The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 03, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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FAiiJti 1WU Established 1844. THE PRESS AND BANNER ABBEVILLE, S. C. The Press and Banner Company Published Tri-Weekly Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Entered as second-class matter at post office in Abbeville, S. C. Terms of Subscription: One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months .50 Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1922 SELLING THE BONDS It will be good news to the people of Abbeville that the bonds author-! ized by this school district for the building of a new High School build-1 ing have been sold AT PAR and ac-j crued interest. A few months ago the trustees of j the school district contracted for the j sale of these bonds at ninety cents i on the dollar, which caused the Press1 and Banner to severely criticise their | actions, calling attention to the lawi which declared that the bonds could not be sold for less than par, and at the same time declaring that the time would come in a year or two when! these bonds could be sold for par and , the district not be called on to lose I ten thousand dollars. Some people who for the want of something else to say like to dis- ( agrree with the Press and Banner, at; that time stated that "other towns" j were selling like bonds at the price i offered here; that building was cheap ( and that it was better to accept the; offer and carry out the contract j made by the trustees than to cancel j the sale. A few short months have! served to show the people who gave j . them the better advice in this mat- J ter. Building materials taken as a j whole are not higher than was the case in the summer; labor is certain- j ly cheaper the school building j may now ^e^erected as cheaply, per haps a little more cheaply, than it could have been erected s'x months j ago. The school district is ahead the sum of ten thousand dollars, and the bond-buyers have a bargain in the bonds at par which they would j hot "willingly part withal." j With the money in hand the trus tees of the school district may pro- ^ ceed first to pay off the indebtedness against the present buildings which were made in order to secure proper heating facil'ties for the present | buildings and which indebtedness the National Bank has carried for * the district for a considerable time and at great inconvenience, no doubt. They may then proceed to erect a high school building suitable to oui wants and requirements, which when completed will give this school dis-. trict adequate school facilities and enable us to carry on the work of running the schools without being hampered. In the erection of the build'ng soon to be erected, we trust that the trustees will see that we get a sub stantial permanent building, suited j to the wants of the town for a period of at least twenty-five years. Nothing necessary to this end should be neg lected but at the same time we would 1 ke to suggest to the trustees j that ao money should be spent which j is not necessary to this end. If the ( Press and Banner should m> ke a ! friendly criticism of the > resent board it would be to the efft. t that tllPTA Jirp cifrno nf ovtra vorrarvo where there should be nothing but i evidence of cconomy. We Say that inj the most friendly attitude towards the board, believing that the mem-! bers of the board will be glad to know the feelings and view of peo ple on the outside. The taxes which must be pa d on the bonds for in terest and principal for the next few .years at least will be hard to pay, and knowing this every effort should be made to keep down unecessary Having said this, we say as we said when the bonds were being is sued that we hope to see the school district furnish to the people of the district as good schools as are to be found anywhere. The district is poor in taxable property and >s with out the available funds which some d'stricts have, but nevertheless with j a true spirit of economy on the part of the school authorities there is no reMO* why we should not have what we started out to have. V \ DUE WEST NEWS. Editor and Mrs Gre?ne of Ab beville attended the Sunday meet I ing in Due West. Mr Sunday in his remarks, sail | he had heard of "Dody" Phillip "your