Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, December 02, 1876, Image 4

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IPL .Hi i .. t .... -i R. R. R. kADWAY'S ready relief CURES THE \l*OIl5T PAINS j ^ In from One to Twonty Minutes. , NOT ONI liO'JR after r<-? !nr 'Mir i ,* need ant cue \i Kl'VKI-'R WITH r\IT?. * ' ^u>yriY'S r.r.A M pvurr i* a rvrr ro* 11 KVMtV PAIN It \vr < l tie first a>..l *? Tlu> Only I^nln Tl.tnipdy flint '.n?tantlv ?tnpi lhi> mn*t rTrr-iolntln? valna. ?">*? " Lnflammatfima. and rtirt. I'onerrtliiiit rvbHIuro. llie , , mne?. ^tniniich, Ruttrli. or oilier or or;au?, i >r I'* on# application ..x IN KPOM ONE TO TtTF.r. Y MINPTRN. t?? rr.nMcr hmv violent or rrrriKlntlng Hid palri tlia ' ' .fttlV.I'M \Tltt. Red ridden. Infirm, ''rippled it?rrvun- III I K. ursl^lo, or proiirnied Willi di.mu' niay*u(T,r, RADWAY'S READY RELtE" W.r, .r- '? ....... n,w nnn-n-'l ? *ar.. INFLAMMATION OK ink KIDNKVs I,, 1 XKI.AM MATH It 'IK THE M.intlKK INKI.A MMATJON OK TIIK K<>? F.I s \y n/t'UM'ltiv OK tiik. I.I'No*. *ork throat. dirri'm i.i mid -vthivil ?\| r\: ti i vi ion or tub nr.art. HYSTERICS, OROVI', DII'Till.RI v I'ArvHRII, INFLCKNtA. i UKADAOIIB. ToornA^nr (u M I R VI.01A. Rnr.UVATIRM. ... IMT.T) Olllt.l.R, AO CP. i' II11 I..v RI T!?? ftj ! t> mlmi nrilii> llnidv Bellcrtftll"' r?rl?r ... t>?ri? ? Iiito I lie I'ftln or ililln il.tr o<vi\ ? r. ill nir-i.l v.u? M ml Onmfi.rt. 1 |.. Twonty <1r<>p* In linlf r. tnmlilf nf tririM' Kill In f??r : fiir.tnrm* cure CIU M I'*, KI'.V s>lF. snl'll HToii'll, ... iik.VIll III KV, SHR IIK'IMI III . DUKKIloK. A, ' I HYSKS'I l '(V. COI.IO. VVI.SU IN Til* HoWKl.S, ,r nil nil IN TURN A I. PAINS. I {"? ll'AVI'll'1'1 llnlllA l?l?riO? CATV M III."'. of Itn.l- ( wny'i. IvvM.tv IlvllvC wrlllt lli'in \ f?'\ ilropvln w?l?r will I'mvilil "li'kiip*. rir puiit* from < li iiikv 111 nivr. li J* i.cttor ili?ii French lirniiil}'or Bin. i? ??ft | Munulftiit. FEVER AND AQTJE. ll' > rvk r VNU A our cure.I fr r Mr ren I. TIiti* l? ill nut a ru mod la i rtiivnt In Oil* w... Id tlnvl ? ill ruio iv vor n ftii-l Aciiv, Mini nil oilier MnlnrlmiM, Blloiiv SiMrlrt, ! ii 3 vpltnl.l, Yellow, niiil ..titer fever". fam? d liv UAlV ' i ayava imi.i.ri mo .jtilok n. iiadw A\ H rk.Vl>y Kii- , 1,1 1.11.K Kilty conta por liottl*. j , HEALTH! BSAUTY!!, .1: rrnontj ami rrnr. men w.nnn?ixoiirapk m OK f'.r.-II AND Wl MM IT?OKI", sit SKIN AN I) 1 HKAV.VIKUi. tOMEl.KXION HillJUUEU TO AM* | III OR. RAO WAY' 0 "! . Sarsaparillian Resolvent i" THE QREAT BLOOCJ PURIFIER. 1(1 t\ t] At- MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CI'RF.R: r-o in o k so ua 1*11> auk run chanhkn. tiik I NllKltMOKS, l" l?KK TIIK lM'l.i'KM t*. or Til It) THLLV V j>uiiHFfi. Mt-OIGINK. THAT livery Ray an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. ; r.rtitr drop of Mm PARS VPARII.I.I AN RFAOI.. C Vf.M' rnininiini<AU* throuu " I If IIIikkI, NivrAt I'rine, and other Kinlil. nm I jo lee. of i|u> nvitrm iho vlyof or >1 iifn. lor It ropiilis llie w *< ? of iii-- 11'iily \\ Itli new nml j . round tnatcilii'.. KomiiiiIa, SvplihM, t'otiMiniothiP, II UlNmluliir dls n?p, I'iom-n In ttin throat. Mouth. Tn- | ttioro, Nii.le.,. ilie i;..'m i\ni,,i othor pun.of tlieay ate in, ] " | Kino K> ? ?, WrnniuriiiM ilnclMrtin irum Hie Far* mel the vroret On m. of Skin disease", Eruption., Fever fore*, Scald Head, lllny Worm. Sail Rheum. Erysipelas ' it A-ne, lllack Spot., Worm. In llio Flesh. Tumor., Can- j 1 ear. In ttie SVmiili. niul all \vcukc?lt:-{ amt i alnftil ills- i eharyn., Nlilit Sweats, l,u?sof Sperm ami alt wnMeaof j tor llle principle. Aro tviililn the ciiiiiilvc rnnce o," thl. i, "woiuler oi Modern t'henilatry. am) a few das me v* ill , .1 5r<vre to any person iisIiik ! ior either o( t!ic.-e for inn of ( i | lara.se III potent | ovver lo cure them. If itin patient, ilnllv litieouillii; reiluecil hr llir waste# | fp ami decomposition llisi l< eonilniuilly | riiure??lnx. sueeaeila In nriestlmr ihe-e wa?ie?. an,I repaii. the tamo i it \*ilh now mall rial lunde lrotn TmAlttis lilood?and llili I , tn? IIA USA I* A III 1.1,1 A M tv 111 ami ijoej secure?a euro i <?I 1. ceil.nt; for w hen unco Mils remedy commence* 11 | t work of pnrilleallioi. find am e n.Is In <1 imlntxliln-^ the , ??l )ii.? of wastes. its repel ? will ho vault! ntnl every flay I the patient will lort Ipip ?ell urois ins heliei aiiil.troiiyi f, * -' the food titers)int.' hall'i, Appetite improving, und llvst) ml wolyht lucreusing. Not only do" the Pan.APMtM.t.m Ersnt.rrfi o.rel ii * nil v* ii r< in ro in i ej;c in ia uhm iiit nl i 11 rcnil? Nero- " ' tuloiia. <"<111*ii11111<111?'