__ _ _ A. _ Hi I s ir > . .. \ Four S rr. I tfl SATO! / ' j . HPP mhhAMMI Every P; | Every C I Every i Any Strs Men's C Krippen Shoes in $2.( 1 dozen 6 pairs I 3 suits L 1 lot Hai II lot Wo Extra Si 20 per ci 1 Cabine 5 Barkei Hapgrac 1 lot Wc * TTpnrv T) I Blue Grs Best qua regular ] High Gr Solid Le Double6] 50 feet C Best qua IDazey C $35.00 B All Ther ' rain No. 1 Gs $1.25 B( I Blue Gri pou AH Key v || "liexc rl McCorir fl an< i lh | DEPAl I le Rosenbei tores DEPAR' i-Operativ BnAY ISA SA ? * ) * ? - ? Main Street Store aim Beach S^t in the store $12i ool Cloth Suit in the store $9.' )ixie Weave," light woolen/. $17.J aw Hat in the store $1.( rawford Oxfords, formerly $11?$5.( dorf Dittman Louis heel oxfords forr r $11.00, now $5.( broken lots are on tables at $1.00, $1.5 M) and $2.50. Men's White Handkerchiefs 50 ilen's Light Cotton Sox 50 Fnderwear (separate garments) .. $2.( risen Gloves -$1.< rk Shoes (large sizes) $2.( fecials in Neckwear .... 50c. 75c. and $ JEWELRY 1-3 OFF. 2nt off on all Auto and Work Gloves. it of Boys Clothing $5.( Collars (stiff) $1.( le Overalls $1.( >rk Shirts 75 Hardware Store >isston No. D8 Saws, special $2.1 iss and Diamond Edge Sa,ws $2.? ,lity Hammers, all weights and pattern prices up to $3.50, special $1.50 to $2.1 ade Hatchets, $1.75 value $1.2 ather Work Bridles, medium $1.4 ivy $1.75. Breeching, Lines, Hames, Traces, ar Harness at 1-3 off regular prices. * - i - J.J TT :iL ~ , xooayear u-araen nose, wiui uuuyimj $7.( ility Ice Cream Freezers, 1 qt. $2.50; ?3.75; 4 qt $5.50. 'hums, 2 gal. $3.15; 4 gal. $4.75; 6 g? 15. tefrigerators $28.( mos Bottles, Silverware, Pyrex and A1 ium Ware 25 per cent, oi ilvanized Tubs 75c; No. 2 90c; No. 3 $ >red Well Buckets : 90 ass and Diamond Edge Axes, 4 to 5 1 :nds, $1.J cles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons, etc.; eptionally low prices. lick and Deering Mowers* and Rake d a complete stock of repairs. f Rosenb p*nr**rMT CTAnre K 11Y1L11 1 Jl UIVLJ mmmmammmmmmmmmmm II _ ! re Mercantile FMENT STORES Many D p Marlrptin# V HAUlllViUl^ TURDAY, 13th SATUR Dry Goods Sto: JQ 32 inch Gingham 20c. yd.-English Long ( fC Apron Checks 10c. yd. J 36 inch white d 'u -q French Ginghams 35c. yd. 40 inch Organd 32 inch Kiddie cloth 25c. yd. 36 inch Garbai ^ Cheviot, best quality, 15c. yd. Checked Dimit; Check Homespun 8 1-3 c.'yd. BeaCh Cloth ^ < 30 inch white Homespun _8 l-3c. yd. 36 inch dress } K) : 36 inch white Homespun _8 l-3c. yd. Dress Voile $1J Bed Ticking 20c. yd. Toweling ? Overall Denim 25c. yd. Huck towels *- l-l VI nft. ?] All linon trxnrol v> rmest quauuy oieatcxung aw. yu. ? * ""v- vv"' l^?# Good bleaching ?12 l-2c. yd. Drilling wv Greenville Mills bleaching ?10c. yd. 10-4 Pepperel Best Cambric 20c. yd. Bureau Scarfs Calico 10c. yd. Table Napkins )0 36 inch Percale 15c. yd. l Lot Children 1, 32 inch Devonshire cloth?35c. yd, 32 inch Madras 25c. yd. I iL'ot Children . 36 inch Cretone ?25c. yd. Table Linen $1. 50 value ? $1.00. I Lot ladies j Curtain Scrim 20c. yd. T.arl Tiflctcia 9(1/*. vH. finTwmfti* rlvmaao >n ? ? 36 inch Dress Plaids 50c. yd. All Taffeta, & H) 27 inch Dress Poplin 25c. yd. de Chine am C. Linen finish Suiting ,20c. yd. stock and shorl Grocery Ston JS -e No. 2 Cans Peas, 13c cai f1 jeiio, ; : ig Campbell's Soup 25 Small Carnation Milk, z cans tor g No. 3 Can Premier Okra ' No. 3 Can Premier Cherries, I(a . . Large can Krippered Herring \ ' No. 21-2 Can Premier Peaches.... yg . Bakers Cocoanut .: )q . Cocoa Pudding .. 2 Fish Roe (standard quality) Eagle Brand condensed milk ,i Cream Chicken Strained Honey )0 Chili Sauce u_ Best red jar rubbers, 2 dozen for. $ Jar Tops for Mason Jars i' Canned Herring, special, Sweetheart Soap 5c ca .2 Pat-a-cake Flour ;5 Pantex Pancake Flour at - ' You will find our prices right on be 9 Fancy Groceries. >erg Merc.< ABBEVJ ; HiiiiilllB fn I i VUt I departments B Day DAY, 13th I . JHJHHBHHHHHHiB im -gyg , ' t>. ffyj re ' *1 >loth 20c. yd. i?| .ress Crepe ..25c. yd. : ' y 35c. yd. , ?1 --if?'- rA_ j 'dine out:, ya. gg) j -1 25c. yd. |g| ?40c. yd. Ig /oile-?- 25c. yd. . ,^ 00 yd. value..50c. yd. H 10c. yd. . __12 l-2c. each. ing .20c. yd. 10c. yd. Sheeting?^,50c. yd. H (apeaal^-50c. each. (sueclal) 35c. each. S i wash suits (special) B' > wash suits (special) ? >arasols $2.50 value s 1-2 price. t] itin, Georgette, Crepe . f ] d Plaids in broken |g| t lengths ?<$1.-00 yd. S 5- : /, i, $1.50 dozen |J ..11c package ...... 3 for 35c. 15c. 1 \ 20c can | 2 for 85c. 9 25c can i S 2 for 75c. g r 16c can > 1 1 .. 50c package 25c can 3 cans for 65c. 15c can. 1 .... 20c bottle. 1 i .. .. 25c bottle M 15c. || 30c dozen 1 5c can 1 ike, 55c dozen jE ..15c package ? .. 10c package ? >th Staple and ? Ca a LLE, S. C. I