The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 16, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r.iujD i Established 1844. THE PRESS AND BANNER ABBEVILLE, S. C. The Press and Banner Companj Published Tri-Weekly Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Entered as second-class matter i post office in Abbeville, S. C. Terms of Subscription: One Year $2.0 Six Months $1.0 Three Months .5 Foreign Advertising Represstativ AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1922 PROHIBITION WORKS. The New York Herald has bee: giving us a series of articles on th results of prohibition after twi years of trial. In one of these arti cies it is stated that the consuaptioi f liquor has been decreased seven ty per cent, and that there has been i noticeable decrease in the numbe: f crimes growing out of the use o: liquors and a noticeable decrease in the number of cases of insartitj due to intemperance. Nobody ever expected that prohi bction would entirely prohibit th< drinking of intoxicating liquori any more than people exepect the la\* against larceny to keep thieves fron stealing. Those who have been Te sponsible for the passage of prohibi tion legislation, we believe, shoulc be encouraged by the two yeari showing. The people of this countrj have been for years a liquor-drink ing people: The taste for liquor ha; been cultivated in so many people and it is so easy to break the law that it must seem remarkable tha' we have had a seventy per cent, re duction in the amount of liquor con sumed in the United States. But the cause for greatest encour agement comes in the fact that w< have decreased insanity and' crim< resulting from liquor-drinking. It i: in these figures that the people wh< waHa nrohibition mav find groun< for real comfort. It is from these fig urea that they will take courage ti / -go onward in the fight to rear a gen oration of people who do not drinl liquor and thereby to still greatl; lower the percentage of those whi suffer as a result of the liquor habit 19*1? i . C'.P.- v JUSTICE MARION. nru~ ? J ? t 1UC lliCllUS VI u^llt AU. JJ. A#VU4M*U f Anderson, are keenly disappoint ed that he was not elected to the po sition of Justice of the Suprera Court. The disappointment, however is one growing out of friendshi] alone, because wherever he is known the newly elected Justice J. Hardii Marion is believed to measure up ti the high standard which the peopt require of a member of our highes court. Educated at the University, i graduate of the law department o that institution, Justice Marioi came to the bar while still a men youth. He has given to the study o the law more than' a quarter of i century of untiring industry,. an< has won his place among the firs lawyers of the' commonwealth. Th( jejfjsjature is to be commended fo: taking so admirable a selection. Drink Own Breath V . ... Washmtgo*, Jan 13?If you ar< thirsty, drink your own breath. An invention that it was clai?e< would make this possible was ?rge< upon Congreea today by C W Arm. -korst, of Albany N Y, its inventor. Mr Anmhuwt told the house mer chant marine and fisheries commit tee at a hearing today that his con trivance would save the lives o hundreds of aailorB annually. H urged congress to authorize the fed eral government to purchase the in vention which would condense th human breath into potable wate ana puace me connivance on ever; American ship. According to the inventor, a ehip wrecked sailor would only have t attach the contrivance and breath and he would not suffer for lack o drinking water. Mr Armhurst tol "She committee that a triai woul convince government officials tha the machine would be as necesaar on ships as life belts. Naval radio station at Arlington i said to be the largest and best equip ped in the world. 4 DECREASE IN TRADE BALA] Reduction Largely Attributable Decline of Prices Washington, Jan 13?A deci of nearly $1,000,000,000 in the vorable trade balance of the Ui States during 1921 was indicate the foregn trade statistics for camber, issued today hy the c merco department. Exports decreased in value 1921 by $3,743,000,444 and imj 01 by $2,777,000,000, the report 0 J attributing much of the redu< 0 j to the material decline last yes - I prices of commodities which mad' e. the bulk of the country's for tf trade. "The lower values of imports exports in 1921 as compared 1920 and previous years" the parbment said, "do not repre corresponding declines on volum trade !but are to a,great extent to the fall in prices." During the year 1921 exp amounted to $4,485,000,000 compared with $8,228,000,000 d ing the previous year while imp aggregated $2,508,000,000 aga $5,278,000,000 in 19,20. Exports in December t&ta $295,900,000 as against $294,0 000 in November and $720,000, in December JL920 while imp amounted to $226,800,000 aga $211,000,000 in November S266.000.000 in December a j COME SOUTH TO HUNT Ralph Pulitzer in Group at Geoi town With Bernard Baruch i **? f * j ^ f; ' ' { . _ r *7 y Georgetown, Jan. 14.?Bernard Baruch, having as his guests Rf H. Pulitzer of New York, owne^ the New York World; William Glasgow of Philadelphia, and T. Napper of Washington, D. VC., arri here today aboard Mr. Baruch's vate car. The party will spend u Tuesday next at Hobcaw Ban Mr. Baruch's fine winter home across Winyah bay from the citj Georgetown. The mallard shootiri at its height and with the excel duck weather existing great spox anticipated. This is 'ihe second i of Mr. Pulitzer to Ge6rgetown as guest of Mr. Baruch. 