Beaufort Republican. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1871-1873, August 01, 1872, Image 3

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i* as they have always meant in the dictionary. substantially one and the same thing. namely, equal lights, regardless of creed, or clime, or color. I hail this as a genuine new departure from outworn feuds and mean:ngless cententions in the direction of progress and reform. Whether I shall be found worthy to bear the standard of the great liberal movement which the American people have inaugurated is to be determined not by words, but deeds?with me. if I steadily advance, over me if I falter. Its grand array moves on to achieve for our country her glorious beneficent destiny. I remain, gentlemen, yours, Horace Greeley. Mention has already been made of the occurrence of the true shad in the Es. cambia River, of Florida and Alabama and we learn that thev are also ruet with in the Choctawhatchee River, a stream to the eastward of that mentioned. It is said thev were first noticed in these waters about the year 1864. and that they have increased in ?ize and quantity ever since that time. Thev were caught during the 0 present season, from the 15th of March to the 1st of May, in considerable number. This fact is encouraging to those who are advocates of the itropriety and feasibility of stocking the tributaries of the Gulf of Mexico with shad. Judge E. R. Hoar, in a late speech, asktd the very pertinent question: "Why, what can you expect of the President when 'lie great State of Xew Yoik is giving him the alternative of Senators Conklmg aud Fenton?" w ^ * For Intend ent. J. W. COLLINS. For AVardens. D. C. WILSON, P. E. EZEKIEL, WJI. KR ESSEL, WJI. McGILL. S. M. W.~C. Statk Sorrn Carolina. ) In CoinBeaufort County. ) uion I'le a.-! Eliza lleed, plaintiff. against Amanda Stoney, S. llced Stoney, James ??I. Stouev, KJward Stoney, George W. Stoney, C. Louis Stoney, Mag Stoney. Annie Stoney. Julia Stoney, Sarah J* Stone}* as heirs at-law of'JamesStoney. decease 1, an 1 S i nu.:l 1*. Heed as ioortgago3 defen Jan's. in action for foreclosure of niort'jajc of c< (I estate* To the <h'ft< Jo:u> < M. Sfowj/. IiJtcarJ SjjiKi/. Grun, 11. Stoun/, an J S i mit< I J You are lutein* summoned to answer the c-?iii]?loint in thi- Action whii-li will be file 1 with the clerk of the court <?t eo'Muioii pleas for the county afor;?a:d, :iC*Beaufort, and to serve a copy of your answer upon us at the office of Messrs. Bell & B irnw.dl it (r.uh unvi;le. tilth; county and S.ato aforeviid, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of service: and if you fail to do so. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the <v*m*>laint. POPU & 1IASKKLL 1JKLL A J5AUXWKL Plaintiff's Attorney. ~PROBATE JYOTICE. The State of South Carolina, ) Keaufoit County, j By R. Iloocell Gleares, Esq., Prolate Judije. Whereas, William S. Lance made suit to rue, to grant hitu letters of aduiinistra CH'Ji V4It Uiiu V H v V *./? V. Fere bee. These are therefore to cite and admonish a!i and singular the kindred and creditors of the s.-tid Thouias Ferebee, deceased. that they be and appear, before ine, in the court of probate, to be held at Beaufort, on the 2d Friday in August next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this twentyseventh dav of July. Anno Domini. JS72. K.* IIOWELL H LEAVES. Probate Judge. jvoflce pilots. Office Board Pilot Commis- ) SIONKKS. I Beaufort. 8. C\, July 23, 1872. j The following is a list of pilots who have been examined arid have recivtd branches, and are authorized to pilot vessels in the harbors cf Port Itojal and St. Helena: T P. Buckley, James Early, John VV. Wigg, J. A. Dupong. T Vf Ml' D 1> A V 1/ . *'1 . i'i \J u ivn 1 Masters iif vessels are instructed not to < mploy any ?>ne who cannot exhibit a lie use from ibis board. All persons actmir without a branch are warned that they subject themselves to a penalty which Will l>e strictly enforced. M. B. TREVETT. july-25-4 Chairman Board. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Ofkki; School C<>MMt<v?msr.R, 1 BKACFOfO* CotNTV, >Beaufort, S. (". July 5, IS"-.'.) Th" Clerk-! of Boards shouM immediately notify this ofliee of the amount of tax levied by their resjiective School Districts meetings, that the County inlit->r can Ik* officially ad v tod of the fact. Those School Distric ts that have tailed to tevy their taxes should iiuiuediatelv hold social mertings. ami the Commissioner recwnnieuds the letyinjt of an adek qnate tax for the support of the schools in said db* & trirts during the apMroachias scholastic war. L. S. L.\s<lLEY, School Coiuniissiouer. H Offkk School OuoumntiM, ) DEU KOKT COCNTY, V Beaufort, S. C., July o, 1872.) SK By rirtoe of power in ne rested by chapter 39, sec F tioul.ofile school Act. the following islands are r here by detached Irom 'i.-ir r. <|?*ctive Scho'.i Districts. vie Lady's, Cane and Coosaw Island, District >'o. II. t Paris ; ] if til Island?, Die riot No. 13. L. S. LASC.LEY Jjly.ll-iu School Commissioner. Jfywiai spoil**?, Plain Q,nc4(ion8for Invalids.?Have-the routiue medicines of the profession done you no good ? Are you discouraged and miserable? If so tost the projierties of the new Vegetable Specific. I)R. Walker's Caufornia Vinegar Bitters, already famous as thv finest invigorant, corrective and alterative, that has ever seeia the light. Dyspeptics and persons of bilious habit should keep it within reach, if they value health and ease. What Every Horseman Wants.?A good, cheap and reliable Liniment. Such an article i* Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment. Pint i?ot- j ties at One Dollar. Fdt Lameness, Cuts, Galls, c'oMc. J Sprains. Ac., warranted better than any other. Som by the Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New YorkBurnett's t'ofosine.-A compound of OacoaXut Oil, Ac., for the Hair, lias established a worldwide reputation. Its natural adaptation, agreeableness, and Fr ken ess from all lxjiuiofs or Soil- 1 ino Properties, together with its cheapness in respect to'durability and size of bottle, render it un- 1 equalled by any other preparation in the world. For Saslc Dy an imiggisis. Miiljio of file Month.?Odiferous Sozadont renders the mouth enchanting, compos d of rare, an ] tiscplic herbs, it impart? whiteness to the teeth, a do- j licious flower-like aroma to the breath, and presen t's ] in*act, from youth to age the teeth. Pratt'* Astral oil.?More accidents occur, from using unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads combined. Over 200,000 families continue to burn Pratt's Astral Oil, and no accidents directly i or indirectly have occurred from burning, storing j or handling it. Oil Hous. A Chas. Pratt, Kstab i lished 1770, New York. A Beautiful White, soft,smooth and clear skin is produced by using G. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." It removes tan, freckles, sunburns, and j all other decolorations from the skin, leaving the [complexion brilliant ond beaut if jI. Sold at all I druggists. This preparation is entirely free from ' j any material detritnental to health. Just the Remedy Needed.?Thank? to [ Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, we have for years j been relieved from sleepless nights of |Ktinful | watching with poor, suffering, teething childreen. Kor Dyspepsia.?Indigestion, depression of I spirits and general debility in their various forms; : also, as a preventative against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated ! Elixer of Calisava, made by Casewell, Hazard & Co., I ?ycw York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. Klsley's Genuine Golden Bell Cologne U'uti-r according to the original formula of Pre-" vost, Paris, so long and favorably known to the | customers ofHaviland Harral and Risley and their; branches, for its