% ESTABLIS THE ABBEVILLE ] ABBEV1 THE PRESS AND Published MONDAY, WEDN] - Entered as second-class matter Terms of ;ijYear, $2.00; Six Months, FRIDAY, AU THEY BREAK THE LAW, I The price at which the Boat ias contracted to veil the bond* re ' m mmy be obtained on the bond i * Whether this be true or not, it ci fikatet at least eight thousand do this school district. It Cannot 1 isjii i will make $10,000 or moi Kfce force of our supposed ncteessitj Kaatnse' we read the advertisemec HUM WW UMVV UV? / Vh af a municipality the sixe of "Abbe ik'bn than par. The bid in this ef tike nine of the bonds, the est Rational Bank of Abbeville i school district rather than to HMti or some other place?bon Imp the price down in order thai mi the public. Why was only one fe consideration anyway? Does elfc eatly bid to consider suggest wag the bond buyers ? Are we There are one hundred men fljOOO each of these bonds. We I people to subscribe to a Hoi anast ef $50,000, and if the pe pal* er patriotism left and think t far tike education of their childrei Ana bends at par and thus give (Ka full duwIiku oriel Am Ih* wfckk they must luittin i gwreuu or persons who bar* a* iati Ik will be said again, no douk a kf As bonds, bat they kars i hi wflliaf to admit tbat there is I flam people could buy bonds at pn Aacs. Bat tbe banks of tbis to w?d sf Liberty Bonds during tb * Aft tbat tune tbe money want out famfit from it. Certainly tbe] Boaibiin of bonds in tbe amount < asftael district i. e. if they are as ] e is tinle of necessity., Tbe trntl hf tbe ?sdertsl?|.' - Ffr instance bnk and borrows $1,000 with > nawont and pays seven or eight p harrowed need not be withdrawn, Amid h# JanoiitMl with tbat bftnl S the bank exact* of the borrow* ?dar customers, it should pay fou mtamtery until it U withdrawn. It ii 3 be withdrawn for thirty days l? withdrawn from the banks f6r Alas that as much as $30,000 will Tk banks are thus in position to I lad issue to make the loans and a ?? the money from their vaults uo mm dni helping the school distri bcp the profits of the undgrtakini The banks should know that upon to pay something like fafTrye that the assessed value of (an of Abbeville is in the neighb arty of the school district as it is IHED 1844 PRESS AND BANNER LLE, s. C. BANNER COMPANY Tri-Weekly f 3SDAY, and FRIDAY. at post office in Abbeville, S. C. Subscription: $1.00; Three Months, 50 cents. GUST 12, 1921 JUT?CALL IT COMMISSIONS. d of Trustee* of thjs school district centljr authorized is perhaps as much market at this time for these bonds, innot be denied that the price ' -conliars of the money of the tax-payers # 1 - *L _ a. t 1 ?e denied, end win not do, mai oonu redout of the .transaction through ^*We say; they will make this much itp<.*f- the bond .buyers in the daily -where they are offering the. bonds. TiHe, which bonds.bear six per cent, -case-is-in fact.only ninety.per cent. :ra< two per cent, being paid by the*' ich the Trustees agree to deposi.t the ection of- the High School building, with the National Bank of Abbe* |ney' belongs to the Trustees and d not be considered a part of the i reality we are discounting our throwing away of the money of the of $10,000. onfiscates $10,000' of- the money trict, but it is illegal, and the Board ?d into it. The Act of the General i are proposed to be issued specificbe sold . at not less than par. In . of the law a bid is tmade for these that the Board of Trustees will pay tie of bonds, the National Bank f the money until it is needed. We / ther purpose than to evade the law, >e Trustees dispute the statement, eretefore been charged for selling l commission of one-half of one per rally considered fcmple remuneration or bonds. Therefore, conceding, > Board of Trustees has a right to i these bonds and to pay for attorproved, we say again th*t the proous a sum as to be illegal on its i of Abbeville School District, or w awav SID.OOO of (lie monAV of ict when the law expressly declares rligh School most be built and, that ie money with which to do . the ?o. The $10,000 which must be to induce them to buy the bonds ie taxpayers in this school district re the paymasters. That $10,000 >y the taxpayers of this school djis are going to lose the money if ie and the taxpayers' are going to propose to give somebody $10,000, ?r for them to give the amount to the bond buyers in . Atlanta, Cind buyers whose interest it is to : they may profiteer at the expense bid before the Board of Trustees the fact that the Board was left consideration and manipulation going to play their game? in Abberille who are able to buy tad no trouble last summer in getno Building Corporation in the ople of this town hare any civic vhey really desema a school building i, they should be willing t?