Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, September 08, 1871, Image 4

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> 1 jSj&ymmmmm u m i ik'ULisjittj) J?Y mcqlkst. fiiorc was an hour w hen ! was born, ? helpless irvfant thus t lay, J?ne\v nothing of the rnggvtl t horn, ^Vljlch Uus across the Heavenly w ay ^horo is ?a way prepared for too * Through many scenes anil many foos, ;t Iks across the stormy sea There many trouble.I spin's goes. There is a world we have not seen. "Whore God, the son, doth reign in love |Yiui-o Jesus loans to pasture* gioon, Where all his people dwell in lovo There is a Heaven above the skies, A U ?aven 1 sometimes hopt to see, A ljleaven where pleasures never dies; f\ often hope it is for me. ^There is an hour when 1 must die, Nor ^lo T know J?vw soon 'tw ill come, A thousand child ren^oung as 1, railed by death to bear their doom. There's no repentance in the grave, Nor pardon offered to the dead, J2ut there's aw a) through Jesus given, To escape from earth and lice to Heaven. JJ. A. liJtowx. ^1 ? """ " ' Humorous, %*?? m*mmm>wn w ? ' i l"???>' ? ^ t*5'-vW .^u) IMji^rsuotl tPte l'nmifj. A traveler in the ktateol Illinois, some yews ago, came to a log cabin uu the prairies, u uu I Carlo, nud there halted. llo wont into th? house of Jogs. It was a wretched nllair, with pj} epiply packing box for a table 1 while twg pr th^co ohl ehai sand a disabled stool graced reception room ; the dark walls of win b ^76jrc further ornamented by a display of dirty ((n-wyre, and a broken dolf article or two. The \voiuan was crying in one corner, and (.fad than, with tears in his eye.-; and a pipv in f>!$ mouth, sat on a stool with Ins dirty arms pes ting on his knees, and his sorrowful look-* ing head supported by the palm of big hand,. >'ot a word greeted tlie interloper "Well," said ho "you setgn to be in awful trouble here what's up ?" "Oh we are most crazy, neighbor," raise the woman,and wo ami got 110 patience to see (biles yow." bfhttt's all right," said t lie visitor not much tfihen aback by this polite rebuff; but can I be pf any service to you in all '.his trouble!''' "Well, we've lost our gal: our Sal is gone oil and left us," said the man in tones of despair. .'.' Ah; do you know what induced her to }oum yonV' remarked the new arrival. ."Well, wo can't say, stranger, as how she's jf fco far lost as to he induced but then she's gone and disgraced US." mmnvtfl.l n?? ?ni: ' f yn\j auiici^il filllWf. .' 'V03, neighbor, and not as I should say It fts is her mother, but there wurn't a pooticr gat m ?j;e West than my .Sal: .She's gone and brought ruin on us, and on her own head now," j followed thesttviken mother. 'Who has she gone with?" asked the visitor. <!Well, tliero'a the trouble. Tlig gal eould have done well and might have married Martin Jyehoe; a capita! shoemaker, who although he's got but one eye, plays the Ilutoin a lively Iganiuer, earns a good living. Then look What a home ami what a lite she has deserted. The gr,j was surrounded by all the luxury in jhe country," said the lather. "Ye?, and who knows what poor Sal will have to eat driuk or wear, now,'' groancr the phi woman. fAn-1 who is the fellow that has taken her froiij you to lead hv into such misery" quoth i |.hc stranger. ''Why, d n him, she^sgone off and got inarrled to a critter called an editor, as lives in the village, and the devil only knows how tl.ey are to earn a living." Canal '1 ravi lino.?"llallo, there, cajoling!" said a Bn.t'ioi Jonathan to tho captain pf a canal packet on the lh ie Canal "What do you charge for passage?" Three cents per uiilo and hoarding," said the captain. "Waal, 1 guess I'll take passage, captlng, { ving as how I'm kinder gin out walking so far." ' Accordiuly he got on board as the steward \\<o> ringing for dinner. Jonathan sat down and began demolishing the "lixins," to the utter (oustornatiou of tho cajitain, until ho had cleared the tables of all that was eatable, when he got, up and went on deck, picking t | j.'