r.iua ruuK WANTS \ FOR RENT?VV. A. Rowell house on North Main Street. Possession af ter April 1st. Apply at Planters Bank. 3, 24 tfc ts * EAT WITH ME?Breakfast servec x* 7.1C n.'-nnav t9'AZk' Siinnor ai dU tiu. JL/UtllVl XM |-SV ) to. 7:15. - tf. 34 S. Main St. Mrs. D. A. Rogers, POTATO PLANTS?The pure and . improved Porto Rico Yams. Millions ready April 1st. $1.50 per 1,000; 4,000 up $1.25 per thousand. Cash with order. F. F. STOKES, 3, 31. 9tpd. Fitzgerald, Ga. COME to Abbeville and get your Boll Weevil Killer March 29, 30, 31; April 1st. Lowndesville April 4th; Calhoun Falls April 6th. Boll Weevil Killer Co. 3, 22-5tc / We are the EVERSHARP Pencil ser vice store all EVERSHARP parts are renewable. We have them also full line of Eversharp pencils and lead. THE ECHO. 3, 13tf. PUR MAN WINS DEBATE Students From Oklahoma Insti tution Lose Greenville, March 30.?By unani mous decision of th^ judges, Pur man univeristy today won over Ok lahma Baptist university in a de bate on the advisability of the fed eral government enacting legislation embodying the principles of the Kan sas industrial court law, Furman up holding the negative. / V OPERA HOUSE V V THURSDAY and FRIDAY V APRIL 6th and 7th V V Cecil B. DeMille's Production V V "FOOL * S PARADISE" V ' ^ V Matinee each Day at _ 3:15 V V.. 15 Cents 35 Cents V i NIGHT ?':20 * V Admission: 25c and 50c V VVVVVVV A V vvvvv Spartanburg dells Bono* Spartanburg, March 30.?Spar tanlbuig county officials today sold $110,000 of five per cent funding bonds to a Nashville, Team., firm for par and a premium of $1,325. There were 13 bids, all above par. K * V MONTEREY LOCALS V v: v R. L. Speer is attending court in Abbeville this week. Miss Lucile Speer of Anderson spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Charlie Gibert. G. W. Price and J. L. Sutherland were visiting in Abbeville Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Sutherland is spending this week near Lowndesville with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sutherland. Miss Sallie Sutherland and Miss Lorine Smith of Calhoun Falls spent the week-end with Miss Lucile Sutherland. Monie Napier spent Tuesday night with Glenn and J. B. Sutherland. Every Men IS THE All BAPTIST SUI SUNDAY< IF YOU AR] ....BE 1 IF YOU ARE N ....YOU ARI cWiri NORTHERN AND SOUTHE [ GOVERNMENTS MEET IN L< DON?IMPORTANT STEP Ti EN FOR PEACE?AGREEME FOUND IN SHORT TIME London, March 30.?Wins ; Churchhill, the imperial secret for the colonies, announced torn in the house of commons the te: of the most important agreement reached between the representati of the northern and southern g / c ernments in Ireland for ibring a'bout pea;e in the strife torn co try. The agreement, which was re* ed with unexpected expedition at conference between delegates of Irish groups and representatives the imperial government, far tra cends in importance the pact rived at between Michael Colli head of the provisional governm* and Sir James Craig, the Ulster j mier, at an earlier stage in the ne tiations. It provides for the reorganizat of the police in Ulster on a t>? satisfactory to the religious lea ings of the people of the north i the south; for trial of per? charged with serious offenses b; special court composed of the hi; est justices; for general cooperat between the north and the south a most promising character and assistance from the Britisk , pari ment to remedy the unen/ploymi difficulties in Belfast, which rend eu uie tanynig vui/ wi wv Craig-Collins pact almost impossil The fact that the representati of the Dublin, Belfast and impel governments set their signatures such an agreement as is regarded political circles as the most sign cant and weighty happening sii the Jrish treaty was signed. 1 conference sat throughout the wh of the day, but there always wa most hopefal and cheerful. sp manifested by all those participat in it. . LOST MONEY ON SHIPS Canadian Government Millions * The Hole Ottawa, Ont., March 30.?The < nadian government lost $2,210/ m operating its merchant marine 1921, excluding depreciation t interest charges. Interest owed 1 government for 1921 was $3,3E 833. Depreciation was figured 44 1J>Q 77K -ffvr +Yi? vpjvr y^,4.vv,. are used. A list of beet producing seed was given and the succession of vegetables for a perunnial garden. The product for co-operative mar keting was discussed and a demon station of the blackberry jam mak ing was given by Mrs. Gibbons. A good crowd was present and the new .president, Mrs. John M. Wham, presided... At the close of the meet ing Mrs. Magill served a sweet course. Mrs. Henry Carlisle, Secretary. JUST A DOG IS "PAL" IN "FOOL'S PARADISE' He's just a dog and his name is "Ual" but for all of that he is one of the imost talented actors on the screen. Cecil B. De Mille, Paramount producer, recently< paid tribute to "Pal's ability as an actor. The dog plays an important part in the story of "Fool's Paradise," the latest De Mille production which will be shown at :he opera house April 