Dissolution of copartnership. The copartnership of Campbell and McBrlde of Beaufort, S. C.,%as dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th of January. Any Claims now existing against said firm in Beaufort County, must be presented to M. H. McBride who will continue the business on his own account. Beaufort 8. C., January 24th 1873. jan.30-3?. TO TAXPAYERS. Office of the Auditor. ) Beaufort County. } i hereby frive notice that on and after tho FiF??ifTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1873, i will assess the TWENTY PKK CENT. PENALTY against all persons who have failed on the said fifteenth day of February next to pay their state aud county taxes. L. S. LAN0LEY, Beaufort, Jan. 20, 1S73. Auditor, jan. 23-2t. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. I In the District Court of the United States of America for the District of, South Carolina. In the Matter of Bi hrel Sanders in Bankruptcy. By virtue of an order from Hon. ! Geo. S. Bryan, Uuitcd States District I Judge for the District of South Carolina. 1 will oiler for sale before the Court House in Waherboro on Monday, the 3rd day, being the first Monday in February 1873, at 12 o'clock. M.. the following property in COLLETON COUNTV, vir : 1. "Beech Hill" Plantation, situated iu Colleton County, containing about 3U00 acyes more or less, comno* u of several tracts on Fish l'ond Creek. Bounded by lauds of Hitter, Goodwin. Glover Sauls and Public lload fro Charleston to Savannah. This plantation consists of several tracts aud may be divided and sold in separate parcels on day of' sale. 2. "Stokes or Hill'" Plantation, near Blue House. Colleton County, South Carolina, containing 2000 acres more or 4 less. Bounded by lands of F. II. Zahler, E. M- Speight-', Peter Pye. estate of Boynton, Loyless. e-tate of Hetidersou, Terry and James A. Marvin. This tract has been recently rc-survc\ed and may be ivided into convenient par- j nil it iv of Kill,' 3. "Mye.s" Plantation, containing I about 1400 acres, situate i:i Colleton Comity on tlic Heat' Waters ol' Chechaw River near Green I' ud station. 4. "Godfrey or Shrubbery' I'laiitation on A;?hejK>o River, Collctou County, South Carolina, containing 7(K) aero more or less. Bounded by lands of Means, Illicit and A>hepoo River, a tide swamp rice plantation under cultivation. 5. "Davis'' Plantation, situate in St. Georges parish, Colleton County, containing 1228 acres more or less, and is bouuded by Smith, Campbell an 1 others. This land lies in Dorchester Township, contains phosphate rock and is not liir from Ashley River. ' t>. Plantation on Chchaw. Granted to Rurrcl Sanders, containing ? acres. 7. House and lot ill Mishuwville, Colleton County. Also, on the second Monday. 