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g?umf(wt gUpnMian, THURSDAY ^NOVEMBER, 1G, 1871. t MIS (JELL AN ED US 1TEMS. A dentist can stop a woman's tooth, but not her jaw. A warning l'or fashionable assemblies. Look out for paint. Why aro lawyers like ivy??Because the greater the run, the more they cling. < Epitaph on blind wood saywer: While none ever saw him see, thousands have seen him saw. "A lady was lately hugged to death in Minnesota"?Another illustration of "the power of the press." There are thirty postmistresses in Texas. ?' Two Englishmen have been eaten by the Feejeeans, who speak highly of thtir tenderness and gamcy tlavor. Advice to children : mind your mothers. Advice to mothers : mind your children. Horace (jjTceley is reported as authori ty for the last rule to secure proht from poultry. If it is desired to make them lay, he says, tie their legs together, and then they can't staud up. A Newton man of poor means, but lofty feelings, having expressed a wish to be buried with pomp, his well-meanicg but misguided relatives planted him in a colored graveyard.? A min;st;r made an interminable call upon a lady of his acquaintance. Her little daughter who was present, grew very weary of his conversation and at last whispered in an audible key: "Didn't he bring his amen with him, mamma?" A little girl wants to know ii fleas are white, because her uncle told her that "Mary had a little lamb with fleas as white ( as snow." Why is a woman t)ing her corset like a man drinking to drown care??Because in so lacing herself she becomes tighter. A Western paper says that the water s so low in the Mississippi River that the steamboats have to keep whistling to keep cows out of the channel, and if this state of things continue it is proposed to attach a cow-catcher to the end of the boat. A Connecticut Democrat sent his son to \T?wt VavU f n AAmnlotn Kia a A n/>o t inn A f. 11CTT JL V/l XV I#*/ VVUJ^JVWV 1110 VII uvuvivui AA* ter a short time the son wrote to his fath er that he was studying "Horace." On ] learning this the paternal parent replied, [ "Come home ; I dou't want Greeley to J. make a Republican of my son." A quaint old gentleman of an active, stirring disposition had a man at work in his g. r '.en who was quite the reverse. , "Jtn.s," said he, "did you ever see a snail?" "Certainly," said Jones. "Then," said the old boy, "you must have mit him, for you never could overtake him." ' ' .j The following epitaph is by Moore, on . an attorney named Shaw : "Here lies John Shaw, Attorney at Jaw : And when he died ^ The devil cried, 4Give us your paw, John Sh >w, Attorney at law!" j "X am rich enough," says Pope to Swift, "and can aft'ord to give away a hucdied pounds a year. I would not crawl ' upon the earth without doing a little good. I will enjoy the pleasure of what I give, giving it while alive and seeing another enjoy it. When I die I should be I ashamed to leave enough for a monument ' if there was a wanting friend above ground." A colored member of the Legislature of Texas was met upon the street with a iarge roll of greenbacks in his hand, and eackling so loud that he attracted the at- t tention of the bystanders who said to " him: "What are you laughing at Jim?" i! Jim replied, "you see that mone} ? ' * "Yes" "Well, Boss, I just g>t that for " my vote; Pse bceu bought tour or five times in my life, but dis is the fust time I ever got de cash myself." A woman save what she chooses without being abused for it. She can take a , nap after dinner while her husbaud goes to work. She can go into the street without % ' o4r?n/1 * y+, in t o f Atrn**ir CjoKvati 1 beiDg ciSKUU IU ouvuu uuii ub mi j oaivva. She can stf.y home while her husband ^ goes to work. She can stay at home in of war, and get married again if her , ^ j husband gets killed. She can wear cor- , sets if too thick, and other fixing if too thin. She can get a divorce from her " husband if she sees one she likes better. She can get her husband in debt all over, < ua i he warns the public not to trust her. For that Roland the Boston Post returns this Oliver: "The ambition of a Chicago girl is to live in any sort of a swell front, to ride behind a S1,"0U span, ' go into ecstasies over cheap opera and negro minstrelsy, play old sk'dge for catawba, religiously avoid all kind of lectures or anything touching the intellect, marry