r\ * ^ . . * > - . ?'" ~ ^ t-. A. . ? ? \??T ?a? ^JmV^AKOIM ^ -* fc |W| |ri| . - _ i , / i * v ' - # ' . , v* ^ / r A # ? - ' * * 4 ^ $ t __ * < % An Independent Family Newspaper, devoted to Politics, Literature, and General Intelligence. Our motto is?Truth without Fear. VOL. 2, NO. 27 BEAUFORT S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1S72. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1872. What is to Become of Charleston. The New York Times says in its correspondence: 4 'The Georgia Railroad and Banking Company have agreed with the Port Royal Railroad Company to endorse one million of the first mortgage bonds of the latter company, and the Georgia Company have also taken SI,250,000 in the capital stock of the Port Royal Road. This arrangement obviously secures the success of the Port Royal Road, and at the same time gives the Georgia Road,, with its extended Western connections, an independent outlet to the sea. The combinain^ltides a control of the Savannah IIVU and Charleston Railroad, by which (as a fiance at the map will show) the Port Royal Road has three Atlantic termini, viz : Port Rt>yal, Charleston aod Savannah. Port Royal being greatly superior as a harbor to either of the others, and being twenty* seven miles nearer to Augusta than Charleston or Savannah, will probably soon become a great cotton port, as it has already become a great lumber port. As the Georgia Railroad Company is a very wealthy corporation, having assets to the value of over six millions, with a line of 232 miles of road reaching from Augusta to Atlanta, with three branches, upon which there is a bonded debt of less than $000,000, these endorsed bonds must be desirable security." What will our railroad magnates say to this? If Port Royal is to become a great cotton port, what will Charleston become? Can Charleston spare any of her people or trade, or will the defunct South Carolina Land and Immigration Society make up the difference? By the way, what has become of the million or two emigrants that gift enterprise has lime juiced to come here?? Charleston Republican. ttntlrnnri. lne vimvijivanH ? A history of "The Underground Rail* road"?from slavery to free soil?by William Still, * Chief Engineer" of the * Philadelphia route, is to be published shortly. For many years Mr. Wm. Stlil was clerk to the Anti Slavery Society of Pennsylvania, and as a trusted servant o that organization he is ful'y acquainted with the operations of that famous Railroad, without ties, sleepers or rails? though it was tireless, sleephssand paid little attention to railers. We have known him from childhood and are glad that be is to give to the public a history so fraught with interest not only to the colored race but to the American people. The Holly Tree Coffee Rooms have grown into an institution in B mbra and deserve to be known ?lo where. The title is an attractive one taken from D ckens" "Ilol'y Tree Iun." In iht ir management all intoxicating liquors are dispensed with, their places being taken by ?xcelleut tea and cotfee. Ouce a month eveuiug partus of ladies and working women meet to ' ~ # * 1 All r? gemer ior social eni??yraeut. ah ucquenters find there the daily papers aud and standard works of literature to be read free of charge. The bill of fare comprises tea, c >flee, bread and butter, meats, shups, chowder, pies, excellent in quality and cheap in price. The New York Evening Mail says: The Territorial Legislature of Colorad?>just adjourned, passed a bill dispensing with the tax leyy for the current year because the treasury was already supplied with'sufficient funds. The Arcadian simplicity and happiness of a spot of earth where a public debt is unknowQ. and where the tax gatherer coaieth not, is something that we have dreamed about, but believed to be beyond the possibility of rea ization. Think of a public treasurv with unstolen funds enough in it to support the government for a year! It is among the things unseen and not to be hoped for. Nast has blundered. In the last Harper he has a cut entitled "Here!" the explanation being "New Hampshire heard xrom," ana tne turtner description 01 tne i idea being this: "The True Military Ring!" It represents Grant as a coarse looking drill sergeant calling the roll of an awkward squad of mehn looking men, in soldier garb, and having on their belts the names of the different States. One labeled New Hampshire stands at the head of the line, with spread hands held stiffly to his sides and with a face resembling the gorilla countenance which Nast gives to the Irish in Harper. With mouth enormously