SAXTONHOUSE ARRIVALS. Wm. Habersham, Wm. S. Had well, Georgia; A. Greenwood, It G. Whitaker, J. D. Robertson, Wm. Kirk Bluffton; R. B. Habersham, Savannah Ga.; Mrs G. A. Kendall, Miss C. A. Kvmdall, Mi>s Lizzie Gloyer, Boston; W. D. Niles, H. P Rogers, Salkehatchie S. C.;- A. W. Muckenfuss Hardeeville; D. W. JenniDgs, Charleston S. C.; Geo. H. n >over, S. B. Lewis, T. A. Dudley, Hickory Hill; P. B. Kirk, Beaufort Co.; O. P. Law, Grahamville. Yon arc Troubled with a Bad BreaDi, it annoys vour friends as well as yourself. You would like to get rid of it, bet scarcely know what means to adopt. We will tell you. Use the fragrant Soxodont; it will cleanse and beautify your teeth and leave your breath JfUre. Baract's Rtaadard Flavoring Extract*.? ljruion, Vanilla Ac. Charge your servants aud dealers and observe that they do not substitute in their st -ad anv W the pernicious unpalatable extracts with which tlie market is flooded. Burnett's Standard Flavoring Ex- | tracts are established as the strongest, the purest and the best made. The Terrific Da el Between Prussia and France Is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walkkk's ,'*w"" ? uiwbc ,ml itr<n-Mii and Liver Comnliiut 1 i mcAiAn i'i a a ? are now going on in every State of the Union. The issue of such contest is never fpr one moment iu doubt. Tiie conflict may last longer in aoine cases than in others, but j the leading Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nine- ' tecnth century-, hi variably triumphs. To ownrn ?f Horses and Cattle ?Tobias Derby condition l'owders are warruuted sup -rior to any I others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bots, 1 t oughs, 11 i<le-bound, Colds, Ac., in horses, and colds, coughs loss of milk, black tongue, horn distemper,- Ac., ; in Cattle. Price twenty-five cents, depot 10 Park Place, j New York. Carbolic *?alre, recommended by the leading Physicians and the President of the Xjw York Board of ! Health, as the most wonderful Healing compound ever 1 known. (Jives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of Bores, cuts aud wouuds; an 1 a iu *st invaluable salve for ' all purpon-s .Sold everywhere at 23 cents. Johu F. Henry, sole Proprietor, S College Place, New York. Mvapuiu is Opium purified of its sickening and poisonous properties, discovered by Dr. Bigclow. Professor of Botany, De-trod Medical Coll A most perfect anodyne 1 and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist, New York. ! ( hrintNiioio't lluir Dye is the safest and b sS it corrects the bud efT.t of inferior dyes, while the blur* ( or bivwn tints it produces are identical to nature. Fac- < toryW Maiden Laue, New York. Prati's \?trul oil ?Safest and best illuminating Oil ever made. Does not take fire or explode, if the j lamp i* upset or brokeu. Over 150000 families continue t? use it, and no accidents of any description have oe- ! curred from it. Oil lie-use of Cha lea Pratt, established 1770, New York. Thr pares: and S*vi-r e*t Col I.lver Oil In the world is Hazard A Caswell's made on the sea-shore, j from fjvsh, selected livers, by Caswell. Ha/ami A Co, New j York. It is aiisobit 'ly pure aud sweet. Patients who have once takeu it prefer it to all others. Physicians j have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the | market. JTowvIn** InoHnrou? Kid (iliivr Cleaner restores soiled .gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggist* and Fanejr tbnids Dealers. Price "Z~> cents j*-r bottle F. C. Walls A Co., New Y'ork. Rtslryi Piillotokeu is an established, warranted -rein <ly for painful Menstruation, and equally efficient as ; a Nervous Autidote in all cas*sof Nervous Excitement, j {stomach and Sleeplessness in male or fein xle. S>ld < ve- , rywhere for ?l.IK) a bo.tlx Morgan <k liisley. Druggists New Y ork. Oencral Agents. A Youthful App sranr and a beautiful,cl ar complexion i? the d-sire of everybody. This cll'eet is product.*! by using <1. W. Liir.i s ' IJlooui of Y'outh." a harmless beautitier of the ski". will remove all dis oloration. Tan Freckles and sunburns. The use of this d.-iightfui toilet preparation cannot b detected. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goals Dealers, Depot, 5 Gold >t. New Y'ork. Mr*. Wl t?*lovr*? SonthlitjE; Ayrup ?It relieves \ tbe little aulT-rer f ?*n pain, cures wind colic. Regulates I the Stoiuarh ninl isowels. Corrals Acidity and duringthe j process of teething it is iuvaliable. lVricelly safe in ali i cases, as million* of mothers unit tisUifv. 500 Laborers Wanted; ^Five huodred meu c.tu find immediate j employment at 0<tk Point Mints. Railroad bauds preferred. Liberal wag? s paid Apply to the Mines. feb.l-lut. i For Sale. "LINDEN PLANTAT.ON." Bv virtue of a pew r given to m^ under a mortgage deed troiu J s ph F. P. Hodson ofN?*w York, dated '.4th day of Jan nary, IS71- I will offer for sale, on the first ?? 1 - i- a* ?. .11 ik.,4 nl?nluli?n ! Aiona %y in lU'ircu ur.w, ail inn |nauiavi"u containing nine hundred (UmO, acres <>f land, situate. lying and being iu St. Lukes Parish; known as the ''Linden Plantation," hounded on the north b\ I lands of James Kiik. east by lands formerly of Archibald L-mgworth. south by May liiver, aud west by lands of William Pope. Terms ('ash-Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. Anna G. Robertson. Jan. 27, 1872. Feb.l 4-t JOHN COOPER, I DAY STUKKT, DEALER IN J\)REIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY | GOODS. MILLINERY'. CLOTHING, BO /rs AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, &c. IIH is constautly adding to his large and tie Rant assortment of ??f the above goods which lie will offer irt the lowest market prices, anJ respectfully invites the attention of the citizens of Beaufort and the surrounding Country. XJa-^yTRS COOPER HAS HAD MANY YEARS Experience in the Millinery business both North and South, and still devotes her special attention to the same also to the making np for wedding and evening forties, and to which special att ution is r?*spectfuHy invited. EDGAR G. NICHOLS, . Surveyor, DRAUGHTSMAN & CIVIL EKU1NERR, , DEPUTY TO TIIE SURVEYOR GENERAL. ! Offlce at Dr. Nichols' Drug Store, corner 8th and B sts, Beaufort. S. C. dcc.ll-ly. II. S. HANCKEL, M. E., DENTIST, Will visit Beaufort about the 10th of Feb- ] miry. Reference?Dr. II. M. Stuart i t COLLETOW ADVERTISEMEWTS, Williams & Fox, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W?lt?rboro% 8. O. Practicing in the Counties of Colletor and Beaufort. 0. P. Williams. I. I. Fox. feb.7-Jy. ^PROBATE NOTICE. The State of South Carolina, ) Colleton County. j By D. H. Farmer, Esquire, ProbaU Judge. Whereas, Abraham Dun made suit tme, to grant him Letters Dismissour from the "Estate of aud effects of P. E Dun These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singula! the kindred and Creditors of the said P. E. Dun, deceased, that they be and appear, before me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Walterborc on Monday the 8th day of April next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock ic the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Letters should not be trrantud Given under rav Hand, this 5th day of February, Auuo Domini, 1*72. D. II. FARMER. feb.S Ira Judge of'Probate. The State of South Carolina, ) Colletou C<?unty. J By D II. Farmer. Probate Judge. Whereas. Dauiel W. ' auidy, for Mary Ann and Jacob L^wis, has made suit tc rae to appoint Darnel G. Cauidy theii guardian, These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular th* Hudred aud Creditors of said named Cniidren to appear. Ik-to re me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Walterboro on Monday the eighth day of'April next, at 11 oMoek iu the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they haw, why said Petition should not bt granted. Given under ray hand and this otfc day of Febiuary, 1872. 1). II FARMER, feb 8 Judge of Probate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILITARY AND C0MM3S3IAL ACADEMY. Boys prepared for College or Business. Second Ssssion begins February IS, 1872, For Catalogues and information ad d ress,. " orr tl'w *1 chit t.irit .fit % v??, May?vf|le, S . C HISTORY OF ~ The Isreat Fires In CHICAGO and the W3?T i>v Hev. E. J. GoonsrEEP 1). I>.. of Chicago. Only history. 