01.4) .N F.. ini small batte--. .i-sorted sizes. lier;atitsirae - irract. a 'forida Water, Ess. C :anaamon, 4 tal of (:loves, lesar's 4 il. Kaephmalia. N. Sanithi P'rena s' Saponaious Cot.; fpounad F.ine Sa ps$. Na - e4 '011n pioundi Sha a ig Sap, & c. Just receiced ne;d ir isale by) NICIIOLSON & PaREf.. April 12. tf 10t Iooks and1( Statliouuary. .Il 1'1l' - i \rithenetiac. G-i:m aay atnd Atla ?11and G ranlanarand tial goo saaa tmen~tiit n. Schl' tad 31isceflanieiats lBoaoks. alsao Le;tter anid Fo -a-ap Pa4per. Inkat. a .ills. Slattesa. A c. A c. Just received ianda iar s.ale by NICIIuLSON & PRF.SIly April20 tr12 DhtUG'S, 0IL%, . e 'it-E .anh.--erier resernuna Iinvue i alahe at. Ptentioan of'l aerch antii. P~innite'rs. Phys bliians land iuihers So 14heir hun:gr Stoick of F Ra H V E DICINE!S, O'ilsr of' all kinads, P'aintIs, D),;e Stuffs, l'indlon Cba.s, Iishes, har. &c. .1a- r ruiln .:o rons IN II A 31 BUIIU A ND .\IUTUST A. Theaair suppat ly is hieavy, theiair a.,sortienit g oaad, tat1 thaeir alrticleas fres/h. Dealing entihrelyI with the' 3laanufactutaer's aor oristinal lmporte'rs. lihey) can4 se'll their- dsiaa as loaw as ani. hoauase- in. thae Sothrna Counaitry. 1' Pleas~e call and e axamainea. Our Store ini Hambiiutrg is naext to II. L. Jser Funs & Cia's. Kim A ugausia, olapaosita to) [l-. i.a.' -air 8-rovai.a.'s Wasre aioses. KIT'l.IN & RODIElUTSON. F. M1. Roar:n-rsaas. MU. U. Dcetinhea 4, 1-.37 4 Colic Mlixturme. T H E~ aihove as a naever finlinag resneadt fir that varniety aaf colic, sa adistressiana to' Inilanats, and~a f'o which the moiist inijinias ?aayn~e sub.f stantc-'- armelia toc'oammoaly .-e. It a-a'safie anal soomthinig, andai instada of parodnig costi'.eniess. it nyaaatlly iopearates gently aan thme haowels. Thits r-emed) has niow baeena uisedih ar sev'eratl yeaars. with flhat succ-a and apa'robatio, whiach agiack4 mnedicii nside taa sell. caanot cenmmandic. It is aeesively uisedl by thea be'st phyi)sicianrs in) the onnaoay, anal to usa' thae Isananrage oaf manyi a tmo' her acts ais a charm. 'hule it alIavi' 'the psain and al ls the chaildl o ri-st. it dloes. tnt lavea behaid it thosie ianpleasant syamptims. wi h aduca .\mpic adit. etions ;acompanya *acds i-id; anda rce tiilcaites of' ilts elliciacy (iif regaIire-d) cat; be produceed from~ti thoa mlos~t re-spectsiable citizens of Carolia aind Gecorgia. For sale hby KITi'lF.N & ROBltlTSi)N~Iambuarg, IhDW W F. B. Auderson C II. WVM. I IA CI(1.TT. Pruadrtn C. II. D. it . J. MliM lS, Edgefeld C. II. Feb. 5183% ,r 1 BLOCK' INANP-*P N - Bi ELEJNT E . a i tar 1i E Sneereiber hat on hand -I v.v iirpe . supply oif rendv inindc TIN WAlIt E Sunl deveripttin. v hieh he offers at whole il# or retail. it ai low prices as enni ie nf- i >rdled in tist part of tha'euountry'. lie has Ii' ao a lirae siplv or the niewet r-hion of C. A.PAN WA R V.,ito-ether with English and ti nIock Till W;trt of* exctellent imlitv. Aso (if "oppier and Sheet Iron W..re-Sheatiig all id] Ilrazine~ Colppr,-Iliock Iini. .Atovo 'ti] 'peller. and Tin Plate-aIl of whichl he of- tI ers for sale low for csh. -it No 168 Brad l treer. Atzns an. B. F. CII E W. The slisriier beitig truly thank ful for. he very lileral piatronage heretofore he i towed upon him h-v hi- Irietiis and tiei. ads. if ie generily, rcspect rilly solicit'a a contin- " inee (if t'uheir favor -;and ilers his servi- I 'S inl