stretched and a frightened look he is giving the response "Here!" to the fierce looking sergeant. Nast has forgotten his business. If he had bad an order for a cut to point the Democratic charges of military manners in our adrainstration, this would have been a success. But for a devoted Grant journal, or for any Republican journal, it is a blunder. This is the way the Chicago Evening Post chronicles the attempted assassination of Queen Victoria: The motion of Mr. Arthur O'Connor, seconded by Ancient Pistol, and put to the Queen, "sign or die," was deferred fine die by Mr. John Brown. CHAERL8T0N ADVERTISERS. "^WTXtrJIT" DKALKK IN WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER HANGING LACE CURTAINS, and WINDOW DECORATIONS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS, o WINDOW SHADES and HOLLANDS. a Paper Hanging and Decorations Mattrasses Made to Order and Repaired. Lounges and Chairs upholstered on Reason- able Terms, at 243 KING STREET, ^ Opposite AVaverly House. Orders from the Country will be promptly attended to. _ MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON', S. C. MR. PARKER WILL BE GLAD TO SEE ALL HIS friends from our county, and will try tdmake their stay iu Charleston a pleasan. one. I). C. Burnett, Proprietor. G. W. Parker, fcb. l-ly. Associate. p DAMEL II. SILCOXT ?t FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 173. 177. 179 KING STREET. CHARIiJS3STON,S. C. Jj Pe Where can be found a large and well selected Stock of ^ all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectfully solicited. March 18-1 yr 10 SPECIAL NOTICE. te ? S MEN'S BOYS AND YOUTHS READY MADE CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. * GEO W. LITTLE .& CO. SO. 213 KING ST. C // A R L BS T O S S. C 1 Would most respectfully inform hh friend.* and tha public generally, that they are offoringgreat inducemente to those in want of ready made clothing suitable to the "? ?>< n. Our stock has boon laid in at the lowest possible prices, and which we are off ring at prices to suit the times All those in want of clothing and furnishing goods would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE \V. LITTLE, & CO. No- 213 King Street May 27-ly . Under Victoria Hotel. AMCII31 AX & CO. DKAl.KRS IS J Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions 150 MEETING STREET, C II A R L ES TO S S. C jwj- ; D J. A. Enslow & Co. COT TOX FACTORS D AND g COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J XT- a /.a TT A OT"' H> A V tn IN O. l*il I JL , CHARLESTON, S. C. Libert'1 Advance* 9Inde on Condn^nirnti. J. A. Ensluw J as. Salvo, J. A. Liislow, Jr. -y Dw.!>: 1 s t William Gurney, D COTTOXFACTOR and COMMISSION MERCHANT NO. 102 EAST HAY ? and NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF Charleston, S. C. Particular attention given to the sale of and shipment of Sea Island and Upland Cotton. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Dec7 ly. Pi an THE SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ? and the new MANUFACTURING MACHINE, for Tailors and Boot Fitters, are the best in the market. Our Rc increasing sales prove it, for in 1869 we aold 68,781 Machines, and in 1870, nearly 130,000Machines! many thousands more than were sold by any other Company. 49~.Send for circular and samples. h, tef Local and Travelling Agents wanted. OFFICES : 114 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga; 184 Broad street Augusta, Ga; 197 King street, Charleston, 8 C. March 18 NATI< FREEDMEN A TRUST C INTEREST ALLOWED AND CORP* N SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVERY THI1 IERCIIANTS AND OTHERS CAN DEP NE H. C. JUDD, Chairman Advisor] JOII> COOPER, BAY STREET, 27EALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY * # GOODS. MILLINERY. CLOTHING, BOUTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, &c. HE is constantly adding to his large and ele nt assortment of of the above goods which he will offer the lowest market prices, and respectfully invites the :ention of the citizens of Beaufort and the surrounding untry. rj\j[ES COOPER HAS HAD MANY YEARS EXrienco in the Millinery business both North and uth, and still devotes her special attention to the same ALSO the making up for wedding and evening parties, and which special attention is respectfully invited. IGIVOFTHE GOLDjWATCH B. B SAMS, DEALER IX CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, BITTER, LARD, CHEESE, SUGAR, COFFEE) TEAS FLOUR) YEAST POWDERS, Sugar-Cured Hams and Strips BACOKT, MACKEREL HERRINGS. FRESH ASSORTED CRACKERS, "ollioea, Confoctionorioa Canned .Fruits, Wgretables