WANTS FERNS FOR SALE?Call Phone 139. ltc. Wanted?To sell a milk cow giving four gallons a day. win sen or trade for dry cattle. See R. S. Mc Comb. tf. col. READY FOR BUSINESS?Martin's j Mill is now grinding wheat. I am prepared to do good work. W. F. Beckwith, Abbeville, S. C. ltpd. R . |L' TENNIS?Get your BALLS and RACKETS at the ECHO or let us have your old racket restrung. THE ECHO, Abbeville, 6, 12 tfc. FOR SALE?A milk cow giving irom three to four gallons of milk a day: Will trade for a dry cow, or will sell. Frank McNeill. 6.7-tfc fOR SALE?Choice fat cow and young bull in prime condition for beef. tf. Phone I. Mrs. L>. A. itogers. BUY KLIM?I am sole distributor for Klim in this county. Can fur lish you fresh Klim in any size srans. See James Darricott at Co operative Store. 6, 5.tf. OTATO SLIPS FOR SALE?Porto Rico potato slips for sale, pulled fresh from the bed as ordered, p s Phone 405. 5,12tfc. NOTE OF THANKS The members of Jno H. Winder division 498 B. of L. E. desire to ?press their gratitude to the pub le and those who. assisted in the me morial services held on June 11th. Yonr presence and your assistance was very much appreciated. Memorial Committee. First steel car ever brought south was Used by Gen. Sherman as an am ' munition Cfkr in his advance on At lanta in 1864. G1 Offer Except! Stores With F BEAUDR0T-BE1 EXCLUSIVE LAl "WHERE SHOP] Our entire line of ? and Dresses are no^ SPE( Values ranging from divided into five lots $11.75, $19.75, New Arrivals Dai 2nd Floor Whart< PHONE 463. "THE LEAI MEN For We invite you to ou in Men's and Boys all times and prices SUMMER SUITS, OXFORDS THIS GEORGIA MAN MADE MUCH COTTON Despite Fact That Boll Weevil Was Rampant in His Section. Index-Journal. Hearing that S. W. Adams, of Washington county, Ga., made one hundred bales of cotton on one hun dred and ten acres last year. N. A. Craig wrote Mr. Adams to find out if it was true and how he did it. Mr. Adams replies in a letter that the report is true and the way he did it was by WORKING HIS CROP. He did not use any poison; he did not use much fertilizer but he worked that cotton to a fare-you-well, plow ing it sometimes twice a week. tt i.:. nere is nia letter. Mr. N. A. Craig, Greenwood, S. C. Dear Sir:? Your letter to hand in regard to the statement by Mr. Jackson as to the amount of cotton made by me last year and in reply I will say that Mr. Jackson was mistaken in the a mount or eot the acres mixed and his number of bales of cotton was also ivrong. The correct statement is that I had one hundred and ten acres in cotton last year and made one hun dred bales of cotton. I cannot tell you anything special [ did but constant work. I plowed my cotton sometimes twice a week or would run around it once and put a middle furrow in it the same week. I did not use any poison but I nipirorf nn stmares as much as I could. I think the constant work is what did the work for me as I only used 200 lbs. of standard fertilizer. Another thing that proves that it was work that gave me the big yield I had is this fact: I run 52 plows on my place by renters, plows run by renters and worked by colored labor. These fifty-two plows made only sixty bales of cotton, about half the rent and nothing for supplies and guano. i I am sorry to say that I have no prospect for this year as I have only plowed twelve days this year REEN\ ional Shopping i \ices Much Less ERS QUALITY SHOP DIES READY-TO-WEAR. PING: IS A PLEASURE" Jpring Coats, Coat Suits, r on 3IAL SALE . $18.50 to $100.00 have been 5 at the following prices: $29.75, $39.75, $49.75 ly of Mid-Summer Dresses. >n Clothing Co. Building GREENWOOD, S. C. )ING CLOTHIER" .....FOR AND BOYS 26 Years. r store to compare our values ' apparel. Large stocks at most moderate. STRAW HATS, SHIRTS, >, UNDERWEAR, J. BOLTON, I DING CLOTHIER." DEATH SENTENCE GIVEN TO BIGHAM Shipp Fixei July 14 in Refusing New Trial?Pl?? From Pri?oner Florence, June 10.?Judge S. W. G. Shipp in the sessions court here this afternoon refused to grant Ed mund D. Bigham a new trial and sentenced him to be put to death in the electric chair July 14. Bigham was convicted of murder in connection with the killing of his brother, Smiley Bigham, and is in dicted for murder also for the deaths of his mother and sister and the latter's two adopted children. The