. ii(1 M i lilicuji, Lull li U tin) i, nljr positive our? for ? Kidney <0 Jiladilcr Complaints, I'tltiAry And IWintb diseases, OrAvrl, Diabetes, Dropsy, Hin|i|i?iir ol Water, lnciitiiiitotit e of Urine, ttriulif'M 1>I?A lliii it i ill ii r in. nnit in ?II cimfi whirr there nr.! brink (111*1 deposits, or lh? wmcr I lliiek, clou tv, mixed j> ?"i h suhMAticm like the w tili'.of mi i-ujj, or thread* likn vliit* Ilk, or I hern In a nn r liUl. <lai k, bilious appear- "| ance, anil while honetlnst 'uposils, niol when there I* A pi-Irking, burning sensation ?lion passing wAier, uuil 1 , ralu lu ilia Huiiill ol' thu llueX and aluuj tlio Loins. . . Tumor of 1'S Years' Growth H| 1 Cared by liadtvay's Itesolvent. \ DR. RADWAY'S . \ FerfectPnriativcMlcpMiiiPills;? perfectly tasteless, elesnnllv ooAtod with sweet (rum, j |' ?nr*e, lejiiiali'. purity, deansu nnil strengthen. Kail- I \ v ,".t * I"111 . for the cilia of all Isorder* of the Stomach, ),:*?r. How I*. Kidneys, lililitilcr. Nervous Diseases, 1. Ds.idnelro. t'oiistipsMoii, f*i ?tiveiie<*, Indigestion, Dys vn st?, iilfVnisiicss. Dillons Ke? er. liitlAtnuiwIoii <1 ilie j", Mivi I'llt v niol all Deraugenu-ii'.* ol the Iiiirritrtl ' . cere Warranted in ort'eei a pos.ilve euro. I'lirelr |{ v ?.?' th'e, con: ainiin; tin inurcnry, nine ral* or dtduiorle.sdriivv (. A !?r. tln?e?oi" Rf.OWtY'S rlLI.8 will free the ?ys'? i f rent a'I the Ainu w n in- 1 disorder*. l'ric ?, U ceil I a I vr Ho* K'OI.O ItV IHtl.'f.UISTS. KKal> " KAL4I-: AND TltlJK.'' R'-nd o-o letter I e<iiuip in *.U)WaY A t'f? , No. .12 Warren St., New Yr.rl Informs.Ion v? irlh thousands ? ill l?e seat ) i?u. V B If you wl*b to fcrow Vegetable* for ^rnlr ^ I Gardening1 for Protr.: | e If yon wish to become a Commercial Florist, Ej I Practical Floriculture il 01f you wish to Harden for Amusement or K i Tor Homo Ubo only, read 9 ^ Gardening for Pleasure! | 1 AIX BT M ' Peter Henderson. B '' Prico $1.00 each, post-paid, by mail IS s O't Combined Catalogue for 1876, of J? c ^EVERYTHI^C S l FOR TIIR nj . I^TJSLJCfcJLPJCiJL^IJg ; ? 86nt p (] aymptoin under which tno in** BJ piuiii&Miiii* treniel iirh 'ly rom(/t BJ t yxtutn of r.'?i>?toriiiK prevent* i?' g)j i l.tat of qtlontlon* wnt free, on n) ,,, Eg 1 of tho world. Sixty onyce 1'iuiml r H p BoccRsn, nlao wot froo. Atl fiotn tho?e who have linen trcuMi B? fJ ? AotioK in OKriOE, on ui mai fira I OoU ou or add roan MS % DR. E. 13i M ' No. 120 Lexl M V igj I; jr&H/rd 1o Snll Hrfbi>A-x b &t)d Common. < jOr looks Scicnco ?^ JorPiCrtir/itars MEnayJ (iiiFutluhin^ Cwnp* >? {1 f? ji Dr. Eirjor'a Toal? Bovra'' * Theito pillr are an (ufa'luile rei milH |iilo<, ontiiuvl by we.iktiosA Mriataltlo motion of the bowel Iu.x<;aki tho activity of tin* int V aoft tool* and roliove pile* at o boon oil rod by them. I'rhse 6<> i rvwvivt of pries. Prepared 01 I BZK'if A HOT. I'lIAUMAOlrt T, 1' try . NKW Vnuu Citt. Or. BarffOi'a Compound tl E Rhubarb and x5i v Tbn t>?At cotniiiii'illoi) of pnroljf t.J tn entirely repine* Calomel or Ww T , Site Uv >r. Incr -jnM the flow of I 7 i at'mu. torpidity of tin* liver. biruil -ortipnii ?n. nn.l thti di?eaB<*? o" ^ aU. Hvs hendicho, llltllin. BL of ur.A linnet w ill bv p?ly Im *-'?- ' lie or two 1 ?? W eker th? axmpieiioit fount fuMr'** " tro'iblt?* . ??uo.u & THE I Li t Republicans Speak. Mr, John Q. ThompRon, Chairman tlio Democratic State Committee of hio, lias taken the lend in calling a ihlic. m< et iug at Columbus to <iemiiii'c the pmposed counting in ot r. Hayes i\n President, In doing lis we think Mr Thompson mukiH a intake. Mr. Thompson is a conspicuous i?l anient member ol the Democratic irly. Everybody knows it, and ,anybody knows how he and his h?sontes feel about the conspiracy now procesa ol execution. A public citing to express this feeling will lerelore not baveany peculiar weight, r it will tell the people noth.ng hich they do not luliy understaiul ready. This conspiracy to count in a 1'resi>nt by the Kellogg pro? ess ih purely id exclusively Republican, ami tin* icstion about it is how tar tin* rcpubio ami patiiolio poition ol tin; lieibliutui party arc wi11 ii?lj that, tho me should lie played out as Zaeii liamller ami Jay (tould havo set it >. I( public meetings to protest against is unexampled crime are to be held, icy should bo called by supporters ol ayes, not by tin: liieuds ot Mr. Tib n. When the former outrage in rmnJuna was carried through, Mr. ryant and Mr. levari* were foremost tieoou i iv i Og 11 ' 111 < I 111 exposing UK' uigers to Idiet t y with which it was cguant. They wore