KS^... I LOOAL MATTERS. lleliglous A ppuintmviits. | Preaching in Kint?stcm Cmircli on the third (3d) Sabbath and Saturday lu'fore in! December, by lU*v. James McDowell. On the third (3d) Sabbath And Saturday y before m January, by Dev. II. M. Dreaily. Winter seems now to have set in in dead earnest. Yesterday morning at 10 WVlock the thermometer alood j?i. n.i above froer.ing point. The excitement over Hie situation at Columbia is so absorbing that some of our ciiimiis can't wait the slow progress of the news to thisonl of the w ay place. Dr. Norton anil E. H. Hcaty 4cft for Colutnbia on Thursday morning, and we guess Mr. Walsh, w ho went over to Marion Court and was to be hack before this, lias been caught with the 6ame contagion and gone too. Wishing Him the bamk Hlkskinu.?The , Sheiitf has just shown us a letter that show3 th# good heaitncss of some people untimely expressed. It is fiom an inmate of the S'.ale Penitentiary. lie says "1 take the pleasure of writing you a few lines to let you know that. 1 am doing well in inv circumxtanecs and wish * you the ?ame blowing. Paying off tun Fines.?Th? IIadieu' office holders in Washington are making up a fund to pay otl the fine imposed on the State Hoard of Canvassers for contempt of Court No doubt they think *7,SO1.) dirt cle ap for the sharp practice of the Hoard in its efforts to dodge the rulings of the Court, and to jjccudii/e r?aiiiijihin. Mistaken Idknj it v.?The othcrday as two colored lads mined with guns and cquiped with shot pouches, powder horns, bandage cloths and lint rags, coining down street at quick time pace we thought wc recognized in them that the blood of the "lyul1' was up and that they were on their way to Colombia to aid the Federal foieefl in making a raid oidShei itb Pent tor the reldase of the Hoard of' Canvassers. The hair on our head fairly jumped on eiul, we felt our sell shrinking down like a "box eooter" geitiug back into his shell; but oil inquiry we found they were going over the rivev t. ami family returned in the afternoon ol Monday. A small portion of the furniture was saved, mostly in a damaged condition. Tito loss was not less than >5*0,000. Insurance about #3,000. Very respectfully, Spectator. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors font i 11 discioti?>its ot youth, iieivutis weakness, eatly decay, loss of manhood. ?kc.. I will send a leceipo that w'.ll cure you, KltEK OF CJUAKtiE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Ameiiea, Seud a self-addicssed envelope to the Hev. iIoskph T. 1nvian, Station 1>, liibie House. New Volk. Nov. IS, Gtn. The (beat Exposition. We have received from the publishers* Messrs. Hubbard Urns., ol Ehiladclphia, ad I Vance sheets of a foi I hcoini mr volume. wliieli will greatly inteiest pvery American. It is entitled "The C'kntknniai. Kxpomtion 1)ksf'ki hki > am) il.l.l ni KATUD," and is A complete history him! pictoiiul representation of this grandest wot Id's fair the world lus ever known. hveiy intelligent And thoughtful person who lus visited the lSx[n sitioti and ootnpre hended not only its vast proportions Wot Us wide significance, will l>e glad to liitd it photographed and pieseived in permanent for;f in this beautifully prepared volume. The gieat I'.xposition is teally a trpresent.v lion of all that the human raee has accent plished duiiii/f its career of six thousand years. The nations of the e.nth of every clime selected that which embodied their best thought.