The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 03, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TXUUAl, i'flUiwniVi u| I / I J. A. Ashley of Central was inj town today on business. | R. Glenn Kay went over to- Green- i wood today on business. Mrs. W. R. Ellis of Cold Springs' was in town today shopping. "Chick" Galloway went to Clin ton today to attend the funeral of j: Mrs J. T. Robinson. ; Mrs. Robert H. Greene is visiting ! Mrs. C. W. Chandler in Elberton, Ga. , this week. Miss Magg e Latimer has return-, ed from a pleasant visit to relatives' in Atlanta. Mrs. Brice Mills nnd baby l&ft yesterday for their home in Greens-] boro, N. C., after a visit to 1 3e&-1 tives in Abbeville. Miss Annie Wilson of the CoUfT ty Hospital is spending hear vaca-i , tion in Antreville and Columbia with relatives. Hiss Sadie Magill, who has been on the sick list for the past week, was able to take up her work' at , the High School today. , " f < ' Capt. and Mrs. M. B. Syfan will , go up to Spartanburg tomorrow to . H hear Billy Sunday and to visit rela tives. They will be away several q days. .. : Miss Cathlene Lander of Pelzer came down to Abbeville today and will spend over Sunday with Mrs f W. L. Peebles. Miss Lander taught in Abbeville some years ago and her friends are glad to have her return. AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .- The'itev. R. C. Grier, of Due West will preach in the Presby tc.ian church Sunday. MRS BUYCK DIES Wife of Calhoun Falls Man Parsed S $ * Tuesday Mrs A. S. Buyck, wife of the superintendent of the Calhoun Fills school, died suddenly Tues day. The remains were carried Wednesday to Greenville for in-j berment. During her stay in "this county Mrs Buyck had made many warm friends. She. was a native of Greenville county. I Opera House Abbeville, S. C. THE SMARTEST, ] CAL Show Ever Pre Smartest Le Comtek iri MUSICAL EXT Many Years BILLY ] Supported by ar and Smartest- Pancie: lliS All Lights-Music?Dai PRICES: 55c; 83c; $1 Seats Now Selling NO SERVICES SUNDAY There will be no services at the A. R. P. church Sunday due to-' the absence from the city of the Rev. M. R. Plaxco. Bible classes will meet at the usual hour. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mr Weeks will preach Sunday at 11:00 a. m. on the subject: "Put on thy Strength, 0 Zion." i The 7:30 p. m. subject will be "T -*~i.?:? ?> , uisieiuiig tu uvu. Mr Frank McCravy, the gospel singer, who will conduct the sing- ( ing during the revival will be with i the church Sunday morning and night. Mr McCravy brings an in- 1 spiring message in song. All are ] cordially invited to hear Mr Mc- < Cravy Sunday. Dr T Clagett Sknner,. pastor of the First Baptist church, Columbia, will be with the church beginning Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. 1 The first day service of the meet- < ing will be held Tuesday at 11 a. i m. The evening services will be- j Ejin promptly each evening at 1 7:30 o'clock. Dr Skinner is one of 1 the most attractive and effective preachers in the Baptist denomi nation and his coming to Abbeville should be the occasion for a great blessing not only to the member ship of the Baptist church but for ] all those who may attend these services. j The Sunday school has inaugura- ] ted a plan to have 300 regularly in < attendance. All those who are in , any way interested in the Sunday ] school are urged to be present j Sunday. i( CALHOUN FALLS BAPTISTS Dr J. C. Solomon, pastor of the Ba<ptist church at Calhoun Falls, will preach Sunday morning on , "Whosoever honors God will him- ^ self be honored." His night theme will be "The life of Frank Dupre j ind the Lesson it Teaches." i "Good music and special num- . i>ors morning and night. Both ser rices promise to be specially in-1 ieresting. q Everybody cordially invited. , MISSISSIPPI MOB LYNCHES A NEGRO * Jackson, Miss., Feb. 2.?Lynching ! )f a negro east of Crystal Springs . vas revealed at daylight today when ,, :he body of Will Thrasher was found suspended from a tree east of there. \ note, printed in pencil, was tacked . :o the tree, and read that the negro ^ lad" been identified as the one who attempted to attack a wh:te school teacher at Fairplay yesterday at ' loon. Authorities are investigating ' :he lynching. Perfectly Killing Arthur?How those old songs do iaunt me! Gertrude?They should. You've of ien murdered them.?Patterson (N I.) Press Guardian. 066 cures Malarial Fever. WW. 0 " FEB. 0 OANCIEST MUSI sented in Abbeville. 1 1 < 1 1 1 * >FLESHER'S Book RAVAGANZA ' Lyrics Music 1 By Chas. V t.* | , A | ^ A r/.;. 1 ^ . r: * ., : 1 i.. 1 ' ' '.