'It is repoi that Admiral Grayson is also exp ed but iip to this time he has fa to arrive. JOHNSON APPEAL DISMISS) Washington, Jan 14?The pro-me court today dismissed, u motion of Edward Johnson, an 1 peal against the state of S< r- Carolina which he had ibroi - from the courts of that state h< e ing him guilty of having rece f stolen nitrate of soda and sentei p him to imprisoment for three ye i, Johnson appealed oh the' gro i that the sentence should ^have> g 0 the alternative of paying a fin< e suffering imprisonment, that t sentence imposed was excessive a that the trial court erred in ch; f ing the jury that they "repress [i ed the state only." e No explanation was given in c f nection with the motion to dismis J AUTOS EQUIPPED WITH . WIRELESS TO CATCH BAN! 1 s A ( . . ' a Paris Jan 13?The Paris pc automobiles have (been equip with wireless to rid the ctiy of b Jij? ?j n_i . ??? aiuj una jug to us& airplanes in time of riot< 8 demonstrations. Several automobiles have b i equipped with the wireless app? i tus and the police can cruise at _ the cdty and call for help from he quarters by wireJess, if they _ themselves in a desperate situat They plan to employ airph _ j primarily for the / study of tr f j problems, but also, when needed a | cope with rioters. " MEXICO EXPECTS AMERICA] RECOGNITION IN FEW DJ e rj San Antonio, Texas, Jan 13 y i Prensa, a Spanish language news I n(V? nf?WliaVAil in Cnn A ntnniA | U1 kJOU AUWUM/| -1 night carried a dispatch rom o city of Mexico saying that in po e cal circles of the capital it is f common belief that the Un d States wili recognize Mexico wi d, the next few days. ,t Alberto J Fani, secretary of j y eign relations will go to Waeh ton as ambassador when Meade rcognired, the dispatch says, b Miguel Aleasio Rabies, who was s >- denly called from Spain will occ | the portfolio of foreign relation LETTER FROM DOTE Di?oaa?oa Sheriff, Liquor Selling, Red CroM and Lower Taxes. Not having heard from our old friend, Col. Dote Smith for several weeks, we were undecided whether he had joined the bird gang, got in jail, or fallen into a quart fruit jar and gotten drowned. What therefore was our surprise when we received a letter from him whele we were "a wondering." It reads somewhat as follows: Abvul, s. c., fridy thirteanth janniwary. eign and with de Bent B Of due orts as lur_ orts inflt lied 00, 000 orts inst and i rear Dote Smith <' Fish Merchant \ Farmer Newspaper Correspondent Abbeville, S. C. frend edditur: i has been reedin yore paper fur sevrul weaks now or whut i am gittin of it and i is undercided whuther you is now printin a nuis paiper or a almernack. if you is tryner run a almernack you had bet ter quit becos a man what tends prairmeatin and preechin murch as you do will sleep late and no nuthin bout the sun risin. all you will kno is when it set. if you wanter go in the almernack bizness i suggest that git two little erly rizers like alien Merkanty and dunking Murkersing to do the ritin and maybe they kin tell when the sun rizes! i sea that the sheeruff has kap tured 40 stills and maid 52 arrests | * * * ' o.u-4.* ! hoi lan lan of the Hu mo; of , Bel Cai PI a / saic On? less Sha Joh plac T ch& am< the to c witl in and durin 01 xasi yeer. umv naa in 1921. but what bout 1920. that was the yeer he fooled the peepul out of bout 1200 hund'ard voates. the furst arrest what the sheeruff mode last yeer was 5 of our mill boys bout 5 miles from toun on the snaik rode, they had 5 qts. of licker fur there own use and the sheruff made them pay $196 per qt. apeece fur it. then agin the sherff arrest gorge pritchard kar with a qt. of licker ridin roun in it and gorge along too. it never has bin prooved that gorge was sellin no licker. i thinks sumtimes that the little fishes is all that eaver gits cort in theas matters; i hear that the depperty chortf nf Tnarknrmick kontv and the] at t p papi Jan A the ace riot ties tha mo: -id sherff of linkin konty, ga. have ar rest 3 stills and 4 niggars on cherrie hill in mackormic co. for tnaikin and sellin licker. the niggars wus hired by somboddie else i guest but the offisars never gits there when the high-ups is about, the poar white foaks aad niggars has got no shoes and no klose to wear in mackormick co. and i cant say that i blames them fur sellin a little licker if it will git bred, when a man's wimmin foaks and chilun haint got bred and klose to ware it maik