703 8 vo pages: GO engravings. 70,000 already sold. I'ricc 2 000 agents inad> in 23 days. PrVfirs go to suff rers \g-nts Wann-ii. II. S. GOOIXsITELt, <C CO., 3' Park How, Now York. AWWXTS ?Agents make more nu>ne; at work for ns than at anything else. Business ligh and permanent. Parti ttbrs free. G. Stinson A Co. Fine Art IWidstrs, Portland. Maine. RKD IUNI P?OOK?\T a Hnaliel Orchard Grass ?3.53 a bushel. Send 3 cent postag. tamp and mv oiupl 'to Lists of all kinds oft; ras< 6"?dv Field So.sK t iarden Scds Flower and Tr e Seed* Agricultural Implements Machin tv,Guanos, Chemicals Livestock. Ac., will be forwarde 1 you. Th?se Prictt Lists contain much valuable inform ition as to tim an 1 quantity to plant, A . MAR is \V. JOHNSON, Seeds man, P. O. Hux 230, Atlanta. Ga. THE' BROWN COTTON GIN CO., Sew London, Conn., Manufacturers of the "Brown Gin,'' Cotton seed Hul!e-f Machinery aud Castings. Manufacturers of Harris' Pa teut Itotary Steam Engine for plantation puriiose* Cotton Gin mak rs and Repair *rs furnished with al kind < of materials. Saws, Uibs, Pulli *, Boxes, etc., o any pattern, to order at short notice. Have had long ex , cri Dcs in the business, aud guarantee satisfaction it . v rv particular <infers soli ited. Address as above. 5 ^ J -hjy J A Sl'tt" v L'ur. for rliudistr s-isng complaint i?? nov rn ide known in a Treatise 48 octavo j?a res) on Foreign a id Native Iforhal Preparation* published by 1 r. <) I'hki i-s Brown. The pr sorption was discovcrel l?i hi u n su h a pr >vilential in. n ler that lie cannot con ? i nc o isly refuse to make it known, and it has curc< e or. wh > hts i b d It for T s 11 ver havinaf.t'led it a si n,d case. The ingdi-nts maybe ob' fron anv dr.ig ti^t. A copv sent free to ail applicants bv mail Addr s> l>r. (). PHELPS BKOWN, 21 Uraud Street, Jer ser City, N. J. Save Your Money! Farmers can save their ex pens* s to B aufort, Charleston or Si vantiah by first calling on PAUL ?S WEBB and price their goods. A lull as sorumnt of every thing nec?s?aiy for thi u^e of man, cuu alway s be found at thei s'.ore, at - HICKORY HILL Beaufort Co., near the PORT ROYAI RAIL ROAD. A. Maix< Colored Lady, or Girl. . Wiiitoi Boy can be supplied from top to toe with the ->f auoruiiu'itii nut r?f t hi'ir stcire. whirl irroi> v? c?vi j umuk "v.. v.. ... ? ?, is the largest and best supplied betweei Charleston and Savannah. They will sell Wholesale or Retail at Beaufort Prices. Give them a call be fore going to the city or elsewhere. Prolific Cotton Seed, We have a limited supplv of HOLMES PROLIFIC COTTON SEED on hand which will pay planters to purchase am plant in preference to any ther. PAUL & WEBB, Hickory Hill. Beaufort Co., S. C., near Port Roval Rail Road. fib. 1 St. TO RENT, A SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, The undersigned proposing a change in business, offers for lea* the Plantation occupied and cultivated by him for the past seven years, known as Longwood, on St. Helena Island. It comprises 1200 acre*, i two-thirds arable, goo acres unsurpassed for the production of Sea Island Cotton. Fronting over one mile on Station Creek, affording unequaled facilities for procurring the richest and most economical fertilizers; two miles from rort Royal harbor , good wearf for vessels drawing from eight to twelve feet?Charleston and Savannah steamers receive and deliver freight at the wharf; one of the most comfortable and ! commodious mansions on the sea islands; j Two* Stores well located for business; modern built Stable : Gin Houses and Cotton t 1ou8es recently erected; thirty good j tenements for laborers. } To oarties having in view the purchase of ( j sea island cotton, particularly of the finer grades this location is unsurpassed by any [ upon St. Helena or the adjacent islands. Lands and tenements can be rented to the people living upon and near the place sufficient to cover the yearly rent of the whole. One of the most healthy locations in the i world- commanding a fine view of the mag nificifnt harbor of Port Royal and of the . ocean. Stork, Utemih. Machinery, House Furniture. Boats, <?r., ictv., for sale, together with stock of goods in two stores on the place. The whole presenting an opportunity for an enterprising uian with a small capital, to engage in a safe and lucrative business? seldom found. For further information address or apply r to the undersigned at Longwood, St. Helena ( Island, or to A. S. Davenport, Esq., Real . Estate Agent, Beaufort, S. C. II. S. TAFFT. / /v ENTS PER POUND FOR BEST TEA imI l)U PORTED! Green, Black, Japan and Mixed!! ; BROKEN TEA LEAF!! ! 