f c -Z f LOCAL MATTERS. 'flu* Kev. D. K. Bennett will preach at tlu> < Mowing times ami ami places: ia(. .Sopt. 10, lk'ulah. Sun. M 17, " Jlon. *' 1^> 11 nek Crook. 'J'n. 44 ll'? JoynoinS.il. V? < il* 44 l'. Cliuiches. 44 I>. in. Tilly's Swamp. 'j'linrs. " 21, Conwavbo'o. 1' 11. " Ujlllli liiowin. Sat. 44 2:1, Socastoc. " ? 24, t " M.irl.t " 26, CiVnwayl?oro. Sl N'DAY SeilOOL, AN1? VoiTll's I)iC j?ainmUNr.?We thank our friend \V. Si. (I., lor his words of cheer, and especially for his very interesting contribution to tins Department in this week's issue. Our go'o 1 lady frien 1, of Marion, has our thanks foi her copied article; it. will appear in due time. X?tt ice. The young men of the village are respect fully imited to meet at the Court House on Friday evening next the lath (it 7.$ 1\ M. J Sept. 8th 1871. i Millet*' nay. The Sheriff sold three tracts of good funning lands, near the Laka Swamp, [ i\i an average of 50 cents per acre. The interest of Joseph Abn*?y in 517 acres, of excellent lands, for 810 ; the pale of tlie real estate of W. 1). Gurgaluis was postponed until next sales day. The day wlU unusually turbulent. fScveivJ lights and street rows?cause, ? whiskey?r e med y ?i u c orpo r a t i o 11. 4?00<1 ' A\ e noticed on last Sales day, that several colored citizens of our towu Jiad foriued associations, and putting theii little mites together, had opened three places of rcfreehTnent, where jicoj)le from the country on business ,could drop in, at any hour, and gel a wholesome lunch at & moderate price. These people provide well, and deserve .encouragement.; it i? far better to a man's stouiach to be filled np with wholesome food than stri/rh-nine whiskey ; the cravings ol nature require one oi the other, Free soup houses, ( and i. heap restaurants in the great cities have saved .many a drunkard from an (Untimely grave.. Oompetiuon in this business runs 1.5.wl? Onj* iiAinii/ (ViiiiM't .tdlin I ):i U'sw I I * 1 ? V UJ 'V 'VJU * V . iv?.j v '? m *- ?? ; who spread (nil bis creature com Jon." in the old Potter ptore, was particular Jy proud of his table, ami next morning brought to us a scrip of paper ii Ehieroglyphics that marked recti pts for the day ; we advised him U take good care of it, and by no meant B aste it foolishly. \Yj; Pkgket The fact that on lasl W. rt day several of our colored pooph behaved disorderly, and rowdy in tin st recta. We hope that these people will recollect, that being tree, they, themselve are lite architects of tlmir charaetei and if built jon a foundation of sand, i must fall. At the same time we an sorry to say that there were some whit people who behaved in a manor to invito the disturbance; we do not knov t hat any of those parties are penitential but this we do know, they ought to hi in the Penitentiary. IVc Cuil't B?o 11. The article from 1)3^ 1) (1 , a ? 