The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, July 11, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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..... * ' ' =% I : ?V, t *' , * Hocal flews : personals : ? _% * ? Mrs S W. Watt, of Due West, was here Saturday shopping. Lamar Link, of Lebanon, was in town .today on business / Miss Janie Banks is visiting relatives in Augusta this week. Mrs. W. O. Cromer was in the city Monday shopping.. V. Lorn ax spent Sunday in Atlanta. Miss Minnie Ruth Cox is visiting relatives in Townville this week. . 1 #' ; Mr. W. P. Kennedy was here from Troy Sunday. ' _ x k ' -v . Miss Helen Smith has been in Atlanta for the past week spending the time with friends. , l|?? \ Miss Essie Lee McCord spent the Week-end in, Anderson with Miss I Loqise Mickle. ' * <*. ' *J? lir Eugene McMillan spent last "wec? in the mountains of North Car* ejfaa J~U* * PERONAL ;6;the -6; Miss Mildred Ramey, of Greenville, is visiting relatives in the city. _ lir. Jim Magill and son of Jacksonville, Fla, are visiting Mr. Magill's sister, Mrs. E. H Richey. little Mary Steele, of Lancaster, i$'visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robert H. Greene on Church street. , i J ^Misses Jiainryn itIIU UCllllVVUu | Dorijii of McConnick are visiting their awit, Mrs. W. L. Power. Miss Bessie Cothran of Greenwood spent, Sunday afternoon here with friends. w Mrs. John Frazier and son of Latimer were in the city Friday on business. /. f Mrs. R. 0. Bell,, of Latimer was among the dollar day shoppers in the city Saturday. . / ? T MnllirifL ia AIDS UUKilC -v. . , __ * visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Nance in Fortv Pickens. Mr and Mrs. .W J Blake and Frank Sherard of Calhouu Falls were visitors at the Morses yesterday 'M' Mrs. Van Noy Wier, of Athens, f Ga., is visiting her father, Mr. A. B. Morse <T ,! , William Cox has gone to Troy ftr - >?ic Mr. Jas. M. I TM?V KV V- V J c?x: Miss Ruth Woodhurst has returned after a pleasant vacation spent in.Asheville, N. C. " ? Mr. and Mrs Jonn D Cade of Mt. Camel, were visitors in town Sat^ urday. Mrs. -Luke Brown and children of' McCormick are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Power. # * Edward Anderson is here from Hartwell, Ga. for a visit to hi6 brother, Mr. Charley McNeill ; Mies May Robertson leaves WedMtday for Atlanta where she will; enjoy all the pleasures of the big city until Sunday. Miss Julia McAllister and Miss Mary Sharpe leave tomorrow for Columbia to visit Mrs Reuben McCracken for several days. Mrs. Whit Klugh has returned after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shirley in Wilmington, N. C. Her little brother, James Shirley accompanied her home and will epend some time here * ..... i ft Mrs: Allen Maxwell and baby are here from Augusta for a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Harris,'Jr. Misses Annie and Virginia Wilson are in Iva this week visiting among their friends. Mrs. M. E. McClinton ,of Verdery was in town Saturday taking advantage of the sales and attending to other business, George P. Cannon came ur Columbia Saturday and was an over Sunday visitor of friends and relatives here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith and Mrs W. J. McKee, of the Due West section *were here Saturday taking advantage of the Dollar Day bargains. \ _______ Mrs. Carter Arnold came over| from Eiberton last week and visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Hill for several days Mr. P. D. Klugh, of the Long Cane section was a dollar day visitor. He has just returned from a week's vis# to relatives in Florence and Columbia. \ > Dr. Thos. Davis left last week for the West. He is headed for Oklahoma and will see the wild west before joining his family at Lake Geneva,! near Chicago. Mrs. Fred Gason and Miss Marion Cason will leave Thursday for Hendersonville to spend several days. They will stay at the Marlboro hotel? while there. Mr. Roy Power went down to Mc-.j Cormick Sunday and brought Mrs. j Power and their cmUren home from j a visit. Miss Mabel Dorn returned! with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. L .Mabry and Mr., Franc's Mabry went to Edgefield,' Sunday, spent the day with friends! and brought Miss Annie Mabry, who! has been visiting there for a month,' home with them in the afternoon. ! I :? i Miss Lizzie Sharp returned to her home in the country Sunday after-, noon after a pleasant stay with Mrs. J. ?. Kerr on Greenville street. Mies Lizzie came in and enjoyed the Hospital birthday party. The Rev. E. B. Kennedy came down from Due West Saturday, scattered a few big dollars around town and hit the pink lemonade stand as often as tha law allowed. He wa? well chaperoned by two or three pretty girls. . . Miss Louisd DeBruhl came dawn from