- and their highest Achievements in evesy department of human effort, and btitiging them together, invited the world to behold the last and most ported icaults of all that man has accomplished in every iicld ol thought, industry and skill. ') to $JOO each in viewing and studying this wonderful display, we have nev" er heard of one who did not feel amply repaid for the expense of time and money involved. These, millions desire to study more ai leisure wnai iin'T coui.i men examine hut hurriedly, and many millions more who could not visit ami see it, dcsi.e to pos.iess a wnik which shall give them a lull ami adequate representalion of thi*> grand and woadeilul fx!iibilion. To supply this urgent demand is the object of this wo k. It lias been prepared fiom material gathoted on the grounds, by the most careful, puhmt and lahorous ie' search, and from ofli-lal sources, and though it does not claim, as some do, to bo by olliciai authority, it enmuiandi confidence litereny, (ion, Uawleo having announced that no book has any right to such a claim. It describes briefly the inception and growth of this grand enterprise, but mainly ihu wonderful exhibits of the Nations of the New and Old World, showing their different peculiarities, cuitosi ties of mechanijui, &c.t and contrasting thorn one with the other. Ihit the interest and value of the book lie largely in its profuse and biilliant iiiustrai tions. Jn tliis uiulfitude of finely executed | engravings, the main ft at tires of the Kxhibi1 tiou are vividly impressed on (he miml of tic* J leader in a way that words cannot do. It is next thing to seeing tin* great World's Fair itself. We advise our readers to examine tlie the hook carefully should they have an oppor' (unity. Wo presume the publishers want j agentr in this vicinity, and we lmpe some of jour energetic young men will improve what I s. *i'His lo us an cviiat i.linnrv rmm > I n n il tr it. serve our citizens aii.l do a handsome paying business. IlANDso.Mr: I'KKMifMs.?The publisher of "The Nursery" has issued a lis' of premiums for obtaining subscribers to Ins j> ?pul ar magazine. The list Comp' ises articles useful ami oruameiit.il, including hooks, games, knives, skates, and toys cf all kinds. Here is a chance I for boys and girls to obtain a nice holliday i gift for themselves or a friend, by making a little healthful exertion. "The Nursery" en teis upon its eleventh year in .January, 1877, and is as full ?,f life and animation as over. The secret of its success is found between its covers every tii'mth. The price is $1.