- MRS. SOLOMON SAYS: ^ryW-TTi-T' Bemg the Coa(u*ioni of The SorenHundredth Wife. \ i *1 ;n u * By Helen Rowland. Verily, verily, my Daughter, "there is no rose-garden without its Sjj * . % bee, no soda fountain without its fiy, and no summer, resort without its ,"Vaanp." (For, wheresoever thou go est in search of heartsease ana aeiigm, there shah thou find one. woman who maketh life unbearable for all the i rest of women. , Behold, I have watched the Surf* ' Siren at her work in the waves and in the kail-room. Yet, with, all my wisdom, I hare not found the secret of her charm, nor sofy^fhe mystery cdf h?r Wurement.: , ?VA in AWAAA fVo ?MAC4 * VIA) auo u uvv onvajo vw uavdv befrotSftU amongst the Beach Bean* ties* neither the youngest: nor the wisest nor the wittiest; yet men torn toward her as needles toward a mag net, as flies toward a t candy-shop and mosquitoes toward a front piazsa. w'/\ The Callow youth, and the octegenarian, the thrill .proof bachelor and i 'v the devoted husband, -arisen as one man, and follow after to. , ; At sight of her, their *?yes light ' : l. - < EffjjrirHB LI M Mfj Our Glasses HBETTER * *" ; ' ' : If you smffar from eye strain?if t you find Twnhf, writing or sewing unpleasant tub I*t nt unlock the fetter* that bind yon, by foraisbing glasses tbat will naUa yen to saa clearly i and satis& faetierily. This is the bone, of batter glasses. ^ ' DR. L. V. LISENBEE OPTOMETRIST ^ ' . ' ' TELEPHONES: ' MKm278 Re*. 388 S 14 WMUBIIoi St. : Over MoMorra; Druf.Co. ABBEVILLE, S: C (Burning Glum Cost No Mart) Jif?B9 ). mmfrmmtm " ,| ' : , I . '? ^ IAn -22S waxtan '".'r - p . says: "If thei - - -v, ness on earth should leave s it is advertising Advertising i > which creates s & Liit? TL Dusiness, 1 n T:. % to increase ach v ah ' r I' / ' ing wnat are times. :;'v jf In this way \ i ' -v "*$: r ' ?by using ad^ f:;,f , ?keep their se I to normal 4 ' Advert ^f-he Press < Sets thi ' , V " / * * ' ' * i ! 8 I x " f ? up, and boredom droppeth from them and weariness is no more. And lo, the "settled" man who scorned to dance the new dances, is straightway srmattfen with a wild fever to trip the light fantastic, and persuadeth herto teach him all the new steps. The Tired Business Man who hath forgotten his tennis is inspired with a sudden pasison to renew his game, and urgeth her to join in his practice. . v The bridge fiend leaveth the card table, in order that he may while away his hours .of relaxation* with her chatter. ' "' v j It requireth seven stalwart men l mj eaca ner xu swim. But the women know her, by instinct, a? mice know the coming of a -house cat; and at sight of her, they shudder nad gather in their husbands! They know hex by the droop of her picture hat, from under which she peepeth. They know her by the perfection of her dancing nad the invisibility of her bathing suit. They know her by her subtile silence and the overworking' of her eyes. V- . & They knotf her by her permanent Wave, which ooanetli not out, and by hfi?-smile whi^x cometh hot off. , Yea, they have her number, and their knives are out* and their hammers ready and waiting. They greet her with smiles and with cooings, but, in' secret, they gnash their teeth. And, behold, when the summer hath passed, even as a steamer that hath passed a quiet shore, .she ieaveth a trail of breakers in her wake. I For no man that hath seen her ever forgetteth her. Neither doth any woman! And her name is written down in their books-in letters of Phosphorus! , But, be of good cheer, my Daughter, and scorn her not. For without her, a summer resort would be duller than a Sunday afternoon on Main street and. sadder than a jazz orchestra without a drummer. . Seiah* . Tax on passenger automobiles in Great Britain is $5 per horsepower. In Italy the tax for an average car runs between $3000 and $3000 a year. V '"' '*: :\J-' . 'p :. C^v'' i : :t, ' ' r.; ' . '' ' '*.. M : \ V' ?M laker ; ' ' V". re is one busi 1 that a 'quitter . * > ' y>:; icverely alone, v. ? ::: - ' I v ' ? v A' 1 ' is the power ales and builo* e natural, tinte rertising is durtermed "dull" . t' vise mcrciioiiis I /ertising space Jes volume up ising in 2nd Banner i Goods . '' r. . . v^v^vUvvvvvw k < ' k - SANTUC > 1 L w ^ ^ ^ > N ^ V % > > ] This community and many visit ors had the pleasure of enjoyin another picnic and hash dinner wit tea and a'bundants of cakes and pie last Wednesday at the homo of Mi W. H. Sharp. The day was ehjoye ibyeveryibody and we hope to hav many more pleasant picnic*}, at hi home. , yv Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Culhreth, Mi and Mrs. C. P. McMahan visitefl Mi and Mrs. Pope Nash in Georgia few days last week. Mr. Carl Sharp is here froi North Carolina visiting his relfl tives'ahd friends. /; 'v - t : Ralph. McGee has returned to U home in Betlon after ? visit-to. hi uncle, Mr. M. B. Kay. - ! Mr. and Mrs. W? F. Kay had' a ixneir guests rnaay anessrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wright-spen Sunday with the latter's hoane peo pie. .. I>, j r.