IJepuhlicans, id their manly, patriotic utterance ? ! a profound clV?et. Il any tillertec is to have any cxtniordinnry eight now, it must lie tin* wltciance >l ot lien o rats, hut ut Ui putilinans. will lie tinto enough lor Democrats i speak when it shall :it'peai that rcry lit piib.iean means to keep silent. JV. }". /Sim. (iov. Iloyos has now tho mildest > port unity ever given to an Aincri m eili/.cn. lie can settle Conner, el on a sure louinlat ion, the rcpuli in institutions of this country met )ver liin sell \v tli immortal honor b\ mply saying in unmislakahlt; let ins iat lie will not accept the I 'residency |ion a fal<e eei tilionte, lubricated by Dlotiotn ielons. We know well that ie lirsl intimation of the wicked theme to count him in, in spile of the opular verdict, was extremely shock, ig 10 lior. Hayes, lie deprcca!. petily and strongly, and il theu""t< uv truth in the out giving* ol'pops I his he is even now meditating ) out ir.ation that would hring the r? v t>, inspirators against peace Sl,''?*sr ? ty to a sudden halt. Such a di ition would give him an eir 1 1 lace in the hearts ol low coiintr^jal u? -iV". Arm. Icar ^ . ? I hi t A root. AND ins MOSKY A UII I airi'HD." ? The death ot Win. Ahll the king of the Cariboo gold tniia' T announced from Victoria, I). (\ .hbott was one ol a company who lunck rich pay on Williams ('reek in Kilt. Jirrivtmr ui. \ri<?i-ii*. u.itl? anon omuls ol gold in I lie (nil of that year, lo was llie ' lion" of the winter ol 8G'2, and spent his gold lavishly. On no occasion he entered a saloon and hied a handlul ol$20phces al a large late glass mirror behind the liar Vhen teproaehod by the hat keeper, e requested him lo keep the "beast or the damage." Or. another occasion e and another Ca?ihooit.e astonished iovernment street by throwing $20 lieces i?t ?ach other until stopped by he police. Throwing cominenoid rilh snow hulls. On his return to 'artboo Abbott's good fortune eonttitled, and he has been known to take 110,000 on a hand at poker. Allot wo or three years prosperity, Abhon jot on I In.* bottom ol Ins claim ami his xirse at the same time, ami was tnis? rubly poor at the lime ol his ilealli. A Tit a.mi* and a Ghost.?Louis dntthew 8 of 221 Second street, Wiliams lmrgh, on Sunday night, enter ained his chihhen by burning alelioiol and salt in a pan, and wrapping 11 heel about his head to show how [hosts are made. The children laugh d joyously, and the noise attracted Cmi! Bender, a passing tramp, lb iceped in at the hall door just as Mat. hews, all ia white, was backing into he hall .as a disappearing ghost. Bonier was frightened, and shot at Mat. hews. The ball grazed his head lender raised his arm to fire again ml Matthews suddenly dropped hit 'host garh. Detective Short arresteJ lender, who said he shot because ilatthews bad no right to trightci arsons.? N. 3'. Sun. "Jake,' said a blushing damsel to f over that her father find forbidden tlx ioust?, "1 don't care if your feet art _vi - ? ' >ig, i iove you jnst as much.' "Well ally, I don't mind so much about tin ize of my own led, but I wish youi lad's were a little smaller; 1 shouh eel more confident, you know, abou laying.' C11 an< ki> 11 Kit Mind. ? A liostot t'omun had prepared to elope, but rhen her husband, hearing ol her in ention, came forward with his check took and ofleivd her money lor ex icnses, while his face was ilhimiiialci i)iill unboumlcil joy, she oonsiderct ho matter and conuludeil not to go t took all the romance away. Why is a diunkard liku a politician' - llecaubo he ',<& always poking hit ose into mcasti.e* that spoil the Con ilulion. imrv rlC, CM* m Biv-'-i' IORRY WEEKLY N The Trick on bobbins. James Kobbina, ol National avenue, lias been missing for three days, but i here is no anxiety around his house to h-arn his lato. IIih wi'e knows what eauseii bun to disappear, ami she is willing let bint ^jet a good ; lemly to nunc back. Rohbin* mur. ii**?l a lone willow lour month* ago, 1 mill tlu-y hail not been weihleil two weeks when he jja\e her a beating. She oterlonked it then, thinking he would soon tone down, but in a week i more be blaekrd her eyes. In Uriel, ; Kolihins turned out to in* m brute ol a htisbiiml, and the ex-widow had tin# sy in |?:? t hy ol all the neighbor*. She is said to he meek and hnmbli; in spirit, and Kolihins had no excuse lor his brutality. Four or live days ago knoekeil her down and started oil up j town, am) I he wile crawled over t?. a : hotelier's to see about having Robbies unvn^l. The butcher, who weighed one iWndred ami ninety pounds and ; lias n list like a maul, knew a heller I way than going lo the police, and he unfolded a plan. Whin Hohhins reached home that evening the house was dark and the hntchei, dressed in woman's eloilus and with his jaws lied up, sat in the nu king chair. ''Why in hlu/.es isn't supper ready?'