POISON GIVEN DOGS j L Strychnine Put Out in City of Greenville Kills Many Dogs Greenville, Sept. are searching for some clue which will lead to the discovery of the person or persons who have distributed strychnine over this city and as a result fatally poisoned from 25 to 30 dogs since Saturday night. Some of the canine pets poisonel were' .^ilueble animals and the entire cit> is stirred over the deed. I I Ed Keiser Loses Finger - j Ed Keiser of Calhoun Falls had &ne of his fingers amputated at the Hospital this morning. The operation was successful and he is doing well. 4 ???????? .f We Have Several Cars of ! c . v o ' A L c Rolling and will be in position to take care of our trade. j Give us your ordersc Amos B. Morse Company I ? r ! ! ff M i > jyl Gi jpSP- 55it MAN ERE( Martin's FO] Friday and m 1 oeptembe 25 lbs. Sugar 8 pound Bucket Snowdr 8 pound Bucket Crescer 24 lbs. White House Pk 24 lbs Sunflower Self-rii 16 Bars Large Octagon Best Rib Meat, per poui 2 Cans Pink Salmon We have the best price Watch our Specials bef< alwavc orlarl tn cariro wai U2 WMJ M 5 *ViV* fcw MV* V J VI Let us have your tra on your I phon: We Deliver Goods An T. W. M / SOUTH MAIN ST. V \ V WARRENTON NEWS S * > ^VVVVVVVVVVVV^^* Since our last writing Rev. H. C Fennel has conducted several days meeting at Warrenton church. Ter members united with the church. Mrs. C. F. Gilliam has returne' ff-om a visit to her parents in New berry. At the election of officers for th( Christian Endeavor society last Sun day the following were elected: Miss Elizabeth Wilson, president; Rebi Morris, vice-president; Allen Wilson secretary and Harrison Bosler treasurer. Allen Wilson has resumed his studies at the high school. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boles anc two children, Frances and James, oi North, spent a few days last week Mr nnH TVT-rc Wm McNeill al Chestnut Hill. Miss J. E. McNinch and Miss Ida McCord of Hodges will teach Warrenton school this session. They will board with Mrs. J. A. Wilson and will be conveniently and pleasantly located. Mrs. Pennington from Abbeville will teach Fonville school and will come from home every morning. Mrs. J. T. Dudley-from Athens, was a recent visitor to Mrs. Frank W. Wilson. Little Everette Bosler, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Bosler is recovering from a bad spell of pneumonia. The friends of Mrs. A. B. Bosler will be glad to know she is able to be up after being confined to her bed from sticking a rusty nail in her fool Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cochran and daughter, Mary Grace, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. Cochran's mother at Cold Springs. \ Mrs. J. T. Dees has returned tc her home at Pikesville after a shorl visit to her father, Mr. G. S Wilson. Silaga is insurance against a short forage crop or a long winter wen Brothers arble and - AM ranite 1,0. gners ufacturers :tors argett and best equipped mottvental mill* in the Carolinai. geenwood, s. c. Specials R I Saturdav sr 22-23 $1.85 ift Lard $1.25 it Lard $1.20' tin Flour 95c. sing Flour $1.00 Soap $1.00 tid 15c. 25c. ts on all Groceries. >re buying. We are u in any way. ide and save money >ills. E 408 ywhere in the City. VRTIN PHONE 408 , SEABOARD PUTTING ]| ON DOUBLE SHIFTS 1 i Some of The Strike Breakers, How- S ever, Quit Job? When Old Men Return. jf 1 Atlanta, Sept. 19.?The situation M in the south was brightened today H with the return of approximately 9 800 shop workers to the Seaboard J Air Line's shops in Jacksonville andj j? 400 to the same road's plant in lE Raleigh, N. C. Almost simultaneous-!? 5 ly conferences between striking M 1 shopmen of the Macon, Dublin andjgl ' Savannah railroad and officials of .jj ' the company designed to end the m long walkout, were begun in Macon. H One of the most encouraging fea- M *???? n-f +Vio Hovol-rmmp-nts raflwnv Hi I 'tux V-O UJL W4V ?v . >,.vr...v...w .?.? . I I . officials point out was the ability ofjg | the roads to provide places both for H ' the returning Workmen and men 1 who have been employed during the 's strike. Two hundred employes im-jffl ported to man the Raleigh Seaboard, jl I ^ i shops have been transferred to ?jj [Jacksonville and Norfolk where g r double shifts will ibe worked, in1?g Jacksonville, however a number of.B , the new employes showed a disposi-1H I tion not to retain their jobs, despite g the fact that railroad officials are^ said to have assured them that they S would not be intimidated by re- jj turning strikers. Only three of the ?| pew men were at work Sunday night jj . when the lrst shift of returning em- || ployes Went on and these promptly J , turned in their work equipment. g , While the M. D. and S. is a short If [ line both executives of short roads M ; and rail union chiefs in the south ? | are awaiting the outcome of || . :..o conference with interest ? i it is stated as the result is ex- fg pected to have an important bear- g i ing on other roads of this class,.in- g ; terest is centered on decisions be- B ing reached by the big roads of the ?