.o inut i. "A.... ~ * ' * j i/vvbi> voi jf cuiiuorcaoiy. "llow far is lt,capting from horc to where i i got on board?" " Nearly one and a half miles," said the captain. Let's see," said Jonathan, "thnt would be tU?bl four and a halt cents; but never mind, Capllng, I won't bo small; here's five cents, which pays my fare to here; 1 guess I'll g<? ashore now; I'm kinder rested oout." Unsatisfactory.?"Are you an Odd Fcl ?JowV? X"o, sir I've been married for a week?" I mean do you belong to the Order of Odd Fellows?" "Xo, no; I belong to the order of married ma.,." ".Mercy, how dumb! Are you a Mason?" ' Xu; I'm a carpenter by trade." Worse and worse ! Arc you a Son of Tern" poraiicu ?" mlher you, no my mothors name w as Foil, Ann. 9 % A steward on an Ohio river steamer waB add. oa-;cd by an uneasy and excited individual, who Wioitnd hint to put, somebody oil the boat. Tito candidate for disembarkation w as pointed <>Uf , but the steward could see nothing out of the v/ ty. "You don't oh? L?o;i,t you ^ee a iii.ta sitting there hugging a woman?" VVe:l ytu," repricd the steward; "but what of th it? Hasn't a fellow a right to emharce his Swifj.1'1 "That's just what I want to run him out t u', "replied the stranger dauciug around, tlijw't my wile and 1 Lave Uood it so long tUv. I've got . ku, a s ><? n??t *n ? i *..< - '<? ? Tin: H lr<>V4M?NMM|?NMMMaaa|l(a * ?-*<.- -?kvM*ra. r4fc v'r^r.V A in.m Wrote to Hornet <.icvly t i a situa tlon. and received the following letter in Hot-suv'* handwriting: 'J l is i* the 2t/HMh application in a week. (Jo i<> the d.oil. I . au't hire evory d -d tool." 'J'lie doiuiAont i w.u. signed ilarace (?neh, lad r.o one lyiid read it. The man presented it to t!.-? e.wider Wild ! ol.ed it over Hud handed (lie man $20, | supposing i: to he an order for his salary, and in has heen drawing his sal. ry regularly o{. that letter for six months. "We. won't lik" Philip Phillips, 'llie .Singing im,'who .s?%U}: a d.e Howard Presbyterian Church on Tuesday,'' ,'.iys a California paper. II' lip i*8 all his h,. nnii through his ?s<?, and li.cs .m unpleasant way of repeating Ma last line of each verse over and over again. Tie ('fleet of'His llowels melt with ! ove' was not pretty' when sung thus: 'Ills bowels melt with love, lli.s bow-wow-wow-wow-\vy\v-els melt with love.' " 1 III 1.1 I 1! ISM A RK A UI.1C MkDH At. TltVU.Ml'lJ.? The X.tvw York (orrcsnondcnt of the Washington Patriot writes: Strange section sometimes occur in hospitals, hut the crowning accomplishment really took place yesterday Lit the I'ark Hospital. A lahorcr was hi ought in Buttering from delirium tremens, ami in a lew moments sif ter his arrival 'lied. llis heart ceased l<> heat t respirat ion was suspended, and his hotly heeame cohi. Hut two .of the hospital physicians deter| mined to bring bstck the fleeting spirit, stiul commenced the work in I good earnest. One Mew his own I breath in the maids nose, and theotii- j or administered what is known as 1 "percussion treatment." The elock pointed ten minutes, and the lahor was tolling severely upon these di.seiph s of Clalen. Hut liiey would not yield, and when fifteen minutes had elapsed, a gasp from what had been a lilt less j corpse repaid them; then he actually: hreallied, his heart palpitated, ai:d lo! | the dead eanio back to lit'i. Ti... ....... > - | th'tnen who so kindly exerted thom^el es for the patient were Ltrs. N ichols and Vaude water. According to a statement that is now going the rounds of the French press, the total number of balloons which leit Paris durum the siege, beO O * twejL'u September 23ii, and .January 28th, 1871, amounted to sixty tour, carrying the same, number oi aeronauts, J three millions ot letters, a large number I of ollicial dispatches, three hundred and iilty four carrier pigeons, and ninety-one passengers. Of these sixtyfour balloons only live were captured by the German forces, two wore blown j out to sea, and one crossed the North i fciep, ami alter a perilous voyage ot about one thousand miles in forty-eight hours, landed in Norway, where it. created quite a panic among the inhabitants of a small village in the vicinity ol Christiana where it descended. The ballast, consisting of bars and weights of metal, which was yet left in the basket after its descent, was Coined into small medals, bearing an appropriate inscription, which were 1 s.?!d -.11 I t? WAIl .