a ma who owns a live-acre tlour mill, and work up a divorce at the end of ihe honeymoon. Having got this and a cool, j ound alimony, she is ready to depart? ' for a second trip over the tame programme." NATIC FREEDMEN A TRUST c< I.NTKKEST ALLOWED AND CO.MPO DN SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVERY THIR MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN DEPi NEI H. C. JUDD, Chairman Advisory no>20. S. MAYO, BA Y STREET, BE A UFORT, S. C. OOCZBXBS, BB7 ??BBS, TINWARE, HARDWARE, AND WOODEX WARE. CIGARS Sf TOBACCO, NET YARNS, FISH LINES, AND CORDAGE. GLASS, FA.INTTS A.N3D OILS, ? - -? i i / ? / 7 Linseed, jseaxjoov ami Kerosene. CARRIAGE AND FURNITURE. VARNISH. WHITE LEAD AXD TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing Paints, ind glass cat to order at any size. feb 11 TO FARMERS. WANTED, TWENTY-FIVE HEAD FINE FAT Beeves, by Sept.Tft. J. TONKFNG, "ay St. II. M. STUART M. D., BEAUFORT, S. C. Corner of Bay and Eighth Streets, DEALER in Drugs, Chemicals, valuable Family Med ieines, Fancy ami Toilet Articles, Stationery, Per iimery, Brashes, Ac.; together with many other articles 00 numerous to mention. AU of which will lie sold at he lowest price for cash. Physicians prescriptions careallv comxiouuded. feb 11 J J W. H DD, JLE11K OF COURT A- REGISTER OF DEEDS AND UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING. A3"* Office in the Court House. Oct. 2t*f CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON S. C. fell 25-1 y. E. II. JACKSON. NEWS DEl'OT. EXPRESS E UILDIXO, EE A I'FORT, S. C The latest New York Daily and illustrated i?ij>ers conantly on lian I. Sept. 23. NOTICE. Application for final discharge as ai>ministrator of the goods and chattels rights and milts of Reiijamin R. Bostiek, and of Kdw:ud liostick, leccascd, will he made to the Judge of Probate for Beau>rt County loth November, next. Oct. 12-1. W. M. BOSTICK. II. JONES, 31. L>. From Y. City, Okkk es.?Cor. 7th A Bay Sts., Beaufort, S. C. Near 'ripp's corner, St. Helena Island. Dr. .TONICS can ho consulted upon all ICpidemie, Endemic, Contagion.- and Infectious diseases. Such s Yellow Fever, Malarial Fever, Typhus Fever, Typhoid 'ever. Scarlatina, Cerebri s-spinal-iiieningitis, Rhcuniaisiu, Piarrlnce, Cystitis. Nephritis, I>ysentery, Tubcs-mci nt Tien, Prolapsus-uteri, Procidentia, and nil disease* of foineii and children. Oet.5-4. TOBACCO. rHF .STANDARD BRANDS OF VIRGINIA PLUG Tol?ceo, in Caddies,Cases, and Hall-Boxes, received iroct from the manufacturers' agents, for sale in <iuaiitiics to suit the trade at lowest wholesale priee. feh 1 G. WATEUllOL'.SE, Bay st. PE0P0SAL3 WITH SPECIFICATIONS VILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE UNTIL lie 7th day of Novemis r next, at which time the same \ ill Ik- opened. fi>r the rebuilding and repairing of thefolowing bridges: it use Dew bridge, Bin fTTnN Township. hdinson's causeway bridges, Coosawhatehfe Township. \llt Water bridge, Beaufort " Persons giving projMisals for the repair of Salt Water ridge are notified that travel is not to be obstructed ahilc- said road Is lieing repaired. By order of the Boanl, J. E. MiGREGOR, i'h-i. \ * IK. Office Co. Coin., Oct. 1l1i, 1S71. Oct.Vj. QNE THOUSAND SWEET ORANGE 1'itKKs for sale, from one to three years ol<i. Will be t.rau>i'lauted if desired. Apply to 11. n. sams. Oct.ttG-4. Bay Street. OFFICE OF tuk ) POUT KOVAL U. It. CO. } ;>'J South St., New York.) ripiif. corroys ok Tin: iort royal p. r 9 Co's. IhhuIs due Nov. 1st, will U> paid attheoflieo tflheCwuiAity in tr.e city of New York, and at the Krecdwans Savings Bank in the eitv of Beaufort, at maturity. It. 11. I'llAYKIt, Oct. 11'. Treasurer. )NAL '3 SAVINGS ND OMPA!VY. VNDEI) THREE TIMES A YEAR, ASTD TY DAYS. >ITS AND DRAW CHECKS AT SIGHTLSON R. SCOVEL, Cashier. Board. J. MATTHIESSEN, DEALER IN GORCERIES, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS,SHOES, HATS, 4c., SIGN OP THE CROSS KEYS, Corner of the Free Landing, Jieaufort, S. C Mar 23 DR. R. R. SAMS. DENTAL S U R O E 0 N. OFFICE at his residence nn the Point. He will also attend upon }?tients at their homes when requests ed. Mch IMm. P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER & ENGRAVER, MAYO'S BUILDING, BAY ST. WILL GIY'E HIS PERSONAL ATTENtion to the repairing of of W.tehei, Clock, and Jewelry. Ornamental and plain Engraving done at abort notice. Gentleman