either if the tietllwim in bra t-hles f ii, iuitiess-Copper 'T'ia, Sheet Iron, and i t p Ifin,_ B. F. C' h Augusta, Ga., 31arch 5 If5 " Soutila 4 al'tlitl. EDGEFIELD DIlSTRICT. IN T,41.' COM10 PlOA-. Johii IVon, vs A-r-rrcAuit M ENT, W liani Colsk. I Assutiser. I ' Il I laint tifin thiscase having oin the :--th day of Ileeriwitt'r, U437, filed his deca4lara- It ion1 in the Cle k's itlice, land the Ueenanaht C lnving tno Vfi- or Attorney, known to he inl this h ;tate. 111(111 whoili a copy of the said declar:tion . Iay be served : Tieretfore ordered. that the said i lefetndant doi a ppear and make his defeinre wi; ti iyear antId daiy him thae iig ofthe sal, decla .ation. fir inil aid abso tite indeinent wil be orthwth awardeo tt tIe said Plaminti. (i; 1 0 G C P4 ir. cE. C. . P Clerk's Office. liecember 15, 183; 15 th* State .i'* ,oul It a 1li a EDlInEFIEL.1 DISTR ICT1. IN 'sq CoR ( I0N PLE.IS. m. Il liratitoi, vs. J-.um 3. Frazie-r. \TTAcustNr. i E Plantill havmng this dhay filed his declara I oin in the above cast., and tile I )aelialanil iein without wii. .r :attorney.known tohe with.n he Sitae. ntpon w1o01n a copy oh said declatati,a. ,vith a rule to plead. ronid he sevet: It is I or her- d. thut t-ie s:mid I )et. dan. do plead to ih iaid deca, atit. within At year atnda i day, from Imis date or indginent final' anld .sollte will be iv.en against hiiu. GEO. POP E, C. C. F Novenmber 21. 137 and 42 ' 4I1le ofI' Smitl (;'.airli a. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN TiHE COMMUN IPLEAS. Da%id lLta tvs ATTACHs.VST, Williaan0 Draum1. ASSUMPSIT. V HE Plaititi'in this case having this d:in fil'd lis d-w !:r:ttionI in th, I lerk',4 Ot!lc' a. d the Defienda, haIvitng no Wife or Atoi e know to he in this state, Itupon wmon a cop. Al a the said decilaration asty biet s-rved: Thiee ''ore ordered, thai teit said de'hialant do a ptita mti imake hi: defence withit a year and j a da roin he filliig at1' tIe Said de4acla'ration. or finl at ibstite tacit will be torthwith awn, .1 a to the sail P;ahl tilY. 14 )IGE POPF. c. c. p. ierk's Oflice, Edgetield, May 14,13 15j. I I iati Chiaiiberlin. .-lta'hruet in 'Assuwt. Survi r. v. Tiro .he-au~ .lt'hn A. 'a nut . 5;:153:;.aj e.. 31 1h1 .iintitf ha ingt this ay hilaed lis der~ II tarationt in this acasa. ini the h/rr/,'s Offin nii thta ,ail .lihn ~ Aaa Ynn' having n wife air -ourney. I-ntowni ta tbe ina this pirov.'ine, npotan v tlt a inpy ofi atE hea'said ad.-elartati iwith a wet~ialon do tii h e al' ;Uoiar' endatar-theta.rtin. ant a.erved:a~t It is tiwrem cro O)rderal that thea "aid t'ohn itiionn ala itapear itad inatk his adefence't with a year anda a ayi' f'roma the linitg oh' thea said I -elar-aitioan. as afoar.saaidh. or titnal tand abisobtea 'ttdumentst wvill bet horthaw ith Iiven and awardt'd hjir a .. said plai:ail'. .JAS. WaA RDLAW, c. c. r. ('lcrl.'s0. cefl. Jan. 17. 1e38 dagq it IN TiltE (CO.\lMON PL.EAS. N. K. Hott.' a" Cot. vs. Altar g a'ent. .lihn 1. M..araha. A'ssumrp.4it. rI 'iII laiintihs hiavitig this day tiled their delcclaratt it. iandt the ltifenlanit htavinat neaithear w.'ili- nior attttrey . kntown ato balt itn thii $taie. atrdetrdtal.it it' i he siad De'teiati ado ttat appeat'zr a itt miake hais ideflen~e .'.withajin a var zanda a day fraoml this adati. tnual tatta abhteii jtnadutta'it shall be fothnI,. ithi givenI zaid aardedah~a .1AM1 ES WAlIUILAW. c. c. e'. (iaerk's O'lice. t ter. 4. 