I . L, ' LOCAL AFFAIRS. t . ? . THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1872. Decoratfoa Bcjr. On Friday last the ceremony of decorating the graves of the union dead in the national cemetery was observed by a number of our citizens. It. K. Carlton called the meeting to order, aud speeches were made by P. L. Wiggiu, W. J. "Whipper and others. The military desplay was rather worse than usual. The threatening weather prevented some from atteuding. A new revenue cutter has been launched at Buffalo which is iuter.ded for the Savannah station. She is named the ^ Bout well, and is two hundred and fiftJ tons burthen. She has twin screws with compound engines of a new feature, the exhaust being used to drive half the boat She is thoroughly equipped now and will start fbr Savannah in a icW clays. Mork Pilotage.?Two vessels were put ashore by the Bull river pilots last mouth. " ISF" Heavy rains and high winds have interfered with the planters during the tin days past Tho Abbeville Medium reports that some of the inilitia have taken to the woods to keep from serving in the Modoc war. Perhaps a like fear prevented a full turn out of the Third regiment on Tuesday last ?Friday night lost a severe hail storm prevailed near Augusta. Ou Saturday r and Sunday, the thermometer marked twenty degrees lower than ou Friday at the same hours. An extraordinary amount of rain fell during Monday last. The letter from Astoria, by Mrs. " Saxton, will be found to be a very gimp h io and interesting description of that once famous place* Bfejy* We are obliged to omit our usual article on "Beaufort and the Sea Islands." No. 18 will appear next week. It is of more than usual interest. Modoc War Ended. . Capt. Jack and the rest of his nasty .family have surrendered to (Jen. Davis. What are you going to do with them is now agitating the minds of the philanthropists. BSLfhe Don, A. J. llansicr will lecture in the Tabernacle church, on Friday cwiling June f?th for the benefit of the burial association. Shipping Sews. Cld. Juno 4th?Bark Ilnrrishurg, with ?> asnmgron, assault with intent to kill. Verdict guilty, with recommendation to mercy. In the eases against Bythcwo?l, Me Tureous, and Mary l'iclumlsun, the state entered a uul. pros. State against Kit-hard Wiekhaui for the killing of Michael Burk on the steauier Nick King, last spring, the Verdict w is, not guilty. Col. Wylie of Savannah, and W. J. Whippcr were counsel for the dyietisf. - - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Board met oh Tuesday, June 3, at lf-30 a. m., all the ihcmbers present. Commissioner Drayton' made a report of the work tifone on highways, under his charge. Tho subject of auditing bills incurred by old board was discussed. It Was decided to audit them and lay thorn over until tho ond of tho year, when if possible they uiay bo paid. The treasurer made tho following reiwrt. Credit by balance on hand last rejiort, ?>1,101 12 By taxi* to May 13, ' 1C7 17 By liccui*. 