... I v k\ V HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY V.| V V| V Don't forget that Wednes- v| V day, July 6th, is the birthday V V of the Abbeville Memorial V V Hospital. An excellent pro- V V gram is being prepared to V V make the day an enjoyable V V one as well as a profitable V - i k V one. Make your plans to spena -* V. the day as dinner is to be V ^ served on the square. V V ^ THE DE LA HOWE COMMUNITY FAIR McCorraick Messenger. The rneonle of the area comprising r - I Bordeaux, Willington, Mt. Carmel,j Bellevue, Buffalo, Bold Branch, and Bethia are planning to have a Com-! munity Fair the middle of November.! This Fair -will be. held at the De La Howe State School, and hence is named the De La Howe Community ;F*ir. ? Two enthusiastic meetings have Ibeen held for the purpose of organization The outline of organization is as follows: General Chairman, J. B. Branch; General Secretary and Treasurer, W. D. Morrah; Committees: Building and grounds, W. J. franklin; Decoration and Publicity, Jfrs. S. L. Britt; Entertainment, JTra. W. D. Morrah; Women's Exhibits, Mrs. Cora Moragne; Field Crops, J. J. Hester; Live Stock; Swine, J. F. Palmer; Cattle, J. L. Kennedy; Horses and Mules, J. U. Wardlaw; Historical Relics, Mrs. Albert G?bert; School Exhibits, Mrs. E. A. English; Fancy Work, Mrs. S. H. Talbeit; Flowers, Miss Carrie Cowan. The above names indicate ^the chairmen of the various commit tees. Associated witn tnese cnair-| men are numbers of the strong and infhietnial men and women of the above-named sections of the county. tlir' ' Rub-My-Tism kill* pain. ' BosdelTs San The place where ever ' and get their Fresh IV coolest Meat House ii day but every day yo clean enough to bring where you will want i Chops, Beef Roast, Bi Boiled Ham, Breakfi other things that you call. See for yoursel If you don't want ajnj just the same to conn .. place and get cool. : Yours fo WW W 1 ! t. tfosd Phone 102 .. .. . . I Mr Hit J |; GREENVI 1 Manufacturers of 1 1 Monuments, also 1 and all other ceme I ble and granite. ? fencing, etc. I Plant Equipped I Mach: v | WHO THINKS OF IT? j Dumb Animals. Few who eat them know the method by which many of the so-called fancy chickens used for broiling and roasting are fattened for the market. The Popular Science Monthly thus describes the process: "To prevent the bird from using up fat by exercise, it is kept in a coop so small that it has practically no room for exercise. To expedite the fattening process the birds are forcibly fed by machine. One man holds ] the chicken while another prsses i down a lever and forces a quantity of the food contained in a tank through a rubber tube into the mouth of the chicken. ? "The birds are thus fed three times , a day, the quantity of food forced p into them depending upon their con-^ dition, age, and other factors." |, I Beyond the cruelty to the fowl ink this unnatural stuffing process, how j < can flesh grown by such a method be . thoroughly wholesome? ,] UNIVERSITY OF SO. CAROLINA, j ( Scholarship and Entrance Examina- I, tion?. . The examination for the award of ! vacant scholarships in the University ( of Sout.1 Carolina and for admission 1 of new students will be held at the j. county Court House, July 8, 1921, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When1 ?T--? ? ?~?4- Tni? a i SCIlUlf Lancaster County, Nebraska, told t- how a Nebraska printer got an auc11 tion sale and an account of a wed?s ding mixed together. The resulting s, article, wrote Mr. Woods, read like *1 this: al "Married at the home of the n bride's township one mile north andj _ two miles east of Mr. and Mrs. John :e Jones, highly Tespected residents of Thursday, Jan. 27, Miss Ethel Drinkl9 water by the Rev. 18 head of the g Shorthorns consisting of four bridesmaids dressed in pale blue and carrying calves by their sides. They i -1 X--TI - *1 - - . B naa uine vens:?sired Dy tne noted j Kentucky jack Bombina 