* howled Robbies as ho stood in the door. The butcher groaned. "(Jruiiiing around again, are you!" shouted Uobhins. ''What's the mat' ter now V" The butcher groaned again. on feel too high toned to answer imp, do you!" growled the wile-beater. | l,N\ ell, we'll see about that. Just take ihis, will you !" lie struck out, but the disguised huteher caught his wrist, sprang up, am) there was (tin in that, cottage, He choked Kobbins almost to death, tied him up in hard knots and untied j him, drew him around by the heels I and hair, and finally picked him up and tossed him over the lence into the j mud. The wife, beater had kept ep a steady yelling iroin the liisi attack, and as he rose trom the mud and sped down the street lie seemed to iliiuk that setting Hud's whole lighting lorie were alter him. At eleven oYloek that 11i<_*hL lie entered u Michigan avenue saloon and told a story j about viv pt\'?,V'i'tT,bim. and bull m was to bu it says each bou.se (A 'ino take the lll|e) shall be sole judgth 1''' ol jail by licatioii ol its own men Uj^ ey were board has decided tnwlul it Jud,fe tu,r> ol ?liu is qu.l.lif"" a o the cus- l>'e Legi.dilure, as well J'r C itil Wed- tilicales it has lltade d? argument othei elections equally i o release "1" " deliaiice ol the k'?V4.,pt It is e\ideiit that the! |,L.;ir ii. - u..1 : ^ I KMU>vr> 11* UWll SI" Ml-, II #1*1 II" MB STA'IK , . . P I - .1^ !%% ?l its about time to ask \v hit lief we are \1 filling.' "What is the reason that your wile and you always disagree?' asked one Irishman ot another, "llecause we are both ot one mind. Shu wants to be master, and so do l.' E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Tiroafhoay, A 'em York. (Opp. Mutropolitan Hotel.) M am i" vert*itiais, I m I'oi:ii.i;s A Dkai.ku* in CHROMOS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes and Views, 1 ALliL'MS, (ill A I'll OS('OPES, and SU1TAllLK VIEWS, Photographic Material"8 , We are Ileadquaiiors for everything In tV. way of Stcrcopticon and Magic Lanterns lining Manufacturers of the i MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVEllSJT V STEIlEOl'TK/'ON, ADVERTISER'S STEREOPTICON, i ARTOPICOX, - SCHOOL LANTERN, I \ MILV LANTERN PEOPLE'S LAN TERN. Each style the best in its class in the maket. Catalogues ot Lanterns afcid Slides, with ) directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a large Magic Lai torn. DT7" Cutout this advertisement for reference. VISSCHEK it HALL'S 'concentrated potash Warranted equal to any Potash in the market ami far superior to Concentrated Lye for all purposes for which it is used. Put up in one pound metal eans, eonve niont tin use i:i families for making hard ami soft soaps, and lor cleaning put poses generally. 1 Jiteetions tor making soap, etc., aeeom puny each can. For cleaning type, presses, machinery, paints, softening water, washing sinks ami fruit trees in the spring it is unequalled foi excellenee and convenience of package. Foi salt; by Drocers ami Druggists everywlieie. Vissher ?.V Hall's insecticide and I) lain fee* taut Powder is invaluable tor the destruction of the potato bug, cotton w orm, grassliop|>eis . mice, iat9, roaches, insects, ami vcimiiiot al i kinds. It is liai niless to men and animals land far cheaper than Pans green for the de ' ! s'.ruetion ol vermin. It is kiso invaluable iu . 1 a Disinfectant, purifying the air in hospital: j and siek moms, ami destroying the foul odoii I of sinks, cellars, staHct, &c. Put up in om | pound cans. For sale by Druggists and Gro cers everywhere. VlfcSCllKK A HALL, Manufacturers, UO Wall street, New York. cct 1?. / ' '* ' EWS: DECEMBER 2 1 "' " ' The Christian Index : ' I ] a L A im i: Kiaiir i*Ad / ; irKKKL Y. ! OUUAXOF THE llAFTlST VFXOMIX ' Alloy. !' SHOULD 11 /<; I\ F \ Kit Y 11A F T IST I . FAMILY IX TllE LAXU. ( IT IS THE PAVER OIL CHILI) 11 FX ? OUUItT TO IILAI). I1 I T IS TilE FA I'LL FOR ALL WHO J WORLD JiAOII' I HE 'LRFTll I i AS FT IS IX JFSUS. < ; srilSCRIliF FOR FT AT OXCE-IX- 1 ] DURE YOUR FRIES US AX J) XLIVIHHJUN TO DO LIRE- L WISH. , ll," \'/ii:a i -vr'///?