Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, December 09, 1876, Image 1

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iTilK HOKll Y NKWS, M'W 1M1VT) Kvci'V Saturday Muritsii'?. T W. BSATY, Editor. ^ ii;ac>as: Six Months, $1.00 All coinmunfcHlliuts tcudiimt ?? H?'i v< pi'ivuli' liil<-i'( s(. \v i II In* cliiirtfcil Ivir u* 1 ftiivviilKt'ini'iiiN, A .V.am?i?;i^wuwnv.i.. Ju.irj??cnn30.Tii?r.r?T)r?5 Professional & Business Cards: l>. JOHN {ON. ,|. M. JO UNISON 0. l?. l. ' ATTU :: M h tnujjon? o' -7,ii? mtj r; a ft 11j\a uuntwuito< ,?y?i i Ls.u'.".um ATTOUNKYS and T.'lllNsKLOKS AT LAW Conwayboro, S, C. "JOS. T. WALSH, Attorney at Law and SOLICITOR IN KQU1TY, Will practice in the remits of Mannn, Horry and (Jeoi'j^eLown. ( )Hi u . I'I ) n w a v 1U) lit j . s. c No* 13, IS70-tf. rp ir. gilleseie, I Attorney and Conns oiler ;.t Ir.v H Will pi\f 1 . I : nit L i l< > alt ' I entrusted u> his . e. CONWAYIiOlIO, S. C. June, 2 1S71. rpoi'AK A- iiAK'r, H J Commission Merchants, FllONT srul.l: r, ;.r.\v v< int. Liberal advances iniulc on const; mucins IN aval Mon's, (.'oiton. iVe. Orders icgcivo Proinofc Attention. Uncxccptionubiu rclt ti mes given North ami J. n. Tai.AU ^ J. II. IIaut. ^ J J.\ WILIJ^MS, C. EN Kit AI j K I iC 11 A N HI Z E, MANUKACTUKElt OF NAVAL STOUES COMMISSION M1::i'J 11ANT. L 1?TlT* " A A ?t< 1 V iu*? M>' ?*??* ? liy~ Special attention given to the having t?u?J gelling o! 'l*o11 itiibeu * If I'LL CiiLKK, S. C. ?). <\ HOOZlOIt edmonstI brown, Sviiol.tv.M.r Mc.vl mi: IN" MEN ANI> HOYS' SCats, Caps A: Straw X-ndics Missw and Children's Hats, No. 41 JI a vn u St. Opposite Charleston Hotel. $30,511,638.60. : Liverpool & Ion Ion & Globei In: uranee Oo. Total Assets $30,511,030.60 j ,J. M. JOHNSON, Marion, ti. C. iC. V. QliAT IXTHAl'M, UmtWiiybuio, #S. C. - 1VV It-u'i ^ I I I Columbia Register, I 'Daily, Tr I-"Weekly and Weekly. | T3B ovtlt DEMO:SAT:C ?Ars?v! AT S is CAPITOL. j TERMS, IN ADVANCE: Daily, six months f t 50 i '1 lil W'EJiUI.Y, .MX ni.ililliS I f)U I AYK.Jb.feLV, .S|X|lliulillib. . J Oj j i CHEA TEST !2og3c and Job Printing OfSco is tii)c sj.i i j-.. >(??" Art<lrc*? afl eJinintinieaiions, oJ what- ; OVt;r cl.JUact P, to IMauai^i Hog^lcr Coni[:any,' '? LUL UMliJA, .s. i. juny l.i-lf. 1 ROOFING! FSm'^TEE** Wtt FEAT j " HOOFS. . ' | QCAi.rff lMPT!mT?T>. riacn . i i *i.i I* iiiij i , i IN' HOI IB KUADY FOR AIM PICAYfON. C?'frt Ra Apfilic^ by ordinary tvovlimcn. 'I'won ty.yf-.i>s' <'N |i? 1 n'nCt < ii.iRRm uf- f > i . ; :f;.< f; : A thp ihQ&IMim i?R}c lCo;t?lV lionlir kito'ifj. t" ^ami I js awl. Circulars Mulled liIAIJY \10CO. N. V., i-' . .. < ' ! Qoiutlnnrit St., T 0(t l-l-l yr? ^ Kow^VoiIc ' T-TOT 0 $ \a B -A. _JL_ \ r J, VOL.8. CON'WA MATTZ33 IN COLUMBIA. inr: i.a\\it i. i r.Kisi. v i i iii: kxti:k tub 11.111. In a Legislatures siding in the same Hall. Our latest news in our last is. j sue was 1.11:il Loth Luilies ektitninn to he i he 11 ntse ?11 Hi pivsenl ;;l t vi-s wi re i *-iiiii?jjj together in ihe* Kepivseni.tti ve ( Hall. Tliu natural r.nnelesion was that some uielerstnniliiij* 11;i< 1 lieen laiiivi'il at, till* 1 lh.it tiny lia-l I uoinc* tngot her to adjust matters; stteli however was not the east', ami we nive In-low TlmisilayV iiroreodinon, as reporti-il in the foloinhin Hey! at r: A Wont. 10 o'eloi k, i he la w till House i o| 1 Ifpii-sentati\es ol the State ot ! South Carolina tileil ?mt ? ! the hall I ;iinl in u? hi il l>y lours ami eights to J lin* ?M:11? House. L (Mill reachlu?jf the door, the l wo hliie-eoati d