3,2(i0 00 Total, 7,534 69 Dr. To checks paid to May 15, 1,166 60 Com. paid. 207 00 Auditor for assessing, 1,000 00 Total, 2,373 90 Balance on hand. 5,167 69 Twelve licences were issued to date from May, 1. New Publications. The Plantation, published at Atlanta, Guo., for June has also conic promptly to hand. It is full of excellent advice to planters, and is interesting to all who live in the south and are anxious for its prosperity. It is published at the low price of #1.50 per year, by the Plantation publishing company, Atlauta Geo. Peters Musical Monthly.?For Junfc contains an admirable sclcctiou of music, as follows: "I have no home. Song and Chorus; Meet ine, Bessie, in the Dell. Song and Chorus; The Sweetest Bird is missing. Song and Chorus; My Soul is Dark. Ballad ; Glory he to God on high. 4 voices ; Springins-feM Galop. 4 hands; Sallie's Waltz; Silver-Moonbeam Seliot tische; May-pole March; Autunin Leaves." The price of the monthly is only 30 cts a number, or three dollars per year. It is published by J. L. Peters, 59'J Broadway. The "Rural Carolinian" for June, comes to us with its usual regularity, its pages teeming with well selected matter of more than ordinary interest to agriculturists. The publishers seem dctermiued to fully maintain its justly earned reputation us a first class agricultural publication and arc deserving of success for their praiseworthy efforts in their laudable undertaking, which not only conduces to individual success, but aids materially in the development ul' our resources and wealth as a nation. No plautcr or fanner slinu'd be without the IIU It a I, Cahoi.Iman," if he desires success in his vocation. The terms tire reasonable, being only S- per annum for single .subscriptions, with liberal inducements lor clubs. The National Publishing Company of Atlanta is soon to bring out a booh called "liehiiid the scenes in Washington Hcing a graphic account of the credit mobilier investigation, the congressional rings, political intrigues, working of the lobbies, etc. Showing how the public money is squandered, how votes arc obtained, etc. With sketches ot the leading seuutors, congressmen, government officials, And an accurate description of the splendid public buildings of the federal capital. This will doubtless be a very interesting aud saleable book. wood's household maoazink. The June number is just the book for the family circle! A noticeable feature is 1 -1 ? .1 :? i. l..n.i Writ more is soiueuimg ncijuui, nr courngcitig, comforting upotf almost every page. The eliiklren's department is fully up to its standard, and printed in uiueh better type. As to make-up of magazine, wc notice a great improvuicnt A Temperance story is announce'd liercaf'ter, for fci^ry number. Subscription price only one dollar a year. Address, Wood's Household Magazine, Nowbujg, New York. Sheriffs Sale, On Monday the sheriff sold the followpicces of projierty. The right, title and interest of John P. Mew to a lot of land in the village of Kidgevillc containing 40 acres, sold for $300. The right title and interest of W. J. Whipper, to a lot on Port Itoyal island containing five acres, was hid off to S. P Whipper for ?35. Also lots No. 37 and 3S, section 3-1, township one, containing 2(1 acres hid off to the same party for $55 The right title and interest of Wm Moultrie to a house and lot