<* \/n vri' I > sen im: you j ni: paper axy- j JIO M'? YU L'lt PASTOli W ILL MAKE Till: A lillAMiE- , MEET FOfj^YOU. ?' ?S EX I) Ei) li SI?EC1M E V COP1 KS. ' j THE I'll ICE OF THE 1XDEX IS A ( YEAH. Addrcvx nil urdvr& Io? .IAS. 1'. UARR1SOX d- CO., t jaw 20-0111, llo.c 24, AHniiln (in. f BSXfciY'S 1 a " BEST " ( BLACKING.!!: A Combined Polish mucking and 1 .Leather rrcsei'vaii\c. (_ Exiiorts aril Pmfi?ssi<iii!.l ll<,n?LLwLru in t I New York, am1 all other large cities where t ! 11 lis Blacking has been introduced, iickuovvl- <i ! i dge its supcrioi it) over all unpolled or do- l ineslic i<t uking.s in use, as an i.legaui. Polish \ ami L'oiiscrvci of Leather. NOTICU. ; Bixby's "Best" Blacking has a Bo.I and Blue lailiel. l)o not tie deceived by accept ing our ".stamlard" lla< k ing Hi place ot lies'. 1 .ie M.uuiaid lias lliu lable stamped into (lie tin cover 'I his In ami is made to compete with other Aiueiicau and ! reiicli Blackings, but is inlerior to our "i.est Bixby's "Best" Blacking will save its entire ' cost in the w eai ot'youi boots ami sboes. < I HOISKKKKI'KBS a Trv Bixby's Trench Laundry ?. i i Blue, r IN SIFTING ECNES. 1 II I The most convenient and economical pack Inge, ami the only combined Blenching and | Bluing Powder in use. t ,S. M. BIX BY Sc CO., Manufacturing ('lien lists, Nns. l~;l 175 Washington Street, may 20 New York. _ r QUICK ; RELIEF : FRQN . PAIN. ; DR. GROSVENOR'S ' fer c A V S I C 1N Poms Plaster. j TllK QlICKKST, St'IlKST, S.VFKST, ClIKAP. I K.ST AM) MOST C'O.NVKMKXT ? I'UK OK , l'AIN KVKH l>l3COVKIIKI>. I No more greasy, filthy, evil smelling compounds ?no more poultices?no more disap poiuiineiil?No Mulih l'AIN! Oiosveuor's t ap.siciu Poms Plaster cures a 1 Lame Hack, Neck or aide in halt'aii hour. luusveiiurs Capsiciu I'm lis Master cures 1 ltlieu malic. i aius lit a single night. tii osvenor's t'apsiciu l o. us Master banish- 1 cs every form ot pain with rapidity ol light- I ning. ! Orosvenor's Capsiein Porus 1 laster coinhims all the advantages ol the best I'orus Master ever made, wan the wonderful quail- ' t ies of Lnpsiciu. n is the gicat natural remedy for all kinds ot local anu sealed pain. The cheapest medicine in the world. A single 1 luster noes the work. tiiosveuoi'a L'apsieiu I'orus Plaster is the only genuine, 'lake no other kind with a partly similar name. This article cures,* others may not. liemeiuber the name?Lrosvenor's. sold by Druggists at 2.*> cents, or sent by ; mail, postpaid, to any address, on receipt of price. ( I'flKl'AliKl) ONLY 11Y J. M. t.UUiVKNOH, M. I). VI Park I lace, N. V. oct t-l-Cm. I l isli: Fittlt! Finli! I T AVINCf STAUTKD A F1SIIKKY AT .JL_1_ NV ither's swash, on the hcach, 1 am now catching qnantilieb of minlets, and ottar 1 them tor ?alo at the lodowing low prices! I ? uo/.., 1 if311 CUllglll, 'ZO CIS, l'er Dili., regular pacKage, $1.00. Uer bbh, 1 oik tu extra size, $0.00. Ail orders put up with the gi cat est care, un- \ , dor my personal iiispuctlcin .My post ollico uouicss is Ducksvillo, S. C. j JAMES OMENS. Soccastcc, S. C\, Sept. i'th, ISiG. 1 Ha> on Consignment for ! bake. 1 Q / \ BALES OF PK1ME E AST E U.N lOvy llay just teeeiveu per Schooner jeuuic oea/.iy, will be sold low down lor BUCK A liEAi'Y. July 25, 1370. july 29 ; mimmmmmmtk ,1876. AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS <<1 LMoliK ?S: CO., Successors to Cliinip.in, 1 lomnor iS Co., S< lioitors. Cutouts produced n nil comuIi ics. NO KEKS IN* ADVANCI*'. Vo charge unless tlie patent is grunted. No ecs tor making preliminary cNumiuutions. S'o tiddjiir.nul lot's tor obtaining and conducing a reborn ing. Iiy a recent decision of the 'ommissioncr A!.I- rejected applications may IC revived. S|MM'iul At lOIlt lo'l giVOII to llM ioionoo (.'uses hofoio the Cutout Otlico, lixtonions before Congress, 1 ntVin foment Suits in lilli'M'iit ."Muter, and all litigation appertain* li'? f r k 11. v nut i< mc <?? I'tiiniito lis - . r , . ,,? - ... O ' ? ??* n?m?i|? I " iihnore A ( '<). lor pamphlet of sixty pag"s. jAND cases, land warrants and SCRIP. Contested band (,'as 's produced before the ". S. (.fin i.il I,and Ollice and Department >1 tlif lntnior. Private l.atul Claims, illNIN <; and I'liE-E.MPTION ( lainis, ami lOMKSTKAD Chscs Pttoiuled to I.and in i|> in -10, bO, and tC.0 an a* pieces lor sale I his scrip is assignable, an I < a i be located n tbc name ot tin; purchaser upon any (nivalin iciil land subject to piivate entry, at icracic. It is of equal vaulc with bounty .and Wan ants. >end stamp to tiiiuiorc A o. for pamplilcl of Instruction. ARRSAiiS OP PAY and BOUNTY. (HTIC'I-.UN SOUW.KS, anil SAII.OUS n he late war or their heirs, arc in many eases iiititlcti to money from the (iovernin ml ot i liich they have no knowledge, Wiitu full listory of service, and state amount ot* pay