The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 15, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WtiLMN&iSi/Al, iu K===^ Xocal flews : personals : Mrs. J. A. Woodhurst is spending the day in Atlanta. D. H. Hill spent yesterday ir Greenwood 'on business, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kay of Hones Path were in town Tuesday. Cecil Cromer left Tuesday foi Winnsboro on a business trip. I. A. Keller of Long Cane was in town on business Wednesday. (Miss Pearl Nicskles of Hodges is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Evans. I J. A. King of Cold Springs was a business visitor in town Tuesday. V. D. Murchison of Due West was a business yisitor in the city Wednes day. Mrs. Lila Mabry is spending the week on Greenville street with Mrs Gordon White. Mrs. George Mcllwain and Mrs, Albert Mcllwain of Due West were shopping in the city yesterday. Irvin Cleckley of Lowndesville was a business visitor in Abbevilife Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomson and Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham spent Tuesday in Greenwood. I Mrs. N. P. Milford of Santuc is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Prue Blanchett on South Main street. Messrs. Will and R. H. Banks of Plum Branch and Harper \Voods of Chester were business visitors in Ab beville Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Clinkscales of Monterey accompanied by her little grand daughter, Vivian Clinkscales, was in town shopping today. The Misses Hemmingway of Wil lington were in the city today look ing at thje new spring styles in our millinery stores. Miss Kathleenn Lomax, a student of the high school, is confined to her home sear Pratt's station with a case of mumps. " Miss Mary Reid Moore came home today from Winthrop College to spend several days with her par ents, Senator and Mrs. Howard Moore. Mrs. liila Mabry is spending this week with Mrs. T. G .White. Mrs. Mabry is recovering from a case of ' grip and it is hoped the change will be beneficial. George S. Lewis was in town to day from Lowndesville. Mt. Lewis ia a farmer and savs he does not expect to plant (but about six acres of cotton to the mule, but will wort and fertilize that well. County Engineer Humbert and Supervisor L. W. Keller have re % . turned from Columbia where thej appeared tbefire the Highway Com mission in an endeavor to get fed eral aid for the road from Andersor to the McCormick County line bj way of Lowndesville. Every day in the five years an av erage of 2173 persons joined the various churches of America. VVVV\VV V V VVVVV V OPERA .HOUSE V IMUK3UA i ana r niu/\ i V March 23rd and 24th V RUDOLPH VALTINO and : V AGNES AYRES in / V 'THE SHEIK" V Matinee Each Day at 3:15 V 15c. ADMISSION 35c. V. NIGHT 8:20 V, Admission:.. ,25c?nd 50c WW vuwU /:: ... .. . ,, Vvvwvvvvvvvvvv W V V NEWS OF CITY SCHOOLS V V \ vvvvvvvvvvvuv^ Unusual interest is manifest a I mong the teachers this session in the ! annual meeting of the State Teach : ers' Association which will be held ! Thursday, Friday and Saturday of i this week in Columbia. There are 16 of the teachers who expedt to at j | tend the sessions of the association. k i Most of them will leave this evening /for Columbia so that they may ob j serve in the Columbia City Schools J Thursday morning. The first ses sion of the association meets Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The teachers in addition to Supt. J. D. jFulp who will go to Columbia are: J. M. Daniel, A. R. Hafner, Rev. A. J. Derbyshire, Misses Sadie Magill, JEva West, Sue Porter, Annie M. Hill, Helen Turner, Alice Pugh, May Rob ertson, Harriet Coan, Lilla B. Ketch ; in, Thelma Ott, Eloise