.. li1 Xocal i QK J V ^ i zzzzzziz: ] <: personals : =jj; Mrs. J. J. Link of Bethia was in j tow* today shopping. Jekn Floyd of Newberry has been ] in Abbeville visiting friends. t < ODr. Douglass Mahon, was in town from Calhoun Falls today. 1 Miss Coiner Phillips spent the 1 week-end in Augusta vrth relatives. 1 \ Cfcarli^ Lyon, of Greenville, was in| Abbeville today visiting friends. Mrs. Addie McMurray is visiting I relative wt KicftDurg ana Lancaster. Mrs. Mattle Bowen .is spending this week with the Uldrick's near I Cold Springs. Mrs. Wade Hamlin of McCormick is in the city visiting Miss Cor! rie Haml-in. j Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jordon of i Due West were in town shopp'aig 1 i today. 1 1 I Dr. R, C. Grier of Erskine College, was in Abbeville today on business. Mrs. E. R. McAllister and daugh- ^ ter MisS Evelyn spent Sunday ^ afternoon in Due west. | Mrs. Frank Welch went to Mon- * roe Monday and will spend a part ^ I of the week ithere. I Mr. Joe. Gibert and h's daughter,! Miss Carie Mary of Calhoun Fa'ls|c were in town this morning. i ^ i ilrs. l-vila Todd and her daugh- t ter, Mrs. Piaxco, were in Abbeville v this morning shopping. c I Messrs. P. A. Crowther and H. G. . C Crowther of Antreville were in the g city this morning on business. ^ I Mrs. W. A. Templetcn returned j today after spending a month in An- . derson with Mrs. McCulIy. Mrs. Jennie Purdy has returned from a visit to her brother, Henry Klugh near Greenwood. . Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Thomson and * \ Russell Thomson are going to Col a J1 umbia tomorrow in their car. 11 iss Fay Keaton of Antrev'lle 111 i j spent the week-end a; home from * Ladder College at Greenwood. Mrs. J. W. Tribble is in Atlanta Is spending several days with Mr. Tr'ifcble who is working in Atlanta now. Ifiss Fannie DuFre was home i * froxt Greenwood where she is at-j ? tending Lander College and visited, her home people over Sunday. Mi.? Nona Barksdale and Doyle j Hendricks will go to Clemson Sat- ]1 uvflnr to r.ttc-nd the Clemson-Center' I foot ball game. - II Roland Turner leaves tomorrow!1 for Char'otte. His grandfather has;1 been in Abbeville on a visit and he:t will accompanv him home. | j Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kay have re-jturned from Atlanta where theyj' have been to consult a specialist'1 about their young son, Glenn, Jr. i Miss Fay Smith is substiutting in I the Abbeville Grammer school un- f till a teacher can be secured to fill 1 Miss Ila Wright's place. Miss Smith 1 will teach in Anderson County i this session. Mr. A. E. Patterson, one of the 1 leading merchants of Anderson was c in Abbeville this mo 'ning on busin- j ] ess. He says Antreville is prosperous. They expect to make a fair j cotton crop, Mvo-thirds of last years i yeild in sp.'-te of the boll weevil. 11 / " ..~i. .. "... Dr. Knox of Antreville was ir Abbeville on business today. Miss Kate McDill is at home after spending the summer in Columbia and on the Island at Charleston, Mrs. Annie Mary Blessing is with D. Poliakoft for the fall season. She Lakes the place of Cliff Smith who r;as gone on the S. A. L. rear. Mrs. William I'urdy has recovered and is leaving the Abbeville Memorial Hospital this afternoon. She *oes ito her home in Fort Picktfns Ray Gallman, Tom Mundy, Prue Bell, Earl Graves and Dr. Green amended the Hagenbeck-Wallace cir ius in Anderson Monday night. Mr. Randolph of Columbia is in town visiting, his son H. B. Randolph, who has the contract for juilding bridges on the highway vork. Mr. Wm McNeill on Sick List Mr. William McNeill of Chestnut lill is on the sick list this week. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay, Monday, Sept. 25, 1922, a son. 111 1 1 m i i m i SILVER TEA. The Woman's Auxiliary of the vlathodist Church will give a Silver rea at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. \. Neuffer Friday evening from 8 ;o 10 o'clock. A delightful musical jrogram has been arranged and the >ublic is invited to attend. ATTENDING SYNODIC AL Mrs. J. C. Thomson, Mrs. M. H. iVilson, Mrs. Jennie Cox and Mrs. fames Chalmers and Miss Bessie Lee Dheatham are attending the Presbyerian Synodical now in session in Greenwood. ?IECE OF CHEWING GUM CAUSE OF A LAWSUIT Spartanburg, Sept. 26.?A one ent piece of chewing gum ejected rom the mouth of a careless vistor to a local moving picture theare. and which foufttf a resting place ipon one of the seats, was the cause ?f a lawsuit in this city in which Magistrate Jennings on Saturday illowed Mrs. W. A. Varner damages mounting to $7. Mrs. Varner, who ollowed the careless masticator of :hicle, sat down .in the- seat on vhich he had