-i/ i C" k'l E5 ncing & Pretty Girls ^.10; $1.55 and $2.20 ; at Box Office. SOCIETY PjaEiai A BIRTHDAY DINNER. Although it is admitted by every-, one that J. S. Stark does not look U In *11 ~ l . <jju, ma menus will ue surpnseu 10 know that he registered only 2-1 years last evening, the figures be ing obtained by counting the flicker ing flames of candles on a birthday cake, which was one of the pieces de resistance at a surprise dinner prepared ' in his honor by twelve of his friends. Among other things there was a huge turkey. The party enjoyed several hours at :ards following dinner. A CHURCH SOCIETY. Mrs. Foster McLane entertained the Ladies Society of the A. R. P. ihurch Thursday afternoon at a most pleasant meeting. The society is in a prosperous condit'on. After the business meeting, sandwiches and tea were served as refreshments. BOYD-ANDREWS. On Wednesday, February 1, Mr. ^ Archibald B. Andrews, Sr., of Wil-; lington was marred to Miss Jennie] Boyd of Mt. Carmel, at 3:30 p. m.j in Trinity Rectory, this city by the Rector, Rev. A. J. Derbyshire. Mrs. 3. A. Fant of this city and Mr. Hem minger of Willington were present, tmmediately after the ceremony, the party left for Willington, through the :ountry. AGREEMENT IS REACHED TO LAND A CABLE Washington, Feb 2?Issuance by the state department of license to ;he Western Union Telegraph com pany, for the landing of its Barba Inpc /vo;Vvlp of. Miami VIo moKo expected within a few days, it was indicated today by officials of the department. An agreement it was said, had been reached by the Western, Union and all-American Caible I :ompany for the surrender of ex-j ilusive landing rights held by j those companies or other affiliated j lompanies in Ecuador, Chile and Brazil, and the matter of issuing a; license for the landing of the Bar badoes cable at Miami is only a question of a few days. The agreement settles a dispute between the caible companies and :he government involving the an nounced policy of the state de partment to oppose so-called mono polies in cables to South America. WOULD PLACE $50 TAX ON EVERY POOL TABLE Columbia, Jan 28i?The ttays and means committee of the house of representatives today introduc ed a bill to make it unlawful to op erate pool rooms in the state, ex cept in cities or incorporated towns and to impose a license of $50 for every table, in pool rooms within towns or cities. PROGRAM v OPERA HOUSE X SATURDAY * May McAvoy, Wm, P. Carl- V. ton, Kathlyn Williams and V others in V "MORALS" Gorgeous harem scenes. Rich Settings. Beautiful Women. Don't miss this picture. Added Attraction LARRY SEMON IN "THE RENT COLLECTOR" 15 Cents 35 Cents MONDAY BERT LYTELL IN "THE IDLE RICH" Added PATHE NEWS 15 Cents 25 Cents TUESDAY ALICE BRADY IN "DAWN OF THE EAST" And Two Reel Comedy TEACHING THE TEACHER. 15 Cents 25 Cents Pictures Start at 8 O'clock V V V V V V V VA Rub-My-Ti?m, a pain kiHer. PLEASED WITH SHOW Tennessee People Like Music Comedy "Listen To Me" Manager Opera House, Albbeville, S. C. Dear Sir: Mr Plesher. Manage "Listen To Me Co" tells me that 1: ds going to play your house and ? a brother Manager it is my duty t tell you that we had the pleasui of playing this attraction at 01; house, for two performances on th above date. We consider their ai traction this year stronger tha the very acceptable ones that the have sent us in the former year and our audience voiced tneir ger Qe 3ra House Thursday ABBEVILE, S. C. Engagement Extraor quest. A Treat fi I Abl THE DISTINGUIS1 INK RO I 3 A COMEDY DI 0 Months iii New York; 4 A Story of the inability of Between Fals MR. TELLEGEN W Person. Not s PRICES: 55c; $1 RE You Ai A You do Shoe Sh deliverec our spec dyed. If it can If Abbevi GRIF eral approval of the show ifi everj way. Too much can't be said of it ai a satifact'ory offering, for it ii clean, well dressed, with goo< stage effects, and a cast that ii capaible throughout, and we woult ibe glad to play this show a retun date at any time. Hoping that this will .be of som< information to you of this splendit attraction. Sincerely, Central Amusement Co. Per C. A. Jones Vice Pres. 3, I fififSeurei Chills And Fever. 1 Feb. 9th One Night Only dinary?By Special Re or Theatre Goers of jeville. iED YOUNG ACTOR > you12 tAMA IN 3 ACTS Months in Gicago and Boston a Young Artist to Distinguish ie and True Love. fill Positively Appear in i Moving Picture. 1.10; $1.65 and $2.20. :memb re As Near Us re Your Telephc n't need a numl SOD. w ork cal!( I. Quality work ? :ialty. Shoe's cl be done I do i It's Shoes I fix'< ille Shoe I KNOWN AS THE BEST FIN NICKLES, Pro] IMf nmmmnn no menthol cow price ?-f Sti'a.r, GIVE 0?"r J ". ? * 53 666 quickly relieves cold. . -vJ '"A:./ ' . ' 1 Sti'cJgbt I An encacemerit that, is rronfino' I more than ordinary interest in theatricals in th's city is that of the eminent romantic actor, Lou Tellegen, who on Thursday night Feb. 9th will present himself (in person) and his own company of artists, in an elaborate revival of his greatest American success, "Blind Youth" at the Abbeville Opera House. "Blind Youth" is comedy drama in three acts by Mr. Tellegen and Willard Mack, and is based on an incident which occurred some years ago when Tellegen was an artist pupil of the great Rodin, who by the way is responsible for the young actors admission to the cnoservatoire in Paris: It tells the story of a young ar tist who falls in love with an ad venturess, is dragged to lowest depths, is finally awakened to finer t.hincs. comes to New York, falls in love with an American girl wlfo rec:procates his love; his regener ation is about complete the adven turess learns of it and comes to America, etc. Mr. Tellegen will present the play in this city with an admirable cast. Seat Sale Now. i ER As You >ne Dr just call i r ret ror ana mcl service eaned andi t cheaper. m hospital Drietor. 8