1 A. ..i !, i 1 < nnneni nugi on j.'viniM, i w ii -siiid skilled practice,, commending t the favorable consideration of our j>e< pie, a new practitioner, (as yet but. )i tie known amongst us) lias been dul received. Such a recommend a t-ioi V coining as it docs, from a well-know skillful dentist, of long practice, is < incalculable benefit to a new practi iiouer. We very much dislike to decline tl publication of any article coming froi 1*5 such a source, but to refer the pa ties to our terms o^Flirst. page, ov< first column, and they will find an ii dev pointing thus: w-#J" Some people may think that, printc can live on ink, and go to Heaven balloons of their own paper, not pa lor, but we can't do it. A Card. Horry Nbwh Man : Sir, in the la J^^jssuo of your paper, I see you have tl Jr lmimdence to insert the advertiseme <>f Gilbert Gibson, that his wife iSi/lvi nas threatened to 0,000: next, $100,000; the third $-Jri/)U(i; aid so on,^froni $ 0,000, downwards- ? UI here is not a drop of humbug In an ?mot of Horhy's 1 'rophvlaet ie Fluid." This is the omphatie declaration of lite distinguished Col. \V. J-'. Samlnrd, of Ala., after lie had tried and provod the virtues of dial wonderful agmt. - ???? j? - - i - i ii i ~ 1 M POKTA NT TO Lil lLD KUS A X J> Co N TitACToKs. \\"i* learn from our Charles ton exchanges that Mr. 1*. 1*. Toai k, the manufacturer of I) tors, Sashes, 11 Blinds, established a depot ut No. 20 Mayne street, where he iceejts constantly on hand not only articles irom Ins liwti manuf iclnry, in.t :tls?? every vanety of builders hardware, French and A-mcrican window glass i hoth plain and ornamental, slate mantels, and, in short, everything necessary to linish handsomely a residence, ' a store, or a church. t ... I , .1. ..... ....... .. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND l Youth's Department. WlMdoni-Thc KliUle. "Wisdom is tho p. ineipal thing; (here fore vol wisdom; ami with all thy gel s lino* get understanding. J'roe. iv; 7. ^ n r? ' \ In this text the wise man certainly t includes a knowledge of, and acqu dnte unco with, all things, which pertain to e our weljare lioth in time and eternity. - Another Scripture informs us that, f "The /ear of the X^ord is the bey inning i of wisdom." Hence the great busier noes of life is,to grow wiscj and since, "the tear of the Lord," in the starting pons',, the A I> C of* that education which will honor God, and bless mann kind; it follows that we in our youthg fill days should "learn of him." Aeo (piaint. yourselves with him." (Jul ) xxii; 31) in the dealings of the Holy I- Spirit with man; and since the Spirit y operates through the Word; "Scarcl ), the Scriptures," "which are able t< n make thee wise unto salvation." Dajf \ id said IV cxix; 110. Thy word i i- very pure; thcreloro thy servant lovetl it. Jf David, in his day, so loved, ate le admired the word, should not we, tie in witnesses of gospel light; love and ad r- mire the same, as the Look of book* er an all-suflieient guide, in both fait! and practice, Holy Bible Hook divine, i?g Precious treasure thou art mine. B* id IVneo. Our Saviour is styled, in the Xcm Testament, the JYince of Peace; i Heaven pence abounds; because lov< ,?t perfect love divine abounds; and th l?e history of the past shows, that th .,,t same rule applies on earth, for at th J advent oi the Son of God, who is lov< ;v_ a multitude of