> buy the school district in Abbeville, ? of the bonds at par, the benefit of >ather than give it to some other irest in the welfare of the town. >t, that the people would be willing bo money with which to buy. We ittle money in the country and that ?sent and pay for them without as iwb helped the people buy $400,000 e war end financed the purchase, of the town awl the banks got no r should he able to finance the of $100,000 for the benefit of the patriotic in times of peace as they k Si that the hanks will make tnoaey i- If Mr? - A. goes to the Farmers rhich to pay for bond* in that >er cent, for the money, the money and should not be -withdrawn, but c and there left until it is needed. sr the full rate of interest charged r or five per cent for the use of the i certain that no part of this money p and no appreciable part of it will sixty or ninety days. The architect be unused by May 1st of next year, finance loans to subscribers to the t the same time not part with a cent til money begins to come in and ct make money for themselves and g at home. of this $10,000 loss they wfill be ! ten per cent, of the amount. We the property of the banks in the orhood of one-tenth of all the propassessed for taxation. Therefore, DISPUTE OVER WATCH LEADS TO KILLING OF SON Danville, Ga.f Aug. 1_.?The hom? of A. G. Webb, farmer living about threem iles from Danville, Wilkinson county, Wednesday night was the scene of a general shooting affray growig out of a dispute over an old watch and resulting in the death of W. T. Webb, aged thirtyfive, a son of A. G. Webb,, and the wounding of another son. W. T. Webb, the deceased, became infuriated, it is said, and ran off to the home Obha Butler, Ifong nejfr by, arid asked that he lend him hi3 shotgun to kill a maddog. He secured the gun and went back to his home and began shooting into the crowd, inflicting a light flesh wound on a brother. His father, A. G. Webb, then pulled a pistol, it is said, and 'Viin ' arm " fnriv?o +>hrnn mm mm V UUII X VUI I The Rose | j Four Stores inuEMziBjErarziznrcJzr to scheme here proposed they will bo make three or four per cent, on nths, but they will be actually pay* proposed contract ten per cent of ilive? Are they in position to (ire i saving and in financing while the way the money of the taxpayers in where the young idea may be a Abbeville and the taxpayers in leness and practicability and the le of financing the sale of the then we say that the taxpayers of t subjects to be swindled, and should hare their assessments rais as much as possible of the loss perhaps their charters should be carry his money in his pockets. ?rrying out this proposed scheme, ignod. Some citizens of the town, t the legality of the contract made ? no doubt as to the result of the bond buyers, who perhaps hare quired in like manner, would be Ji the court proceeding stage. Of Bade should be held legal, the nd we would have nothing left ua school district for evading the law lundred men are not willing now price, then we might secure fifty, m the sale of one-half the bonds % r half. We wquld thus sare one% in Abbeville who object to spendItos. They are not remarkable ey are willing to contribute to the iked in this case of any individual, is $5,000 worth of the bonds. The ind money may bo borrowed now per cent., granting that the bank[here is a loss on a purchase of ill* wfin ire Amolv able to con Is of the City each year. There children to be educated in the ire amply able to lose $100 a year estion is, are they willing to do it iount