Xocal flews : {Personals : Mrs. M. -L<. uoniisou ?? visuug, tives in Columbia. I * I E. F. Arnold waj a business visit- j or to Greenville Tuesday. r Mrs. J. A. Woodhurst is attending the fair in Atlanta this week. Mrs. A. M. Tolbert of Smithville was in town Tuesday shopping. ] Jean Schroeder and Frank Dupre are spending this 'Wjeek in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Julius King of Bethiah were in town Tuesday shopping. Mrs. S. E. Moragne of Bordeaux is visiting relatives in and near the city. Miss Eliza McCullough of Newberry is visiting Mrs. C. E. Peele on North Main street. Miss Harvey Cochran and little V?. Monno cnont SatllrfluV ?nd Sun i'i CkL y A,a UUV oyv- ? * v ^/wi ??. ???? ? day at Watts with Mr. and Mrs. J. ^E. Cochran. W. E. Hill went over to Greenwood today to attend the Piedmont Fair and also to act as one of the judges in the Art department. Mrs. Robert Shirley of Ho'nea Path is in the city for a few days visit to Mrs. Frank Henry. Mrs. Shirley has many relatives in Abbeville and her visits give pleasure to many. Miss Emma J. Flynn of Butte, Mont., is in Abbeville after accompanying the body of her brother, Frank B. Flynn, who died October 1, J' A- ir j. I m rionaa, xo verrauui iui uunoi. Mrs. Thos. L. Northam of Modest Town, Va., passed thrugh the city today en route to Brownlee where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Brownlee. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Sherard, Monday, October 17th, a son, James Hardin, Jr. - j MRS. WILSON INJURED. Mrs. J." D. Fulp was called to BidnmuxiiT 'coc+okAi* o f+ornnrm Viv n aMvifc-i- ? ~J - ! message stating that her mother, Mrs. J. M. Wilson, had been seriously injured^by a fall from her back r jwTch. !' /.*? . "J TO WINTER INt CHARLSTON -/ *71 Mrs. Frank B. Gary and her sister, Miss Jane Evans, leave Thurspital by local police Monday morning:. He had been shot eight times in a un fight with two unknown negroes. After being paroled from a sentence of two to 26 years in the eastern district penitentiary of Pennsylvania, according to a circular broadcasted by prison authorities in February, Durham broke parole and has been sought all over the country since. He had been convicted of felonious assault. I leas I, iuu parcnw>. Jn.ay a j rendered several musical numbers. The superintendent of schools, i Major Pulp, gave a demonstration of j the use of the stereoptacon in the teaching of geography, the feature proving of practical interest to those in attendance. The views were of South America, the country now being studied. / The program for the meeting yet to be held during the session was announced as follows: November, Primary Grades. January, Music Department, Due West Woman's College. February, Sixth and Seventh Grades. March, Fourth and Fifth Grades. April, High School. May, Open. The treasurer's report showed a balance of cash on hand Of $82, which indicates the association is in good condition financially. The report was received with enthusiasm. \ NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY The following books have recently been g'ven, to the library by the B;ok Clnb: The Last Straw, b> Harold Titero. TVin RniWoro K-u Pllnn filasirnw. The Position of Peggy Harper, by Leonard Merrick. City of Comrades, by Basil King. The Cresting Wave, by Edwin Bateman Norris. The Secret City, by Hugh Walpole. The Desert Wheat, by Zana Grey. Mammy's White Folks, by Emma Speed Simpson. The Cup of Fury, by Rupert Hughes. In Secret, by Robert W. Chambers. The Crimson Tide, by Robert W. Chambers. The Golden Scorpion, by Sax Rohmer. Mary Marie, by Eleanor H. Porter. Mrs. Ellen Norwood, Librarian. RESOLUTION Thp follnwinc resolution has bee'h passed by the Chamber of Commerce and Mayor of Abbeville: That, Whereas, November 11, 1921 is the third anniversary of the armistice in the great World War, and that this date each year is to be known as "Armistice Day," and Whereas, all nations should celebrate th's date in a spirit of patriotism and thankfulness, and Whereas, we of America, should be the first to recogrnize the great importance of this: event, and Whereas, that, we, of this Abbeville County, are loyal Americans. Therefore, be it resolved by the Abbeville County Chamber of Commi.irr'a tViaf u,'a PTn nnnrinnririnrinrir a;Ti3 ili utinaMouuclun 1 $100,000 |j] At least that much m< S terval that elapsed b( jjj establishment of the !fi riecl away. We have jjj ter than the other fell jfc and have had other i ffi ence. If you can get 8 there is sense in send: ai Si like our bread tell us | tion. ABBEY Opera House H One Day Only "THE CONQUEST ....WITH. THOMAS MEIGHAN AND 1 He came from that part of town seething Beaver Beach, with its scar sides, he asp'red to a certain girl ar town's respectable leaders. Includi he went away and studied law. And COME SEE JOE LOUDEN ( ADDED ATTR. LARRY SEMON 15 Cents ADMISS SPECIAL?SA WILLIAM DUNCAN and __IN_"WHERE MEN \ Friends until death. The youth di . dead partner had left to be mailed w of his life. He little thought it wou charge, bring him a fortune and fui H ADDED ATTRACTION?(MO> B ....IN..., H "THE MONKEY I 15 Cents ADMISS EJ i i a. j Why Wait? D Most good thin ^ to those who 8 they work ai while they wai folk put off woi ing, or both, ui things ^come. do not come th The "I>o it now the one to who things come. H he makes mists he makes moi makes most ou money in a ph the STANDAE Your pass book j Why W; Series Just 0 3 a < a $10 a Month for 80 Months $20 a Month fop 45 Months $40 a Month for 24 Months el i 3 ( Standard Buildi 3 I Associa OFFICE AT PLANT a 3 W. H. WHITE, President C a a a SJMS/5/2?BlKlSJ5JSEISi5J51B?BE?05JSJ5M5JS!BIEJE Left Town )ney left Abbeville never tc Btween the failure of the la present one. Some of it i made every effort to make low's. We have compared people test both. They ca more value for your mom ing it away. Give us a cha what is wrong with it. Thg fILLE BAf H. L. MOOR anacuanc icitlclciclelcicl Cnin^juJurl 3131317131313131. FRIDAY OF CANAAN" 5 OTHERS IN CAST that wasn't "respectable,"? idal and shady politics. Beld knew too much about the ng Judge Pike. So, when when he came back? CONQUER CANAAN. ACTION HOMED Y ION 35 Cents LTURDAY EDITH JOHNSON \ ARE MEN" d not know that the note his 'ould affect the whole course Id free him from a serious rnish him a bride. JKEY) JOE MARTIN HERO'' ION 35 Cents J5jgjgj5J5J5fSIBJ5J5HSI5J35IBI51BJ5f51^B >o It Now! | ! gs come I wsiit?if j|j id save | t. Some | *k or sav- N itil good' j Ehit they A at way. ? " chap is I m good ? e works, , | ikes but I ney. He. | t of his ace like 1 v :D* 1 is ready. ? ait? ' I Opened. 1 will net you $1,000. will net you $1,000. will net you $1,000. nit ^ I nan 2 IUL VX UUU11 | tion ! ERS BANK. )TTO BRISTOW, Secretary. | ) return in the in- S st bakery and the S is still oemg car- jo bread that is bet- jE and tested both, 3j -s n find no differ- ig jy out of town, ? nee?if you don't |j. it's a fair proposi- jfi [ERY IE, Proprietor. S _ i