the heavenly host or that we may obtain the same end t ns aj?4?ly the same means, " I'hou | halt love the Lord thy (Hod, with all : hy heart, and thy neighbor as hy self, When all within is peaces How nature seems to smile; Delights, which never cease, Tliv live-long day beguile. It* Ihii-ty IMely. "Those that seek me early shall fii^l lie. Ih-ov. viii. 17. Some of the sweetest promises in the Ilihle ai\- ina you w ill soon be loo old to claim them. 2. Some of you were given to (iod by your parents when you were baptized; and they have been praying lor you ever since. 13. One ot the best reasons why you ought to seek the Saviour early is, because Jesus loves little childreh to come to Him. Wo know this is true, because, when He was upon earth He took them into His arms and blessed, them. When mothers brough their children to Christ, IJis Pisciples thought it would trouble liim; but Jesus icbuked them and said: iII?t little chddren to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of heaven.M Jesus loves to "carry the little lambs in I lis bosom." I. You ought to seek lion now because it is the best time you will ever have. It you put it otV you may nev ' i : - ' i ' > .-??? iT.iiinir imti. I 1 IJ I I 1 11 1 III. " ll>*n Iimii) J .... ..i, J.- -. pie have died and entered eternity who never loan 1 the Sivi > i ! .m)hi ol l hem had a praying father and mot I ,~ er too. Some ol ilutn used to go lo the Sahhath School and leaiu much ahoul the Saviour ol sinners -ahou. the way to live and die happy?that j they might enter the "Christ) .ns honn in glory." As soon as you are oh enough to know that von are a Himei ! ?as soon sis you are old enough to Ik [afraid to die ?you sire old enough t< come to .1 esas. Although father and motiiei lov< you so much, they can't give you u mat heart?they can't take your phiei when yon come to die?they can' come to Jesus for you?they can't he live in Christ Jei you. And now my dear young fiiend, lei j me, have you found the Saviour? am sure of one thing von never will 1> i ' happy until you seek Him, and fur Iliua. You may have pious parentsyou may ha?re pleasure?you inayhav wealth ami friends, but, us long a you are afraid of death?as long a your sins are not forgiven ? you ouu not be happy. Then, "Come to Jesus little, o 10; Come to Jesus now; Humbly at His gracious throne, In submission bow. At Ihs feet confess your sin; Seek forgiveness there; For His blood can make you clean, He v. ill hear your prayer. ( Seek His face without Malay; , Hive III in noio your heart; Tarry not, hut while you may, Choose the better part." ' ' . _ . i i/. .;/ i: i DO:*'.' III;il seeii m ?-n in . > , ,n in i met" Think about the reasons i htia given why you ought to seek the viour while you are young. When write to you again I will try ami l? , ho to you mav seek Christ. r " W. A. (L Never let i too inn ) on thi^^^^^^^Bje at temporal, n t. I \jB||||j|^^^K while; In til Lo> 11 I lowship with hnHgggi|A make h;< things easy, hitter painful things )>leus-ii^^^^Br<' vv 11111 niii ii ii . it h i K hope of Heaven thaii^^^^Bpn world are when thcii4|8^^^Rnd w do