and Meats, Ales, Wines and Liquors, SEGARS AND TOBACCO. RY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SOOES. Remember the place opposite Steamboat ock. dec.28 1y JNE THOUSAND SWEET ORANGE ikbs for sale, from one to three years old. Will be tnsplanted if desirod. Apply to B. B. SAMS. * J.APPLE ^ E G S TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE constantly receiving the finest and best stock of RY AND FANCY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and CLOTHING er offered in this market. Also a fine assortment of id Gloves. May.6-ly. PAUL BRODIE, AR.OSITEO T . BEAUFORT, S. C. swings of Models prepared for Patent Office. Studies r special purposes, made at short notice? Box 31, P. 0 Dec.l.ly. SAXTOY HOUSE. BEAUFORT, S. C. 0*o?*cv0 [ HIS HOUSE SITUATED ON BAY commands a fine view of BEAUFORT RIVER, id many of the <S?/i Islands. The travelling public wil id here a desirable and CONVENIENT HOME, d the invalid will find no better or no more healthfu mate on tne SOUTHERN COAST spend the winter. The House is within fire minutes Jk of Steam Boat, and fifteen minutes walk of Rail >ad communication. A good LIVERY STABLE just been added to the House. Western Union Telegraph Ofice on first floor. M. M. KINGMAN, PBOMtHTOB; 3NAL 'S SAVINGS lND OMPANY. i F OUNDED THREE TIMES A TEAR, AND iTY DAYS. di ? OITS AND {DRAW CHECKS AT SIGHT- I LSON R. SCOVEL, Cashier. i f Board. J WHAT IS IT!! t 0 DELL'S fc -*> i r* ,-I T~> _ 7 ?! ureaa, vane, rie ana 01 pi Cracker Bakery. a? 0 D E~L L9 S 01 New York Plain. Mixed pi and French Con- j fectionaryODELL9 S Circulating Library, Now Opened, New Books. ^ - A T ODELL9 S ? KRESSEL I BUYS TEE BEST, BUYS THE CHEAPEST, BECAUSE HEBUYS FOR CASH AND SELLS THE LOWEST FOR CASR ONTjY. ? o??*? largest stock of assorted merchandise in be ? consisting of 1> GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS. CLOTHING, 19 SHOES, NOTIONS ia &c. &c. &. C He defies competitor Be sure to go to KRESSEL'S Just Received, A splendid stock of ^ DRY GOODS, k CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, I GROCERIES, v HARDWARE, v CUTLERY, u CROCKERY, . si TOBACCO. CONFECTIONERIES, . TINWARE, &c., &c, ^ at the store of F, W. SCHEPER, J is T> // T/* OTJ? WITT c JJtOL JL KJ J. XVXJJJJ JL J ~ HEAD OF NO. 2. DOCK, i which he will sell lower than any other ' store in *( BEAUFORT. jan:4-iy. : ? J. M ATTHIESSEN, 1 DEALER I!f GORCERIES, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. Sc.. SIGN OF THE CROSS KEYS, Corner of the Free Landing, Beaufort, S. C War 25 0 TOMBRODIEr CARPENTER AND HOUSE BUILDER. ? JOBBISQ PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. 1 ornou, Corner Bay and Ninth St, a BE A UFOBT S. C. Dw.l-tf. Nickerson House, COLUMBIA, S. C. 0 IJima pleasantly located HOTEL, uni 1X110 surpassed by anv House in the South for comfort and health!* Jocality, IwlKj^is pow ?P?n t0 Trarellers ahcf others EUjgCuSjffr seekingaccommodations. amities can be fnrnished with nice, airy rooms on >eamable terms* "A call is solicited." Mrs. W*. A. WRIGHT A- 305. Our Omnibuses and Carriages will bo found at the fferent depots. J-Terms reasonable, transient or regular boarders. feb.29-ly. IOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE mJh^ THE FINE PROPERTY |H| J situated at the corner of 3rd BmsIsB and f) streets, known as the ISSSSl "Bell" premises, and immeintely^ opposite the residence of the Hon. ? S. Bennett, Intendant ot Jieautort, is oired for sale. The House an 1 outbuildings are in good der, and the lot comprises the best grove ? orange trees in the town. Very small retire are needed to make it a most desirable id complete house. The lot is square, iving a front on D street of 204 feet, and i 3rd street of 145 feet. For terms apply to II. G. Judd, or on the emises to Mrs. Mary Bythewood. Beaufort, March 7,187. March 27-tf. HOUSE AM) LOT IX BEAUFORT FOR SALE. The House and large Lot owned by Mrs. J. H. Danilson, at the corner of G. and eventh street, is offered foivsale at a rery w price and on easy terms. The House >ntains seven rooms, has a new roof and is >od repair. The Lot has a very fine ange orchard in bearing condition, and a >od garden. Inquire of IeD.i-tl UEO. W A1XKHUUSE. "JOHN FRANZ. Do you want good GROCERIES. PORTER, ALE, . WINE AND - LIQUORS? Do you want to purchase cheaply ? Do ou want it satisfactory in every way? If ) call on JOHN FRANZ, and you will not e sorry, for his greatest pleasure, next to etting hi^ay when he has sold his goods, to please his customers. Try him. JustT received direct from New York a .rge lot of assorted * RACKERS, JAPAN