10'h day of February, in the TOWX OF BKAl'101 IT, before the Court House, at 111 o'clock M., the following property, viz : 8. Plantation in Beaufort County, on the Great Swamp, containing about 4<xx' acres or more. Bounded by lands of Paul Hamilton, Mrs. Kiktrcukotter and others. y. Tract of land in Beaufort County. "Gtethe" Township, containing 17(M acres more or less, sold under execution in the case <f administrators of J. D. Sanders against A. 11. Stokes. Also, in the TOWN OF HAMBURG, in Burn well County,' on the third .Monday, the iTtii day ot i-cmuary, ?t. 12 o'clock M., at the usual place in that tnwu, for making pub.ic sales, A Store House and Lot in said town. Offers for any portion of this property at private sale will be considered. Terms of sale, (1) one third cash, balance secured by lon.Is of purchaser, with interest from the day of sale, payable annually until the whole debt is paid and payable in two equal annual instal- < incuts, the satue secured by mortgage of the property soid. Purchasers to pay Assignee for paper--. JOIIX W. Bl'RBlDGE, Assignee. Waltcrboro, .Tan. 14. 1873. Carolina Fertiliser STILL TRIUMPHANT! : ? TilJ Mart Cf tilS CASOLIHA IS UNEXCELLED. tyE OFFEIt IT TO 01'U FRIENDS AS AN article that cannot l?c fntrpawd. Aud which will sULid the test with any other t FIUCT CLASS ITA^UF.S. We r commend it to the use of the l'lautiDgCi 111ni unity as an article to be reh.tl upon. I'rlcr nt C'horleston mid Wilmington AVnrrliou>t< < Cash, per Ton, 2,000 Lb?., $4C.00 b Time, per Ton, 2,000 Lbs., 53.00 Payabla Is; November free of Interest. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., cxiiLnxjESToisr, s. o. PACIFIC GUAM COMPANY'S ll Ai'lTAL, SOIiTJZ3LtE PACIFIC GUAXO. Tins guano is now so wru. known in all the Southern State* f.rits n-inurkahV cf. f . ti as an ag.-uoy for increasing the products of Is bor, as not t?> rvqitirv sp<sial KtsmiiucmJaiion f"<tiii to. Its us" for v.veii years |et.-t has established its characier lor reliable cxcclUncc. The large fixed capital by the Company in tliis trade, aifi.rds the surest guarantee of the coutiuucd excellenee of its Guano. Tile supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal superintend? ,.fiir <r II'I.IAN UAVENI L. t hetnist Ot the l'?ni|?nv in ('harkslon, S. (.'., hence planters may f-t assured thai its quality ai.<l cciuunsition ia j?r?*cbely the same as that heretofore sold: J. N. KORSON, Selling A Kent, f'harli stun, S. 0. JXO. S. KKKSM A ft).. General Agent*. Baltimore. - terms: *43 eash; $53 time, wlllnnt int'Tes'. T*> accommodate platters they can order now and have < :ttil first ^ . of April to decide as to whether th"v will tafc. at timeorc.ishpr.ee. Whel dellveiad fnm factory by tlie car load no dray age will be charged. dec.2ii.3iii09. A PLANTATION FOIt SALE. A PLANTATION OX ST. HKLKXA ISI.ANn, consisting of I7."> fte.-.-s. n'-a.'ly c' ai.*l ai:il anMs. suitahl- for cotton, w'sli dwelling and other buil'linj*. will be sold or leased on ve:y reasonable i kg term App,. J.O. THOMISON. HK nnv '.'S-'f ^ is autori, S.? if ill CLAIM^EEDsT" JAMES ODELL, BREAD, CAES, AND CRACKER B A K E n , HAS just received a fine assortment of CANDIES AND FRUITS. He has always on hand Bread and Confectionery . of every kind. * COUNTRY STORES supplied with all art iceles of the trade at reasonable prices. e Orders for WEDDINGS AND EVENING c PARTIES attended to with care and dispatch. FIFTEEN LOWES of Bread for ONE OOLIiSli, can be had by purchasing BREAD TICKETS. I The Circulating Library now open contains a choice assortment of books. J I I wwn ?nr iiai mivo I I-UH I M i nuLiuflioi I have a fin* variety of FANCY CllODS suit- ' I ble for Holiday presents. james odell. J Kf MRRCH \ XT< on thi llncnf the rORT ROYAL RAILROAD can bo supplied vith fr >1; ' J Rreatl. :? ?'