having fine watches can test them at this establishment by one of HOWARD CO.'S 8"?00 REGULATOR. febll SIX HOUSE POWER ENGINE and boiler in complete running order. For particulars apply to George Waterhouse, Ileaufort, or to the Proprietor at Ixaigwood plantation, St Helena Island. Nov. 2. H. S. TAFT, EDGAR G. NICHOLS, JLATO STHBTBTOS, DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL ENGINEER,DEPUTY TO TIIE SURVEYOR GENERAL, OfHce at. Dr. Nichols' Drug Store, corner 8th and B sts, Beaufort, S. C. Feb. 23 A. S. HITCHCOCK, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bounty, Pension and Ci.aim Agent. BKAUFOKT, S. C. March 4. FOR SALE. ^000' n t yain) iu:ady made COTTON BAGS, and 5 yards per bag. These ltags are well sewed and hemmed at the month, and will be sold cheaper ready made, than for what the 1 tagging can be bought for in Charleston. Enquire at M. rOLLITZKK, Sept.14-.1m. Bay St, Beaufort; S. C. Itt. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR AND C OM MIS SI OX MER CIIA XT. BEAUFORT, S. C. Sopt.4. HOUSE ANDLOTFORSALE. 1VIE HKSIHEXrK OF T1IE UNPKRSIONED IS Beaufort, with the? first-class garden attached, is offert\l for vale at a reasonable price, and on easy terms Til-- premises are in good order, most conveniently arranged, well located and a fine bargain can be secured by any party wishing to purchase. There are ample out buildings, an excellent cistern, and abundance of fruits? I'ears. Figs, lVachcs, Strarrlierriea Ac, Enquire on th premises or at the Court House. June tMf. II. G. JUDD. J. APPLE. 404 KING STREET CHARLESTON S. BA Y STREET BEA L'FORT. S.C. DEALER in Dry Goods Clothing, llats and Caj?, Boots and Shoes, May -Iy and Fancy Notions PAUL, into DIE, DRAUGHTSMAN AND ARCHITECT, ANI) 1AOT3GAKS iSA'iOiSlTEE. Parties intending to build can see plans at the office of J. W. Collins, Bay st. Studies for special pu rposes made at short notice. feb 4 JOHN CONANT. TXEALKR IN FRESII MEATS, VEGETABLES X^r aim ice. Which will bo furnished in anv quantity. Apl.-'-Mf. LIME! LIME!! rpiIK REST BRANDS STONE LIME CONSTANTLY 1 on hand and for sale at low prices for cash. | May-20. G. WATE1UI0USE, Bay st. EXECUTOR NOTICE. ACCORDING TO AN ACT OK THE GENERJP ' Assembly of tho Stalo of South t arolina, appro vi March 2<>th. infill, the subserider will ajiply to the Jud^ of Probate for the County ofBeuufort, at his oltice in thi town of Beaufort, on the 15th day of August nevt, for a final discharge as Executrix of the last will and testament of James Strong, her father, late of the said County of Beaufort, deceased, (XTAVIA N. SANDS. July 7th, 1S71. July 13-4. FOR SALE. KM1WO PAIR MI'I.I >. ONE TIMBER TRITK, OI ? ow, one six-seated carryall. Ou.liMf. Address Box G2 Beaufort S. C. REPUBLICAN fob printing BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C s Having received a large and varied assortment of JOB TYPE, We are now prepared t<? execute with neatness and care all and every kind of Printing, Either pUn or in colors, such as Sill Heads, Liottor ELoads, Handbills, Baxxls. Olxoclui. Sliow Cards, Xjaw BlauKs, Envolopos, Hualuoss Cards, Visiting Cards , Cheaper than can be done in Charleston or Savannah, and in a style unequalled . this side of New York. We have one of Gordon's fast Presses, besrefe two others, and the puMic can refy npon having their work done promptly. DANIEL H. SILCOX. FURNITURE WAREROOMS 175, 177, 179 KING STREET, CHARLESTON^. O Whore can he found a large and well selected Stock c all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectfully solicited. March lS-lyr. SPECIAL NOTICE. MEN'S BOYS AND YOUTHS READY MADE CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. GEO W. LITTLE & CO. NO. 2 13 KING ST, CIIA RLESTO N S. Would most respectfully inform his friends and th public generally, that they are offering great inducement to those in want of ready made clothing suitable to th season. Our stock has been laid in at the lowest possible price and which we are offering at prices to suit the times. All those in want of clotning and furnishing good would do well to give as a call before purchasing els* where. GEORGE W. LITTLE, & CO. No- 213 King Street May 27-2m. Under Victoria Hotel. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF CONSUMPTION. ?The primary cause of Consumption Ls derangement of the digestive organs. This derangement produces deficient nutrition and assimilation. By assimilation I mean that process by which the nu Hmont r\t tYia fruxri /Vinvorfrwl intn hlnnd- And thence into the solids of the body. Persona with digestion thus impaired, having the slightest predisposition to pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will be very liable to have Consumption of the Lungs in some of its forms; and I hold that It will be Impossible to cure any case of Consumption without first restoring a good digestion and healthy assimilation. The very first thing to be done is to cleanse the stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus and slime, which is clogging these organs so that they cannot perform their functions, and then rouse up and restore the liver to a healthy action. For this purpose the surest and best remedy is Schenck's Mandrake Pills. These Pills clean the stomach and bowels of an the dead and morbid slime that Is causing disease and decay in the whole system. They will clear out th e liver of all diseased bile that has accumulated there, and rouse it up to a new and healthy action, by which natural and healthy bile is secreted. The stomach, bowels, and liver are thus cleansed by the use of Schenck's Mandrake Pills; but there remuins in the stomach an excess of add, the organ Is torpid and the appetite poor. In the bowels the lacteals are weak, and requiring strength and support It is in a condition like this that Schenck's Seaweed Tonic proves to be the most valuable remedy ever discovered. It la alkaline, and Its use will neutralize all excess of acid, making the stomach sweet and fresh; it will give permanent tone to this Important organ, and create a good, hearty appetite, and prepare the syBteia for the first process of a good digestion, and ultimately make good, healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what remains to cure most cases of Consumption is the free and persevering use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrup nourishes the system, purifies the blood, and Is readily absorbed into the circulation, and thence distributed to the diseased lungs. There it ripens all morbid matters, whether In the form of abscesses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to expel all the diseased matter, in the form of free expectoration, when once it ripens. It is then, by the great healing and purifying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers and cavities are healed up sound, and my patient is cured. The essential tii.'ng to be done in curing Consumption is to get up a good appetite and a good digestion, so that the body will grow in tiesli and get strong. If a person lias diseased lungs,?a cavity or abscess there,?ttie cavity cannot heal, the matter cannot ripen, Xo long as the system is below par. What Is necessary to cunt Is a new order of things,?a good appetite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in tiesli and get fat; then Nature is helped, the cavities will heal, the matter will ripen aua he ttimuMi niv In Lirnn mimf ttle-i and the nerson regain health and frertgtb. This Is the true and only plan to cure C'oi. mnption, and If a person is very had. If the lungs are not entirely destroyed, or even if one lane is entirely gone, if there is enough vitality lell iu the other to heal up, there is hope. I have seen many persons cured with only one sound Inner, live and enjoy life toag?*d old ape. This is what Sehenck's Medicines will do to cure Consumption. Tliey wlil clean out the sf-Tmach, sweeten and strengthen it, get up a Rood digestion, and give Nature the assistance she nerds to clear the system of all the disease that is in the lungs, whatever the form may be. It Is important that while using Sehenck's Medicines, care should b? exercised not to take cold: keep ln-doors in cold and damp weather: avoid night air. and take outdoor exercise only in a genial ana warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood that when I recommend a patient to be careftil in regard to taking cold, while using my Medicines, I do so for a special reason. A man who has but partially recovered from the effects of a bad cold la far mure liable to a relajir.e than one who has been entirely cured; and it is precisely the same iu regard to Consumption. Ho long as the lungs are not perfectly healed, Just so long Is there Imminent danger Of a full