left the gum and inurey to her skirt was the result. PHILSON'S OPENING. Philson is holding his fall openng today, and has on display a >cautiful stock of goods. The show vindows are decorated in golden od, fall leaves and the new shades if wall flower and brown. Begonias a the wall flower shade give an aristic touch to the windows. The main entrance shows a line >f dress goods on display, of handome velvets, silks and the newer nater'als. The first floor is decorI'ted with golden rod and pot plants md is in charge of Mrs. George 'enney, Miss Elizabeth Edmunds, diss Julia Fcnnell, and John Lomax vhile Mr. R. C. Philson acted as general hto the shoppers of the :'ty of Abbeville, a id the surround ountry. Mis.s J.Iag-gie Jirjoks pres:.ded >ver the punch bowl on the main 'loor where she served delicious Fruit punch to the visitors at the 'ashion show. The bowl was buried n a bank of yellow golden rod and his service added to the social featires of the occasion. Upstairs in the millinery department Miss Myrtle Wright, Miss \Tancy Seal and Miss Nelle McGaw leld forth. The ha?ts are "dreams" is the young would say, and were iipplayed with taste. This departnprit wns ,ilQn dprorated in the new fall shades of nu'i Drown and wall lowers. Fresh fall roses in glass I'ases graced the show cases, and especially fine specimen of ferns were jsed in the decorations up stairs. Everything looked sweet and attractive, Che young ladies in charge being no exception to the rule. The >pening was well attended and people are going to buy goods this fall. Texas ias 5724, manufacturing plants giving employment to 107,522 wage earners. i - I SOCIETY | ACE OF CLUBS. Mrs. J. 0. Crowley will entertain the Ace of Clubs this afternoon at .4:30 o'clock at the regular meeting. BRIDGE CLUB. I Mrs. W. P. Greene will entertain the Bridge Club Friday afternoon at ; jthe regular meeting at 4:30 o'clock. < ,No other notice will be given. Mem,bers unable to attend will plea3e phone the hostess, j __ I MRS. W. A. LEE HOSTESS ! Mrs. W. A. Lee was hostess for ; 'the Merrie Matrons Club Tuesday I afternoon at the regular meeting. j The Lee home was attractive in gold- j !en rod and fall roses. Four tables j: !were arranged for the plnyers and 1 an enjoyable afternoon was spent. 1 j After the card playing hour Mrs. Lee 'served delightful refreshments of i I salad and tea. I FOUR YEARS OLD. Little Willamette Williamson gave (a very pretty party Saturday at her home on Greenville street. She was(; four years old and invited about thirty of her friends in to celebrate, i After playing games the guests^, were invited into the dining-room where the party table was arranged in a most attractive manner. As a ; centerpiece a large doll was dressed | as "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary."] jThe doll was lifelike in costume of j .pink and white. The table was coverpd with moss to renresent a lawn and in the hands of the doll was a watering pot, and a rake and a hoe. The room was lighted with pink tapers and thei*e was a glow on even the , faces of the youngsters. j Ice cream and cake were served and Miss Willamette gave favors to her guests of small rakes and hoes and spades, which no doubt will rake 1 up the yards and tempers of some of the mothers of the thirty fortunate . ones. i i ALLEN GRADY KING TO MARRY \ Engagement to Miss Helen L?-ntz pf j Charlotte, Announced. I The following from the Charlotte Observer of Sunday will b? of intei*est to the friends of Mr. King in ihis county: I "Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rothrock Lentz announcp the eniraffemen* of I their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Allen I .Grady King, the wedding to t* ke | place in November. i ' "The bride-elect is the younger j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lentz, j and was born and reared in Char- j lotte. She was educated at Eliza- j beth college in this city and Con- j verse college, Spartanburg, S. C. She j io a handsome young woman and is , bright and attractive with winning ; personality and is admired by a wide J circle of friends. i "Mr. King is a son of Mr. and I Mrs. James A. King, of Abbeviile, I S. C. He was educated at Erskine I college, Due West, S. C., and at- | tended the first officers' training i comp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and ] was commissioned lieutenant and j was assigned to the 318t.h machine I ;riin battalion, eighty-first division, ! '*;nd was later re-assigned to Camp liar,cock as an instructor. Mr. King came to Charlotte in February, 1919, and has been with the Ford Motor company as territory supervisor until recently when he went to Gastonia