! c*k?-s, etc., daily by leaving , I their Orders Willi the eond'jefo* SSSHES, MBS 8 B383S nil! Flu!, ?l't:l ml Fir;/ Lnaixff i Suildoro Bupplias, AND ZXA.r^33T7V7-.^. TVE2. Th 1 most comj'l t-' Stock of n*iiMiri? Mat'*rls*1 to j ? ! * ha I in i)i.? SoulIi. \V offer lo all c?nteiuplatiiir Building ?r R- pairing. Slock at low Rates enabling th"in lo purcbas" lo a Ix-ttcr advantage than ever oil' rtl by Bliv oil or 1 [oose. Send for a I'rioe List. i. n. if a ee & ro? EAST BAY AND MARKET STS T? "CHARLESTON*. S. C. A LOCATION* 1*011 A SCHOOL. (1 V POSITION' ON TI1B POUT HOY A I. RAIT. , ROAi> to locate n p 'rnianent ilst-cl.i'.a nth-nil for eirls of at! a ;A healthy locality, and a moral community r. ?|*iir**?I. A lailv of rare culture from the \V>t, an exp-wiencoJ teacher of South Carolina, ami a jt-'iitlrnnn who ha- served in two lar Seminaries, will cubage in the enterprise. Such a school w:41 ai l largely In biildiiijr up a town, and will prove hrn.-tIa*t;7T:l Virions ?r? to a community. Applicant* pl?m ?MrrM "TEAC1I* i:i:.V care of !>i;tor, iutuf ?j;T I;"i?:.t< an. pomaeia HTOSEnnsT 1 r.sTAHf.isii!:r> iv>o. qnir? proprietor n \s a iaih.e and 1 I thrlPy stock of Southern and a< -llvtat -d I ltd "XT TRK S. pittictila: Iv adnj>t<s' to our elit'tatc from th arli -t to the latts: A;; l>' . l' ach's. Peers, I'lutns. I h rrli's, A pri N? till:. :iii >' , >1 allure. I'o'iu'tttitiat-a. i vcr-h a 'in; Mtil -il -, I- itrs, Enrlhli '.V:.ln>tts So iiii-li ' h- iie.t . FSPnttS, lirsipcs, in sr. at v rlrty. Hasp rrios, Strawberry Plants, all th ' !< ?t kind*-. Roses. nil tic new kinds. Dahlia-.. (il:?IIo| I-. V-i?v . s, Violets, Ornam- n'td , FUnrlngShntta, Ac; Evorjrr*eusfbr Ceioetai aud *' lawns In si at cafi.ly; sirirtistm ao.1 I i",-. >h rise-: - ri..e (trail andMnmrttn v lio-es ior luals?s. a de c. iptive Catalogue will he sent t.Iall applicants' t. Address W. M. si MMliR, ilec.2n-.tm. Potnaria. S. O. REDEEM YOUR LANDS. The acts or coxoituss and the hi:?;i*. t. latiousof tho Tr asury d 'parl.'i' lit In regard to the It d mptl"R of Land now in the ]. w-i'sdon of tile I'llit>d Slates hy reason of the Direct Tax C'oturni doners sal -s. mi la- had at this oilier. Price ten cents, liy mail fifteen cents. Tirrj , m4 BSAUPOES : - ) ECiiOLOjlSi! P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER & ENCRMR, h Hnyo\ Uttiltlliif;. I'ny "t. YTTII.I. GIVE HIS rCitSONAL ATTENTION VV to tho re:i:in ine <ii lie*. ? lot ks nml .tew. lry. ?? nnii.-nial ttii.l |?*i-11? Priority llatf I'-into Ht slioi t |.|.|||.??. lentIonian Itwvitist line witeln-s cm test j ji ' hHin ! t'liv i s!III. Il loot) t '.V oil? i now * ' '! jt en's .-.on 111'.:n. \Tf tits llax ill1. my .?t:ic'>c ol j. ! lp's a (' ' . , :lnt' trvi?:t !n i* .. i a*-' in* ;.r : i- ! i<> l\ir.ii?!i ( llvuuf'tt lime l" i'i" (yndloii <>i :< vrm.!. i AIAS5B ASSfl2Sf t ok STATIONERY, ; c0xsist1xo ok fl letter paper, not-' r.'.rrn, envelope.*, pill head*, cards. i 1 mitable i*ic 2 i < Bn si 7i ess Printing. V MMaiav?w u w HS.-.- wOTKb I Just Ilccoivccl AT TIIE OFFICE OK THE ( REPUBLICAN. ! ?