18"17 aq .5 TU hi E Notes anda A ccoaunats ofi Dr. .Iaes -E niazn adeern;sea..li hvie bieen leftt iihL .ilr. 11. I. .li're, an llaitmug. .\ll pn r sonlS itatebted tat lIr). Spannr are regniesaed to eall anal pany M r..iefers, w..ho jq nthorizead to reecivae thea money.' a nad thaisa' having ademiandal againost thle Es~tae w..ill plea:se re'n uder tha'im tat him. E.~ P A N N M'iarcht 2(i, 183S ti' S A dma'iri.r. i% o t i ce. 45 Ma I "T l' S Girnnonaaar, (ra'ozzraphay ~am w.ithI a 'ity r of othlir Scua~ioor Boains, mayt, be. foundia at sthe Stoire of - C. A. DO\\' D). iIMaeb 7. 18383 ff5> .I-oice. T I 8,ubsc'ribeir'. wi'll give a libieralI prai haor ilEE''SWaAN, ThA~A V,W tad FE~:A'llIllR S. KITlll-'.N & ROBERTSON. lIainhurtg, M ;rchl 3, 1838 'C ;5 Uliutorical ('ollctaionsa of Mh. ('arolitnn. flV 11. RI. C AIa1|OL1,. IS \11 'a rk is now ready foir dehiv.er. to Rtil Hiaueara tat the Ntore ol' (7 .. DenCd, in this pilace. .\ fliw a'xuacopia's for atle. November, 1'8:7 .e' 3, PR0CLAIVIA i IOIN. STAT-'OF SOUTIL CAROLINA. EXECU D V i EPAtI ENr. CotstaIA. tih June, IM. 11H8s Excellemjs PIERCUE M. IUT L I', Lsg. floet rnor ur./ Com mander in %.hief in and over the State ajoiisud. 'I E' LAS on the 24th of* October, 8-it, a l'roclasaation %%as issued ly is Delpart.. etm, olli-ring at re ard of $200 Athe appreiensiotu iildeliver ofJ A( UK, ttgro nan slave, tile property of George eAlblly. elirged n% ith tli. aarder ol Wal. N.-E, anmid n's hiI said Jack has escaped (1 fledl iroin justice Atad k hereas at was made known to this p1artstataa a, by letter ftr41ns ifis Exceliclley r Guvernoor of Kentucky. dated 7th of .Irt'h, lo:d, that the said negro Jack, So1 sIX ns (ks previous to site date of said hter, had been apprelheided, and was then nili t I ilat jasl at Frankfort, as a Ingi re tronis justcet, tiln Iecoant of said Itur r. aunl as such would Ile delivered it) any .et clothed with a proper dcand Irnm is 1iepari sent : A ta whereas, itn conse titnce at the aifiresaid inortiaton from is Excellenacy tht- Gteovernor et Kenucky, dealiiat. It tui and m11 lei a tar, was mnade, -aring date tie 7th ti April ltast. recuir a ite Git vernor of' K eatnicky it sa render lv bodlti o the tsaid Jack te tie agent therc ated, to [he end that lie sight be -oight t his Stat a ti rieid liar tite said -insat* : Ashd wheres it appears that helbre e arival of the agenst Crumn ahis State in t'eituckyv, 'it the det-10atid aloresaid, a at vailhg his unent tHASCOCK appeared i tle jail in Fraiktort. Kentecky, with a anerit at nioritev frin (corge MleAlilly, Ite owner otf aid Jack, and denitanded im eama. tle jailor as at runaway -lave of said ie Alill 1. it) n% hoe the said jailor deliver Ii him Atail Ilit thes aid laneek, ass a 'sat of said lcAlilly. afterwads sold said egro Jac it) it Mr. MAuady, residine in Iwin entaty, lettu cky, who again ,old - i. attd rtlnsel tt ainfertas tite agent of lhis tale to % hat soi-, i n here he was carried: Lall it is fiarther stased tI li iepartmsent VIt tite negro's inre, ol the last sale, was bl;taed fro Ack lti Bun. Na IW KNOW Ya ., That tt lie intent ait justice samy bte donle. nnd the s-lid Jaek, is aires, aid abettors brouigh to condign - aaishineat for til- erioe afbresnid. I do ee's ofiler a ren% ard t E I(lT IIUN )R 1)I O I lAf t. in ailition to tlte re :.ar.a olered