sentinels mi I either side paved iheii 1 ? ;?tand I when the I huuoct at s applied for t< 1 | mission, l hey were permitted to puss J unmolested. The <)Cii(l'iriufiX fuel | V ntei.l 1 V ivei Veil a tie \t s? t < 11 i I is t i i|etion-, ami lunl tiolhtiio to snv about anyhoily ijoiti^ in the bnillinn who miL?!11 wear the appearance ol a civiL i ize-1 11iiman lieinn The law lul Legislature osi-cnded in a solid l?o?ly? .Mr. .lames L. Oit, ot Anderson, heitio in Hie lead. / ! t i* proper to remark tiolr. here that .Mr, I )rr li'ii 1 -aid, upon one neeasjon, that all hott eli a sot nil in an, he ! t i not want t?? hurt any body, h?tt iie thonoht tt likely lie won I I no in.) At the door Wi'lf a Depn'v United States .M tfilial ami "Slim .l int," the Assi-t aut Untied Si rooant-at Anns. As the ineinhers npproaeheij the door, t \ wel'e armed with thelf Ci'l'l I tleates ol election, rite ?hnif keepers, hard!v stt-pectino what was up, were completely tto?|. plnsseil. The iloor was opeinil to pass the lir.-l ineiuhct's at the head ol ! the. procession, an I a:? soon as they passed I lie t hresImM ol tin* poMmi-d li-tttple, tl.ev i 11rcW opon (In* doors, ami the whole I oinocratio bodt j iliaiehcl in. AM was done perfeellv I in order, no ui.seemly liasie In ino | I observable. They then look limit seals. Tlie whole business w as mam I am tl so pel feet ly that nobody eoiilieeI ted with the boons House had time to a-l. "\V hv thiiH's wete thu-l\ ?1' . V * M Mil ID! ; \ lit I1H !lin? IS IMS! ir | o..|a*<) jutliMil\ dumb 1 ntiiilt?), and 1 ! ili?* manner 111 v.hudi limy began 1?? j wall 111? ii* eyes around rivaled l!m imprt s -i >ii 111 <?i> t hi' minds ot 1 lie re : poller? thai l lie nin?|> l bought j < 1?I j ineul (lay had I'l'iut', siinl thai tin* I devd had broke loose 1II > I It sonic | I'U't' ? It Oil I just \S hole 11 ivy C O u S1111' t : It'll. Cenera! Wallace, the duly eleoit'd 1 Speaker ol 1 ht* la wliil Iwv??i>l.it uiv, j walked I)11 t ? tlic S|it-Ici i'o stand ami j took tin; chair. t \?1 o. 1 1 Shum, the Cb-rk, a'SM look his |???s: 1 i > >, while! liv Sergtiaat at. Arms r> m dnid al (Indoor witli iliv Si'i'gvanl-ai-Anns of the !' .111 it'H I l)t M I y. lil'UCllI [ lllM|?t Oil, ahoilt ti.is till)", ajij'io udied 1 In* door, and asked l ? I> .* permit 1 rit to enter, hul was reltl-ed *?\ ; he lindirul Sergeant it..Anna, Tlneaine \ cry m ar bringing about a row, jicrei iving which, General Hampton 1 declined to jiicMi the in liter, and \vt nt i a way. Almost immediately after thiseeuc, and belore anybody had limoj to take a second thought, Mat/key ; ami his Clerk, A, 0. Jones, wi h Untied States I.K toeli vc 11 ubbard and se\t in! t illers, v. ere Been to pass the door. General W.dbice milled the House t o order, and Muckey n.-cended the Speaker's stand. Mackey, trembling like an aspen leal with blanched lace, and jumping as il h?r breath, approached (Icncral Wallaeu and said: *'0eiie 1 a I Wallace, yon will please \ ileale l hi> chair." General Wallace remained seati d, ami vcplietl; 4*1 have been elected by a 1110J4?ril v ol ibe lloust) ot I It-present at i\es t>l South Carolina, and was duly sworn tn, in Ca ru I in a 11 all, on Tuesday, the JSl h ol I N"o\ e in tier in**', aiii. The constitution provide-, that the I.egi?d ,'ure sit 1! I meet in the it v ot Columbia, on ilm lourtli Tuesday in November. It makes no provision that the House shall ho ohjauized in litis hall, On ; Titesdny Its', a majority ol '.i" ineuihers of 1 lie I Ionst/ n| ]vcprc-eiilat