The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 02, 1922, Image 8

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PEASANT PREMIER OF BUL GARIA ADVOCATES ARREST AND PUNISHMENT OF GIRLS WHO REFUSE TO COMPLY. VERY FEW COMPLY Sofia, Bulgaria, June 1.?Premier jStamboulisky advocates the arrest and poinishment of girls who refuse to obey the. new law requiring them to work for the government free four months out of each year. Un der this law girls 'between the ages 1R nnr? 90 HancrVltprS of bOUfge- j is citizens of Varna and Sofia, are required, to work but only one hun dred have thus far complied, and they are doing sewing, typing and fcespital work. The law went into ef fect May 1. Those who have refused to obey argue that they ar? either under or above the stipulated ages, or that they are about to be married, which is one of th? excuses allowed. Those wrho comply belong to some of the wealthiest families and their moth, crs accompany them to, their work, remaining throughout the eight hours demanded of their daughters. The law is typical of the rule of tiie peasantry which Stamboulisky, the peasant-premier says is now an actuality in 'Bulgaria. Thousands of tisitors are now in Sofia for the peasants congress and the ibourge isie is perturbed by rumors as to the result Members of the bourgeois party, fearing the imminence of a peasant ?fictatorship, are attempting to ex port their valuables and many have keen caught and jailed. The American legation is under a ieavy guard of police and soldiers, wing to the numerous threats re ceived by the minister, Charles S. Wilson. CHINESE PRESIDENT RESIGNS HIS OFFICE Tokio, June 1.?'President Hsu Shih Chang of China has resigned and General Li Yuan Hung who became pesident following the death of Yuan Shih Kai in 1916, has been restored to office, accord ing to official advices from Peking. HASH At If you have never ha< these two essentials tl yours. We are prep; friends from the City THE BEST D] if they will call at our Main Street. The ha so is the cake. AT THE IN Don't forget the plac< R. W. SMITJ L i$EISlcll5I5I5J5I5MSJSJ0SJ5JSJSISI5l5J5J5JSMSISJ5J I AUSTIN-PERRIN [ | GREAT WEEK 1 - Friday and a reg Saturday genuini w To prove to you what they will do important notice:?Don't tak crease your weight. Vitamine Tab scientific discoveries of recent years who are scrawny and angular in api cTYi!jf*5nt:pH and everv one who wants ind put on flesh. Where it is simply desired to gaii durance and increase the firmness c mend that you take Nuxated Iron e of new red blood corpuscles, Nuxat< and run-down people often in two a Call at once for your free $1.00 ] Tablets together with bottle of Nu> TWO FOR THE ] $2.10 Valu' 141 INORF.DS OF THOUSANDS DIE BEFORE (M/IDSUJMMER?GIRLS GIVEN AWAY AND BOYS SOLD FOI* TWENTY TO THIR TY CENTS Shanghai, China, June 1.?Six million people, out of a population! of twenty-seven million in the province of Hunan are starving and hundreds of thousands are certain to die before midsummer, according to estimates of mission workers there.. Literally thousands have fallen, never to rise, in the fields and by the roadsides. The bodies of the dead are? stripped by the emaciated survivors and the pitiful rags that clothed the corpses sold for the few brass coins they may bring with which to buy a handful of rice. One missionary of th? Augustini an order, writing from Yuachow, said: "This afternoon I called upon a once prosperous family and found them eating. Each had a bowl of boiled grass and in each bowl weie a few grains of rice. The rice in all the bowls of the entire family would not fill a full taJblespoon. It breaks my heart to see this people dying with no possible help, as the funds we have received are sufficient only to aid a very limited number." In one part of the famine belt, the last dreadful resort of the starving, cannibalism, is being prac ticed, according to Ma Ling Yi, for mer minister of education at Peking. Girl children are being given away on the mere promise that they will be fed and boys a re sold at from twenty to thirty cents apiece. SENATE ADDS $50,000,000 TO WAR APPROPRIATION Washington, June l.__The annual war department appropriation bill carrying $333,1072,00^0 was report-. L.. *4.~ ed today to tne senate uy ii.a priations committee. The measure a? it is returned to the senate is $49, 985,000 larger than as it was passed by the house but approximately $40,000,000 under the. estimates for the coming year's expenditures. Watch the label on your paper. CAKE i a good dinner with le opportunity is now ared to serve our or from the Country INNER EVER Restaurant on South ,sh is homemade and fEW CAFE e - - * South Main St. 4, Proprietor. CijCJJCJJliiiCiJcilCiJcilCiJCiJDilCiJCiJCilCllDiJDilCiJCilCilCilCiJCiJCiiQU*"' 1G COMPANY END SPECIAL ULAR $1.00 PACKAGE OF E YEAST VITAMINE TABLETS. ITH EVERY PACKAGE JXATED IRON TABLETS e Vitamines unless you want to in lets (one of the most remarkable ;) are simply wonderful for women )earance and men who are thin and 5 something to help increase weight 1 greater strength, energy and en if your flesh and tissues, we recom ?nly. By helping to create millions id Iron greatly helps weak, nervous veeks' time. sackaere of Genuine Yeast Vitamine :ated Iron. PRICE OF ONE e for $1.00. r.l I. . .. .1 B . I. - . ? .. . ^1. 