The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 05, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Do you know you can roll f?gg^ cigarettes tor lOcts from 7 one bag of GENUINE \ BuuTDurham i TOBACCO MAKE YOUR OLD CAR LIKE . '' i.'' new. <" j . We-build Jops, Seat Covers and fall kind of upholstering! Made ,oot of good material and guarantee to give good service. Prices reasonable^ ( v. / h. l. page, Phone 227 Greenwood, S. C. Hipp B%?s. Garage. ECZEMAP Money back without question ./A if HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN "DISKASB RBMBDIE8 (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fall in f the treatment of Itch, Bcsema, tp/T? if Rintfworm,Tett?rorotheritcb- f If / / I In* aMo dhMttc Trr thin ? ' * # I treatment at oar risk. McMURRAY DRUG COMPANY. WALLACE HARRIS LAWYER Room 204 CITY HALL I ViQihlp See What M Are Buyi And Be Sur< ' v. ' Get What > ' 1- ;. - / , Pav Foi - ^ " ? L When You W 1 ....G A S 0 * ^ we invite you to co | you get your Gasioi PUMP, you can see are getting. iWe handle oui ently of the big cc and our money is e spent at home. Th I your interest to buy . We carry in i BATTERIES, and j kt reduced prices. We are selling and Tubes at the pi I YE AR. These Tin oversize. CITY C IZAAK WALTON'S HOME MAY SOON COLLAPSE Lndon, Aug. 1.?Here is a doleful business that should stir the sympathy of all good anglers. Izaak Walton's thatched cottage at Shallow- i ford Staff's is in danger of tumbling down. The thatch has so far gone " that it needs complete replacement, : and even the roof timbers are un- j < safe. These facts are gathered from ^ an official statement made to the i1 Staffordshire Education Authority, I which has come into possession of j ] the cott&ge as part of the founda-(1 tion of Stafford Grammar School. ' Perhaps the most mournful point is j1 trtat the education committee does 1 not feel justified in view of the need!< for economy, in spending the money i' that would be required to put the ,' cottage in repair. {1 "Thus," says i a famous angler, j "unless anglers come to [the rescue,)' Izaak's cottage is likely to collapse, j1 It is suggested that some angling j body should t&ke the matter up. We J. may be poor in these days, but we j I are not so poor that we can afford i! to let such a relic of one of onr j greatest , fishermen?and therefore,11 I j I one of our greatest men?vanish. j1 "It is thought that an appeal by.1 our leading anglers, made to every,3 angling association in the country, j * would at once 'bring in the money, j1 Let it be done." Twins Missing in New York. 1, New York, July 21.?Search was > started today by the police ' for J ( Charles and LatroJje Leaycraft, 261 < year-old twins and\ cousins of the | ^ late Theodore Roosevelt/at the re- ( quest of their brother, Reginald ' s Roosevelt Leaycraft. Thi twins! ( have been missing from their home | ^ since Monday morning. Reginald j ( said that after an unsatisfactory dis-'t cusion of a business venture at j their Wall Street office his (brothers 4 said they thought of shipping as j seamen on a trans-Atlantic vessel { or might go to California. ! j The twins are described as five j feet, 7 inches in height, 150 pounds t in weight, \with fair complexion,' i bhie eyes and light hair. RBb.Mj.TiiB cure* ?or??. / \ t Pumps! | ===== ji You m Big! J| e You (/ IIH -J! v wa r You 1,111 'ant To Buy i | LIN E.... me around. When ne from a VISIBLE . i exactly what you products independ rporate companies an^ed at home and 8 is explains why it is here. } itock HOT SHOT ilso the DRY CELL, the HOWE TIRES ice of the GOODjs are all 25 per cent 1ARAGE If ? h LADY MARY'S GOSSIP Talks of Travel and Vashiona and Other Thing*. London, Aug. 1 .?We used to say that we would "run" over to' Paris. Not so in these days. We "flit" svhich is to say, we fly. No one who is anybody bothers with the trains and Channel boats in these days. We simply go out to Hounslow and climb in. This climbing in and out of aeroplanes, by the way, has raised an entirely new problem with regard to ankles.. I imagine that *the only thing that we can do is just