auu 1 WOULD WOT ALLOW LAND 15 TO RESIGN Kcyretentitive Welty, of Ohio, Sajri (Impeachment Charges Pending Washington, Feb. 24.?Benjamin F. Welty, former Democratic mem ber of the house from the fourth Ohio district, made public today an ather letter to President Harding uiging that the resignation of Fed-I ??T.t/JirtPrt T WATTT KnTrtrO fllA I President, be not accepted. The former Ohio representative, who as a member of the last con gress sought to have Judge Landis impeached after he had accepted - the baseball arbitership, also made fitrt)lk a letter to Chairman Vol stead of the house judiciary com mittee in which he quoted the chairman as saying that the im peachment proceedings were still pending and were promising to call up the matter as soon as urgent legislation was out of the way. "There is no doubt that: the im peachment proceedings against Jodge Landis are still pending in 1 congress," Mr. Welty wrote in his letter today to the President," and I felt injustice to Judge Landis as well as to the public that the matter should be disposed of by congress. Judge Landis is either innocent or guilty." V ?SPECIAL? V V OPERA HOUSE V V FRIDAY and SATURDAY V \ "DON'T TELL EVERY- V < THING" , V V With Wallace Reid, Gloria V V Swanson and Elliott Dexter. V V Added?Snooky Comedy. V V "FOUR TIMES FOILED" V V 15 Cents 35 Cents V V Now Should She? Speede?Can your wife sing? Peppo?No; but she does.?"Top s of the Day" Films. SEWING?Circle No. 3 of the La dies Auxiliary of the--Methodist v.*#. church will do sewing at; a reason able rate. Children's earments ore ferred. Call Mrs. Charley McNeill, ^ phone 88. 11 Parke* iSt. ltc. j BUTTONS COVERED?To match 1 ' f r I I yoar dress. Mrs. V. M. Waters, 30 Wardlaw St., Phone 47. 2, 24, 3tcol. - 1 Write It On White & Wyckoff* Dis- * fcinctive Stationery?it is different. s THE ECHO. 6,2 tf. * MILK FOR SALE?Milk delivered I daily by 7:30 to 8 a. m., 15 cents ? per quart; also cream and butter. r J. Kay Carwile. Phone 229-31. a 2. l5--6t pd. EAT WITH ME?Next best thing to I eating is knowing WHERE to eat.! By the meal or regular board.! t Phone 1. Mrs. D. A. Rogers. tf. ti ?] GOOD NEWS?The price of Black a label Victor Records has been re- fl duced to 75c. , The February re lease now on sale. The Echo. 2,6 tf j ASHE Fertilizer HIGH Gl FERTIL to | built ur | (Ret7. U. S. Pat. O FOR SAI r. S. LINK, .. J.R.WINN, .. . SPEER & BOND i'./iiv / i i->? ' -a* ? COTTON STATES TO ACT AS UNIT REPRESENTATIVES AT CONFER. ENCE TO RETURN HOME TO PLACE QUESTIONS BEFORE GOVERNOR?WILL MEET PROBLEMS New Orleans, Feb. 25.?Measures for securing uniform legislation throughout the cotton producing states on subjects related to the production, financing, warehousing} and marketing of cotton and plans for waging- | a relentless warfare against crop pests, with all the cot ton states acting as a unit, were adopted at the final session of the Cotton States commission here to day. Measures adpted by the cotton commissioners will be embodied in to a set of resolutions which will be presented to the governors of the cotton states' representatives who attend the conference with the request to the governors that they be passed on to their legislatures to the end that uniform legislation governing the cotton Industry may be enacted by the several states. Thp organization of a permanent cotton states commission with, three commissioners from each cotton state one of which will be an officer of th? state department of agricul ture, will be urged upon the gover nors. The specific objects of the com mission if adopted iby the several states, will be, according to the plans of permanent organization adopted, "the control of insect pests the betterment of living conditions for farm dwellers, the establish ment of adequate and uniform warehouse systems, reduction of the costs of marketing (Including ter minal chaises and transportation) the fiancing of the farmer during periods of. markets, and other peri ods of like character." In the event such an organization is perfected the United States sec retary of agriculture will be re quested to appoint at least two representatives of the department to attend the sessions of the com mission. Members of the commission to iigxib exprea&eu uiem&tsiveb en ;husiastic over the results of the meeting and predicted that with ;he start they have made a perma lent organization will be perfected md will result in better conditions :or the cotton producers. Following the adoption of the jermanent program, the meeting idjoumed sine die, to reconvene at he call of the chairman, R. 0. Cveritt of Durham, N. C., at some >lace to be designated by the gov trnor of North Carolina, who origi lated the idea of some concerted iCtion by the cotton states. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for heir many acts of kindness and houghtfulness shown us during the [lness and death of our husband nd father. Also for the lovely oral tributes. Mrs. James F. Clinkscales and children. POO Works ?ADE IZERS a standard yim nAin/u I i STRANGE STORIES OF HIGH FINANCE TEN WOMEN SUMMONED TO TESTIFY ON CHARGE?SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS SAID TO HAVE GONE IN TO MYTHICAL POOL. New York, Feb. 25.?Ten women, several prominent socially, who claim to have put more than $600,000 into a mythical "pool" promoted by Al fred E. Lindsey, broker, with a pala t'.al home at South Niack, today were summoned to appear before a su preme court grand jury Monday and help piece together the details of a remarkable story of "high finance" on which United States District At torney Murphy will seek Lindsey's indictment. The list of alleged victims of the missing broker is headed by Mrs. Lil lian N. Duke, divorced wife of James B. Duke, "tobacco king," who claims she entrusted $325,000 to the engag ing Lindsey. Others on the list with their con tributions to the pool include Mrs. Dorothy Atwood, $97,000; Miss Cath erine Adams, $40,000; Miss Charlotte Nillson, actress, $20,000; Mrs. W. H Arnold, $30,000; Miss Margaret Bogart, $18,000; Mrs. Helen Burnett' $31,000; Mrs. Adelaide V. Rice, $25 000; Mrs. Josephine A. Cornell, $20,-! 000, and Miss Florence James, $5,000 Siren sones of auick and fabulous profits induced the women to dispose I of securities they held and put their cash equivalent in Lindsey's hands, Mr. Murphy said. Lindsey's favorite; story, he declared, was that he was a fellow member of George F. Baker, Thomas W. Lamont, Charles E. Sabin Percy A. Rockefeller, James A. Still man and other giants of the financial district in a millionaire domino club where the time not spent in playing dominoes was given over to plan ning "big killings" in Wall street. This club was supposed to main tain a secret room at the Ritz Carl ton hotel to which Lindsey displayed a pass key. It was to get her money in a pool operated by these men that Miss Nfll son parted with her ?20,000, Mr. Murphy said she had told him. Sim ilar stories were told by the other women he said. The debonair Lindsey, Mr. Murphy declared, was one of the smoothest workers New York has seen in years. Hnc Vinmo of Snn+Vi Mia^lr mid of the show places along the Hudson ' river, and Lindsey himself wa3 a lead er in civic affairs, having taken a prominent part in the raising of Red Cross and other funds. But when he was "on the market" all the sympathy dropped out of his nature, according to the story told Mr. Murphy. One of his victims, Mrs. Rice, is 75 years of age and nearly blind, and the $25,000 she put into the pool was practically every cent she had. The $20,000 of Mrs. Cornell represented the proceeds of her husband's life insurance out of which she had been supporting her four children, one a cripple. Mrs. Atwood, who gave up $50,000 in cash and $47,000 in jewelry, has been reduced from comparative af fluence to raising pedigreed dogs for a living. GIRL ESCAPES HOME BY DARING HOLD-UP Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 25.?Mercdes Brazell, 18, made her escape from the detention home last night, holding up officials of the institution at the point of a gun, according to reports made to local police. Efforts of the police to locate the girl whose parents reside here were unavailing. The girl was committed to the home recently, following her return to her home after a disappearance of several weeks. Highest Grade Hemstitching and Picot Edge work. We make machine and know how to turn out the high est grade work. Orders taken for pleating of all kinds. We operate modern plant and do only the best work. Latest style electrically driven machines sold on easy terms. All makes of machines repaired. Singer Sewing Machine Company. 