to accept the position of manager and treasurer of ; 13* IL Parker Motor company in Gastonia and Cherryville. i "Mr. King is a young man of : jplcndid business ability and sterling qualities of character and com-1 mands countless friends throughout ,thc Carolinas." ? ? CALHOUN FALLS PEOPLE I Sheriff F. B. McLane and Capt. |J. L. Perrin were out in the Cal- , i houn Falls section yesterday on j business. They called on Mr. Hiri man Lawson who had been quite I sick, and found him greatly improved. They also stopped to see their old friend Tobe Hester, and he was I "looking like a Million Dollars." We may put off doing unpleasant duties, but we never forget them. : DELIGHTFUL PARTY. Rock Hill, Sept. 25.?On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Alma C. Gibbonsj gave a delightfrl party to the Abbeville girls at Winthrop. Leaving the campus at 4.30, ten happy girls accompanied their hostess down town. After shopping a while they were taken to the Periwinkle, a quaint little tea room overlooking the main business street of the city. The dainty blue and white furnishings, carried out even in the pretty china, added to the homelike j atmosphere prevailing and made the' delicious supper served very appetizing to the?shall we be considered impolite if we say famished??college girls. Much fun and merriment continued through the ordering and eating of good things that tasted "just like home" and a group of satisfied girls I followed thfcir gracious hostess to | the station in time to meet the other Abbeville girls and Miss Gladys Wilson, -who was passing through Rock Hill on her way home from Greensboro, N. C. Just as preparations were being made to carry out instructions by returning to the campus by seven, the Winthrop Special rolled in, and the gay party returned to the college on that train. The following girls enjoyed Mrs. Gibbons' kind hospitality: Misses Hilda Syfan, Gladys Edwards, Margaret Dawson, Gladys Brazeal, Ophelia and Cornelia Clinkscales, Janie Milford, Ada Faulkner, Celia Chal-j niers and Mildred Wilson. Miss Janie Roberts of Greenwood had some of her girls at the Periwinkle at the same time. Abbeville's Demonstrator could not have done anything for the girls that would have been appreciated more. We are sure that the Freshmen at least, with a close second from the old girls, would like to give a hearty "Three cheers for Mrs. Gibbons." / Winthrop Girl. Mr. Nicholas Schram Sick Mr. Nicholas Schram of the Sharon section is reported very sick at his home. | Winter 1 teSSss} S J X p s ^ ^ 1 rP Sal ^ sis r --f C"? ?n, o& tff* *>if j~fc~j v..'*X?. tj $ 0*V>'\> JJ %J<0?1>L?'j flj^A'i, Lfc B a \' > | K-/-T' n v "*** ? ro*3 ffi yfj Knee Trouses e| Boys' Caps yjj Boys' Hats jjj Boys' Union Suits [p Boys' Neckwear .. 31 ffi Boys' Wool Sweat | Hj COME IN A> I PARK ?. t-. .'%.* r i r s-( ' IB? GREENE TO BE JUDGE ? 'Appointed To Hold Special Session In Anderson. William P. Greene of Abbeville was yesterday appointed a special judge to hold the special term ofj general sessions court for Anderson county beginning the third Monday in October. This term was recently ordered by Chief Justice Gary to clear a congested docket in Anderson. The appointment was made by the governor upon the recommendacion of the chief justice.?The State. One can talk rarelessly without harm if one doesn't think carelessly, h d\ fin ' Ai_J&L The McMURRAY jaran*n*f?j^^ Clothes F? { The larj , . r select rr< fjg We h ^ VV \?^ K: .i^S, V? rvf o1] no felSte: Pi ?*- "a a?! v o d to gi ).00 and $12,20 Boys 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1 C0? 7"r? .... .... 0"LrW, I $1.0 75c, ers $2.50, $3.00, $3. !T\ T r\f\V T'T.TIT'QIT1 r?\W i LJ JJVWIV JL AIJUUU vy ?*AJ. fiuifErHJsrajzrdJHTdnininn.1 $39 93 IS PER CAPITA CIRCULATION SEPT. * jj| Washington, Sept. 12.?Sray- ' 1| body's ca circulation of money threngflmft ?| the country was $39.93 as companeS K 5 with $39.47 cents on August 1. aaH ij| was $42.99 on September 1, at jwar &J ago. The total amount of maMjg jfe circulation on September 1, jrcj $64,393,506,927 while the ^ -.8 tion of the country was estimaSdl * M 110,017,000 persons. - ^ M GREATIL I gifts You can give mosc M l pleasure by chccc- ,T ing candy wisely Inspect tfie packages cf ^ m : | ^CHOCOLATES ~ J I J DRUG COMPANY. =?=~? -% gfggggfZfHfajHnaa^r ir Boys | J ?est assortment of S , SUITS, EXTRA 1 ERS, SWEATERS, * S, UNDERWEAR, X CAPS and NECK- 8 are here for you to K om. S iave SUITS for Boys ? ;es from four years $ own ups. jc \ Suits are Splendid; jj| .50 and up to $3,50 ||I , $1.00 and $1.25 p 0, $1.25 and 1.50 , $1.00 and $1.2-5 ? 50c and 75c* is, 50 and up to $5.00 i|j IEESE I HfflfiSMHSiifiHfiEBB - -