(50* year. It is published by John L. Shorey, :5(5 Hiom field St., JJustou, who will send a sample number with premium list for ten cents. How Wnclc Hampton's IVnce Policy is Regarded in New York. On last Sunday, Kev. Do Wilt Taliuage in his sermon, preached in the Brooklyn Tabernacle, on the situation in regard to tbo recent election, using lite parable ot Jolhum as a text said; But by a strange and unlookcd for perplexity, there is danger that the Presidential chair will be occupied by the bramble of division, of thorns of despots?the nettle ot national irritation. For thut will be characteristic oil it * \vt;iuuA >' i ??u?a? ?< i . n???wwwwuaiaw grviuimMf of tlio administration of either of these men if they tako tho position at the hands of tho ballot-box stutter* or uiitaiihlul returning boards. [Ap- | pinnae. | In applying his discourse ho said: i "Wo ought to show our gratitude ; to God for tho equipoise of the nation. 1 lehold tho most sublime spectacle on | earth?two political naVlies, altera long and treniendouH contest, standing in ordurly sileuco, waiting lor the clear and distinct enunciation of tho ! ; ballot box. No riots in tho streets,. b or less cause in oilier years our cities , : have been sprinkled wilh violence. ; The political parly in Souili Carolina,! rejected by the parly opposing, in* J ' stead of trying to raise up strife, call j j upon I heir consul iientu lo leave it to the higher tribunals of the Slate^nd nation. [Applause.] I know im {more admit able document than that of Wade Hampton. It is the. voice , and hand of God helping uh in 187(1 I I as he delivered us in 17 70. He is not | worn out with our id doings and in* { gratlitude. There will bo no civil j ! war, and no need of any contest. NVo; be to the man who durcH propose it! lie will wish he hud never been born." [Applause.] The Radical Legislature. From tho Union-Herald we have1 ; the following as tho first days pro coed j ingsol the Jl idical Hump legislature, alter the Democrats had withdrawn j because of the ejection oI the members by Grant's buyouts under Chamberlain's orders. SKNATK. Tho senate nif?t at 12 o'clock, and was called lo order by the lieutenant govern >r. Hon. S. A. bwails wan el exited president pro loin. All the democratic m?natort) tL their feats including Me^ntt, (*ary and Todd, <11 Kdgclicld ami Laurens counties. The old officers were elected. The body is now engaged in forming the regular commitiecn. The Senate informed the house that il H&h ready to proceed to bueinesM. HOUOK OK KKPUKK KXTATIYRS. Tlio home of representatives was called to order to-day at 1'2 o'ejock by the clerk of the hist bouse ot representative*, Mr. A. O. Jones, The clerk called the roll. Sixty.eight member* answered lo their names. The house then went, into an ctecI tion for speaker. Mr. K. W. M. j Alackey and Mr. N. H. Myers, ol Uc.tulort, were put in nomination for that otlice. Kaeh inoiuhcr vote' a* his name was called. At the conclusion it was declared that Mr. Mnckev had received 59 voles ar.d Mr. My?