1 This "Broken Tja Leaf is the finest quality and of the most exquisite flavor. It is pure leaf, lias no stems, and is a third stronger than the whole 1 *f, and but one-half ! Its price. .A 11 the first-class hotels throughout the country are usfn? it continuously and satisfactorily. 1 It is put for family us in caddies of 15 pounds, and s -ntC. t>. I)., to any address, and for the trade in half chests, upon which will be alkwed a liberal discount Samples sent free. Address. PHIL. "BROKEN TEA LEAF CO." No. 11 South Front Street, feb. 3m. Piiiladklpiiia. State of 1 South Carolina, in ^ourt County of Beaufort. Trial Justice. H-ntben G. Holmes, Plaintiff, Against Daniel Bird, Defendant. To Daniel Bird, the Defendant. You are hereby surpmoned and required to answer the complaint in this action which is tiled in the office of Trial Justice Ridley II Carlton at Beaufort, in said county, within twenty da>s afier the service of this summons exclusive of the day of? service. If you fail to anuwer the 6nid ' complaint w ithin the time herein specified the plaintiff will take judgment against : you tor the sura of Fitly I) 'liars, with interest thereon, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, from the second day of [ April, one thousand eight hundred and , sixty-eight, together with the costs of this action. Dated, Bjautort F^b. 3rd, 1872. ' R. G. HOLMES. 1 Flam ilT j To the Defendant, Daniel Bird: Take notice, that the complaint in this action was filed tu the offi :e of Tiial .Justice Ridly It. Carlton, at Beaufort, in the County of Beaufort, on the eighth day I of September 187i. 1 11 G. IIOLME 8, RlaiutifT feb. 8 Gw. Beaufort, S. C. i OFFICIAL^ r j Acts and Joir.t Resolutions passed by the General Assembly of South Carolina, Regular Session, 1S71 and 1S72. An Act to Amend An Act [No 382) Entitled "An Act to Grant. ReiiJtc and Amen/ p the Charters of Certain Towns and 17/1 lages therein Mentioned. ' Commencing/ ' with Section Xo. 3G of said <4c/, Jielat1 ing to the Incorporation of the down of i Wrightscillcy passed at the Regular Sesi sion of the General Assembly oj the State of South Carolina, lS7t>-71. ^ Skctjon 1. Re it euacted by the Sen> ate aud House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in (ii ro-vnl Assetublv. and by the au ( Wing, , _ thorily of the >-a me: : That from and after the passage of this - Act, ell citizens of this State, haviug re '* sided twelve mouths within this State, and r sixty days iu the village of NVrightsville, shall be deemed, and are hereby d- clartd to be, a body politic and corporate, and the i^aid village shall be called and known j by the name of Wriglitsville, and its-corporate limits shall iuclude Edisto Islaud, together wiih Eddingsville. The metis ,? and bounds of said town ot Wrightsvitie will be bound on the North, by North Ed , isto Inlet or River, on the South, by South j Edisto Riveraud Saiut Helena Sound, aud 1 on the East by Atlautic Oc>;au, and ou J the West by Johasse Islaud aud Edisto 1 i River. 