wholesale murder took place on the Bigham plantation in Janu ary 1921. Bigham was tried in March of last year. The supreme court dis missed the appeal and Bigham's at torneys sought a new trial on the ground of after discovered evi dence which, they declared, tended to show that Smiley and not Ed mund Bigham did the killing. It is not thought the case will end here. Unabased by the sentence of death, Bigham argued with the court this afternoon neiore nun dreds of spectators for the privilege of saying, "Some things I would like to tell now as this may be my last chance to speak before these peo ple." The court replied that "de pended on how long you will take to tell them/' Then as in after thought, the court added "you might as well tell it though." Flat Dutch. Marshal Clemens sent to The Dis patch-News office this week a turnip rtnrsortments As ( l To Trade With [ardware Co. lost, up-to-date Hardware Carolina. Call on us in o the OREGON HOTEL wood. at the lowest prices. lardware Co. s r. ?u Should Buy From lest Jewelry Store. and conscientious service, ndise has character and ividuality. 3 replete with gifts for Jewelry center of the symbol of quality. ELRY COMPANY SAT LAST." FOOD, S. C. ping tag placed on the bundle by the committee that handles the bun dle at the receiving station. If pos sible weigh the bundle before you take it in and carry enough money with you to pay parcel post or ex Dress charges. Committees may in corporate several small bundles into a larger bundle weighing 150 to 200 pounds and send package by express. The places where packages may be taken will most likely be the churches of our county, both town and country. Watch this paper for a list of receiving stations. Meanwhile, please in the name of humanity, prepare your bundle and have it ready to deliver Wednesday, June 14. Ttia -frillsvnririOi !5 irtn ATI lTI tlie county have been appointed; Dr. Joseph Hicks, Calhoun Falls; Mrs. Charlie Clinkscales, Lowndes ville; Mrs. Enoch MoCarter, Antre ville; Mrs. Steve Brown, Donalds; Rev. M. R. Plaxeo, Abbeville; Mrs. Vol Pruitt, Keowee; Mrs. R. C. Brownlee, Due West. Very truly yours, Edgar Long, County Chairman of Near East Relief. To those folks of Abbevil defense of this kind we oi stitution and the counsel < glad to help you. PI A NTFl \ CHAN' Complete As T1 Us. MERCHANDISE KUSH tfKUTHJUK'S name i chandise what Sterling is t< Both mean protection to the consu value most is our reputation.. We lie for many years as best we kno1! our policy to give our trade VAL to how well we have succeeded in mean to SATISFY, and if upon r< detail connected with the transad should be, kindly advise us in orde satisfactory. If you have a need : DRY GOODS, NOTIONS an See RUSHBROTHI 11 The Oldest Dry Goods IS GREENWOOD GREENWOOD'S LAI CLOTHING With a complete line of ev? Boy's wearables at all seasi highest quality and most r< invite you to visit our store PALM BEACH AND OTH] $15.00 to WHARTON CLO "CASH CLOTHIERi GREENWOOI FOR CONGRESS. I am a candidate for re-election to Congress from the Third Congression al District, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. FRED H. DOMINICK. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I hereby announce myself a9 a candidate for the House of Repre sentatives subject to the action. of the Democratic Primary. THOMAS A. PUTNAM. VETERINARIAN Graduate Ohio State University DR. M. HARKAVY FERGUSON'S STABLE Phone 387 AWberille, S. C. . .J: Watch the label eu your paper. The Years Ahead Do you ever think of them / and wonder how you will be off financially in 1925 or 1926? ... \ Really wise folks will save certain sums every year, ana thus build up a de fense against that day when money will be need ed?and needed badly, le who desire to build ug a Bfer the services of this in rf our officers. We will be IS BANK a rs ie Large City OF MERIT is to an article of mer o silver. mer. Of all the things we have been serving the pub v how. It has always been UES AND SERVICE. As this is for you to say. We jceipt of your goods every Sion is not as you think it r that we may adjust same in d READY-TO-WEAR. :rs company tore in Greenwood \ s. c. rgest & best store >rything in Men's and ons of the year in the jasonable prices. We and inspect our stock. BR SUMMER SUITS $25.00. THING CO. 1?SUITS ME." ), S. C.