6 and 7, Thursday and Friday. "That dog has more ability than many human 'beings Who think t.hey are potential screen stars,"'said Mr. De Mille. "He obeys instantly, does Sta D. R. 1 I by Abt what is required of him and does it well?and he never complains. "That's more than I can say for some screen actors. "Pal" is never sensitive about his place before the camera; matters of wardrobe, make up and lighting do no^ bother him or his work. He is always willing and always ready." "Pal" appears in many scenes | in 1 with Dorothy DaJton,. Conrad Nagel, for Theodore Kosk>ff, Clarence Burton and George Fields. In the story, the dog is the property of the character portrayed by Conrad Nagel. He is temporarily blinded and "Pal" as sumes the duties of piloting his (blind master. "Pal" as not vicious, tout 'he takes this work with deadly seriousness. "Fool's Paradise" exhibits a re znarkable cast which includes Doro thy Dalton, Mildred Harris, Conrad Nagel, Theodore Kosloff, John Davidson, Julia Faye, Clarence Bur ton, George Fields, Jacqueline Logan Kamuela Searles and other notable players. Arid deserts of western Australia are being irrigated by artesian wells. Farmers Education and Co-opera tive Union of Kansas is the largest j per co-operative institution in the world.]con v.-; .... LA FOR 1 ONLY TEN MO Dont Delay You: t THANKS. We would li our opening. It proves aga We will guarantee delive not wait until the last bell 1 .. * ... tne present time, every sun AMERICAN WOOLEN MIL Again we would like to empta are arriving daily and the mills season, such as tweeds, homespu: AMERICA! Jas. W. Ladd, Mgr. 9 Washington Str< BnizianianiiUiUit^ CURRELL WILL SPEAK . ad of University Will Be Heard l? Tm*. Troy, March 30.?Dr. W. S. Cur 1, president of the University of nth Carolina will deliver an ad jss before the School Improvement lociation of Troy neoct Monday jht in the Associate Reformed esbyterian church at 8 o'clock, e program committee thinks it ry fortunate in securing Dr. Cur 1 for an addre6s and his coming being looked foward to with much lasure. Every one in the town and nmunity is being Invited to come d hear this distinguished educa United States has approximately per cent of .the railway mileage of world. MASTER'S SALE j, te of South Carolina, I, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. L." BARNES, Plaintiff, against T. MARTIN, Defendant. !y authority of a decree of Sale the Court of Common Pleas for >eville County, in said State, madfe Jie above stated case, I will offer sale, at public outcry, at Abbe 2 C. E, 8. Cn on Salesday in il A. D. 1922, within the legal rs of sale the following describ !and, to wit: All that tract or par of land situate, lying and being Lowndesville Township, Abbeville mty, in the State aforesaid, part tvithin and partly without the fhpnsterto rnrnorate limits of the n of Lowndesville, containing ut Four Hundred and Ninety it and six-tenths (498.6) Acres, re or less, and bounded on the thy W. L. Kennedy, John Bonds, Tim Rampey and Schumpert; on east by Rocky River and lands W. L. Kennedy on the South by W. Harper, E. J. Huckabee, Er- j t Barnes, Ben Wilson and by :ky River and on the West by Jim :din, A. M. Bonds, John W. Me la, T. C. Liddell and Schum t and being the same real estate veyed unto R. T. Martin by D. L. I .J - i? -^ Aj,. ?. 9. HAT EASTER 'REWORKING DAYS r Easter SUIT Anot: rv-nTknn Tm xt/^vttt UIVL;jliIV 11 IN KJ vv. iS ii THE A. W. M. < SPEC! An Actual $ "It's the Talk of the OTHER LEADER* $22.50, $25.00 $ / ke to express our appreciation f in that the public knows values ..SPECIAL NOTICE ry on all orders left with us on ings. While our tailor shops a , will be carefully tailored " in LS GO; manner. isize that our assortment of suitings is really cannot supply us fast ^nough, ns, pencil and chalk stripes, and herrii i WOOLEN 1 Leo setv . , Muzrazjzianuz^^ Barnes by deed dated 2nd January 1 1920. ' ? _ Terms of Sale?One-third (J.-3) Cash, balance on a credit of one and N two years, the credit portion to be evidenced by the bond of the pur chaser secured by a mortgage of the 1 premises which bond and mortgage i shall bear interest at the rate of j eight per cent per annum and con taining the usual clauses for insur- ] ance and attorneys fees for collec- ] tion with the option however to the ( purchaser to pay all cash. , That the purchaser shall pay Into the hands of the Master within one hour of such sale the sum of Onq Thousand (1,000) dollars on the pur chase price of said lands and that if he fails to pay such amount on his bid, the said,premises will be resold in one hours time-on the same terms and conditions and at the risk of the former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. THOS. P. THOMSON, Mar. 6, 1922 Master A. C. S. C. Fertilizer HIOH Gl FERTIL bu,lt up i (R?0. U. B. Pat. C FOR SA] R. S. LINK, .. J.R.WINN, .. . SPEER & BOND 0B A ' _ ... 5*? ( . r I CI m > 1 ;;r , v J al TO ORDER / >30 Value ToWn" f ' 5 $20.00, 127.50, $30.00 i ' I '