aid bounty recivod. Enclose stamp to fill.doliEiV. i '(0., and a full reply, alter exuuiiution, will Imi given you free. pensions. All OFFICER'S, aULUlhKS, and SAIL)lv> wounded, iltplured, ot injured ill the ate war, hovvevei slightly, can oht^ju a poniou by uddics.sing til CMOUE & ( (>. ( uses prosecuted by dEMOUE ?V CO. beore the ."supi cine ('ourt ol I lie I'nited States In; ( ourt of Claims, and the Southern ' laiins 'oiiiniihsion. Each department of our business is conduced in a sepaiate bureau, under charge of lie Same experienced parties employed by the id III in. Prompt attention lo all business euilistcd to (.lEMOUE ?l* C'lJ. is thus seemed. \e desiie to win success by deserving it, Addicss (IILMOKi: iV CO., WASH IM.TOX, l?. (J. A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "rue oesii cueapest-aurt most successful Family Fujer in tho Uniou." Harper's Weekly. Not ices of the. Prrw*. Harper's Wpt*K ly is the .1 ?>l?? 1 JJnit<I most pow'till I litis 11 it It'll periodical pilbliHAPil 111 this (mmtry Its editorials nr?'m Ihcuih and ccnvln inir, and curry much weight. lib Illustrations I i-iitr-i 1 events are lull and freeii, and are pre* i-irnl liy our lies t destgtiers. Wtiti a Irciilatiou I I.'1,1,(inn. the WeekIr is read by at least a half 111 ton persons, and its tiillueure as an organ of pinion is simply tremendous. The Weekly laiiiiniusa pontile position, and express denied ' lews mi political and social problems.? .onisv tile Uoiirier Journal. Its articles are modles of high-toned discusion, and its pictorial illus tralicns are often cor ntjnrative ar*imienle of no small force. ? N. Y. ,xan leer anil t.'hronlcle Its papers upon txlsuni questions and Its i n I in table 1:1 r tonne lie I p to mould the sen li men ts of be country, ? 1'itisburgh tSouiti ercial. Harper's Weekly sIHii.ih at tbe bead of 'lllus rated .ionriiiila 111 tbe United States, 111 ciivnlali n, ed torial ability, and pictorial illiisir** ioa. ? i.adies Heposittry, Cinclnuaii. T mors: Postage free to all Sui si ribers in the I'. S. Hahi'Kh's WltKK i.Y, one year . ... ft 0;) t on includes prepay men t of U. S. postage by* lie publishers. Suntcripiioii* to Harper's Marnzlne, Weekly, lid Ita/ir. to one ad.Iless for One year, tin 00; >r, two of Harper's IVrmdu als, to one address or one y eur, 7 ini, postige free An Kxim t'opy of either the Magazine, Weeky,orll(/.tr will be supplied gratis lor every b 11U of live S11 hscrihei 's at 4 oil ea It, 111 one re nltiuuce?or, Six (,'opies for 20 oti, wiibotit extra Oliy? po t.lge tree. Hack Numbers can be stippled -it any tune. The annual volumes of Harper's WeeK-y, in le.-telo'h binding, wnl be sent by express, free if expense, lor 7 <>0 each. A complete Set, co>a* Hiring Nineteen Volumes, sent on receipt of ash at the rate of l> J.'i per vol., freight at ex* IflldH lit Itll rf?l\- ?? P Prominent intention will lie Riven In Harper's IVeekiy to tiie Illustration of iItu Centennial In .em at 10nut Kxposition. Newsp ipers are not to copy this advertise neni vsitliout the express order of IIakckh & liHOTII KKS. iildri'ti IIAIii'HU & HHOTHIiRS, New York. dec 4 ?6m. Silver Plated Ware. Tt1--i-- TM.i.J m _ 1 - STT xacLUU-X'iUteu XaOiO W uro, AM) Ornamental Art Work. IN (i UKa I' VAU1KTV, MA A' lTFA CTUli ED III' TIIE Moriden Britannia. Company, > >0 JiioaUtoayi Xmo l'oi/c. The best Mill ml SPOONS and FORKS are hose Silver Plated heaviest on the pails where necessarily the most ware comes, ami Deal ing tlie Trade Mark. is 17?Kofi Kits IlllOTIIKItS?XII. N. R.?This great improvement in Silver* I'l itoil Spoons ami F01 ks is applied alike to ach grade ot' Plate, A 1, S and 12 oz., as 01leied. The Process and Machinery tor manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Kxti a or Standard Place" made by this Company is stannKid A 1, simply, and is plated 2(J per cent, heavier than the ordinary market itandard. 0T7~ First Premiums awarded at all Fui .1 where exhibited, from World's Fair ol 1S.YJ to American lusiitute Fair, 1874, inclusive. apt 15. 4 in. dm. SIDDALLS MAGNETIC SOAP. mi AI i no u neap est soap that can bo usod foi tho following reasons: 1st.?One bar will go as far as two of an other. 2d.?Only one half thousu il rubbing bcinf required, there is a saving of more thai tho entlie cost ol'tlio tiuapin labor alone ;ld.?The clothes are made Sweet, Clean am White without trolling or scalding, thti! all injury to them is avoided. There ii a saving in fuel and hard woik. ami th< washing is done in about half the ustia time. n is also guaranteed under a penalty o fifty dollars not to injure, the clothes or hands and as one tiial will enable any person to a* certain the truth of these statements, it wouh never pay the p.op.ietor to engage in an ox tensive system of advertising and claim sucl decided ineiiL for his .Soap unless lie knew fi-oin positive e.