get used to it. I don't believe we're going to change the model of our garments because we have to be helped up step ladders rather frequently bv men. If the ladders happen to be high, why we shall have just to forget it. Nobody cares much now, I fancy, men or women either. But I started out to say that I had just returned from Paris. ' I was ?one in all exactly thirteen hours and I had nine of the thirteen in Paris. And the French have made up their minds wth regard to this pffair of .skirts. They have decided after solemn conclave?the Frenchmen and Frenchwoman take these matters very seriously and discuss them very gravely. * They are going to wear 'em longer, and the reason they are going to ;vear 'emi longer is peculiarly French, rhey have decided?have the French experts in charm?that, while raised skirts may ibe attractive, the skirt which, of itself is short, attracts no jyes worth while. The cheap, they jay, may gaze with eager, greedy ;yes; the connoisseur observes only when the revelation is apparently m accidental thing ft made for him ilone. Neat Kttle bit of philosophy n that! I wrote the other day about ;he fact that British women are gong' in for kqickert>ockers, a?d even actually for trousers. Well, the j^ench won't?it would not be chic; t would ibe far too frank to suit A em; there would be no mischief in t. . v "And American women,'- said the ittendant at Redfern's whom I quesomed, "are prefcsely like Frenchwonen. They will appreciate the danger of too rahch blatant frankness flk I.1ICU There'? a point of view. Incidentally, by the way, the small ;srt British horses are snowing much in the way of steel trimmings. The nost popular are shaped like spear leads in the form of beads and are tewed upon the fabrics in designs.. It las beome a fad?not particularly fascinating. - | But I don't like to talk of fashion, iny woman with real imagination ;ven if her nose is snubbed can make i cheap and ill-formed dress seem nore beautiful than cloth of gold . J?11 J I 1 i^vi? a uuu, u?u ucauty. rt ? M pity ;hat more women do not underftand this. There is but one more ;hing which I must mention. The Parisian effort to unseat the growing prejudice against colors and for Mack and white has completely failid. And how had Mademoiselle: got "round it? ' Well, one of her ways is startling, and it has been tried out in I.ondon by none othei than the Lady Diana Mannera. This is the wearing of black and white to be sure, but it is in very striking ways as, for instance one shoe and stocking of black and one r>f wllifp TVlin mnat ?. mvav xi wniViOii vi t all modes is catching on ?with a real vengeance. The memlbers of the American polo team made a real success in British social gatherings. They aire magnificent dancers, every one of thfcm, and have been pronounced the best of fellows, epecially by auch British femininity as has been lucky enough to meet them. Mrs. Asquith ("Margot"), who is an indefatigable dancer, /but of particularly young, says that she enjoyed their American dancing methods very much, indeed. There is no doubt of it?British women like American men, whether they have money or not. Perhaps it is that touch of difference for womanood which is so general among Americans, but never is dis covered among Europeans. This makes Americans delicious to flirt with. One of the papers here started a lurious question "Should wives have salaries?" rt has Ibeen taken up on all sides and all wives I have talked with favor it. The press is very solemnly discussing it, and gracious knows, it may get into politics be more production in Yjaval stores Washington, Aug. 2.?Naval! st6res production was more than one | auarter larger during the 1920 producing season, which ended March 31, than during the previous season, according to statistics issued today by the department of agriculture. J Exports were smaller and stocks on j hand at the close of the season were: larger than & year ago. Production consisted of 488,548 J j casks of turpentine compared with i 366,000 the previous year and 1,577,398 round barrels of rosin compared with 1,237,000. In addition