i\e*, j it i 111 c'e'i fill cat cp o| election, Were rel'n-'cd aduii>-ion. They hen retired in Carolina Hall and prg.ndz <1, w ith a uieili'bhp.sldp ol sixty six, who, nevoid- 1 i 11 ?jf to the consul at ton, were tlnly swol'i, ill all ollieel's elected We are lierl' iii phi-ttauVe o! our rights uuift r > he c'ojiM it utiou ot tin? Slate td South Carolina. We do-ire to npiire-s t <? ; ij ;<m; to ny man of his fights tilt (liij- tl-'or VI e ]? hii"< tw rl.iim on- j l\ lh<- limits ifiiit Im'!oi;?x to us, ami i it.osc i'ijjlifs we :i 1 '11<I to I? ?\ * *' MAi'kVv tl'icn 'mijYI j "i < lnim 11ri> I | W 7s ( '(it.- 1 SjM'uWll' of i Ills IIdIIM- 1) V a ii-iTaj vj n< in in o| nifinlit ! ", legally -wont in. NVr <lo l|'?l Ii i i ijlli/.o lll tl . toy imIhT iliaii iliose si\"?rn in Im-iv on ; Toe nKy, :ift? numbers ol L;(u& I lorn5.*', HTiii thoSe'nien "who u?o v;*ou j, s S 'NU V, .. _\xx x ;Vn f iidor*c . i 1H!K< >. S. S \ TU tin* I::i11 without consent must kf< |i order. I innsi uir-iiu demand (li.it you, (m'I.i'I al \\ allaee, leave thin chair. " (1. iu r.il Wallace r? J?1 iI: l'I have already declared thai I am the loyally ch't'lOtl Speaker t?l lilt' llnUSC, niltl ii)it-i request yon to retire." .M n k* y--Tin* S? i o. !i< at - Arms will please step forward and enlotvo i:?v order. (deneral Wallace? Till' Set ?*ent-:lt Aims will please step lorward and mli'ivi' my order. Tin.- iwo Si'ft'i'tits-at Arms inarched up llio aisle too,aln i( ;11mI each o'tcynl 111? oi dels yi \ cu t lie in so lar an makltit! their appearance on il.y stand wabcou | ccimed. I Scleral Democrat* ami I'adieuls a* I cet dt*?i ihi' stand uml stood hfhiio then respective lentil's. Ntiih'i , Mackcy ii"i (iciicral Wallace 111 < > \ ci J it11?I I hole was a yeiiei il umwdliiy t o wants llu1 Speaker's stand, a" it all ; partus at>lu ipalctl a row ? hut no row occurred, hoiti parties holding linn | ami t liu two Sot o,-iits-it Aims slum J oil lit her side |ookii>a ni each oilie ; like ' wo t'liu ken cocks when pitted I > I a lijil. A i kmioeratio member then inovei | thai k eoimn 111 ee t?i six he appoiulei j l o su I jus t t he matt er. (lein i ai Wallace t liet etipon appoint e?l MsU's, >iui pst ?n, Al I Mi, S'ua w , (till sou, Hamilton and lii.tnllhe commit 11 e. Mafkev here balled out to liiserowt to lake ||o not t';e ot (i en era I Wallaee atl<l Oi tier. <1 Joins, the (,'lelk t)l lie Helical nimp I louse, to call th" loll to w hifii none hut llnd'cal* aiieuentl Mackcy llieii asked lot bomvhody to ! ! > ;?y. 1 h'onas, a mulatto front Nt-whery | who was ilie chairman o! the' commii j tee whieli n?l mi I I ! the linyus dcleyu t ion t *i 111 Barnwell toihe litiyuts 11.uis, | \ estei'tlay, then mailt* a prayer. .Mt. (Bay, ol 111 eeii v i' le, moved t ha i t he proper mil hoi r.u s lie inhumed lliioujil, ,i t'oiiiuiii lee to lie appointi'i ' t V i lie Speaker, iti.it a ham! > ! insur I joins Wi le niti 11 upliiio the law In I lions*.' ot I {('"'preset at t V08 o| .Soul I thu olioa, am! that lin y La; KeilioVi?l 1 lum the lia11. I ii'ia.'ri:I Wallace sippoinlcd tlu coinmiitee ol inroo. Mat key here called out for all tin ilt Ic^aU'b Io come forward ami In sworn. Cioni'Viil Wallace made the uanu i t quest. iiImmIy cainc lot-ward. Several Ik'tnov i nlh ? ere vecoer.ize I I?V 'ii'inral \\ ..Ilaee when iln v arose lo speak, while Mat key I'l'CO" liiZetl I ?.;t?heals ill I In* s.i ino \v a V, In a lew 11nniicillh a liall dt v."n were on . In floor, all at one 11inc* and all j?