Phillips and Rosamonde .Dixon. There will be regular school for j! the pupils of the teachers who do not attend the association as the State j Board of Education recommends a i holiday only for those teachers who j attend the association. v Therefore, j classes will be held 'at the graded j school for the pupils of the following . teachers at the regular hours Thurs day and Friday: Miss Clyde Smith, Miss Rebecca Jones, Miss Cleo Mur , phv, Miss Mary Anderson and Miss /Esther Todd. Miss Smith will act as j principal in the absence of Miss May I Robertson. No classes will be held in the high school as all the teachers s! in that building will attend the asso ciation. The work at the Mill school I ' 'will be continued as usual. J? I In explanation of the brevity of .this month's honor roll published in ; this issue, the extremely wet days for a large part of the past month have j occasioned an abnormal amount of , tardiness and absences. Some of | these may have been unavoidable and it is regrettable that pupils making the fine grades as Miss Ada Perrin, for instance, should be deprived from j ,a place in the Hall of Fame, when : only Jupiter Pluvius was to blame. j Honor Roll For Sixth Month j First grade?Distinguished: Bowen I Paul, Willis Bruce, James Ferguson, j John Neuffer, Lewis Owen, Holman ; Smith, Harold Wilson, Margaret Du | Pre, Frances Evans, Martha Ed I monds, Allie Hicks, Celia Jone3, Car j oline McAllister, Evelyn King, Edna jSprouse, Elizabeth Roche, Blanding j Smith, \Harry Briggs Wilson, Helen I White, Winona Welsh. j Second grade?Highly distinguish ed: Rebecca Smith, Elizabeth Stefh 1 ens, Albert Gilliam, Claude 1 Harri son, Leon Staples, Sara Neuffer, Roy Tir:vi:L_ tj n:n a . vjiueiitnu, rviuiain nemy xiiii. aur laide Philson.. Distinguished: William j McAllister, Francis Welsh, Ralph Wil , son, Mildred McComb, Ida Gaston,! i Eva Poliakoff, Martha Tolbert. Third grade?Highly distinguish I ed: Eugenia Swetenburg. Distinguish jed: Mamie Lewis, Marnie Reese, Ed |win McCuen, Edward Roche, Guy , Botts, William Cheatham, Frank ! Dawson, Mary Maxwell, Dale Welsh, ij Fourth grade?Highly distinguish i ed: Martha Lewis, Ruth Mundy, j Mabry Miller, Helen Gambrell, Claud Neuffer, Martha Aiken. Distinguished 'Frances Johnson, Ladson Perrin, ! James Reynolds, Edwin Ramey, Mar garet Telford, Helen McCurry, Fran 'ices McComb, Lucia McCord, William _ j Martin. j Fifth grade?Highly distinguish ed: Henry Power. Distinguished: I Anne Smith, Emily Morse, Douglas Guy, Jack Sutherland, Harold Bell, r James Blessing, Sara Evans, William; I Dawson, Charlotte Reese, Sara Smith, Edna White. Sixth grade?Highly distinguished, I Martha Calvert, Susan Minshall, Adair Aiken, Jean Milford, Estelle Lyon, Minnie Ella Swetenburg. Dis tinguished: James Fulp, Mabel Brad j ley, Josephine Barnwell, Mary N. {Perrin, Mabel Richardson. [ Seventh grade?Highly distinguish i ed: James Graves, Edith Grubb, iLouise Uldrick. Distinguished: John Harrison, George Telford, Margaret Flynn, Alma Gaston, Anna Jones. HIGH SCHOOL Eighth grade?Highly distinguish ed: Rachel Minshall. Distinguished: ! Annie Jackson. Ninth grade?Highly distinguish jed: Fannie May Mundy. Distinguish (ed: Ellis Poliakoff, Allan Wilson, jVirginia Cochran, Frances Gilliam,' ,Lucy Highsmith, Mary Swetenburg, | ^I5JBJEHEISJ5J5JBJSJSJSI5IBJH15JBJBIBJSJ5EJ5J3J^| / SOCIETY r^M3f3M2jSJ3JSI5?DJI3Ii;'f31i3Ji3(n!l MERRIE MATRONS. Mrs. C. E. Williamson entertained the Merrie Matrons at her home on Greenville street on Tuesday after noon at the regular meeting of the club. Mrs. Williamson served a de lightful salad course with a sherbet ice after the games and had the fol lowing invited guests: Mesdames