<o\ Best Work - Lowest Price -\r JESTVT^. fH r??."ES23 EATING SALOON AT TIIE P. It. AutI S. & V. It. li. JUNCTION, i Too t avowing fMb Will hot* Cmi >n. i:i??n j the arri"i.l of lrai:i.- Also, actoMiiioilntions for j PORT ROYAL R. R. EXTEXPTXO FROM tot Royal 76 Miles towards Aopsta Oif and after January 1.1373. the Freight and n<: oniuiodatiun trains, will run daily, (.Sundays ex opted,) as follows: Time Table. VP TEA IX. .cave Port Royal S "n A. J a-avc Jieaufor't O.iii " ' <ea*e Pump 10.15 " " ,vav., Sheldon, 11.05 " " Lrrive at Yomassev, 11.45 " " COJOT.CT WITH S. A C. It. R. .cave Yemassce, 12.30 P. > ^ avi Party ltianoh 1.4" " " .?avc Sand 1I!!1 2..'0' " . ave Varnsville, ?t.l-> " " . ivolt -overs k 3.35 " " avc lirunvtu's 4.I-"> " '* , ave i 'aniMlMn 4-45 " " .oave Allendale 5.15" " -rs'.c Apnkton 5.35 " " eave Bel-V-ek - <'-.00 " " / avc Martins 5.3" " " irrive at alillett -0.40 " " Down Train. ,05 to M'llctt -5.30 A. ? i ave Martins -"'. *>0 " " i?." ' -i- out " " .e.w Aptili'ton CI) " " ji-tLXf Allendale 7.0') " . ?vo Caniiielhnn 7.40 " " /jaw KrunsonN 8.04 *' " .eave Hoovers'.. v -8.44 " .cave Varn.-ivillc 9.13 " atari* Sawl Hill . 10 10 ' ' e uva Karly Pranih lfl.i.i ' " Irrivcat Yvmaasee * 11.43 " " Co.V.VKCT WITH C. A S. II. U. .ear-* Voma*i?'- *.?0 '* ^ o.vc Sheldon 33) " " . ave Pump 4 -V> " " /"u<- lkaufort * . 0 ' * I rive at Port Itojal 0 ' " S. C. M1LLKTT, Xov.3fl.Iyr. tloiil. nupt. OLD ESTABLISHED. "" ^yKliKLY LINK TO SAVANNAH AND JEMMVL'EKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C The Steamer 1' I LOT 15 O Y. Captain W. T. McNf.LTV, Will l<-nvo (1.ail. ton on Monday and Thur?da; vrnin; i t h oVh-el:. L-ave Iknu ">>i't for Savannah on Mot.day air liunday nights, la-are S ivanaah f>>r Heaufort on Tin wlay and Fri av ni'>rnin;". I/-ave Hi-aiilor: f.ir Charleston every Tuesday am 'i Hey (.renins*. For i reietil or I'ns*.v.-o, npr.v to W.M. IlAi:i!lS*OX. A T? .A..r..r< RAVEN'EL,! ioLM lis. AO.'.' Am-nts at ('harie.-ton J NO. F. KullINSOX, Asc-nt at Savannah. W. J. TRIM. liEAI.KIt IX iTNROYf Cl'UTAINS, RARER HAMilNC.S, LACE CURTAINS, and WIND AiV DECORATION! 'IANO and TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, and HOLLANDS PIPE?! .151) DFPOPt\TIP.\S. Fattrasscs Made to Order awl Impaired Lounrvt and Chairs uphold r.d on rc.TwnaM suns, at L343 KTr>TG- J3tZ,n.33T3'2,T ori-osm: ir.ii'esly j/ouse. Orh'rs. from tha Country will Ik? promptly at t'll Jul to. DAXIEL. II. SITAOX. FUSNITUBE V7AEEE00MS, 17."i, 177, I7?J KlXtt STHEKfj s. c Whoro ran lv found a law and w-ll sol-vtrs tiK-i; of all hinds and/r.id-< to suit tlo? of all Ait nation is rtspvc: fully solicitid. Mar.-h la-lir X AC mi AN & CO. Dj:.ti.r:r.? is iTy Goods, Fancy Goods and Uotioss I.VJ MKE VIX? vrilKET, C II A r. L i: S T O A , s. c. ?,.! I ^ A VK YOUR MOW E V ftvutmn:-* ''an savk thktk kxi'i ns::st< l li.-aufort. rliiirl.-M ?t or Savannah l?y firallin; on I'.M'I. .V WI'Il!! ami print Hi'ir #<?!' I full a-? rtm.-ut of v.