University of South Carolina Libraries
A NABOB'S VISIT TO NETYJORK. BY XARir TWAIN. f A3 told by himself in his new book entitled "Roughing It/' now in press. It is a sample of the good things contained *h?rein ] in Nevada there nsed to be current the story of and adventure of two of her na. bobs, which may or may net have occured. I give it for what it is worth: Colonel Jim bad seen somewhat of the world, and knew more or less of its ways; hut Colonel Jack was from the back settlements of the States, had ltd a life of arduous toil, and had never seen a city. These two, bleesed with sudden wealth, projected a visit to New York?Colonel Jack to see the sights, and Colonel Jim to guard his unsophistication from misfortune. They reaehed San Fiancisco in the night and sai'ed in the morning. Arrived in New York Colonel Jack said: I've heard teHof cariiages all my life, and now, I mean to have a ride iu one : I don't care what it costs. Come along. They stepped' on the sidewalk and Colonel Jim called a stylish barouche. Uut i;oionei jacK ??iu. Xo, sir! Xone of jour cheap-John turnouts for me. I'm here to have a good time, and money ain't any object. 1 mean to have the nobbiest rig that's goiDg. Now, here comes the very trick. Mop that yaller one with the pictures on it?don't you fret?I'll stand all the expense myself. So Colonel Jim stopped an empty omnibus and they got in. Said Colonel Jack: Ain't it gay though ? Oh! no, I reckon not. Cushions, windows, and pictures till you can't rest. "What would the boys say if they could see us cutting a swell like this in Xew York? By George! I wish they could see 119. Then he put his head out of the window, and shouted to the driver: Say, Johoy, this suits me!?suits your's truly, you bet you ! I want this shebang all day. I'm on it, old man ! Let 'em out! Make 'em go. We'll make it all right to you, sonny ! The driver passed his hand ihrough the strap hole, and taped tor his tare?it was before the gongs came into common use. Colonel Jack took the hand and shook it cordially. He said : "You twig me, old pard 1 All right between gents. Smell of that, and ste how you like it." And he put a twenty-dollar gold-piece in the driver's hand. After a moment driver said he could not make change. ''Bother the change I Bide out. Put it in your pocket." Then to Colonel Jim, with a sounding slap on his thigh : "Ain't it style, though? Hanged if I don't hire this thing every day fora week.'' 1 he omnibus stopped and a young lady got io. ColoDel Jack started for a moment, then nudged Colonel Jim with his elbow. "Don't say a word," he whispered. "Let her ride if she want's to. Gracious, there'8 room enough." The young lady got out her portemonnaie. and banded her fare to ColoDel Jack. "What's this for?" he said. "Give it to the driver, pleas.e." "Take back your money, madame. W? ean't allow it. You are welcome to a ride here as long as you please, but the shebang is chartered; we shan't let you pay a cent." The girl shrank into a corner bewildered. An old lady with a basket climbed in, and proffered her fare. "Excuse me," said Colonel J<ick. "You are perfectly welcome here, madame, but we can't allow you to pay. Set right Jmum and don't vou feel the QU" LI WU^I Vj - r - - k-ast uneasy. Make yourself as free as if you were in your own turn-out." Within two minutes three gentleman, two fat women, and a couple of children entered. "Come right along, friends," sa'id Colonel Jack: "don't mind us. This is a free blow-out." Then he whispered to Colonel .l?m/'New York ain't no social le place, 1 d??u't reckon it ain't no name for it." He resisted every effort to pass fares to the driver, and made ever) body cordially welcome. The situation dawned on the people, and they pocketed their money, and delivered themselv?s up to covert en joy merit of the episode. Half a dtz^n more passemers entered. Oh, there is plenty of room, said Colonel Jack. Walk right iu and make ) ourselves at home. A blow-out ain't worth anything a9 a blow-out, unless a body has eo-upany. T1 en in a whisper to Colonel Jim. Hut ain t these New Yoi kers friendly? And ain't they cool about it too ? Icebergs ain'tan> where. I reckon they'd tackle a hearse, if it was goin their way. More passengers got in; more yet, and stili more. Both seats were filled, and a file of men were standing up holding on to the cleats overhead. Parties with baskets and bundhswere climbing up on the roof. Half suppressed laughter ripplied up from all sides. "Well, for clean, cool, out-andout cheek, if this don't bang anything that ever I saw I'm an Injun," whispered Colonel Jack. A Chinaman crowded his way in. *T weaken !" said C"'onel Jack. "Hold on, driver ! Keep your seats, ladies and gents. Just make yourselvts free?every '1 ' : ? Il.iimi. mailt* lDlDg'8 [mm iur. j/uiti, >u?