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OF t e lets and Joint Resolutions passed by the I General Assembly of South Carolina, * Regular Sessfou, 1871 and 1872. t a An Act to Relieve the State of South Caro- h Una of all Liability for its Guarantee of the h Bonds of the Blue Ridge Railroad Com- c pany by providing for the Securing ami ^ Destruction of the same. f Whereas the State of South Carolina *has, by and in pursurance of the provis- a i<?ns of an act, approved the fifteenth day *of September, A. D. 1S68, euttiled 4tan a Act to authorize additional aid to the 1 Blue Ridge Railroad Company, in South a Carolina," endorsed a guarantee of the ^ taith and credit of the State ou four mil- " lions of dollars of bonds, issued by the a said Blue Ridge Railroad Company, com- 0 . prehending the Blue Ridge Railrod Company in South Carolina; the Blue R'dge 0 Railroad Company in Georgia; the Ten- | nessee River Railroad Company in North 11 Carolina; the Knoxville and Charleston 1 i I rCVJ <1 O. imnonn I? ? - ?? J * 1 S nwi.tvou wuipaujf iu icuucssce, uuu me : Pendleton Railroad Company in South 8 Carolina, for the purpose of aiding the P speedy completion of the said Railroad. 8 which bonds are liable for the debts of the said Railroad Companies; and whereas 8 the present condition of the finances of the Strfte, and of said companies, is such r as to make the further continuance of 0 said bonds on the market inexpedient and 8 unadvisab'e, and a serious injury and 8 prejudice to the credit of the State; and r whereas the existent of the said four mil- 8 lions of dollars of the bonds, so guaran- | teed, creates a large liability upon rthe ? part of ihe State, which the treasury may l< be r< quired to meet at unforeseen and in- 8 opportune times; and whereas the liability of the State, on account of such guarantee, 8 should 1 e faithfully met and discharged; thereof, in order to secure the recovery 8 and destruction of the bonds and coupons r of the said company, issued under and in 8 pursuance of the provisions of the afore ! ^ said act, now pledged in the city of New 1 York and elsewhere, and to relieve the c State of all liabilities whatsoever, by reason of its endorsement and guarantee of 0 said bonds ~ Ia Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate 0 and House of Representatives of the State 0 of South Carolina, now met and sitting in 8 General Assembly, and by the authority J1 the same: / That the State Treasurer is hereby di ? rected, with the consent in writing, of the 1 Biue Ridge Railroad Company, in South ^ Carolina, to require the Financial Agent of the State, in the city of New York, immediately to deliver to the State Treasurer all bonds of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, endorsed and guarantcd by tne a State of South Carolina, which are now in * h s possession-, and1 held by him as colla- 9 teral security, for advances made by the ^ the said Financial Agent, by the order of 8 the Financial Board; to the Blue Ridge 0 Railroad Compauy, and upon the delivery of said bonds, the Treasurer is hereby required to cancel^the same, in the manner hereinafter directed: and the said Biue Ridge Railroad Company shall thereupon be discharged from all liability to the State n account of suctr advances. Sec. 2. That upon the surrender by a the said Company to the State Treasurer of the balance of tbe said four m Dions of n dollars of bonds, issuedby the said Blue " Rjdge Railroad Company, ard guaranty ed ^ by the State, the State Treasurer is here- j _ by authorized and rt quired to deliver to 11 the President of the Blue Ridge Rdilroad * Company, iu South Caroina, Tieasury ! certificates of indebtedness (styled Revenue Bond Scrip) to the amount of one mil- ! lion eight hundred thousand dollars, the said certificates to be executed in the man- ? ner hereinafter directed; and if the said company shall not be able to deliver all of said bonds at one time, the Treasurer is authorized and required to deliver to the said President such amount of such trea9- a my certificates as shall be proportional to i 0 the amount of bonds delivered. j ( Sec. 3. That, to carry out the purpos s of this Act, the State Treasurer is hereby 0 authorized and required to have printed, or engraved on steel, as soon as practica- a hie. Treasury certificates of indebtedness, v to