1 v v V LOWNDES VILLE V \ > Married at Anderson May 24, by Dr. J. E. White, Miss Mattie Lee Harper and Mr. W. Hampton Bonds both of Lowndesville. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harper and the groom is the popular cashier at the Lowndes ville Bank. They are at hom& at the residence of Mr. A. M. Bonds where they are receiving the con gratulations of their many friends. Dr. Wendell Latimer is at home for a few days from Emory Univer sity. He will return next week to attend the commencement exercises when he will receiv? his diploma in medicine. Prof. J. F. Harper spent several days in Greenwood last week at tending Lander College commence ment. Mrs. Ethel Sr>eer Sieornann of Blackstocks is on a visit to her broth ers, Messrs. Mark and Gordon Speer. Mr. R. S. Garner has gone to Ala bama Gity, Ala., where he has a position with the Dwight Manufac turing Co. Mrs. Garner and the chil_ dren will join him in a few weeks and will make their home in that city. Friends of Mrs. Camille Lemmon of Atlanta will ibe pleased to know that she has accepted a position with an insurance company at And erson and will (begin her work at once. Little Miss Louise Huckabee is in Greenwood on an extended visit to her grandfather, Rev. R. W. Barber. Miss Ida Bell Gilleland of Iva is the guest of her cousin, Miss Alice Hardin. Dr. P. E. Harrison and Mr. R. S. Link of Abbeville were business visitors here a few days ago. Mrs. Frank Bonds has returned from an Anderson hospital with her little daughter, Addie Keys, who is recovering from her serious illness. Mr. and iMrs. J. W. Allison of Ridgeland have been recent guests of Rev. and Mrs. Ballenger. The pupils of tho Lowndesville graded school are taking their final examinations this week. The school will close Monday night." Tho pro gram has been published in this paper. * Mrs. J. B. Moseley has gone to Chester on a visit to relatives. Misses Lucile Kirkpatrick and Laurene Cook are at home from Winthrop College for the summer vacation. Mr. tieorge Bell has gone to Hartsville to assist his mother in making preparations to move to Tuxedo, N. C. Mrs. Bell and Miss Louise Bell will spend this week in town with friends before going to their new home. Mrs. Ella Nance has been spend, ing the past few days with Mrs. He-nry Carlisle of Diamond Spring. Mrs. Willie Smith is spending this week in Anderson and Belton on business. Mr. and Mrs. Keys Harper and Keys, Jr., of Pendleton spent the week-end with relatives. Misses Laurene and Martha Cook are the. guests of Mrs. H. M. Schum pert during commencement. mr. i. j. cowman ana son, o. Keys Bowman, were ibusiness visit ors in Abbeville during the week. Mrs. Boozer Bonds has returned from Anderson where she has been for some time nursing a patient. Mrs. D. K. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey have gone to Rock Hill to attend the commencement exercises of Winthrop College. Our town has two graduates from this institution this year, Misses Alice and Kathleen Cooley. Dr. James Latimer of Ande-rson has been on his weekly visit to his little son, Toddy. Mrs. W. T. Cunningham is in Anderson under the treatment of Dr. Nardin, for ?ar trouble. Mrs. T. D. Cooley, who has been oAnfirtnr? fn lior rnnrvi fnr cuwotqI days, is somewhat improved. Mx*. and Mrs. Motte Barnes aad family of Anderson are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Barnes. Mr. Rofoert Grant of Midway died very suddenly May 28, after a long illness. The deceased was about 58 years of age and a faithful mem ber of the Baptist church. He mar_ ried Miss Emma Daniel, who pre ceded him to the grave several years ago. He leaves on? sister, Mrs. J. A. Safrroeder of Abbeville, and several The Ros< Four Stores Dry Good In every gathering Clothes is the convei find that ROSENBI 11 M. 1 arc wen rcpreseniea Our records sho\ dred and fifty-three Abbeville are wearii Dresses. Each week we re and we do not sell Dresses we sell are Dolly Varden and turers of high class and our prices are n Next week we 1 new numbers in DOTTED SW DOTTED VC ORGANDIE ? VV ?j WAiM IUU 1 i No obligation The Rose iPiriPirir IdOuuO V V V V PENNEY'S CREEK V V \>\>\ \ > >>>>\\> Misses Anna Bell Ellenburg, lone Rogers, lone Myers and John Wil liam Rogers spent Monday after, noon with Miss Annie Price. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rogers and children worshipped at Little Mountain Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Craw ford. ? Mr. Vivian Price of Monterey spent Sunday with his cousins, John and Nick Price. Mr. George Hodge, Adger Hodge onrl r?Vn'1Hrpn onrl TVTic:c TVTnp PninOP ' spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rogers. Mrs. M. L. Williams spent Sunday with he.r daughter, Mrs. J. F. Ellen burg. Mrs J. F. Rogers spent Saturday' afternoon with Mrs. W. C. Rogers. Born May 18, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Ozie Ellenburg, a daughter. TRAINMEN TO ESTABLISH SANITARIUM FOR T. B. Toronto, June 1.?Treatment for every member of the Brotherhood of ; Railway Trainmen troubled with tub-1 erculosis will be provided January 1 through a plan endorsed by the broth erhood in session here. The plan calls for a $1,000,000 fund to be used in establishing a sanitorium and for a surplus fund to provide treatment in the meantime A monthly assessment of 25 cents per member, will be made beginning September 1. The brotherhood hopes to be ready to proceed with the building of the cnni+nrmm after the next convention which under the plan must take final action on the proposal. sons and daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral exercises were! conducted by Rer. H. G. White at Midway Baptist church in the pres ence of a large circle of friends and relatives. J izrazniffliE^ jnberg Men Department Stores M Abbeville, S. C. L Ci Id CHV1C of women if rsation, you will lRG'S Dresses L v that one hun women living in ig our Summer ceive new styles, 4. ? i/wu nit; made by Co-Ed, I other manufac Ready-to-Wear, loder&te.. will show some ISS. ULE, md SILK. 0 SEE THEM. to buy. mberg Merc aHaMBimnMnnffl V V V V V V V V V V V V ' V ' V FAIRFIELD . < In Mi*, and Mrs. Calvin White o Greenwood and Mr. B. N. Tolber of Beulah spent Sunday with Mi and Mrs. T. A. Tolbert and familj | W. R. Bowen spe-nt Saturda; night with F. B. Cook. Messrs. E. C. and Carl Younj 1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A ! W. Young and family of Pucketts. J. A. Young spent Sunday wit! Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Crawford. Reese Young spent Sunday witl W. R. Bowen. A number of young people fron this community attended the schoo exercises at Lethe Wednesday night. i J. A. Brown sp&nt Friday with T F. Langley. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wiley o | Lethe, Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Younj | and children, Mr. and Mrs. D. A Young were the guests of Mr. am Mrs. S. T. Young and family Sun day. Miss Lena Spence spent a fe^ days last week with her cousin, Mis; Julia Belle Beauford. Misses Maggie Woodhurst ant May Bello Young spent Tuesda; night with Mrs. D. A. Young. Mrs. E. . Young spent Saturda; afternoon with Mrs. M. A. Bowen. Mrs. J. A. Brown and daughter Helen, sent Friday with Mr. an< Mrs. R. A. Crawford. Misses Alma and Irene Y*unj spent Sunday afternoon with Misi Lyndelle Young. This community was saddenet last Wednesday over the suddei death of Mrs. R. H. Beauford, wh< died at her home near Bethia. Mrs Beauford had been In poor healtl for some time and suffered a strok< of paralysis Tuesday afternoon an< died Wednesday .morning at ' o'clock. She was 55 years old an< was a member of the Long Cam church. She was a christian womai and none knew her <but to love her she was ever ready to do a kin< | deed for some one, always oarr,ie< antile Co. anv Denartments ! antile Co. iyMifisifiuyiifiyafafiifi WANTS FOR SALE?A slightly used Da Mower and rake at a bargain. ? Frank Smith, Abbeville. 6, 2-' r* FOR SALE?Choice fat cow a ? young bull in prime condition 1 beef. ? Phone I. Mrs. D. A. Roger THE GRADUATE?Something J the graduate you can get it at 1 ECHO. . 5, 29t POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE?Po: a Rico potato slips for sale, pull 1 fresh from the bed as order< t R. S. McComb, Phone 405. 5,12t Virgin Mary is mentioned or six times in the Bible, two of th< ? indirectly. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINI and GLASSES Accurately Fittc DR. L. T. HILL, Abbevll i a smile for all. 'Tia hard for us part with our loved ones, but o j loss is Heaven's gain. We cam s call this dear one back but there one sweet consolation, we can go 1 her. Think not of her as being do) i in the cold clay, but happy in H< j vem with loved ones to await o . coming. 1 Mrs. Beauford is surviv?e?d ' 2 her husband, two sons, and a daug 1 ter and one brother and a host I other relatives to mourn her s 1 J&ath. We extend our heartf 2 sympathy to each of these in th l dark hour of bereavement. M , they find comfort in the Loud "W i is both able and willing to keal t i broken hearts.