\|H>iienee that it would provi to he in every resiieet what is claimed for it. This is also a su|>erior .Soap for Toilet am Shu\ ing pui-jxises. WAHNKH, 1U101>KS & CO., Wholesale Fancy Oiocera, Ceneral Agents, may 27 1* 11 iphia, Pa. I It Pays! It Pays !! : WH AT PAYS? A IV r \YS rv?rvM in n fuc'tnrer. Mnebtni, M 'iiiiiuc. 1 ii v?milor. F <r titer, or Professions, m titan, to kewp informed on .ill the Improve* * i men 10 ntnl discoveries of III)* h(h, 1 I I* V YS ill.* ! n?| of every frtrutljr to Introduce 1 into his household ;i ii?*w?|i:i|it'r that is lustrito tivi', Ihuf foorri n tuMe for tivve* ligation j ion) promotes ihotiirht mill euconrsgee disease , el on imonK 'he member*. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN wiiirli lots o*-en puoii.-io*tl wi-elily for the ' lust ihiriy jettrs, does tin*, loan extent beyond that of nut other pn Illicit lot , in tUOt it Is the I only Weekly |?:t|?*r published In the ('ntied States, devoted to iVlunnf irtiiros, Mechanics, In* I ventions ttuil New Ihscoverier In the Arte and j Science.*. r.vfrv niimwr is protmeiy iiiusirnisn iinn m ; contents embrace the liuol and must Interesting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, ami Scientific Progress of the World? j Descriptions, with hmtn ti I ill Kngrar I u k 4, of 1 New Implements, New Processes, and Improved Industries of all kinds; (Jsefm Notes, K 'cejpes, I Suggestions vus Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen and tinpioy?T?, In the various I arte, for in in c a com pic ie repertory of New lavsn* lions and Discoveries?containing a weekli rs I cord not oni\ ot the progres* of tbe Industrial Arts hi our own country, but also of all New _ I Discoveries and Inventions in every branch of j Kmruienr luif, Me, h tines, and Science abroad. Tint SritiM-iric A until *.* has been the foremost ot all Industrial publications lor the past Thirty J Yearn. It is tlie oldert, largest, cheapest, and [ test weekly illustrated pa per devoted to Fllgt , iieerhi.c, iSlecliaiii < ?, Chemistry. New lnveni tioas, Science and Industrial Progress, publishi d in tbe World. Tbepaleni receipts are well worth ten llm?* the suivcriot ion price And for the strop and house will save many times the cost of snuscrip tion. I Merchants, Fanners, Meclixnlct, engineers. Inventors, Manufactures, Chemists, Lonrt of Science, and People ol all Prolesstous, will llnd llle S'MMivic AmkkIca.v useful to them. it , should have a place hi every Faintly, Idbrary, I Study, t'llbe, and Counting Koonx ? in every | Pending Koom. < 'allege and School. A. new voln Ii e commences January lit, WO. A j ear's numbers coat tin pages ami Srreral Iliiiull'ed King ravings Thousands of volnines ale preserved lor binding and relereuce. Terms, :i do.lars and fiiuMilt a year by mail including positive. Discount to Clubs. Special circulars riving ('inn rates sent tree Single j copies intii.id on receipt ol 10 cents. May be had id all News Dealers. ^4 "f?* j i In oonneciion with the i Hn TnT'Tr^! SciKMinc A u shica s, Mesa, a WWdii wW* Alias ,v Co. are Solicitors ot Aii^el Icau and Foreign Patents, tud have the largest establishment in the t\ mi. More than liltj thousand applications nave been made lor intents through thoir ugency. Patents are oh' lined on the best terms, Models ot New Inventions ami Sketches exit mined and advice I red. A special notice is made in ths Soik.vtiViC Am'hh a.v ol ail luvciiiions Patented iiiiougli litis Agency, wl?h the name ami rest' trot u><* 1'atcntee. Patents are ol leu sold in p.rl or whom, to person attruceed to the inveniion iij so ill iioiue. Mend lor Pamphlet, conluinuig luil directions lor oolaliMtig Patent*. A lioni it vouime containing the Patent liiwi, t! iimis ol tin* U.S., iiiul M'2 F.nxravings of mio cli.iiiic.il movements Price 'ib mu is, All.]re.-8 lot llie Pitper, or concernUig l'&t?llll, ! Ml is is \ i'U. 37 I'm k J tow, pt? W \ork. Hrau.h Uillce, Uor. F. i* 'in .