permanent fragrance is now made by H. W. Risley and the trade supplied by his successors, Morgan" A Risley,Wholesale Druggists, New York. Thur ton's Ivory Pearl Tooth Pom! tier.?Tin' best article known for cleansing and pre- < I serving the teeth and gums. Sold hy all Druggists. ' i Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co., : New York. l a. ho! 1c Salve unequalled as a Healing Com! pound Physicians recommend it as the most w ondcr* ; nil remedy ever known. Price>25 cents per l?ox. I John F. liciirv. Sole Proprietor, SC- liege Place, New ! York. i Chrlstadoro's Hair Dye?This magnificent compound is beyond contingency, the safest and i most reliable Dye in existence; never failing to i impart to the llair, uniformity of color, nourish- ' incnt and elasticity. Manufacto. y, OS Maiden Lane, New York. " 1 Svapula is Opium purified of its sickening and J poisonous qualities. It is a perfect anodyne not * producing headache >r constipation of bowels, as is s the case with otli r pre; arations of opihin. John Farr, Chemist, New York. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wlion the Hlood Unites with rock -t-likc violence Ik the head. earning hot Hushes, vertigo i and dimness <>f sight, it is a certain sign that a mild, ] salubrious, cooling and eoualizing laxative is r> qnirv?l, and Tarrant's K:-k::rvksci.nt Seltzer 1 Art?:;j;iKST should he at once resorted to. S?tU> 15V Aid, UlU'dtllSTS. CURE that ( OLD. ]><? not Miffi r your filings to Iweomo diseased hv , allowing a CO|.Dto heconie seated. Thousands have died Penuature Death?The Victims of Coo* sumption?by neglecting a Cold. Dr. WaT Hall's BALSAM Ji!?: LUNGS Will '"ore Cnutj'is. and t'nusiimpilon s'tr--- and .juieker than any other vnitdy. I It .? ?.? lik' iuagic. l or sale hv all Drnggi ts an I t ; M-sli- "ne I> -al *rs evrywh -re. PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS ; *40, $50, $7.5 ami *100 j GOOD. DURABLE AXD ClIICAP! Shipped Eeady For Uso! M ANrKltTl'REV RY I J. W. CIMPm & CO.. Haakon. Iml. 4&-SSND FOR CIRCULAR. U ( 1 r-ozi* IXXcrlicnl I3oois V J( of n<"ful kiiowl -dg" to all. Sent free for two ; stttnjw Aihlress l?r. lioSAi'ARTE A Co., Cincinnati, j Ohio. JKELT'S PATENT SHEET IKON ROOFING! : Cheapest and Best Iron Roofing made. For circulars. reference*, or other information, ad- I drew XV. *. Kelt, Cincinnati. (t. BUILDING FELT (VJTTr : F?>r OM<si ie work and inside, instead of plaster. Felt Carpetii'r.s etc. Send 2 stamp.* for circular and samjv Oh. C.J. Fay, Camden, X. J. A6ENTS WANTED!! ~ I l\irlies inve.o, itstrfrom *15 to ean make from Sl.V) to sxihi a Cfou'h cx^'iivs. Address, with stamp' LNKA SHFXILi; MAVINK MACHINE CO.. j Philadelphia, Pa. $339 S500 ?1 Addras f!;IF*siav- : lXti MA< niXE CO, buffalo, N. Y., or Chicago, IU j SAKE CHANGS FOE AGENTS!! Agcntu, we wi!l pay you ?40 per week in cash if ; l ymi will onca ? with us atonvk. Everything fur- i , nUAi d.und exp-nscs paid. Address F. A. EI.LS A : < '<>., < harlottv, Mich. OKOA^lC LAW OP THR skxF.S.Conditions which impair vitality?positive i [ and iietp'.'.ive !?*, trieitv?p?oo.f that life is evolved | ! without union?filed of tobacco?influence of ti.di : and phosphoric diet?modem treatment of pelvic 1 di>ex- stricture and varicocele, and arrest of de- j v lopu< nr. t-n leetnivs to iiis private surgical class. 1 by KinVABl) II. 1?1X0N, M. 1'., -ft Filth Avenue, ! i N. A'.: tit ptutes, 25 cents. "Every line mm the pen of Mr Dix'"<t is of jrreat value t > ill.- whole human n -e."?Hum* gn*J?y. Photographs & Ferrotypes. MRS. R.VUTOS RKSPKi TFFLLY INFORMS I lu* Citi/.isis of Beaufort, C.. that she is prepare! to tak Pli'fftKiliAPllS ai??I FKRJIO- j TYPi> of every kiu'l in th< highest stylo of tlie , art. Also to copy pictures anil take views. All ' work will be guaraute-il. Specimens of various j ! styles aro on o\ liibiti< .it the* (iallerv. J>. H. from Charleston. S. of ininiy j j years experience in first chess <taiieries will have j chargeof the Photograph Department. <iallerv on. Ray street formerly occupied by Mrs. | ; H. II. Sharp. June G. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. j In Common Pleas, ) Beaufort County# j Rx-parfe, Bo Hey c(- Company, in re. R. j R. Dai:ant. Commissioner, vs. the, I Trustees of the College of Beaufort. Pursuant to it" order of Hoti.C. R. Farmer. Judge notice is hereby given, in above stated case, to all and singular the judgment creditors of William H. Wigg, that said ctnirt has limited and allowed ninety j days front the date of this order, iu which said crcd itors may prove their claims before the undersigned ! Receiver, at his offke in the Court House at Beaufort H. G. JUDD, Beaufort, S. C., June 14,1*72. Receiver. ! JtHie e0-2iu. JOHN BRODIE. CARPENTER AND HOUSE BUILDER. JOBBING Pi'NCTL ALLY ATTENDED T< Office, Comer Ba7 and Ninth St., BEAUFORT, S. C. ???m?bw?i????i? PORT ROYAL R. R. EXTEXDIXG FROM Port Royal Fifty Miles towards Augusta. On and after Monday, June 17, passenger Trams will run as follows: Time Table. Leave Port Royal, 9 30 A M Leave Beaufbrt 10.00 " " Leave Sheldon 11.20 " " Arrive at Yemassee, 11.50 " " cos sect with S. A C. R. R. Leave Yeraassce 12.15 P. M Leave Altman's 1.45 " " Leave Varnsville 2.40 " " Arrive at Hoovers' 3 " " Returning. Leave Hoovers 4.20 P M Leave Varnsville, 4.4P " " Leave Altaian's. 5.30 " " - rrji ii 41 Arrive ai leuiasace Connect with C. & S. R. R. Leave Yemaswe 0.55 P. M j Leave Sheldon 7.25 " " Leave Beaufort *50 " " Arrive at Port Koyal 9.10 " ' S.t . MILLETT, Nov.30-lyr. Genl. Supt. OLD ESTABLISHED. UTEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer PILOT BOY. Captaiu W. T. McNelty, Will leave Beaufort every WEDNESDAY Night 1 it 12 o'clock for Savannah, Hilton Head and Span- j sh Well*, returning will leave Savannah every ["hursday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Will leave for Charleston. Pacific ami Chisolm.s Landings every Friday Morning at 3 o'clock, in iine to connect with tlie N. E. and S. C. Railroads ind New York. Baltimore and Philadelphia steamihips. Freights received at all times, stored and forwarded free of charge. For Freight or Passage. appv to WM. HARRISSON, Agent at Beaufort. KAVENEL, HOLMES. & CO., Agents at Charleston JNO. F. ROBINSON, Agent at Savannah. ~~ W. J. TRIM. dealer in IVIN DOW CURTAINS, PAPER HANGINGS, LACE CURTAINS, and WINDOW DECORATIONS PIANO and TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, and HOLLANDS, j TAPER IIAMilMi ASH IlEI'OKATKIAS. Mattresses Made to Order and Repaired. i/??un?vs anu i u;wr> u[jiiimmcti-u uu ivarrim.nv terms, at 243 X3ZI3XTG- STREET, OPPOSITE H'.l VERL1' HOUSE. urtw from the CotTntry will he promptly attended to. CHARLESTON HOTEL, V 11 A li L E S TON, S . C . M.-li 25-1 y. , K. H. JACKSON. SPECIAL" JTOTICE." MEN'S BOYS AND YOUTHS HEADY MADE CLOTHING. AND FURNISHING GOODS. GEO LITTLE & CO. .V n. 21 { KIX a ST. CIIA R L ES T 0 X, S. C Would most respectfully inform hi> friends and tin- public-gen -rally, thut they are ottering great indue-in nt* to those in want of ready uiade clothing suitable to the season. Our stock has been laid in at the lowest possible prices, and which we are ottering at prices to suit the times. All those in want of clothing and furnishing goods would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. May 27-ly . Under Victoria Hotel. No- '21J King Street GEORGE LITTLE, A CO. DANIEL H. SILCOX. FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 17 5, 17 7, 179 KING STREET, CIIAIlIiBSTOlNr, 8. C. Where can b> found a large and well selected Stock of all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectfully solicited. March I8-lyr NACHMAN & CO. DKAl.KKS IN Lry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions 159 MEETING STREET, C II A 11 LEST O X , S. C. Apl 1. TilK >1GV OF TilK GOI.D WATCH. II. B. SAMS, DEALKH IN CHOICE. FAMILY