WHITE. CHRISTMAS J V SAYS DUTCH PROPHET J "-( ( Tluuikigiving Will Be Bright H cnj Fair?Comments on the Recent Flurries. Tie Dutch weather prophet says w flurries of snow in the coast- hi 8& titain section of the state are like H showing which way the cl iSF-iTiCft How. The equatorial winds at $ ilie period of the autumnal equinox i Ksacsted a colder winter than last man 2; 'ftidfences are at hand to support &bs S?*?cast as we approach Thanks- 3; day," he says. " i ne mixture i w>i' temperature and the warm tarmi from the gulf on Sunday TBtwgfcl in snow from an unusual ^ 'ifcnjclion. Seldom does snow from the ^ atcdtarest amount to any depth or very long. 2 winter solstice will no doubt 'iiit. fee real article and the date 3 1*3 be Around December 22-27. The mdiations are that it will be an old &sfcjanmd white Christmas. H nffcaaksgiving day will be bright ? -oi pur* and then on will come real mater weather."?The State. 2 B _ CjBM&er Win* Sbort Story Prize. _ 2 jSarsder College won over all the B atfcr colleges in South Carolina in tUm dbort story conteiit held by the 2 .Lufc^j state press association. At Meeting of the press association B eaofc week in Columbia, a ahist story "nfrHfln.?tism" ^by ivliss Margaret 2 Wm&k of Lander College, was ammied first prize in the state con- B feat. Miss Wright is the daughter Br.. and Mrs. T. F. Wright of (2: (Ivmod. H nil College has a press club B has been organized tinder the Jteetioix of Miss Ruth Milbrandi of 2i tie English facualty, and is encourapag tbe writing of short stories, B mmgs, poltry, and other forrnils of production as a part of the 2i course. The Lander Press sponsors the Erothe6:an, the B magazine published hy the 7i?iiir -student body?-Index Journ- 2; ti Mn. Wannamaker It III S, M AHadelphia, Nov. 28.?The ron.jfitira. of John Wannamaker, who is a "Mfflfined to hig bed with a heavy | ^ TxfA remained unchanged today, a ! q 'rtorffie&n issued by his physicians | p oc* L Mr. Wanamaker who 13 in his; y Teas, has been confined to his ^ hiaeae for several weeks. q : m E? a demonstration of lifting a E ^ "Kr-hman lifted four pianos weigh- E !fjp 2,000 pounds. E E I WANTS |; ?"081 SAJLE?Several hundred busn-;A zis seed oats, choice Blue Stem, Vhoat. The L. W. White Co. 2tc i yc * wi .'FOR RENT?Four room hoyse on tucaey street with lights and wa- sc or. Apply to H. R. McAllister, ce Albhevilie. 11, 29-tfc. so wi TRESPASS NOTICE?All persons ca ste forbidden to hunt or trespass ha m all lands under my control. th TL R_ Plaxco. 11, 20.3tcol. 5LCT2X?Long dark overcoat, light weight. Left somewhere in early L< ipring. Pi-ease notify I. A. Keller, JLM>cvflIe, S. C. ltpu. ^ flOOTlD-?A pocketbook containing pj waey. On satisfactory identificatiaai ewner can get same by calling ge rt' this ?ffice and paying for this ^ ?t*erti^ement. 11,29. FOR RENT?Three unfurnished reenecting rooms. Apply to Miss JmEm. McAllister at Mrs. Cochran's 3tnre. 11, 27,tfc TWKEM YOU SMOKE CUBANjG Jfeantya Full Havana and Gloria Ticars you will enjoy the best 5c ?c mote, aoia Dy an leading merrtumts. Distributed by C. M. to P?Iatty? Greenwood, S. C. ll,293tp ?rr 2A3ert was nominated today to tte United State marshal of the Nash? tern District of that State. Through ing the last session of gQutjier] gress Tolbert'a nomination i the post of forward !cal **ap TTfl-rrlirLOf tn +}w* Spnnte I during t it flailed of confirmation, Sena- enlist al. Dia3. Democrat, South Carolina, hitherto ing the fight against confirma- 000 cam . Later Tolbert was given a re- R. Si appointment and assumed his ^e c es marshal. ^ *s e that the ginal ca $100,000 Radio Fire iV pass the ew York, Nov. 28?.Fire early ember 1, y destroyed the rad'o riads and new me: chemical laboratory of St. $75,000, i's College, Brooklyn. The dam- close of was estimated at $100,000. 1924. !osL THE ENTIRE STOCK 4S.S.C0 DIES READY-T* HAS BEEN TURNED OV UCT1 SELL OUT THE ENTIRE S KICtS 1 HA 1 WILL AS1U THIS STOCK CONSISTS 'oats, Dresses, Suits Hosiery and Not ine is advancing but we need we worth your while to inves day Dec. 2 j 30 A M W A At A V *1 so p. m. Rain < 30 p. m. rizes given a1 D. C it Auction Sa r.AFFNFY S. C. ERN BAPTISTS WAR DEPAR1 TO RENEW THE DRIVE 250,000 TC t> Ealut New Member* in Washington, $75,000,000 Campaign department NS NITRATE SODA SEVEN OF ITS REGULARS ~~ Columbia, Nov. 28.?The UaiverNov. 25.?The war ^ ^ South Ca^ii^ football mounoed today that aeve? of its reirulars . if sodium nitrate star- thax>ugjl graduation this year, aeHickory ordnance re- to statements made hesne toJiacksonville, Tenn., These men will play in their on December 15 in game on Thursday when tite is or more. Gamecocks tackle Centre college at Danville Ky. lN TEST Captain Waite, tackle and end; . TAX ON GASOLINE Chappell, tackle, Llghtsey, guard; McMillan and Lightaey, guards; fov. 25.?Much inter- Sisemore, halfback; Fulton, quarroused by the an- teriback and Coicer end. ; a fight has been open :h Carolina Independ- More than 30,000 World War association, embrac-1 Veterans have been in hospitals oi :ompanies over the1 the government during the past year he state gasoline tax.! undergoing treatment. lhill of Charleston,! nt of the association further discussed for the fight to director, is expected have the supreme court declare the when plans w ll be tax unconstitutional. I