**ji 1:tiivf* adtil'i l tail t't'S J n't 11 Ve Spt alters. At i ins Maoo Mai-key eoiiMiitetl (ien Oeliids* \\ iio had lieeil t! e elud I'uok and I'O! I le? \\ a-iier of lite oi oiijliiiou o! Ma. le v's ltadieal ruinn lloitse, and sent hini wi'lin m -?s e_p' to ( hands 11 tin 'lilt lie tv as disturbed I?\ men not members oi the Mouse, .lllil t :i I It'll til Will ! : t J t i l?? w. in! I i'. #??* vj l.. 1 : vvi'" ?Joe I, ? 111' 111. D'linis ih-puricd which scouted Jo iinlic.ile that all would bo lived to mi it iii in in short ? !*?]? r. Muoki \ tin ii turned to hi- mi 1? and lohl ilii-m that order won hi Ik' rest m i .1 in a low no.inoiMs, ami the Democrats Mould ho I ji elI'll. Ki-oil, ol Boaiilol'l, lloro tp.t the llool a I'm I said ho hoped tin- l)cim>crtls Would on out no I ooiiio haok and re* cooiuz,. Macke \ as Speaker; tail the Di hum :als seemed to ho a dull, iinpo* l l<- M l ol follow*, and wenhin I bud^e an iuoli. Doui lo speeches continued lor hOiiic (lino, ami both Seroeants al-Ai ins wire dilootod to stop il.oin ami soul tin; spoiiltois, Imi ail In no pnrilOfc'i'. Mr. blinplu'i'd, ol K l^i liold, In-r? jinmo aim proposed a roiilotciwo, and pledged liiinsoll and lite party in abide t'V Ihoiimtll ul'such tt coiileiOIICO, Everything was* huhhnh and confu* aiint up to this point, whon X. IS. M n el s, a oolotod I opu hlicnii lii'-mho! Irotii Ih-tnilort, tnudo a spoooli. in u blob lit' doolafod ill,it t'k 11111?i-1*1 tin could not give l Im State llio peace and (piiot l hat she nci did II.* w as iuon paldo lo do Mi, en ii ll ho W ?s Milling, and ho Ihercforo If??p??i that (ic-neial I lampion unhid be declared lbo(iov* ..i it... sl iii ,, it,, .o.i.i ll >1 i... was a mil i ve Carolinian, and l ad all the I f?\?? I"!1 her thai any man t!?<u 1 I htvelollhe land id liii> hi) It, tin! that il \) as t Ills In ve h T I lit: .Siate, a h it h tV??h ixiraier than tlistL he < 111 11 aim <1 lerthe tin") uhn had l>r<?)|nht lain upnil it, which mailt* him itnpe th.t 11:) III I1 Would be declared electa ?l (J n e'niMr, .Myers was inllmVi d by Stink*-)', lit" member limn licrmittl.i, w hn expressed ere :i lo\ e !<?r l In* givai Ann i can I' it lull, nl u hit h he aa* a pari. lie was lull'iv\ud by Tmauas, <?1 Ntv\h"iiy, Andrew*, ui .Suiiilt I, ami l ull) 1 lainl'libm, id litaiatui t. 11 .i in 11 it I* >ti, in his l)M.^ pi mlvlit V i ml < 1 ,'t \ !e, laid I he law an I the lac m down lu ihcm in ii*)tvi My'e, winding Iij) by li'tfill'i thetn Ul It ll '.lies It ill I }i'j hoiilt-llth^ |nelt \ mi n, ho thought ll.ele were al lea t MX i)>uu it. tho - ""TVT ?7^'^ JLN 1 ^ ;i ( lent el n\ \ rnal. f U l > A Y, l>i<;OKM i> 1-MlV 1loti-o who would o.i homo ami r> j?orl : (to t lioir cornet iluents lliul nothing] v'.oiild bo duno. II tmliiiloii wis (ollowid by rulim r | in hi-* miot<leu ollort. I'aluioi talked ! jjnvity lair hui ratlior despondent Iv, I I haying ho hoped soiuo huii ol e> utpto. i huso would ho nutdo between tin* two 1 contest nits, and intimated thai the I >olilooiats Wele go|?tg to ha\o things j 111. ii OMII wny in the lung run, an\ way VoU ooiiht Ii \ tl. lio was followed hy a 111 (!o tttonk .>V ish I - ? - U. i g negro, as lihit'k and as fbitty j I as a pair 01 patent loath.boots, who I I 1 1...u, .1 .. i . ||.Ml. >1 I! Will - l>. II |? Ml . " I Ills I -* SI I '! >|? a Iter's name \t as Uuhiiismi, ami lie J ilnln'l WiiiiI no "colli Uia't*," no \v.l\ J vou rutilil !i.