-l. X' - - " I .... u.iyuyu x>urvvuy lor the beni cfit of the funl for the relief of French wounded soldiers, widows and orphans | m Long vs. Siioijt Lamp Wicks.? A correspondent of the Scientific American says: "Allow mo to give your numerous readers the benefit of my experience with long wicks. I cram all the wick 1 possibly can into the lamp, fill up ilie iutorces with sponge*, and saturate tho whole thoroughly with kerosene. I have always found the supply sufficient lor the longest winter nh'1.1 ; as long as any oil remains in the wick the lamp keeps burning. 1 bad this fairly tested. One of my little ones?a two year-old, contrived to upset a small table supporting a lamp. With the exception ol breaking the glass, no further damage was done, not even soilng the carpet. In fact iny plan was first brought about from a similar accident, and a narrow escape from serious damage An the wick burns away I keep filling up with si,nice, nnd 1 11..L- I l....... ?? - ....... i 11 <? > v; mu nearest I O ' approach to a safety lamp." A New Orleans paper gives a ludicrous account of a challenge sent, many years ago in Mississippi, by Robert .1. Walker to Dr. Win. M. Gwin, before j either ol them became known to fame. Gwin, though not caring to fight, accepted, and chose tomahawks, and afterward gave out that he practised i daily with great success. Walker felt tempted to sco his antagonist's practice, and tho Doctor, learning of his purpose, exhibited himself so grotesque, ly that they both burst into laughter and became last friends, An Indiana man claims to have succeeded in playing a thorough confidence game upon the potato bugs. lie planted a grain of corn in each potato hill, arid as the corn came up first the bugs thought it was a corn field and started for other scenes. Robert Bonner is said to have $27#,000 worth of horses in his stable. OK in WEKK LY N; T?MS, The Ilip-tlMp waggle is the stylish Sara;,oga u;uit now. I*\c/ui/ff/c. [Ami alwuvs open lor llap Jaekn.*] | A ghost al-in-white tint nearlv frightened to death a belated Foil Wayne nine, t uroo.l out to be his wife, who w as ,.i itiii^r out on the road in her I what-you-muy-eall it; waiting for him to eoiue home. v ;.w.it >w ,.. i *. It nil II II i V? ?ir??i 11't 11 1111 I" IMJ V t* CilllH1 into the I'nitcd States last year iron? r.utihh Atactica. A1 u i <Y ot these v/'Tf Kuropenu, but the majority were Canadians. A French chemist asserts that if tea he ground like oottc? before hot. water is poured upon it it will yield nearly double the amount of its oxhdlcrnting ipialilics. Another writer says: "If you put apiece of lump | sugar the size of a walnut into a tea- j pot you will make the tea infuco in j liulf the time." Persons who have tried this lust experiment says that the result is satisfactory. 'I he cholera is in Paris. Six deaths^ l?suiting from that terrible disease, are reported in that city. Making its way across Kuropc, it is now pressing on to the seaboard bordering on tiio At!at tie. 'I ho remarks of vistitors at. Sara- ! toga ho drink lor the first time the mineral waters, are oiten amusing. Said an obese gentleman?-who had just emptied a glass of crystal spring water and which really tastes like condensed rotten eggs?"Hub, this water is lit. only for hogs to drink." "Yes, sir," replied Hub, with twinkle in idu eye, "have some more V" Two shoemakers out in company I wero asked their probation. Mays one, , l'l lU'llft il-ll llld ll....llllcf MI'I " * \ II I - I " J," said the other, "lahortor the good | ol ItU'lCs soil's." Fuirnds of tiik Dog. Jt; Philadelphia some? kind hearted ladies have ; philauthropica'dy formed a company i to gather in all unfortunate dogs atnl j lake onre of ilium until tliey run he provided with good homes. It. is a sort, of orphan dog asylum, dog's home or dog refuse. Jt is a partly ihatilalde institution, and all donations to the fund ot "fallen 'dogs" with the righteously appropriated. i\i ki xrc i n n:.s. I have for sale, the following prepatanions, 1 received direct from llai comiHmiiders'-Lnglish Female. Billet>, lluhy Verve Funic, Liver and Anti-Blllious I'llls?prepared I}) l)r ,1. P. 1 >toiiiitroohsl, of Memphis, Tenn. Dr. 1 ,a\\ i elire's lvoskoo, Dr. Doddin's Dent ian 1 Jit ters an<t Talisman?Shalh-nberger's Pills, Dr Tntt'a Liver Pills. Darby's ProphyhnTie Fluid Allen's Lung Balsam, and various other prepared medicines-?will he sold at the compoun. der's retail prices. M, B. BEAT Y. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN T O W 1ST Over those CHEAP goods, received this w.ek per N hr. Uidgowood, and for sale by .July 28 M, B. B'EATY. $10,000,00 I NEW GOODS, Just received ;it the store of Todd & Causey, \ \ r \ \> no ;ire now prepared to wait on their customers with a i\?ll assortment of DRY GOODS, Ready-Made Glcth'ng, Ladies' & Goats. Dress Goodt, ver zZsr J Lats, .1 Soots and Slioerj. Oi'all kin Is, at reduced prices. Leather, Bridles &' Saddles, I lardwarGi Alodieiiies Pure Liquors, Pat lip expressly lor Medicinal purposes. Opium by retail, at $1/25 per oz. In tact, everything usually kept in a country store, can he had ?it Todd & Causey's, at very low prices for CASH, or in exchange for TUKIMSNTINK. We solicit a call and examination of oar stock; as wo are confident we can give entire satisfaction ?both in quality and prices. We are now selling HANDSOME PHI NTS, none priced over 15 cents pr yard. Bacon it Pork, 15 to 1ft cts pi lb.; Bard, 20 ets; Butter, 25 cts; Corn, $1.25 (50 lbs. to the bushel.) Turpentine hauled at short notice, for 5 ets pi- bbl pr mile. Turpentine bids and goods hauled to our customers free of charge. It you want CSOP GOODS, don't forgot to call at the store of TODD it CAUESY. May 10, 18T1 210-tf 4 I I IIAmhhi I >1W+U Iimni i MI Ill .J?< m EJWS, SEPTEMBER i I A MS MS! I FKMALK IUTTEKS yOH tale Vi J3y M. H. BEATV. mmm ^LWATER WHEEL, Mill Gearing Shafting Pullsys POOLE <S HUjW ^LT|M0BEii' '-H6END FCRA ClBO.UtAR_i?=r LOOK I??1,>font >tii(! 1st July, we shall be i oinp -lied li oni necessity, to adopt the cash system in our prat nee. We Lave tried tho credit svstejn, anil cunont live at it. Every other trade and profession demand cash for their time and labor; last of all, we resort to the same rule. We now say that our charges must he paid in advance, or we shall certainly withold our sej vices from all, except the truly charitable. Our accounts arc ready for settlement. NORMAN & OAILHKETII, June. Id, 1^71 iM-lf tH 3>;ir &iy?iyLv Of very handsoni", Ladies, Misses, lioys and Infants' UA'J.'S for sale by .July 23th M. 15. HE AT V. An tixiHKrloruut Konitnly without ail Ktjiuil, ' t ON Si; MI>T11 > N CON Q V Eli EI). VICTORY! VICTOR V ! I ICTOll V! AW.\J(I?Kt) TO ALIEN S LUNG BALSAM! C<) N > I' IU PTI( > N'.?For ?to> euro of thin Utst res sing disease, there ha. lin n jio medicine yet discovered that can show more evidence <>1 real nwrtt Alil.KX'N I.VMU KAI<NA!H. This tin* en ii i ieil ex j lector a n t, for curing Consumption and nil tlistmscti leading to it, eueli as a He o lions of the Tluo?t, I.tines, iw.d till il.senses oi the I'ulmouary Organs, Is inIroilnoeiI to the snifi ring public tifier its Iijcriis for the positive on re of Mich diseases have been fully tested. The formula from which it is prepared is referred to by the lending medical journal:; at being equal to any prescription thai cau he made up for Such diseases by Ihemediial faculty. The HAhSAiK is, causequeiitly, i ecornnieudod by pbyik-inini w ho have become acquainted with its groat, success. Kcad tha following; 1V!kn flu- i lly Missionary of llitsion Nays i oal lll. ii'i b.iiii'V Ibt^niii. Then ccrltluly cannot lie lound ti better Cough or Cling Heinedy! AS AN KXTECTOKANT IT HAS NO Kl.HAI,. lloBTtij[, Mass., Februa ,v 18, 1800, Mkssrr. V. IIavih A Son?(} kn i i kiikn:?The package of Allen's l.nng Balsam y.disent m to use uiiiong .he art'lic'.ed poor iniay? it.\ mlsbionftI ry worl. ii i* rroven very acceptable anil useful. It lilts koiic i- i i sover t| I itnlllw, and with reI lnttrlcihie lt'< ci in everi iiisiance. I One .vimi in who has been restored from what j her physician pronounced ('onsiimptiou, after several month, -iekness with cough, great pain in Hie lungs, pro"t ratnmi, so that she Is now aide ' to ii housework and au.