be known and designated as Revenue p Bond Scrip of the State of South Carolina, |> iu such form, and of such denomination ti as may be deteimimd on by the State h Tieasurer, and the Piesidenl of the Blue j Ridge Railroad Company, in South Caro- p lina, to the the amount of one million a eight hundred thousand dollars, which v Revenue Bind Scrip shall be signed by the t; Mate Treasurer, and shall express that b the sum mentioned thertin is due by the ti State of South Carolina to the blarer t< thereof, and that the same will he r< d ived ti in payment of taxts and all other duts to n the State, except sjxcial tax levied to pay r interest on the public debt. . v Sec. 4. That the faith and funds of the a State are hereby pledged for the ultimate o redemption of said Revenue Bond Set ip, t and the County Treasurers are hereby re- s quired to receive the same in pay ment of n all taxes levied by the State, except in i payment of special tax levied to pay inter- ti nil iho until ?/> and 1 ho Silolp 1i COW UU bug P'?vnv v?\ Kf ? f ? ???? %iiv *._> vu vv J Treasurer aud all other public officers are a h? reby require to received the same in w payment ot all dues to the State; and still fi further to provide for the redemption of t said Revenue Bond Scrip, an annual tax t of three mills on the dollar, in addition to p all other taxes, on the assissed value of p all taxable property in the Sia'e. is hereby d levied, to be collected in the same manner n and at the same time as may be provided a by law for the levy and colled ion of the u regular annual tax< s of the State; and the s State Treasurer is hereby required to4te- o tire, at the end'of e ach years from their o date, one fourth of the amount of the a Treasury Scrip hereby authorized to be is- r sued, until all of it shall be retired, and to w apply to &uch purpose exclusively the tax- r ts hereby required to be levied. Sec. o". That, if any such Revenue Bond p Scrip is received in the Treasury, for pay- S ment of taxes, the Treasurer be, and he is d hereby, authorized to pay out such Reven- b ue Bond Scrip in satisfaction of any claims fi against the Treasury, except for interest tl that may be due on the public debt. s; Sec. 6. That upon the delivery to the * ? <***? Trpopi)r?pof tV- gaiH oinranteed ts - . ? 1, ?% . i ? ;., 7 . irer is hereby required to cause the same o be cancelled and destroyed, in the presnce of the President of the Blue Ridge taiload Company, in South Carolina, nd in the presence of a Joint Committee f the Senate and House of Pepresentaiveaof this State, to be for that purpose .ppoint* & Sec. 7. That whenever the whole numier of the said guaranteed bond shall rave been delivered to the Treasurer and aneelled, as required by the provisions of his Act, the lien of the State of South /'arolina, opon the estate, property and ands of the said Blue Ridge Railroad /'ompany, in this State, and of the other ssociated companies in the States of Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, a secured by the provisions of an Act en itled "An Act to autnonze aaauiuum id to the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, a South Carolina," passed on the fifteenth lay of September. Auno D jmini one thousnd eight hundred and sixty eight, and all ither claims or liens which are held by the !tate, against said company or companies, n account of said guarantee, shall, from henceforth, be forever discharged and reeased; and should the said company be inable, from any cause, to deliver all of aid bonds, such liens shall be discharged ,nd released to an extent which shall be >roportional to the amount of such bonds ,dually delivered. Sec. 8. That if the said company shall cct pt the provisions of this Act, it shall >e authorized, if the Board of Directors nay dtsire, to change the corporate name f the company to that of the "Km,xville ud South Caroliua Railroad Company,*' nd shall have power to extend?its raiload, or to construct brarchcs thereof, to ny points.or places in this State, with all be power and privileges with which the aid company is now vested by the provisos of its charter; and the said company hall also have power to issue bonds, and o secure the same by a mortgage, to such mount, and in such manner, as the Joard of Directors may direct. And all ales of stock in the said Blue Kidge Haiload Company, in