>t., V its U lit if to u, D. C. dec li. in. "A Ke^Ooilory of Fashion. Pleasure* and InBliuctiou.'1 Harpre's Bazar. ll.LL'iSTKATKD. Sot ice* of (he Press. The llazar is edited wltli a combination of tset anil talent tinit we seldom find in any journal; uiidliiejolllii.il I lee.I u lliC ? I'giiu ol too gtest Wol'lil ol laelMOII, ? lloston ll'uveler. '1 lie li.iz .r coiniiienila u sell to every membaref the household?10 the cm i nil en by droll pictures, to I lie j n ii n x ladies by 1(8 tasinoii pi.ties In smiles* vani ty, to (lie provident matron by its palterns lor tiiu children's clot ties, to paterfamilias by lis tasteful designs lor entui'oldei ed suppers and luxurious d; esSiug-KowMa. iluc ihe read iiig luitlter ol lite llazitr is liiuloi Ilily ol ureal excellence I tie paper has inquired a v ion popularity lor the itrcsi. ie en Joy incut it all.one. ? in . Y. r.VeuuiK I'osl. lis way mere Is nothing like It. Flesh and trust wormy as a inshiou guide, us stories and essays, us poetry and equius arc till invigorating to ihe numl.? U imago Evening Journal, TIOKMS: Postage free to all Subscribers in tha U. S. Hakukk'i, lia/ tii, one year . , . w? t uo iiieluUi s prepayment of U, S. postage by the publishers. biioscl'ipcioiis to Harper's Magrr.ine, Weskly, ami iiai.r, u? one undress lor one your, Fin on, or I iwool Harper's Periodicals, lo oils address lor one year, if7 OH postage iree. A., l-.xiia Oop> ol eiiher Magazine, Weekly, or w v iii un Mi|i|i|iru gratis tut' every til no of I'll .'>n l>ecr|Oei s a t 4 tOeuutl, til one remittance, in .~n\ tor -o oo, wikitoii extra copy, poet>,?e tree. line* N timbers can be supplied at any time. Tue /Mutual Vo nines ot Harper's liax.tr la neat cloilt binding, wit. bceiiu u) expres, Iree of expense, tor 7 on each. A coniplete .*>el, coinpritt l UK Im*; lit Volumes, sent on receipt ol CUHI1 al III* rate ot !t tin per VO.., lreiglll a. expense of purcll* aser. i'rimt'nent attention will b? Riven In Harper's HuX.it' lOolO'ti 111usir.tlions ot lito ueuleuitt.il lit* lei national Hxposiitou as may ue appropriate is us col .n.us. Newspapers are not allowed to copy thlsadrer* vertiseiiieul Wiliioulout lite express order ot Hat per & Jltoiiiets. Auuress IIAUfbti ? lIKU'I'llEuS, Nsw York, uec bill "Unquestionably tho best sustained work of tno muu in mo WotiU." TTnrnnv'c TVT r% rwZ vt ^ I mmia u i\i?* 1ULU* ILLUSTRATED. i .V n f hi'i I*cum. The ever increasing circulation of this exeat* I <mi t moil to I y proves its continued adaptation to popilitti d*siiea mikI need*. indeed, wuen wa tniiiU ii>iu now many homes It penetrates every ntoiilli, we must consider it its one oi the educators t\n well as entertainers ot tiie public iiitud.? ttosiou tiloue. Tlie character which this Magazine poisassaa for v.irieiy, enterprise, artistic wealth, Mid liter.try culture Hint has Kept puce Willi, if it Iihs not ted lite time*, should cause ii? conductors to regard it with jin-tillable complacency. The Magazine lias done good and not evil all the days ol us il tu. ? lirookly n Lug I*. rsome of the moat popular of modern novels have II r?t appeared as serials in irn6 Mtvgunne. In all respects, it is an excellent periodical, and tully deserve* its great success.? i'uil.tdwlpuia Ledger ILKMS: Postage frue to ail stuo>.<iiiwri in the lTn I teg t? tales. II.UPIK'i MAIIAJI**, OII? yrnr . . . , $4 # ' I *? 00 Includes prepayment of U. W. postage be | the publisher#. , Subscription to Hamper's Magasine, Week.y, ' I it ltd 11 rg ti. to one adurcss fur on e year, $10 00, or ' | two of 11 .r,>*?i *e? I'ertodtcais, lo one address for oue year,*/ oo, tosiage troo. | Am f.xtr? Copy of either the Weakly or iiiittiii wilt oe auppiio.i gratis tor every Club of Kit v Sn>st'kiKnn.i at 14 no, each, in one rnmlu 4 innce, or JSiX Oo,ij? lor $'.10 00, wilnout extra copy ?povl.Re free. I hack numbers cau be supplied ut any IIme. A Complete Set of Harper a Mug.txiue, now comprising '*>1 Volumes, in neat ciotu bindiug, f | will tie sent by express, treigiit in etpeuse of purchaser, tor 2 26 per voluiuo. Single volumes ' 0> mull) postpaid. * A complete Analytical Index to the rtrst Hfty I Volumes of 11.ir per ? Magazine lias just beeu pu ui sued, rennet mg a van tote to r reference the j { vast ami v.,rie i wealth oi inloi .ii.tuoi* which 1 toiieiiiuies tins periodical it perfect illustrated ' j n.erti) cyclopedia. ? vo. Ciotli, Jo)-Half Oulf, 5 6-0 JSeiil postage prepaid. | A series oi papers >i ..u i ilie I Ue of "The 7lrs> *' i Ceiiiur, ol toe lirpiioiic," contributed by the | must Milium, i American pub.icisis, la now being pub iSOOd In Harper s MagaXIIIC I ii ,0 series of over IWrlity p .pel's g !* a a Co ill prenensl V e re view 01 Pio^ress during tue century now closing, in evei y uep it tmeiit 01 our iiatioual life. Newspapers are copy tins anvertlvsmsul vvulionl the express OTuer ol if ahi'KX jt ItnoTUUU Address IIaUI'LU M llituiUnit.l, New Yorg