-ist in the support of her I familv, and. with < are and continue.i useof the < Balsam shuAxpects on tiro restoration, I A ....llm, I ........ 1. ., I-UII, u }UII1IK woman, IO W'llOlfl 1 i ptivi' iiiii' 1?>/1.11#?, has rccciyii gr?-at ben"lit to thai her i'oiiuIi, which w;i8 of monills' standing, Is got| ling better, ami slin has purchased the second : bottle and lias every indication of ti speedy cure, A yOsitix loan who wtig raising blood and ?iuite l weak and sick, lias, by the u?e of two bottles, been titiii h improved, and is now able to do it little at his workA young man to whom 1 recommended a trial of it, v, ho has h id a bail cough and much pain in hi" lungs for months and unable to get rector | sleep, ii is commenced taking it, ami ts now using the fourth bottle with great benefit. Ho said to no', on II recent visit he Would not do without it. >.c is 1: ping (and reasonable, it seems to mo,) to be abb- to resume his work again. Very res poet fully and gratefully youts, <'l! UiI,KS A. R( > I' M?V. City Missionary. A l.libM'S IilJNti 1IA I.S \ M Is perfectly harmless to the most delicate 1 is the sure Cough and I.nng Remedy. Will cure t'OUOjlS, RtC'N< ii I i'iS, and (." NH V M CHUN DON'T FAJR '] o try i r. Not l by all Druggists ami Medicine Dealers Advr-paid, ttlny 26, 1671 ,'im DRESS-MAKING I \ ON E u ith neainosns ami dispatch in the I ) latest fashionable styles, anil warranted : t?j i/.i\? satisfaction, at E,J. C0N0I)O>J'S. ' May 19 20-tf Doors, Sashes, Blinds, ivc, 1$ ~ '71 ATo. 20 Ihujnc 11 orlhcck'x Wharf W7' This is and most conip'oto Factory of tho tU<^ Southern States, and all articles ifl^^Hiue can be furnished by Mr. ]\ 1', Toai.^^^Hcos which defy cainpoti [XT/" A painp^^^^^k Full and detailed lis | of nil i/.'wof ??> tho prions be sont free iu:U pes paid, on applU^BgEsglK' Wtco ftullarit ;>< <' Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER, 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS, WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL !0. WYATT AIKEN, niJV^L^TON, w. v. \ i w m fc ?W^ r.u? > .1?- . 3, 1871. jSll^ j Walkik, Pro| rt#t* r* K M McDom^lo 4l Co . DhitgUtl A | Gtu AgenU, h&li I- r.tncUro, mid 34 Commerce itrtft. N. V. M l I.I.iONS lirnr Testimony to tliclr Wonderful Curative EffectsThey are not a vilo Fancy Drinh, Undo of I'oor Itiiin, Whiskey, 1'roof Spirits and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced ami sweetened to please tlio taste,culled "Tonics," "Appetizers," " Restore re, "&o., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but &ro a true Medicine,made from tho Native Roots and Herbs of California, frco from nil Alroholic Stlmit" InntN, They arc the <iREAT lll.OOl) I'l'UI. FI Kit and A LIFE CilVINCi I?R 1 NX'I I'LE, a perfect Renovator and Invlgorutor of the System, carryitiBofr all polsonoi s mutter and restoring thoblood to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these lilt- | tcra according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones a-o not destroyed by mineral j poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted | beyond the point of repair. Tlioy arc it (J on tie I'lirantlvo m well lis k Tonic, )v Messing, ulso. the peculiar merit of acting as a powciful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the I.Ivor, ami all the Visceral Organ:.. FOR FEMALE COM I'LAINTS, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at tlm turn of lifoj these Tonic Hitters have no equal. For I n 11 n in in ii t or y und (.'hrnuic Kheiitiiu(Iniii iuiiI (iout, I) y spop si it or 1 itdlgest ion, Rilioinr, Roiiiittent and I ill eriiiillont Fevers, Disenses of tlio Rlood, Liver, Kidneys and liludder, these Hitters have been most successful. S ucli 111 senses arc caused by V Ilia ted Rlood, wiiicli is generally produced l>y derangement of the llijtrstlvu Organs, I> VSl'KHfSI A OR I N I > I < f KMT ION, Ileadnclie, l'ain in tlio Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tlio