South Caroliua, and its ssociatfs companies, formerly held by the Itate aDd sold by the Commissioners of he Sinking Fund be, and they are hereby, onfiraied. Sec. 9. That if any person shall forge r counterfeit the Treasury Scrip hereby uthorized to be issued, or shall, directly r indirectly, aid or assist in the forging r counterfeiting of such Scrip, or shall isue, or in any manner use any such forged r counterfeited, he shall, on conviction horonf h<? finpd in the discretion of the ourt. and shall be imprisoned in the Penteutiary, for a terga not exceeding ten ears. In the House of Representatives. Columbia, S. Cm March 2, 1872. On the question 4'shall this Act become .law, the objections of His Excellency he Governor to the contrary notwithtanding," the yeas^au^najs were orered, pursuant to provisions of the Contit ution, resulting, yeas 84, najs 18, and rdered to be sent to the Senate, By order A.O.JONES, Clerk House of Representatives. In the Senate, Columbia, S. C., March 2, 1872. On the question "shall this Act pass nd become a law, the objections ofljis ixcelleucy the Governor to the*contrary lOtwithstanding,'' the yeas and najs were rdered, pursuaut to tne provisions of the Constitution, (Article 3, Section 22,) the tct passed by a viva voce vote of yeas 22. ays 0, and ordered to be returned to the louse of Representatives, By order J. WOODRUFF, (.'lei k of Senate. In Act to Provide for the Appointment of an Inspector of Phosjdiatts, and to Decla e his Duties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives of the State r P ..nlino rtr\l\T mot ami QllfinrT in 1 OUUlli v/aiuiiua, ijuii iu\^v w<iu w<v?> leneral Assembly, and by the authoiity f the same: That the Governor be, and he is hereby uthorized to appoint by, and with the adice and consent of the Senate, a competent ierson to the office of Insptctor of Phoshates, who shall reside and have his ofoe in the city of Charleston, and shall old his office for two years. That it shall be the duty of all com an ts or individuals who are, or may be, uthoriz d by law to disr, mine or excaate such phosphate rocks and phosphate deposits from the beds of the navigate waters or streams within the jurisdicioti of this State, to report to the inspector of Phi sphates monthly, or at other in prvals, according to such regulations as iay be prescribed, the quantity of such ock aud deposit dug, miued and excaated; and whether th* same be on hand wailing removal, or, if it has b? en moved r is being moved, to furnish a copy of he bill or bills of lading, which reports hall be verified by the oath of the person naking the same And it shall be the duy of all captains of vessels and railroad of? cials to furnish to the Inspetor of Phoshates duplicates of all hills of lading, of 11 cargo* s of such rocks and deposits with rhich their vessels or cars may be reighted for export from this State, or fur ransportation within this State. And to he tnd that the said Inspector of Phoshausmay be enabled to verify the reort8 of the quantity of such rocks and eposits which have been or may be dug, lined, excavated and rt moved, he shall, t all times, have and be allowed free and niuterrupted access to all plac*s where" uch roi ks aud deposits are dug, mined r excavated, and to all warehouse s, or pen or enclosed places where such rocks * ' - - - l U(1 deposits are siortu, ana to mi vcsm ib, ail road cars, or conveyances in, or by, 'hich such rocks and deposits are being e moved. Sec. 3. That the said Inspector of Phoshates shall report to the Auditor of the tate, monthly the phosphatic rocks and t posits which he shall ascertain to have een dug, mined, excavated or removed, rom the navigable streams or waters of h:s State, by what company or persons the ame was dug, mined and excavated, by rhat vessel, or other mode of tnmsporition the same was removed, with such thereof as may be necessary to male a A correct average sample of the whole, to be examined and inspected. And it shall be the duty of the Inspector to examine and anal} ze all such samples of guanos and other fetilizers, and', if found to agree with the formula thereof, required'to be furnished as above, and as published to the public, to mark or brand each pack- a age thereof;*but if the same, npon analy- o sis, shall not conform to the formula so (3 furnished and published, the Inspector