1 | Sec. 2. That the said village shall be 1 governed by an Inteudaut and four War: dens, who shall be citizens of the United 1 Stales, and who sha 1 have resided iu this ' State twelve months, and shall have been ' ; residents of the said village sixty days ioii mediately preceding their election, and i who shall be elected on the third Monday " 1 1 ' ~ J" r? i n nn /> W j io May, ISci, ana on me sauieun) iutavu ' ; year thereafter, ten days1 public notice , thereof being previously given; and that * all male inhabitants of the age of twentyone years, citizens of the State, and who shall have resided within the State twelve months and in the said village sixty days immediately preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote for said Intendant and di Wardens?paupers and persons convicted tb under disabilities for crime excepted. ai Sec. 3. The said election shall be held 8* at some convenient public place in said a' village, from eight o'clock in the morning aI until four o'clock in the afternoon, and ai when the polls shall be closed, the Mana- a* gers shall forthwith count the votes, and declare the election, and give notice ty thereof, in writing, to the Iutendant there 81 in being, who shall, within two days there- T after, give notice, or cause the same to be given, to the persons duly elected. Pro- c< vided, The Commissioners of E ection of P1 Charleston county shall call the first elect- 8t ion under this Act, and shall appoint Man- i? agers to conduct the same, who shall make P( returns thereof to the Commissioners the ri same as other elections held in this State, and the said Commissioners shall count P( the votes and declare the election, and notify the persons so elected Iutendant and h< Wardens of the said village. The Inten- A dant and Wardens, before entering upon P< the duties of their offices, shall respective- a* ly take the oath prescribed by the Consti- ti< tution of the State, and also the following tb _ 1 oath, to wit: tlAs Intendant (or Warden) tn of the village of Wrightsville, I wilhqual- tc ly and impvrtially. to the best of ray abil- ai ity, exercise the trust reposed in me, and C( will use my best endeavors to preserve the 01 peace and carry Into effect, according to ti law, the purposes for which I have been iri elected: So help me, God." And, if any la person, upon being elected Intendant or a> Warden, shall refuse to Act as such, he P' shall forfeit and pay to the Council the T sum of twenty dollars for the use of the H said village: Provided, That no person P who has attained the age of sixty years shall be compelled to serve in eithei of r< said office: nor shall any other person be t-i compelled to serve, either as Intendant or ft Warden, more than one year in any term b of three years. The Intendant and War- a dens, for the time being, shall always ap b point one or more Boards of Managers, si three Managers f>r each Board, to con- S duct the election, who, before they open 11 the polls, shall take an oath fairly and im- n partially to conduct the same. ei Sec. 4. That in case a vacancy shall ^ occur in the office of Intendant or any of the Wardens, by death, resignation, re- \ moval, or otherwise, au elcetion to fill h such vacancy shall be held by order of the gj Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of d the same, ten days' public notice being 8i previously given; and, in case of sickness, p or temporary absence of the Intendant, v the Wardens, forming the Council, shall be (j empowered to elect one of the number to act as Intendant during the time. t! Sec. 5. Tint the Intendant and Wardens, duly elected aDd qualified, shall tl during their term of service, severally and P respectively, be vested with all the power t; o" Trial Justices, or Justices of the P< ace, 8 as the case may be, in this State, within a the limits of the said village, except for u ; the trial of small and mean cases; and the b Intendant shall or may, as often as is t mcessary, sumnjon the Wardens to meet a I in Council, any three of whom, with the a Intendant, shall constitute a quorum to ; * transact business; and they shall be j t known as the Town Council of Wright-c Q ville; and they and their successors in of- P fice, hereafter to be elected, may have a a common seal, which may be affixed to all P j of their Ordinances; may sue and be sued. 8 j plead and he impie ided in any Court of f ' Justice in this State, and purchase, hold, c possess and enjoy to them and their sue- P i eessors, in perpetuity, or for any term of '' j years, any estate, real, personal, or mixed, h and sell, alien, or Convey the same: Pro- ! c vided. The same shall not exceed, at any c ! one time, the. sura of ten thousand dollars j * i And the said Town Council shall have au- r thority to appoint, from time to time, as 1 they may see fit, such and so many pro- 6 per persons to act as Marshals or Consta- j I bles of said village, as the said Council ' may deem necessary and expedient for the ! 