Chest, Dizziness, Siar Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, i'nljiiiatiou of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, 1'am in tho regions of tin1 Kidneyh. and a hundred other painful symp- I loins^nru tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. i m-y invigorate nu'' MOinaeli and stimulate the torpid Liver and Iiowels, which render thom of unequalled rfflcucy iu cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imJ parting now life nud vigor to tho whole system. I'OIt SIv I N IJI.SllAWKS, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Itlieuio, Dutches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, lloiU.Curhuncles, King-Worm*. Ser.ld Ilea l, Sore Kyes, Krystpelas. I tell. Scurfs, Pisco lorn I ions of the Skin. 11 umors and Diseases of tlie Skin, cf whatever name or nature, ate I litotallv ilng up ami curried out of the system in a short time by tlio uacot theso Dittoin. One bottle in such ra.s< s will con\inee the most incredulous of their cura live effects. Cleanse tho Vitiated Illootl whenever you And its Impurities bursting tlirbuirhtho skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores ; clennso It when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, nud yotii fe dings will tell you when. Keep the Mood pure, and tho health of the svstcm will follow, I'in, Tape, anil oilier Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Hays a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the u*co of the colli whose body is exempt from tho presence of worms. It la not upon tho healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worajs like these liitters. J. WALKEK, Propiictor. lt.il. MoDONAI.D A CO., Druggists and Gen Agents. San Erancisco. California, and 38 anil 34 Commerce Street, New York. fcsTijObP HY ALL DJttUGlS'JH AND DIM i ' K2" A^oiits IViinteil Lvoryn inn'c. ??T <I G. EVANS eNc CO., ! i *. GHKAT OIUGIXAL ONLY KELTABLK GIFT HOOK EXTEHIMilSE, Year of its Establishment,, 800 CHESTNUT ST., AND N. LIGHT ST., l'lllLADKLl'llI A. NEW BOOKS, NEW GIFTS, NIAV ATTK ACTION'S. AVo will send you any Look published in the i 1'nittid State;; with a gift on the receipt of'Fubli fliers Price j Onlcr any hook you may desire ami it will be promptly forwarded with a gill. /I.... v..... i '" - ' .hw iiii/n rini iniKMjtitl ( (IHllOl/UC J'OY I 1871,.just issued, being a complete Guide to every branch of American Literature. with in- I ?lex, soi.t tree on receipt of postage st nop. If you order Hooks not on our new Catalogue, please mention the name of the publisher. ? , 'SEND FOIi IT, SEND FOR 1T.. 0 May 5, 1871 18-Oiu A new Kuimuck Dorni.K-i.ooi' Stitch _/V_ Sewing Machine, and and a Wiikk.lich cV Wili.kon Machine, in good order, for sale at a bargain, Apply to M. H. BEaTY. STEE EOSCO PES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CiJ KOMOS, Fit AMES, ?, &H.T. AHTHC^Y &C0., 591 BROADWAY NEW YORK, .nvite the attention of the Trade to their e\ionsivo assortment of tho above goods, of their j own publican, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERNS LIDES and GRAI'llOSCOPES. NEW VIF.WSOF YOSWMITK. t:. <fc II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 Broadway, Nkw York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. IMIX>RTKHS AJtI> MANl'FACTURERS OF Photorapligic Materials. DARKY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. r pi IIS invaluable Family Medicine, lor purifying, cleansing removing bad odors in all kinds of sickness; for In rns, sores, wounds gtings; for Krp?.ipclas? rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, soro throat, dipt her ia; for colic, diarhoea, choleru; aa a wash to soften and beautify tue skin; to reiutemaliy as well as applied externally; so 1 ii i m ii i higyly recommended by alhwho have used it? Is for sale by all Druggists and Country Merehants, and mu> 1)0 ordered directly of the DARBY PROPtJYLACTIC CO., (' 1 William Street, N. Y. w. " f, i *mrn. mmm mmu i !? ! ! ;? i nmmt*i i m\* tiwmmmmmw ? wmi i m m\n:au LT l> well known to Dooteis ami to Ladle.3 that woljioii ill ? snbjed to numerous dlsca^ ]x-t<*ttlim* to tltoir