*rsi I '2. Mr. Wallace declining to vote. 1 l;v clerk duly announced Mr. M u k<-y to Iiavc been elected speaker of the house of represent at i vca. The | new speaker wan conducted to the i desk by Mr. Myers, who administered ! lite o il b ot olliee. Mr. Mackey dclivI erd ;i Uriel speech, thanking the house lor (Ik* honor conferred upon him, ami assuring ih?- body th.it he would per. ! bum the duties ol the olliee iir. pariial! ly, without regard to race or party. The ii.lines ot I lit? members were then called by counties and the membei'H advanced to the bar ami were sworn in by the cici k. The counties ot Anderson, Abbeville, Aiken, Barnwell, ( die sicrliehl, I (Jlaiemloii, Colleton, Fdgetield, (jieen: vide, I lorry, Lancaster, Je-xington, Marion Marlboro, Oconee, I'likcns, Spartanburg, Union and York were not represented. Mr. Jones was then put iri nomination tortile olliee ot cleik ot the house. Whole number of votes east, 5'.); 11 coos sal y to a choice, 30, o| which | Mr. Joui'H received 5 i t)k.y ^.vi : 'J r*?rffu**ww,^?r.o.v m.. .1 c I-vt- f v , j *a iituirr ?ci?omx. CoNWAYJlolto, S. ('., DfC. l>-'/0 ('MUl'K 'IViti'KNTiNK?Virgin $2.00?Vol low'(IIo $1-75 to $2.00 Scrape $1.00. Timber?Jo demand, 5 l<> 10c prft. provisions.?l'ol k lla<*?>n, 12jal5 Kggs |Oal2?.e ; Corn Js>l\ to $1.00 No sale of timber this week. 1,itti.k Uivkk, S. C., Deo. 2. Tt'itPKNTiNK?Virgin $1,75 per l?l?l ol 280 1 His. " Old ilip $1.75 " Corn $1,00 |>er Im?Meal $1,20 per bu. Pearl Hominy $1,50 |ht Imi?Salt $1.50 |>??i 1 Nick? Field IV is $ .50 to $1.00 ? Mol.i-vse* 05 to (to cents per gal?Hacon si les, 15 to 10$ cents?Mour $7 to ii,per bh|. Country I'nonpcK. Chickens 1<> t<> 20 cents?10 12. ! Cow hides 7 to 9 cents. Wind 2?? cents Ih. lVanuts $1.2."> to il.i>0 KteVi lieef, 0 to 7 cents, Milium 7 lob cents,?Cool wood $2.00 per coid. (Jkouoktoww, * Nov. 20. Crude tut|r?ut?u??Virgin yellow ?l?i? $2.?'A), Scrape Coin V> ? *0 coui? pr.bu Uougli Ulce 7*? U? $1.00 j.e? biid.ol < ii int lis ion. S. ; < Hd ) to 40 Cotton Iw ui 12. I2ciii:2ar^ (UouiisKis&icu i Sv>;VJT. A1 lie n?'i t regular com mimical mil e hold on Tuesday night Doe. ' v xolh. 1870. LIy oiUoi olthu \V. M. ! :. K. I1EATV Seety, Wficjv.i.i'jj im - vi 'io*.r s?agverrr?? tot-rr.i ,.a.iM IMil| feiaic ^iu'oliua. IIOKltV COUNTV, IN Tin; OlfHT CK I'ltOll VI E. Hy Itawr (?. I.ong, riobatf "AA riil.liKAS, Tin*. W. UfAty, Faq., \ V ' I*'11 of t!i* (*>urt of <'oiiiiioii Ilcut, lor 11< ouut r of Hurrv, in'li luuir unit to in*, (otolor tin* provision* of lin (i;-uoial b?l4t it to* of lliiii N|,?tc |<:c?\ filing fot lJ;** u. lb A AC C.LONCJ, J. I\ II. C. till: Crowning Glory. TilE (SOME % Sewing Machine! war AWinnui) Tnh I \ First Vroinium 1 At the Centennial Exhibition, l.STfi, and has always cad led oli'lhe highest honors wlicrver exhibited. j | A COMPACT, SIMPLE, DURARLE, LIGHT RUNNING AND EFFICIENT j "LOCK STICIi" MACHINE Adapted to the Wants cf 2v;rybcdy. No Home Complete Without One. Emphatically the Ma: *? - Clinic ior me People. Warranted for Five Years! Send for prices awl snnif lea of work done on the Home, or call at our office. JOHXSOrV, CliAItK &. CO., 30 Union Square, N. Y. 21 South Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo. ;>C4 Washington Street, Boston, M i?