Greenville this .week and visited a day or two with Miss May Robertson; Miss DeBcuhl was on her way to Washington, Ga., -to attend the wedding of Miss Eunice Calhoun and Judge Thos. S. Sease. THE BOOK CLUB # The Book club will meet with Mrs. C. E. Williamson Wednesday afternoon at six o'clock. DOLLAR DAY VISITORS Messrs Joe Beaeley, John Walker and Olin Beasley, of the Due West section were Dollar Day visitors in Abbeville Saturday. Mr. Beasley's collar bone was broken about two weeks ago when a mule threw him. He is about recovered. | , PICNIC. The annual picnic at the oldj I McCord place just below W. F. Mc- J Cord's will be held on Wednesday, July the 20th to which the public is1 attend and bring well filled1 baskets. PLEASANT AFTERNOON The reception given Saturday afternoon by the ladies of the Associate Reformed church, in compliment to Mrs. Maxwell Smith was a most enjoyable affair. Mrs. .Smith has been a member of the church society for the past year and the members gathered Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. McMurray to wish the young bride a happy life. Tea and punch were served by Mrs. J. F. I Bradley, Miss Mamie Devlin and ! Mrs McMurray and young John McMurray kept the afternoon lively with Victrola music. 1 FOR MRS MAULTSBY. Miss Mary Quarles Link give a pleasant party Friday morning in' honor of Mrs. B. A. Maultsby who is here from Bennettsville on a visit. Jhe time was spent in talking over, old times, playing cards and in . enjoying a delightful luncheon at noon. MISS MAGILL Miss Saidee Magill has been inAthens for the past month in attendance on the summer school at j the University of Georgia. Miss Ma-| gill is one of the most gifted teachers of history in South' Carolina. GOING TQ THE WEDDING i Miss Kate Haskell is in Washington, Ga., this week where she will attend the marriage 01 ner aunt, jqi?h Eunice Calhoan and Judge Sease, which happy event takes place on Tuesday the 12th. MRS. HARRIS TO ENTERTAIN " I Mrs. John Harris, Jf., has as her guest, her sister, Mrs. Allen Maxwell of Augusta and will entertain at cards in her honor Wednesday morning. A COMING MARRIAGE A happy event in the social life of J Abbeville is the marriage 01 .misa | Sarah Haigler and Dr. W. C. Reedy on next Tuesday at four o'clock in the afternoon at the home of Mr. C. A. Haigler on North Main street. Miss Haigler is a universally popular young woman, a graduate of Coker College who has- friends all' over the state to wish her b&ppiness. Dr. Reedy is a young man who is making his way in his profession. He is a graduate of the College of Pharamcy of Charleston and after his marriage will make his home in Johnson City, Tenn. A HOUSE PARTY. Miss Howard Hili is entertaining a pleasant house party this week having as her guests, Miss Annie Bowie of Elberton, Miss Addie Rogers of Anderson and Miss Ethel Cheatham, of Edgefield and Messrs Louis Gambrell of Anderson, and Kay Griffin of Belton. The young people will go on a moonlight picnic tonight and will enjoy a dance later in the week. CLARK-JANIDES. Of interest to a number.of 'their friends will be the news, of the marriage in the office of Judge of Probate Miller Friday night of Miss Margaret Clark, daughter of J. 1+ Clark to Charley Janides, both of Abbeville. Miss Clark has been in Atlanta for several months, a nurdfe in a sur geon's office. Mr. Janides is the owner of "Charley's" cafe in Abbeville and is very enterprising and energetic. He has been in the United States about nine years, without once visiting his old home in Greece. % v v % * , PROGRAM v * OPERA HOUSE * V TUESDAY V V CONSTANCE TALMADGE V \ IN \ V "A VIRTUOUS VAMP" V v ' The sweetest Vamp Story V' ever otld V1 V ALSO *! 1 "DOUBLE ADVENTURE" V v 10c 20c V * * v WEDNESDAY A n \ V LOUISE .HUFF & IN \ S. "THE DANGEROUS PARA- V V . DISE" V V ALSO V V INTERNATIONAL NEWS *4 v 10c 20c t V 18 v THURSDAY * V V V DOUGLAS McLEAN V V TV V "CHICKENS" V \ ALSO \ V "THE WHITE HORSEMAN" V v 10c. 20c. M V % \vvvvvvvv^\ ANDERSON-PAGE. Miss Sarah Beatrice Anderson and Mr. Henry L. Page, both of Greenwood, were married Saturday afternoon by Judge of Probate Miller in his office in the Court House. SEEING CALIFORNIA Our people always hear with pleasure of the success of young men who were born here, therefore many old friends in Abbeville will enjoy hearing of the honors which have come to Townes Robertson. He is the big man of the Elks in . Mississippi and has been given a fine trip to the Pacific coast as the representative of his state. He is in California now and will tour the coast with the Elks, making the return trip through Canada. The trip is given Mr. Robertson and his Abbeville friends are enjoying it with him. "BUSTED" Many of the Sabbath laws were "busted,; Sunday by the bathers at Martin's Mill. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION ?OF THE? BANK OF DONALDS located at Donalds, sf C., at the close of business June 30, 1921. RESOURCES 1 Loans and discounts __ $179,467.22 Overdrafts 2,347.69 Bonds and Stocks Owned by the Bank 1,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures __ 2,000.00 Banking House 1,081.63 Other real estate owned 918.37 Due from Banks and Bankers 4,924.15 Currency 192.00 fSilver and Other Minor Coin 194.96 Checks and Cash items_ 1,587.13 TOTAL $193,713.15 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in $25,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid ? 6,109.39 Dividends Unpaid 1,030.00 Individual Deposits subject to check $54,865.49 . Time certificates of deposit 81,596.05 Cashier's checks 489.57 136,951.11 Bills Payable, including certificates for Money Borrowed 14,500.00 Reserve fund carried on general individual or savings Ledger 122.65 TOTAL $193,713.16 State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Before me came B. H. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. B. H. SMITH.Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3th day of July, 1921. C. V. MARTIN, Notary Public Correct Attest: J. R. PRUITT W. E. ALGARY, Directors. B. H. CARLTON I | Why the Fan Have a ] Bee; 1 capitalown phyi .%vr ey 5r ^re 1 J, , a I - creates a 1 v Youi |tf(y?p (Opera House One Day Only MARSHALL NEIL "Go and 9 With Agnes Ayres, P I Barry, Bull Mont The city editor said to tl nights ago, Dp. Ord, the far dead in his laboratory with mark on his body. The next night the distr imilar fate. Last night the one of the most prominent city is panic-stricken. Thorn We Must Have That 8tc The young reporter traced ?Struggling?Battling wfl Beast?-he pursued the 8to ENDING. I ADDED A1 B A Century I "PLAY? B 15 Cento Admii NO PASTOR YET. ( t The Rev. David She-pperson of < Arkansas, w.i) had been extended ; a call to become ^he pastor of the j Presbyterian church here and who was here two weeks ago to look j over the field, has definitely de clined to accept the place here. The officers of the church, it is under- ^ stood, have a number of other ex- < cellent ministers in mind, and they j expect to be able io make some an- ^ nouncement soon. < ? j VISITING DOCTORS . .. i Dr. Glymph and Dr. Sarratt, two i sporting doctors from Union were in the city a part of Sunday and to- 1 day. The doctors are strong believers m eiififlWA* />Tiq rrvie or*/? opaa/? IU WC VUMI mtJ MUU gvvu looks of the Abbeville girls. They left at midday for Glenn Springs. BIG DAY'S WORK One farmer who lives near Abbeville has a good scheme to defeat the ravages of the boil weevil. He has three children with a surplus of energy to be properly directed, so he 1 /. AGOODPLAC j H. F. F I I Where you always g< 1 ' and Fancy Groceries, I duce at the lowest poi 13 Try our Ice Crear ur f ' i? i mer Should Bank Account ause the farmer, in additi -the soil, his tools, teams sical strength?often nee dit to supplement and k t work, and the Plante nd sells the credit he real r account will be appreci V PLANTERS B J "jhejriendh/ $an " A56EV1LLE, SOUTH OUW i CRIDAV ,AN'S Production [Get It" at O'Malley, Wesley Ana and others. ae young reporter three nous surgeon was found his back broken and ntft a i - ' >* ict attorney suffered a ' 4Vi 1 n n? Ko rv rv a n n rl f a judges in the country. The sands of people are fleeing. >ry, "GO AND GET IT." } the great mystery Fighting Lh Air, Water, Man and ry and COME 8EE THE .4 i: r -i ' T? - * FRACTION ' Comedy * \ H A.T E S " ision : 35 Cents \ ? ii iv- . . c , * t-. - y * " >ffered 10 cents a hundred* for pone- ;ured cotton squares. The three went^ >ut one day last week and collected! J,900 squares in one afternoon?r t 53.90 worth. > ? ^ FOURTEEN ENTRANTS ' > FOR BETTER JUDGING Mrs. J. B. Wakefield, of. Antral r'ille, brought to the butteri judging ? contest Satuday afternoon the be* jutter of the day, her specimc*j grading 92.5. Mrs. P. B. McElrath )f Antreville came second with a . . jrade of 91.5. This is the butV . j judging contest, before SeptemSwt. ' . I Hiss Burney, state dairy speciatiaV . was the judge. ? PRIVACY OF HER BOUDOIR NOT GUARDED BY COURT 'V New York, July 9.?Miss Celeste iV. Herrick, who went into the courts ;o preserve the privacy of her bow- . ioir, has lost out. ' She sought an injunction to prevent a Columbia U?irer^ity professor from extending Iris residence, on the.ground that the srindows of. the proposed externum arould give a view{'into hex; peeping apartment, but Supreme Court Justice Whitaker denied the plea. " ' 1 5' ie totrade I N LEY'S 1 et the best in Staple | , Fresh Country Pro- | ssible prices; I j n?it is the best. | !; INLEY. . pl| on to his | and his ;. | cjs mon- ' ;'. . h i . : . m eep nis . . | rs Bank ?? ;| lires. j| ated. | ANK k" I WM | i