(> iMr. Bascom Kay spent Thprsda; with Mr. Lewis Edwards. Mrs. Boyd has returned-home ai ter an extended visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. K. I. Bryant, of -Georgia gootf is a fore g gtie conclusion. ?ve?y fellw who re* ^ ports will be moved op to the test* ( ing grounds as quickly as he is proa nounced ready by the assistants to Metxger and McGowan. iMetzger is f a stickler for having a man not only ^ in shape to stand his first scrimmage but also to have him skilled in such matters as the right way to tackle, interefere and charge.. This, avoids '? mafry injuries and permits of rapid ^ development. That Ihls plan worked 'i- ' -A t . zHuLL setter tn&n ever oeiore any oiner ' plan did at Carolina was- clearly 7 proven last season when he lost no varsity men from injuries for Ms big games: . t According to Metzger men who - are well trained and coached are rarely hurt in ^football. He claims to y have worked out a system of fundamentals that really prevent injuries _ and his record not only at Carolina, . but at Pennsylvania, Washihgton and Jefferson and 4 West Virginia r bade up his word. "Football methods have briproved j in the .past decade," said the CarQj lina coach on his visit here. "Today just a few of the old time coaches are in "the game and these are the ones whq^have been keen enough to note ' that methods of training players ~ Viatra nkonireil rarivAllr Tn * days football candidates were worked too hard. A season meant a long t hard grind. Fellows were sick of it - long before it was over. Today we see how little work we can do to con dition men, rather than how much we-y can give them. As, a result t the players are on edge when a game ' comes around and are keen to tackle the other fellow. Another result is r, that no one is hurt. The had name t .football has among some people is V due to old-fashioned methods of t training still practiced iby some t. coaches. It tired the fellows, and it consequence they went at it half e heartedly. And that is when they get i hurt." Metzger was asked * if Carolina would follow the same system of a play as last year. "We had two formations last season which we never d used," he -said. "We managed to l- squeak through some tight holes without them. 1 told the quarterbacks > to keep tem tip their sleeves unless e we had to spring1 them to win our biff r. games. We never had to so we have something is reserve for this season, f two styles otf attack that the old mem are familiar with but which have v never been shown. Whether we use d them this fall depends upon circumn stances in our big games. If we do it have to cut loose then watch us go.*' s V . - \ ' YOU may j ,, I cure a cu^ton ' with a bfcrga m : 1 but it takes qui ty to hold hin i - = t e 1 -r ? a I r THiS MACHINE MAKES YOUR OWN POSTAGE - , He New York, Ayg. 9,?New/York was introduced today to the postage meter 9? t?a machine which' makes every man an his own stamp printer and does a- ch< way with the necessity of sticking thj them on. The National City Blank me has the first one exhibited here. The machine, recently approved by "T the postofflce department, operated on a principle similar to that- of the government's automatic cancelling machine. As the letters are run thru ? it, a square about the size of a stamp ^ is printed, in which appear the words ''-U. S. Postage?Paid.2 cents." The machine is equippdef with a register which can only be set by .j? postofflce authorities. When the register shows the u$er has stamped as aIr ma^y letters as he paid for, the ma- ye chine stops and has to be taken to the postofflce to be reset. ^ , , Hit Add TmV Of Lore : ^ lL . 