\ u. l!i> was "m rai;?ht! out lor (.'Ii iiuIh'i Inn, his', las', in ?le ' I ntnrni.r, ii. ?lu obenin', an' ail ni^ht, j ' | an' all .In liuie." A <!n/..n or more ol suvh snoeoho I ol a smiil.tr cli.irat-tor wore itia?l?' '?v ' the l'a.lif.tls ihk- bnnooa's tal!\ * (|ttu*il\ L" I * 111 > j? t hell* time, ail Itaiois tjna'inj.; IIn-ir Miojwis in the liall, ami I ' seeming ii so|\v?l io >et ii oui. I.H'iii I a I linger 11 c Ui'iit'l'.il Vi n! ? 1 lane online as I e\t nine; that unlo-s tin* itall was eleartal ot all |?ariio..t olltet ' .hail in i lit I no r? alio In i. I the t t 111 ti < a i > s I ol tin1 I Juai ,1 n| ? -anvassni* b\ 1 n't I irl; In .lay, he slmnlu won iro.'j'S, ' ; ilrltf ill.-in oui. Ii" also .ImtainK thai j ' !t; i). uiurial 1C tlflf^alfs t'i I't.i-il ll on lv III- tmhl ami rus \ .male ll.t i T' I liis ant ii ii iipmt the |?ait ol ( .. m > j ral lliignr l* .in tr.-i \ il:tl'. r. nt noin j '* 1 . vt i \ 1 liinjjj hv ha.l It*M11 th'. 1 )? itinerats j Io e Woiihl la; lils course, ho IntV j lot: vltviar. <1 that In; sit - at hi in no v\ i-e I ' j niti'rl< it* unh'SK tiio jn'.tt'e watt broken. ! A Idler si?;i.tii tiv imial I lain j)lon,j t (ictii'i.tl tioitlon, ?'l (ioorjjt.t, tut. t i<l' < < 111 * I llask'll. Ch linn .it ol tin* -mo. I 1 )eill'?i T;u to JtXrenttve (.'oili lit III ee, on u ?k ot-'I'-r, wilt be touml elsewhere in nut eol II :UIIS. . h L3TIEA T0"a3Hra\ida3il. j what ins cofsitK in tin; in rm: j wn.b im. ' Arraigned Ihdore the Pcojilv.^ j Ccuci'itl 7. II. l.'u./ei\ conimmuu <'/ L .iiled tiiutia W/'oops in i Citioliiia; 1)icaK l^iu? Wo have. i ift heard j through Major MoCieunis, ot \'onr stall, \uiir orders c'Uinuiiuie%tc<i to .Mi. \\ : 41J c i , Speaker ul lite ol House Uepresenlalives, that al 12 o'clock in- j lUt.M i'W I In.' members elect Iroin K tgelit-M iiiul Laurens w<iu!<) not lie allowc I upon 111o thiol'.' To say llial wo arc Miijui.-etl :ti Mieli an on lor alter the explanations am) jdcdgos mud* l.y y?m j I in em:11 oiio ol u>, is to use very mild ! language, When llio outrage ol ' I I m-May w :t> e.t tin mil 11 I !>y the j) to , in;; t>l armed sentinels at I ho door <>I . ilio h.t'l ul the House ? I II pn son I alivos, who th-ei'leil itj)ui) the adm.s-boi j <<l members lt? tin it* seats, ami win the pros Lions of the Supreme Whim wove brought to your nU'iition, yon distinctly ami warmly annui'lvtl again ami again that your older* uero misunderstood; thai you had ion iiile.'uletl to have sentinels a* the the i ol the hall, ami that you had not in* { it ml to assume to tleoitle upon the le. gality o! any unit's seat or upon his I right to outer the hall. You uero ' then leinimle l l?v us tint your guar.! ; ' received iiiAtriiotitniK Iront owo Dennis ! a oitiz.-n ami narii*au ol Governor ! ; Chamberlain, to ailaiit pailtos upon : hi* own pass or that ol one Jones, ami j had, llilvngll until d torot'S eXeludi <1 i i till Democrats iroin the hall nmil the ; 1 v nririiuig tn?'n was compli , te?l, Von assured us ntfaiu iliul no ^ such were y??ur onl-is. You *wer?* 1 t??] I !?y us iliul, not w u list an 'tug I lie | pei*|?eli tliun of l Ills iueXprcssuMc ! | sliMiiit: wjtoii our lice instituiiuiiH nio| i III' I i.: lit S l ( I lie jil (IJ?!. , l lie C v ! S l < Ul 1 1 I | lu* still n uifdiei] u'i?lu?ui any \iuleuct 1 hi Ijlui lslied i-y ilie simple withdraw- 1 al ot yout jxuaril Iroin the dm rs oi i 1 ilist hall; the 1 )> mi>v i .r io member?i >u M Still ' liter, : tel l>y ;? |?:?I liuiilCtl miy wresile with the ll"ji.iblieaus ami ; | a ll)ijj>>liiy ol \ utes ?