1 presevation of peace, good order and po- 8 lice thereof; which persons, so appointed, ? shall, within the corporate limits of said village, have the power and privileges. 8 and be subject to all the obligations, pen- ; 0 - - - - 1 alties and regulations provided by law tor the office of Constables, and shall be liable e j to be removed at the pleasure of said Coun- 1 ^ i oil; and the said Town Council have pow- v er to establish, or authorize the establishment of a market-house in said village, al- I t so to authorize the establishment of a p ; guard house, and prescribe suitable rules , t aud regulations for keeping and governing r the same; and until the said guard house v be established, they shall be authorized to a use a room in the common jail in the coun- j ty of Charleston, for the confinement ofall s : J who may be subject to be committed for a ' t violation of any Ordinances, rules and n regulations of said town; and the said C ! Town Council, or the said Inteudant and r Wardens, in person, any one rft more of: g them, may authorizi any Marshal of the 8 said town, or any Council, specially ap- c pointed for that purpose, to arrest and p to commit the said guard house, or jail of p j Charleston county, as the case may be, 1 for a term not exceeding twenty-four 8 hours, any person, or persons, who, with- j d ' ?L- limits nf toiH trtnn mav t I 111 lilie CUI|?naic muuo ui oaiu ?>/ .?, J . be engaged in a breach of the peace, any n riotous or disorderly conduct, open ob- j 1< ; scenity, public drunkenness, or any con-! e! jet grossly or indecent, or dangerous to ie citizens of said town, or any of them; id it shall be the duty of the Town Mari&l, or Constables, to arrest and commit 1 such offenders, when required so to do, id who shall power to call to their assistlce the poese comitates, if need be, to d in making such arrest; and upon the ilure of such officers to perform such du as required, they shall, severally, be ibject to such dues and penalties as the own Council may impose upon them; and 1 persons so imprisoned shall pay the >8t8 and < xpenses incident to their imisonment, which said costs and expenses tall be collected in the same manner as provided for the collection of fines im>eed for the violations of Ordinances, lies and regulations. Provided, That ich imprisonment shall not exempt the irty from the payment of any fine the cuncil may impose for the offense which 5, she, or they may have committed, nd the said Town Council shall have full >wer and authority, under their corpor & seal, to make all such rules, regula- | us, by-laws and Ordinances, respecting t te streets, roads, and the bus ness there- | as well as the police system of the said J >wn, as shall appear to them necessary | id proper-for the security, welfare and < mvenience, and for preserving health, ] -der and good government within said t twn. And the said Town Council may 1 npose fines for offences against their by- j ,W8, rules and regulations and Ordin- < aces, and appropriate the' same to the | ublic use of said Towu; and the said < own Council shall have the same power ] lat Trial Justices, or Justices of the ] eace now have, or may hereafter have, i > compel the attendance of witnesses, and ( squiring them to give evidence upon the ] ial before them of any person or persons ( >r a violation of any of thefr Ordinances, i y-laws, rules or regulations; but no fine < bove the sum of twenty-five dollars shall i b collected by said Council, except by lit in the proper Courts of justice in this tate: and, also, that nothing herein conlined shall authoriza said Countil to jake any Ordinance or by-law inconsist t with, or repugnant to, the laws of the tate. Sec. 6. That the said Itendant and Tardens, or a majority of them, shall ave power to abate and remove all nuiinc s in said town ; and it shall