#. 141 State Street, Chicago, Illinois. 11 \\ Second Avenue, rittsUurgh, !'?. 17 New Montgomery Street. Sau Franclscr, California. due 2?(Jur.. >? v- ?r . , *-?_ -_?*. ? -r i V" * ' ;ZT H at ;< S w. By order of I robu'e Court. - ! 11 i? Keul U"n I tate ot Jaiiicj J Kobcits, noM lor Partition. 1 \ riJKSI'ANCF. of an order of the Pro- j 1 bate Judge for IJorry County, I will oiler for *al? Iwlbre the Court House in Con* wayboro, S. (!., on the llrst Monday in l>eeeiulier nrvt, doling legal sale hours, Ihe real j estate of Jane's J. KoIhoIh, deceased, all that >.i...? i....i .o........i ? I II ? I MUM |k of tint forinoi purchaser. la re Real 1'iU'i of Isaac Mclkry, Hold for 1'ai titioa. I X r'l'Uftl' AN'CR of an order of the Pro-! .1 lute Jud;;< for Horry County, i a ill j oiler lor sale Im-Ioic the lloud House in I'on- > wayboro, S. U., on tb? first li'Midiv in He- i M'liiU'l' next, d'.llin^ I'Val rale hours, tie | teal estate ot luac Mclluy, deceased, tyro 1 tracts of lauds situated in iloriy County on Simpson 1'ieok. Tiaet No. 1, containiii? one hundtsJ so mole or leas, bounded on North, by public road, gii mil, by lauds of I. J. i'aikerund oil) sr. Tract No. 2, eonlain'hj one linnii.ed unes iju?:? or l< ss, bounded by lands of ah U. 1 Kicluidkon, Ism.*- J. 1'a ker and other. Conditions ('mli. A'utvl.4ser to pay for litisA. II. Skll ri'lll, t>. U. C. Canwaj boro, X. C., Nov. Ill, lS7d. \I.SO, On Tussday, -?th day of December next, between tlu hours id 11 ?'eloek io ilto foiisttoou -ild o'clock in thy aftm noon, at, or near the re-d lance of 1'hilip sh*ll> ? ( I)o?. moll l o\t naliip) < hie hand uilti, and la.ikta ki ol fodl.r; levied on us the p.n|* rI \ of /hick bhoily, at > be knit of liidiard Jordan. A. 11. hlaIt'l'lalk, ?>. li. O. Nov. 21.18.1;. L>li* I n. ii. I*-?Ihii'n? rlcs l?y nta ix l?ky -at Oi Ui : ? ;w r j i ;>i!>l< ! iu l to on I r rtj mi i? Lite and Labors of j Li VJLJStySnmifi. This v#i. i hi v> tfioii r r.m?? itinoiu th? ni'?i lU'kict t>( in; triiiiii f, itii.i tin* l>u>ix i? oni' hi Hi* in'J I > Hi itiin, f ii?id iiiii^', i1 -1? I r i II !? I r 11> ?t iii> 1 lyi'truclii* volutin-* t-v?r i-*u? J llt?n.it l k.? wiiiy ?!ilii? null ituliu-uUi' UN, Hint.Iniii* . n i-i.-n I i| i'. it nil will* i i.i'i-i :i,'?uii ii* *?! (-0 ij .1- 4 v. W'ni' |uiiu( i t I It-run it l?,l lilliiUll iiKtll*.) i'ulilliiii it, 7*4 S iu tu.u .Sr, I'ii 11*. nwr a * l TVfjv* nv V.'e ?ay cavh I'm' old Kounty Laud Warrant?, they ur? acatteri' l\ tit., WaadiLujfWu, o. c. rtari-KV Savimos Dank, Vf ARUIkt* I'oK, I). Nov. 510, 1H7A. hi no h i :ig Mi'vwi t. ((ILMOISK A ('<).,! tak*1 IJf-?m ? in iv.? h*ij. J hi. Ui'tI.Ki>, Kiiuiu, Una* Co. I ii . V. l J v. W it w iii ii i r i i mi |n .i tin*iin-** ) on X v VP rm in o* m) r vi'i-k with o a t c t |tt "Jf air" "*"* re?pi-i" *iiiw i?r *iih?r XlfJL ,i Ii* \ * * A?rMti? u* , a-?i ; - * r . \ ? Y r ? A ,?.