great player" and wanted t see him. ' Mr Walter Moffatt, of Monticel lo, Ark, brother of Dr Moffatt, at S. A. R. Presbyterian V * * tenaea uie iunenu 01 me aatter. i Miss Eliza McDill of Ora, i teaching near Camden. She is prin cipal of a flourishing school and i delighted with her work. She too] up this work last October. Dr J S Moffatt of Lexington, Va i after returning to Columbia wStl his mother, following the burial o Dr Moffatt, came back to Due Wes and is looking after his father' business. Ho will be in Due Wes for a few days. A friend tells us that Mrs J i. Moffatt and family will return t< Due West at the close of th< schools in Columbia, where th< children are now going to school Our people will be pleased to hav< Mrs Moffatt and family mak< their permanent home in Du< West, where they will receive i warm welcome. Mr Roddy Devlin and Dr Price ol Greenwood, Rev Bynum Betts anc a few members of his congrega tion at Troy, Rev W. A. McAulej of Greenville, Re-v G. L. Kerr oj Spartanburg, Rev R N Baird, Mi anH Mrs Wharton of Iva and i good delegaton from Ora, attendee the Sunday meeting in Due Wesi on Monday. We heard an intelligent gentle man say that the impression wa: gaining ground over the state tha' there would be but little reductioi in taxes. That special interests ha< lobbies in Columbia to look aftei the appropriations coming thei: way and see that they were not cut That the burden of taxation woul< simply be shifted from on& should er to another. Also that the peopli would not stand for this and woul< put in new men this summer wh< will carry out a retrenchment pro gram next year. The famous song leader of thi L.ily Sunday party will give a pro gram in Due West, the proceeds o which after expenses have bee] paid will go to the fund for a nev Graded School Building for thi town. This man is famous the coun try over for his mavelous conduc of the great singing assemblie: which gather to hear Mr Sunday preacn. tie win Dring ms iromDone the delight of thousands, and wil offer a varied program of melodiei and songs which appeal to th< great music-loving heart of Amer ica. Some who know Mr Rodeh&av er say his readings are more en joyable than his songs, moving hn audiences to tears and to bursts 01 laughter. Price, General Admissioi 50 conts, reserved seats, 75 cents. BASEBALL AT GREENWOOD Furman and Carolina to Play it Neighboring Town The following is from the Index Journal: Two college baseball games oi widespread :nterest to fans of this section are practically assured foi Greenwood on April 20 and April 25 arrnrdinp' t.n Serrptarv W A Frirh of the Chamber of Commerce. Th< games being considered are betweei Kurman and the University of Ala > on April 20 and between Fur man and the University of Soutl [Carolina on April 25. The Green wood Kiwanis club is taking up th< [matter with Coach Laval of Furmar and expects to s:gn up the two team: for the games here. Coach Laval stated over the tele 'phone this morning that he wai practically sure that the game be ! tween Carolina and Furman would b< .played here and he thought the Ala bama-Furman game^could be ar ranged for Greenwood. Baseball fans are keenly interest ed in the negotiations to bring th< two games to Greenwood. REGULAR COMMUNICATION i There will be a regular communi cation of Clinton Lodge No. 3 A. F M. Monday night Feb. 6th at 7:3( P. M. Work in the second degree. H. S. Howie, Secretary k | AT HOLLYWOOD AND OAK WOOD THEY REST (By D. H. Magill, Richmond, Va.) The lilies and the roses weep O'er Abbeville's dark gloom, Remembering all those who sleep In valor's youthful bloom; At Hollywood and Oakwood rest, Brave Wardlaw, Donald, Reid, ^ j Whose valor immortalles attest, 51 For whom home hearts do bleed. ?