-rythin^ n 'Cssary for lli i?o of man, can always )i" foiinl al tin ir .store, at UK icon V HILL., Icaufort Co., near tin-PORT ROYAL RAILROAI i:vi:ryhoi)Y. an b" supplied front lop to t.x1 w ith the l?c*t i vert thin ; out of limit store, which is the larav: ,n.! h. -i suppM-i between l hail. ton ami Savauiial Tin y will ?cil Wholesale nml Ret nil it T. anfrl Prir-*. Oivo them a ' all th-fore ,:iln. I he'*hv rib ?' re. I'M I, iC WKItK. IlieVoi-y Ilill, IVaufori t o.. S. ('.. near I'o . Roys a'lroiot. r.'lt. t-lv. C i i A Kit I3 STON HOT I3 L, U JI .1 11 L E S T V X , S . C ttch 2Vly. k. ii. J.\< 5amL H. Marshall & Co. Importers ami Ik'ak'M in MUSII nil 13CIS1C.I5 HAliDU.liif Cvitlcry, Gvms, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 314 Klu^ilretM'umcr Society, Sign of (lie OalilonGun, Dee.V3:n CHARLESTON, S. C. 5. R. Marsiiai i.. K.X'. Marshall. J. J.We-coa CQOPER & DUKE, Porwai'diiis Asont< asn Giwrni Commission Merrhaots. U*- Ll M D K, K A S f E C IAIT Y POUT UOYAL, V. C. M. p. roor?! R, OWEN.*"- VCKE Hauiwcll, S. C. Oiarlr* ;on, S. JielS-ljT. r ?4 BEH I JOBBERS IN G ' Cornoi IIAS NOW IN STORE LARGE SUPPLIES OF Flojir, So Starcli. Eiscixit For sale at the lowest wholesali ' THE ?H , ry C TT* T/* T? 75 n T>T? ~\r T? Ti T A/* 1.1 Jl* \ dJj Lb L/JL j^njy jjiy jl*/i 'jj. IS AT JOHN COOPE X3 A. "ST STnEET S Pcc5 1 SEA ISLAM (Formerly the Sn BEAUFO This House, so favorably known to tl ally appreciated by invalids and others se escape, the rigors of Northern seasons, wi ' The house has been enlarged to more tb has been fitted np with every conveniei fort and plcasuie of its guests, and the p . secure to all who may become their p that are rarely found elsewhere than oi j thus enjoying the advantage of sea air, 15 der its climate mild and agreeable. The with the best products of the Northern ai | accommodations, a finely equipped E Telegraph office are among the other desi Beaufort is in daily communication w by railroad and steamboat, botli lines' o I ! five to fifteen -minutes, from the hotel. uvr P/E. ? Eloirsos a,X] r At the Mills 13 CILlRLh Jmt arrived, a lot of Vo. 1 *, tnrjfll for ri.nttnHon, Timbtr and Cart sr.irk. Their stork In celrettt! tviti> core for < SOI.r* is \VAUHA.\TE1). IVc are riling ft tobrr l*t. April i-if R. Qf NATION : F R E E D M E N ': t trust cc IXTERKST ALLOWED AND COJII ANSI O.N HIMICIAI. DIirOSITS KVKUA i:i:k<I!axts ami otiikks can i?i: * ?1CIITNSLsr H. C. J !J t> D, Chairman Advisor ' ; ^I 1 HOOKS, SASHES AND BLIND3. j r fori.T-ixcs, v.nv Kirrs, ??taih j 1.1 L Fixture, IS'iil l.-rV I- urr.iyliiii.'1 ill rl?;'r?. l?raln ri|xv?. Flour Uir. I loianl-. TVrra Cut la U'ari*. Minblo :.iiU, jHatu l'kv.-s. 1 ll'/.VOfiH" O/.AS'i A SPECIALTY. ! C j Circular" ami I'rloa Li<t." Kent froo on) a|i*ji;cuikni, liy i ! i\ r. to.\ r.i; * 20 llarnc am! Et piMf.ri . %!?? > ! c S.C. t i. I TO BVILDERS! I 1 JUST ARRIVED, i inn parrkus mmf* 1 r-- luitun.s (TJHENT, if imi') if 20r,Am:i:LS uAin' : v5qo k,>:s ;;a,ia GEO. WATKRIIOlfSK. To Families. ii ?T -a q t Arrived. ' 1 QQ IfOXKS SOAP, j r.-? hakit.i^ good r:.on:, . i io r.Ai:!;Ei_s soap, io tierces kick, ' 50 i:ai:m:es sugar. U* 4TP.R|fO!'SW. ' TO EVERYBODY 11 I' CHEAP BFADSTEADS, i ARM CH VIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, CHILDREN CHAIRS, OFFICE CHAIRS, T. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER, GEO. WAT-EfUIOUSE. 