The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 09, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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jrAUi, *uuu NEITHER SIDE WILLING TO MAKE CONCESSIONS ?SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT TAKEN AT CLOSE OF MEETING OF DELEGATES. Washington, Jan. 6.?Sine die adjourment was taken at the close of today's meeting between the Chinese and Japanese delegates to the Washington conference on the question of Shantung. The con_ versations which have 'been pro ceeding intermittently for several weeks apparently came to an end with neither side willing to make concessions to the other. The Chinese and Japanese dele gates like were reticent about what occurred but it was said that Wel lington Koo for the Chinese and Ambassador Shidehara for Japan remained after the meeting to &r_ ange for a statement to be made at the request of the Chinese who desired that a full statement be made to the public. After the meeting Dr. Koo said: "Tie $tuatom >is (quite critical and I dont want to say anything hastily. We may, however, decide-to ? s<xi+M?aivl- lofax Inniohf- T"n 11UNVU CV jua w?V4m> ? any event .an official joint state, ment will toe issued. japan made a new offer "in the nature of a concession" at today's Shantung meeting, Vice Foreign Minister Hanhara said tonight. This was to- nia&e a Japanese rail way loan for the Shantung railroad for a term of 1-5 years with China granted the option to redeem the loan at the end of five years from the date of signing the agreement and after six months' notice. Mr. ' Hanihara said this was Japan's final suggestion for settle, ment and that it was based on in. structions from the home govern _ ment. He added that the Chinese delegates declined the offer but said there might ibe another meet ing tomorrow or Monday. SEEKS TO ANNUL MARRIAGE CONTRACT Broad us Smith Of Spartanburg Pe titions For Declaration of Annulment. . Spartaribuirg,, J)an. 7.?.Broadus Smith, through his attorney, W. W. Dixon, has petitioned the court of common pleas to set aside his mar riage to Cordie Henderson, alias Cordie Brewer, alias Cordie Woodie. In his coircplaint the plaintiff ai. le^es that he and Cordie Woodie tfere married in Spartanburg coun ty October 9, 1921. He a!s > u that in 1918 his wife was married to Leonard Woodie and lived with him if nil some time in 1919, when they separated and remained sepa. *. il Decombor 27, 1921, when Woodie appeared and claimed ; j -:cn Ccrdie left him and returned to Woodie and thcj have been living as man and wife e.ver tince. He asks the court to d-?. .nul and void n , - to ~:Ui h us i jack :>n if<? t!nsr o a man who. b^s never been mar. ried. WANTS WANTED?One hundred boys and girls to join our ten cents a week Christmas Savings Club. Club now open. County Savings Bank. 3tcol. FOR SALE?One lot full blooded Poland China pigs, seven weeks old Price $6.50 each. Delivered in Ab beville Saturday, Jan. 14. A. L. Link arid* Brother. ltpd. GOODRICH TIRES AND TUBES? Are the best in the long run. We sell them. Prices reduced. DeWitt Hall, next door to Kerr Furniture Co. 1, 6-3tcol. EAT WITH ME?Table board by the meal or by the week. Phone 1. Mrs. D. A. Rogers'tf. WANTED?All the boys and girls in town to know that they can join our. 10 cents a week Christmas Savings Club and have money to spend next Christmas. County Sav ings Bank. 1, 6-3tcol. " if CASE DECIDED2S00I MICHIGAN MAN TO DEFEN SELF TODAY?DURING D1 BATE FRIDAY CLAIM TO SEA DENOUNCED AND DEFENDE1 VOTE COMES SOON Washington, Jan. 7.?The sena began today its final discussion i the Newberry case, precipitated \ the contest of Henry Ford against tl seating of Senator Truman H. Ne\ berry of Michigan, his Republicj 1 Q 1 Q a1 n/if I An a or OppUIICHt 121 U11C x?7xu giuv-vivxio) Ui it was told by Senator Spencer (R publican) of Missouri, chairman < the senate privileges and electioi committee, that Senator Newben himself would take the floor Mondf and defend himself against tl charges which involve his campaij expenditures. The subject under unanimous consent agreement, w remain continuously before the se ate until disposed of. A vote is e: pected sometime next week. During the debate today, Senate Newberry's claim to his seat was d nounced and defended. At the outset Senator Carawt (Democrat) of Arkansas launched t attack on the Newberry supporte: for the position he said they -wei preparing to take and Senator Spe; cer and Senator Williams (Democral of Mississippi soon joined in the d bate. Senator Williams said he desire to hear the defense to be offered i the hope that Mr. Newberry cou !