Fulp, Crowley, Sullivan: Kennedy and Miss Julia Mabry. M BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Plevna Seal. A PLEASANT MEETING Donalds, March 15.?On Thursday, February 24th the Woman's Auxili ary of Greenvale church enjoyed an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. W. O. Brownlee, president. In the morning our home mission study book "From Survey to Ser vice" was discussed, the discussion being led by the leaders of the cir cles: Mrs. A. F. Seawright, circle No. 2; Mrs. Harvey Drake, circle No. 1; Mrs. W. O. Brownlee, circle No. 3. Miss Florence Nickles, missionary to China had on display some Chinese garments, fancy work and curios. ' At 1:30 o'clock the guests were in vited into the dining room where an elegant three course dinner was served.. Miss Nickles afforded quite a bit of amusement using chop sticks. Circle -No. 3 under the^ direction of Mrs. Brownlee gave a pageant tii is di al sa te er P* ft B cl "The Door of Opportunity" at the close of the pageant all the charac ers carrying self, service, substance banners unfurled in front, stood while a season of prayer for the evangelistic, educational industrial and medical work of our seven fields is offered ?y Miss Nickles. A special offering was taken for Foreign Mis sions. Mrs. Brownlee indeed possesses the art of making all around her feel at ease and at home. We shall ever remember the day we spent with her pleasantly. Contributed GEO. DUSENBERRY ATTACKED Last night just after dark George Dusenberry was feeding stock at his home near Due West and as he step ped out of the barn some one came up behind him and struck him in the head knocking him down. Mr. Dusenberry was not seriously hurt. He does not know whether his as sailant was black or white, as it was dark, and after striking him the man ran away. Sheriff McLane has arrested Ben Steward and Mose Bo wen, colored, on suspicion, and is holding them in the county jail. vw vvuwvvuvv \ \ V SHILOAH V V \ W. L. Mundy, G. W. Mundy and J. A. ( Stevenson were visitors in Greenwood Saturday. Mr. Z. T. Young was shopping in Greenwood Saturday. Misses Virginia and Miriana Hun day spent. Sunday with Misses Eliza beth and Else Stevenson. Miss Je.?si& Mundy is visiting rela tives in Abbeville. Miss Helen Eakin spent the week end in Abbeville with relatives. Roy and Orien Mundy visited their sister, Mrs. Paul Mann, near Abbeville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mundy spent Sunday with Miss Lina Mcllwaine. T VflirmillinTi was n vicitnr in iUl? * WUilU?V(i T*MM M ? ?M*VVp Greenwood Monday. Mrs. J. A. Stevenson and children spent Monday in Greenwood. Butte, Montana, mining district has produced more than $1,000,000, 000 worth of metals, mostly copper. Jeanie White, Virginia Wilson. Tenth grade?Highly distinguished Alice Cheatham. Distinguished: Ray Swetenburg, Helen Cromer, Mary, Shaw Gilliam, Mary Jones, Deby Owen, Marion Wilson, Carolina Chal mers, Elizabeth Lyon. Eleventh grade?Highly dis tinguished: Ada Faulkner. Dis tinguished: Billy Long. i J. D. Fulp, Superintendent jjj V't MISSIONARY TO SPEAK iss Daisy Davies to Speak a Methodist Churcfh Miss Daisy Davies, who is one o e missionaries in employ of th ission Board of the Souther ethodist church, and who has re ntly been doing relief work in Pc nd, will speak at the Methodis lurch Friday evening at 8 o'clock iss Davies comes to bring us firsl ind information about the wor ir church is doing in the missio slds Is the Centenary makin >od? What is ibeing done with th oney? Is the need at present ui :nt? These and many other ques sns will be answered by her. Th? coming of this gifted woma of special in'terest to the Methc sts of Ahlbeville. Yet the work o 1 our churches is very much th me. Therefore an invitation is e> nded to all the people to be pres it. No collecton will be taken. This i urt of a general campaign of ir irmation conducted by the Missio oard of the Southern Methodu tUTCh. C. E. Peele. _ UBAN BOY WITH "BAILEY MIN5TRJE: With the Bailey .Minstrel comes >y who is a native born Cuban, an s is going to have a prominent pai i the performance. 