* ride ..II (jueS- ' 1 11 en is iii ;w ii ii'11 ti.ee w it li 1 i w ill id tip- 1 iiSiioi"' ?)l li e imI iI i ve bodies. Y?mj : (iiai no lr<id|is nliouM lie at tiic | * i'wui , ami lliiil uml.-i no ci*('Uil)Kiaitccs I \v?>uM v u illicit* j* < x? i i t1 llion* >h< 111 <i occur a Mcl ioiirt (list nil.nix t.* < ! j tin* [m iicc. Y"U alliniu .l your dclvr- < i initial ion to o.u icino no Hiipcrv oory ' (!i?iitr?/ll vi liaivvi'i* uvit tin* oi | I#* tl'.cf* claiming to We (liu I louse ??I i ){cj.resent it i\ cm. All ilii occuireil oil * k tcitlay. In a later i m rvnjw last J I,, 111 U .III ISrtrVo >1 <1'I|(I?M1 von 111 Jul C ' iIju buitiu ;* a-. < ultonsi, ami L.i.s mo'.'w I _ "vv*" ' Yfi %A ?'\ I I *i % / v / ;<; ^ . % V K as i, >, 1874. XI). 41. : ins;, ?ll?'i V?i>111 11<>i|i?.K wi'i'tj .tHsrntIiIimI it? llic lidl, you ast'uivil (ioni-rul | lluillptoll t ll.lt UImU'I" IM <1 IVUIIIStailCCH Would Villi iulorlcro, OXcept I?> keep I In.1 peace. What iiuw j'is'.l) measure our iisiouiHhitu'tii ai the is- j HUUliCO 1>I Slicb (ill Ol'llfr HS tl'U Dili' | just sent liy ycmiV l'lierc irt no breach el tin- peace ami no prospect til us ?tih tut banco. \ on had ii ollU'iitlly bionolit to your knowledge lliii all- , solute good Inuiior prevails in that bull. St ? canr.ol re I rain Iroin expressing 11?o apprehension llial llic tact tliil a hum net ol bailing K> pchlicane are taking issue Willi the locality <.>1 liic proceedings l?y the Republican House has eh inucU your \ icmvs u? iu 3 mi I line ol i.l u t v. U is proper luai v.'e lihouKl my, in 1 eimicIusiu, that wo n lie.I upon 30111} honor as ;t in an m t i jour cli .racier as a soldier lo in;* 111;ciii your pledged ( ot mm intervention. '1 he J Dutuuci'Hiic uiuuilii'it* hum Edgefield ati<( l.oiivn- arc emailed lo heals l?y j the judgment ol lln' iSiipiviue latici ui i lila iiu', alid we have advl.-cd I lie I it ;o t' lii.uu hi ihat hall until rcmowd by wur troop.-, lli.it lite la-no may bo 11a l< in tins I'i'ii f: ni.iS yi.'iir of Ante), i.."jiii indepcii'.u in. o whether ao have a go\ oi nUioiil ol l:i\V Mis coUmi tiled by i'oiii l-j or a colli I'.itiZi il lit ajioliMii, Ini-.o only Jaw is 11?i oo Lil itic Ainei loan people biliobl the spectacle oi a lliig.idler l (vnoiiol al ul tlie ami) sealed i?y vjioveruojr Cli.wuhci .ami in a i-ioMi ot ino Stale lions.**, noil issuing tit* or.i. :> lo n so^ipl ?i: i? body pc^ct niily .oipi Ui' Ivtl in one ol ilio original coililliolt V.'cuit !l? lit l!il- L llloi). Very respect) u by yours, \N Alo; 11 .IJIITON', J , )). IniKli'lN, A. (J. 11 A. KI: iu. The jIimi:).'!' i lk; ?.jo?i.a.i?rs iVotest against UcCajauiug la.; Kinnp house. In ilie .Senate Mr. Jiowen, of Pickens, presented lite Julio wing protest; In accordance will) uoiice given yes lord iy, wo, t lie undersigned rsoiialorn ol Ule ttiale ol So till Carolina, nog loii.c to place upon record this out talcum protest against a!I pi net ediugh by 1111h body, u Inch, in any degree, I l: O O '' 11 IZ i- L 11 . ! i'i' '' 11 o "I '1 t" ' ' " *'" 1'''''' U - j J It >i :t1 I In: 1 Ionic ol i ti.'pl rselitull \ Cd ol South Carolina, over which E. \V? .\1. Muck -y claims to proHilu as Speak* Cl", ami Which llicl on ihc 'J^tll ititJlillll, .Hill claim.to in y;itiIIt) the ll.kil ol the limine ?>! ifcpl o.sehl.lti VeH. Tile coif Illation ? ! -So i ll Cal'uiiuu make* v aeh hous.- the j I'lye ut llio "election v t n, uiiil <| i \iitiv it ions ot 11tt own te hi'iors." I ho Suwreinu Ciitii't ot ihi.