3d. AlsO| forty-six head of hogs, including the1 jj groom's father from North Dakota,! where he is engaged in missionary! ,s work, and is immuned by the double i ^ process. These shotes aTe thrifty,! and all relatives of the bride and' g groom. They all gathered in the spacious diningroom after the ceremony, and partook of 300 bushels of seed oats, 1,000 bushels of corn, 10 ie ^ large sacks of milled and alfalfa. The , bride is the youngest dauehter of ^ one trusty inculbator, capacity 600 eggs, one Jno. Deere five-room cottage and a trip to Omoha, after ? which they drew 10 per cent interest from date. Free lunch at noon." | ' I * B. The Nebraska College of Agriculture has on its campus a miniature farm showing farm house, barns,' ' acreage, etc. n 35ISJSJSISf3M2J3JSJSI5I3ISISISI5iSISJSM3JSMSfE y I t ;:| BAILEY M SI" ....GRE] ? 1 Facultv of 28 Offiir ff I 14 States and J 31 Bailey Military Instil 11 equipped highgrade i c* ^3 A large outdoor gymnasiun e S dormitories and hospital. The la * j|] campus. Three Expert Coachcs. e (ij boys. ? H At Bailey each Cadet U ui |j the time he reaches the school v Every effort is made to sun (| ing and living. The moral influ r? ?i __ it . I g DBiiey i? recognized Dy cne full Military equipment. Military Last Summer over 200 app! a Applications and letters of inqui [a advise you to send in your applic j| catalog. COL MAJOR JOHN W. MOORE, HE ? For 14 years a professor at The 'gjgjSISfSJSJSJSJSJSJSfSMSISMSiSMSJSJEOISMSfc CLEM | SOUTH CAROLIN. ? " a r> n ti ' AUlM^ULi 11 1571 ACRES OF LAND, VALL se 11 OPERATE! |i DEGREE COURSES Agriculture, (Seven Majors.) 11 Architecture. |!\ Chemistry. 1 i'< Chemical Engineering. {;! Civil Engineering, i ] '>' Electrical Engineering. I {;' Mechanical Engineering, j Textile Industry. v-i|t Industrial Education. ? General Scicnce. 5311 SHORT COURSES w g Agricultural. Textile Industry. >2 Pre-Medical. te I SUMMER SCHOOL tl- |; June 13?July 23. 11 Agricultural Teachers. ?> Cotton Graders. College Make-up. :e Removal of Entrance Condis. i< tions. i;j Agricultural Club Boys. ie j! j! R. O. T. C.?Clemson is a mei SS gj je j| All R. 0. T. C. students receive ie $200.00 per year during the jur a- (3 , [3 -o | FOR '1 THE REGIST APPLICATIONS WILL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Soutb Carolina State Highway De- < partment, Abbeville County, Two Mill Work. Bids will be receivd until 12 < o'clock noon, Thursday, July 7, 1921, at the office of the Abbeville | County Highway Commission, Abbeville, S. C., for the construction of 16.503 miles of the Abbeville-An_ treville Road in Abbeville County, between the city limits of Abbeville and the Anderson County line. The work to be done consists of the following approximate quantities: Necessary clearing and grubbing j within right of way. 72,096 cu. yds. common excavation. 800 cu. yds. rock excavation. 51,674.9 cu. yds. top-soil surfacing. 116 lin. ft. Corr, iron pipe. 1,903 lin. ft. V. C. or plain concrete pipe. | T H .. G LOR / Copyrig SANITARY I< OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. SAVER is guaranteed to cut ice bills ure, for any reason whatever to pleas and money will be refunded. This gu to it, GLORINA ICE SAVERS must HOW TO USE?Cover the cake of i< RINA ICE SAVER, leaving bottom action, it greatly retards the melting with its cooling action. If properly i 3 to 5 years. When soiled rinse in c Family Size, 5 to 100 lbs. Merchants Size SO to 200 lbs. AGENTS WANTED TRI-STATE SPECIA 230 Union Avenue JBJSJ5EliySEf5JBJ5JSJSJ5'EJSJBEfSJ5J5J5?5Je?S?c ILITARY INSTITUTl ENWOOD, S. C. .v :ers and Instructors. 