i. ' #, [ Xocal 1WCW6 : / : personals : J ' - - ? V y - -jV Mr. Charley Haigler, Jr., has re- t xarned to Atlanta. t f John Lomax and Lowrie Wilson epent Sunday in Atlanta. 1 ' 1 . '(Miss Lily link, of Lebanon, was a visitor in the ?ity Saturday. * . J < :v Wyatt Knox left yesterday to j spend his vacation in Asheville. ; Hev. E. B. Kennedy, of Due West, j wfos a visitor in the city Saturday. 7 i- ? ' P. E. Bell and Reed Ashley spent Sunday at their home in Antreville. ' 1 % v Mrs. Lewis Beauford, of Bethia " was in the city Saturday shopping. ^ ___ (Mrs. A. M. Tofbert, of SmithviUe spent Saturday in towh shop- * fine. 1 -N * George P. Cannon of Columbia was an over Sunday visitor in the city. 1 ~ i i Thomas Mundy is spending this week in the mountains of North 'Garotina. . . ' , i Miss Annie Smith, of Anderson, ? is visiting her cousin, Miss Sophie t Reames. Mrs. R. Glenn Kay and son are ' . - 8 spending this week in Anderson with ? relatives. ' { I ( : Utr. and Mrs. Norman Cason, of Bethia, were business visitors in town Saturday. ^ * 3 Miss Norma Klugh, of Greenwood, t , i8 vsiting iher sister, Mrs. J. B. ^ Schro?d?r. . T. . ' Miss Kate Cox is spending this , ^ 1 week in Townville with her aunt, j ' Mrs. M. R. Hatcher. , ' f 1 ? Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilkinson of Newberry spent the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson. ? ? - ; Miss Elizabeth McCord, chief oper- . ator at the telephone exchange, is : spending her .vacation in Anderson. v. > Dr. and Mrs. Mart Cheatham, of ^ * tMoCormick, are visiting their par- } > ents, Mr. and iMrs. P. A. Cheatham. ^ Misses Carrie and Julia Murray, j of Greenwood, are in the city visit ?ng their sister, Mrs. George Lomax. . ] Miss Mary Rudisail of Spartanburg ^ is spending some time at the home j . of Mrs. Pierce Bowen near the city. * ' J ' Mr. and Mrs. Rofbert Cheatham ; are spendng this week in Fonville i with Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cheatham. j Miss Gladys Segars returned, to- j day to her home at Hartsville. Miss 1 . Mary Haigler returned with her for 1 ? visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Sprouse and y daughter, Mary Louise, spent the week-end in Sharon with Mr. and; 3 Mrs. Presaly. 3 I ' * ^ * j, Miss Eva Reames returned home I Saturday from Anderson where she . I has been visiting her cousin, Miss Blaaoke.Smith. : T. i i. ______ Mrs. J. L. Schroeder and daugh* lfowiorA4- OVA rmATi/li'TltfV r*W> ?XUMJk uuai((M vi/j aiv g|n>uui?5 j 4 several days in Mt. Carmel with her I father, Mr. W. W. Black. _____ ^ Mrs. ?. V. Huff and Miss Letha j ! Crawford have returned to their ] . borne in Atlanta after a visit to their I aunt, Mrs. J. A. Schroeder. ___ I Major and Mrs. J. D. Fulp andji sons, James and John Richard Fulp, have returned from Columbia where ! ' Major Fulp taught in the annual ] summer school at the University of South Caroline. 11 Mr. J. H. Chiles of Bradley was j visitor in Abbeville today. Mr. Chiles Calhoun of Greenwoo* was in town today on business. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Young an< Miss Effie Young have returned t< ;heir home at "Clinton. J. Weber Wilson is at home aftei spending six weeks at Camp Knox Kentucky. Mr. Sam Seal, of Logansville, Ga. ;pent Sunday in town with his moth ?r, Mrs. T. C. Seal. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seal of Cahr otte are in the city visiting Mr. am tfrs. T. C. Seal on. North Main street Miss Eva Timms of Antreville an< Mrs. J. F. Edwards, of Heardmont 3a. spent the week-end with Mr. anc ilrs. J. B. Timms. Miss Eleanor Schroeder left todai for Honea Path and Willistnjrtoi vhere she will spend several day vith friends. Miss Annie Wilson, of the Memo rial Hospital, fa spending her vac a ion near Antreviille with her mother Urs. Lark Wilson. Mrs. Gertrude H. Sign came u] Tom Columbia Saturday and stayec mtil Sunday afternoon with hei nother, Mrs. Eugenia Hemphill. Mrs. Fred Cason and Miss Marior Hason will return tonight after spend ng two weeks very pleasantly in th< nountains of North Carolina. Messrs. F. E. Harrison^ R. E. Cox N. D. Wilkinson and Sanford Howie fnr WpriHersonville anc >ther points in North Carolina moun ains. Miss Helen McLeod, of Augusta ind Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Greer ire expected in the city Tuesday foi i visit to their friend, Miss MilSrec Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hill left Fridaj or the mountains of North Carolina llrs. Hill will spend the summei here, while Mr. Hill returned to his >ffice today. Mr. and Mrs. Giles McLane oi Ulanta and Gilliam and J. C. Mc Lane of Newberry were here Sundaj for a family reunion and to see thei] lunt, Mrs. Major. ?* Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Everett, Miss is Eleanor and Cathrine Evtrett oi Spartanburg were the week-end vis tors of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilsor >n South Main street. I Mr. J. S. Bowie returned Saturday :rom Mt. Clemens, Mich., where h< las been for the past several week; for his health's sake. He is much im Droved and reports a very enjoyabl< ;rip. Mrs. Herman Benton, Mar] Louise Benton, Mrs. J. S. Stark an< Mrs. T. L. 