The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 20, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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as, Xocal flewe : personals : %r ' -J W. T. Strawhorn of Santuc wj ip t#"Wi Saturday, T. 0. Fant of Cold Springs was i towm today on business. N. B. Caidwell of Antreville wf in oh business Saturday. J. A. Nance of Monterey was visitor in town Saturday. County Engineer Humbert sper ' Sunday with his home people at J ' i - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kennedy c BeDevue was in town Friday. ; i ^ n ' i 1 Mrs. S. O.Botte of Central was visitor in town Friday. W. E. Morrison of Santuc was business visitor in town Saturday. J!> JrV */f' ' HjVnAv A# ClVoWAM TOO a iuiva vx vuotva n?u visitor in town Saturday. Dr. P. B. Carwile of Cold Sprint was in town Saturday on business. Frank Kerr of Cedar Springs wt f in the city or business Saturday. >/r, " Miss Lila McCaslan spent Sunda in Elberton with Mrs. C. W. Chant ler. V * Andrew Cathcart of Winnsboi spent the week-end with Wayma . Ellis. M. T. Coleman is in St. Louis th week getting - his new sprin samples* , , .?/ , -r . .. Mrs. Gog Baskin and son of Sen< ; ca are in tie city visiting Miss Ma Ito-bertson. Mrs. Henry Hill and Miss Howar Hill visited friends in Anderson Sa1 urday. Miss Virginia Cochran spent th week-end in Antreville with he parents. (Mrs. W. T. Sanders of the Beth< section Was in town shopping Satui B: dSy F s5 Bishop Finlay preached to large congregation at the Episcop* church Sunday night. James and. Henry Taggart froi nebr HcCormick were business vis tors in the city Saturday. Misses Lura McKinney and Sara Mundy of Greenwood spent the wee end here with Mr. and Mrs. W. t. Mundy. Mrs. Jas. Orion Crowley left Sur day for Carrolton. Ga., to visit ht parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ma> nard. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomson Holling: worth of Raleigh, N. C., spent th week-end with' Mr. and Mrs. M. I Hollingsworth. Mrs. Gertrude Sign came up froj Columbia an4 spent Sunday wil s. E. ctfSemphill on South Mai treet. [, = . J Mr. and Mrs. James Cox were hei Sunday spewing the day with Mr Jennie Co^ TJv^r came an just ahea of the Miss Willie McLane came dew from the Woman's College at Dc West and spent the week-end wit her home people. Miss Celeste Kay. is in town wit Mr. and Mrs. Qoode Thomson, Jr nfter a visit of several weeks wit Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kay of Ridgi way. Miss Howard Hill of South Mai street has secured a position wi1 Moore-Wilson in Anderson and wi make her home in that city durin the spring sea3?n. S. A. Cochran of the Fonville sec tion was in town todry. Boy Pressley of Sharon was in town on business Saturday. J. C. Nickles of Central was a business visitor in town today. Miss Sallie Sue Ri'.mey of Sharon spent Friday night ii. the city with Miss Julia McAllister. Misses Zula Suber, Hattie Lou Haddon and Margaret Turner of AntreTille were in the city Saturday Chopping. Mrs. M. B. McCutcheon left for her home in Bishopville Saturday [ aner spenuuig svuwwmc ncic- mui I her sister, Mrs. Roy Gilleland. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reynolds, Jr., of Sumter are in the city visiting Mrs. Giberfe Evans and Mrs. George Shelor. Miss Julia Schwerin, who has been spending th? winter with her sister, Mrs. Sol Rosenberg, return ed to her home in Sumter Friday. Mrs. N. A. Voyles, Miss Evelyn Voyles and Harold LaBoone of And erson spent Sunday in the city with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. M. LaBoone. Miss Evelyn remained over for a visit of a week. BI^TH ANNOUNCEMENT V Born to Mrs. Clyde Yoder, March 17, 1922, a son. MARK FERGUSON DIES V OPERA HOUSE V V THURSDAY and FRIDAY V V v March 23rd and 24th V V RUDOLPH VALTINO and V is Sleeping Sickness Proves Fatal To. Chester fiian Chester, March 17.?Mark Fergu-'* son, after two weeks' battle with sleeping sickness, died tonight at 9 o'clock at Pryor's hospital. He was 28 years old. Specialists were called in, bat nothing could be done. This was the first' case of sleeping sick ness this city has ever had. ;s' Mr. Ferguu was one of this se: g tion's highly esteemed youn-< men. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. Ferguson; three sis ters, Mrs. Rcflt>ert Hardin, Mrs. Er nest Hardin and Miss Colie Fergu son and one bother, W. Haskell Fer guson. . - V AGNES AYRES in V 'THE SHEIK" V Matinee Each Day at 3:15 V 15c. ADMISSION .35c. V NIGHT 8:20 V Admission: 25c and 50c CORN BEEF AND CABBAGE SERVED FOR FIFTEEN CENTS Chicago, March 17.?A wager made a year ago by Michael F. Ma loney, for twenty years manager of a large downtown restaurant, that if Ireland became a free state with in a year he would serve corn beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's day for 15 cents, was fulfilled today. A special dispensation from the pope has eliminated the day from the list of fast days during the len ten season. We have a car of Block Coal at a low price AMOS B. MORSE CO. ....SPECIAL.... OPERA HOUSE i< Tuesday and Wednesday March 21 and 22nd ('CREATION" As it was the beginning? First of the Series of Old Testament Narratives See the Bible in Pictures. i Special Matinee Tuesday afternoon 3:15 for all. ?ADMISSION? School Children ... 10c Ail Others . 15c and 25c I SOCIETY I 53 fp] DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Mrs. C. E. Williamson entertained ;he younger set at a pleasant dance it her home on Greenville street on Friday night. Mrs. J. D. Kerr, Mrs. T. A. Hill and Mrs. W. W Bradley vere the chaperones for the occasion. BRIDGE CLUB Miss Plevna Seal entertained the Bridge Club at her home on North Main street Friday afternoon a? 4 D'clock. After a pleasant hour at bridge a delicious salad course was 3erved. THE BOOK CLUB The Book Club will., meet with Mrs. Jones Miller Wednesday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. This will be an afternoon on Ten nyson, in view of the coming par lor lecture on "Th? Holy Grail" by Dr. W. S. Currell of the University, which will be given Friday after noon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wm. P. Greene. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Sarah Cowan celebrated her fourteenth birthday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cheatham on Saturday afternoon. Dainty little misses played ,rook at ive tables. The score cards were of 3t. Patrick's design?a four-leaf clo ser hand-painted in the center. AAi. 11.. Alter nic gtt{uea <t ucuguuui minv. rourse was served the guests present. RAMEY-POORE. Miss Mildred Ramey and Mr. J. N. Poore were married in Green rille Wednesday, March 15th at 12 >'clock and left immediately for a rip to Texas And other points of int erest. Upon their return they will nake their home in Greenville where tfr. Poore is a successful business nan. . ./ ' The bride is a daughter' if Mr. ind Mrs. Hill Ramey, formerly of Abbeville, and has many friends and elatives in this county who wish for ler much happiness. BABE "BUSTS" A BALL v AT NEW ORLEANS New York, March v 17.?Some where outside the fence enclosing :he Yankee baseball team's practice field at New Orleans tier? was today i bruised and bettered sphere. It reached its location and condition by loming in contact with Babe Ruth's bat yesterday afternoon, and it had hho ffiaHnr>tivvn of Jvp,inp' the first ball Babe has "busted" this year -when the bases were clogged with run ners. I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. ? Court of Common Pleas. Ex Parte: J. J. Walker, Petitioner. re: Martha V. Walker. Petition asking for appointment of J. F. Miller, Judge of Probate as Public Guardian. To Ail Parties Concerned: Take Notice, that the undersigned is attorney for J. J. Walker, peti noner, will on the 28th day o<f March 1922 at 11 o'clock a. m. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, petition the Honorable John S. Wil *on, presiding judge of eighth judicial Circuit, at Abbeville, South. Caro ina, to appoint J. F. Miller, Probate r..j? - -r ? ,vi :n~ r> +<* C/Mif > luuge ui wuiu/, *svr Carolina, public guardian for Mar :ha V. Walker an elderly person, ind who is non compos mentis. That ;he petitioner herein is the son of :he said Martha V. Walker, and that he said Martha V. Walker, has in ler name four hundred and twenty (420) acres of land and has in her lame twenty three hundred. $2300. ju) aoiiars in casn in tiie dhhk ui !)ue West, S. C? and other personal jroperty to be the amount of which s to be ascertained by the public guardian so appointed. That no fit, suitable or competent jerson can be found who is willing to ict as guardian of the above men noned, Martha V. Walker, and that >he has no general or testamentary guardian. \ J. MOORE MARS,. Attorney for Petitioner. Vlar. 18, 1922. , . . 2t. 27. Appointed Postmaster at Troy The President sent to the Senate yesterday afternoon the nomination of Mollie \V. Tittle to be postmaster at Troy. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION ?OF THE? - COUNTY SAVINGS BANK located at Abbeville, S. C., at the close of business March 10, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $$66,939.96 Overdrafts ? 11,408.12 Furniture and Fixtures-_ 7,098.96 Banking House 15,000.00 Due from Banks and Bank ers Gun-ency Gold _ Silver and other Minor 17,236.89 1,058.00 115.00 Coin Checks and cash items. _ Other Resources 365.50 413.7T 1,661.39 TOTAL $111,297.53 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In __ $25,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check. $30,443.60 Savings deposits. 3,879.06 Time certificates of deposit 13,309.50 Cashier's Checks _ 165.37 47,797.53 Notes and Bills Rediscount . ed ? 2,000.00 Bills Payable, including Cer tificates for Money Bor- .. rowed 36,500.00 TOTAL $111,297.53 State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Before me came R. E. Cox, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworp, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. R. E. COX. Sworn to and subscribed before me this i20th day'of March 1922. Yf. D. WILKINSON, N. P., S. C. Correct Attest: ' R. E. COX ^ G. A. NEUFFER D. H. HILL, Directors. Not a week passes th New Spring Goods s Our store is fu are better prepared public. SUITS?E) , that is worn. COATS?I new sp DRESSES terials we bel: mansh: quotinj SKIRTS?] to choc WAISTS? Cantor ety. HATS?On j the ne\ Our 'buper has e large quantities and \ rrtiiv i-nc?r\n/Tfiri"n en nr\ J UUi HADDOfi POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman from Ward Two, subject to action of democratic pri mary election. J. M. GAMBREDL. Watch the label on your paper. / IN SPRING AND S || 1NG, SHOES ar g+\ Men dS5P I in pr ' Men , ion i / gar Men's and Boys' Gaps from Men's Hats from D. POLI ABBEVIL ething 1 ery We tat we fail to receive a sh traight from the v6ry bea II of the Newest Spring 1 than ever before to meet ; i /ery model that is new, e^ worthy and every color th )istinctive models and col ort coats or more quiet m< -A greajt variety in the se and colorings are-being sli ieve you cannot equal eitt ip or material, at the pric< Plenty of the new styles a >se from. -A lovely assortment of \ de Crepe, Pongee, in deli tr Millinery Department vest at very low prices. ixerted himself more thai - n _ i 3 l veiling ine ueu roeK prices me in and get your choic< [-WILSON CC Just Received a Car of ^ R. E. COX MaiMuimrtiiiHfuuMiiinniiii.iiMiiHfiiimuuiiittii \r- i? V cUUCS UMMER id OXFORDS. 's and Young Men's Suits the latest styles. Prices H 2.50, $18.50 and $25.00 's Oxfords in all ces from $3.50 to es' Oxfords prices from 1.98 to $3.50a pair. 's Dress Shirts from $1.00 to 's Work Panis from > $2.50. 's Dress Pants from i $6.00. T rery fabric at is being ors in the odels. ipment of beautiful t style producers. " V Merchandise and we ! the demands of the , ason's ma lown, which ler m worK 3s we are nd fabrics w m M rt-- ^ i i,:?? t . i Georgette, ghtful vari : + ? always has 1 ever by buying in i. They are here for