_ ? L. -t- 1 J 1_ give reasons wny- ne snouiu retain n seat and "not disgrace not only h own good family but the good fami! of his wife." "I have known his family a lor time," continued Mr. Williams. I a very fond of them. They have liv< straight and useful lives. I knew h wife's family, and they were citizei of which this nation also could 1 jroud. They made their money the right way, and I hope he can e: plain away these charges for I hai nothing personally against him." There was also hurled at the Ne^ berry supporters the prediction t Senator Heflin (Democrat) of A1 bama that "the American people w: lash out of the senate chamber evei nvan wno casts a vote ior newoerry "Where are the senators who vo ed for Lorimer?"-querried Mr. He lin. "Why, the American people toe care of them. All are. gone save six If Senator Newberry speaks Moi day, leaders say, it will be the fir time in the two years since the eje tion that he has addressed the senat GOOD JOB FOR HAYS New York, Jan. 5.?Postmast< I noviWTill Uotre Viae 01 nmarl a <*ai V>? C11C1 ai TT 111 A&ojro IIUU giguvu U VVJ tract to become director general < the National Association of the Mi tion Picture Industry at a salary < $150,000 a year,, according to th New York World. The contract, whic runs for three years, the newspap( says, was signed more than a wee ago. Mr. Hays, The World added, hj arranged a conference with the nj tional leaders of the motion pictui industry in Washington January 1 at.which time he will make publi on his own account his decision to a< cept the1 post. JAPAN BUYS MUCH STEEL IN AMERIC New 'York, Jan. 6.?The firs large steel export contract of th year?13,000 tons of rails for th Japanese government was announce today by the United Steel Producl Company, the export agency of th United States Steel Corporation. The rails will be manufactured i the Ensley Plant of the Tennesse Steel and Iron Company, the large* southern subsidiary of the Unite States Steel Corporation. Officials of the United State Steel Corporation declined to mak public the selling price. The dome< tic schedule for steel rails was r< duced several months ago to $40 pe fnn -arVn"/vVi nrrm 1H m a fVlP fnfj $520,000. To Name Fenrose Successor. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 5.?Goverr or Sproul was expected today t name a successor to Senator Per rose within the next few days. H announced last night that he woul not resign to take the Senatroship. TrT -~TrT? ? ~i judges At"l/Lr?e~ " * * MAY BE APPOINTED Senate Judiciary Committee Afreet to Sidetrack Houae Bill ita i' F?vor of Senate. ! Washington, Jan. 7.?The -serrate judiciary committee, considering means of relieving crowded federal dockets through increase in number of judges, virtually agreed today to sidetrack the house bill providing 21 more judges this afternoon and substitute the senate plan for 18 additional judges instead of (by cir_ cuits as proposed in the house measure. While the subject as a whole was turned over to a -subcommittee to work out the committee was said to! have decided on the policy of pro viding for judges at large and to have instructed the subcommittee so to frame the legislation. It was stated by committee members that in deciding against the house plan which would assign the judges to particular circuits the committee had sought to meet the emergency and to put through legislation which would not precipitate extended rights on the floor became some circuit may not get all the> judges its senators or representatives be lieved were necessary. It was said alsa that the con_ sensus of opinion among committee members was - that the legislation should be pressed for passage once it is reported to the senate in view of statements by Attorney General Daugherty and Chief Justice Taft that more judges were ba3ly needw ed. GIVES UP KLAN WORK Mr*. Elizabeth Tyler Resign* As Clarke's Assistant Atlanta, Jan. 5.?Mrs. Elizabeth A i.1 J-_ A. .* lyier, Atlanta, tonignt announced her resignation as assistant to E. Y. Clarke, imperial kleagle and head of the propagation department of the Ku Klux Klan. Mrs. Tyler, in a written communi cation addressed to members of the order, stated the resignation was to :ake effect immediately and that it was due to the illness of her daugh ter, Mrs. Doris Manning Jett, who is suffering from tuberculosis. "My physician, Dr. Henry McGee, says I must rest or completely collapse," the letter read. Notice To Taxpayers For the Purpose of Accommodating the Public in the Matter of Mak ing Their Return*, I Will Visit the Places Mentioned Below On The Dates Indicated in Schedule. ALL RETURNS must be made un der oath of real estate and personal property returned at its market] value. Persons not making their returns between January 1, 1922 and Feb ruary 20, 1922, are liable to a .penal ity of 50 per cent. This penalty will be enforced against delinquents; for the failure to enforce it heretofore has put on neglect of the law. The returns of those who conform