GROCERIES, butter, lari) and cheese. SUGAR, COFFEE AND TEA. ELOl'R, GRISTS AND MEAL, yeast powders. sugar-cured hams, bacon and strips, mackerel and herrings. fresh assorted crackers, JELLIES AND CONFECTIONERIES canned fruits, vegetables and meats. ales. wines and liquors, SUGARS AND TOBACCO, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES Rcmtxaber tlie place opposite Steamboat Dock. Dec. 28-1 >*. SAVE YOUR MONEY ? Farmers can save tiieiu expenses to Beaufort, Charleston or Savannah hy first calling ou PAUL A WEBB and price their j,ootls. A full assortment of everything necessary for the ureof man, can always be round at their store, at II1C KOKY HILL, Beaulbrt Co., near the POUT ROYAL RAILROAI> EVERYBODY, can be supplied from top to toe with the best of everything out of theii store, which is the largest and best supplied between Charleston and Savanuah. They will sell 'Wholesale and Retail at Beaufort Frices. Give them a call before going to the city o r elsewhere. PAI L WRUB, Hickory Hill, Beaufort Co., S. C., near Port Royal Railroad. feb. 1-1 y. PORT ROYAL SAW MILL, BE At! FORT, S. C. D. C. WILSON & CO. M A N LF ACT I' R EES OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINE & CYPRESS"LCMBTER AND SHINGLES, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. 1>. C. WILSON & CO. pov? I 1 B E JOBBERS IX Oon HAS NOW IN STORE LARGE SUPPLIES OF Flour, I Starch, Bi?oi For sale at the lowest whole V Fling the Banm AND LET THE P' CROFUT'S STO Is tlic place where the largest amount < smallest amount of money of any store i BARGAINS! BAR< Blue Xavy Dress Coats, nue, Blue Army Coats at $1.75, Wool Broadcloth, at $6.00, Fine English Wool Flannel sacks at 83. T> T : ?i or; J_> ru WII ?j\ IJL'IJ i/uaw^ ai Brown Linen Pants at Si.00. Best Quality Prints, fast colors, at 12Ac. EXAMINE < CIDER, ALE AND LAGER, ON T) WHI FAMILY GROCERIES AS SPECIAL BARGAINS.?500 Porcel 1.000 Window Sashes for sale at a slang wagons for sale ; Work Horses and Mu Plantation Boats for sale; Homesteads f liioonsod . Consignments of Jevery kind of goods cash at short notice. Consignments stri Horses a At the Mills j T Just arrived, a lot of No. 1 Horses, to for Plantation, Timber and Curt work Their stock is selected with care t SOLI) IS WARRANTED. Wc are sellln tober 1st. April W R. ( NAT1 FREEDMEN TRUST C INTEREST ALLOWED AND C( AND ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVI EM e MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN SIGHT NEI H. C. JUDD, Chairman Adv BUST KEOEIYED Family Flour, Bond's 33ost< Tapioca ! * 2 Codflsli and Mac jPuro cidor T Prime 2 Eor( And G-lass Fruit < For sale at the lowest cas G< SiYTOA IIOI SE. BEAUFORT, S. C. rpHIS HOUSE .SITUATED ON BAY ST REE | JL commands a fine view of : B E A U F 0 It T It I V E It, and many of the Sea The travelling publ n il! iniu nero a uoiraun.-ami CONVENIENT HOME, and the invalid will find no better or no mo | healthful climate on the SOUTHERN COAST ! to spend the winter. The House is within fi minutes walk of Steam Boat, and fifteen miuut ] walk of Railroad communication. A good LIVERY STABLE ! has just been added to the House. Western Union Telegraph Office on first floor. fit. fil. K1.\GMAV. Proprietor. I Just Received, A splendid stock of ' PRY GOODS. CLOTH IN(i, IIATS A CAPS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, i CROCKERY. I TOBACCO, CONFECTION ARIES, TINWARE, Ac.. Ac., I At the store of F W SCHEPPER. Ray Street, head of No. 2 Dock, ' which lie will sell lower than any other xtnro ItE.UTORT. jan. 4-lv, iionoLoaY P. M. WHITMAN, ; WATGHKAKEfl & ENGRAVEF Jlayo's Building. Bny St. XITILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL ATTENTK \Y to the repairing ol \\ nlrhtra, t'lorl j anil Jewelry. Ornamental auil plain E era vine (lone at short not ice. Gentleman having fine watches canto I hem >D this est uhli>h merit hv one HOWARD A COS SSOO PECULATORS. jan.4 S. MAYO, I?iiy Slrcci, in