in lioau!brt, sold to P. A. Wlupper for 55100. The tract On Prince Williams Parish known as Walnut drove, levied upon as the property of W. J. Whipper at the suit of Hubert Smalls, was withdrawn, there being no bidders A. 11. Addison give notice that lie bold a mortgage on the properly tor mow. SEWS HEMS. ?The Coluuibia Union llcrahl, speakine of a proposed extra session, emphatically opposes it. iSo we all of us. ?Arthur M. Owetrshas been appointed Marshal of the totfn of Maruwell. ?Crops are said to be in fiife condition in Edgefield and Abbeville. ?The Sinall-pcx prevail in Charleston. ?The epizootic has broken out again in the northern cities, this time with more fatality. ?The vineyards in the south of Franco were greatly injured by April frosts. Much sutFcriirg is certain to ensue. ?Ceo. Frances Train has been released, and has sued thro city of New York foi #100,000 damages lor I'aUc imprisonment. ?The business portion of Vardcn. Miss., was destroyed by fire ou the oOlh. Jjoss. $ lot J. 000. The postotfiee clerks are to*, busy tc read hall the postal cards. The next worst thing to rainiog pitchforks?hailing omnibuses. Voltaire defiues the happy man as tin oue who thinks himself so. An old toper argues tlitw: "If watei rots the sole of your boots, what effect | must it have on "the coat of the stomach?' I ?????? THE PORT HAM R. 8. Through to Augusta. THE SHORTEST ASNHE.IPEST ROUTE ?KITH KB KOK? FREIGHT OR PASSENGERS. Between Charleston and Augusta* Between Savannah and Augusta. ?AND ALL FOISTS? SOUTH on WB0T. UP DA Y PASSmOKR. it r a a ? | ? go NAME OP stations. Arris' Leave < P H S f s a S A. !M. Port Iioytl, 10 10 4 1 Beaufort 10 22 It) 25 2 5 Island Tauk 10 40 10 20 14 4 Sealirook 11 02 11 02 18 5 11 23 11 24 25 7 Yemasaoe 11 45 2 10 23 7 Karly Branch 2 31 2 32 34 2 Mailldlns.... 2 39 2 39 3ft 2 Altinaii* 2 45 2 46 40 4 Almcd.i 2 58 2 58 42 | 2 Vanwvlll.; 3 01 3 05 45 3 j fl'wivorn. 3 13 3 13 51 G lltriuivni's 3 31 5 32 r.r. 4 jfniiijilirltU>n....A 3 491 5 M fill 5 !Alit ikIuIu 4 <19; 4 11 ftl 1 jAppMon I 4 23i 1 25 6S 4 llMiloe I 4 351 l ;; } 72 | 4 jMnilin* I 4 ?s| 4 43 76 -4 IMilk'tt o?il ??> ho 1 llnttieville 5 18 6 1* HI 1 (RobWiiH 5 30 5 31 99 0 ! Ellcuton 5 .11 5 50 96 C 'Jackson - 8 20 C 21 105 'J iZmililor 6 57 C 58 111 C lAugualn. 7 30 ~ DOWN DA Y PASSENGER. j j rX3T. j Augusta _ 5 4-> . 6 | 6 |ZouMcr. 7 1< 7 18 15 9 iJackwn ? 7 54 7 55 21 | C Kllcntoil 8 I? " 24 27 C iiobhlu* ? 8 41 3 47 31 1 Hatlieville 8 57 8 53 35 4 Mllleit 9 10 9 11 :t9 4 Martina 921 ? 21 43 4 lieldoc... - 9 31 9 35 47 4 Anpleton 9 45 9 46 51 4 Allendale 9 57 9 58 56 5 Cambcllton 10 12 10 13 CO 4 Rrunson* 10 29 10 30 60 6 Hoovers' 10 16, 10 47 69 3 Varosvllle, ; 10 55 11 00 71 2 Aliiioda 11 06 11 06 75 4 Altiunus 11 18 11 19 "7 2 Early Hranch 11 25 11 25 79 2 Yemasnee, 11 31 11 32 86 7 Yemaas e, - 11 52 2 10 93 7 .Sheldon 2 31 2 J. 9H 5 R'alirook 2 53 2 o-l lu2 i I Island Tank 3 05 3 15 107 I 5 Hcnitfnrt, 3 301 3 33 111 | I Tort 1 {nyal 3 451 S. C. M1LLETT, Nov.60.lyr. lleiil. Snpt. CHARLESTON & SAVANNAHRAILROAD. ChablkstoN, June lath 1873. ON AN1) A FT Ell MONDAY JUNE 17th Traiu v.ill run daily as follows, viz: UXI91KS8 TRAIN. Leave PliarliMtnn dally :: ui 1' M Arrive nt Savannah daily . is 1* M LeaveS i nii" .ilid ily 1I.