Jf=Z J=>\ S. A. Waters of Lowndesville was in town Tuesday on business. Wister Harmon of McCormick was a visitor in Abbeville Sunday. W. N. Graydon of Columbia spent a short while in town yesterday on business. Miss Margaret Swetenburg spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Frank W. Wilson at Watts. Mrs. Mabry Cheatham is spending this week her mother Mrs. Knox, of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. William "^Moss ^>f Norway vdsiting Mr. and Mrs. * A. H. Barnett. , Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Henry of Col umbia spent several days this week with Miss Maggie Brooks. ' - Miss Pauline Wosmansky is in Newberry this week visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. A. Lominick. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kay and son spent Sunday and Monday in Ander son with relatives. iMrs. R. S. Ellis and son, Leon, spent the holidays in Due West with Mrs. Louise Loner. . Miss Ethel Hunter of?clmton is visiting Mr., and Mrs. C. B. Hipp on Pinckney street. ?7 WaJ^erf" McDonald of Atlaflta is tflsiting his moflher Mrs. W. T. Mc Donald on Magazine street. Miss Margaret Huguelet spent Sat urday in Abbeville with her sister, Mrs. Joe ^lughes. Miss Grace Kay of Anderson visiting. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Kay on Magazine street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Link and little son spent the week-end in An derson with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Greene and sons of Greenville spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Greene. Miss Nell Roper of Columbia ar rived in Abbeville yesterday for a visit to Miss Charlotte Brown. Mrs. S. J. Welsh of Monroe, N. C., was the Christmas guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welsh on Greenville street. ^ 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones came over from Atlanta and spent Christ mas here with Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Lominick of Newberry spent Sunday with Mrs. C. B. Wosmanskey and Mrs. Lewis) Sprouse. Mrs. Frank Evans of Spartanburg is in the city for a few days visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George White. Harold LaBoone of Anderson spent the week-end in the city with! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. LaBoone> Mr. and Mrs. Carter Arnold came over from Elberton and were the Christmas visitors of Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Hill. Mrs. M. C. Sanders returned to1 Greenville Tuesday after spending two weeks with the Misses Gibert of Lebanon. Miss Louise Brown returned to her work in Allendale Tuesday after spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chandler an^' f. . :>ir. t sons, of Elberton, were - Christmas visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. - | Greene on Church street. , " -.V . * * : : - s (Mrs. J.v'F. Edmonds, Jr., are i Shelton visiting Mrs. Wolling. Mrl* Leila Todd of Due West wa a visitor in the city Tuesday. T. R. Gallman spent the holiday in Newberry with friends. Mrs. J. M. Mabry and Jack Suther land are visiting Mrs. S. J. Kilgon in Newberry. C. S. Maree of Greenville was i visitor in the city during the Christ mas season. w. Li. Wilson spent luesaay mgn 'in Spartanburg with Mr and Mrs Joe Everett. - Cheyes Haskell and Langdon Has kell of Savannah were the holida; guests of L. C. Haskell. | Cousin Percival W. Miller spen Tuesday with Mr. W. E. Leslie th< day being given over to hunting. Mrs. J* E. Roche and children lef today for Fort Lawn to spend seyer al days with relatives. J. 0. Crowley returned Tuesday from Carrollton, Ga., where he spen the holidays with Mrs. Crowley. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McCrack^n o: Columbia are visiting Mr. aftd Mrs Elbert Corley on Pinckney street. Mrs. T. H. Furman of Atlanta was the guest of Mrs. F. E. Harrisoi for the Christmas season. E. A. Stevenson of Barnwell spen Christmas near the city wifti rela tives and friends. Mrs. Fred Carroll and children o: Monroe, N. C. are visiting Mr. ,an< Mrs. S. T. Eakin on Magazine street Mrs. D. E. Estes and children o: Chester are the guests of Mrs Estes' sisters, the Misses Edmonds. Miss flporpia Edwards of .Green villa spent the week-end with he: sister, Mrs. C. C. Gambrell. / R. G. Hemphill and Mrs. Wm. I Greene went to Spartanburg Xues day afternoon for a short visit t< Maj. and Mrs. J. C. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lawson o: Spartanburg were the Christmas vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilsoi and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Townsend. Judge and Mrs. J. F. Miller spen Christmas in Atlanta with their son Albert A. Miller, returning yester day. Allen M.-Robertson left today fo: his home in Oklahotha City, Okla. after .spending Christmas with hi sister Miss Mae Robertson. Miss May Harris left for her hom< in Elbert county, Georgia, Monda] after an extended visit to her aunts Miss May Harris and Mrs. Richar< Hill. - I 'Mrs. Eugene Stewart is ove from iFairfield County visiting he parents, Mr. and tMrs. James H Greene and other kindred in thi county. Mrs. J. W. Everett and childrei of Spartanburg arrived in the cit: today to spend a week with Mr. an< Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Mr. and Mri C. P. Townsend. ' Miss Emma Perrin of Rock Hil arrived in the city yesterday to at tend the wedding of her niece, Mis r? ? If_ n 1^ n aara rernn to mr. iv. i^. ^ua wiuci event takes place this evening. Dr. and Mrs. Ed McMillan an< their charming- daughters, Mis/e: Joe and Edwma are here from Hen dersonville and are spending a fev days with their many relatives in th< city. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Reedy wh( have been visiting Mr. C. A. Haiglei and family left Monday for Clio t< visit Dr. Reedy's father, Dr. W. C Sr . hpfnrp rptumi-nc to t.hpii 9 ~ "o home in Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Leslie, Jr. have* "returned from their wedding trip apd are at home at Mr. W. E Leslie's near the city, where thej enjoyed a large family dining or Tuesday. fSM3l3J3f3J2f3l35ISEI3 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. James F. Bradley, announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret! to Mr. R. F. Poole, Ph. D., of New Jersey, the wedding to take place in February. , A DINNER PARTY. ? i lurs. J. ruugn eiiberutiiieu at an elaborate dinner party Monday night, having her children at home and her relatives in the city as her guests. At' t^e close of a delightful seven course dinner Mrs. Klugh, in a few happy words toasted Miss Margie Bradley, announcing her ap proaching marriage. PLEASANT NEWS. Mrs. James F. Bradley has an nounced the engagement of her daughter Miss Margaret Bradley to Mr. R. Frank Poole and ihany pleas ant entertainments are already being planned for the bride-to-be. Tfye wedding will take place in the early part of February. Miss Bradley was a student of the Wrtma'n'a Cnllece at Due West and has taught successfully in the public schools of the county and in the graded schools at Clinton. Miss % Bradley is an accomplished musician i and has scores of friends to wish her happiness in her married life. Mr. Poole is a native of South Car t olina, his home being at Graycourt. . He is a graduate of Clemson Col lege and a world war veteran of four years service in the aviation depart ? ment. Mr. Poole is teaching in the j University of New Jersey and is a | young educatof of much promise. COX?CRANT Of interest to a large number of /???>)? 4-Va or a 4-/\Aarr o+ 1 1 I inciiuo TVao Viiw bvvtMj MV o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oox, of iMiss Katie Maigaret Cox and John Ajubrey Grant. The Rev. H. L. 5 Weeks of the Baptist church per-j formed the ceremony, the young. 5 couple leaving immediately after ward for a visit to relatives in KnoxvUle. Tenn. . ,*T- ' . r , f The Cox home was charmingly _ decorated for the occasion, the ' color scheme in tHe parlor being green and white and in the dining room pink and ^green, the Christ t mas colors being everywhere in evidence.^. Boston fern was the ' green background for the wedding scene proper, white wedding bells and pink tapers completing the r scheme. , The bride was auended by her s sister, Miss Minnie Ruth Cox, wear ing pink carnations. Her bouquet was of bride roses. Mr. Grant, the ? bridegroom, had for ibest man his j brother, S. L. Grant, of Chester, i, Following the wedding cermony 1 a delicious salad course followed by cake and wine was served by Miss es Kathleen Schroeder, Valeria r Campbell and Kathryn Latimer, r Miss Eleanor Schroder pinned dainty favors of wedding bells on e the departing guests. Mrs. Grant is a daughter of Cor oner and Mrs. J. C. Cox and is * a i young woman of many charming per f. sonal qualities and a warm, friendly i i personality. Mr. Grant is an ^mploye s of the Seaboard railway and has numerous friends throughout the section. Their friends will be pleas 1 ed to know that they will con - tinue to live in Abbeville. Upon their s return from Tennessee they will be 1 at home to their friends in their1 apartment in the Smith house on Pickens street. 