of jnoney which it is ab*o'?? in order to complete the pro- ; do they prefer to assist the bond , ftps one bank in Abbeville? come within two or three years posed of at par. The securities of be States and of the municipalities market. . When that time comes to the present bond issue will get t it in the meantime only the differ;ligible amount?perhaps much less taxes towards retiring the $10,000 ;w jjjcuai; dvertised h > our Satv t , * ' ' v - I STORES EXT1 WELCOME! j nberg Men uanrnimnfiiraatBBB low which we are now about to st What do the taxpayers say? nothing most' likely. Well, then, what will the cour LEBANON CHURCH CELEBRATES CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY Enjoyable Day Spent at Andenl Chapel by Presbyterian*?Good Addresses Heard. X The Presbyterians had a fine daj Wednesday, 10th inst, at Lebanot Church, the occasion being the celebration of their first Centennial (may they have many more.) Thinking possibly it would not be conven ient to attend the next one, I took advantage of the old adage, "A bir<3 in the hand is the noblest work ol God," and fell in line with the moving crowd and well was I repaid foi the venture. The day will ever t> a green spot in memory. The first item on the program was a sermon by Rev. Jas. L. Martin, D. D., almost a centenarian himself in Presbyterianism, though he does not look it by odds; and a most able sermon it was telling how as Calvinisfe and Presbyterians we stand for the j sovereignty of God, and the infallibility of the Scriptures. The other part of his theme was the Huguenots and Scotch-Irish who for conscience ake had forsakes 'their homes in the old world and had settled this section of the new World. *he present generation and congregation he said were fine witnesses of what their fathers were. Recess was taken at 1 o'clock. A band of children, under 12 years of age, placed flowers on the graves of Mr. and Mrs. Mullins, ' the old pioneers who gave the ground on which the church is built.?Then dinner as only Lebanonites and other of can or will say is, it was such a dinner as only Lebonites and other of their kind, who live in the country, occasionally get up to wane us mku people who are fortunate enough to be around wish that we lived in the country. After dinner Elder Jas. S. Gibert, the senior elder and whose father was pastor of Lebanon for 45 years, read a very interesting histiry of eady|. I J ' les? t 13th jr s not pre- |i , tave been |! irday Of- |j ND THEIR {I |i il" c\. r. ii ;aiiuie tu. | any Departments | j < jT!jiinin!jrEjajHjgji!raigrajan ? > 5 - jt is tain. What do the banks say? Well, . k * *ts say? > the church during its 100 years of r life. Dr. J. P. Robertson of Galveston, Texas, who is visiting the Abbeville t cnurcn, gave a snori; ana interesting talk. The exercises were interspersed with singing and music. Thil was a most enjoyable part of the pro- > r gram. The choir is made up largely t of Giberts and Evans who ar * spiration, containing worship as well > as music. r I May Old Lebanon and its people live to celebrate its millennium if the Lord so will. ; H. i 11 sryDAMAGES FOR FOOT P \ Anderson Bof G?U V?4(t la AsWrille i Anderson, Aug. 11.?Oharlie, i Aiken, son of M. S. Aiken, & memfber ' of the city police force -was awarded xfi ' a consent verdict for $7,500 for the n i loss of one of his legs last October t H > while employed with the Buquo lime 3S i works, near Asheville. The case was - Hj ' tried in the United States court in $9 ; Asheville with Judge O. T. Webb presiding. Suit was for $50,000, en- 39 tered by Campbell Miller of this EH city. The young boy was in Asheville attending school and worked Kffl at the lime works on Saturday. A gRj large boulder fell on young Aiken, BBI crushing his foot and causing it to ggj be amputated. SB BOBBED HAIR C1RLS ^jH MUST WEAR NETS ? fl Chicago, Aug. 10.?Orders were jffH posted by Marshall Field and Com- mm pany, one of Chicago's largest de_ partment stores, .today, that girl IBQ clerks with bobbed hair must wear hair nets until their tresses grow * fl9 again. One clerk was dismissed for I refusing to obey the rule. % jffH I