505 Main St. Greenwood. Phone 151 V. B. Barnet, Mgr. MORE BOLL WEEVIL FARMERS ARE TOLD TO PLANT ONLY SUCH AREAS IN COT TON AS CAN BE CULTIVAT ED IN INTENSIVE MANNER. FURTHER DISCUSSION. New Orleans, Feb. 24.?Reports of committees on production, mar keting, control of crop pests and permanent organization were placed before the state represen tatives comprising the cotton states commission at today's session. All were taken under advisement and I will come up later for further dis ; cussion. The report on permanent orga I nidation proposed that the cotton states cmmission be made a perma nent organization with three com 1 missioners to /represent each state, one of whom shall 'be definitely connected with the official agricul-, tural interests of his state. In the report on cotton produc tion government records bearing on the ravages of the boll weevil were incorporated, the , report quotinjg the United States entomologist as authority for the statement that due to the present (mild winter there would be a laTge increase in the number of the weevils to emerge this year. To counteract this, the committee recommended that growers be urged to plant only i | such areas in cotton as can be cul tivated in an intensive manner. The immediate destruction of all infested material, establishment of , j non-planted ones where the neces sary to check the advance of the weevil and uniform state laws to fight not only the boll weevil but all crops pests ^also were recom mended by the committee . on pro duction. Reports of the appearance of the pink boll weevil in certain sections was called to the attention of the commissioners and some plan of concerted action to prevent the spread of his pest, said to be more destructive than the weevil, was urged. The report of the committee on permanent organization further provided that at each of the meet ings of the permanent organization the United States secretary of ag riculture be requested to name two experts on methods of fighting crop pests to attend the council and ad vise iwth the state commissioners. The report of the committee on marketing advocated adequate ware house facilities with uniform laws governing their conduct, reason able rates for storage and insur ance, additional credit facilities providing for long-time credits at reasonable rates, and a continua tion of the work of the war finance corporation. Caruao Memorial Fund. New York, Feb. 25.?Walter Dam * ' 1 A ATI 1A I roscn, musical cunuucuui^ auwuiuv| Scotti, singer; Otto H. Kahn, finan-i cier, and George W. Wyckersham.l former United States attorney gener-| al are among the twenty men and women named as incorporators of the Caruso American Memorial founda tion. PLANT YOUR GARDENS.... You furnish the Garden and we will furnish the ....S E E D.... Beans, peas, uorn, Tomatoes, Spinach, Beets, Cabbage, Onion Sets, Pepper, Buists' Oats, Seed Irish Potatoes. Special prices in big lots. OUR SPECIALTY IS Csf? S V) K l> ?"^3 Amos B. Morse Co. SfEALtec bp ? is COtifeskb fiY CLERK New York, Feb. 24.?Arthcr E. Olson, 26-year-old clerk In the em ploy of the Metropolitan Life Insur ance .Company managed to steal $130,000 from his employers and avoided suspicion by living modest ly within his salary, he confessed in Gjeneral Sessons Court Thursday. He pleaded guilty to a charge pf second degree forgery. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ED STATES, WESTERN DIS TRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In the Matter of J. H. HILL, Bank rupt, In Bankruptcy. By virtue of the authority given me under an order of D. H. Hill, Esq. Referee in Bankruptcy, in the above stated case, I will offer for sale at Abbeville Court House, South Caro lina,, oir salesday in March, 1922, be ing March 6th, at eleven o'clock A.M. the following described real estate, to wit: "All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Lowndes ville Township, Abbeville County, in said State, containing Twenty-three (23) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of H. M. Hill, estate of L C. Clinkscales, and by Max Below, and being the spnie tract conveyed to J. H. Hill by Max Below Nov. 20, 1915. Also, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Lowndesville Township, in said state and county, containing nineteen .and nine-tenth (19,9) acres, more or less and bounded by lands of W. W. Wil * son, by lands of Max Below, J. H. 1 Hill and others, and .being the same tract conveyed to J. H. Hill by Max Below, May 11, 1917. L Also an undivided one-fourth in,-; terest in that lot or parcel of land I containing two and three-tenth (2.3) acres, more or less, now, known as < Gin House lot, and bounded by ^ands . of Henry Hill, estate lands of Peter Hunter and others, and formerly known as "Cross Roads Lot." Said property is sold free of L\l incumbrances as the property of the above named bankrupt pursuant to j law. TERMS OF SALE: One-half cash, balance on credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, the credit portion to be evidenced | by the bond of .the purchaser and se cured by a mortgage of the premi ses, each with attorneys fees clause. ' The sale will be subject to confir mation by the court. J. S. STARK, Trustee in Bankruptcy, of J. H. Hill, Bankrupt Feb. 6, 1922. 2, 10 4 ti. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ED STATES, WESTERN DIS RICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In the Matter of H. M. Hill, Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. By virtue of the authority given me under an order of D. H. Hill, Esq. Referee in Bankruptcy, in the above .] stated case, I will offer for sale at: Abbeville Court House, South Caro lina, on salesday in March, 1922, being March 6th, at eleven o'clock A. M., the following described real estate, to wit: "All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Lowndes ville Township, Abbeville County in said State, containing Sixty (60) acres, more or less,bounded by lands of C. M. Clinkscales, Ted Clinkscales, | George Hodge, J. H. Hill and others; Also, all that other tract or parcel , of land situate, lying and being in Lowndesville township, Abbeville county and State of South Carolina, , containing forty-four (44) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of J. H. Fereuson. J. 0. Cann, J. H. Hill and others. Also an undivided three-fourths interest in all that lot or parcel of land containing Two and Three tenths (2.3) acres, more or less, now known as Gin House Lot, and bound ed by lands of Henry Hill, estate lands of Peter Hunter and others, and formerly known as Cross-Roads Lot. TERMS OF SALE: One half cash, balance on credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale at the I * r i. ?- -t-Vio I race 01 eigin, per cnn. jl?ci auuum, w.v. credit portion to be evidenced by the bond of the purchaser and secured by a mortgage of the premises, each with attorneys fees clause. The sale will be subject to confir mation by the court. J. S. STARK, Trustee in Bankruptcy, of J. H. Hill, Bankrupt. Feb. 6, 1922. 2, 10 4 ti. Mercantile Co. Department Stores. ..." ? OUR' I . 1 BASEBALL GOODS HAVE ARRIVED * "> A splendid assort- * ment made by the best manufacturers, the quality higher, j - and ' prices much/ lower than last year. Gloves that were! $2.50 to $7.00 last" season, ?are now. $1.25 to $400. j Reach Official 'Am: erieaii League B&lls are $2M each, $20 I pfer 3dzen. Bats^ven't arrived . yet, will be here .; by the time you get "wartii^ up." *!?. Come in- and took 4 ? V the line over. The/ / V "?IV- - . . , EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED and GLASSES Accurately Fitted. DR. L. T. HILL, Abbeville. wmmmmmm . PLANTERS FfCU MIl^TITDPC r un miA 1 uivcij Available Phosphoric Acid ? T ' 3.00 per cent Ammonia. 6.00 per cent Or any Combination call ed for. Write us for prices on any Mixed Goods Needed. Also on Fertilizer Mate m rials such as Acid Phosphate, | Foreign Ground Fish, Tanta/Ifi on/I Rl/vrtsi anna^v m?u wiwwj Nitrate of Soda. * Special Prices on Potash Salts, ? .KatyiJL Manure "Saft Muriate Planters Fertiliser & Phosphate C*. CHARLESTON, S. *.