in my ormer proclanatatirn, aled '241t October, 18:37, lor thelapprehen iou atd deliver- ofahe negro J'tck into any nIl withina thi- State: and hallha aIaanonut. er ,titeh inlormination againt.t any person or "risans who have bseit guiity oif harboring, bi112, or as-i,ting tile 'said Jack, as will tes 5 csa s i ota ama a fiatrteatf Jus~ ticte. And it i- further proclaiiaed and made mown. that tie itforttiantm. tt his appear it anl givinit_ evidence on tie trial of -tach wr'son orm person-icharged n% ith the criane of mat orisg, .tAing, or itint time said Jack s) escape frotninstuse. siaill renain free of asl discharued fi't asy prosetntint or t-gal proucettin against luniself, for tat on receeaaaa oif any natter tr thitig ite nsay ave done itt 'elattionl to tile escape of said ack. I) testimony whereof I haRve hreuto .,et etny hand Catced thite( aeal of the State ti, bie allixed,1 this 41h dlay of Jie. A. 1). VX38. . MA BUT E i R. P. II. SA.\ON, Secretary of Stato. .iusn 1.1 r 19 T TIt sal' a4%L i ll M 'I 1l.l A. EX a'.CUTIV Ill.A itT \sI Ll'.T, / h is E.r c l/ene: / 'l~ 1Kitt .5I. l;UT '.E it, I-.sati.. ft'orenr uinS l nmanrier in-*chief inl nd over btheIt .' tte afrtscaidl. 1, 111E . A a inafor st anata htas been re eeraveda ba' thisas d'eatrsetni thiat a nti-t statn-n- murdtaeri wssais conasiined in it.- aist rictu ofl (rangeogtI~ casn the 6th daiay a. 3tsy ltst. aintaa shasrk, (tnat hie boady of'Josata I oa Nrr,. while Icitt in bs~ly theo hre ina is at i oste, n' hat w ath a ndt's th lere shot ltean lay aseneaperson as yet unrknow'sn NO\\ K{NORa ViK, Th'at tio a:he intenat htat justice naty bte ccine, anad ithat the. pter a' trater cal' lais hosrr'id erimtae may) a b e ought te le'gal loshmenla t : I tde herehv' cal'er a ~ens ardi oaf'W T\ ) IIUNIm ft1-'. 1) OL LA ItS tanya~ ptersonai 'atr~ peron o will give an 'ariama at agi:aiat tt' pe'rpatrator itf t''asid tturter. sa that a the ctt'emb-r'. is' atidetr', atnd tlhetitors may at'- applreatendeds atade suif'er athe aennhli' ofth a faI, iiir ase said c'rimei. ~ Am it is hetr'ehv ln'sa p t'traelneie anmd ace knotwnat thtat the smlorisn.ti fmin ift weaii antd g ivsing ev'iden'ace tan tte trisal of' lit 'csiati t'rdererr hais nidelcrs, 'a td ab!et tars, hitall standac free andai dlischaraged sat andac froms saty pr taten itt' Ir g-d lt' proceedinets t !Ztinst I 'aitause'l, fora ear can aecou atnt' af the satid matur .senI oal the' Stttat reaCsanm P. aM. BuT LER. B'y or der. t hi. Sa.'sa. Scretar'y of State .1i.n' I-i f19 S R \ N V.\AY l'taaoml th lubcr'i her *iam ' sheighartat tat. 5h of . fJ Ii. bat r last. t'rom itty lace' twsso m ateih t 'tat I lstambaurgz. $. ( '. a negro mataati natun Iu. N. saout toraty tavoc ye' - ralthi. l'i's leet six itncheis hti'gh. IIThe abaove rewarssd I will payv for dihveingtt. hsims to tme, oar puattoag haimt n at t i otat I ':it eet huntt. Ilambuatrg. Altase ch . 1s37 t f .)'O' TU E. LL~ Pesn iutd to c the late Cht+ * tian asBraeithaatt, deceasted, arse re'c..st :dI tto take I'tiueatet ptaymtttt. Antd If >er'sonas hat'inag di'sataats aigam sst te est to >' scaid tdec'esd tare reg ie(stedt to paresc t hemt daiv attie. .ihl N BAI:SkLmTT, Era'or. Pc4b. 2 5. 3--f 'jY' liOI'Si attac l.(t'i. itt thae 1'ilinge of' . -d;: t iets. at pon trms to sniot a purtschase'r. at smay tasnr a pply to C'o1. Ia at-lawit. .IA31ES JONES. A pril 1' i1' It