be their uly to keep all roads, ways, bridges and treets in said town open and in good reair ; and, for that purpose, they are inested with all the powers of County 'ommissioners, or Commissioners of loads, for and witbin the corporate limits be said town ; and they may lay out new Lreets, close up, widen or otherwise alter L-? "oo' on/1 shall have full LlUBe I1UV? iu uov>, w?... _ ower to classify and arrange the inhabiants or citizens of said town liable to treet, road or other public du y therein, ud to force tK.e performance of such duty, nJer such penalties as are now, or shall ereafter be, prescribt d by law; and bey shall have power to compound with 11 persons liable to work the streets, wajs nd roads in said town, upon snch terms 8 their ordinances or by laws rnay esab'ish, or their rules and regulations re* uire?the moneys so received to be apilied to the public uses of said town; and 11 persons refusing to labor, or failing to ay such commutation, shall be liable to uch fine, not exceeding twenty dollars >r any one year, as the said Town Counil may impose; aud they shall have the tower to enforce the payment of such fine, a the same manner as is now, or may be icreafter, provided or the collection of ounty taxes. And the said Town Counil shall have power, with the consent of he adjacent land owners, to close all such oads, streets and ways, with the said own, as they may deem necessary; by the ale of the free-hold therein, either at >rivate or ptrblic sale, as they may ad* udge best foe. the interest of the said own; and they shall keep in repair all uch new streets, roads and ways as they e?? Omo dhom noppRSarv nay, uuiu inuc iru biujv, vivviM .j , or the improvement and convenience of aid town; providtd that no street, road >r way shall he opened without first bavng obtained the consent of the land own- ! r or owners thereof through whose iremises any such new street, road or ray may pass. Sec. 7. The said Town Council shall lave power and authority to require all tersons owning a lot or lots in said town o close in, and t<> make and keep in good epair sidewalks in front of said lot or lots, j whenever the same shall front or adjoin ,ny public street of said town, if, in the udgraent of the Council, Ruch sidewa ks hall be necessary, the width thereof, and lie manner of construction, to be desig- j lated and regulated by the said Town Jonncil; and for default or refusal, after easouable notice, to make and keep in ood repair such sidewalk, and to close uch lot or lots, the Town Council may mse the same to be made, or put in realr, and require the owner to pay the j -rice of making or repairing, and the said j ~ * A I iWn Council are hereby empowered 10 ue f?>r and recover the sarqe by action of ebt in any court of competent jurisdicion; provided that such contract for laking or repairing is to be let to the jwest bidder. The said Town Council ball appoint three discreet persons, who ihall form a Board of Supervisors of the? Health, who shall have power over the vays and warter courses, ditches and stagnant water ponds, and take such other" lanitary measured as the public health retire, giving twenfy days' notice to the >ccupant8 of siid premise*, whtere the iaid nuisance lie, and- iu default of noncompliance with the ordef of said board, ,he parties so offending shall be fined in a mm not 1< es than twenty dollars, or thirty lays in the county jail, for each and every >ffen8e, the stid complaints to be brought >efcfe any Trial Justice, or Justice of the Peace, in dod for the county of Charles,on. The said board shall have power >ver the cemeteries and public grave ?ards withftf the corporrftlon. St c. 8. The Intendant and Wardens of ;he said, or a majority of them, shall ull power to grant or refuse licenses, to avern keepers, or retail spirituous liquora -vithin the corporate limits of the said upon such condition", and under mch circumstances as to them shall seem proper and right; provided that in no initance shall the price of a license to a :avern, or to retail spirituous liquors, be ess than the amount that is established oy the State; and