most abound, and go w ? Boys remember you g^BDwId evi 0 day; and if you have ba-^wabiis, tli h grow old too; and the older'bwth g ~ the harder you are to separate. , < I'm not used to begging, sai.l a little to a lady of whom she ha 1 asked alms, * ? a only two weeks ago my father was a n chant." "SVhy, child, how could he 1>" re u A to poverty so soon?" " My father took a i- two dollar bill at his peanut stand, an 1 it - j incd him," sobbed the child. A >vs. skptkminw s DI30LUTT0N OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpiIR OOPAUTN KltSUl I* 1IRRRTO1, fore ??\ist'uii an?l doing a general merchandize busino.vs in ami under ino name and style of K. T. Lewis & Brother, was disolved i on the '.Mst >f August past. I having sold my ' entire Interest to 1. T. Lewis, who will eontinue. the bushe ss in his own name. K. T. LLWIS Sept 8 I 871. !?<>- It LANDS PASTED. In al l 1', willi \ \ w i'm _ Mi?' Legislature, providing for th?? post ing of Lands?Notice is 1 iere I?v given, Unhiding 1 all persons t espasslng on our Lands,either by hunting or killing vvdd pim? on (linn; fishing in the erecks running through our Mild Lands, rai-i i a i l lee I'm Stoek thereon, or in any man nor using said lauds for their henclit. with >ut our sp"iM;\l permission: The law will l?o rid idly enforced against all )rrsso;Ksi'is without further n >tiee. Wll.MoN I>. tloNCS, doll N N.doNKH, \V ii.iiam II. .Ionics, Wii.i.iam \Y. Koiu urs, .1 .\mi;s I). Si?ic.\us. Aug. 25th 1ST I IM-lt XJOTTCL-MV SVIKK MIX OA, FOliM; l\ crly Minda .lohnson, refusing to livo with nil1 in mv hoiiso ami homo, and having contraotod debts m my namo without my knowledge and consent; I warn all poisons, j not to orudit heron my account without my consent, and In rohy give notion warning every person again't giving hoi- employment in any ' manner whatever or paying to her wages tor any sorviees rendered. J MP,KM IA11 CKANDALL. Aug 25 ;LI-It Equalisation Boavd. XT o'l'ICK IS 11 lilt Id; V C1VKN TO TAX I l\ Pay ?re and all i itovested, tluit in accordance w ith Section (18 of an Aet providing for I lie assessment of property, a (amply Hoard i of Hipiali/ation, for t his County, will convene at the Auditors otliee in this Town on .Monday, the 1 1th day ef Septe.nher, 1871. C. I...'Oil Ni>(>N, County Auditor* Auditor's (>llice, <\ mc ivlmiw S. ( .. All . 2S:h 1 S7 I. Sept. 1 o5-l(l Kinsman Cf Howell, Fac/ors and Commission Merchants. ? LAberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores Charleston, S. C. . | SOl'TIJ C.UIOI J N A. f 1 N 1'UOIt.VTK ('oi'liT, UoltUV COI N I V. ) j .\'m. Mathews, vs. '1*. \V? (ion* ami wlf? ? Kmily (deceased) and her heirs, l.or?Mi/.o I) lii'llctn m?. I lie h'*irs of".lames !'. Hellenic, (de d,) W ilif.w'i l{:i(iaud and wife Maty. I.liz abeth Veree.n, .1. II. ( lemons and who Kllen deny Vereen and wile Margaret ri'/ilTJON KG J t IWUTITIUN. it appearing to my satisfaction that W'illsot I lin.iand and wife Mary, and .1. Il.t'lcinen and his wife J lien, fmr of the defendants ii the above stated net ion, reside, without the lim its of this .Stale, it is ordered, that they do aji . pear ami object to the division ?u* sale of tli I > . . ' M O..I1 ...... .... Iw.fjil. I ; ?NlI I .si iliu '>| ,u ill u.u i;i i n i. 11 > ie .