>.v folks around as long as they're a mind to go?friends of ours, you know. Take tbena everywhere, aud if you want more money come to the St. Nicholas and we'll make it all right. Pleasant journey to rou, ladies aud gents; go it just as long as you please?it shan't cost you a cent!" The two comrades got out, and Colonel Jack said,'Jimmy, it's the sociablest place I ever saw. The Chinamau waltzed in as comfortable as anybody. If we'd staid awhile I reckon we'd bad some niggers. By George, we'll have to barricade our doors to night, or some of these ducks will be trying to sleep with us. % J. APPLE gEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE s constantly receiving the finest and beat stock of j DRY AND FANCY GOODS, i BOOTS, SHOES, . and CLOTHING ever offered in thla market. Alio a Cue assortment of ^ ' Ki<l Gloves. PAUL BRODIE, a. n o m t b o t . BEAUFORT, S. C. ] Drawings of Models prepared for Patent Office. Studies for special purposes, made at short uotiee. Box 31, P. 0 j j DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, I 7 |' ; Wood Mouldings, Stair Bails, Newels, &c,, j I Enammelled, Embossed, Ground ; AND GUT GLASS. A large and well assorted stock of the a)?ove goods con- | i stantly on hand at the lowest rates. Order work prompt- ^ ' iv auvnara to. nuiiuers ana owners win nnu u w in ir | 1 advantage to get our estimate licfore purchasing. Special j i attention given to Black Walxvt and other First- i 1 Clvs work. listimates and Price Lists furnished on application whitlock A co., A pi. 22-1 y 254 A 256 Canal St. New. York. J. A. EMMONS . Dealer In | | FRKSIf MEATS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ICE, Ac., Which will be furnished in anv quantity. Dec. 1. I j. e. McGregor. : House, Sig n and Carriage Glazing and Paper Hanging promptly attended to. Office corner of C and Seventh street, j BE A.IT FOKT, S.'C. "FOR"SALE. 'JMIE RESIDENCE OF MRS. EDMUND I [ RHETT, corner of B. A 10th street, together with vaennt : lot in fr uit on Bay street are otfered for sale. For terms, apply at the reside uee. Dee.l4-St. I i I ^ SIX HORSl^r POWER ENGINE j and boiler in complete running order. For particulars apply to (Jorge Waterhouse, Beaufort, or to the Proprietor at Longwood plantation, St. Helena Island. Nov.2. H. S. TAFFT, ADMlXKlRATORN NOTICE. According to an act of the gkner. l Assembly of the State of South Carolina, anprov- d March 20th, 1869, the subscriber will apply to thejiulye of Probate for the County of Beaufort, at his office in tin ' town of Beaufort, on the 12th day of February next, for a !'final discharge a< administrator of the estate of Moses Fish bum, late of the said county of Beaufort, deceased, jan.ll. CATO PERRY. ASSIGNEE'S SA LE. SALE UNDER MORTGAGE BY W. Y. LEITCIF. AY!) R. S. BR11S, ADDTR)JEERS. By virtue of the power and authority I nnnferred in a certain deed of mortgage ; from Mrs. Anna E Epping, to Julius C. ! Carpenter, dated 25 July, 1870, and recorded in Registi r's office, Beaufort, S. C. in Book No. 5, pages 29 and 30, E will sell j at public auctiou on Tuesday L'Oih February next at the post office, corner of Broad i street and East Bay, Charleston, S. C., at 1 11 o'clock, A. M. All that plantation or tract of land sit- j uate, lying and being iu St. Luke's Parish | Beaufort county, South Carolina; bound; ing north on the plantation known as the | I Parker place, south by land of Fripp and west, by land of Hey ward; said plantation being known as ''Laurel Point,'' and measuring and containing two thousand ! two hundred acres more or less. Terms cash?purchaser to pay for the necessary papers and stamps. It. B. CARPENTER, jan 25 Assignee. IHOUSE AND LOT I IN BKAl'FORT FOR HALE. The House and large J?t owned by Mrs. \Y. H. Danilson, at the corner of (r. and Seventh street, is offered for sale at a very i . low price and on easy terms. The House 1 contains seven rooms, has a new roof and is i good repair. The J>ot has a very fine j oiange orchard in bearing condition, and a j ^ good garden. I Inquire of ~ ^1T i mwr>TTATTCP Itrb 1-lt UJtU. n Atanuuu^u. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of DR. Cl'LVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ES- | SAY on the radical art o' certain weaknesses, the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. The celebrated author, in this admira- 1 hie essay, clearly demonstrates from a ! thirty 3 ears' successful practice, that the 1 alarming cousequences of such errors and abuses may l)e radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of whidv every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, , may cure himself cheaply, privately, and 1 radically. ft-#* This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man ii the land. . ] Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, jmtpaid on receipt ofsix? cents, or two post stamps. J Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage r, : Guide," price 25 cents. i 1 Address the publishers, ' CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York. Post-Office ? Box 4,587. Jan. 2oly. 1 CHARLESTON ADVERTISERS. w. j. trim7~~ ' DKALKft IN* WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER COVERINGS, LACE CURTAINS, and WINDOW DECORATIONS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES and HOLLANDS. Paper Hanpj and Decorations Wat trasses Made to Order and Repaired. Lounges and Chairs upholstered on Reasonable Terms, at 24$ KING STREET, Opposite Waverly House. Orders from the Country will be promptly attended to. llILLSTlOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mr. parker will re glai) to see all his friend* from our county, and will try to make their stav iu Charleston a pleasam one. 1). C. Burnett, Proprietor. G. AV. Parker, feb. I -1 y. Associti te. "DANIEL H. SILCOX. FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 173, 177, 17G KING STREET, OHARIiESTON,S. C . Where can be found a large and well selected Stock of all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectfully solicited. March 18-1 yr SPECIAL JTOTICE. MEN'S BOYS AND YOUTHS READY MADE CLOTHING, ' AND FURNISHING GOODS. GEO W. LITTLE & CO. j XO. 2 T3 KJX G S T, CIIA RL ES TO X S. C Would most respectfully inform his friends and the ! public generally, that they are ottering great inducements to those in want of ready made clothing suitable to the H'HSOn. Our stock has been laid in at the lowest possible prices, and which we are offering at prices to suit the times. All those in want of clothing and furnishing goods would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE W. LITTLE, A CO. No* 218 King Street May 27-1 y . Under Victoria Hotel. XACIIMAN & CO. DK.II.EK3 IN Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions ? w 151) MEETING STREET, C II A R L ES T 0 X S. C Apt 1. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON S. C. Mch 25-1 v. . K. H. JACKSON. J. APPLE. 404 KlSG STREET CHARLESTON S. C. B A V S TR EE T BEAUFORT. S.C. DEAt.KH in Dry Goods, Clothing, lints and Cajjs, Bouts and Shoe*. May-ly and Fancy Notions > J. A. Enslow & Co. COT T OX FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,j No. 141 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. [jlbrrHl Advance* A'ude on Connln^mrnti. J. A. Enslow. Jus. Salvo, J. A. Enslow, Jr. Doc. 7, ly. William Gurney, CO TT OX FA C T OR I AND COMMISSION MERCHANT NO. 102 EAST BA Y AND NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF r1 ft i r> t Trcrnxr Q f! VUAUlil^Ol KJ9 W Particular attention given to the sale of ind shipment of Sea Island and Upland Jotton. Liberal advances made on Con ngnments. Dec7 ly. the SINGER KEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ind the new MAM FACTrRIXG MACHINE, forTail rs and Boot Fitters, are the best in the market. Our ncreasin? salas prove it, for iu 1869 wc nM 68j781 Mahines, and in 1870, nearly 130,000Machines! many thousands more than were sold by any other Company. t^-Send for circular and samples. Local aud Travelling Agents wanted. Okhces : 114 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga; 184 Broad ?treet Vuaasta, Ga; 197 King street, Charleston, S. C. Match 18. NATO FREEDMEN A TRUST O INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMP( ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVERY TIIII MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN DEP NE H. C. JUDD, Chairman Advisory J. Proprietor. r H. McDovalti * f"o.. Prmc*i"?'an<l , Orn. At't*. San Fraaciteo Cab. ?n<1 31 and 3 ? Commerce at, S.V. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. They are not a rile Fancy Drink, inndeot Poor Ruin, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetisers." "Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but arc atraa Medicine,made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimnlnnts. They arc the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying oft all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according tp directions and remain long nnwell,provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, I and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgntlvc ns well as a Touic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as J a powei fnl agent in relieving Congestion or Iuilummation j of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. [ FOIl FEMALE COMPLAINTS, In young or J old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at | the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have 110 equal. For Inflammatory anil Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, I Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and ! Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. 8uch Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Biood, which is generally produo d by derangement of the Digestive Organs, j DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, i Pain In the Phoulders.Cough*. Tij?itne.<s of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Dungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other paiuful symptoms, are the oflspringa of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver ar.d Bowels, which render them of uneq tailed efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Dolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Heat!, Sore Eyes, Kry*ipcln*, Itch.Scurfs, Discoiorations of the Skin.Gumorx and Diseases of Uieb'kin.of whatever name or nature, aie literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short time by I the use ot these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will | convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you tiuu im impurities bursting through the'1 in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obtdructcd and i sluggish in the veins: cleanse it when it is foul, and j your feelings will toll you when. Keep the Wood pure, i and the health of the system will follow. 1*1 si, Tape, and other Worm*, lurking in tho ; system of so many thousands, pre effectually destroyed | and removed, Kays a distinguished physiologist, there j is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed those living monsters of disease. No Sytem of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from woims like these Bitters. J. WALKER. Proprietor. It. 11. Mr DONALD 4- CO.. Druggists and (Sen. Agents, San Francisco. California. and 3taud 34 Commerce Street. New York. ??yS0LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. SIGN' OFTHE GOLD WATCH B. B SAMS, DEAI.KR IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, BITTER, LARD, CHEESE, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS FLOUR, YEAST POWDERS, Sugar-Cured Hams and Strips BAOOW, MACKEREL HERRINGS. FRESH ASSORTED CRACKERS,. J"ollios, Coaifoctionorios Canned Frpits, Vegetables and\Heats, Ales, Wines and Liquors, ' ? VM\ m/Ml t /tn/A SWjr AK> A A1J 1 UI>. Yl.v^/, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AM) SOOES. . Remember the place opposite Steamboat Dock. dec.28-ly WHAT IS IT!! 0 I) E L L ' S Bread, Cake, Bio andI Cracker Bakery. 0 D EL L 9 S cNew York Plain. Mixed and French Confectionary O DELL' S Circulating Library, Now Opened, New Books. A T ODELL' S ()XE THOUSAND SWEET ORANGE Trf.ks for sale, from one to three years old. Will be transplanted if desired. Apply to B. B. SAMS. Oet.33 Bay Street. )NAL 'S SAVINGS lND OMPANY. FUNDED THREE TIMES A TEAR, AND ITT DAYS. OITS AND DRAW CHECKS AT SIGHTLSON R. SCOVEL, Cashier. i Board. MEDICAL. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF CONSUMPTION. ?The primary cause of Consumption Is derangement of the digestive organs. This derangement ' produces deficient nutrition and assimilation. By assimilation I mean that process by wiiicb the nutriment of the food is converted into blood, and thence into the solids of the body. Persons with digestion thus Impaired, having the slightest predisposition to pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will be very liable to have Consumption of the Lungs in some of its forms; and I hold that it will be impoasible to cure any case of Consumption nrithnnf flrat PMfnrintr n. pood digestion and healthy assimilation. The very first thing to