1 Out of town guests at the wed i ding were: Mr. and Mrs. M. D. 3chroeder, 7 .Miss Valeria Ganiplbell and J. A. ? Schroeder, Jr, of Atlanta; Miss: I Kiathryn Latimer of Greenville; j Mrs. J. V. Schroeder, Misses Gussie ij > Mae and Marguerite Schroeder of ,'j Spencer, N. C., and S. L. Grant of . > Chester. 9 ? ? , DANCE AT EUREKA Delighful in every particular .was , the script dance given at the Eure f ka hotel Tuesday night by Kay's, . Orchestra. The guests enjoyed j ' dancing for several hours, leaving: i with many expressions of pleasure | at the success of the affair. LEGION MEETING . TOMORROW NIGHT The dqpce which will follow the meeting and supper tomorrow after noon and evening of the ex-service men of Abbeville County will lie given in Rosenberg hall, 'beginning at 9:30 o'clock. Kay's Orchestra will furish the imusic. The business meeting will be hec^ in the court house at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The banquet will begin at 7:30 o'clock in the hall over Parker, and Reese's store. Replies have been received from (upwards of 150 ex-service men who are coming to Abbeville for the oc casion and indications are that a most enthusiastic evening will, 'be had. . The supper, as has been an nounced, is free to air ex-service men. The public is invited to attend the dance which also ie free. Ernest Rosenberg of Greenwood will be one of the speakers. Frank W. Bradley of Columbia, a native of this county who is, oh a visit to his father at Troy, has promised to bp present if possible. With his long experience in the army and his ability as a speaker.- he would be heard gladly by the young men that know him. * . The chaperones at the dance will be: Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Hrfrrison, Mr. and Mrs. M- T. Coleman, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. McMurray, T\Ir. and Mrs. W. P. Greene, Mr and Mrs C. E Wil liamson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mars, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Nickles, Dr. and Mrs. George Penney, Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Speed, Mr. afld Mrs J. M. Wilkin son, Mr. and Mub. J. C. King, Mr. and Mrs. W. M Barnwell, Mr and Mrs. J. F. Barnwell, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. White, Mr. and Mrs. M B^ Reese, Mr and Mrs. S. H Rosenberg. DINNER PARTY . In lwnor of the birthday of Miss Ruby Edmond^ which occurred on Christpaas day several pfher friend* were the dinner guests of Misses Eliaafoetfi a^g, Ruby. .Es monds at .. their. home Jionday eyening. $he rooms were charming in their decoration? of , holly and flowers, befitting the Christmas sea son. A course dinner was served. . The guest were, Misses Musella' Weeks, Winona Bariksdale, EJftel Perry, Ruth Howie, Victoria Howie and Messrs. Raymond Weeks, San ford Howie and John Lomax. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED In The State of Sunday was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Louise Watson of Sumter, to Mark Reynolds, Jr., of Sumter. Miss Watson, who is a-'fornjer resident of Abbeville, is a sister of Mrs. G. W. Shelor and Mrs. Gibert Evans of Ab beville, and a daughter of the late A. K. Watson. The wedding is to take place in the early spring. MARRIED Married at the Baptist parsonage, Friday, December 23rd, 1921, Mr. C. E. Herndon and Miss Lessie L. Bish op, both of Calhoun Falls, the R UN OUR tr'rT JJ \ * i. as fpr tjie. past two a Christmas Savings d those - who have saving for Christinas good to have plenty t Christmas tinfe -t " Ir le atioh f n* now IV AKJ V|/VAA X VJL V1AV ilVfl , be used during * the x \\ ' - If: " \ % . ** 1**23 *. v.r ;.~tr * / . NE OR MORE OF ING CLASSES V.,.-. " "'V- wi'i ^ nd week 4c. Inc^eaae each, re in */?l# v < . >!? ' vA 1 econd week 98c. Decrease each 1 re in ... .... .. 9 id week 10c. Increase eaci V *' *' ii* ?/x>?Xr nve in " ' .. ' vC ** '- ^?#; icond week $2.45. Decrease each ?ive in J ^ h week for 50 p