-U1' M Arrive ai Charleston daily 7.U0 A M pay tkai.n. Il> d) H.30 1' M Ia-ave Savannah (Sundaysexcepted) 'I A SI Arrive at Charleston (Sundays excepted) IWO1' M Itusongers from Charleston by 3.30 r. M. trniu make close connection with Purt Boyal Ilnilrtmil fo lhatufort, (.Sundays excepted.) C. S. GADSDEN, , Engineer unci Superintendent. S. c: B0YU8TON, Oeti'l. Ft A Ticket Agent oldTStablished ' ;? )? % ! ! ^yKEKLV LINE TO FEE N A DIN A Daricn, lirtinstvlrk^in:! St. Jlnrys, (?a. via. Savuiiiiali, lloaufort, I'nrifle, ClilMlnm uml way landings. v The Steamer PILOT BOY. Captain W. t. McNklty, For Freight or Paaaage, appy to w.m. hakrmkon, Agent at Beaufort. RAVENED HOLMES, A CO., Agents at Charleston jno. f. robinson, Agent at Savannah. For owr FORTY YEARS tliia I'l'KKLY VKCKTABLK.LIVLK MEDICINE has rrovod to be tlio tillKAT UN FAIM.VC Hl'KClKlt; iin I .v i r. < iijivi ai.nt ami ?ptii.g IlK-n-if, I.I wit: l?Vsri:r.MA, I oM-1 I RATION, .1 . !i ?, Hill /.- all ?. 1:.*. SlfK 1IKA ! Mill l'..|le, l>. pr.MM' tt >ii spirit-, SOUR S'fo.MA Oil, Heart Ihtro, HULL* \NI> FKVEH.Ac., At. After rear? of cm refill rx|cr package. Scut by mail Ebl ej-c Avri o s : & ? II.iv it.. I'nwd.-rs nr PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER RKGI'LA loR miles-. in our engraved .wrapper, wli'. Trade Mark Slump and Signature unbroken. None oilier L- ]rl Ij jr r li 33i*U5si?t?. J.MJ. 2o-0ut. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. PBAUlvBT, S. , March 10, 1.S73. I All lurii.'f l.ilh?f(iiivi'y,n^'(>fUwil E- talcshould immediately iuioriil lliin mllw ul the actual number < 1 acres ?i ur.i'.le or (.lea land sold, together with the I..:... uuiul>vi ol a. k.. luqAYyed. 15/ promptly furiiuliiUK Oiio information, twlb seller and purcnua r will I*. spared much tr.tuulo and expense. . In Rending Deeds for record the number of nrrfs ol ! arable or |>low land and township should l? noted on the bock of the Deed. L S. LANG LEY, niih.l'7-.itn. Aoditor. f ^ "WjtTANTED.?A 30.<1 wardrobe and a look ?ao Appiyat this office. . BENNI AUCTION TH. AGENTS FOE THE SALE OF * BEJVIVKTT A MCPkLIi, inform tlielr Wends mou Flour in innall ipuulitiun will produce lighter hrca All person* .should encourage home manufactures, boxes, warranted to hold out in weight. Ju?l a* good in To prevent Boiler.explosions, use "J/)W moment the water get* Mow a certain line in the boilci until the .steam I* exhausted or I he water raised to a pru Orders for the "A.]joa X?*oi*tIlIa I HI. 8. KKA"V. | KEAN A < " wholesale and 111 Foreign and Dom Cloaks, Lac6s, Embro KTO. eo & BROAD Stj OOUR SPBIB IS now complete and "yet wo arc not ban] which we have always considered quite l:i "GEMS'' representing almost every count tribute a portion at least of this IMMK? Royal Railroad. To the citizens of Beanl invitation to visit our ^stahKshuient, and stay both pleasant and jjsoiltable. REMEMBER THE PLACE AO. 309 RROJ Yours pl.3-3m. I) O OR S, SASHES AHE BLINDS. | Moui.dinoh, iumvckgts, htaii: I'liluret, Bulkti'n1 t'ltrnUIiingl lllanlwmv, lirain Pipd*. Floor Tili'.s Win | iu.inls, Terra Cotta Ware. Mamie una Slate Piece*. ( WINDOW CLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Price Lifts sent free 011 application, I ?y i f P. P. TOALE, 20 llnyiie and 33 pinkney *1*.. CharMnn. S. C. PAUL. & WEBB I AT HICKORY HILL AND BKONSOH'S ' An- selling nir their Mock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES To make ryom for a LABOR SPittSO CTOCK. Merchants and Karri.era cm be *ii| plied w ifh a Itottrraud irtlrla than ran be supplied at any store U'ttfiini t luirie.lon and .Saruniiah at, WllOLESAT.>. A>'I> 11KTAIL. FABMKKS , Cat; save money !>v I uvine tied.- PLOUGHS PLOUGH-LINES, ISlHHLliS, ifAItNOS, TBACECHAINS, ItA( K-lt ". Met nud COJ.I. \ Its ?f us. We hare jtert recei ved a large of fr.vh ' Garclori siooda (if all varietie* at ten o ut* nor paper. E. J. WKBB I* ngent for KfO.Sd PHOSPHATE and will I*' ttlad to receive unl. m from l\iraier*. Price* Stnnn Phosphate (aolul.ln) ta b S1S.OO. Tlnte, l*t of November, 933.00. Stono Acid Phnaplinto for composting with cotton * rd dr., cash fdMM. Tint . l*t of Novetnlr r.SHAO GRAND 23iai iiA.Y OF SPBUrG&SUHi?Ea GOODS 1!Y JACOB APPLE A splendid ar-j.uinUv't ot DKEKS OOOHSv UUliNAIilNEft, POPLINS, JAPAN I.ES CUITIiS, BAKEGEN, MUSLIN, Etc. WHITE GOODS. piques. CKKTONRS ami CAMBRICS, PERCALES, 1JKILL1ANT8 etc, etc. Balbrlgan lioalrry for Utiluanii Urnta Larrn, Collar* and Carta. KTANDA II I> TUI M MINUS. II 1.0 V liS, perfumery, notions, in c. Gentleman Fwliiiii Goals. Tie*. IIan>, M-.iirls, clc. EEAEY JltS.EE CLOTHING In every *1 y l?, KASIMOYAI5LK 15 VPS. M'llAW HAT'S I'Oi: (HINTS AND HOYS. Alsojail INti'Viil I(i?t liurnl lot of I .tilIII* SlimM . vor linni'.'.l'l t'> tl'i' (liarkel. If you il-ui'l in.v trlw1 you waul ait >r i:. You can !?; t-ti,.1 I ai J. APPLE'S, AY STREET, DKAUEOKT, S. ('. . w. J. Tinsr. I'K.M.l; i.V window enrr.uss. I'APLT i '< '>" lack U hns, . WIND-AY I?! ;? '(RATIONS piano ji?1 TAIil.E ? ' "VERS. WINDOW siiaI M S. am# lk?JXANI?>. ?\m wmm i.\o deioutiom. MaffrasNf* Madefy OnltT ;>?: ) Kejeiit'ctJ. I#nun?c* end Chain upholstered 011 rcxoioihlo terms, .it 243 KIN(J STREET, OPPOSITE HA VERLY HOUSE. Orders from the Country will Ih> promptly aU | tended lo. DANiei!f.SILCOX. PtJRNITUKB WAB2R00MS. 1lit, ill, 1IV KING STKKt l'. CXX^ITLXjiJErSTO^I. fci. o. Where ran found a in rye and wi ll selected Slo< h of all kind* and yriuier lo suit the tastes ol all. An examination is rcriwcttull/ sutirilisl. March la-ljrr 1'UOrOvSALS, Scaled proposal* in duplicate will U> received for slxtv days liv the 'disiniinn of the Hoard of Trustees of the St ate Arpliau Asylum for a Site and Building for the a'oiivw uauiSl institution, In accordance * ;ii a joint rcsolo'ioii of th- General Asat-m tdy, tippr.., that "SbA FOAM" at an aercator, Is anequalM d and more food than any other artfefe in the marin <; then for the "CtfKM1CAL, OLIVK, a i hard n.1 in soft water. For .tale at retail hy BOYC WATER INDICATOR," for which, ilKKJIKTT < r liy a aeries of lively ''loot*," for twenty minute?. A |vr limit. lor,-" should lie sent in early to lie in time for il BXIlVr W. p. CASSKLd. TASSELS, .TAIL DEALERS IN cstic Dry Goods ideries, Notions, &e. oot. AUGU?1 HAKUAtX. FOIt,SALE-A STATFONAnT EN gink, four (J) horse power?ii ^>0(1 oiiler; C'au be acen at my car l>cutcr shop. J. IJItODIE. 