be done Is to cleanse the stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus and slime, which la clogging these organs so that they cannqj perform their functions, and then rouse up and restore the liver to a healthy action. For this purpose the surest and best remedy is 8chenrk's Mandrake Pills. These Pills clean the stomach and bowels of all the dead and morbid slime that Is causing disease and decay in the whole system. They will clear out the liver of all diseased bile that has accumulated there, and rouse it up tc a new and healthy action, by which natural and healthy bile Is secreted. The stomach, bowels, and liver are thus cleansed by the use of Schenck's Mandrake Pills; but there remains In the stomach an excess of acid, the organ is torpid and the nppetito poor. In the bowels the lacteals are weak, and requiring strength and support. It Is in a condition like this that Schenck's Seaweed Tonic proves to be the most valuable remedy ever discovered. It is alkaline, and its use will neutralize all excess of acid, making the stomach sweet and fresh; it will give permanent tone to this important organ, and create a good, hearty appetite, and prepare the system for the first process of a good digestion, and ultimately make good, healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what remains to cure most cases of Consumption Is the free and persevering use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrup nourishes the system, purifies the blood, and is readily absorbed into the circulation, and thence distributed to the diseasedlungs. There It ripens all morbid matters, whether In tho form of anscesses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to e .pel all the diseased matter, in the form of free expectoration, when once it ripens. It is then, by the great healing and purifying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers and cavities are healed up souna, and my patient is cured. 'Die essential thing to be done In coring Consumption is to get up a good appetite and a good digestion, so that the body will grow in fiesh and get strong. If a person lias diseased lungs,-a cavity or abscess there.?the cavity cannot heal, tho matter cannot ripen, so long as the system is below par. What is necessary tq cure i? a new oqfler of things,?a good appetite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in flesh and get fat; then Nature Is helped, the cavities will heal, the matter will ripen and he thrown off in large quantities, and the person regain lieulth and strength. This is the true and only pirn to cure Consumption, and if a person is very bad, if the lungs are not entirely destroyed, or even if one lung is entirely gone, if there is enough vitality loll In the other to heal up, there is 'iope. . I have seen many persons cured with only one sound lung, live and enjoy life to a good old age. Tins Is what Schenck's Medicines will do to cure Consumption. They will clean out the stomach, sweeten and strengthen it. get up a good digestion, and give Nature the assistance she needs to clear the system of all the disease that is in the luugs, whatever the form may be. It is important that while using Schenck's Medicines, care should be exercised not to take cold: keep in-doors In cold and damp weather; avoid night air. and take out-door exorcise only In a genial and warm sunshine. I wish it distinctly understood thaf when I recommend a patient to be eareihl in regard to taking cold, while using my Medicines, I dr/?o for a special reason. A man who hits but purtiaiJy recovered from the effects of a bad cold is far more ihthleto e. relapse than one who has been entirely cured; and it is precisely the same in regard to Consumption. So long as the lungs are not perfectly healed, Just so long Is there imminent danger of a l\ill return of the disease. Hence it Is that I so strenuously caution pulmonary patients against exjiosinz themselves to an atmosphere that is not genial and pleasant. Confirmed Consumptives' lungs are a mass of sores, which the least change of atmosphere .will inflame. The graDd secret of my success with my Medicines consists In my ability to subdue Inflammation instead of provoking it, as mAiiv of the faculty do. lnnameo iBiwcuDnm, with safety to the patient, be exposed to the biting blasts of Winter or the chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It should be carefully shielded from all irritating influences. The utmost caution should be observed in this