1785 1921 f COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON Open to Men and Women Entrance examinations, and exam- * inations for the free tuition county scholarships at all county seats Friday, July 8, at 9 a. m. Four-year courses lead to the B. A. and B. S. degrees. A special two year pre-medical course is given. ? Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories ^ unexcelled library facilities, a dormitory for men. Expenses moderate. s: For terms, catalogue, and illustrated a booklet, address r 4t 6-24 Harrison Randolph, Pres. j Pi ' 'in NITRATE OF SODA p ];z ;!; e Few Tons Left R. E. COX, $ ' I County Savings |c i|r Bank 1:c I J * Let us Test j Your SIGHT ' ' a ? v aJ Ql Yon may need classes! o: With the latest, most modern equip* ,f, ment, backed by long experience, ai . yon are assured a high standard of c< service, when you hare us test your .ft] ye*. lij Th*\ better land of service costs no in more. in j ai L. V. LI SEN BEE OPTOMETRIST zt ai TELEPHONES: bi Office 278 Res. 388 61 us 3 1-2 Washington St. 1! Over McMurray Drug Co. N ABBEVILLE, S. C. > % bi (Becoming Glasses Cost No More) 4i I I VWwO HI * mc k # Sk * I 15 yards \ 13 ,10 yards { 110 yards 10 yards 12 yards 3 yds. Wh i V g?i rA n/r*. I3>JL.DU 1V11C 5 pairs Mi - 5 pairs Li 10 Dairs I I ONE LO' THI! H w ? idition mi shows low yield Washington, July 2.?Cotton prouction this year promises to foe the mallest crop of the last quarter of century, today's forecast by the )epartment of Agriculture placing at 8,433,000 bales, or nearly five lillion (bales smaller than last year's rop and nearly eight million bales elow the record crop of 1914. This ear's acreage is 28.4 per cent smallr than last year's. The acreage this/year is the smallst since 1900 and never before, acording to the Department of Agriulture, has there been so great a hange *from one year to another in creage as there has 'been from last ear to this year. The condition of the growing crop as not in 20 years been so low on une 25 as it was this year. All secions of the cotton "belt have been ffected. It is due, according to overnment experts to an adversely ite, wet spring, and to the presence f boll weevil in large numbers. Hwirn* fcrt the linfnvnrahlp rnridi ?w ??? ?' ions of April and May and to other iscouraging factors, shortage of Brtilizer, and unsatisfactory price, bandonment of planted cotton acre?e has been greater than usual east f the Mississippi river, ranging rom five per cent in North Carolina ad Mississippi to as high as 10 per snt in Georgia. West of the [ississippi abandonment has been ght. The abandonment was taken ito consideration, the crop reportig board announced, in its prelimi y estimate of acreage. iue amuuat ui cuuiiueicLai icrwu:r used per acre on cotton this year | wording to the reports reaching the ' ireau of crop estimates, is about 3 per cent of the average amount ?ed annually in the four years, )17-20; Virginia reporting 86, orth Carolina 80, South Carolina >, Georgia 73, Florida 75, Alaima 72, Mississippi 50, Louisiana I, Texas 47, Arkansas 61, Tennese 63. The returns of sales of fer Dollar D< 36 inch Brown Homespi 36 in. S. I. Homespun ... O /I 1 TM "I 6o in. m uooa tsieacnir \ Dress Ginghams \ Apron Ginghams lite Gabardine, 50c vak Idy Ties isses 25 and 35c Hose... idies White and Black i ..adies Black Hose, onlj r LADIES' HATS, $2.1 5 SALE 7 WIILMINGTON MAN TO HEAD SEMINARY The State. The second president of Columbia Theological seminary will be the Rev. John M. Wells, D. D., at present pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Wilmington, N. C. He succeeds the Rev. Thornton Whaling-, D. D., the only president the institution i has ever had who resigned recently to ibeome professor of theology in Louisville seminary. i The board oftrustee s of the semi: nary met in Atlanta yesterday and i there received word that Dr. Well? who was offered the place at a meet ing held in Columbia during com| mencement, would accept. The news j came to Columba last night in a telegram to the Rev. Hugh Murchi| son, D. D., executive secretary of j the "seminary. At the same time it was learned that a professor of theoI logy to succeed Dr. Whaling, who | held this chair in adRdition to his adj ministrative duties were selected, I . . V ' , 1 .. out nis name was witnneia pending advices as to whether he would accept. tilizer license tags compared with last year, show to May 31 for North j Carolina about 65 per cent and to i the close of June in South Carolina 40 per cent. Alabama 46 per cent. Mississippi 40 and Texas' 33. Special returns to the agricultural department indicate only amount 55 per cent as much as last year in North Carolina, 50 per cent in South Caro[ lina, 42 per cent in Mississippi and Tennessee, and 15 per cent in Louisiana and Arkansas and compared with the usual only 49 per cent in Georgia and 32 per cent in Florida. " Thus, said the bureau's statement, all indications point to a reduction in absolute 'quantity 'of fertilizer purchased much greater than the unprecedented reduction in acreage of cotton, and this is confirmed by the figures quoted showing lessened use per acre. This lack is refleected in the relatively low condition of cotton, which is almost ten points below the average condition at this date. The quality is generally reported as lower than in previous \ voono * j cai o. I on-V ly Specials in $1.00 \ .. 1 $1.00 Ig $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 le $1.00./ $1.00 J $1.00 Urtr.? ' tf?1 AA iiuac I I j Mu Hi S ; I GREENVII I Manufacturers of F ! I Monuments, also !( and all other cemat ble and granite, fencing, etc. ; Plant Equipped Machi rdISI5I5/5IBlBI5I5JSI515J5J5f5IBI5JSJSJ5J5I9JSiSJLiii3!J in Co 'day 9th ADIES' WAISTS Wasits, Saturday only Waists, Saturday only .. Waists Saturday only ITYL. Q. SHOES?All ck to Go in at Half Price. t ; KID GLOVES ) Kid Gloves, going in thi $U ? I He refers to the tendencies towards .1 centralizing everything in Washing- t ? ton. r JfM The bill, if it is enacted, and it j has the support of the cogressional "uplifters"?will be enforced by the proposed welfare department, to be leaded by a cabinet officer. The ' president's physician, Dr. Sawyer, -ji is slated for the berth, it is underwood, although the suffragettes have I several candidates from among thetr jwn ranks. They insist that a worn- 1 | in be made secretary. Several have imbition to be the first cabinet offi;er chosen from among the women if the country. , W. A HARRIS I i ' ' ? FUNERAL SUPN.IE8 EMBALMING nd Auto Hearse Service PHONES Day 395 . Night 134 : ^^SaEESa,aESre0fflEE^IBBB? |||j 11# 1 ' mmi i XE, S. C. 1 =====. 5%il ligh Class Artistic , 1 .. . _ . Markers, Loping jj :ery work in mart 1 | Dealers in iron | With Modern jj nerv. 1 I ' Sv: ;# . . '. i^'| . $5.00 | $6.25 I . $7.50 9 New B A/% . $O.ZO | . $5.00 I . $4.50 I is Sale M I SjHj )0 pair H y