shall not brand or mark the same, and it shall he unlawful for the holder or owner thereof to sell the same. Sec. 5. That, to carry into effect the " purposes of the foregoing Section of this & Act, the Inspector of Phosphates shall, P amounts due to the State therefor have ? been paid, and, if not, who is accountable ^ for the same. a Sec. 4. That hereafter it shall not be lawful to sell in this State, or to expr se to b sale, any guano or other commercial fertil- a izers, whether the same have been manu- 0 factured in this State or elsewhere, unless the same shall have been first examined, inspected, analyzed and marked by the q Inspector of Phosphates. And it shall be jr the duty of all persons, bringing into this State, for sale, any guanos or fertilizers, 0 to furnish to the Inspector of Phosphates ^ a formula representing the average con- Q] i tents of each fifty tons of the same, and to cause the same, or as many packages at all times, have and be allowed free and , nnterruDUd access to all vessels, cars, warehouses, manufactories and store- 2houses where all such fertilizers are orare supposed to be, and to take samples thereof. And it shall be the duty of all captains of vessels, or other carriers or persons bringing such fertilizers into the State, to report the same to4,he Inspector a of Phosphates immediately upon arrival; 0; and it shall be the duty of all manufactoriesofsuch fertilizers, ia this State, to re- " port to the said Inspector all quantities o: manufactured for sale. Sec. 6. That any person who shall coun- N terfeit the brand of said Inspector, or shall P repack any package previously marked or t< branded by said Inspector, shall on conviction thereof, be firied for each and evcry offense, the sum of one hundred dol- c< lars. ? g 8tc. 7. That in case of the sickn ^s or ci temporary absence of ths Inspector, or if r< the convenient dispatch of the duties of a his office shall require the same, the said P Inspector is hereby authorized to appoint ^ a Deputy? one or more. tl Sec. 8. That for his compensation for e: the inspection and branding of fertilizers the said Inspector shall be entitled to charge twenty-five cents for each ton so ^ inspected and branded, the same to be paid by the owner, agent or manufacturer, and which shall be collectable of, and from the pet son having the same in charge. And for his compensating for the examintion of the phosphalic rocks and phoephatic deposits dug, mined, excavated and a removed from the beds of the navigable waters and streams of the State, he shall " be paid from the State Treasury, cents 0 per centum on all amounts paid to the State as royalty for the privilege of so dig- ti ging, mining, excavating and removing ei such rocks and deposits, and the said In- t: spector is hereby authorized to rt quire ti conformity with all regulations, which a shall be by him made, with the approval P os the State Auditor, and which shall he S reasonable and proper, to euable the said a Inspector to carry out the purposes of this Act; and should the office of State Audi, d tor be abolished,the dutits herein rt quired of him, and the reports required to be made to him shall be exercised by, and j the reports be made to the ComptrollerGeneral. Sec. 9. That any person or company who shall violate the provisions of this Act, shall upon conviction, be liable to the penalty as provided tn section 10, of a this Act. " Sec. 10. That said Inspector ofPhos- " phates, shall, before entering upon the du- 0 ties of his office, furnish a bond in good , and sufficient sureties iu the penal sum of 810,000, for the faithful performance of . his duties, and If the Inspector of Phos- , phat< s or his Deputies, or any of them shall c be guilty of fraud, or shall neglect or re- a fuse to perform rtie duties of their office, P they shall be liable to a fine of not less ^ than 8100, nor more than 810,000, and to imprisonment for the term of not less than three months. Dor more than five J years, one or butb within the discretion of * the Court. , Sec. 11. All Act8 or parts of acts in- x i consistent with the provisions of this Act, a are hereby repea ed. a Approved March 0, 1872. ^ I 1 An Act to Incorporate the Mount Zion M. E. Church, of Kingstree, S. C. Section 1. Be it enacted by ^he Senate and House of Representatives, Of the State ot