'Davis and Miss Fannii Stark left Saturday morning foi Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where the: jxpect to spend several weeks camp ng. (Mrs. Mary Wilson Deering an< ler daughter, Miss Mildred Deering ire here from Athens visiting Mrs Myrtle Clinkscales and Mrs. Jo-hi Wilson. Mrs. Deering has many rela tives in Abbeville who are glad U lave her coane again. Mr. Erneet Wilsori, now foreraai of the -Greenville News, formerly i resident of Abbeville and employe* of The Press and Banner, was in thi lity this morning renewing acquaint ances and visiting xelarfavea* 10c 20c V REVS| CORRECTING A MISTAKE In our notice last week of the arrival in Abbeville o^ Mrs. Major to visit her brother Mr. Foster McLane, we spoke of her as the daughter of "the late" Calvin .McLane. "The late" was a mistake for Mr. McLane is still living, making his home with his son Mr. Robert McLane at Cameron, Texas. . Mr. McLane is eighty-two years of age and is still Bale and hearty, and by his daughter has sent many messages to his old comrades in arms and to his friends around Cedar Springs. GREENVILLE NEGROES ATTEMPT JAIL DELIVERY Attempt of Twenty to Escape Thwart ed by Two Keepers in Courageous Manner... Greenville, July 23.?An organized attempt of twenty negroes to effect a general jail delivery was thwarted at the Greenville County jail this morning. When Keepers Batson and Black stepped inside the door of the ward where the negro men are kept they were attacked by two negroes, who jumped from their cells just as the keepers unlocked the deor. Keeper Batson floored the negro who attacked him with a blow to the stomach and Keeper Black managed to push the negro who attacked him back to his cell door and to hold him there while Keeper Batson locked the door. In the meantime Jailer Christopher, who was armed arrived on the scene and the attempted delivery was put down. The twenty negroes in the ward had picked the two negroes who attacked the keepers to pave the way for the delivery. Another attempt at escape from the Greenville jail was discovered yesterday when a large hole was found dug out half-way through the thick wall of the upper story. It had been made by Mrs. A. H. All1'son, alleged "dope" peddler, and a negro woman, who was acting as her nurse during a spell of sickness. The two had used crude instruments and an electric iron to drill the hole, and had covered up their work with a dry goods box pnd bed clothes. They would have had the hole through the wall and would have effected their escape in the course of a few more hours. vii n*. A n p ?r no do city vn noot or town Chicago, July 23.?A hobo city was found today on the roof of the town. Detective Sergeant Moran followed a tramp up the fire escape at the Congress hotel today to see what business the latter could have on the roof. v As he swung his foot over the parapet he saw hundreds of men there, some sleeping, some promenading and some reading the papers. "This beats the parks," one 0/ the the men told him. "The accommodations are swell. It's not so hot and not so noisy as on the ground and besides it's a little more exclusive and uncommon."The detective took a look over the roofs of the other skyscrapers and found the same conditions prevail. "If it's exclusiveness you fellows want,"" he told them, "I know a slick little room over at the centra! station." The exodus to the parks has begun again. NEWEST PROFITEERING SCHEME INVESTIGATED Chicago, July 24.?A new form of profiteering was charged here today and the city council ordered an investigation into the sale of artificial ice. "Ice makers are only half freezing their ice, which permits them to make double the amount at a given cost,"* councilman Franz charged be r~? iv. :l <10?1, I lure uic cvuik:ii. ouui . .ui^iuo twice as fast and thus gives the manufacturers four times the ordinary profit." Mellon Sounds a Warning. Washington.?With a warning that there is grave danger of an immediate government deficit, Secretary Mellon asked congress to defer ac'"on on the soldiers' bonus bill. . .1 I Opera House jg One Day Only fi Paramount 7 R< I "TheGa. I With Mae Mun fi On the surface, all s E laughter. At heart, s B as a flower. Come an ? game life made her p | Also A Cen 1 .."FOR ; I 15cts. ADMIS I ~ SATURDAY^ I "O'MALLEY OF ' M A AT-- 1 1 3H a une ui Liie raw ui wie uicoi, j H Riders who guard its wild fronti I ALSO A SPECIAL CL1 | "DON'T1 8 15cts ADMI5 Ibhhhuhb UNEARTHING NATION WIDE WHISKEY TRUST Kansas City, Mo., July 23.?With the arrest of four men And the seiz ure of Sunnybrook ibrand bonded whiskey valued at $75,000 tonight Kansas City police believe they have unearthed a nation-wide whiskey trust. The whiskey combine, it is reported, has headquarters at Pittsburgh and ships whiskey to all sections of the country in carload lots. By hafidhng the liquor in such large quantities the "trust" is enabled to force the "little fallows" out of business the police say. It was stated tonight that Wins Jcey has dropped irom rove not to be good. Terms of Sale?Cash. ' ; F. B. McLANE, Sheriff Abbeville. Co. S. GL My 11th, 1921 St, Turnip Seed 1 Just received new crop Turnip Seed Rutabaga, Seven-. Top; Purple Toft Cow-Horn, White j Egg, Yellow Aberdeen at | 50c Pound. The McMurray ' Drug Co.