anion, ?, v . ! GROCERIES, DRV GOODS. TIN WARM. HARDWARE AND WOODEN WARE. LItiUORS. SEGARS AND TOB VCC i NET YARNS. FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Glass, paints dfc? Oils WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing Paint*, a ' Glass cut to order of any size. feb. 11 | ??.? H. M. STUART M. D., Corner of Ray and Eighth Streets, Beaiuort, S. C.,' VEALSS lit DRUGS AND CTfEMICALS. fatflly medicines, FANCY AND T??I I JET ARTICL stationery, perfumery. BRUSHES. At., Ac.. Ac. Together with maoY other articles too mirtler to mention. AH of which will be sold at the lov price for cash, Physicians prescriptions cari-fi ?*n?nr?ouudpti. <- . fcb J N" N E T T <3c GROCERIES & icr of Say and Sixth. Sti Soap, ZZerrlng, Machorol, lit, Gheoao sale rates. BENNJ ir to the Breeze, ITBLIC K.VOW THAT >RE ON BAY ST. of goods can be carried off, by leaving the n the County. JAINS! BARGAINS* Fine | Bleached Cottons, at 7 cents. Fine t Brown Cottons, at 12 cents, 2 Cases of Misses Hats, from 15c to 81. ' 2 Cases Ladies Hats, from 50 cents to ?1 ( 2 Cases of Ladies Hats, from $1 to 82.50 Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, and Crocker}*, . Fish Hooks, i ish Lines, Seine, Twine &c. JUR PRICES! RAUGHT, WOES, 15KAAJJ1ES AMJ SKEY. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, ian Lined Preserve Kettles, at 75 eents; 1 hter to make room; Two heavy business' les constantly for sale ; One Flat and three orsaleand to rent on all of the Sea Islands. Aucti on oor. i, wares and merchandise, converted into , ctly confidential. Cash advances made. J AS. >1, CROFUT, nd Mules. ; House Stables, LESTON. getlier with a lot of line Mules, nultable or this Market, and EVERY ANIMAL ig for Ca?h or City acceptance payable OcGRAHAM, &03 . fYNAI. 'S SAVINGS I AND COMPANY. IMPOUNDED THREE TIMES A YEAR, SRY THIRTY DAYS. DEPOITS AM) DRAW CHECKS AT .SON R. SCOVEL, Cashier. isory Board. , 311 Crnclcors, and. Sago, Boston Marlx.ot Boo#. lcorcl7"inosar, jard, ^on's coudcnsod mlUs.. cans, "G-cin c*? Horo." It prices by eorge Waterhouse. BAY STREET. A8PLEDID New Spring Stock TAT JOHN COOPER'S lie | Having just returned from the North with the best assortment of Drvgoods v I and Trimmings ever brought to Beaufort. the public are invited to call and ace the WHITE HOOPS, PUil'ES?I'LAIN* AND FIGURED, ** FRENCH CAMBRICS, FRENCH PERCALES, POLLY VARDEN CHINTZES, IM)LLV VARDF.N CALICOS, DOLLY VARDEN PERCALES, SWISS, LAWNS, MUSLINS, JACONET, A I-SO HOSIERY AND GLOVES Jn Great Variety. The Millinery Department Js supplied with the I.ATF.ST STYLE HATS BONNETS, LACES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. I I WHAT_IS IT!! O I) E LL'S iii i ! BREAD, CAKE, ? PIE AND CRACKER BAKERY O I> E LL'S l J NEW YORK PLAIN, MINED and FRENCH CONFECTIONARY. >N I n* 1 0 D ELL'S '>f i CIRCl'LATINO LIBRARY 'tf- NOW OPENED, WITH NEW BOOKS, AT ODE Ij' KKESSEL Riiys the Rent, Riij-m the Cheapest, i), BECAtSE 1 lie buys for Cash, and Sells the lowest 3f FOR C4SI1 ONLY. i i il'o- The largest assortment of merchandise in ! BEAUFORT, consisting of nd GROCERIES, B?R)TS ANDSHOB\ BUY GOODS, CI/mirSO, NOTIONS, Ac. lie defies couijtetitiou. Be sure to go to KRESSEL'S. EDGAR G. NICHOLS, Surveyor, E9, DRAUGHTSMAN ?fc CIVIL EXGIKEER, fms DEPUTY TO TIIE SURVEYOR GENERAL. * ' tIjy OfBce at Dr. Nichols' Drag Store, corner 8th 1* find B sts, lietufort, S. C. idec.ll-ly CO, PROVISIONS, roots. Xails, Saoon, I Syrup. STT& CO., Beaufort, S. C. __1 "Take Care of the Pennies; the Dollars will take eare of themselves." Son wish to he rich? Then be economical. BUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM. JOHN FRANZ. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Groceries and Provisions consisting of :nor;E hams, STRIPS AND SHOULDERS, NO. 1 MACK ERE SWORD AND CODFISH. EXTRA FULTON MARK ET BEEF AND TONGUES SXTRA GOSIIEN BUTTER, NEW LEAF LARD, ALL KINDS N. Y. CRACKERS, ALL GRADES SUGARS AND COFFEES, RAISINS, PRUNES, APPLES, CURRENTS, NUTS, PRESERVES, ENGLISH PICKLE& j ALSO FINE IMPORTED BRANDY, CHAMPAIGNE, BURGUNDY PORT, SIJERKY, SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, NECTOR FAMILY WHISKEY, IRISH WHISKEY, SCOTCH WHISKEY. All goods delivered to all parts of the town FREE RevolverExact size of Cartridge fired by the Celebrated POLICE CARTRIDGE REVOLVER Calibre 38-100. .Actual weight of Pistol 13 ounces. also : ^ Tie XL and BLUE JACKET REVOLVERS 32-100 ami 22-100 Calibre, and the BALLARD DERINGERS Single shot. 41-100 calibre. Send for an Illustrated Price List to JOHN J. TOWER No. 4 Warren st, New York Manufacturer of the IMPROVED PATENT ADJUSTABLE iininniirrn inn i rn innun flAiiUWJIto Ant) Ltb-lim All Orders shall have Prompt Attention. Nickerson House, COLUMBIA, C. M pleasantly located HOTEL, tinsuruaased by any House theSoutn for comfort and m | I'jfjiijS healthly loeality, is now open to Kf.M-a-nfo SF-L Travellers ahd other sscekmg accom modai ions. Families can be fnrnished with niee, airy rooms on leasonable terms. "A call is solicited." Mits. Wii. A. WKKHIT it SON. Our Omnibuses and Carriages will be found at the ditl'erent depots. -WTeruis reasonable, transient or regular 1 warders feb.29-ly. J. A. EMMONS . dealer in FRESII MEATS, FRUITS. VEGETABLES, ICE, Ac Which will be furnished in any <|uantity. Dee,1 PALL BRODIfi, ^3L3R.OHITEOT. BEAUFORT, S. C. Drawinqs'of Models prepare*' for Patent Office Studies for special purposes, made et short notice. Box 3!, P.O. ONE THOUSAND SWEET ORANGE TIlFJ-> for sale, from one to three years old. Wii be transplanted if desired. Apply to B. B. SAM.S. It EVEN U E ST A M PS. A full assortment of all kind* just received by II. G. Judo, feb.2I. Clerk of Court. A. S. HITCHCOCK, ATTORNEY Ai COUNSELLOR AT LAN\ Bocnty, Pension and Claim Agent. BEAUFORT, S. C. Dec lvr. William Gurney, COTTOX FACTOR and nnuuiocinu mcdpuhmt uummiuoiuu mLnuiinni NO. 102 EAST BA Y AND NORTH ATLANTIC WIIAR1 Charleston, S. C. Particular attention riven to the sole of and ship ; rticnt of.Sra Island atkl I'ptotid Cotton. Liberal ad ; vances made on consignments. J. A. Enslow & Co. CO IT OX FACTORS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 141 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Liberal Advance* Made on Conilnj ments. J. a. Enslow Jaa. Salvo, J. a1 Enslow, Jr. Dec. 7, ly. YOUNG MEN Contemplating a Business Life should attend the BRYANT, STRATT'Olf, it SADLE1 BUSINESS COLLEGE, For Circulars and Sietimins of Penmanslti enclose two stamps and address I W. H. SADLER, Pres't: . Nos. C St 8 Chariot St, Baltimore, Md.' I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ?0? TO THE CITIZENS OF BEAUFORT CO; J)ON>T F*AIL TO STOP AT J* APPLE'S w and examine his large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer goods, consisting at \ JAPANESE SILKS, GRENADINES AND BAREGES. JAPANESE CLOTH, STRIPES and PLAIDS. PIQUFN PLAIN AND FIGURED. DOLLY VARDENS IN PRINTS and MUSLINS FRENCH CAMBRICS AND PERCALES, DRESS LINENS. ALL SHADES, BLACK ALPACCA, and all the Mourning Goods. We would also ca'I attention to our iarge and varied stock of GLOVES AID HOSIERY. Our Clothing and Gents Furnishing Depot is weir supplied with the latest styles from the best houses In New York, OUR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES is very complete. ?>o it you watt a .Bargain, don't forget APPLE'S STORE. Remember John Franz! Bay Street, Beaufort, S. C. TO WHEELWRIGHTS & BLACKSMITHS.' I offer for sale, as cheap as any establishment in the city; HUBS, RKINS STOKES, SHAFTS, ETC., HORs k SHOES A N D N AI f A CUT AND WROUGHT NAILS, CARRIAGE BO LI'S, ETC. TIRE, BAND AND RAND IRON, ALSO A FINE LOT OF ANCHORS AND OARS.. TO PAINTERS. I offer great inducement to House; Sign and Carriage Painters. PaiuUs, large or fmaJl packages; Oils, Glass, all sizes, Brush"s, Putty, etc. To Shoemakers. Oak and Hemlock sole Leather; FresW Calf and Kip Leather ; Pegs and "Kgih TO BUILDERS. A Fine Lot of hard pine Lumber and1 Shingles.' 