>'! :v ,vs' s,.tw, i>5> S0LI0IT0B IN EQUITY, 1 \ pnvtiee In the court* of Mai lc \Y Horry and Oeorgetown. OMic" at CON WA VIV >KO, S. C. nov. 1?>, 187') If T. F. Gillespie, TTJJINKY T A K Y 1* u IJ L I C . 0illco at GBF.GN ?F.A, ok Uony (lountyi 8. 0 (?y A \ ^ ILL IMtOMl TLY ATTKND TO A> \\ busiiu as appertaining to hisoffice. ' A i?? il H, 1H71 lo-din r?l i ? # Hsdical Holies. ' I vi:. II. McI.AlTCH I.IN offers liis p 1 ) fi'ssjonal .services to I In; public. Olticeat UlLI, OKKKK, S. ( lie wliere ho. may be tumid, unless profession.' I engaged. 'oe I June 0,1871. il li > F. A. HIQQIiUS, '" I ftnmmissioii Merchant he I 38 SOUTH >TKKKT, IPC ,e|] 1*. (). Box 1132. X KW VOltK. Special attention given to lie sale r?t* f^?tI N aval Stores and other .Southern prodn Liberal cash advances made on receipt of 11 > y of Lading, covering shipment. 1(.v j 1{KJ KKKXf'KH : ('apt. T, Dnnti > , ? ot, .! c. |)tlviSi \ little River S. C. ("ol. .1 Ctnsey?Conwayboro S. C. ., MOUZON PRICE, ^ atto.kj?:y, soucitoj ,or. ' AN1> C(!(J COUNSEL LOU AT LAW, , 1 ^ rJl.i pi i ice i i tlie i-oii ?s ol Mar M" \\ IIoi iy and ( 'ofgetown. ru* j f / "Cilice at Conwayboro, S. 0. jtiiy 21, 1871-if . 1ST!. _ IS' c?\v A I \'(mm i.<< v 11onl f \ ?\ /\ I 'of l?t li i I lit lil !><*li > till I I I M In) , &%J v/ -lit'"' V.itirt'-H U. s I'.ANU < '< i !' ?i> IliottUW'iy, N. Y :ii iw 1 8 O'CLOCK. > ?* " A MONTH l\xp??n?tM p:tl?l -M?I? or O { f I K??in tlt' Atc<*n * -Hori?nl < ur ill fui ni.-lir.l. AH Iri' .t, > At;o Nov ntt < N? . S:ico, Mp. 4 w 1(111.I S. SIIO MH >s. Hi;VOI A IKS. I <| mi in u? rut ? t i-vtMy Itii.d. \\ i tic to I'rice to Ori'.it Wt Htpro 11 ii11 Wo k *, I't < t?b iit, i i'n A'1"! tritii* ''ol Ucvoif.T- oou if !> I or M nit d | I for. A tit* 11 Im i m tw | III u L K V N D HOOK A0 KN i s l I .unit ' > your lnit?rt -1. Set i| ii.-tim* niitl ntlor * lo \V . \ ? () # I Mi ha iii 11> 11 hi l*u. 4w c /: ir m r: s % a <> m r u /; t: I '.i l? 11' i" 11 N'IVI iiiliel J. I *?7 n<> HUiMUi <- : nr 1. II) send;i.ir yj) rKN'l'S, vs 11 n ngi*. 1)'rIit, color ol ? > en ?ml timr, you will rn'HiVM. hyreluru mull, :t oorreet picture ot your futiiio liustmi it >f wile, Willi mi in e and iIiiih of mnrri'iy >. A \ j* with the >i, Vi' f'o nil I for Male I i <, ^Jil hps h inly by tho Clroiil juV'jaar df .llliiMtic .1 Hiultic 14'U i ?>., 8 i liltI'eh m New York I*. U, II.>X ft'iOtf, SKSli FOR TH K A - M KCT AII II) I it a f I,?it. 4w A (I KI S VV A N TKJ> 1 11 if AHSTEFHENS; I < I fe lt, lll?lor\ of I he \V ir Compete in one vol iitno. Send for circulars, whh terms tul a toll I de? rlptlan ol tliP work. JJJ Add reus National Pttb* linhlUiT t'o . l*h 1 Indelpnlti I'.* , A lan.ta, CI i , < r Si. I .onIs i\lo 4iv btv \ VTK))?A O KNTS, (t iM per ?l'i \ to sell the YV celebrated llnMI' -II C I'I 1.1. SI WIND MA I'll IN'V'.. II s the il ?ler feed, in'OfB the "link sUteh" (alike on hoth >tdes,) unit If-fully liteiised. 'l'lie best it il ' In i|i? si fiilll'lv S> wiii|: M'U'I lie in th market, Ad.li'i i'S, .1 (>II N S( >n , ('i. A |{K 5c (? 