there were reclaimed; during the year 24,932 casks of turj 1919, and 180,139 barrels of rosin {compared with 159,271. j Exports for the calendar year i 1920 were 189,168 casks of turpentine, compared with 213,442 and pentine, compared with 30,889 in 652,023 barrels of rosin compared j with 677,662. Stocks on hand March 31 last were: At stills, 30,429 casks of tur: j.: i nL on on i penwne, compared witn in 1919 and 327,055 barrels of rosin I ; compared with 138,525; in hands of , consumers 30,528- casks of turpenj tine compared with 26,340 and 217,302 barrels of rosin, compared with. 290,045; at ports and yards 74,686 j casks of turpentine, compared with , 54,174 and 479,142 barrels of rosin . compared with 263,946. Stocks at ( wood distilling and (rosin reclaming plants at the end of the calendar j year were 7,616 casks of turpentine,' compared with 1,764 and 50,822 barrels of rosin compared with 22,' 593. i I 666 cures Bilious Fever. fore it stops. Everything feminine seems to these days. I And the shopkeepers like to see them as they do the hotel keepers But I do wish they would be more careful about being cheated. They don't seem to mind, and usually do not complain. It gets everyone who | sells things into such bad holes. In > this way the Americans demoralize all who come into contact with them. I- : Souther | Summe 1 Fron :| i i i rn 1 T0 IAsheville, N. G , Black Mountain, N. C. Beaufort, N. C. Canton, N. C Flat Rock, N. C Gastonia, N. C Hot Springs, N. C; | I^ake Junaluska, N. C. . ., Murphy, N. G I / Saluda, N. C. f Swannanoa, N. C Tuxedo, N. G j| - Wrightsville Beach, N. C, I ' i . I Tickets at above rates with final limit returning all points on both the goin In addition to the abo1 other resorts throughout Pacific Coast. Spend Mountai i * 3 | GOLF, TENNI8, HOR8EBI [O 1^ ' Convenient schedi ed information consi System, or address: J Notice To the Public ll Beginning August the 8th you will find our truck on the streets of Abbeville ready \ to serve you. We intend to make a comnlofo o&nvoae f f f/M v> /? Ipivvv vuufuoo W? 11IC IUTV11 COU1 YVCCIV. liavc employed Mr. Cecil Mundy, and any work entrusted to him will have his prompt and careful attention. If he fails to see you please call Phone 333, No. 89 South i Main and he will see that your work is gotten and returned promptly. ( S We also do DRY CLEANING and will I | I * say that once you have a Suit Dry Cleaned I our way you will be more than pleased. I ?|j a Tk^ni,; nrr irmi f a?? anir Imicinnoo irmi ??? I * ' % U A imiilVlllg J vu M.VJK C4AAJ UUOlltvOO JTV/U VQ1A give Mr. Mundy and assuring you * it will have our most careful attention. ? < Greenwood Steam Laundry CECIL MUNDY, Agent I ' ABBEVILLE, S. C. I|||| I 89 South Main St., Phone 333 I ! o . "'"1 it Railway system :m ....ANNOUNCES.... . |||| sr Excursion Fares 1 ABBEVILLE, S. C i in' urn" ni"i 11 ii?ii imvi H R-T. FARE TO R-T. FARE .... $ 9.80 Biltmore, N. C. ? $ 9.72 j| .. .. 10.88 Brevard, N. C ,. 9.80 if .. . 26.79 Bryson, N. C ... .. 14.0* 2 .>V#1 11.02 Clyde, N. G 41:24 f; , .... 8.21 Fletchers, N. G 8.93 g . ... 8.79 Hendersonville, N. C ...... 8.43 p| . .. 12.32 Isle of Palms, S. G 16.22 jr . ^ . ... 11.45 Lake Toxaway, N. C.' 11.09 1 17.43 Morehead City, N. C 26.57 | 7.64 Skylaad, N. G 9.22 I y'' 10.52 Tryon, N. G ? .. 7.06 .. .. 8.00 Virginia Beach, Va 30.70. ; ; .... 19.86 | VVaynesville, N/ C 41-67 9 y * 1 > ' ' '% )er cent war tax to be added) * ' - * 5 are now on sale and will continue until September 30, October 31, 1921. Stopovers are permitted at any and , j g and return trip. ve points, summer excursion fares are authorize^ to many ' the United States, and special attractive fares to the ,'! ^ Your Vacation In the Glorious | ins Of Western North Carolina. 2 LIVE OUTDOORS - | ....IN.... I "The Land Of the Sky" | ICK RIDING, MOTORING, FISHING, CAMPING, AND | MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. | ales and through train service, and for detail- i lit nearest ticket agent, Southern Railway, 5 R. C. COTNER; I District. Passenger Acfint. ~ SPARTANBURG. S. C.' | 2f^'5He^^ia^r^eEM?^:y^^8eg ,\. ..L