TEAS, YARMOUTH BLOATERS and NO. 1 MACKEREL. * I 1a? aT V* o r\!nn -'YIW unur lur euiu a mitu mi ui uuiu |>iu& lumber. Dec. K-ly. Save Your Money! FARMERS CAN SAVE THEIR Expenses to Beaufort, Charleston or SaaDnah by first calling on PAUL & VEBB and price their goods. A full assrtment of everything necessary for the se of man, can always be found at their tore, at HICKORY HILL, leaufort Co., near the PORT ROYAL :AIL ROAD. EVERYBODY an be supplied from top to toe with the est of everything out of their store, which i the largest and best supplied between harleston and Savannah. They will sell Wholesale and Retail t Beaufort Prices. Give them a call be>re going to the city or elsewhere. r? a ttt o firr>nn i'AUJU tY r*XiiJD, Hickory Hill, Beaufort Co., S. C., near Port Royal Rail Road. feb.l-ly. 'ORT ROYAL SAW MILL, BEAUFORT, S, C. X C. WILSON & CO. Mancfactcrkrs of and Pf-alkrs in YELLOW PINE AND CYPEESS; <U31BER AND SHINGLES. Builders and Contractors, RDERS FOR LIMBER ASD TIMBER BY THE C.< RGO PROMPTL Y FILL ED. TERMS CASH. i.C. WILSON. JOHN RICH nov28 j. E. McGregor. Youse, Sign and Carriage Glazing and Paper Hanging promptly ttended to. Office corner of C and Seventh street, BEAUFORT, 8. C. PORT ROYAL R. R. EXTENDING FROM Port Royal Forty Miles towards Augusta. Trains will leave Port Royal and the end of the Road, connecting at Yeramsee with trains pn the Savannah I and Charleston Rail Road, to and from Charleston and Savanffiih. i Time Table. | Leave Port Royal, 8 30 A. If Leave Beaufort, 9.00 " 44 Leave Springhiil, * 9.35 " 44 Leave Frasers, 10.15 44 * t Leave Sheldon, 10,50 " 44 Arrive at Yemassee, 11.50" M j CONNECT WITH S. A C. R. R. I Leave Yemassce, * 12.00 P. M Leave Ridge, * 12.20 44 44 | Leave Searsons, . 12.40 44 44 | Leave Al(man's, 12^53 44 44 Arrive at end of road, 1.20 44 44 Returning. Leave end of road, 1.40 P. if. Leave Altaian's, 2.00 44 " Leave Searsons, 2.25 14 " I Leave Ridge, 2.45 44 44 Arrive at Yeraaasee, 3.10" M Connect WITH C. A S. R. R. Leave Yemass e, 3.20 P. M Leave Sheldon, 4.00 44 44 Leave Frasers, 4.20 * 44 Leave Springhiil, 4 50 44 44 Leave Beaufort, 5.20 " " Arrive at Port Royal, 5.50 44 u S. C. M1LLETT, Nov.30.lyr. GenL Supt. nrn FQTARf KHFn \J H U X n W Mm M. 1A JW W ^yyEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, AXD SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer PIIiOT BOY. Captain W. T. McNelty, Will leave Beaufort every Monday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock for Savannah, Hilton Head and flpanish Weils Returning will leave Savannah every Tuesday Morning at 8 o'clock, Beaufort every Tuesday Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Will leave for Charleston, Paeifie and Chisolm.s Landings every Friday Morning at 8 o'clock. Making close connection at Charleston with New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia steamships. Freights received at all times, stored and forwarded free of charge. For Freight or Passage, appy to WM. HARRISSON, Agent at Beaufort . RAVENEL, HOLMES. A CO., Agents at Charleston JXO. F. ROBINSON, Agent at Savannah. J. A, EMMONS . Dealer In FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ICE, die.. Which will bo furnished in any quantity. Dec. J, EDGAR G. NICHOLS, Surveyor, DRAUGHTSMAN di CIVIL ENGINEER. DEPUTY TO THE SURVEYOR GENERAL. Office at Dr. Nichols' Drug Store, corner 8th and 8(8, Beaufort, 8. C. dec.ll-ly. DOORS, ~ SASHES, BLINDS, Wood Mouldings, Stair Bails, Newels, &c., Enammellcd, Embossed, Ground AND GUT GLASS. A large and well assorted stock of the ahore goods constantly on hand at the lowest rates. Order work promptly attended to. Builders and owners will find it to their advantage to get our estimate before purchaxyig. Special attention given to Black Walnut and other kiRSTClass work. Estimates and Price Lists fnrnished on application WIIITLOCK A CO., Apl. 22-1 y 214 A 2">6 Canal St. New York. S. MAYO, BAY STREET, BEAUFORT\ S. C. ?BOBSl&ISS* 3DIB7 ?ODES, TISiWARK, HARDWARE, AND WOODEN WARE. CIGARS $ TOBACCO, NET YARNS, FISII LINES, a vn rr\r>n Anr All 1/ wui/aujii GLASS, PAINTS A TNTD OILS, WHITE LRAD AND Tl'RPESTIJIE. Sperial attention given to mixing Paints and glass ut to order at any size. feb 11 P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER & EN6RAVER, NATO'S BUILDING, BAT ST. "?YT"ILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL ATTKlfW tl?n 10 th? repairing of of Watehas, Clocks aad Jewelry. Ornamental and plain Engraving done at short notice. Gentleman having fine watches can test them at this establishment by one of HOWARD Si CO.'S MOO REGULATORS. janA-tf.