9th and Bay street. SASHES, fillS & DOORS Wiiiic Flic. Walnut aid Fancy Lille C uildcri"* Supptloei, AND FT A TIDW AHR j'iic in e>t fiuiipl?"t4? ,-t'iok of Kuiltlinjr Material i !>:ul in lln'N>ii:ii. Wo offer l<> all cuniemplatin i'.nihluig < |Hin liHou to a In lfer H'ivautage than en offcroil hy any other (iL 1. II. H ALL & CO.? EAST DAY AND MA11KET srs Jan J-tyr. CHAMjBBTON, 8. XACllMAX~ & c67~ n.vLKxa IN Dry So:*:, ?incr Goods and Hbticn: 15" ?ir:KTI.M> 8TKBKT, c n x{r i ? s r o K: a. c. Art tf F*1 X# ? * A R K ii o i s ft , PURCHASERS OF SOUTHERN i 1 by any article yet dlacorered. Mixed dry with com- 1 !t Foradeat retail,by KOYCK A MARTIN, ind POUR irfAN'W MOAP," 1'iA up iu od fts. K A M AIITIN; fe MeKALL'are tgnnit. It gtrp* warning to all tlie ffCr which, a contluoux .vhL-tlc will secure attention i ( ?? reception for Uiancxt crop. NBT'T MoFAZjTJ. Port 2Flc>3ra.l, S. C. . A Cboice and UnionMef IfiTesfmcBt. FTlWfr MORTGAGE 7 PEBCENf. GOLD' fiO'a r>S PORT KOYXL RAILROAD COMPANY 1 OiariitnM by the C/eorgla Railroad i add Ranking Com pan jr. Principal1 and interest payablo in Gold Coin in New York or London. May and November Coupon*. Princlpotdue November 1, 1889. Denomination |1000 1 The whole isaun of these guaranteed, Gold RoTnJ*, which can be registered I hereby afTordIng complete protect Inn ngalnat robbery, is only $>00,000. Of this amount half has already been taken up. Tlio lionds of this Couipany dltter from those of most Southern Railroad .Coin|>a- i nies, from the fact that the nxal is Completed, i thoroughly rqni|ipcrt and free from debt and owned; and controlled by Northern Capitalists i of largo mca ns and experience, whose aim and intoutlun is in ouunectlun with the Savannah and Charleston, Gcorgln, lVnatern and Atlantic, Nashville and Chattanooga i and the St. Loots and Nonthwcstem (con solidatcd) Railroads, to make fhis the through route, as it is now tho shortest from St. Louis to the Allantic Sea Board, and thereby eoutrolls the transportation of tW vast amount of produce and cotton seeking a market via the porta of Charleston, Nuvnnnah and Part Koyal. In addition to the strength (he Bonds derivr from being a Eirst Mortgage of tho Port Royal Railroad Company, tliey Iwar the guarantee of tli? Georgia Railroad aiid Ranking company, one of the Itest known corporations in the South, and whose credit stands unquestionably high. The net receipt of this road for the year ending March "t, 1872, alter il? ducting all expenses nmountud to 3359,009^a sum almost snliicieu' to |av the principal, to sav nothing of the intsrost of the bonds guaranteed, 'the Georgia Railroad and Ranking Company pays regular dividends of Eight (8) Per Cent upon Its capital stock. Tho undersigned are offering the Gold Bonds at the low figure of 90 and accrual interest in curr'ticy, free of commission and express chm-gcK, at which price they pay over Nine (0) PUr Cent t? the Investor. These Bonds are recommended In all confidence to those souklnx a safe, permanent and profitable investment. All marketable secu^tios received in exchange. For further particulars apply to KING, KINNEY A CO.. No. 21 Nassau Street, New York. may.l-tf. SOUTH t'AItOLIXA I LOAN ANI) TRUST COMPANY, ClfA RI.KiTOtf, S. C. OFFICE NO. 17 bKOAD STREET. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The deposits iu the Saving* Department of this Company are invested as a Special Trust, and, therefore, are uot subject to the hazards of bunking. In n>lditioii to this specialsocurity, du|Josiion have the guarauleo of the uiitiru batik Capital, which amounts to three hundred thousand dollars (?3O0,000.) This detriment will enable all classes to find a safe security for their savings, however small: and at the same time benrlug a renuiieretivo Inter at (six per coot. cont| TRUSTEES. Geo. 8. Camercn, K. H Frost, W. J. Middlcton W. bee, A. J. Crew, W. B. Williams, E. Walton, II. H. Delcoti, C. MKSTICSi Randlciuan Stri|ics (light) 4S0 ycls...12U " Etuicy Slri|M.-s(dark) 1.30 yd#...l3'X ' Check or l'laid* 4.s<) yd.<...14>.i Monlonr 7-f Sfiirtlnes .V.xt and l.uno y?ls...l(H? " t-l Shorting.* 500 and l,uuu yds... 12% 4 " Yarns, arVd Nos, f, to 12...50 lnmclic?..l.iV> ' Richmond Ustial?ur?i> Stripes *25 yds...11% " , (light) .. v?1:{,. Graniterllle 3-t Shirting t.uuu yds... 9% ? 7-8 " .IflOO yo?...tl% " 4-1 Sheetings - 1,000 yds...13 " 7-8 Drills -...JiiO y.D...i3% Augusta I! 4 Shirtings ?Via and 300 yds... 'J% 1 " 7-8 Shirtings 252 and8SO yds...It% " 4-1 Sheeting 252 and 550 yds... 13 " 7-S Drills 252 and 850 jds...lS% hinrlfy A 4.4 - 13 A 7-3 11U " 3-1 !>) I ? loV - EMPIRE FMHJK MILES. IN BARRELS AND SACKS. 27 rents per Barrel less per Car laiail. IxrKitur. XXXX . ..?I2 50 Lily White xxx 11 o# Rkili.iant XX 10 (*) HOT CAK.-S X . oo Itn.'K Ml I. US Slip. I line i 30 llraii ?i-'V per inn. Sacks extra. Shorts.??30 per toll. do Westi.km kl.ot :! is thus.-Super, :a30, Extra, ?10.00; Family,f!0.5<>; Fancy,filial. Rye Flock.?s4.n0 per.U ?* SLAUGHTER PRICED. CONSIGNMENTS?STRICTLY CON^ IWbrriAIf From New Yorlr per Steamer DOT 5<)00 LBS. PRMR BlfOJ From 0 to' 10 Ct?. the poanrt. Ml) Mills 1E.1 MB WOIPJ SHOES 111) BOOTS , Frttm 4jtfo. toia.il 50 BOi'S SLITS From 31.00 to $4.90 Solli ISO DOS- LADIES MOVES j From 5 to to cent* the |M).' so Mils DM p.Hts From 31 .oft to 31.(X?; Jurt received front Phil.-dlelphli, IK CASKS MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MAS 11^3 A# 19 MISSES BflflTC AMD sunr irinn nnd Surgeon in the "PhlladelpriaBellertie Institute," In a' gentleman of Tif.-h professional aitainnfiitt, u physician of expedience, and well skilled in the treatment of Cancer by our method*.. Dr. (irceiie, lias for three years had charge, of a Branch Office, to Dr. Kline's institute, at .Charlotte, N. ('., ami his success in the cure of Cancer and (/User Chronic Do? asen ua boon unprecedented. . > Cancers will, tu? heretofore, lie treated malaJy With Kline's great Cdnoer AntldoUw, wonderful in theii effect aud permanent iu their result. -The truth, will warrant us lu saying that more I'KRMa/Ikst lvsjm have been made t0?T HOVAI. JtAII.lMMP rrm U- -ipplfed vith 0rA' lire?4 FAT BEEVES and SHE FTP. Will udW them dt Port lloyal Ferry. !