particular, as without it a cure under almost any circumstances is an impossibility. The person should be kept on a wholesome, and nutritious diet, and all the Medicines continued until the body has restored to it the natural quantity of flesh and strength. I was inyselfcured by this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and have lived to get fat and hearty these many years, with one lung mostly gone. I have cured thousands since, and very many have been cured by this treatment whom I have never seen. About the First of October I expect to take possession of niv new building, at the Northeast Corner of Sixtli and Arch Streets, where I shall be pleased to1 give advice to all who may require It. Full directions accompany all m? Remedies, so that a person in any part of the world can be seadily cured by a strict observance of the same. J. II. SsCHE.VCK, M. D., Philadelphia. JOHN K. HRVIIY, Nut H ( ollrge Place. Yew York. Wholesale Agent, KII ESSEL ~ BUYS THE BEST, BUYS THE CHEAPEST, BECAUSE ' HE BUYS FOR CASH AND SELLS THE LOWEST FOR CASH ONLY, j&iyThe larcrest stock of assorted merchan Ul.^U in m* e mm. ^mr19 consisting of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, B OOTS. CLOTHING, S II 0 E S, N 0 T I 0 N S &c. &c. &. lie defies couipctiton. Be sure to go to KRESSEL'S J. M ATTHI ESSEN, I DEALER IN GORCERIES, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS,SHOES, HATS, Ac., SIGN OF THE CROSS KEYS, Corner of the Free Landing, Beaufort, S. f Mat 33 i MF? ? B .? ??J WP. M.WHITMAN, WATGHMAK ER & ENGRAVER, M.VVO'8 BUILDING, BAY ST. ) . . / mt WILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL ATTKNtlon to the repairing of of Wnteliae^ Clocks and Jewelry. Ornamental and plain' Engraving done at short notice. (?jntlernan having fine watches can test them at this establishment by one of HOWARD m CO.'S $500 REGULATORS. jsnA-tC - JJ G. JUDD, CLERK OF CO UR T & REGISTER OF DEEDS amd ?-~ UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING. 4?* Office in the Court House. Oet.lff A. S. HITCHCOCK. ATTORNEY dt COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bounty, Pexsiox axd Claim Agent. BEAUFORT, 8. C. Dec lyr. M. POLLITZER^ J COTTON PAOTOS AND C OMMISSION MERCHANT, BFlITPftRT. S. C. Sept.4. v' H. M. STUART M. D., BEAUFORT, 8. C. Corner of Bay and Eighth Streets, Dealer in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICISRS, FANCY ami TOILET Article*, J STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., <Sfcc., Together with many other articles too numerous to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowest price for cash. Physicians prescriptions careuliy i compounded. teb 11 fl ! j.^ CHOICE ^ELECTION OF 1 NEW YORK BUTTER, d BUCKWHEAT, 9 GRAHAM AND ^ T BEST FAMILY FLOUR. j HONEY SYRUP FOR TABLE USE. PURE LEAF LARD. A Fine Assortment of CORN BROOMS, j For Sale at low prices by the Dozen to the trade. G. WATER HO UtfE. Dec. 7tf Bay St. | S. MAYO, j BAY STREET, BE A UFORT\ S. C. Jj GSM&2329, IDET GDD'LS, J TINWARE, HARl'WHIR, AND WOODKM wire. 'FTjB b . a<1,3 sl ' ai> ke I CIGARS $ TOBACCO, NET YARNS, FISH LINES, ' AND CORDAGE. GLASS, I PAINTS A1XTD OHiflf,, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Social attention given to mixing ruini9 and glass ut to order at any size. leb 11 ! SAXTM HOUSE. ) BEAUFORT, S. C. O w * o flHS HOUSE SITUATED ON BAY St. coittmknds a fine view of BEAUFORT RIVER, d many of tlib Waml*. Tho travelling public wilf, find here a desirable ;ind CON'V K X I EXT II O M E, j ami the invalid will find r>b better or no more healthful' climate on the SOUTHERN COAST i to spend the winter. The House is within five minute* walk of Steam Boat, ami fifteen' minutes walk of Rat" I j Road communication. A good1 LIVERY STABLE-' has just been added to the House. Western Union Telegraph Office on first flborC M. 31. KINGMAN, PltOPRlKTORtJOIN BRODIE, CARPENTER AND HOUSE BUILDER, E JOBBIXG PUNCTUALLYATTSXDXD TO. f OFFICE, Comer Bay and Ninth St., FV BEAUFOIiT 8. C. Pec.l-tf. JOHN FRANZ. I>? AT.ER IX IK dry goods. n ?K()( KUIES, LIBORS. I PLOUGHS, and I PLANTATION SUPPLIES. J Just received by the Sch<x>ner Altoona MiTivnitifin pf.nuoMs ' A fine lot of Famll Soap, aud Groceries of all kind* which he offers as low as can be offered in Charleston of Savannah. JAPANESE PAPER WARE consisting of pails with covers, and Chamber seta. A full stock of V. GLASS, PAINTS, and OIL. * Liberal disrounta to traders. Torma cash or dty ae ceptanco, at 60 days. Dec.l4-ly?J