return of the disease. Hence it is that I so strenuously caution pulmonary patients against exposing themselves to an atmosphere that is not genial and pleasant. Continued Consumptives' lungs are a mass of sores, which the least change of atmosphere will Iutlame. Toe grand secret of my success with my Medicines consists in m> ability to subdue inflammation instead of provoking it, as many of the faculty do. An inflamed lung cannot, with safetv to the patient, be exposed to the biting blasts of Winter or the chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It shornd be carefully shielded from all Irritating influences. The utmost caution should be observed in this particular, as without it a cure under almost any circumstances is au impossibility. The person should be kept on a wholesome and nutritious diet, and all the Medicines continued until the body has restored to it the natural quantity of flesh and strength. I was myself cured by this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and have lived to get fat and hearty these many years, with one lung mostly gone. I have cured thousands since, and very many have been cured by this treatment whom I have never seen. About the First of October I expect to take possession of my new building, at the Northeast Corner of Sixth and Arch Streets, where 1 shall be pleased to give advice to all who may require it. Full directions accompany all my Remedies, so that a person in any part of the world can be xeadily cured by a strict observance of the same. J. H. SCHKNCK, M. 1).. Philadelphia. JOHN I . HKMtY, No: N College Place, Ntw York. Wholesale Agent, THE SIN G E 11 NEW FAMILY SEWIN5 MACHINI and the new MANrFAOTTRINO MACHINE, f.?r Tail ore and Hoot Fitters, are the l?e*t in the market. Ou increasing sales prove it, for in 1^'Jivu sold C.S,7S1 Ma chines, and in 1S70, nearly 1 .'50,000 Machines! many thou sands more than were sold hy any other C'otnjuny. >??-.Send for circular and samples. 1*>cal and 1 ravelling Agents wanted. Offices: lit Broiiiihlon trecf, Savannah, <5a ; 1st Broad'-tree Augusta, <5a; 1'J7 King street, Charleston, S. C. March is J. Wiurn Preortetor. R H. JfcDo5AL? * To, Pftrt??M Geo. Ag'ts, Saa PraocUco Cil.f an 1 3i ao<l 3 4 Commtm bt,K.i. MILLIONS Bear Testimony t? their e Wonderful Curative Effect a. ? They are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Peer e Ruin, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refaae LIqu ors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, ' called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," he., thai Is lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bat are a true rns/Ya fvrvm fV?A VjiMvp RnotS Mid Hflbl Ot Cftli4 - fornia, free from nil Alcoholic 8llnataiU< ] They are the GHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER and 1 A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Reno- 1 ator and Invigorator of the System, carrying of iB ' poisonous matter and restorl ng the blood to a healthy con' . ditlon. No person can take these Bitters according tq 1 directions and remain long unwell,provided their boat# J are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, j and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair* \ They are n Gentle Purgative ao well no a flj Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting a* 9 a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation fl of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young!?r old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood oral fl the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters hare no equal. V For Inflnniiuntory and Chronlo Bkens?< I timil and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, BIL lous, Remittent and Intermittent Fevera, I Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and 91 Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Disenscs nre caused by Vitiated Bleeds which is generally produced by derangement of the Dl< gestive Orgnns. , DYSPEPSIA OB INDIGESTION, Beadaehs, Pain in the Shoulders.Ooughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomaeh, Bad Teste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of ths Heart, j| Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which renaer them of unequalled eB- ? cacy in cleansing the blood of ail Impurities, and impart ing new life and rigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, halt 1 Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car- fl buncles, King-Worms, .Scald Head. Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, 1 Itch.Scurfs, Discoloration* of the Skin. Humors and Bla? ( eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literaDr I dug up and carried out of the system in a short time hy 1 the use ol these Bitters. One bottle In such eases will | convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. 1 Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Audita hn- J purities bursting through the skin fo Pimples, Snip tions or Sores; cleanse it when you Gud ft obstructed sad sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foal, end your feelings will twll you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of thesvstem will follow. Pin, Tnpc>, nml oilier Worms, larking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed , and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements cf the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitter*. J. WALKER, Proprietor, it. H. MCDONALD ? CO, Druggists and Gen. Agents. Ssn Francisco. California. and 32 and 34 Commerce Street. New York. w3-sni,l> BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE AM23ICAN WASHES! I PRICE 85.50. I The American Waiter Fav. a Monty, Time and Drurfgtiy. The Fatigue of Washing Ifciy no longer Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency and Clean Clothing Sure. In calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (not possessed by any other Wishing machine yet invented,) are jere enumerated. It is the smallest, most compact, moat portable, moat simplest in construction, most easily operated. A child ten years obi with a few hours practice, ean thoroughly comprehend and effectually use it. There is no adjustin-.', no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting ! It is always ready for use! It is a perfect little wonder! It is a miniature giant, doing uiore work and of abetter qualit; f than tin-most elaboratt and cost I v. One-half of the labor is fully saved liy its use, and t he clothes will last oDe- i half longer than hy the old plan of the rub hoard. It j will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts at a time, I washing thoroughly! In a word, the ablution of any fal- I ric, from a ipsilt to a I .ace Curtain or Cambric llaiidk?"- M chief, are equally within the capacity of this LITT1 E I GEM! It can be fastened to any tub and taken off at M No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Wishing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to perform its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing efficacy and utility are banished, and the doubter and detractor at once lieconte the fast friends the We have testimonials without end, setting for*h its tnerotis advantages overall others, and from huudre(^HH|^B who have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machlng^^^^BHH which have si.'mdlv failed to accomplish the object pl^H^H miscd in prom in -ut and loud sounding advcrti*ctnen^^^^H^M| It is as perl.ct for washing its a wringer is for wrinjj^^^^HB ing. The prie - is another paramount inducement to put^^^^HH chasers, has Imvii placisl so low that it is within the reach of every lions-.-keeper, and there is no article of dumeatle^^UflH economy that will repay the small investment so soou. ftli mr d v BBH All tliat is for this GREAT LABOR SAVKR, I* fair trial. Wc guarantee each machine to doit* wori^^^Hj^fl 'Soi.k Aoknt xor the United States. A. II. FRA.VCISCUS <Si CO., 51.'! Market at., Philadelphia* Fa. The largest and cheapest Wooden Ware hoisk Id the United Stat.-*. ;? ' ( DOOKS, SASHES, BLINDS, Wood Mouldings, Stair Hails, Newels, &a,. Emimmelled, Embossed, Ground AND GUT GLASS. A larp- and well assorted stock of the aNjre good? coo- t staiitlv <m hand at the lowest rate*. Order work prv.mpt- * ly attended to. Builders and owners will find it to their advantage to get our estimate before purchasing. 8pc ? ! attention given to Black Walsct aud other Fiem- ?A Estimates and Price LIsto furnished on application. WHITLOCK & 00, * Ajil. 22-1 y 254 & 256 Canal St. New York. H ! NACHMAN & CO. 1 F l>KALKKtf IN * Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions; 139 MEETING STREET, fl C JI -1 12 L E S T O y S. C.- \ Ai-1 1. A a