all moneys paid for licenses and for fines and forfeitures shall ce appropriated to the public uses of said Iowd; provided that the Intendant and Wardens, duly elected, shall not have power to grant any lie nse to keep taverns, or retail spirituous liquors, to extend1 beyond the term for which they have been elected. They shall bfetve pOWe* to regulate sales at auction within the corporate limits of the town, and to grant licensesto auctioners, intinerant traders, to keepers of hotels and livery stabhs and to levy a tax on all drays, carts, wagons, carriages, omnibuses, buggies, horses, mares, mules, kept for hire, or use for public purpose*, in said town: and they shall have the full and only power to impose a tax on all shows or exhibition for gain or reward, within the corporate . limits of saidtown; the* shall have power to impose a tax, not exc eding twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the value of real and personal property lying within the corporate limits of the town, the real and personal property of churches, and schools, and college associations, ex' cepted. That an ordinance declaring the rates of annual taxation upon property, and other subjects of annual taxation for the year, shall be published at least three weeks duriDg the month of January, in each year; provided that the said Town Council shall have power to levy a tax for this purpose under tne same ruie ao is abqve stated, immediately after the publication of this act, and that all persons liable to taxation under the same, shall make oath of their taxable property within said town, and make payment of their taxes to the Clerk or Treasurer of eaid corporation, or such other person as they may be ordered or required to do, during the succeeding month after publication; and upon the fai ure to make such return and payment, as required, the parties so in default shall be subject to the penalties provided by iaw for failure to pay the general State and county tax, to be enforced by the orders of the Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of them, for the use ot said town, except that in such cases that exeeution^to en orce the payment of such taxes shall bo issued under the seal of the corporation, and may be directed to the Town Marshal, or other personsappointed by the said Town Council to levy, collect and receive the same, with costs, as in such cases made and provided by law, and all property upon which said tax shall be levied ami assessed is hereby declared and made liable for the payment thereof in preference to all other debts except debts due to the State, which shall be first paid, and that all other taxes imposed bv the Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of them, shall be payable in advance by the parties liable for the same and on failure of payment, their property shall b*> liable for the same, as in manner and form just before stated. Sec. 0. The Intendant and Wardens elect, together with Clerk and Treasurer, shall, during their term of office, be exempt from street aod police duty. Each Town Council shall, within one month after the expiration their term of office, make out and return to their successors in office, a full account of their receipts and expenditure s during their term, which account shall be published in one or more papers of the county J and shall pay over all moneys in their possession belonging to the corporation, and deliver up all books, records and other papers, incident to their office to their successors, and on failure to do so, they shall be liable to be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be collected by any proper action of the Town Council. Sec. 10, That all ordinances or by laws passed by the Town Council of Wrightsville shall he binding upon the citizens of said town the same as the laws of the State. 11 Ttiof all aftji nr narts of acts. ecu ill 1 iiuv WWW I inconsistent with, or supplied by this act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 12. This act shall be deemed a public act, and continue in force until repealed. Approved January 31st, A. D.t 1872, r m . '