\ | The Richmond gleams of stars above "j Enhance home's tender dreams " In fullness of Confed'rate love That thro' the South still beams; s We cannot grasp those brave young -1 hands I * s| Since we are made to weep k The fondest tears of love's demands ! In sorrow sad and deep. x | Those somber, tearful notes of life fj Will bloom into a psalm, t And all of bloody battle strife g] Will close in golden calm; i We'll cause war shadows to depart From South Car'lina's way , And peaceful windows of each heart j Bloom gentle flow'rs of May. FROST BITE ; I went to McMURRAY'S i And I saw."Frost Bite" i And I said "What is it?" I And Doc smiled and said j "Try one." And I said j' "Gimme one of 'em." I And Doc did r! And I bit in it t And it was ice cream 1 All camouflaged with I Milk chocolate and Flavored to suit me And it certainly was good So I said to doc, . ' "Gimme another." And he HiH it. And pretty soon He had to call a cop To take me out, Because my money was gone And I was raisin sand G^tfse I couldn't-have more FROST BITE. I thank you. MASTER'S SALE The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE Court of Common Pleas. J. E. McILWAIN, Plaintiff, agains^ C. W. KELLER, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for r .iDoveoine county, in ine state, '? made in the above stated case, I will ^ offer for sale, at public outcry, at 3 bbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday in February, A. D. 1922, within the legal hours of sale the following des cribed land, to wit: All that tract or arcel of land situate, lying and be ing in Long Cane Township in Abbe ville County, in the State aforesaid, i containing Two Hundred (200) acres i more or less, and bounded by lands of J. A. Stevenson, Ko'tori. Stevenson, Estate of W. G. Chapman, Warren Keller, D. H. John Lomax and ? Douglass Mill TERMS OF SALE: CASH?Pur - chaser to pay for .-tamps an ! papers. THOS. P. THOMSON, l Jan. 20. Master A. C., S. C. ' MASTER'S SALE" , State of South Cr rolina, 1 COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. i Court of Common Pleas. i W. II. WHITE, Agent, Plaintiff, against - D. E. PENNEY, Defendant. ' i By authority of a decree of Sale - by the Court of Common Pleas for ? Abbeville County, in said State, made i n the above stated case, I will offer s for sale, at public outcry, at Abbe ville C. II., S. C., on Salesday in - February, A. D., 1922, within the le ss gal hours of sale the following des - cribed land, to wit: All that tract or * nnrr>pl nf Inrul situate, lvinf And hftinflM in Abbeville townsh'p,. Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, con taining Thirty-Seven (37) Acres, more or less, and bounded by Doug lass Mill Road, land of D. H. Hill, land of P. A. Roche, land of J. A. Shands, and land of George Flynn, and being known as the Pat Roche (lands, conveyed to D. E. Penney by -iW. A. and J. 0. Sanders. .| TERMS OF SALE?Cash, pur ) chaser to pay for stamps and papers. | THOS. P. THOMSON, f Jan. 20. Master A. C., S. C. COME TO O IV IV T' IHUK5U; Spend a profit Anderson o * ANDERSON MERCH.A BIGGEST VALUES Y' FREE ENTERTAINM1 AND CONTINUOUS PERF FROM FREE! FREE! F1 Tickets to the leading T given to all visitors by ti chants of Anderson on Day. Any of the mercha furnish these tickets 1 any cost to you, just ci them and enjoy yoursel in ANDERSON. Astoundin ? Long Al I Don't Mis: The merchants of the 14th day of last Jul as the best values ever c This year: Dollar asmuch as the values ar last July. Merchandise is che just at the first of the ye son to stage this event at are to be had in this city r*i rnn* rn ALL bUbllML, SON EXT El TO YOU Crimf* fn liif* hpftt r even though you do not at the values offered in t ways pay you to trade i The Retail AND i ANDERSO ar I ^Y-FEB. able and plea: n Dollar Day, i * 1 * - lNTS OFFER FOR TI OU EVER HEARD OF ENT AT THE THEA1 EVERY VISITOR. ORMANCE AT THR [ 10 A. M. TO 6 P.M. REE! THE STRA1 heatres he mer Dollar nts will without all for If while K1AL and LJ Are open for ment on Dol any cost to y for Free tick you may visi and see One good shows, i wish. g Values t Every St< Anderson s This Bii Anderson held their fir y. Thousands will ren )ffered were sold by An Day will far eclipse la: e even better than it wa aper in price and the us jar, has prompted the m ; this particular time to SS HOUSES I VD THIS IN ity in Upper Carolina i anticipate making any j :his City will convince 3 n ANDERSON. Merchants >ERSON, S. ( sant day in Feb. 9th \ IIS DAY, THE , AND PROVIDE fRES FOR EACH EE THEATRES ND, THE IMPE IBERTY Theatres , your entertairi lar Day, without | rou whatever" Call K :ets at any store t while in the city, , Two or Three See them all if you All Day. >re In ? Event st Dollar Day on lember this event, derson Merchants. it Dollar Day, in 18 possible to offer ual lull in business erchants of Ander show what values N ANDER VITATION For Dollar Day, MIMMltnaA* A ImaIt