53 ' i. Judge ( .1.. The girl climbed upon the' broad L. arm of her father's moms chair and leaned her pretty blonde head kgainst his gray one. "Daddy dear," she softly said. ^ "Why is it you never scowl and be glare at Jack?" Her father was surprised. ^ "Why, good gracious! What do I q want to scowl at him for?" he asked. "And you never want to throw him violently through the front jal p. ini ? vil W. A. HARRIS ? FUNERAL 8UPPUE8 ** , EMBALMING ' " and tyAuto Hearse Service th< PHONES / ^ Day 395 Niffht 134 th. , T no ? lot STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, lot I COUNTY OP ABBEVILLE soi Probate Court Citation for ^Letters of Adminutra* pr, tion. . , ab By J. F. Millar, Esq., Judge of Pro* fr( bate: )ej WHEREAS, Jennie Elizabeth Botts aj? hath made suit to me, to grant her an letters of administration -of the estate iej and effects of Thomas H. Botts, late (g of Abbeville County, deceased. a These Are Therefore,, to cite and 0j admonish all and singular the kin- on dred and creditors ol tne said mom- no es H. Botts, deceased, that they .be ea and appear before me, in the Court g0 of Probate, to be held at Abbeville mi Court House, on the 28rd day of August 1921, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ^ show cause, if any they have, why sei the said Administration should not mi be granted. Given under my hand and seal of ca the Court this 9th day of Aug. in ar the year of our Lord one thousand ^ nine hundred and twenty one and in tjj the 146th year of American Inde- an pendence. v * Published on the 10th day of Aug. gg 1921 in the Press and Banner and on ^ the Court House door for the time required by law. pa J. F. MILLER, 3t Judge of Probate. ???? i mmmmUmhmmtmmmmmm" 555 ; * \ Statioi 564 ? J?* How's yo In; business s di- . Now's a : i... look it o ready for 1 We can alsc dcr for Engr r J or every puri The Press # ? V 1 In The Know. - f:i3 - ,'7& ' jJ mston Post. Tlie composer appeared in the Ice of the publisher one morning d with calpi assurance returned a Bck for $200. "You cam destroy "j. it," he toild fhe publisher, "and ike out one to my credit for $500/ 'Jj "Nonsense," came the reply. ? |j hat's your royalty to date for ur last song!" "(>h, no, $ isn't,'' said, .the comj. 3er' s , Do you mean to insinuate that the in is?r" /' itm "I insinuate nothing; Jjnake the aple statement that Iwast J$500 royalties. For the first iimein my | e I can be positive, as to the lount. I married your bookkeeper y Bterday." v : ; MASTER'S SALE ; | Hm State of .South Carolina, , * . COUNTY OP ABBEVILLE, A Court of Common Pleas P. SONDLEI", ^ Plaintiff, Against IARLIE JANIDES and ,J. S. STARK, Defendants. By authority of a decree of sale by i, ? Court of Common Pleas for Ab- ;v ^ ville County, in said State, made in.. & above stated case, I will offer for ^ le, at Public Outcry,, at Abbeville, ^ H., S. C., on Salesday in Septem- .> ;?? r, A. D., 1921,, within the legal urs of sale the following described id, to wit: All that certain lot or reel of land situate, lying and be- * ! I in the city of Abbeville, Abbe- M le County, in the State aforesaid, own as lot No. 4 of the D. O'Neill ojjerty as shown on plaf of S. B. * ^ imbo, engineer, dated April 22, 19, the samefoving a two story I iek house thereon, fronting twfen five and nine-tenths (25.9) feet on 1':^ b Public Square, and running back distance of seventy-two and eight aths (72.8) feet; being bounded on '-A&yll s northwest by lot Noj 3; Con the rtheast by lot No'. 8 and law range ;;,on the southeast by Russell store %4 ; and law range lot; and on the M athwest by the public square. Also lot No. 8 of the D. O'Neill operty lying at the rear of tike v J _ 3 1 - t 3 $ .1- L ove aescnoea 101 ana running uaca m the rear of a ten (10) foot airway, the same having a width of . ; _ rteen and five tenths (16.5) feet, ' 1 d a depth from lot No. 4 to the al- ' r way of sixty-one and sixteenths 1.6). feet; the northwest line being . /;J continuation of the northwest line .jj lot No. 4, the same being bounded ' ' 'y'l the northwest by lot No. 7;'on the rtheast by alley way; on the south- ; y st by law range lot; and. on the " j j uthwest by lot No. 4 and being' >re accurately described on the plat . .V ove referred to. The tvo (2) lots described above t 11 be sold as one (1) lot. All as- * ssments for street improvements jst be assured by the purchaser. TERMS OP SALE?One-third sh. and balance on credit of one id two years in equl installments, - ^ e credit pprtlon to bear interest mi _ ; e rate of deven per oent per annum, id to be evidenced by the bond of e purchaser, secured by his mort- i) ge of the premises, -with option to e purchaser to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and pecs.. THOS. P. THOMSON, ag. 1. 1921 Master A. C., S. C. lery I Is * ur supply of I ilciuuiici^ r good time to ver ands get the fall trade. > handle your oraved stock lose. & Banner Co. I * - S . w M&MM