'He will sing >pular song "Flor do Te" and pu F a few stunts which will be wort le price of admission alone. Bi ait that is not all whioh will mali u raise the roof with laughter, fo ey are going to give drill on th atrorm somewnat similar to in rill which they pulled off on th iblic square last year, only th rill is to be done by the tallei iy in the Battalion and the small it 'boy. They will look even wore an Mutt and Jeff doing the Mann of arms. These are only two o e many stunts which they wi ill off in their performance Thurs iy night, March 16. So bring th mily out and have the time o ?ur life. They are SPORT CO T < ; - and we come i the sto( \V7 we are geiux] day and are s lot received t Our Sprin expected, I at th& pric and take i We have mai are not menti The remains of Mr. Jim Cuddy, who died in Tennessee, were laid to rest Monday morning in Troy ceme tery. Funeral services were conduct ed at the grave by Rev. C. B. Betts and Rev. Foster Bradley. j~j Mr. Cuddy was once a resident of Troy and his death came as a shock to his many relatives and friends here. He is survived by his mother and one sister and a wife and two daughters. Andrew Woodhurst . of Bethia spent Sunday here with Edgar Woodhurst. i Miss Mildred Robinson of the Due I West college spent the week-end | with home folks. | Mrs. Sam Long and son and Mrs. | Will Lopg spent Monday with Mrs. | Lewis Beauford. iMr. Wallace^ a magician, gave a show in the school house Monday night. A large crowd gathered to see him. V OPERA HOUSE V V THURSDAY and FRIDAY V V March ,23rd and 24th V V RUDOLPft VALTWO .and V V AGNES; AY$ES in ' V V . "THE SHEIK" ' V V Matinee Each Day at 3:16 V V 15c. ADMISSION 35b. V V NIGHT 8:20 V V Admission: 25c and 50c V VV BIRTH NOTICE T> AfkV^llo 1 K j JLJKJl 11 J14 I fur wv f iUMAVU AV) w is)Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Turner, a son. st Born near Abbeville March 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Prue Campbell, a daughter. 4 BISHOP FINLAY COMING . Bishop Kirkman Finlay' will con duct services in the Episcopal church on n?xt Sunday evening, March* 19th! at 7:3D o'clock. W.'rrl ATS, SUITS and ; are selling them n and get yours ;k is broken. [ILLINER ig in New HATS showing them ever oday. g business so far is better because we have what you ie you are willing to pay. t look. ny novelties to she nrtorl here. There was a good crowd at >era house Tuesday nigbo to da Jones who is noted for laracter songs. The violin jns by Miss Beth Hamilton >od and the mystery man was slight of the children ancis Sutherland made ?ht hand man on the stage >wildered expression during irformance of the tricks was e price of 'admission. In a slate writing test Miss ilson, a nurse at the e honor of holding the t her trouble received the ation on the slate that on receive a letter. But the ystery was how the ADA JONES HERSELF Saturday, Oil Cloth. 5 YDS.-TO WATCH OUE anaiged to get Gottlob y what hie wanted him to ; wanted him to say. The show was under the Ametrcan Legion id $80 was realized. This ill be used to ub rooms in 1 Philson has his nfeme in irs across th^ display ore. srcviHLO even t SATURDAY. Cobb 5 & 10c St. DRESSES. too, so before J ? ' ; i Y almost every y day. New than we want and Come in >w you. that