-> Stale Ins, t y loruiil jnilycincnt, I. riilcil that in rin tie I'M It'uiii tin* con nth * i>: ivlyi-ti. I I ami Lauren, who receive ! tin- hiyln M number ot volts, were enliitv ii to mmU. Tinao tinuiber.s luvve In en if a I m I ii i ;f>ion to i ho hill ami ail par; icipal ion in its organization t lie .o :n *< i mi il ier ? "1 the I ii iti it .Siati f, who ban nil ami bayonets the iloor ol llie halt ol the ti mac ot Iti-plcmmUilives, ami aele-l as j nJyes ol die "Vicelioti ieiui.it> ami iiuaUlicjitiorii* ot its I iiienibei't", ' W e have seen armeil forces ot the 1'iiiieil Stile- i)V< iii tiny the plain vie flal'iliod ot the constitution ol the .Tit tle. \\ t have wilheHftctl the solemn ; mocki'i y i>l ilitr i?l oi I Ik* ^hhii! l'i V u- VV llllj aiiu I O V l I Alll^ l lie j u! 'liv iD'ii L. \Y e uavu M;OI! iliv r'jHcl.iclf, l.ut'iiliuii:ig in iho I i>i I. o i i U l o i ?i i y i iv^lil.Mili>(iu?l A uiyn .Mil, u, t iio lull In ??l ti1 L^is. li lllu Oi ( |i liii'tt ll lllu ItwWI Oi II',.'t lllj^ll , .lllli liO iilll.l L ln-iii lli?' 11?.;? o- i ol ill" l.iA uiV imj; i.i.w i; im?1 liim at a Iiii.it* oi IIIL' (ll'olokl lilies MlMOU, Ullvl VV IlL'l) Ifol i Mi.^ie ol \ loli'iioo likl'iusht'il vlu?liv,i'lvf l |'i* i aI lor tliu umirji.ii ion. . V/u 1,1 il\? >C?'U lllo Mllli hhii'o |)'i hiit III' t iiu" aolu'ul I Iiilr-I SSiit'eti U'ovi.?> t i.tVin^ Incii un<U-r Lliv; iunnivti, i Ato < oni rot, ii.u receiving oi'vi?.r> inuii, i i.itUfii, Wl lioui, luuno.ii.y, aiivl a , ['i.riitf.ia i>l tin; uiImiiiiimi'.tiion. ?V ? Ii.n'v rvt'ii thin cil:4uu a--iiijjk > > . 'iilVtil ??\ *. ? l!iu o.ijn oi ><l ? ;t?Uliu<'i AV U li, i|nl .uiiMlHiliy 1 111 jU;'i IK" 141U h ? I ^ I r i 111.'? s i 1111 (11' 14 I! ? ?> V\ I Imr'i inx, ujhmi liih o\vn imIid oi writ ti, biiW 11*0111 molhi" on;/ill \>ix? \Va? 1 >4 ivl'ud I \ ll S j i; 11 11. i s to 111y; ? 11! / ? jj , li hit: oi raturM<IUtli :? ?.**. Wo niivi'' ? .. I - li l lr> ' )/ i y ot I' > 1 ' .> I mis ;.<! :.i [ 0(1 claiming to 4 g.iii .io tlio Llouac, 'I 1 w ^ A {) \ 12 iX n > ? ?i ; i ..S 1 & .' p' ^ i u<: li> IIi ft, uud : !' !i'.- ?>'i i" virii' ./ a'u' iu-v:rUoUt I > ?> ill <" Mtitut'* i -<'jU4r ir \!i-;?! ; y ;>:: lot* UiuB. mi iix li \Yi ! i"1 c!l ." j," 1 ! ?1 n * |ti*i?. Mill m 'J irco. I iMilHa rl ! unisrnl iiiitii'oi lVo<j. I< . !i _;???* 11? "11''? <'?l i?.i" if^aarn t'. -in.l v. Id' :! ?' mint will tio iuti.'i i i th?\e I I. ' . U l'l I Mil- 1 > !l !.. .. ... I ? .. ?. . ?. * ...V..V. V v rw7.r.M# HI IV* tin? ? in mtliH HI lunger. lull Without U iJUwritiM, III VinltllOM ut law, tu >l? li.tin i' of the Sit'ircmo Omit". :iii 1 under thu juvtuou ut ut the United Stall's troops. Wv tlmrvloro, ciilet" ihiw our protest against any rvoooiiition ol thu said l?i ?I v pi vlvudinj^ lu ho the llousv of 1 vi'|?i'cm.1 iilivlivus ot the Stale ol South (.'arolltiit, And Uif t hu lo'.lo win z i en sous; 1. 1 he s.tid body having oiv.iui/.eil w ilhotil a constitutional ijuot itni, thvio living but, 5'J numbers present, ui dluwtl by its own journal, \uu a majuiity of I lie entire ivp-vu r..U"U :s ri'ijnitsitf to it qtiurun, to-wit: sixty* 111IVC members, its net (wl lh III til ; Mil* nalri ol tin* House dm inp; the past 11 lit vraix, aim as conlirnivd l-v ilu: onUKMDurial juictiiv ol legislative hobos in I'vci ) Aiat.'i ic.ci Stave; and \ u do lurlhcr allege, on our 11*>j> u.siMluy a# Senators, i till tliL said badv is Ktill w ithout a i ou.~tiuit.il>!) ii quorum, mid l in-reloi e wanting in the organic chat ao* KM' ui ill-.* Iton>o ol lb?|>M'M*uiativ'i'?< of South Carolina, ami ought t>ol to ho recognized as HUiili. 