3 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. |' i i WOODEN PA U.S. ' j WHITEWASH BRUSHES, i PAINTED PAILS, C. , . WASHING TUPS, \ NETT "A ROCEBIES& r of Bay and Sixth. S ap, Horrin Macltorol, Ohoec 2 rates. BE3T3 EAPEST m st?ck ;ood -2 "J .(MRS. .1 ,t>i (AV. t:er villi a lot of line Mules, *t?Ual>S< llil-t Market, and KVKUY AMMAI >r ( imh or City acceptance payable Oc tAHAM, & CO. sAL * B SAVINGS AND )>IPANY. oi'm>ki> tiiu::i: timts a yeau * thirty days. am> draw checks at >N R. SCOVSIL, Cashier, y Uoard. ifSii |w ppo? mmM - wl r:? vifcj WM. KRESSEL HAS T1IK FINEST STOCK Uljiquors, Ssgars & Totac* IX . i; K A V r OUT, * . C . .AXC nKHNMIFIMFP.S WIIISKHX IIKNUY \\ AI.LAi'KA (o-.ol.HKYK, JOHN omso.VS OLD homitoS. HOLLAND (}i: FIM'V'H Hit \M?Y, BUST S( OTl II Will.-!-'Y. TfAMP.WlXK. Ol.r? sir i:i;Y a ro;:T, FINK ! IIANI'S IHIINi; WINK Ai.IM IN IMU'TK! s-ANI'oN DltAL'GlF no A RS AT AM. rnii is SMoNINO Win I HAVING TOUArco, I'll'KS OF VARlOl'S STYLES. AT II E !3 !EJ E I> ' G . TNK flftori'RH'.s, SFi.AU("FIt'Ti HAMS. FAMILY FLO I* It. IOOTS .\NI? SHOF-S. hkaoy :i m>;; clothing. i.KNLKAL 1)1'.y (iOOF-S AT K_R E S S E L ' S porii' ^t-'o *rjL?z-? SAW L PLAlTItTCr HILI llKAl'FOIIT, S. C. m \vu\nv kr rn M.*xiTA(TrBKK-? op and Iu:au:i:m IN lELLOW mi TINDER A5D Li MICE! AND ctprksm snnor,K*, ALSO, 5 u i r. i> i: n s a x n r o x t r. a c t o r ?lo:ring and Coiling Boards Alxay on IIr.nl ( - lor* for Lumber awl Tim'mr by tlio car roiiiKilv fill'1'!. Tertns i a?h. D. C. W1LSOX & t'C tiov ?e-lvr. To Merchants. The Schooner UKIM HA, A'. Ti Trove havili ' . ;i |M|t ill ;t, So. I O/'ltV, MoriTianii a ath .*n can SAVE Money on fficht awl good.'. t>T .iv.'iy' far.'. IT! VKTT tlnir ord"rs. IVX O IJ 13 V ban n.?t b-en .[-t-.i I i pUuin/ the BlIUTUA in e. ditl'.ii tQJuipplv in- want* of ?hipt>er.'. Time and Ij ^ 1H O JFL will tint !>? ennOien<l when for tiio Interest of UVFORT, | r,a5higaal J Hats. Bmi 2R'S jgl TOXI.B. Vr^.C ? D KOTSL, ixtou House.) RT, S. C. le travellinc: public, and more cspecieking a genial Southern clime, rtc 11 be reopened on October first, 1872 inn double its former capacity, and iige calculated to minister to the com roprietors will earnestly endeavor t<: atrons the comforts aud privileges I home. Situated on the coast and enufort is ay far South ns alao to rcn i tabic will continually be furnished ad Southern markets. Good liverj lilliard Hall, Bowling Alley, and n ruble acquisitions of the house, ith both Charleston and Savannal r which are readily accessible in frott LT3XTC?HVX^TVT t?s O'O. i_d UMCtxIeiS. louse Stables, CO, < PROVISIONS, A troets. ?ri C< Sf Nails, 5| Bacon, 10; Syrup; iTETT & CO.,-Beaufort, S. C. 1 of haodco ~ I ^ JACOB APPLE * Is opening at his 3NTo-cv Sioro II A splendid assortment of PALL A5D WIITER G 0 0 B S ' Dress Goods In ail the LATEST FABRICS, comprising FRENCH POPLINS. oi ennf A1 FRENCH AND ENUL SH MERIXOE8, DRAPE DK NIECE. PLAIN" STRIPED JAPPAXESE SILKS, FANCY .IAPPAXliE SILKS, I II JAPPANLSE POPPLINS, BRILLAIXTS, ALPACAS. BOMBAZINES. t, SATINES, I All the latest styles of I Moxii'iiiix'; G-ooda. j A splendid assortment of W1IITE GOODS, such as Lacis, ICinbroitlrrlr* A Hamlkerchit ft. FINE BROCTIE SHAWt.Iii, OPERA FLANNELS, all colors. Elian! J; AMERICAN HOSIERY, t READY MADE CLOTHING*. AND (Mam's fteisiiiai Goods. <= BOOTS A^V I) S II OES. RRl'SSELLS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, R GS, ! '' MATS. Oil. CLOTHS. x elaheetjTcoiitoets. : < TRUXUS, OAK IIKL8, VALISKS. 