* to rut *1 III Infill* l>? t II o I I jT J *. t*.J>t u*ir.il v.l Wiieliljr, hrf.irfl ite i *r iitiui.it: up j.'i your work for tin* foil itn.l vrinier. Tu* riuiiiiiu It: tu for ll.lt Mi.titn urp miyllimjc li*r. foti *i' hi ii-'ii jtifil. T-r.n? *-ii l I rt*r dii?.lv for t,\?*i/li?, uml nil , m *i 11 if M moim illfinf.r tun . rin 1 1' OMiY IN UI.III. r.DXKS S<. d by *11 Dniff I ?. O. K. CU1.N Tff.V, 7 Sum Art. I.*r, <1 ( v? Yolk. Attention All! GBKAY 11ANKKI l? 1 SAU OF .IKVVt f.RV. On rtiiipi uf A) rmtR mii 111 rr ml by rani (1'inl |i >|.i, * 11 of i hr fMlo-.vinn pice* of J.'Wclry, v* I ft hi (fold l-lm-.l flnKiAfid Sicctx Hut. Mm*, 1 t <1 ?*M f"i oo i Ahii t r.tiid?, 1 coll .i r tml I **c?l in r n in, I roll |'l itu irmrh ?:h*in mid I cilVr tin* jjrcat >iii?iim in- r?*ly to tiro*/ attention ro our on*l. lirrx, K* ITi< IlkVa* Mil k I It ?t? of W.tli ll? 8 null Ji'iv# |r\ ii ;o a* u <<< ? . *? !.d for imI'i l<'Kiix Ot;I.KS A O . 7H'> ii iniiwti. Now York t'liy. r KiiAD? bOlt "XTTEn i5 i hi: Oontanaial Exposition III StMOHI.il AMI IM.UM'WATKI), A graphic j??ii iMi-uirrof lm tumor y, itr.iml null dine*. wotid'-rmi cvii hin, curio*.tie*, (rr?oi .1 >?, r"i. F r.if? **ly tll.t-ir tied, tool ok'iIt p >p. til ir iiti-< vi-t* i'hri|i At ii* t K'll lin ni-ni'ii fi.'MX) Ac?nU XV mi*.!, .fond for full ptriieurtrs. rill* wi i he in* ch in ?uf HJjr'tri id roin moo yl*?i. <1?t fir oiily rciiibic Wmtory. Nan U i rit < ;-n* . 7S1 S < liftOiil St , I'll I IK. t'AUVlO.N -Ho i ot dc> i*v*d hy pr*o?\tnr?< III Ilk", n?? 'I m III* to I|<> "offli'l Al" l\il(t tO.llliK *ll.it <* 111 h i pp.Mt I" A Ilk. Olid Sept. AjrfM'l* TV";?!i(<'t] for thft Siorv ? >! PHAEX.EY ROSS A.V ' tc. V a .<** 71 1L_ U .ir-WAiUfl Writ *o ky lit* f.itlirr A ?o n| lot** re u.tul ol III* unlet '< )?iri iuM? A'lilucitluli .turf L ?CtlllU' .v'Mivu W'tli I'.o Kiiiiii# I .'tier* a 4 iiiu.tr ? lion* ().|i??l ki! ulli.r U oU? (ln? A*>iii to< V 19 ii' di'll I ? sj-lgne.) thi* mate. Their raperienty Is ? reepecte on y, kn( in Ml tin* important qnall'ie* of >i|>iotn\ h ir? *l?o i,r*n * w irde.i them, ?.nt inrdt ? of equal a ila* were * witrded U Aft ch ? deemed wo'tny e I re fojrmtmn. k> Uim mmy m kmc can advertise Hr?t niedMe" or hiylir?taw?r mift miifurd thli rmik Sir K-porta 1 h>? i0(iiu was not iin'-xpo'itij, for t'-0-e orrnnn h?v? Uniformly Ukfii fii|ili*?t ;?w irua In am h cnmp* Itlonr. iliern li'li.k i> at limn ei x exceptici.e ii. ti indited* of cmiiptri'i.n*. Ti.rjr w-rr wiiul-d ilr?i ii eda*. *' U lliffht-tt honors at Px.k IHI7, Yeiurtn 1W.1. Sjiiikko u-76. Hhil:id?l|ilil,? *7d iliivinc thu* been nw.r.l U liiKlift-l Iiimio a m (very Worut'n Kx til On Ion rat mliiiin ihey h a * I'offli'drri, and being the only Anvriciti organ* which (vrf ulitainrii an) award in tuiropa N?w Mvn?, v?i i h mi |>io< vim'n 10 v?ii in t# I at the t>n n'linlal; ale* ml iiv w imio iii great vitrie ty l'rlcra vvry low vat coii*l?l#iil With ti at mai.