sox?Mich as Nujijm i s. ion of the Menses. whites, Painful Monthly * * '* i ; ds' Khcumutism of the Pack anb Womb, Irregular Mensmjation, llemmorrha e LxcCosive 'Plow nd Prolapsus 1'terior pulling of the Wonib.'f heso disease luive seldom been treated sue eossfully. '1 he profession has sought diligontly tor some remedy that would enable them to treat these diseases with success. At last that remedy has been discovered by one of the most skilful physicians in the State -i oi l hat remoct\ is Bradiield's Female Regulator. It is purely vegetable, anil is put uj> iu Atltt utft tin, by lilt A 1>F1 Kl-I> A. to. jt will purify the blood and strengthen tliesystent, relieve Irritation of the kidneys, ;ind Is ti perfect specific lor all the ubove diseases; Is certain a cure as 'Quinine is in t'hills and Fevers For a history ?t diseases, tind certificates ol ia wonderful cure# the reader is rpeired to the wruppor around the bottle'. Kvery bottle war. anted to give satlfcfaction or money refundedI.aurangk, (Ia., March 2:1, I bjo. HliA linr.i.h and OU., ATI.aNIA, ?i A.: Iikak Sib: 1 take plea.-n rein stilling tliiitl have iibed lor the ItiM twenty years, the medicine you are put'iug up. kn >wii as 1>It. J . IIUALU'Ihhll'S 1 KM A nfi li i A* U I, A T t?It, and consider it t lie h?st combination ever gotten logelher for the diseases lot width it fe n-coinmendd J. huv? been familiar with the,.prescription ho h :bh praefittouer of medicine and in dome a lie pi actice, at <1 can honesilv say that 1 cunsidei u ;i boon to suit- ring females, and can but hope thai ? it ry lady in our whole land, who may be suffering iu any way peculiar lo their sex, may lie i?h'e ly procure a bottle, that their suffering* may not out) lie relieved, hut that they may he reatoicd health and strength. With my kindest rtgards, I am, respectfully, VY J>. i.iiKLl.l', i'. We, tin1 undersigned DruiriilHt, Imki* pleasure in commendini; to I ti e trade 1'k J. ltii^nun : * Kkm\1.k lti'uui AiOK-bollevlug it to be u good und leliuhle I'omvtty for thi-dlsease lor v. Ui*. 1? he tecum mends it. W. A. Ijanhiikm., Atlanta, Ha. I'tMlllKiOS, W I i l.SON , T A Y I OK Atlnnltt, <J torgifi* IIKD^iaE mid Vox, Atlanta, Georgia. \V. it. 1.awsiik, Atlanta. Georgia. \V. Hoot aiul Son, Marietta, Georgia. \CTS with gentleness and thoroughness upon, the tjiver and (leig*ul (.Circulation ke ps ihe Howel in Natural iliul Cleanses ino System Iroiiiftll impui'l@ [r. v Ni'mt t mis to i tssaeaeeatasss,aaecasESHaaas;a t11' iu; I, i v h i | M Direas p 1 Dr. 0, S. Prophitt'sl r.nlargi M A H in c n, l?y " P ... v j,.,. :. *11 ?>r?i>?it*. Indigestion. Low of* Appetite, Nasuea, Sour Stomach, Heart lli.rn, Debility, low Spirits, Oold Fern an l Hands, Coaii veinv-8, Id* tteslncfs, Colic, Cliroulc 1 iu rhua, and Cluoulc Chills und lever. c:.- (.'oiu pounded iii .sliict accordance with skill inl clieinintry and n ieniitr pi.at ro'tcy, lliit putol> Yegetun t < 'otnpoulul In.s, alter the vctirrS?s i CELF.RR ATF.n jg ? ?J-li-f rg t{! ST<)HA . ihk and Jjj tw?.'j,:. E RLCIT KR\nt by 1he ?*nliKl?K'uetl tcttiniony (it thousand* us.|inf"it; m> lniMiioniously tillpiMed that tl krc|is the Idvor in healthful acton; stud witun Hu> directions n1"'' observed the process of waste and r? pleoishiiii'ti1 1,1 tin limnuu sygtein continues unIntel rupteuly <o a ripe old uge and man, like the p vtriaoi lis vil old, drops into the K?ave lull of icarp, wlilKMH !. strum. ?*, and whenever i>n\ru I ilms Ins jo ero U a live ? ?t , .. v , ? AUup : e >5 ILlver Mctuciiie,|:;;??, and ro- |j JiMUSW. SS vr.-^VT.^Ut || bust ion-111 ulion, 11 c iu no jrlvtMi A iili etjmil safety and o.-riaiiii of hiu < ? ?* to tj.e juuiir child, invalid lady or t-iromc man. may 1, 18*1. i>u. o. s. rnomiiTTs Ano:oYKi; r a m kia.X, IT, m n ] :v i j- Aii.i ! KILl.fi PAIN IN EVERY FORM. I \ U (1ur?? Pains 11. 11 ? I1 n U i 'hi-.-1.. Hips or Miub^ J Khc umnltsin. Neuralgia, Coughs, (.'olds, Hroi* I ctilal A H'eet ioiu, Ki.ii ey Do-eat-en, 1 >j spep.-ij l.iver Complain', i olio, (.'Upturn ftlorbiiB, l'leul! sy. Asthma, JI tin r l Hum, Toothache, Jaw iielJ v haracho, I load i ho, Sprains, Bruises, On is, O i v^B tusions, Sores, I.nc?rnleil Wounds, Scalds, Hm p w|i ("lull H In ii -, V'r.isi linos, Tolso.