to the law are placed before the Township and County Boards, while those who disregard the law come in after the meeting of the Boards and return to suit themselves. The en forcemnt of this 50 per cent penal ty will cont'd this evil. Returns will not be taken by mail unless they are sworn to before some proper officer. All improve ments or any transfer of real estate must be reported to the Auditor. Employers are requested to return all their employees after notifying them and getting a statement of their property. All tax returns must be made by school districts. So please look up your plats and find the number of acres in each school district, also amount of personal property. My Appointments Are as Follows: Calhoun Falls, Wednesday, Febru ary 7 th. Lowndesville, Thursday and Fri day, Feb. 9th and 10th. Donalds, Monday and Tuesday, February 13th and 14th. Due West, Wednesday and Thurs day, February 16th and 16th. Mr. E. A. Patterson will represent me at Antreville and W. W. Willaon will represent me at Level Land. RICHARD SONDLEY, Auditor Abbeville County. eL 8wks. Abbev GROCER' Every housekeeper who interested in this advertis The values quoted are < offers a real saving. Walter Bakers Chocolate?1 W. H. Bakers' Chocolate . . . Premier Peanut Butter. Premier Salad Dressing .... Knox Gelatine Cream of Wheat Premier Sweet Wrinl^ed Pe Goblin Soap ... Palm Olive Soap Royal Baking Pawder Davis Baking Powder, small s Ryzon Baking Powder, peT pi No. 2 Standard Pears Farina . . . . , Kellog's Corn Flakes Instant Postum, ArbuekJ-es Coffee, per pound Kingsford Corn Starch . . . . No. 2 cans Premier Cdrn ... * No. 2 cans Standard Corn.. . J Large size Canned Brains, 50 i Large Cans Standard Tomato 1 10 pound Kits White Fish, J Clean Easy Soap | "Sterling" Dried Beef ...... Mince Meat, large jars .. . . 2 Premier Strawberry Jam . . . Premier Cherry Jam Premier Blackberry Jam, .. Premier Stuffed Oliives, smal Premier Queen Olives, large Nabob Mixed Pickles Nabob Chow Chow Pickles . Monarch Orange Preserves, r< Marichino Cherries, small bi i Premier Stuffed Olives, sma 1 Premier Prepared Mustard, 1 ! Nosco Onion Salt, large bott ! Coleman's' Mustard, "Easy Make" Cocoa Pudding, Creamed Chicken Walter Bakers' Cofcoa, . . 1-2 *;* "Jello" .... ? Standard Quality Corned Beei 1 Lunch Tongue, 1 Phillips' Cocoa, 2 Premier Tomato Catsup, largi Lee & Perrin's Worchester Si Premier Chili Sauce ^ CI 1_ n: nnn.-.ilnn A opaiiisn rmiemus, rcgumi j Campbell Soups Van Gamps Pork & Beans . .. Premier Pork and Beans . . . Fish Roe, regular 30c can, . Codfish Flakes, regular'20c Canned Roast Beef Crab Flakes Blue Fin Tuna Fish Premier Tuna Fish Bakers Cocoanut Horsford's Bread Preparation Lipton's Yellow Label Tea .. Libby's Asparagus Tips Red Devil Lye Rumfords Baking Powder, . . Large can Kippered Herring Large can Imported Sardines Regular 20c cans Kraut . . . Large cans Premier Apricots ''Bee Brand" Apricots No. 2 1-2 can Premier Peach No! 2 1-2 can Premier Pears Nabob Cherries No. 2 1-2 cans Premier Cheri Premier Pineapple, sliced anc Quaker Puffed'Wheat Quaker PuiMfT Rice Stick Candy Monogram Coffee 2 The above prices are for j orders promptly filled, an< : The Rosenbers i PHO bent Stores Many Departments rille, S. C. ! Y SPECIALS wishes to economize, will be 31 ement. exceptional, and each article -2 lb 25c; 1 pound 45c. ... 40c pound small, 3 for 25c; large, 2 for 35c small, 15c; large, 35c. ji- . . ... .. .. 20c Package. 25c Package. ar -'2 carte 55c. 3c., 9 for 25c. 3 for 25c. . . 1-4 pound 15c; 1 pound 45c. ize, .... 3for 25c. 1 pound 20c. ound ... . . . 40c. 10c can. 10c tifccftage. f1c Package. > ? ? ' 5 i Mi small, 26c; large, 40c can ... ... 25c. 8c .Package 2 for 35c. ... . 12c. c value for ...... 35c. >es 12c. L .00 value for ;.. 60c. 7 for 25c. 12c jar. v. 2i0c. 35c, 3 for $1.00 OK*. ?. fen M AA I vl '1 -.r. wvj v ?vi- y 30c; 2 for 56c. I bottles, .2 for 25c. size, 35c; 2 for 65c. 40c bottle. 40c bottle. ;gular 50c value, ... ..... 35c. otties ... 10c. II bottles 2 for 25c. 5c value, . fOc. les ,;... 15c. 30c can, 2 for 55c. regular 60c size, .. 30c package 20c vplue 12c pound cans 25c; 1-5 lb. can 12c. ... lie package. r .. . . _. .t.. 15c can. regular 25c can, 15c. 1 -2 p<*md can .... 25c. e bottles .., :. .. * .25c. ** ? luce, . 30c bottle. 25c bottle. L5c cans, :*Ai *.?. .. 9c. 10c can , ... <.10c can . 12c can. ... ... 20c. can, 11c. 18c. 50c cans,*. . . 30c. l ie van. 15c can. 15c can. . & 15c package. .1-2 pound 40c; 1 pound 75c. 40c can. 12c can 1 pound can 30c; 1-2 lb. can 16c 20c. 35c. 2 for 25c. ... 40c. 35c. es 40c. 40c. 35c. 'ies 40c. i i ~ ,1 ac. f% c x r-_ i grcueu. . . . MV ueiiij * iwr tot. 10c package. 12c package 10c pound 35c pound this week, for cash. Phone d promptlyIdelivered. ; Mercantile Co. 'NE|38 Bniznnnramaaiiia^^ . - &