-rlnl rand workmnnthip OrKink ?o.d for roan or Juaiallineni*, or reined until rent par* k'.v?? rv organ w irrun tvd to gi v e enure ? ti infraction to every rei?i>onAbla purch.mvr of ilia money return d 1 liuai rateil itatnioKU ? ifiit frie. M A Si > N A llAMMN IHIiJAn (Mi?1M Tram nit Street, liostoa; '.!A t'non ckjnar#, Naw Yorhi and U Adam* irr?j 1 ?;i53 Cit.vo^io, Fifty |?ap*? ?:iOO lltnstratioiia. w i ? scriptioim of lliuuiaiuli of the be?i /intTo.4 and Vegetable# in the world, ami tl?? v ?y to grn v tlii'iii- -all lor a Two V* t4 tostagj klamp. Printed r? ttcrntao an I ,li. \ it k'? Floral |n, .VI cents in paper; la eUganl cloth ot.*?-r? *' > . AJdivw, J 1 MKS Ylt!.\, RocIKMIT, 4. V. Vick's Floral Guide a beautit d C^ ie tail? Journal, ftmdf lluttr-t I'ljiiiiniin; C<>i I'lkr o itjr ? > ociik l??r Mi* Tho lint No. foe Ifi71 juat nsti vl in ami fcmj'wh. Vlck'i Klowar vV Ye^'labla UmVii, In jn^w'r a) cant*; with oiolli coT?m $1.0'). YuL'a <.'ata!<*y?e?1100 lMiftratio.?, only 3 Ctlltx. iKlrea?, J \ MIi^ VITK, VLoV. T vick'3 ri:Tfor and Vopubli Ox?d*a i? l\i? uio>t Ixvuuitul work of tin) mil hi . * * voi'.U. It Ciiiitaina uuaily 1'*) h irvilivtU <)J tin* ulu?lrain? i?, ainJ ? \ ? Wio?%? 1 lalo* ci FLiWOH, UrauUI alf di4-?.i ant rn oimlfioiu luitun*. I'riew .V? i.i ?? v?r<; 51.00 in ok'^aut ciiitk. 1'iuiui im uwi.ikA* ami iuij;li*li. Vli'k'? kluial liuiiic, (4nai w*t ly, JO Kin a ) oa.ir. YiiVtf Catalogue?J1<)0 llliietrat Wvtw, '*?|y 2 cent*' AihlruM, JAMIW riCK, Woi-hcatflr, !f T. V ICKVi 2L0V/23 and V2(*3XaV:3L3 3IG.GS in plantod by a million pcoplw in Ammica, iSr.w Vi? w'? Catalogue?3>) llUi*tr*tloM?, o?iy 2 oeiiM. \ ick'* Floral f?uui?, Cjn.irc?iIt, 'A3 ?. yrar. Viok'j Flowrr ami VrjftaWr Caiol**, 30 canto; with fluent elot'a I.it.\i jtimwi M k,W M i l>KK, wlwre wn likvo, ami k?t-y tooat.iully on hand a w?ni acleotcd ?uoca, *u>l ^eiioral aaaoi Uncut of DliY flOODS, n\ r? AID CAM, BOOl? AN D SUOU4, HAHDNf AMli, MT '.tAXi I'Alii,I CUKLAKT, CKOC&EH Y, DAUIAmv AND kkUlClNk-S, m:., ?C. CrocciicG a Specialty. W? m?k? th? Grocery irada a apgcltllCf and .1 tat I at ail I iliac* nav* o i Ua.vi a ? u pivtin aiock. iv * li-?y* iiovf on H.4tiH 111! 1 MA L I iii> ii ACoN 3ll??S, Dili MA I. TED UACON MtiOl/'I.HJlM, EOKk, Flail, IiU i'? r.K, Laud, i'i-.A, guikifl, mlcals kodjuksw, Mf Kt'F, FLOL'K """"" .xf 4 II 4.M?J4A ^ l.xal r- II - W. -- J- A. n?i |in?iTn?| irvui hiu urov t -ojoau j m m uT ^ Uu?. 0?f advantages of rereivln* gsodf frosa New V"??:k, Boston, Philadelphia ami bil*!ihoif, by vessels coming onl for lumber givas in * choice of markets, and *t rt?ry lo v (retains, which will enable in to ?cll oil.* good.! at prices that w.U meet the demands of the limes. BUCK A IJKATT. Bucksville, fl. C., July 'J'J, ld7'J, july 'iU-if fU \\F F. A JOH N }A \V . BAH?M, Maim, ctuceis of Bar.vks' Patent. 11'* o o i Power Machinery. Scroll Bans. etc. 'l'he only foot power inv T v\ bi cliinery wliliout dead centers, Kg to Si/flf) per year 92?f V# made luiuc those machines. h. Ml.er, Seliimj, (trove, Pa., say-: ":>ixty dollars <$';.)) jwr month made wit'i machine after working ten hours i#*r