11 as ton, M i-s, I' i t in bn r/, I 'a, 11 ll t' K O, l11 yi. i.xii'K \i.i, n,m It ho* thedeltento and rcllrHfiiuiJ ^^ Ondrnnri' of gonulno Fnrlna vOil \Vliter. wml I' n-r' T0llliAU'Di-CO,^M J",s?o/>. tl< num. hol.l l?y l'i*nirirf<*t? cttil Healers In I'Kltfl MRRY, REDUCTION UE PRiUErf 'J(> t UN 1'OIIM TO f ieducl ion ol* I )utic\s. Great Saving to Consumers Kit 4.B:a'iis<; i i?? 1.1 us. Q_"7" StMtU lor our Now Price List and a' '1111 tbrtn will arvoinpMtiv it. fi>nl;ii 11111*4 lull (liroo ? t ions?limbing :i large saving to consuint'i ! ; and icimineruUve to club organizers. | The (ircal American Tea Co.. 1 ''! ct T.'l VesBoy St., : i'. o. l?ox f>oia N. v. 0 POPLKY. ' illk / '>>/ : <>/ rim virunvi .i^i> itin'UHi.ir. What it lots done. Wlint ii la dotinr and what t mcinti til (In, tlx power. 1 is dee pot Ion. lis in fillihllity. I la fr 1 lids. Its relicts. Its miracle! m lis Idolatry lis p.THi'.'ii 1 lour Me hatred of on public schools Hint of civil 1110I religions liberi.v l' I is mi o t'i jreiitn'-M, lis horrid wickedness an & M\s m:u vomi . iots. A book ilull is w.i I'd I'Vi-rvwIisro. We w?n ijrents to iu i rodtir?? ti |u i?vi'ry county nt otici itiil will |v\y tlii'in lib trnlly. Scud for cir uIhi Address Zlli'l J.Kit A Ale )U Hl>Y, l?i S Six tli Si f Hiil.idelphlti, J* i. * 4' in ^ r^Psychomancy. 'i" ' "i. the Oreek, eiitnl fyintf tin* power of the son|, pit or mind iiud u the I title of kIJ lniin in knowledu< J-ri\cl?"iii!iin1 y i- the title of ii new work of 4i pttyes, by JIi.rdbkt Ham it.ton, II. A., ffiviiifr fu instructions in the science ot Soil I ?irirminir nr. I'syrtioloirlo Kimciniition. Ir?w to e\.?rt this woi di'i fnl power over nieii <>' animals iustrmtnncoii r> ' Iv*, 't will It. tericiieH MesmcriHfu, liow to 1> '* como Trance or Writing Miiillnntf, IMviiiniiot Spin t nullum, Alchemy, I'll i lo?ophy of mm ns, an ltifinis, Hrik'hnn Yoiiuk'r li uem *?u i?l to iMni ti u?fe, tie. Tills is t tie only honk in ti Wnirlu Ih >yii.'t|/c professing ' no I le ot I in 'il. llSO ltd Vil ti t l-'e to the ,\[. i. Iilll.i l/iwyn're, T*hv?l tins' mid C.-pecltiliv tol.over in seeniing the n (Tect ions of I lie opp >?iin sex, :< i ii ; seeU'l V riches or happiness Price l?v hit in cloth, 91,36; pnper cover*, 41. fortune by'J I l.ii'i'iM oi r i t'o.; mid < 'i axkn, li husks t\i I'i int. Atft nis wanted for this hook, Mod Wo. ks.Pevtnun rv, Je.veiry, fce.. Simples tree Air t? only I'or siiicb* copies t.y n Ii, :ii torrn* to Audi ti uri irttiT W ei'alts, I'll hi is lie 41 Smith bill St. IMiII* , I'll. 4w J U R U \) E IS A. WHAT IS IT? It ir. a sure no.I port *ci rcinndy for fill diseases i i I>iver in i *4p ee Kn I irzMiie n i or () i?s t ru< t.io ot lut llruntri tJi?-.ilm?, ot \imJo in I mil Organ*. I'o ri.v or i Wtttii ot IIu?d b h'M in si:i ii> tli it l.r liic pertedeil rrrnriiiinhnt' f" regular monthty supply of this won lerful i'l i ll!j lie Iiasspciit hi uli tunc ii- #*x| ??rir.i?*?ilii?K a ?? vesiigitniy as to the most fin Ian' ppe4rtrii from it fi>r popul ir use, mid has lor s im?