1 GUNS, PISTOLS AND CUTLERY, Ami a thmuoml nihor articles to bo liaJ at this . G [ FIRST CLASS HOUSE. 'Take fare of the Pennies: the Dollars will take care of themselves." * You wish to ho rich? Thon bo ecc-' nomica!. ITi IlUT YOU It GROCERIES FROM. JOHN FRANK Jc I TUST RECEIVED A LARGE A SORTMENT ' rj of <InK-'i ries ami Provbinns consisting of ? CHOICE HAMS, STEM'S AND SHOULDERS, no. i macki:ru SWORD AND CODFISH. , . EXTRA FULTON MARKET BEEF AND TONGUES i * U EXTRA GOSIIEN RUTTER, NI W L "A ! ' LARD, * ALL KINDS N. Y.CRACKERS, r ALLC.RAIK gsUHAKS AND COFFEES, IIAISIKS. PRUNES, APPLES, CURRENTS. NUTS, PRESERVES, E KNULISU PICKLES. AI-SO g S INE IMPORTED URANDV, CHAMPA 10NE, RL'IMiUNDY PORT, SHERRY, SCOTCH < ALE. LONDON PORTER, NECTOR FAMILY WHISKEY, IRISH WHISKEY, SOOT II WHISKEY. All poo'ls delivered to all parts of the town FIIKK. j Paul Brodie. ,A_ JTL O H I T E O T . ^ REAUFORT, S. C. Priwinpxof M??I< D pio|s?rc<l fur P.;* n? Olfioo. S|tull>'i for -|*'ciul luirjxwo-', ina'lu at .-Ii ; ! ii rir , Ibtx :il, P. O. P.T.I.ly. I. REVENUE STAMPS. j ' A fiilla??ortii?jnt of all kin'L jn?t r Iro.] by c II. G. .JUDD, ! feb.2l. Cleik of Court. ' aTs. iiitcTicockT j r- ATTORXEY iS; COUSSKLI.OIl AT LA1Y Uol NTY, rr.NSJOV AND CLAIM AOENT. REAPFOltT. S. C. Pre Ivr. William Gurney COT TON FACTOR ; AND COMMISSION MERCHANT XO. 10-' /; 1ST DAY . AMI - X 0 Ii TJI A TLA X TIC WUA RF ClIARLFSrON. S. C. !( 'j lit.:.- n" nf""ii l>, n I > I ?> I.- "f ami ?liij?- ' 'i nt hi;' a I -1 i-i-l awl I *|i!.i'i-l Ciiiloii. I.i!>*nil n-llatiivi ii:ii>I<' nil cniuiiilii'i iiMi il'f'.ly | ' j. A. Enslow & Co. COTTO.Y FACTORS AVD * j' COMMISSION MERCHANTS,,! , No. 141 EAST BAY, ,, CHARLESTON", S. C. ' T.I be ml .UIvaii(T? .Hailf on Coming- ' nirnii. I ( J. A. nnslow Jan. SaiTO, J.'A. Eiulon*. Jr. Dee. 7. Ijr. J ' JOHN BliOMK CONTRACTOR AND HOUSE BUILDER, j (> JOBJlIV'j J'l'MTi ALLY AHLM'LU TO IJ " . Ofllec, C:m:r Eaj and Ninth Si.> B.^At'FonT, S. C Dir.i-if. I A QOOD BAB0AI5. j pOUSALR?A STATIONARY EN- ; I t G?Ni?, lour (4) botsu povvtr?in , ',f . v J AS. M. CROFUT,' .UCTI01T & COMMISSION STOEE, BAY St., BEArfrtRT, S. C# CONSIGNMENTS of (loodn conaUmtlv arrrlrtng d bcii^ auM at SLAUGHTER PRICES. )NSIGNMENTS?STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL From Now York per Steamer PILOT BOY )00 LBS. PRISE BACOJ From 0 to 10 Cla. the pound. to rims i?i m wohei shoes AID BOOTS From 23ets. Co f 4.00> ) BOYS Sl'ITS From $1.00 to t'4-50 Salts. !0 DOS- LIDiES GLOVES From 5 to 10 rents the pair. ) PAIRS MER PARTS From $1.00 to $1 00. Just received from Philadelphia, C CASES MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MASTERS AND 3 MISSES BOOTS AND SHOES, Corstolnenf fine qualities. Sewed, Pegged, Ma-' line and Har-d made of every variety, size and rle known In tiie shoe line. The lioods ar - M1;I liv ..riier of the Assignee to so out a BANKRUPT SAt.E. Come soon, bring your CASH and get aBARAIN! ROCF.RIES, DRY HOODS. LIQUORS A SUGARS. ALE AND LAOER OX DRAUGHT, OLLOW-WA RE, ' ' . v TIN-WARE, CROCKERY AND IIAREWARE. [SII IIOOKS. FISH