South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority I1 of the same: / 11 That the Mount Zion M. E. Church, v of Kingstr? e, South Carolina, is hereby in ^ corporated. with all the rights and privi- : j; leges awarded to religious denominations in this State. | Sec. 2. That the raid Church may ac- a quire property, real or personal, for relig- r' tous aud educational purposes and may dispose, regulate, and govern the same as 0 they may deem proper, in accordance with their laws and decipline; such laws not being repugnant to the laws of the land. x Sec. 3. That this act shall be deemed a i public act, and shall continue in force for . the terra of twenty-one years. Approved Match 4, 1872. j r An Act to Authorize Aliens to Mold a Property. Section 1. Re it enacted by the Senate , and House of Representatives of the State p of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: ! j That real and personal ufroperty, of e\ery description, may be taken, acquired j held and disposed df, by an alien, in the a same manner, in all respects, as by a S natural born citizen; and a title to real t and personal property, of every descrip-! a tion, may be derived through, form, or in succession to, an alien, in the same man- t ner, in all respec s, as through, form or in h bno(>rccj> r> to a mtiifol horn citizen. f v "7 .1 1 fn Act to- Approve, Adopt, and Make of force the General Statues of the State of South Carolina, prepared under the direction, and' by the authority, of the General Assembly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives of the State f South Carolina, now met sitting in reneral Assembly, and by?$ne authority f the same: v That the General Statrfes of the State of outh Carolina, prepared under its auaority by W. J". Whipper, C. W. Montoraery, I>. T. Corbm, Esquires, and reorted to the General Atsembly, be, and ie same are hereby, adopted as the tatutes of the State of Soath Carolina, nd the Act* Ordinances e.nd Resolves, 'commended by their tfttes to be repealed y said Commissioners, be, and the same re hereby, repealed. >ffice Secretary or State, CoLuanrrA, S'. C!, Februaay TO, 1872. This Act having been presented to the overnor for his approval, and not havig been returned by him to the branch of je General Assembly, in which it riginated within the time prescribed by le Constitution, has become a law withut his approval. F. L. CARDOZO,. Secretary of State. I n Act Authorizing the Town Council of the To>cn of Newberry to Erect a Market House, on a Lot of Land Belonging to the County of Newberry. Section 1.- Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives of the State f South Carolina, now met and sitting in eneral Assembly, and by the ^authority f ibe same: / rjV That the Town tdouncU of>tbe town of fewberry are hereby authorized and emowcred to erect a MarkeVHouse in said >wn, upon a lot of ground which is partr attached to and lying near the public juare in said towo, and belonging to the [>unty of Newberry; which lot shall be iven for such purpose to said Town Counil and their successors in office, free of >nt or charge. And said Town Council, nd their successoi s in office, shall have ower and authority to remove such larket House whenever, in their opinion, le same may be deemed necessary and xpedient. Approved March 4,1872. in Act to Provide for the Speedy Apportionment of State Appropriations, made foe the Support and Maintenance of Free Common Schools. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives of the State f South Carolina, now trap and sitting in eneral Assembly, and by the authority flhe same: / . " That the State Superintendent of Educaon be and he is hereby, authorized and mpowered, if, in his judgment, the xigencies of the case require, to apf>oron to the several counties of the State uy Slate appropriation made for the eupoitind maintenance of Free. Common chools, wilhin fifteen (15) dajs a ter said ppropiiation shall have been made. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take immeiate e fleet. Approved February 27, 1872. In Act to Renew, Amend and Extend the Charter of the Trustees of the Prcsbyt rian Church of Smyrna, tn Nttcberry County. Seciion 1. Be it enacted by the Smate nd House of Representatives of the State f South Carolina, now met aud sitting in reneral Assembly, aud by the authority fthe same: ? That David B. Piester, George W. Senn, lenry Ilen.drix, H&tidry D. Boozer and 'homas N. Boozer, Trustees of the Pies- I yteriau Church of Smyrna, in NeWDeriy ouLty, and their successors in<ffice,*be. nd the same are hereby, declared a body olitic and corporate, under the name and tyle of the Trustees of the Presbyterian )hurch of Smyrna, in Newberry county, fith all the rights, powers and privileges eretofore granted to the Trustees of the 'resb^terian Church of Smyrna, in Newerry district, by an Act of the General Lssembly, passed December A. D. 185C; nd the charter of same is hereby renewed nd extended for the term of twenty-five ears. Approved February 27, 1872. la Act to Require the County Commissiners to Remove Imbeciles from the Lunatic Asylum to their Respective j County Poor Houses. Whereas, experience has established the ict that imbeciles should not be confiued u the same building with the insane; and rhereas, the insane?who, as a class, re- j uire special treatment?have frequently o be refused admission into the Asylum :>r want of room; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives of the State f Souih Carolina, now met and sitting in ieneral Assembly, and by the authority f the same: That from and after the passage of this Let, the County Commissioners of the arious counties in the State shall remove ' heir imbeciles from the State Lunatic Lsylum, upon due notice from the Superatendent to the said County Commission- i ? _/? 2 I !\... rs, as ro toe numoer 01 iruuecues uuu- ( ained ia the institution from their espective counties, and they shall here- ; fter take care of such persons in their espective County Poor House. See. 2 That all Acts, or parts of Acts, Dconsistent with the provisions of this tct, 'be, and the same are hereby, regaled. Approved February 27, 1872. i in Act to Reneie the Charter of the Pendlt ton Male Academy. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nd House of Representatives, of the State of South Carolina, now met and siting in General Assembly/and by the authority of the same. Sec. 2. That the charter of the Pendleon Male Academy be, and the same is lereby extended and shall continue in 1 orce until repealed. J * ? J V hi.T: 1 ?7 ? An Act to Authorize the County Commissioners of Charleston County to Place a Flat at Banneau Ferry. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the autheri^y ofthesame: That the County Commissioners of Charleston county be, and they are hereby, authorized to place a flat at Banneau Ferry, on the Eastern Branch of Cooper river; to employ and pay a ferryman, and to charge the regular rates of feriage, out of which the wages of the ferryman are to be paid, and the balance to be turned over to the County Treasurer, for the use of the county. \/ Office Secretary of State. Columbia, February 20th, 1872. This Act having been presented to the Governor for his approval, and not having been retured by him to the Branch of the General Assembly in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution, has become a law without his approval. F. L. CARD070, Secretary of State. 'Joint Resolution Authorizing the State Treasurer to Purchase a Set of Fire and Burglar-Proof Doors for Ike Vault in his Office. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives or the 8tate of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assenn^ly, and by the authority of the same. That the Stfcte Treasurer, be, and' he is hereby, autjlorizedr'to purchase a set of fire and burglar pobof doors '? ? -? UU a!?aa af a /iaoI nf/\ lur lllC VHUIl 1U I1I9 </|||V,r, nu CL 1,110V uwv V1> exceed fifteen hundred dollars, and to be paid for out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved February 27, 1872. An Act to Alter and Amend an Act entithd "An Act to Charter the Town of Hamburg," Approved February 28, 1871. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouse o Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the Act to which this is amendatory be altered and amended by striking oat from Section first all after the word "Georgia," in the eighth line of said Section, and inserting in the place thereof the words "one mile and-one-half in a westerly direction, up and ahnig the Savannah River; thence one mile and a half in a notherly direction, npon a line at right angles with the line of the Savannah River; thence one mile and one-half of a mile in an easterly direc-% tion. upon a line parallel with the line of the Savannah River; thence one mile and a half in a southerly direction, to the Savannah River, and upon a line at right angles with the, line of Savannah R;ver, thence one half a rai'e in a westerly direction. up the Sivannah River to the said Savannah Bridge, said town to be in the form of a square. S< e 2. That slid Act be forth-r amended t>y strnong our.. mini s-vrmn line of Section 10 of stid Act. the wor "fifteen," and ir.Rertjug in place thereo' the words "thirty rive. ' Approved February 1"), 1872. Joint Resolution to Change the Name of Samuel D'*jun. Co1 ambus J)->gun and Simon Doyan tn S nnuel Farrow Cohtm busFarroic and Siimon Furroic. ate and House of' Representatives of the State of Stuth Carolina, now met and sitting iu General Assembly, and by the au thority of the samV: That the names of Samuel D fan. of Newberry county, and Columbus Dogan and Simon I) tgan, of Union county, he changed to Samuel Farrow, C ilumbus Farrow and Simon Farrow, and that hereafter the said.Samuel Digan, Columbus Dogan and Simon Dogan. shall be known and called Samuel Farrow, Columbus Farrow and Simon Farrow. Approved February 15th, 1872. An Act to Incorporate the Brotherly Association, of Charleston, S. C. Section*1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That \V. Tallaee, B. K. Kinloch, Edward Fordham, M. J. Simonds, Thomas Lesesne, A. E. O'Xeil, and their associates and successors, are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the "Brotherly Association, of Charleston, South Carolina," and by the said name * : snail nave perpeiuai bucccssiou ui and members, and a common seal, with power to change, after, and make make new the same, as often as the said corporation shall judge expedient. Sec. 2. That the said corporation shall be capable in law, to purchase, have. hold, receive, enjoy, possess, and retain to itself in perpetuit}', or for any term of years, any lands for the purpose of interments, or other property of what nature soever, not exceeding the value of fifty thousand dollars, or to sell or alien the same, as the said corportion shall think fit; and by its corporate name, to sue and bo sued, plead and be impleaded in any Court of Law or Equity in this State, and to make such rules and by laws not repugnant to the laws of the land, as for the ordeor, good government and management thereof, may be deemed necessary and exptdient. Sec 3. That this act shall be deemed a public act, and continue in force until repealed. Approved February 27, 1872. A man may be ashamed of th e fasbio of his nose, although be follows it. Another-In what way does the law relating to crossed cheques apply to tartans? m BEAUFORT REPUBLICAN H . Th. Proprietors of THE HEPtJELICiff V desire U call tk? sttssltrs >sf ilk* Veklto M to the fact that Uicf hart lsrgslf B Increased their Facilities 9 FOR 9 printing I OF -9 9 ALL DESCRIPTION8 I BrihiuiiMcfinw nui, I | many new of JOB TYPI, TMf i j have added another room to Itoel* I llihmrnt exclusively for to f?IM Itot I -which will eaeblt ? to I Fill Orders - Sere freaftly. ' THE REPUBLICAN J BOOK UD JOB PBIITUfi OfFlCI BAY STBEET,' S. C. Will Execute all klads ef ! BOOKS 1 PAMPHLETS! BUSINESS AND SHOW CARDS! \\ .. MAMMOTH POSTERS Ac. HAND BILLS, ji Account-Book Headings, Ball Tickets, Bank Notics, ? Bouds and Coupons, Backs. Bllhrads, Bil s of Lading, Bills ??f Fare, , Blank Bo-ks, Business Cards, Certificates of Deposit, 4 Certificates of Stotk. , Che? k?, Commutation Tickets, Deposit Tickets, Di afts and Notes, Envelopes Tinted, Ac., Election Tickets. Festival Tickets, Freight Billheads, Freight or Fare Tariffs, Haudbills, Hotel Registers, Labels, Law Blanks, Law Cases, Leaflets, Letter Circulars, Letter Headings, Memorandum Billheads, Manifest or Way Bills, Money Receipts in Books, Monthly Statements, Newspapers, Note Circulars, Note Headings, Order Books, Orders of Dancing, Pamphlets, r?_i i -i rr. 1 x rices current ^ircumrs, Programme#, Polices, Fire and Life Ins. Posters, all Sizes- arad Colors, Press Work Executed, Railroad Blanks, Restuaraut Ticket#, 9 Shipping Receipts, Shipping Tags, Show Cards, Time Tables, D Washing Lists, 9 ? ? i ?i ry J. 9 neaaiog v^aras, m Wrappers, Ac., Stc. fl Trial Jwtiee*! / ? WILL riSD AN ^ | Ml < CHULESTOI ni?n. / . J