* ti nR^d in 4nt own practice with most happy rem t' ei-lff tn.ti medicine no w presented to the p lie 118 Dr. Wells' Extract <>r Jurubel d lie confl leot'y r? core mends ?t to every fan iS a household I ennui v Whl h flhoulu he In ns d a iiiood forllo'T in all derangements .. .. _ ... ,i i . .ir.. .ii it iiul 1?vrrt|ili: ^i ?.?? i f,. MY TIIK I**K -1 ,i ?j .< > ' .i/.,}7X Solt'-Wiv-liing F?>ai% SENI)"for 01R0UI.AR ml PRT0E U*7 I'N u i M i'.u, WILSON, !jiSO\OJ S ODOIILinS I'OWKHKI'l [Dr.OfKHn/.KM AND l?l N < : TANT. KNTIItKI.Y llAlt?n f'SH \\l? S.Yl'l . AIIIIKsfs AND rKKVKN ("NTHiO'N UpoiI In prlvalo d wi'DIl i . ' >> ?i i , public acliooU, In -pi' il-?, I i n 1 i * pen on rloo, juli pru in*, pi <>t io " ?,n * '*1 ptcnm-bu iio, r\ml In ti'ii imon' Ikvo ? " ! lor wiii*-r cloti'll uriiinii, miiUm, * -v. m, c po >1", ->11b|??8, V >. A ypiMitlr In 'ill con liliflo'i? nit'l p?? II Im'i ' I'll ilDi'ii-i's, iis cbobT'i, lypliod foiir, * > ? I'-vOinilll pnx, Ocirlft fever, I1D" I?1'8, lit nn'muD \c. I*r<-pfire?l only li TlM>r..\ \ < o. i;?i iiii.iiuu *i > v Notil by nil ilrnKiDoiH TREES. Fruit and Ornamcnti', TOR AUTUMN OF 1371Wo Invito tin' attention of Planto-s n- ' We Invito the nltontlon of Planters ami i><1 aleiN toonr larize ami complete stock ol ?Stn;iilar1 N5ti>. A pen's $530 per week to sell our p c.u an I v > luahlc discoveries, if you want perm ute. % hnnnruhloand pi-asant w ork, nppiv for p.t m ! Jars. Address D Visit A (J >.. Jack >on. Li i higan. I's U tA I I.P t r (he , I ^ TRANSMISSION OF LIFE, Cul'.HKI.I OS Ttl NaTUHK AMI liVOlKSH to itii A1 \x -pi.ink Kcsctiov. Hy Uh. Na'-iuoh, nuO ?f -> . ?>I" 1 In* I'ltvsl.' .1 I.iIm nt W.iiii tit... it " ' I in. in In h.'x . ts f ii u ot iii* v/ fa- t In 11 cat * t . ou'-poki'u; praol'c 11 nml popnimr. ti?k 1:iy <>iu: 'r J n-liu rapidiy. Soul by m pacrip'iiui om v. ? .*? < ?ilv>- Irrrl'.ory. Tortus lilti-ral I'rirn *.' i ! '< ) for con I en t? t 1'KKiiUS ?V 0<>. J' <-'* Pliil irT'litlti i, l'!< Agents! Read Thif? 1 Mr i: WILL I'AY At.l NTS A* VI. V VI Y W of .' prr Wni'k Hllit PXpHIIHI'l, Of mill K I l tr#re ooinmi??iou. to nell our ni?w nnd won 'n / ill VMlflOIIM AODKKSB M. WAONKK i ('It M .r?lt ill, I>I icti. Hoticeof Co-partusrf.i :p . rpiIB L'NDHISSIO^'Jil), HATE , 1 1 tered into i (.'.ii riiiM-il.ij> under tlw ?, name and fdylo of \Y. I? lU'l'R (Sr I <),, f?r the purpose of car vintr on the the hn' ouncing lo her friend* r, j a i'l Mi' i ublic go no rally, that die keep* constantly o.i hand at t.lio i'c >|ilc s Cheap Cash Store, 1)KY GOODS anil OHOCEKIKS, St't? IT COFKrlE, EliOI'K, PORK. BACON. I.VW MOi ASS ICS CIlKnSIC, together with a general assortment of v:n v article* as arc usi ally kept in a country *t ae state I ?vu*V ,,b" notice is hereby given to ,Hi an 1 sin. o cieditors of s.uimol He'.l, ! ot w.,,lv tore live tiist ?l ly of October next, .? ; y Id. T. tilCVv ?S, of i Clork y'f I Aug. 4, 1ST 1?ft 1?t-cl. Brddfield^s Fennle Replatw DR. PROFHITT'8 Celebrated Liver Medicines, A NO . ! pain rcn,r, iT.a ! For Silo By m. is. \t *' <>'' Ji StWPMeS' Of very hawlsonm, Ladies, Missed, Boys oJ Infants* fl \TS for sale by 1 -Vy 28iU MrB.^lUl'iL