-s of all kin<! vogctuMe or uiiimul. CL/J'< >f .t1 ft 'j'- I I ^\ 1IST ICW Aj it. ? he lieinedles over discocei ed for the relief el m j . eisng humanity, tins is ilie best Pain Med lea tor known (o Hied leal Science. The care u speedy and permanent in the most inveterate diseases. i nis < is no humbug, but a grand medical discovery. A i'ai .v 1v.ii.lkh cont Hilling no poison to lu(inme i uiiniits.tt ui unvu i nt* i u 11 inmiiuii upon an i . i . T* ual organs. Its eilhiency ib truly wonderful j;lief is Instantaneous. It Is destined to banish pains ami aches, wounds and if j iils<.s, from the faro of the earth. may l, ib?]. Tins is the c? lebratod medicine that run i' ri v ' Davis l'uin Killer out of the market, wherever it was used Davis matte Prophitt change the name from Dam Killer to paia Kill it. j For Ilheum&llsnt. Keuralitiii, or pain of any j kind it has no equal. ? For tints, If rinses, Hums, or old Sorea it it* the lies! thing J on can use as a J dressing.?For skaki. hitks or St i.\os ot poisonous I Km 11 a it I? ft perfect AtmnoTfe.?it it good for 1 Colm Oolda Coughs or Itowel l'oin]?luiiit. n.< f name indicates tt? uaturu lully. u is truly I k-. i n 9 to pnni.?Manufactured and so;d by Hi ai ru i n AS aud Co. Atlanta Ga. anjMforsale by till druggists' JY Dooly I'opniy. Oa. April 18e7. a This Is to certify that t was confined to the k house and most of the time to my bed and sutler- - mg the greatest agony imaginable with hheumntism for live mouths and after trying every available remedy with noreiief i was cured with two j bottles of Dr. t). s. i'orphitt's Anodyne Putu Kill it; each costing lifty cents only, it relieved nio almost instantly, i therefore recommend it in ti>e highest degree to others suffering from similar >j disease, i can say that il is one of the fluent family ; medicines now out, certain. J Yours truly w. a. fqhkhaud, "'>' & ' Nkwton Factory (l.i. Nov. 186"*. 1 DB. Propnitt : ? Last summer m \ llflffiU Sl.c^.., ?v4 li ..... hW knee severely causing iho whole leg to iwoll I to aWoul twice its natural hizo aud rendering hlro I almost lielpl**** i two implications oi your Ano> iljuo Pain Kill It.thoroughly cured U?J If Davis. CEIi T1F1CA TK8. Wo the undersign*" ' <tf.'t*ud l)r. ProplilU'a Preparations itud tit. | A f '1' lu n'i'onuiUfillnj them to tl"* public u? t>?ii claims for iln-ina Col K J Henderson GcvlpCtbn Ub, O T Koger: Covington G;i. US Porter Covington On. Prof. J I. James Covington (la. Hev. M W Arnold Georgia Conference lv?v. W \V (t-.Hn Georgia Conference K IV1 Swiui?"n Morn leello Gu. Hubert 1 P-irnes J asper county Or. A HI Robinson Monticello Oa. J nines Wright Putnnui county On. A Westhrook Putnam county fin. Judge .1 . J. Floyd Covington (la. \S I. Hebee Covington Fnterprlee, ' A H ZttchryConyers*. (Jen George Wallace, Atlanta, Ca.; Dick Locket, Davis coriily, Texas; W. Jlauk Wlmtley, Cusscla j Texas, W.C. Roberts. Lindon county, Texas. Tommey A .Stewart, Atlanta, Ga. W. A I j Lansdcll, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga.; H. F. Ma- >g tlox, of II. F. Maddux A Co., Atlanta, Ga. I'riali fcitewns,Cartcrsvillo, Ca. ; A. N. Louis Id Lownsdon county, Ga." ; Josoph'Laml, Down ties county, Ga.; .las. Jell, Carfersvitlo, Ga. " V W. L. F.llis, Dooly county, Ga. ; John 1?. l)a- / *jr f vis. Newton Factory ; H. F. Bass, Lowndes y county. j 1 STATE OF GEORGIA > Know all men Ftt/rr n County, \ by these pr"scuts, * That I have this day, lor value received, sold *11111 arid transforro d to BKADF1EI.D & CO., the | sole ridht,to manufacture and sell iny Family df Medicines, and have furnished them wilhtho M full receipti^and have authorized the said I BR AP FIELD ?& CO.. to print,or haveptintdd anything they may sco proper^couceming anj(f> B and all Of above named Medicines. The 10th 15th of June, 1870. Ft Signed) (). S. RROPITITT. In presence of Thomas F. Jones, and Ruber* Crawford, Notary Public, (l. s.) Manufactured for salo by URADF1ELT.? & Co. Is Broad street) Atlanta, Ga. for sale by ;>li gjfg PmggisUi 'dLfl