| north and east and esneciallv on the ? i reported conference, B. M. Jewell, ^ , head of the shopmen, is to hold with g , the New York Central officials to- jl morrow. MARRIED IN ABBEVILLE | Miss Beatrice Thomas and Wil- j liam W. Deadwyler of Elberton, Ga., p were married in the office of the gj Probate Judge in Abbeville Monday jg evening, Judge Miller performing the 1 ceremony. The bride was 20 and the g groom 45. The couple returned to ( Georgia today and will make their || home at Heardmont. A good slogan for ipoultrymen: || More eggs from fewer hens. | WANTS 11 JUST RECEIVED?A big .hipment 1 of Flower Pots, Jugs and Jars at { low prices. g 2tC. ... Amos B. Morse Company, if LOST?Monday evening, the bottom Iff part of a gold fountain pen. Find- ? er will please leave same at Press and Banner office and receive a reward. ltpd. WANTED?A good gentle milk cow G' giving between three and four gallons of milk a day. I. C. Brown l'1 9, 15tf.col. h? w: FOR RENT?One 4-room cottage on C< Richey street, water and lights, to Apply to H. R. McAllister. 8,14tfc T1 be FOUND?A bunch of keys on va- th cant lot next to Morse's store, to Owner can get same by calling at be Press and Banner office and pay- in ing for this advertisement. : ieq FOR RENT?Five nice rooms suit ^ able for housekeeping. Possession jQ Oct. 1st. Use of garage, chicken gt yard and garden if desired. See or phone Miss Corrie Hamlin. 9, 20tf g. re LOST or STOLEN?Taken from my home between dark and 10:30 Friday night medium sized collie j dog, brown with white ring around neck and answers to name of "Joe;' 2t $25 reward if returned to 72 Ferry St. 9-lltfcol. TIRES?30x3^ Silver Town Cord Tires $13; 30x3 Republic Non ta Skid Tires $7.50; 30x3^ Republic th Non Skid Tires $9.50; 32x4 Re- p< public Non Skid Tires $14.50; e: 30x3 Goodrich Gray Tubes $1.50. ei Other size tires and tubes reduc- hs ed in proportion. Tires and tubes; 65 standard guarantee. Sold by j ti DeWITT HALL. 9, 13-3tcol.|th i 1 .... . f Copyright11922 ^art Schaffner^ B Really the < BE well dr< and know ii j We're ii I men and y< I kind of Clo T ? Hart made th* quality ir the best complete LET | TheRosi I The H ??BW MONEY TO BE BORROWED. Pursuant to Paragraph 1806, eneral School Law, 1921 Edition, We, the County Supervisor and the reasurer of Abbeville County, do .'reby give notice that Open Bids ill be received at the office of the junty Suupervisor, at 12 M., Ocber 4, 1922, for a loan of Forty lousand Dollars, ($40,000.00) ^ to i used to pay School Claims for e school year 1922-1923. The taxes be collected for that purpose to i pledged for money borrowed and terest thereon. Said loan to be retired in four lual installments, first to be retirI in about 90 days from date of an, and the three remaining in ailments thirty days apart. Said loan to be deposited with ink making this loan. The right is served to reject any or all bids. L. W. KELLER, Supervisor Abbeville Co., R. B. CHEATHAM, Treas. Abbeville County. . ltw. Hnllpr C.O f Co. Pailfi. New York, Sept, 19?An involunry petition in bankruptcy against ie Haler car and locomotive Corjration, estimating "liabilities in ccess of $1,000," was filed in fed al co_urt today by Ellis E. Waxim, who presented a claim for $19, 27, representing loans. The petion did not estimate the assets of ie concern. ? | Marx >nly way to look well di essed?And the only wi is to buy the right kind i the business of supply: >ung men of this town, thes. Schaffner & >m. You know that me* 1 fabrics and tailoring. 11 and smartest style; it satisfaction. f in n i r r\ n/ enberg Mercs lome of Hart Schaffner i I TWO NEGROES EXECUTED cno MIIRHPR nr TOURISTS .Raleigh, N. C., Sept- 16?Angue Murphy and Joseph Thomas, negroes, convicted of charges growing out of -the attack upon Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ketchen of Miami, Fla. near Southern Pines several weeks ago, sWere electrocuted at the state prison this morning. I Store Assoc I THE PLANTER has been designated point for cotton due t ation in and around We are now reac 1 ton and issue receipt I I:: IS I C. E. | J. S. aaSfimrr i i a . -. ressed is to f Ety to be it, yl of clothes. '-} ing for the v ;-fl the right . I Marx |l ms real B t means ifl means -'H YOU I rntile Co. I k Marx. H J CARD FROM MR. McADAMS. SB Editor Press and Banner: H| Through the columns of your pa^H per I' desire to thank the voters o^H Abbeville County for their loys^H support in the last election. It wa^H a vote of confidence. I shall eerv^H you all to the best of my abilitjKS With the highest esteem. kU R. H. McAdams. iation Cotton I ,I as a concentrating h he Marketing Associ- j?K Abbeville. jgg ly to receive this cot- Sfl for same. SB WILLIAMSON. STARK. BB