LINES. SEINE TWINE, Ac. Ac., t the Lowest Cash Prices. ores awl Mote Coustantly for Sale. OMESTEADS FOR SALE AND TO RENT ON THE SKA ISLANDS. . * /To* Consignment of Good strictly conlMcnUal. II. POLLITZER, C0TT01T PACTOS AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. BEAUFORT, S. C. Sept.L S. MAYO, ' liny Street, Beanfort, S. C? ROCERIES. PRY GOODS, TINWARE, HARDWARE . AND WOODEN WARE. IQUOfl*. SKU AltS AND TOBACCO, ET YARNS. FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. arlass, paints c*3 Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Social attention eiven to mixing Paints, and Ium cut to order oi any atse. rco. 11. Just Received, A splendid stock ot ItY GOODS. CLOTHING, 1IATS A C A IS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, ROCKERY. TOBACCO, CONFECTION.! RIES, TINWARE, Ac., Ac., t the store oi # F. W. SCHEPPER, Hay Street, luutl of No. ii Dock, htoli he will sell lower than any other store in EAUFORT. Jan. 4-ly. II. >1. STUART 31. D., Corner of Bay and Eighth slroeta, Beaufort, 3. C, pfat.er is RUGS AND CHEMICALS. FAMILY .MEDICINES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, TATIONERY. I'LIIFUMKRY, BRUSHES. Ac., Ac.. Ac. Together with many other article. too nnmeroni mention. All of wliirh will he Mild at the lowet rirc lor cn.di. 1 hysicinu* prescription* rnrefiily iimiHiUiulctl. feb 11 Pierce L. Wiqgin ITT01EY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Solicitor Secoml Circuit. BKAFl'OKT, S. C. Scp.l-ly JERRY SAVAGETCOT IHEELTOSHT AND CARPENTER, Carts, "Wasnns unci Carriages rewind in the best mannerat low prices. All kinds of jobbings attended to promptly. MAGNOLIA ST. HE A UFO II T, 8. C. J. H. GOETHE, M. D, ?:o:? OOETIIP. OFFERS HIS PROFESioxu. sorvirer to the piiMU*. Ilemayle found a r -i'lenc.', (iarue Hill, ncur Varnsvllla, Uouufor S. Jan.l-ly. fi?S']XSIONERS.7 :n: \"I7"ANTF.I> AT THIS OFFICE THE FOI.I.OU') ? iii^' iiaim-l ? or their near-*! lu-lrs: , ! o I. Into of?... i; 2<>;h lt<yt. F. s. c. T. Tlioinat Thompson, late of Co. A,7lh U<gt. U.S. :. r. WiRhir.i PanEr, lat ?f r.p. .Mtli R?j?, F. S. r. T. Rii haul ."ln,;l< ton, late of Co. F, I2AIII Ih-gt. U.S. T. Wnllatv Shingl-ton, late of Co. K, ifird Regt. lT. S. T. I'd ward Hawkins.late of Co. K, '.il-l Rogt IJL S. C.T. Mil'V Mill*, witjuw of Win. Mills, latij of Co. K, fin! Kogt. I", s.i', T. Jan-1 Chaplin widow of Ned Cha; lin, late of C\ i\ 21 t Kcgt. U.S. C.T. Walla;-*! Vorderc, lato of Co. P, 21st Regt U. S. \ T. (? ,). Washington, late o." Co. K, 33nl Regt. U. J>. ;.t. ('<!!.* Paris, widow of Allen Davis, lato of Co. 12 fir I lb-fit. U.S. C. T. .<i -|>heii Slmiaoi.s, late of Co. D, 21*t Jl^gf. V. 8 V T Gilbert Or* en father of Stepney Green, lato of Co, 21-t IW !'. s. T. Ann canfl'-M. widow of Silas f'anfieid, late of Co. 11.21st It--fit U.S.C. T. Margaret King widow of Josiah King, lato of Co, 21.-1 R?*t. U.S.C. T. Marv Ann Shaw widow of Isuae Shaw. Jenny Flood widow of James Flood. Zenna Piynani widow of Aodrew Barnard. Luey PI nek or y widow of Willi itu Pi lick n*y. Phillisli Scrlhtllnr willow of Robert SeribMna. TFoma- fluller In the ea?oof Kapoteou Harris lato ? )f Co- ki, Git ttegt U. S. C. T. THE PARKER CUM. SCHD SVAMP rOR CIRCULAR