35* 3 Foreign Countries Rep] :ute is one of the largest nvonoi'ofavtt onVirvrvlo ir? atui j ov/iiuvio 111 1.1 l affords pleasure and physical devel rgest swimming pool of any male instil A faculty of experienced and promine 14 '? tt . ider the cloie personal control and'wal mtil he leaves for his home. round the cadets with an atmosphere th lences (thrown around them are not exc< United States Government and supplier r discipline develops loyalty, neatness, o ications came in after all available spa< ry are coming in each day. If you cont ation at a very early date. Write for . F. N. K. BAILEY, SUPERINTENDE ADMASTER. Citadel. The last three years as comt 3J2ISJ3MEEM3J5fSMSI3EiSJSJS/SISi3ISJ5fSI3?J3f3fi [SON COLI \'S COLLEGE OF EN( rURE W. M. RIGG IE PLANT OVER $2,300,000.00. EN ) UNDER STRICT MILITARY DI VALUE OF A TECHNICAL SC EDUCATION A technical education is the *; best insurance against hard (jre times. In earning capacity, it ars may equal an estate of $50,000. Te: For the untrained are the posi- me tions of poverty and obscurity. an( Times are hard in Suoth Caro- eqi lina, but the cost of an education at Clemson College is compara- i tively low,?sufficiently low to be the within the reach of any ambitious the young man in South Carolina. ant Scholarships, free tuition and the payment by the United States Government to R. 0. T. C students, still further reduce the cust- S Do not allow the financial difficulties to keep you from enter- ( ing college this fall to prepare at 1 yourself for the opportunities, tho that lie ahead. sch mber of the senior division of the Rese financial assistance from the Federal G lior and senior classes. FULL INFORMATION WRITE OF RAR, CLEMSONCOL] BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDEI 499 lin. ft. V. C. or reinforee4 :oncrete pipe. 40 lin. ft. reinforced concrete pipe. 167.49 cu. yds. Class "B" com:rete in headwalls. Proposals must be accompanied Dy a certified check or corporate surety bond made in South Caroliaa for Five Hundred Dollars ($500.60), nade payable to the chairman of the \bbeville County Highway Commission. Plans, specifications and proposaB forms are on file at the office of IL B. Humbert, County Engineer, Abbeville, S. C.f and at the office of tfae State Highway Engineer, Cohnv&fe 3. C. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the latter address upm request accompanied by a chck far Five Dollars ($5.00), which so will be refunded if plans are teamed in good condition within thiriy days after receipt of bids. ^ 5, 20. T Yn a. .. hted. ce-saver ?Each and every GLORINA ICE : from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. FaH- < >e, means Lnat k can De returnea ! arantee has no "strings" attached do the work. j :e on top and sides with the -GIX>- * uncovered. Through its protective \ of the ice while not interfering ' ised will not mildew and will last :old water. $1.25 j $2.50 EVERYWHERE LTY SUPPLY CO. Memphis, Tenn. 1 I I Cadets. . ffl tfjg I resented. J f If | and best 17J y le South. ; | opment. Modernly equipped ? ution in the state. Twenty acre :nt educators who understand ^ tchful care of instructor* from ffj lat will encourage noble think- S elled by any school in the land. f? i by the War Department with | bedience and devotion to duty. :e had been taken. emplate patronizing Bailey we g our handsomely illustrated ?! NT. 1 JEGE ilNEERING AND I ?, President. | ROLLMENT 1919-'26. 1014. j| SCIPLINE. v HOLARSHIPS AND EXAMI. 1 NATIONS ft rhe college maintains one hun- g id and seventy four-year schoi- S hips in the Agricultural and g ictile Courses. Each scholarship g ans $400 to help pay expenses jfj 1 $160 for tuition apportioned lally over the four years. ? Mso fifty-two scholarships in ^ One Year Agricultural Course, j| se scholarships are worth $100 |i 1 tuition of $40. The scholar- g ps must be won by competitive 2j iminatinns which arp held bv 53 h County Superintendent of ^ ucation on July 8th. It is worth ^ ir wlrle to try for one of these S olarships. ' s Dredit for examinations passed Ja the county seat will be given to jg se who are not applying for a olarships but for entrance. k] rve Officers Training CorpB. :>J overnment, this reaching about j| t WIRE: f3 LEGE, S. C. I % RECEIVED. j|