200 Bushels of HEAVY OATS for sale. Also : Just received direct from Rich-, mood, Va.;2,000 lbs CHOICE LEAF TOBACCO ; twenty-five boxes ('HEWING and SMOKLM'G TOBACCO: Liberal discount made to the Trade. MT pollTtzer, COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCIIAST. BEAUFORT, S. C. Sept.4. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE JhmJL THE FIXE I'ROHrnTT SITE-, atcd at the coruer ot lid ami D att"5a 3 ? jiJv streets, known as the "I: II" pr> minAj3i|K sos, and immediately opposite (he the residence of the lion. It. S.' Bennett, liiUndant of Bea'afort, isoHl red for sale. The House and outbuildings are in good ord r, , ?&iMi nit* lUi cuiiiprunrs iiii; u ^ru%u ui '?i ii^'* inua in the town. Very small"rejtttrs are ri. sited t-< make ; it a most desirable and complete Ih'um', The lot is J square, hiving a front on Dstreet of 20-1] arid on old street of 1-M feet, t For tonus apply to" II. G. Judd, or on the premises 1 to Mrs. Mary Bythewoud. Beaufort, March 27, lt?72. March 27-tf. NOTICE TO PILOTS. Office Health Officer, > Port Royai., July 10,1872. ( PILOTS ARE INSTRUCTED TO BRING ALL ve.v?eU from Spanish ports entering the harbor j after this date, to an anchor at the old quarantine j ground olf Ilrlfou Head, there to await the action of 1 the boarding officer. S. B. THOMPSON. M. R, Heulth Officer. A. VOH BE W WVI'CIlM.t IvKtt AMI JRWKLKIl Of many years experience, R. *|M>rf fully i: ; forms the citizens of Beaufort fountv, tleit he ecu bo . j found at .mr. Wkioert's Stork on iiav Street, where | lie is prepared to repair WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All work guaranteed to glrc general aatiWSetion. july-4. ! ^gggS^The Great Cause HUMAN MISERY. ! Jiul Puhliihtd, in a S-'dlei Entrehjif. Price, t'u c n'l fj-eture on the Mature, Tie it>' ent nnd Kii<Iiral Cure of S'tninal wcaki c-s or Supertnatorrhoja, inducad by Self-Abuse, Invo u i jJ ry emissions, Impotence, Nervous d>h ii y and Impediments to Marriage generally: Consumption, i Kptlepsv. aun Kit-*; Mental ar.d Pltvsical Imapuirv. Ac.?J5y RoliKKT J. < I'LVEHWKLL, M. D., author j of the'"Green Book," etc. The World-renowned author, In this admirable > I/Ct'ture, clearly proves from hi* own experience > that the awful conacuiienocsof Sol-Abu* mayhi effectually removed without medicine, and without : danzerous surgical operations, bougies, in.-t .nil nt*, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cirr<- at 1 once certain and effectual, by which every sutT ru | no matter what his condition may be. may eur hints* U cheater, privsadv, and radically. Til S LECTURE Wlt.L I'ROVfc A B( ON TO TilO. i SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Seat, under seal, in a plain etivc'op"" t) a-y ail. ? dress, on receipt of si t cents, or two postage tampi bv addressing tb<- puMidicrs. i 'Also, DR. CULVERWDLL'S 'Marri gc Guide" j price oO cents. Address tbe ruhiishers. < H\S. J.C. Kf I\E A Ctt., 127 Bowery, New York, Poot-O.Tic o Box, d.SSfl. Photographs & Ferrotypss. ? ? li'/tfr n tv \r Tin/ M.H>. iUitllM , ?? wuuis 1.1 i U1I.1 11111 pul?Iic that having just received now chenii| caU and material. photoc.rapils and ferreotypes will be taken daily in thehijrheidstyleof the art, un| til Aliquot 1st., when the gallery will he dosed for Ml tiie summer. I ~! >. LtiLENS Esq., will attend particularly to the H Ph'.to^rnphic department. Satisfaction guaranteed. TIIE REDEMPTION ACT. Persons claiming land on Hiltop H ? I and adjoining Islands, now held by It s I United States, tinder the A*t <nt el i 4lAn Act for the Collection of dir:(t taxe i in the insurrectionary districts withi t the United States"?wishing to sell o requiring funds to redeem the same can' make favorable arangeinents by ad resting with full particulars, p. P. C. McTKTIRF/ j flilton Head, June 24, 1872. I June 20-6dJ.