a diffurce. i sea that the red Krost is still sticken on the winders to show that the peepul helped in the war, but what i wanter kno is whar has the red crost gone when the peepul is sufferin at home? It look like sum thing cood be dune for the sufferin foaks at hoam when so menny foaks jist busted there sides to help the Belguns, or sumuther furrin peepul what we air not eavin quainted with. i notist that they is goner lowar the taxes, i gess that means that they will reech down lowar and taik a titer holt and squeazq the peepul a little moar. my tax is bout as high as me and lizzie boath kin reech noV with I < E !i the help of the boys, and i think that it wood be better to bolish the whole bizness, why not cut the guvnar's salliry down a little. 1 will guvnar this stait fir a dollar and haf a da and wurk a wun hoss farm to boo1 and saive the peepul bout ten thous and dollars and if evry uther man in the stait is willing to doo his part same as mee we kin cut expints to the bottum. yours fur a brite new yeer, Dote. iij ii'i li Reduction in Ford* Washington, Jan 14?Henry Ford who came here today for a confer ence with Secretary Weeks relative to the Muscle Shoals nitrate pro ject, announced that the prices of all Ford cars will be reduced. The reduction will be small, he said, and will become effective January 15. * I ? W. A. HARRIS FUNERAL 8UPPLIE8 EMBALMING i/, ' and Auto Hearse Service PHONES D*7 395 Night 134 MASTER'S SALE ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA* COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE Court of fcommon Pleas. lTIONAL BANK. OF ABBEVILLE and others, Plaintiff aj.J against v H. HILL, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sale the Court of Common Pleas for beville County, in said State, made the above stated case, I will offer sale, at public outcry, at Abbe e C. H., S. C., on Salesday in aruary A. D. 1922 within the legal |rs of sale the following described d, to wit: All that lot or parcel of A ei+HQ+o lxnnnp or?/1 in n\fv T1 T. Abbeville in Abbeville County, in State aforesaid, containing One ndred Forty-Three (148) Acres, re or less, and bounded by lands J. 0. Cann, W. W. Wilson, Max ow and H. M. Hill and Arthur npbell and known as the "Home c(>." dso?that other tract situate in I State and County, containing i Hundred (100) acres, more or and bounded by lands of Clyde rp, Sallie Harrison, Henry Power, n Robinson and known as Tribble :e. * ERMS OF SALE?Cash. Pur ser to pay ten per cent of the mnt of the bid, to the Master at time of the sale, and upon failure to so, the premises shall be resold iin two hours after the first sale, he risk of the former purchaser, urchaser to pay for stamps and ers. THOS. P. THOMSON, . 13, 1922" Master A. C., S. C. SJotUf mt Mtdru * "f **!"'; ""f fadras, Jan 14?The arrival of -'i-i - - * 'J' rnnce of Walas Here today was / v- > " . ompanie^ with rather serious ing resulting in several casual* ,r.y '.-..if . The rioting became so intense ':r;** f >r/ .Jlfi Irfr t the police interfered, with ar_ jxmt ,:v; cj 'W? red cart. > Carrier pigeon made the 228 miles m Washington to New York in hour less "tune than the fastest .a& -4! " g- , iBnnjziaBiaraniBBnf I Invest Your With The.. Safe < You cai $100.0C Interest Begii Next" Se: r i Building ai G. A. NEUFFER, President MASTER'S SALE ie Stat* of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Plea*. A. PUTlfAN, - - Plaintiff against H. HILL and others, Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale r the Court of Common Pleas for bbeville County, in said State, ade in the above stated case, I will Fer for sale, at Public Outcry, at bbeville C. H.,/S. C., on Salesday February, A. D., 1922, within the gal hours of sale the following des ibed land, to wit: All that tract or ircel of land situate, lying and be g in Diamond Hill Township, Ab iville County, in the State afore id, containing One Hundred and >rty-Six (146) Acres, more or less, id bounded by lands of J. W. Brad rry, Sallie Harris, J. J. ' Grant, iss Minnie Hodge and known as the iy place. '% TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Pur- * aser to pay for papers and stamps. THOS. P; THOMSON. f n. 11, Master A. C., S. C. m _ > Reliable crop growers for - sixty years - .t i . if , lit* yl <rr ...w .. . Formulas for al] Jyr. R. E. COX, Abbe A. D. KENNEDY, I vJr 'ivviiju .Oi.j io Ox ,y ? , w 71H7 T\J , , [III IT WILL BE / - / and Profita i save bom $L( I a month witl \ } ns With Your Fi ries Opens J iOth, 1922, id Loan A: i of Abbeville. Secre PLUMBING TINWQRK. tsf < >r ??, iun Pemoline Super tile and porcelain clean ser. emaranfeefl [ remove rust or any kind of stains from] enamelware. "a.. .. . Reasonable Price*. .wffffq Paris has an average tf 460,000 reign visitors eaehyyear. I t ill"; t-i > i > I m *y 4 viwniv^ >n ? V '.ST* fe M ) > : ' .,/v : 9" 1.r ,Vi*j )0 to l us. rsl Dollar. anuary i J. s. MORSE, tary & Treasurer. iraiEfiuniEfieizizfaiaiaj *.V- ..