'J. I'hat uaid resolution was adonlcd by i hi* Seiialu b lino any announce* tuent was mad ot an organization by any Itousuol Uejoesculal'vcs. ,'i, That in hua, and truth, no legal ami ellectual organization ol a llou.*u ol Hi-jiic-M'talivvi* was ul that tiHits made. 4. That the body ot men claiming to be a House ol Ucju'oseiiiatives, and iroill whlcii till' lliiliOllliCi'MK'liI ot said organization citim*, has not and cannot orgami/.o, by l'va>ou ol tbu nuh-eXiS* tence of a ijnonim. b. Wo lurtlivr and linally protcnt ugnihi t Itio adoption ul the said ics-olulion, lor tins 1'uomjii: 1 nut v\ u h??vo mnco received olhcial not ilication of i ho organization ol the Housed I?i reseuiuli ves, now anting in Carolin i nail, vviioro a (>' * i it in .>i legally c-??n ? fiimud iiK'iiibera tinea exist, ami of which body lion. Wilinnn 11. Wallace lias l lam t-lecluvl breaker, and Jbhu T. /sluuu Cicrk. <i. Cannon, I. 1 >. J uiut, \V. A. 1' ear:*, II. 1C liowun, A. J?>u 11u11 J. M. Wiiilams, ??>. bnltoiiduii, W. L. II. A. .Moelzu, K. G. 1 lowaid, J. W. i.i\ itigsion, I. I). \Viilu'ihiKinin Mr, Cochran mi b.mil ml ihu loi.owing nruictu, tu be unified on I he journal: An Seiialor, I ti<> solcmly piotebt against any injliK-r cuinmuuicaiioii Willi lliu lloUse ol lit -1 i Iv^culalil en, silling in ino oilier end in thlN building, unlil U be u-cei I allied \\ In ihyr or not (lie said ljo>l y is coMi|tt>t?etl oi a la w till 41101ii ill, us well as luti causes jtrcVehling I In; Maine. Ala icis i'o an ?>nai\iii. ? I bey arc a number oi ineitilvageii gem icuieii who thinking llieiu wlv e? emlo a cd ny naiuiuo wiui or.ilioti.-il ubiiiiy, visit Sunday schools In ?i|*|.Jay lliell" s|/i;t Oli-lll.living ({iiallUef. UlU' ul tin nU gentry li.nl a round ol live r-i.iu.il8 whit, u In; ? noted regularly, and as legtihi11 \ bored, ending Insulations im .< i mm v wan yh/itjo/ \\ hilo \ .Niunir J one <?l ine schools, he rtii|..yi liilt'lnienl, mil nl C nii ln-y, a.suttl htui it lie tleurt>l iti hay a lew wools lo llle seiiool. "It a'al, )'' ) i ll h.tV j'lhl a WO I'd or iwo!" tini, Mr.ilgh flung hnnseil uj>, i.t begau, " tV a'al, t III I 'it ii, I lie mi jwi'niImnt'Mil w an is uie lo sjtoani lo yeij Aeow, what s.ia11 i nay~wij.il shad I i.-ii.' annul.'" .1 oi igiit mile Ifiio.v, .liiitiil lo ir y I'tll d oi age, silling in to t ikoni ileal, who evidently li.itl lu.u l .lit; olllol oi lore, J'l ill |tftl lo ins lc*ot, .ii.l i.s^K'ti nilt lo.ni en Ug * to it . n ; ?r i all over I Jiu uoim jfhJ.ii, " in ty i.tiiH-u,' at. i inii .1 iWfi," A A.. i ..V.N e< >.v/.?ss?o N - J I. Illtjell la elected Uieie .?jj,je ii -, n j .It tu bi, an i '.lie s a ill a ie.-u.ilt, so.wii t t I.) 111-11 l.tll.tt .? V l? ' " K? ;>?? .imii irluii I* still o.111 ^ i ? i Uo ii <I?vj til.it li?o lineij CMiUen, ImkiviU, MiUUI tuiiMlll.l, UIIU Jj-MH-I.n: t, Wlil >v ci u u i i'l out, UM I 11 HI i duel tl ^ cs. \v i- coiiivie.H lli.il iVO C.iiJtiut two null ilu;i: i ) -s, ""I' iiilcl'UllI llldt o ;.i^i.uiO Xlll'i lltlMJl. ll till' till'UU M .llU.S II, Illi illl'1! ililVl' gl'IIU Di llll'l'.J'.ll I , It A'lll! WUf.T Ml.Ml ravi Ittlloil to u(? l' 1111' I li> oVil tlll'oW till Will i>. liiu [.ri'i'l*; ul tliuac I'lMiilliCii a vullilc. 1 lie i ^111 oi li.iiut nuiiM 1'i cumc i.iit'U Lin' iv iii ui HUT !>i'0|>li' cuutiu. o i>y In- ii i j iiiii'i, <iii<l uiu lui iii hi j^oVi i u* in*111 iM'i.imii* lhi' i ii'.H'irc v/! :i i. ..it. .il i>i?v\ur vvi'i'M- ilii'iu Wiiiil i be iiii'in' I lliu alill <<l ill fcl't. 1 lilt Is lii'l Ul'|>IIUlK"4lH?|M.? liaiva 11 >u<jt Suy>ir VUotLti} \lu.yubic<bi ) .